...Mtvtirf Iftwft ptttoriaa. r>omlndla'fl,oorl Mrand, rotfl Afrio's golden Band, w^RtiBbtJtias__thd anthem grand, fifw}iJM'-i.><'.<7;-.'.';,V-'JV. ' , "S&ff"',(:' ' *^lina panada, that Unks,' ' r^Tbe two gMatoooans* brinks,. lM'^JBBpeaU*h-.tmli3.' j-gisFOf "ttiriflflf-bwnwide land &'P*ifl of that Empira grand ~"' "" k wjth heart and hand, might and main , , SerJEmpire'a vast inoreaeo K.>In['p6w'er;ip wealth and peace, p1^;:',1: -Her reign has seen; . M^i'Dtiy'ry, race and '.creed, Mi' : ViQta bppreasion freed, MffiMqt flnhjeots ever plead, S3ftiv:.".'. .'Gfo&Bavothe Qaeen. gft^" " ________ /-^WrWaC 1b a JSTico Woman. $$& man said that his idea of a nloe wo- [t^trion Traa one that waa charmed with whal i^eeaid, and pay very little attention to M}n."things he did.. r A nice woman is one who .Bays Rood- ^mornim? with a smile, and good night with !('; -a bleafling. ' 'fe A 'nice woman la. one who doesn't make ^'yquanfler at Hecond hand with her a alio a, if-'-nor oxpoot you to thiak tliero ia but odo i;; doctor in the world, and that he is the one who is evenly Vol her choice. jjg^fA nice woman is one ^^;j pleaBod with the weather that ia, tLo 'Kfemperatare does not effeot her temper 'arid when the Bkiea rain water she do on Hpfe ebower tears and groans everywhere. A nioe womau is ouo who can eat what ^ria aet before her, wear the olothoa hIio poe- Wi$Besses, and do both with amiability and *'vwithout envy. '";': Anioe woman ia one who ho on tho nloe- L : neflfl in yon and, me and all the rest of tho l^vJworld, and aa aba obliterates our faults ahe makes ub try to do it too. _ '.. ^bat'S the nice woman. ' Tliey ate Goofl. Mr. Jas. Hagan, the well-known a*. |;; ftWerman of Kecnptville, Oiic, Bays. For ;:^.;pome years I have been greatly troubled fejpih p'aib aoroas my*baok.TJrinary troubles poansed tne much loss of sleep, and I suffer- yv.'ed from a tired worn out feeling. Doan'a ^Kidney Pills gave me relief iu a short .'time, The pain in ray baok has disappear- r^Vedj.ttnd 1 feel that I would bo doing wrong f'-.iaot to recommou'l thorn to othors suffer- fc'ingaal did, They arc the best medicine ol.ever naed." TtftfJ mm ip M f*lne**W<^ Bverr ^c* of Dlieii*. 1 Is yotir.iko^^iiiiBgdrei^by'bMema, piin. pies, blotohos and blaoWieadfl? If so your blood is flfnggieb, impure and poisoned. White the Jifa stream is reeking with im parities yea cannot be bealiby and good looking. If you would renew the system, cleanse the blood, and rid yourself of disease, you muetueo Paine'a Celery Compound, the great system cleanser and blood purifier. ,The following letter from Mr." D. Mc- Mahon, Peterboro, On*., proves that Maine's Celery Compound posaaBses virtuen aod life giving qnalitiea unknown to the ordiuary medioinea and dootorg' preserip- tiona; "I have great pleasure in testifying to the fact that Paine'a Celery Compound hasoauBed a remarkable obango in, my oonditlon. "I waa troubled with a veiv bad type of eczema on my face and In patahea over my body for yeare. I waa under treatment of threo dootors at different periods, and had also tried many remedies, bot all proved UBoleBB. At last I tried a bottle of FuIuo'b Calory Componitd and pat in Iodide oi PotaBftinm as reoommended on the label The one bottle did me bo maoh good that I bought live bottlea more, and uo^ .am happy to say I am perfectly cured and completely froe from the troublesome disease." Others Fail It Cures! Deah Bina, From my own experience I oau couiidontly aay that Dr. Fowlor'n Ex tract of Wild Strawberry poaBeases true morit. It was the means of saving my little girl's life last summer. She wan toothing und took violent diarrboua. Dr, Fowlor's Kxtraat of Wild Strawborry oured her, and I fool'that laaunot nay ouough in itn favor, MKS. WM, ARTHUR, Teotervllle, Out. npceMfu4attempt ^oab* ring p^ dlfflonlties tn this metho'd of cutting dia- (ige, and particnlar veins, U "bt which have to be cartfully fltadied in order to prevent spllttipg jast as auooeas soema within reaab. After several unsuccessful attempts and three years' labor the feat had bsen accomplished by the patience and skill of M. Antoine, one of the best-known lapidaries of Antwerp. The ring Yi about oix-oigthe of an inoh in diameter. In the Marlborough Cabinet there is a ring out out of one entire and perfect sapphire.. An Antidote" for Asthma. Mr. Albert Reld, Angus, Ont., was for over two years a sufferer from Asthma. A half bottle of Yellow Oil cured him com pletely, and although that was sometime ago, ho has never since been troubled with tho same complaint. To "Whiten the Hands. You can whiten your handa and prevent them getting ooarae and red by washing thorn in oat meal-water. To make .this you have but to boil uveonnoea of oatmeal and two ounces of starch in a pint of water for 25 or SO minutes, aud then atrain off the liquid through a.piaoe of mufelEn Into ttjng. The oatmeal must be made fresh every day, as it Boon tarns sour. Occa sionally, if the bands are very-redr~a few grams of chloride oflirae can be pat in the softened water you wash with, bnt to re member to remove all rings aud jewelry, rh the Urae dlaoolors.* Perforated sleeping chamois or white kid glovea smeared in* Bide, with a good aold cream, if worn at night, will materially asaisb matters. But above all things be Bare aud dry your haude thoroughly. The Season's fancies la Belts The belts this season aro of flno kidf !ai witKsiiver, gilt flligroe or enameled .buok- ^jle's.' The harness bolta with Hovoroly plain tebnokles, are ooasiderod yery stylish. A EKi'"< -<nW style of belt has two bualclos, ono on MRS Neither side .of tlio front, to make tho waiat- ,line lookamallor, Leather uo\^ may bo ;had in all colors to match all gowns, 'Blflok Bilk belts are most boopmin'g to stout f^yflgnrea as tbey.iit olosely to tlio form. ;fllender buoklos givo a longer waist ap parently. Jowoled and onamolod boltH aro ?"-V;;aressy, but should never, under any oonsid' Sp';v{eration, be worn with (Jcotton shirt-waists I'Av'br cotton droBBes, Dolts of all ltinda aro Im- 'preferred an inch aud a quarter wido. Ww'..Jane Ladies' Homo Journal. & $.< &;: '*- ^ TohAOOO Heart. J'." My' heart troubled mo ifi'^V-with violent nalpitution, shortnssa of &' T1us was causod, |jSrayrphyBJcian 'advised mo,' by oiooHaivo fe&^raso" of tobaoao.' Biuao'taking Milburu's ;Heart">nd Norvo 'Pilla. Iho distroaaing Symptoms have entiroly disappearod. fc.";.Tbey jiave cured me, and I am- thankful pii~tb'tOBlify to'tholr floodjjji'ecta. iV.'- #?. J. Judaon^ ' _^.h#,.' Bt. Thomas, Ont. e,*-... .----------- rAv'^gOTffereJBtd-bohanged; at.Dooatar; Ga ^j|Wyoung man wliosd fate will give riua Lo 5^r.,oonBiderablqdirtonflBipiv among suporstiti. ^!:;OUB folk; His. name is Torroll Hudson, $ and he believes he has been driven to the Wf$ iiailpwa by tho number thirtoori. -In sup< lllfe" port of thia, belief he bringa, forward the lollowiug array of facta: Ho1 was the |S>thirteonth'child of hie parouts; was'born fe.;v.'<in tbe th|rbeeut|i day of. the month, and t>' was glvon a name in which thoro aro thirteen letters. On the 13th. of jast ^^. ^Vflmber,'rie'quarrelei..with a thirtoon- i;wfe.'year-old;hoynttraed ]Malcotn, and oh the |refe:'\i8tu of last February he "wassintenood' to l;^'die^ "eiill further;' On the day of the p$#;-i fl'LO-i^ug'be was abasing rabbits and oaugU lP"'.:'thirteen;".Heoijonpiea oell No, liJ hi the 3M^':rt)eow.iQt. jail, . He manifested a groat deal WiVVofiateroBt in the arrangements that hayu h' and beliovee iS-ui.'.^bat.he will dieiu thirteou mtnntes. K^;;;:;;'.:Tired, Neirvour.SlePlo8^ '. S;;/' Men Knd womeur how grateful they writt ^ ^' e,bout Hood's SarsapanUa, Ouco holplose Sp'; and discouraged, having lost all faith iu ^Vjrcedioinea, now1 in good health and "able to ffeSo my,own work,/' because Hood's Saras,- 8-i$priHa hie power to enrich and purify the L ^.bjobd: and make, the weak strong thia Ib. ^ihejexperienop of a host of people.. jS^Kood'a Pillsare the beat family.' catbar- iiioand liver, medicine- Gentle, reliall", ^VXBki;.^-'. : ^^^i/SJVisS^ and ' COJ& Salt Kheuni Cured. Gkntleuen,^ Your Burdcak Blood Bit ters aured me of salt rheum three years ago. It waa no bad that I losi my finger naile, and I can truly aay that I know: of no more valuable medicine in the world than B.B.B. X have had no return of salt rbouraBinoo. MRS, JAS. SANMittS, Kmorso.u, Man. ' How the Ouban Drinks. The manner in which they quench thirat ia a Cuban art, Elevating the olay bottle on his wrist until it is slightly above the top of hlu hViad, tho natlvo turns tho wator looee at a dmtanoo of 10 to 12 incbea from his mouth. The etroam about the hIzo of a load po'noil falln by a pretty curve In full viow until lb pasaea between tho lipa. Thus the Cuban qtionchoB hia thurut with out spilling a drop. Tho accomplishment has ion utility. As tho water pauses in this continuous pouring from the bottle to the mouth it ia beforo tho oyos of tho drinker aud any foroigh matter in hoou. " A Noble Family. Popular aiid.Woll Kuuu'n In Oaikuda For many, many yoais a vory noble family, popular aud well Unowu, htivo con ferred groat blessings on Canadian homes, This family to which wo rofor baa served tho homos of Canudiana faithfully aud Well;'they havo brlghtonod tho pathway of many a Bad woman when the oloudtt wore dark i thoy havo ohoorod 'hearts whou tiuiun woro dull and monoy soaroo ; they havo boau a bluHaing to thousatida of hua- bands and children,helping them to droHB bettor, ao that mothers, futborH and child- rnn woro onablod to faoo cho world us handsomely drossod us "tholr wealthier friends and neighbors. Those popular, tried and helpful friends aro tho Diamond Dyoa, tho sumo in power, work and usofuluoaii to day as they woro 20 yours ugo. There are many imitations of those celebrated Diamond Dyoa 'worthless, and daugeroua to uho," Bewuroof those decep tive dyoa, (va thoy oau never do good workv Whan you purahuse dyou sea; that the name "Diamond" is ou ovory euvolopu. .With the Diamond Dyes success is always euro and, certain. . Bridal Superstitions.. A brUo so far douod superstition us . to bomarriod May 81nt last. Bhu hud uIboIU tiny faridoaraaida, had 13 carriages aud a. bhicLeou-daytj' honeymoon. Another unsuperstitious maiden beoaico obgugedou the 13th of a certain moulh and lixed on tho Orafc Friday in Miy as bor wedding uioruiug, Several May brides have testiflod 'to the happiness of their marriod Uvea, and one woman declared that, ulthoagh Eho became engaged on a Friday, ilzing on the uuluoky day as the one sot apart iu eaoh woajtfor the loveraVwalk, #oi married on a Friday, had 18 guestp at the wedding table, and aet up house-keeping ib May she ha> never had a m'omont'e aorioua an . happineas in all her sight years of married 'life: ) ' Boilu, pimples and eruptions,: scrofula, salt raeum and, all other manifestations of' impure blood are dared by Hopd'B Saraapa- WHAT AILBVOU? CJoId in the Head? Homo' Snotzieg? Paina Over the Eyes ? Disgusting Dropping iu the Throat ? Headache ? It May Meau that the Seeds of Oa tarrh Have Been Sown Don't Nog loot it an Hour Pr, Aunew'a ' Cathar rhal Powder wil^Giyo Relief iu 10 Minutes. "1 had chronic catarrh for a number of yearn. Water would run from my noae and oyea for days at a time. I tried many oures without any permanent relief. I was induced to try Dr. &guew'a Catarr hal Powder, It oured me aud I have bad o return of the malady. I uud that for cold in the head it givea almost instant re lief. 1 would not be without it and 1 recommend it most heartily." C. &. Axoh- or, Brower, Me.' IC^.^'^^fy^ba^-MnA: by/^iaiibjsivaM'^a. ^tdneV^iils^X::^:;^^^^;^;..;^;^ .: Don't tike our word for it, bnUst them; - Mr. M, P. Csmpbell, the highly eateemed pastor of the Baptlnt Churohj Essex, Out., atates: v _'./' '.'.- "From my peruana! use of Dosro'a Kidney Pnifl.whiohl got at Bherrin's.drng- storo, I can say that they aro a moat ex cellent remedy for all kidney troubles." Mrf'J. A. Rosa, the well-knownlalder- man, Eoaei, states, "My daughter has been ailing for flome time, and I am glad to say, heard of Doan'a Kidney Pills. My son procured a box of them for her at Shorrin's drug etore, aud that ono box oured her. "It ia with pleasure that I give the oredit for the restoration of my daughter to perfect health to this remarkable medi. aine. I feel very thankful indeed that they have been introduced in this dis triot." Mr, William Sisson, onr excellent Chief of Police, has thia to say, "From the benetioial results derived from Doan's Kidney Pilla which I got at Shorrin's drug store, I have no hesitation in recom mending them ae a nrst-olaas modioino for all kidney troubles, lamo back, weakness' etc." (Sigued) William Sisson. Nino children were born to her majenty tho Queen, Of those, the Princess Alice Maud Mary (Urabd Duohease of HosbcJ, and Prince Loopold (Duke of Albany), are dead.The living ohildreu are the Prince of Wales, Prinoeaa It oval (Dowager Bmpreaa of Germany), Duko of Edinburgh, Prin- ooHtr Qeleua, A.uguata Victoria, (marriod to Prinoo Frederick Christian Charles Au- guatvs of Schleswig-HolBteiu-Bonderburg- Augustenburg), the Prinoess Louise (tho wife of the Marquis of Lome), tho Duke of Uonnanght, aud Princess Beatrice (widow of Prince Henry, of Battouburg.) Tho Qucon waa married Fob. 10th, 1810. Vromitt, PleuBiuit, Perfect. Norway Pmo Syrup ia a prompt, plea's' ant and 'perfect cure for ooughw, colds, asthma, brouohitia,hoaraenoaH, soro throats pain Iu tho chest, croup, whooping fcouglV, quinsy, influet)^ and all throat and lung trouhloU' 2"<c. and /30c. at all drug starea. Paper can now ho huug by machinery, Tlio dovico has a rod ou which a ; roll of pupor ]a plauod, aud a paste reservoir with a feoder plaobd, so as to engage tho wrong aide of the paper.. Theoud of the paper is fastonod to tho bottom of tho wall, being hold iu plaoe "by tho operator. A roller follows tlio. paper an it unwinds and presses it against tho wall When tho! top' of the wall is reached tho operator pulls a string, which outs the paper off from the.roll. ' Tho oldest ohuroh-goor in Sootltiud -is' Mrtj, Miller, a lady of 102 years, , who re- aides iu the Mile Knd district of Glasgow. She was borne iu Kenm'oro, a Fm'thnhiro village- in 1705, when Barns was atill writiug songs in Dumfries, whou George III. waa Kiny, and when Pijt,'|Fqr and Burke were stars in .Parliament. During hor long hfoBhe has never had a serious illnesa, : and it is her proud boast that, withiu her.reoolleotion, she has uovcr iuiesod a,SUuday from ohurob. She has b/uob a Hfo-loug abatainar, hut for the latt forty years sue hisibeea a devotee of "My Lady Nlotme," clay' pipes and "black twist" being her favoritefl, .. - . Avar's .Pills .promote, the natural motion of the bowels, without' which thero oau bo uo regular, healthy.^ pporatioti. For the ouro of biliou^neas, indigestion, aluk head ache, oonatipation, jaundloe, and liver complaint, these pills have no equal: Every dode effective. A Milwaukee^ Wis;j deapatah aaya: "It is praotioilly settled that the Ontario Grand Lodge, A. O/pl W;, will sever all connections with the order in the United States. .TheiQ^premeLbdge Bpeoiaioorcf mittee decided: to refuse the request of the Ontario delegates to , ountinne fraternal, relations and 'end', financial .abaueotionB with' the general order. The oaao_has been plaood in tho hands of the, now; Bupreme offloers; and the ejpulBlon/of the. Ontario branch, it is Baid on autihorlty, will be Tho Eastern question ia not yet a dead issue, a hQBt of Bulgarians having crossed the border into j Turkey. Tho Turks have sent a large force of troops to repel them. Many peoplo expect to aee Servia, Roumania and other, principalities also take a hand in the matter. The Ambassadors of tho Powers aro united against Turkey acquiring Thoaaaly. Not mnuy business houses iu the United States can boast of fifty years' standing. The business of Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maas., whoae iaoomparable Saraaparilla is known and uned everywhere, baa passed lU half ctntonuial and wafl never bo vigorous as at present. ., ,, , ,....^----------------------------------.' Have You any of Tbeso? ' Palpitation, Fluttering of tho Heart, Sbortoebs of Breath, Smothering Spells, Swelling of the Ankles, Nightmare. Spells of Huuger and Exhaustion. . These are symptoms of Heart Disease. Dr. Agnew'e Cure for the Heart will give relief inside of 3G minutes) and will effect a speedy cure in most stubborn cases'. It's vege table, it's liquid.it'a harmless, it's wonder ful. Tpww'orrEss^ ......... r . .- - ToWlTi . - ,lqr '^ttHS* Hall, in thc.l'own of Eax,l'proceed to sell by, Public Auction^' the; said lands aiso -jiafld thereof as may be sufficleht to pay such srrearj of taxes and all lawful costs':focurr$.>^t . ' '? v"^ tti-tycffirw PJan.- ,_, Lots.'.,.". Taxes. ' Coata/; ' 'P:::'{\::^ltiW 3 JO< $ 310 * ' 223.-AS, '46, A1, 48, 49/51. 52.S3.54.I 5S.69> 74. 75. 77............f 223 OIIIIIIIXKII.I 223..............20, 21 .f......... 2o7i* . .... 20/1. a* 220,...... 267** ........20, 21 ......... 322.. .. * *47 (. .'.a..* 247 * * 27 ...... .a...... 247* * 20, 29,,,.'., .. . . 247..............G4.............. 247 * .. 7 OOf A'flt' 3 04'. i.a.a* l6l 13... 13 00... 41 90... 21 91... 25 53 v .4 65... 73.-- 27... , * . a . a < M 2 2 6 2 2 ^OS--------v--rv 5 5**** p. fiJ_ 2iJ2..',.'..-V..f'/^;,,'\lS;|W % 84***> *'":*i4'--',74ii 2. 24.'. .... . . .> ., V-'^jij 2 43****** ". **7) 2 05 .a*...... 2 20.. a.aa . " . 4' < a.*...... 2 p5*. * il^ .*..* >.. 2 O5 K.l.l,.,.,,,., Jf' Jf ( 4'3?^?uy W. D. BEAA1AN,.Treasurer.'! % ...... [\i&M wood'8 ilaoeirioi>i3Nrx3. The Gren-i Enlih Hemcdy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly; and permanently euro all formi! of Nervout Weakness, XhnUslona.Speriri' otorrhea* Jmj>oteneif,and all effects of Abuse or Rxoeasetti ilentalWorry.ecoocutve una t. ^ jam OfTobacco, OjHumor Stimu- Before and After, tant9f whtch aoonuad toit* 'flrmitv, JiuanUv,'CokaumpitoH.'and an early crave. Has bflett proscribud over flSyonnl In thouaands of cascj| Is thoo'nltf SieUaUn and Honest tfaliatne fcnmtm, AHlcdmsaWtfor \Vood> Phoiphodlneilf hoorterflHomo WortWcafl modlcflnoln. placo of thlst, IuoImo prlcalulottor.and wowlllsoinlby rotura mall* l*r!oo, ono packngo, tU b!x, $6. One wtll please, ehuotll ourc* Pomphlota troo toanyadclro-ui. Tho Wood Oompntty, Wladiior, Out, Canada. tsr'HoTdlOjBSox and overywhore In Canada by nil ruaiiouslbln Dmudst. ESSEX Hal HeilrtuarcoM tor Solnol Books, Suhoo Supnlioa, Njtfl P.ipor,EnvQ|ops, Inks Wntln' Tahloti an.l oftioo Stationery , DISPENSING AiST.t) FAMIIiYa ' OAIjIj AT FOR AI1I1 KlNDM.Ol*- WINDOW BLINDS A-Wsy. down, obiin aware,. :.'.'.' brtu-a-braoe, ."[ fancy goods, . : : novelties, bopks and stationery, school.supplies, ; " .. TOYS OF Al.iL KINDS, . : V .' flEltLtN WOOL and,FINGEKING, : '.'"YARN9./\. ;." 'NewSlockqf La ie-Wajtffi VV lVomea-fo trivnt; \>r reauouslMft' Mtan- flUbed bense in Ontarlc : :,ilal*rj'. 87801.payable 315 weeUly aud petwa. -Po?!*loti peroaaBant. iOltfe*JpV, ' '--'.. m^l- L.BLI^-lJ, J:.Who.ll-*nmit' Wanted f*SByJ' Ifbo <** tm iblntfjojuwmitr,. DON'T BUY a Stove until you--MJEiJfj the hew stock at $jfe $fe %*i -J eeth Oxford's Shoves, Best ill til 0 WOflll. Manufaptur^l y the iatt onl). We have them in took. Our pricea are^theloweBbV^I 0,11 a;xcl Inspect. General Tinsmithing. and Repairing attended to. r 9^=* North of Railway. Track, -'vEssex|l? SLU- RyOUS, DISEASED MEN 850,000 CURED IN 20 YEARS; GURES GUARANTEED OR NO RAY I $1000 IN GOLD F0R A CA5^ ^ <PHIUU. Ill UUIU CANNOT CURE Op SELF-ABUSE, ErtlSSIONS. VARICO^ CELB, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT-' URB OLEET, SYPHILISi StUNtiSD, PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, iMlWTEty- CV, NERVOUS DEBILITY, -UNNATi! URAL DISCHARQES. ETC- MS a? ' l> >i is The New Method Treatment is the Greatest Discovery of the Age ;| FOR CURING THESE DISEiASEf i" Tftouoanoa 01 young ana miadlo ngod mou are annVaily- aropt to a'^premature i* ;.tovo UmiUKh EAKUV INDI5CRBTI0NS, EXCESSES, AND BLOOD DISEASES.'i-llf, JV; you liftvo any ot tho following aymptoraa consult tia boforo Jtlatoolafo.- Aroypjunat* rk vntiQ au<l woat. doBpondont and Bloomy, spooks boforo the oyos with dark elrolOH uH(lr V iiiora, woalc baok,' JtMnoya lrritabi6. palpitation of tlio heart; bashful; droani^^na -J lOHHtis, BOdlnii)iit Ju urliio, pimploB on thofaco, oyog eunkon, hollowo^ootts, CiiroTv*>n^| i^ctfprt'HHlon, poor memory, HfoloHs, tllstruatful, Jaulc onersy and fltrength,.urod niorn>>r /.aEB7O08Wa2OK. - euro yon, and runlto a man of you. Undorltainflu- p.nioo tho brain bocomod activo, tho bloo<l purified . "] no that all pimploa, blotohof) and uluorsdleappoar: - norvos Dooorao strong as stool* so that norvous- zX uoau, bdahfulnoea ;-\ tho oyos oahfulnoss and, deependenoy dlsappoar; hcooiAo bright, tho fnoo full and oIur, physical "jiiiul fluxunl systems aro Invigorntod; all drains.. ' 'm uoaao-no more vital waste from tbo system. Tho ", w.variouB organa-bocamo natural and manly. You . i;I :-?iM ynuraelf a man and know marriage cannot bo . ;?>1 ^ fftllure. Wo Invito all tho aftllotod to consult uo , i;uilUlontlally'ahd froo Qf chatgo. .pon't lot quacks/,'.' tt'f.nd fuklrsrob yon of your bard oarnod dollars. \^ Wo will.curt pou w, no pay. ^? ',, l'X\$ YOUK BLOOD BEEN DJU3EA8EDI ; 'fc 5VPHIUS la tho'mo31 prevalent and most sariowa; v . ELuOO dlaeriso,;r It eapa tbo vary ltfo blood of tho ?> victim and unless qntirelypradlcatod fro [torn wilj. affect tho, 1 Xt opiViiii^fiflaes ._, _ , , ^yOUNO.OR; jyUDDLa-AUtiu mft xou*yoioaft gay^up^ oc jnauigea^nvui c*f youtti.. $olf-Rl>aaa dp Itttor;xco880B h.av* broken down your.'eyatorn. .;^o'tt;,; ;, symptoms atoallng over you. Montfilly, physically an4 ,ea^n,aily^tt.wrtj!noK i you used to boor sbould bo. LuBtfuJ w^uoia,roa>ricn borvt^te/ W^iJBl . J <Jangor.lat|tnal9,': v- '"':,"lr;--"-:,:,;..i:'. * '^\'W-s^W& ' OCAI)CD I Ar^.youavictim? aTOyouilOBCnopaTf..Ar*yw ft nEnUCn I ^asyourblwdnoond^ea^df^aToyouK^ .'.i 'rj^nttnontwiU.ouroy&u. :,Whtttltrh>Sdon>.^ . .^'Oha^e'S'lrtaaQla^lo^foflkB-l?^ Seal