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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 25, 1897, p. 5

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Wt an and n^f k^olhlty of IninrfpB Farm Vro- W^^'^infL.f^ B* wai oil Farm %^:ktfure!n<no W^0^^m Press. "ayrjrr ^^jg'pihr.':*' auip, '.$ BOpmeTon*. w &HW1 g;3piDAY, JTOE 85, 1807, *$^'.and_ Vicinity- itiUnmer, coats and .vests, go to "V^igm, of Amherstburg, was in town on Monday. sOTtSBioas put intwo in all kinds of }HBjn&oV.ijood8 at Smith's. J^tjGtaoBQB Coll,of Learnington, spent ^I'SuidayiflBt with'his family in town. if-ilBd.;(AiEX. J. Wrtcox has been jjf^iting with relatives in Amhorfltburg :iiibniS.w6ek. -' r. %U:James Haylob is having a lot of now Hittaphi^^yP11' in his grist mill in jElsaex; ' - ' :B!. O. PbbkiNs and daughter Nina, ^o^Ketroit, Mich., have been visiting ^tWB:week at.B. B. Coleman's. ;: ,Thb great slaughtering sale of hats, ^M-v<jaris and furniehings will oontinuo pSttBtti'Jnne 80th at Whitney's.. ^K-,Kev; J. 0. Tolmte, of Windsor, has $. ijbeen.gazetted as Honorary Chaplain of p^tfce Slat Battalion, Essex Fusiliers. %S$l 'A^ohhmb ipon-foot to build a bi- M#cyole path along the Detroit river front f-'fttm Windsor to AmherBtburg, the rf^iast^ated.cost of which is about $2,200.. $Kv!';c.:.Tira freight rate on bicycles carried fc^/SbyfcheM. 0, H. is now fi*od at 0 i>er "mpcehti. of the regular passengor faro but tt#;!jii no case is the charge to bo less than rcK','26* cents, ^^(^/offonl^efl'pwaflol&aiid KisTKronTON, ofToronto, e ft ;e*^ j^^,.jy.A. Biebeii has boon in Mt. Olom- 'fc^ns, Mich., for a week past taking f^ibathaV': Mr. Diobel has not been- foel- &^ag well for some weeks, but iS -now ^mucli better. . ^r'i-Ajpteb the first of July mail matter T%oiig ens^ and west will bo oarriod by |?|be Ij. E. *Sc I). R. R. This will prove augreat convenience.to our townspeople ^(jaswell as to the many along the lines. ^vvIsaao Smith, formerly night operator $?poiit: the M.O.R. tit Essex, but lately of fePargo, has been appointed to toko (J? charge of McGregor station .until James fepembieton, the. agent, can resume' his p^OTt Fourth of July the M.O.R. will ^sell tickets to Dofcrbit at ono singlo S'firBt class faro for/tho round trip, good Ingoing July,Hrd, 4th and 5th, good to ^return July Oth. A. O.-S.Mmora, agent, . :3Essex, ' 25-9fc: l^rMna. J.Stimkiw, of.Oorinfch', is on a $iwb weeks' visit with hoi' sou, A. O. |v$timei's, M>0,lt. agont. , Mrs. A. N.. '.:';.; Btimers,.. of Muirkirk, has alHo boon '^spending a fpw (lays at tho M.O.It, ,; agent's homo. <f\:>.; J. A. Pimnuu, of Te FmsK Vnwn, i:v'iuid"family, accompanied by Miss Mary, fy;"daughter of Aid. Biddick, spent ph'.Queen's Jubilee day-with J. A.'s pdronts li'-in Arnhorstburg, and relatives in De- $ troit.',. " ... ' PftdB*. Anprkw Smith, who hud boon .on a tour of iuBpeotion through the K;.. pholeriv-infeotfld townships in tho te^cottuty, to soo if the quorantino can bo SS-- raised, was in Ersox on Saturday. Prof, }.Sg[':; .Smith was also.dxamiuing the Inspoo- r&" tors recently appointed undor tho Ai- R&AaalB dont'aRiotis DiBeaaos Act and will . tw- jontapmus 'make liis report to the Dominion Do- ^V.'jiartnient of Agriculttiro. ^/ ..iFoB Dominion Day tho M.O.R. will ii^'ell tiokerts to all statioiiH in Canada !fc' "'-and points 'oil the I1. H. & B. at ono " >^flrst class.fjtro for tho round trip, good. j^oxng Juno IJ'Ofcli. and July 1t, good to Hw:?\";.retuvn .Tuly Sad and at ono and one- Ff tithii'd single faro for tho round trip.good ;:;^"going Juno 110th and July 1st, good to V^'iotum July fith. A- O. Stimors, agont, ,^.X;;'On July iHfc, the License Act will f'-^J-como into forco with-its "'invjrensod ro- ^^tiiotious. The penalty for a third i\ffiiOouviotion, whotlior it is called a /irttt, ^tiflecondor third ojlenco, will bo loss of r^;Hcenso. It will prevent the violation ft^of^the spirit, if not'.the.lotto?'of the law., fe^hioh-hafl boon the general custom, by ^M^lling an oJlenso a first one no matter $%$0pyr. often a'.man i has boon iinod, and |lf-g^"jtlixtB' Securing" the iraiioHition of the :^Tighteat. penalty.' In ,'th.e'.general in- (ekt, and for the good of: tlic hotol- ^^Depers, themselves there should bo a ' ', I'vyMiriiiDAflMALtiEy appeared bofore ^Mj^Beamari'on Saturday and lodged Ift'iopmplaint against her husband, .Tohn SBmalley, ohni'giug hini with refusing to """japjjjQtt her* Smalloy,was arrested by ^J^jef, Sissoni wai.1, cominitted.. _,for trial Vj?y:-Mr. Be am an and taken to Sandwich sp^^W^"i.^^"Pft^^B.';^ave been Ijtopping in Maidstone for some time. ^ears ago the woman/then ingle, had Smalley 'arrested on tho " crge; of seduption and breaoh of naJeeand afterwarda secured his re- 30 On Jus marrying herat the dounty ^^l8in<ie tlbat thne thfly hayi^' had i|^^ajr:bidto^:]^ow^ y,-^: &'ffi?$-!'JK"""" KW'""^"ii' :.- has been visiting the past week at 0.'353. Naylbr's.' ."'.". "'* ;[ MBa^-*^?.-RionABi>soN and Mrs. 3winarton, aro visiting friends in Til bury for a week. Foe cheap millinery and latest styles go to Mies L. Greaves', Scott Block. pue bills taken in exohango. Hn O. Jbppbbt, of Gn'elph, Ont., now of the Traders'Bank, staff Leam ington, called on friends in town on Tuosday. m Miss Bbhtha Honor, of Amherstbur gi formerly a student of the High School here, oalled on friends and relatives in town, Wednesday. Dr, ffosHAN. BownEJ&n, of Wyan- dotte, and Br. Kitchen, of Detroit, flpent Sunday in Essex, the guests of -Miss Ella Burdiok. The Windsor foot hall team defeated Chatham in the first game for the Peninsular league championship on Thursday of last week by 3 to 0. E. GiRAitnoi has resigned his posi tion as Mayor of Sandwich hocauao the othor members of tho council do - not agree with him on Some matters. Mas. E. G..Lewis, who was takon to St. Mary's Hospital, Detroit, a couple of weeks ago, for treatment, is jmproy- iug. ".-' . Mes. J. H. PekoeijTjY, of Loaming- ton, will leave next week, for tho Old Country, io spend a few weoks with rolativos andfrionds. De. J. H. Nicholson loft on Wed nesday morning for Toledo, and will spend some wooks in Ohio, looking up a place to begin the practice of his pro fession. v A iiABOE tree in front of tho residence of W. A. Gavdnor in Leamington was struck by lightning on Tuosday evon- ing of last week. No other damage wan done. ( . Wm. Dodoe, of Ufctoxotor, Lambton Co., is on a viHifc_wjtk_ his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Somerville. Mr. Dodgo, while hero, purchased a Jersoy hoifor from John A. Rose. About 70 membors of Court Royal, I.O.XV attended St. Paul's church in a body on Sunday morning last when the anniversary services wore conducted by Rev. A. L. Beverly; IN ALti the ohurohos in town on Sun day last special rofevenco wan made to tho Queen's Diamond; Jubilee. Tho Methodist church was tastily docoratod with flags and flowers for tho day. In all the R. O. Churches in tho Dominion on Sunday last, special thanksgiving and praiso services were hold to oommomorato tho diamond jubilee of Her Majesty's accession to throne. At a mooting of tho young pooplo of tho R. O. ohuroh. hold on Wodnosday ovoning, tho matter of forming a now choir was discussod and finally decided to lay tho mattor boforo their pastor, Rov.leather McG oo, for advice ~~ It is estimated thoro will be nt lonst two thousand aoros planted in tobacco in this comity this sonson. A ton to tho acre is considered a fair crop. Should .the price hold as it is at present, about fifteen ooutn por pound, this would moan in round numbers $000,- 000. .' N. AwnEV, Registrar of ' Wontworth Comity and ox-M.P.P. for ono of the ridings of that county, who diod at his^ homo in Hamilton on tho" toth iust., was married to a sister of .Honry Bar low, of Gosfiold North.^ Mr. Awroy wan 40 years of ago and leaves 4 child ren, his wife having diod n year ago. A-eeanoemketh for train-Horvioo for the M, O. It, omployeoH* oxoursion'on July tilth, to Niitgara 3Plalls have boen complotod. 'There/will bo five. Specisl trains. .' Tho St, Thomas train loavos at fl'a. in., M, 0. R. tinio, and tho faro iH $1.15. Othor trains start, from \Vat- orford, Essox, Tilbury and Oourtrighfc. AtiEX. and JoiinL. Rroos,. who havo boon in the marble business in!" tho North Wost for somo years, arc pro-" paring to open a marble and tombstono bu;uncHa.in;iho"building on "tho north sidtTof Talbot street, owiiod by J, B.. Lindsay.- A >V|nantity of material will bo here to-day and thoy will be pleased to i-oeeivo orders. Both claim to be practical men with many years' ex perience.' .-..' Gax>nhic 'Beoh. k do.'havo been very ,buyifor 'some "timo. past turning out berry boxes,,etc., at their factory, in Leamington, They have a large staff of men at work in this department; besides a number of boys who are en gaged in tacking, Their goods are of a superior quality and should sell well,, A number of boys can ; find .'profitable employment in the factory. Mus. Maud Reid Paioe, . superin tendent of Kindergartens, Detroit^ will ho in Essex on Wodnosday; June BOtlv and will address all; mothers interested in child culture, in the Session-House of the Presbyterian OhErch. jn tne evening she: will: give a lecture on '*{ Kindqrgarteii Principles w'- to which: every one ViB be; welcome: No adi i/nl fcli^fto^foT^^^w^ v.;!!.dHwcH'pf:tia^B^wr^ha^ "fox^'mett OOo. each at Smith's. :';'-/^-'- ' . .^Go to M., J; Wiglo'* '0p fOTpara*ohrr umbrellas and fans. ;; : s ^OBstrkiB! Anderson & Oo, will.'cidse up their Windsor business on July 1st. Mr, and the Misses Patrick, of De troit, visited this week at J, D. Ander- Bon's. ' ,t ..' , - Wanted. Girl to do general house work/good pay. Apply at Ebee Press for direction. Enterprise Lodge, I;O.O.IT.,elected dfiloers last (Thursday) evening for the coming term. Jno, Hioas, wife and child, visited at Mrs. W. A. Gardner, of Leamington, On TueseTay last. Ida. MoArthur. of Fenelon Fallsf Ont., iH the guest of his cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Brion. 'v Mn. and Mes. Robt.. Bailey, of Bir mingham, Mich.; were'guests at J. A. Rose's, Saturday, Ernest Laino has just completed o smoker's sot, made of walnut and white pino which is ahandsoinopieoo of work. Misses JKimuu Steaouan and Emma Bears spent a fow days this wook in Leamington, the guests of Miss Gertie Robinson. AitfEU) Walker, formerly of Essex, was married on Wednesday, June. 10th* to Miss Lottie Smith, of ICinglako. They will make their homo in Ingor- soll where Mr, Walker is now engaged as a piano and organ agent. - W. H.Kennedy, formerly of Watford, has oponed up a law ofllco in the corner of tho Aberdeen block, Mouey to loan at 5, S^andO per cent., according to so curity. Collecting, convoyaiicing and winding up estates, a specialty ; also number of fine farms for sale. J. E. Moean and J,F. McQueen took a. trip to !Pomt Poleo on Tuosday, They report it a splendid place for botaniz ing, having found about thirty speci mens ^of raro and 'beautiful plants, among others a cactus, "opuntia vul- garis"commouly known as prickly-pear. Notiok to WATiui-rAKERS. Third quarter rates duo July 1st; regular payments made from tho Snd till the 12th, will bo allowed 35 por cent, dis count, after which time all other pay ments must'..bfiLjgaaila in full. Oilloo, Waterworks, from a till 8 and 1 till 8 p. in. J. R. MoEwan, Collector. Hats ! hats ! hats! M. J. Wiglo & Co.'s On Saturday last, Chief of Pol too Sisson laid an information before P.M. Beaman, charging Richard Parker, of the Amorioim House, with, unlawfully selling liquor. The trial was sot for yesterday (Thursday), W. IL Kennedy appearing for Mr. Parker. On Mon day, Constable Frank Brown laid an information against Goovge Soars, of the Aberdeen, for unlawfully soiling liquor on May 80th, and tho trial was sot for tho samo time. Tho case against Mr. Barker was heard in tho morning and dismissed.- In the afternoon, after the ovidoncowns given in tho Soars' caso, an adjonrmneut was had till to morrow, (Saturday) at 2 p.m. JimioEK flags only 10 cents, at M. J. Wiglo & Go's. ' A oae of baso ball, botween Oottam and Essex High Sohool,' was pi ay od on tho Ehsox agricultural grounds, on Jubilee Day. Tho game which started at half paut two by Oottam. going to bat, was iutoiopting throughout the nino innings. . Although the. visitors played a strong, gamo tho homo team won by having twenty-four runs to sixteen and an inning to spare. Tho team's were as follows: Essox catcher l>itchor 1stB 2nd B aidB ; Short stop .'.' FE C--F ' L E '-^ ""i^i ;'>\;V\,V/.':i"\:'-PER|,ECTr';rJ-- :_ ,V v'.'O'n'thli space aire two cuts, one phowing a perfect, the other tin imperfect fitting pair of Glasses. When you go to a qualified optician you get fitted as the tap cm shows; but when you deal with so'called professors and-pedlars in nine cases out of ten, you get fitted as the bottom cut shows. Imperfect fitting frames spoil pood fitting lenses. Pain and discomfort arise from Spectacles or Eye-Glasses fitted' in such a manner. We guarantee to nt you properly.. Give us a trial. IMPERFECT. EI. Xj. JPJ^BCEZ. Graduate Optical Institue of Canada. ESSEX. - OXTT. Lxwhs* fine shoos at greatly reduced prices at Sraith'B. JSi. PATTHitaow and Ohas, Oowan, of Detroit, spent Sunday in town, the gncsts of Harry Rose. Mxhh Jjbvnie Pawson visited her aunt, Mrs. M. Buun, and cousins .in Ruthvon on Tuesday. It being expected that a circle of bonfiros would bo blazing round the world on tho ovoning of tho jubilee, Postmaster Rnsh lit up his woods in Leigh Grovo with sovon bonfires, one for each decade of tho Queen's reign nnd ono in anticipation of tho seventh docade whioh it is hoped Her Majesty may live to celebrate. Essex Oouncil,No 54,of tho Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, will meet at their council room, at 10.15 a.m., on Sabbath morning, tho SJ7th, and will proceed thence in a body to the English Ohuroh to attend Divine Ser vice Mombors are respectfully askod to accept this notice and to assist by their presence. Mmi:8[md Boys' Fancy;Sti8|f Hats, Regular Prices 75c., $1 ;S||* $1.25, your choice for 60c. 9tq|| 60c,, and 60c. lines your chdie|| fbr'25c. '" - ""':-fl ' ' -' ' :>"!?S -m M 25 per cent, off Summer GoatSL and Vests for Men. w 25 per cent, off Ladies' Para^ sols and Shirt Waists. .ill -', ism H Cook J Mbran H Coll C MoHuga F-MeAfoo E Laiug K Neil W Wightroaii W AlliHon Oottam JliOnaborry B Burling Ij Reunctt J3 Golburn A Ksy A .Or ton R Burling C Jackson tf White por misoion -fee. Mkn's heavy "working shoes OOo. pair at Smith's. ' At tho conyontion of tho^ Essex County Constables held at Pocl^s Hall dn Wednesday afternoon twenty-two county constables'"wore present ropre- aonting Amherstbuvg, EBBox,Sandwioh; Sandwich West, Colchester South and North, Gosfleld South and North, Mersea, Leamington and Comber. A. H. Clarke, County Crown Attorney, waspresont and gave au address in structing tho .constables in their duties, A constitution and set of by-4aws~:were adopted and na > organization was com pleted to be known as the "Essqjc Oouuty Police Association," With the following officers: Hon. Rres., A. H. Clarke, of .Windsor; Hon. Vice-Pres., F. C, Quallina^ of Leamington; Pros., A. : Master, Of Sandwich; Vico-Pres., Wm. Sisson, of Ksboxj Sep.'Fred Neal, of Sandwich; Treas;, Mr. ingleinan; DrecutivO Oommittee, W. Jj. HnghBon,: George aiplntyre,, Anthony Banks, L. Laporte, A. Bpufford, GI StaddOn and John Myies. y; Aii;^p:iir^6ht'.'^aa> then^ hadtiiriihe /'ii3r"6J':-TneB^.;^;^DeV: oentherV^o11 *^'^ &e1d in HarroWi "' . Entrance Examinations . The following is. the timo tablo for tho High School Entrance Examina tions which take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next; L First day June 28th 8;1; a.m. Reading regulations- ' 9 to li a.m. English grammar. 11:10 to 12:40 a m. Geography- 2 to 4 p.m Coinp-a-sition. 4:10 10 4i45'p-m . Dictatiin,: . Second day 0 to u am. unci to 1(3:20 a.m. Drawing. . .. 1:30 hi 3 p.m. History, Third day 9 to II a.m;.-*-EnKliiih literatuic. 11:10 lo 11:40 Writing. 1:30 lo 3 p in.- Physiology1 and tumpernncc. Sheading to he talcon on thu ahove days at -such'hours as may suit the convenience of the examiners, . ---------------.----------L Adjourned Court of Revision. The adjournod Court of Revision on tho town asHCHsmo'nt roll, for 18D7, wan hold on .Friday evening, last, at tho town hall, all the members boin^pre- 0 nt. Tho.proporty of W. X>. Bucklo, lots It and 13, plan 100, assessed at $100 and lot 70, plan 234, aBsessod at $.100,' were confirmed. Lots. 37 to 37, plan 30JJ, owned by .Tohn Milne, wore rodueod from $000 to $fiiSu aud remainder of Mr. Milne's' assessment confirmed. John it. MoEwan, lot "C, plan 20, assessed at JHiii50; confirmed.. Iiot tilft, plan 170, Was changed from Mr. OlouEior, to Kobcrt Tjittlo, sr. This finished th'o appoals ami, on motion/tho .assessment.roll as rovisod was oouurmod and Court closed. .. These Goods Are New And Latest Styles, CUT PRICES CASH ONLY. G. E. & WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX- THE J. W. DRAKE Furniture Company, Windsor. Finding rioriey l^ A SNAP I'd -^'. '"'-'i.^', Jubilee Honors. Tier Majesty has graciously approved' of the bestowal'.of the following hon ors : On the Hon Sir Donuld\ Smith. G O M C, a IMerapo. On the Hon Wilfrid Laurioi*, memborship-of her, Majesty's Privy Council, and th'o QraUd Cross of the Order of St. Michael.' aud St. Cloorge. On tho Hon Sir Oliver Mowat, ICO W G, the Grand Cross of the Order of St; Michael and Ht. George. !Gn the ,Hon'Sir BibhardOarfcwright, K CM G, the Grand. Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. On his Honorf the Xientenant-Gbvernpr of Ontario, the Order of K OMG. On the Hoi Jj ;H Davios, Mihisfior of' Marine -and ; fisheries, the ;6rder of; K CM G. On Sandford Fleming, G M G', the Order of K C M, G, -On the Hou; Chief justice Taylor, of Manitoba, a Knighthood., 0u.the Hon Chief Justice! Tait,, of, Qiiebeo, a ICnighthood.' Oh 'the Hon John; H Hagarty,.es-phief JuBtioe,: of pntarior'^.'Y'^igh&oo^.^. ^Ou the fdl- Ipwing' gentlemen /the \ cQmpa^oiiB^ip'. of the, Order" pi."pt"i.'|iio^el';aa;:jS^ ,George ^-rJfM:;;'0puitiaeyr:^e^^/;Mte* ister of Finance J J liOrne" VoDougall, iuditor-aefi^l^^i^ f^J^ l-'\\ :' -)o(- OUR WARER00MS ARE / Full of Sirapl' About a5 Good As 'M *8 Oouclies with Fringe all Round at:,. $ 5 :^| Bedroom suits at - '.- - - 10 Parlor suits at - - $18 00 & 26^1 Extension Tables at - : - -^ ;,;(!) ARE SuME OF OUR ^'SNAP.^ All Goody Shipped, Freights Prepaid, and Safe Delivery at Depot Guaranteedil^ - . ':^:^!0m : ,^'jnftfi III : No. 11 Sandwioli street .WiridsQr,;C)?r|gi Look for the Brass Letters on the Sidewalk that's where We' %iy6jX?sy&$$ > '... i LV^h'lRM( V^.'W-fSHi ' ' !4yi:^ - *.;Dealers]n'AH Kinds :i^:...v.:\"-v;-':>fe#i| <^r^{^^m

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