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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 9, 1897, p. 1

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Iilllilf ' tfTl I) lA. ' . ^W ! i!i i ' ",, ii 'ny <)-l.i^...w^f4iSptt#W1 #it afej-^^'::^^ , >, '-7 ft J^ t. soin^^ GnvouATK 6* Trinity UNrvrBaarxY, ' FEZ/LOW op , Twkitx Medioaii OoLLnan, , Tobowto, ONirc prolan' and Rhsjjdbnob* Houijo lately occupied by the late Dr. George MoKenzie. TAIiDOT StKKBT. - - ESSBJC, OnT. n.ii"*'1'1'- g||;^^inyit ,e inspec- k'|pof ou .r stock of liminer Dry Goods. oom- \&:P*;, ip-e^cha^lienge agj^lj^pn; la quality and Ippice. (jurAssortment Jfof Wf.ish Fabrics for .. afm ^Weather waists. And- Costumes Includes m^l: .- w$?> figured Ohallies at flo a yard. jWi-HaiidBOine Colored OrepouB ut-iOe- a m^'yard. White and Colored Mualins at @'^X0p; 'ft yard,, Beautiful Dimities at 13Jo ft^yard. Cheeked and Striped Linens ^tilSJO, a yard. Colored Striped ^rj'Orinfcles at 20o a yard. Prints and life*;' m,t ^BJpiise Waists ^fe'jlftde in 'tHe jnteat.style, with and ^W-withoufcdetaohahlo collars and ouffn, M1 111 Prints, Sateens, Linens, &o. m'&tiom SOC each.' ' W^ '" - ?*!x>-v liadies' White wear S^ EMAWPMi* S5o and Upwards, |;#V SKIRTS'$0o and Upwards. p|:;' ;-.' JUIQMT GOWNS Mo arid Up, : ^;^r";These are well made earinentR, full &!';i:Mzedand -niooly fluiHhod, sffii'iw- ' mtfm-.- -. i_________, # ..-., - Jt^'A/Special/LIne of .... If^CHoria 5iJk Parasols^^ ^r ;'. Assoftfld hnndloH, 23-ineh frame, g#: strong, a^ud handaomo, extra value at $i oaoh. . The Farmers and Traders Life and Accident Assurance Co, I>TD. James H. Bttll. ProelJont, John Campbell, Vioo-ProBldoot. D.B. GMbralth, Boorotary, P. M. Fraeor, Managlng-nirootor. Head-Office, 8t. Thomas, Ont. iKJweat Batos. Op-to Date Polloy Oontraot6, Enorgetla, tollable local agonta wanted. Address, - General Agent, Box 70<f Bt. TUomaa. ........ESSEX...... Music ^ Sioro, 3^**" ^ sPnre Linen Crash Towelling extra valuo in a heavy 17-inoh striped hordor, vogu- lar prioe I0o( for, 7<r. a yard. 4;;^p-ineli. Loom: ' :0j?.k " Damask Tahlo Linon, iflowor %:$/?{ ; tern, special t 35c. a .yard. >at- l|S<[eH's;;Fine. '.' "":'.. .Jp-:""Colored Oambrio SKirts^with Ool- E$&1";;'-"""iw*ud Ouffe, usual 75o'. :liuo, for ElAsE-a-'.*'/ ;6oc-'cuoh, JSuilxUN \ Organs^- ^ R. S. Williams1 Hanps. , Hvans Bros. Pianos. : Singer Sewing Machines- .........Have Just rooolved a......... New fttiipply of Violins, A it^olinrp^ HarmoMlcaM* Rultari, <Vc. Vfolln Strlnua and SoppUea /or atUho obovo Instrument* it uaml. - . Tuning and Kopairtng a BpeotaUy. MaoUJue Koodloaand Oil tu BtOok. H. M. FATTL, ind Boor North o< Itl.O.Il. "To Gon tractors. ^'^'^-"'.EsseJC^TownXouncH.'^, coxmt 0 BBVISION. .,;, Tueadny, July Oth, Oouit of Eevlsion on the Victoria Avenue Drain met at 8:80 p. m. Pre sent, MesBra. Biddiok, Boinea, John- eton and Jos. Eobinson. Mr. Riddiok was appointed ohoirman/ The assesB- ment on Block 11-was divided between Job. May, Br., and Job. May, jr., 3J acres to the former and acre to the latter. The assessments were all con firmed and court adjourned. I will lot.by of building two IHHUHBY plvo notloo tbat Pnbllo Halo tho work of _ brldg'oB, cm tho Maldon Itoad, tho ono at tbo Jumtloit of Ibo road botwooii tho,1st and Qnd oonooRfllona with tbn Maldon 'Hood, and W10 otlior at.tho juuotloa of fclio road botrwooa tho and and flrd QonconnlomJ, with tho oamo Bale to'takoplaoo at tho latter brldgo. (Jenklu'u corner), on Tlnn-Hday, July lfithk ilMJ7, at Q O'olookp.m. PU11H and flpooiflcatfons of oaid bridKoaiiiaybo aooh at my roBidonoo. THOMAS FAlBtiHV/ J Cominlaaionor. Woodflloo, July,')nl, 1807.. Strayed. STUAYHD Into tho prornlBofl 0* tho undoi' signod. on I,ot ilC, Oonoosalott'SJ Towrmliiii of MaldHtono, dijoufc tho uiidtlle- of May, two yeftfJlugH -opotiod rod and whito. Owner will crovo tiroporty;i>tty oharnoa ml'tithe them away or tlioy will bo said accord* fnflio law, AiwexANDtat Gdnn, UiUdutose. 4t LOST. ffin;>Millinery ' ' ffelff " ^Department for the. r'omainfibr' of yE^:. the seaoon, Owe Piu<cibh prevail, ^::r:aB>ve never carry Millinery Goods ii,i?'v over from one HoaHori t'o anothor, E^;.;Evorything.miiflt GO I / . Mfi';.-'/. " mm^^:-"y -: tiier Depts. mp^xdors' ' WjUtinO.0KEll< i" ^P'cofm3m.rf M^&ja2TS:'ANJ>uAPS:~ OathoMalu Strootof Kaaox. on'-lTrlday, July ilndz-c Rq& MorrOooo I'ookotbook. oontaiuing' florae piiporfl ot Vuluo to no ono but tho ownor. Jflndarwlllboj-oward^d by roturointf earn0 to laaactH.'Thornton, Haaex, at , OOUlfOITj MEETINO. Council then met for general busi ness. Present, Beovo MoDongall, in the ohair, Deputy Hoev Johnston, Cbunoillors For^ythe, Boinea, Biddlok, Hiobfl and Jos. Boblneon. Minutea of previous meeting were read and adopted.. A statement was read from J. B. Mo- Ewan showhig that for the first two quarters of 1897 he had collected 8034*- 96 in water rates as compared with $506.77 collected during the first two quarters of 1896. , An account was presented from J. McOlintio for hauling gravel for the crossing near tho Industrial Building, the ohargo being $1 per load. Mr. Johnston Btatod that Mr, Mo- Pharlin would deliver gravel at 50 cents per load, A discussion arose over the-state of tho drain on Irwin avenue, also over the flushing of the catch basins which wore considered to be in need of' atten tion. On motion of Messrs. Forsythe and Baines tho oornmisBid5eYa~"for the dif ferent wards were < instructed to have the oatoh baBins';pleaned out. The Finance Committee presented their report recommending payment of accounts ad follows: "W. H. Bussoll, balance of salary as assesaor, etc., $22;- 78; Ohas. Boberts, material, and work on streets, 65 cents; "Win. Dibloy, haul > ing two loads of gravel, $2; John Waltora, salary to July 1st and postage, $25.42 ; J. B. MoEwon, ^ year's- salary as water - rate collector and sanitary inspector, $35; Wm. Sisson, salary and care of Mrs. Smith, $11.62; W. T. Jones, buryiug dog, $1; Albert Wad- diugton, salary for June, 880; Wm. Laingr, elocWio light for June,' $83.88; J Brett & Auld, printing and advertising ' '320.7&" On motion* of MoBars. jFor- sythe and Johnston,, the report was adopted. Mr. Robinson stated that Charles Noblo had spoken to him about a aider walk in.front oMiis property. He was willing to lAifc down, a satisfactory sidewalk. , The matter was loft with tho com missioner. An order to Hans Johnson for $G>, sif?nod by Engineer Laird, was read. Mr. Johnson stated that part of tho amount v/as for spreading tho dirt in the ooutro of the street, No notion was taken. Mr. Biddiokgayo notioo that at the uoit mooting he would introdude a by-law' to build a four-foot pine plank sidewalk on Alice Htrcot in front of lots 26 anu 27, plan 179. By-inw No; 268 to ^ipoint t>r. J; B. Jonnor.aR mombor of the High School Board'.of (Trustees to fill tho unexpired torm of Ohiis. White, resigned, was read the required number of times, paused and adoptod. On motion, the coUootor's timo was oitended till next meeting. Council adjourned. NOTICE* We;i<.rc now: 'l^Uykg corn -atVA'alkerville and paying 25 cents per bushel for No. r. . Hikam W^i,kpr A-Sons, (Ltd.) Wnlli&rvillc, funeSth, JS97. ' . . . M SAMUELDEAN, ' IS BBEPABED UO TJN0BBTAiCE THE CLONING OF CHIMNEYS And .Bemovo KIOHfE SOllj. On BhoB^ KfpTiCE. First Olaeg, Clean WorJc Guarautoed. Address Box 264, ptSsaex. l' Baketr and Butcher. ildoet buaJneaB in town, Ka ^ ^ ^ ?i*etrt3U8B broad and oak kinds. WodfliogoakeaaapeoioKty. QrooeneB 1 vted to all partaot the town. jr. u. OKtJ Majoity, with autbontb Hietory of h remk- ablo reign, ana full ac*cmnt,. of the Diamond JabUo..; Only. i.M;.-..BIg bo'olt avomeqdaw aemana.; Bonane* for agon(. OommiBalon M agonta luroaic giver Bntrpaid. .write ,n _ Dominion 3WD<sarbQra8t Chlcafio, par pent, Orodit given. Fwteht palflT Outfit hes.- r)nty Paid. Writ* qdioi for, ontflt and territory* nTh Domiaion Company, Dopfc. 7, American, Six deaths from boat. took plaoe in Chicago on Dominion Day. . Thirteen -people died in Detroit Mon day from sunstroke *and heat prpstrar tioUH. The United States Senate has rodaxced >the.Tpropo8od duty on lumber from \$2 toSl per thonaandieet. Eitrht persons were drowned in iioke Michigan on'Sunday while bathing at various points-alongithe beach. ; ItiiB reported;that*the American bi- oycleirjpool has1 broken up, and a big-cut in the>pi*ioe of wheeU is expected. .'; , Gted. Strubank, aged. 15, Detroit, Jhad, his horse spared by ,.a firepraoker ion' Monday. ' It ran awa-y; throwing1; him out an&Jbrfiabing his neck. . \ ; Thpmae Ji Kenny, master-at-arms -ojf |he Ameripan: battleship Indiana; was murdered by . one ..of cfche crow witb whonVneiadan altercation. "; ' One .huadred prostrations and thir teen 'doanToe from heat, took place in binoinnatWr Sunday^;.';:Thermometers , i'red; .JcSuison pno^o^'^j^EAjpopti;; lar young men ^f DjQ^pi^w^^S^^y 'm :'.'|,. 'i*.'-"1 .v:;;: ;. Additional Local. :^i; ^.;%-;^ . 2 quart, fruit jars 86ci ,per <lpzen .at Smith's,--' .' Mbs. AMBitos E. Lovelace la visiting at Proyidenoo, K. X. Mbn'b and boys1 working>hirtB 300. each at Smith's. , Miss Mabdi* Bush, of Detroit, Is visiting at J.A. Boae's. Tim names of those from Senior 8rd olass were not ready for this issue. The rmra Prasas will be sent to new flubsoribers to January 1st, 1808, for 8B0 Mies Hall is spending a lew" days with her BiBter in Detroit before going to her home at Blenheim.. Miss Ada Penohlly, of Leamington, is spending tho summer afcH. M. Faul's, her mother having gone to England. Mayoh Thomas and his son George left on Saturday night to spend a few days with the mayor's mother in Sar- nia. Mne. J. A. Bosu and Hiss Ethel Rose attended the funeral of the late Thos. Hairwino at" Leamington, last week. G. E. Smith A Oo. are leaving Essex July 81st; all accounts duemustbepaid at once. ' Oqb has been struck in the Kingsville citizens' gas well being put down at Albertville ou tho. A. D. Herrington property. - The regular monthly meeting of th W.O.T.U. will bo held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Church, on Monday after noon at 8 o'clock. The Grummond steamer, State of Miobigan.has been taken off the Detroit Cleveland route. The D.& O. now run rates to suit themselves. * Misq Etubxj Bauohman, who has been seriously ill for the past week, wo aro pleased to say, is improving rapidly under the care of Dr. J. W. 'Brian*' Mns. AnTHUnMiiiNB and family ror turned to. their homo in Auburndale, Ohio, on Monday, after an extended viait to her unole,Dr. James Brion. Miss May James who has been visit ing a couple of months wi^k friends and. relatives in KLingsville, spent Tiles- day, with her mother here, A number of young people from town and tho surrounding district attended1 a party at John Dring's xn Gosfiold North last (Thursday) evening. Tbn of the pupils who passed from the Junior 8rd class ob tained more than 500 marks, >-.Ma&tox Archie Naylor, making C04 and Miss Flossie Burdiok 507. Ham. Lee, who has been employod in C. E. Naylor's stave taill, was so overcome by tho hoat on Monday morning that he, had to bo oarriod home. - Tub death occurred on Sunday at Sandwich of Miss Bower, daughter of the late Dr. Bowert aged Ofl years. Tho funeral took place to Oottam oomotry on Tuesday afternoon* the cortego pass- ing through Essex. "Mibbkh Ella and Maggie Niokerson, of Chelsea, Mioh., who are at .present yisiting their aunt, in Cleveland, Ohio, are expected here to-morrow(Saturday), to spend a fow days with their aunt, Mrs. John Hopgood, Misa Oamehon, .senior assistant of the Public School, Essex, took the boat at Windsor for Gbderioh, to spend the holidays at hor homo in Tiverton. She was accompanied by Mis Camp bell, who will visit friends in Stratford. Tun Detroit Tribune says: '*Albort G. Evans, of IJsHex, Ont., formolry a resident of Orion, Mich., came to De troit, on Monday to celebrnte the Fourth of July and as one of the diver sions of the day started to' ontor Wonderland about Oo'clook that night.. Ho purchased his ticket, when a strang er approached Patrol Tack'abury and pointing Evans put, handed the o flic or a warrant for his arrest. It was an old paper issued by Justice Losey, of Ox ford, in June, 1894, and ordered Evan's arrest on a charge of having obtained, 350. worth of wearing apparel from Bar- noy Einn' by false represpntationa. Evati'B ,was locked up at tho central sta tion.\ Mr. Evans is a shoemaker, in town and 19 still confined in Detroit. To sBdnRH prerhiums yon must neturn coupons at oncei. G. E. Smith & <?p. ; ,' ' Ganaoda's 'great Viotoriari-Era; Ex- po sit ion. and Industrial Fair. Wo hayo repeivedua copy of the Prize List for the ^reftt Wiotorian'-Era Expoeition and Industrial.Fair,wliioh'ia torbe heli'at iorohto.^frbm the: ^Otli August to' the ilth', 8eptembar;'nexi!v, r.;|fc';proriiJs.eisl to fiioeed in magnitude and attraotivenei^a all previoria exhibitions hold in:Canada. principal fecrtuses of the great Jubilee ipr^b^flaiin^m^li^^ rr. ^:i/Hi'^;llsiS Foroed Money Raising -B^mM fca ew For 30 Days, Beginning June ist. ytftfm ' UW$ . ; . >fy Owitig to the-^ Stagnant condition of trade for tho past two months w are overloads with new Spring Goods and in order to pay for them on the. ^st-pifJii we are forced to convert a large amount of goods into cash with^t11 -, next 80 days, in.other words, we are compelled to crowd thre^moni business into one. In view of the scarcity of money we are aware thfl|3,. accomplish bo big an undertaking extraordinary inducements; wUt/hfljt< to be offered and profits saoririced, in fact many lines'will have'tob^aoW at less than cost, However, wo are prepared to face the loss itt-./ptdM^Jft raise tho monoy required. Never in the history of the clothing.V.'tttflttij has such an opportunity been offered to the public of scouring up-tc^dawl Clothing, Hats and Furnishings at such low prices. Below, we mentiojl^ afew of the bargains you dan expect and we assure you that simile" reductions will 06 given throughout the entire stock.-' ;""'"' A Few Sample Bargains -we are offering in, CLOTHING. ,"'[:,-# Men's Blue Sorgo Suits, always considered cheap at $6, now. ........, $ 3.0ffi|M Men's Mixod Tweed Summer Suits, well worth 86, now..................... 2:2flJ?!v$S Men's All "Wool Halifax Suits, always sold at$0, now...........*............' <&$:tfM Men's All Wool Fancy Tweed Suits, worth 810 to $19, uow. '0'Af* Men's Fine Blaok Worsted Coats and'Vcsts, regular price $10, now..v,' 7 ; Men's Union Tweod Pants, well worth 91.35, how.............................. ' ."M Men's All Wool Tweed Pants, cheap at $1.75, now........................... lltyW Men's Fine Black Worsted Pants, wOrth $S, now..............................., 1. 76*3^ Men's Bicycle Suits, All Wool, worth $5, now...'................................. ' 9'75:W Men's Rainproof Rigby Goats, warranted, worth. $10, now............... T'-.W's^L Boys' Imported Tweed Suits, (12 to 18 years), worth $5, now............ 2 99-'-{'g Children's Imported Tweed Suits, short punts, 4 to 14 years, worth$8.'.,1 ';08".!&S) Childron'H Wash Buita. Blouse and Pants, 4 to 14 years, worth $1.25 . 06 ?$$' Men's Spring Overcoats, Custom Made, worth $10 to $12, now......... 7.Wyte Some of the bargains in 4- Furnishings. & Wen's Flannelette Shirts........ Men's Launriricd Cambric Shirts, with collar attached.....;.... .Men's Regatta Shirts, separate col lars, slightly soiled, were$i, now Men's Unlauiulrled ,'Shirts, worth . . 50c, how............^...,... Men's Heavy Cotton Sox,seamle5s, 4' for 25c............... 1.... Men's Heavy Cotton Shirts and . Drawers..................., Men's and Boyi'CottonSweaters.. Boys' Wool Sweaters,BaiIor collars $1 op Men's and Boys'4-ply Linen Col lars, 3 for 25c................ 10 Perrins' Best Cable Sewn Kid , Gloves,..;............. i.... t)6 Gloria Silk Umbrellas, steel rod.. y$ .Men's and Boys' Lanndried Shirts 41 19 38 50 35' 7 33 25 Hats nd Gaps, :^m Men's Tweed Bicycle Caps...... ' ^ 54^-*^-"^^ Wffi .Boys' Navy Varsity Caps..,..,,.'.^i&ffiffml Men's Black or Brown rTedoras,, '\3*$[A spring style, worth $1,25, now.,, '^^^8 -n's Stiff Hats,-styleM8o6,. regiV^'V^N-ffl 'Me lar price$2.50to $3, now,;.. ..'$^:4^ Men's Stiff Hats, latest style,'wor'0i',":,!"'-,i>"1>ii' $3. now;...,..... :..;. .. Boys' Straw Hats, worth 3jc;n6w*';'i -%&% Men's Straw Hats, worth 35c, now ' 21MS Christy's Celebrated Ericlish, never/. ' .*jj' sold for less lhan S3,. Detroit '.;'g;3 price $5,, now.,..'..;....,.... . 'z-.y&lfi 75 Ladies' and Children's Spring. ;: V:|,ft, Jackets, regular price from $6 to ' "(fiffi\, $12, your choice foy........ ..,'. l":O0->1S ..' .^Mffl ROnibmber no goods will he oharged during this sale as it is Cash wii; arft| after and Cash wo niust have. Sale hogins Juno 1st and ends Junei'80tn>' ; r " -' .iti JO. The Big Store, Cor. Quelletfce Avenue--'.and'-' Sandwich Street, Windsor. : ;: $-;:^ Canadian. Piftoon of fcho Frasor: Rivor ealmo.n oanuorioa have1 boon sold to an English syndicate. Botwoen twenty and thirty printers were discharged from tho printing bur eau at Ottawa. ,. A bailiff aoizod the furaituro in tho City Hall at Montreal on a Superior Court judgment.: At Shelburno, Nelson Bellerby, aged 10 yonrs, was very seriously wounded by falling with his gun in Mb hand. Edward Stacoy, a Blanohard Town ship farmer, was killed at St. Marys by being thrown from his buggy. Tho body of Potor Beaumo was found near the railway track at Chatham,' badly mutilated. Foul play is sus- peotod, Tho freedom of the City of Edinburgh will bo ponferrod upon Sir "Wilfrid Laurier, Premier, of Canada, next week. .' '-/ Bolaert Gray, of Hamilton, jb dead from the.effects of an accident on Sat urday evening, when ho was; run over by a wagon. ^ews 'has reached Kegina of the murder at Kaslo; B.O , of 0^; Easier, .Wl*o'loft> few weolcft ago to try hla luofc in the gold fields, ' Jphn Weathersonj of !Hjaniiltoni for many ye1wJ|ppmiu^tlyideat^ed.^th, railway interests, died/on liqridfty.at the age of 08years. : "] '. Lightning Btrubk the barmaid Bhed plimentary banquet to the Bight .Bfbhlp, Sir Wilfrid Laurjer on his reton^V'ftrp, Canada. _ / -JV^| Itoubou iTaokson, hotelkeeper" at ^er? ona, islying at the-point of deatli^pM thq effects of a blow received frpmMat$i thow Rovoll. Tho men had a quai^jS' while out driving. \_. ', vv.':'l4'^!M During a siorm on Monday, <$|tofiS$l AUon, of EllioeTownship, and'tt^^ bcrrof^ofeors took refuge under aTft^tfe'w barn. The wind blew the bu^ldingij^y^ on thoni and Mr. Allen wari BUe^;V||0|M A young -lad named Mo^enW^^p Dnndas, died recently frpm,raDie^j;aia^ his brother,' who. wa&\ bitten;;b'y;},^ufe same dog, has gone to ihe Pfls^^>E|^ stitute'in New'Tork. \'-\^M ; By a vote of 498 to '29,: prope^ holders of Goruyall adoptbd a by^ffi authorizing the: raising of a lpan||Sffl $98,000 for the purpose of buying^^S waterworks system of the tp^'wpSfe the/company operating jt.; ^i|^y C.W.A. mee Btarters only .18.flnish,ed. ^'Gim^iirj^'^ll Toronto, won in: B, hours ^ir^^lfej Keariy-eyery..Hdi^'haffft;l^ them were suhsfaruoli and;: 'ptih^raSnffi limbs' broken;""; .iluiVtbe .>yeni^?p|*s Ijebd>:,'p;:'Sarnia,^^ma^e^,'^.^m minute 'Si- sebpnds^'tih'e, fasi^^M1^ paced in Canada. - :^:"J'^:^&it&* of the RoyalHptel Rt:A^ntr^on';ffltq 4ay,killmg to/ClarS^^er^ farmer/ ^o,vras,;in';^e'be^rr,;'::.^vi^ ^'^; J. ;Aii; <ftdard,':'^hQ'.;:V^ to the Oivip'r^^i*ita^;r.iiir U'B*^to4ft^-;i'ifnL;. Sat^dayifBT^erMgirotti i^allppx.^ia ^re;o^;;Mpnday^>;^;;,;v^;:^;,;K;^; '*"" . A oommeroial traveller for a .^pbfpoo;" .........'-....... iys;-.^;:^'d'I^jii^|S MoWilliamBV^flff^^ . Two ypungboysi John j)^i^liamBS^i Satuiday^;^$h^ Berrfcenoed to flye.yeai^iri'ffiel

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