^^y^ W>ppredftte very mtioh his 113;^rta In bur belialf and wish livery auocesa in hifl new 'field' of fi^^^^'^'^ti-lM^tteiily Ana" om - -yoet-Prioe Xemxmfleh;' *5*; Olladft. &/Tottft6coSetting is all tbe rage here, Stv3?r6Beni.L: ;; >. ||wjgtn^te'a{niu6ber of' our farmers have ;iSito;replnhtthelr corn on aooonnt of the gl;;!B^j>nke and B. Squire made their ^^ftfWiBTUpmeut of strawberries this sen- fe^b^v*He')fttter.part of last week.- " p:^iKorniaii";Bi. Fox, pf Detroit, ia at. ^tb^ie paying his parents a visit. Nor- t^man lias oome out a full-fledged den- jtJ^rtiBt, having passed his examination. ^|::Snd obtained the gold medal. Edgars9 mil. i,Fi Beeton will move into tlie house i^;;f^Vaoated;byMr. Seoord. R. Seoord moved hie saw mill to fe Huntaville on Monday and his family ^jb;.Ttteaday. . . " M^:v;, j',', Bartley loft home a week ago iK^;'::traeday and his family have not heard fev'ifrdm'him since. V:i-)' ".'Mx, and Mrs- James Mole have gone ,; east for a month's visit to friends in |g-. Buffalo and Whitby. |^;v'v' I Mr. Ondmoreand Mrs. MeVieor, of '. South Woodalee, ore getting their sy;;:"; homes ready for moving into. W>'; > i------------- w- u: North Ridge. Strawberrles.iire rips. Miss Lippatt, of Windsor, is a guest ftt her uncle's, George Mulcaster's. .. John Lickman and wife and Miss E. ; Oolenutfc called on'.relatives ' here last ^Sunday.; |^.;,A'lMge number of our residents at- & tended the interment of the late Mrs. Mj:; James Ho'pgood, in Thomas Mo- 0\ Oreery's Cemetery last Sunday after- ^^nppn;; ; ',' 'A daring midnight robbery was com- ltv , mitted here last Friday night, a horse -*""" blanket and collar being stolen from HaggnW atablo and a new collar and a new sett of lines was also stolen from Norman Swaokharamer's ^.'stable.". . _ $$f: 6/'$'y" P* ,B* Heato.n, of Harrow, has put a^ Mr^Tnew pump in the school well. gfe;^;:Edv/Wigle's hay press has been ll^Vorking in tbis,yioinitythe past week. fe?'T;->rhe Swfietman Bros, are busy put- &t; ting a foundation under Wm. Mont- %-gomery's barnl * A Xiouis Thomas, our school teacher, has been compelled on account of. ill 0i^B^To];k6>^W^r6^1lUy.M,0.&,';i6-. Heving agent, '; '.v ,'.' ;/.V.dtoe^:dfr0'(tortJ of the St. Joaohim cheese factory were lately presented with a dollar conscience money paid them by Father Lorion, for a. pentin- ent who had confessed to watering his milk.',/. South Woodalee. The MapIeLeaf bond of SonthWoods- loe will furnish musio at the Ste. Jean Baptiste celebration at Tecnmseh on Tuesday next^ .. -'..'. J. Mitchell had his Beoond delivery of farming implements from Noxon Bros., of Ingersoll,, yesterday (Thurs day.) After the. delivery, J. Mab- bitt, of Harrow, photographed the turn out. the report of Referee Maroon but Jtidge MoHngh has dismissed the apnea! with g,jeftfor camp at London on Mon dfly.BfcTheie are 42 men in the flqaad- ron.^ |^ *e<i Woodalee Miss Winnie Lambert iB viBting her cousins, thd Misses BroRSoit, of Belle River. Peter Brossoit and daughter Lizzie, of Belle Kiver, called on relatives in town Sunilay. . John Donovan has arrived homo from his trip out weet. Mr. Ooritts, pork buyer of Toronto, ^as in town Wednesday. MissMaud. Voakefl, of Detroit, has returned, after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in town. &&1':' Bobert m ^ ^health, to give up the sohooK He lias I.5; (Koue to Northern Mioliigan in hopos of (^' " /re1 covering. ' ir^ A strawberry festival will be given by lf}!i**he Ladies'Aid of Bethel church next ^ r Thursday evening, Juno 34th.. An ex cellent programme has been arranged* .Come one. Oomo all. Admission^GC. M ' ' Cottam. Win. Hill, brother of T. H. Hill, visited here after an absence of over ten years. Bfe spent the groator part of tihat time in Buffalo and the laafc three years in Ghieago., He rode his gjj^V hicyqle.. H;>;;; , .The -Foresters of Cottam joined by those from-Bnthveii,Kiug0viIle, Essex, ij ,; andWoodslee will lmvo a parade o^ x ^Sunday next and will mavoh to the cliurob, where a sermon will bo do- Ri^liyered by the Kev. W. H. Shaw. Sv.^'F, B. Milieu has -recovered, from an itttaok of the measles,' It took a lot to J'^vg^. air over liirn. !*S."We are haviuf? !jJropd uorji woather K^ribr-the. first time. this ssason f . There ^;^pnld nave been a largo number of W$Kw'e* of tobaocp planted if plants could il?'have been procured. <; The Woman's Auxiliary Mite Society ^^fTrinity ohurch, North Ridge, pur- g POSO giving an Ice Orearu and; Straw- ^y^erry Festival on the grounds of Geo. |p?l June, opposite the ohurch, Talbot pirpod, next Thursday evening. A good programme of Hpoeohos, recitations, &ijyobal fl,Qd instrumental musio, will bo lli^eiadered. [ Refreshments served at 7. -' ),)p.mT ProcepdBin aid of Ohurch Irn^ P^pyementFund. Gertie Wigle, Spore- pfcieyj Mrs. Wyatt, Bresiden b; Admis- |pibh;'lB cents; children, 10 cents. Mien H^jOjoUatt, ol Walkorvill, who sings in feo&e Of the largest ohurohos in Detroit ^WiJliiaSsiBt in the programme. MfJIiawrenoePiiley left, Thursday af- ^fernopii of last .week. He softly folded B;t6nt;."aad;^quietly passed away, from OTjpi^^aig^t^iijitiMij.'ttte"train . at Woods |^;fl!v^jTOJ;h.e.:return, witli the return- Sj&||e^oB/!?.'..We,- fear not:,; Many of' ^o^JtoWnWen, tho' they denart. for a ^^ilj^^:;.reta^l"tbTl'U8.,' Such was, the Vaw^ith,|sOme whose, departiare we ^^ip^ele^ last week,, as the week, drew '^^^ojose, they .turned'. their wan- Sandwich. - Wednesday evening, of last week, juflt alter 6 o'clock, Walter Wright died at the residence of his brother, T. H- Wright,Sandwioh St. .Windsor,with whom ho made his home. He took his tea as usual at 6 that evening, but shortly afterwards oomplained of being unwell. Ho grew rapidly worse and expired very suddenly. The oauee of death was pronounced to be apoplexy. The deceased was a familiar figure on the streets of Windsor',' and was ap parently in good health up to the hour of his death. He was a very amiable man and without an enemy~tiT".th'e world. He was born in Oolohester and the funeral took place from the cem etery of that township, tho remains proceeding by Lake Erie railway' on Friday morning. Belle River. Ohas, Oometet has returned home from Buffalo. .".'_. Mrs. Joseph Sauvo has boon quite ill from a stroke of paralysis. The Village Council has pnrohasod a new Wilkinson steel scrapor. Mrs. Diokson, of Gleucoe, formerly of this plaoo,- is visiting in* town. Tho 0. I*. R. is oreoting a"wind- ^ill^Lfii.6-station hero to supply water for their engines. Denis Dumouoholle was in Chatham on Friday, attending court in connec tion with tho Mahonoy shooting caso. Dr, Amyotwill soon return to Si Thomas to practice his profession. It ie rumored that Dr. Gahoury: intends returning: hero. Belle River horsemen will .have a mooting on Juno 20th. A number of entries havo already beon received and good rases are oxpeoted. " Ruthven. Mrs. Francis Lypps is recovering. Wm. Flaming, srM of the Lake- Shore, is seriously ill. 1 Wm.JFleming and family moved to Sandwich street last week, . Albion Gunning has started on his three months'trip to the Old Country. Mra, E. R. Wigle, son and daughter, were visiting in Kingsville last week. Ruthven base biall club hashad.au invitation from the Walkerville club to play at the latter place on the 22nd inst. W. H. Lovelace, of Ruthven, left for South Lyon, Mich., last Week, where he will spend the summer with his two sons. Dwight Harvey took charge of the services .fin Walkerville Methodist church, Sunday of last week in absence of the pastorvDr. Cook. The annual gathering of the Golden family took place on Wednesday, June 0th, at the joint residences of Mxs. Isaac Wigle, Ruthven, youagest daugh ter of the late. Richard Golden, and Mrs. Ed. Wigle, daughter-in-law , of Mrs, Isaaa Wigle, and proved to be one of the best attended and most en joyable of these gatherings yet held. The Goldon family is composed of the direct descendants of Richard and Ann Golden, who came to this country from Ireland 46 years ago, bringing with them a family of eight children. These children who are still living, are Mrs. AM Wigle, of RtrthvcnT Jasper Gol den, of Kingsville j Mrs. Wm. Drake, of Kingsville; Richard Golden, of Am- heratburg; Mrs. Rudolph Brash, of Gesto; Mrs. Joseph Molott, of Wind sor; Mrs. Isaac A. Wigle, of Ruthven, an/d Dr. John Golden,of Highgate.The members of the family now living num ber 102, and it is remarkable that in mm Sale Keelsier, ' Auction sale of ten fresh milch cows at lot .. . * , , . . 29, N. M.' R., Colchester North, oh Satur- the largo- family there have been but day. Tune loth.at 2 p. m. Wm. Trimble, now wtaeiy Bc^ttexed, membeiB re jjjjj^in Oaliforaia, Manitoba, Muskoka, MohWal ftid^any pWts^^ of.-,1(reBteira| Ontario, thorelwere about 70 of them presentatthis gathering. ^. The Ontario Natural Gas Oo. has elected the following officers for the coming year j Pros., E,' 0 Walker i Vice-Pres., F. BC, Walker j Managing Director, Dr. S. A. King; Treas., J.H. Walker; Sec, J. G. Leggatt; Asst.- Seo.,tW. O. Kennedy. Rochester Council. Monday, J;une 14th. Council met, as a court of revision to confirm the assessment roll. Members all preSent.~Minntee of last court were read, and on motion of Messrs. Mail- loux and Sylvestre, the roll was con firmed as corrected. Court then ad journed sine die, and the council then went into special business othe town ship,, namely, reading the engineer's report on Molson" Oieek. Minutes of former meeting wereread, and on motion, confirmed. The engineer's re port on Moison Greek was then read. The general opinion among the rate payers, and there was a great number present, a drain of, smaller capacity would carry off the waters. A number asked for the assessment to be reduced 50 por cent. Moved by Messrs. Dew- hirst and Malllour, that the engineer's report on the Moison drain be referred back to the engineer for modification in accordance with the petition of rate payers assessed thereon, Mpyed, in amendment, by Mr, Sylvestre that the report of the engineer as now before tho council be adopted. As there was no seconder to Mr. Sylvestre's amend ment, the original motion was declared carried. Mr. Sylvestre was authorized to meet R. Daupbinais and others un-1 der the D. & W. O. Act, with power to act Adjourned to meet at the call of the Reeve at Bnscomb Station. Itfj'^IpDIl^itii^iBi i !.., ,i... *.Ufa 2 p. m. six deaths, one among the children by I proprietor ; Sinclair &, Gormley. auctioneers. f Wool ! Wool ! 100,000 Lbs. Wanted at . . The Kingsville Woolen Mills. Our Prices ': 20c. Cash, 22c. to 24c. Trade..... Our Wagons are out on their old roiitoJ. Hold yoar Wool until thoy call on you. THE BROWN & WIGLE C0M of Kingsville, Ltd. Mnldstono. .T, tittlewood, of Cottam, called on his parents last week. Miss Cora Wiffle is fnst recovering her wonted good health. Miss L. Korr ban been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Wiftlo. Miss tlnttio Power a paid her aunt and undo a vist last'wook. It. Baniher has gone ou an extended visit to Adam Hylos'n, Germany, Wm, Nosbitt and wi fo siiont Saturday and Sunday with 'friends in Leaming ton. Rev. Mr.*0?hibaud'au has been re turned to Maidstone oirouifc for .another' year, , JVnBUH Oline gave a birthday party on Monday ovoning to his'.friends and relatives.,. Mr. and. Price, jr., lost thoir only daughter from croup on Friday last. On Monday night, Miss Pearl Jones (rave a birthday party to a number of hor yonng friondfl, Russell Wigle and Miss L.. Kerr wheeled to 'Kingsville on Tuosday,and spent the day with friends there; Michael Walsh died at his home in Chicago, 111., on May 28th, of pneu monia/aged 71 years. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. Charles Ohittle and Edward Walsh, of Maidstone. Over a hundred frionds were present at the Maidstone Methodist church on Tuesday, when; Rev.' A.; Thibaudean performed the morriogoceremony unit ing Georfre Westlake, 0f this township, td Miss Bertha Nagarson-, of %inddor! John .Wilson, :\of;Tilbury XJeixtrei moved a hbiiaej^-lbft^^dl.i^^^J-;.'!,^ ^.;A. Tully, ipjihecentr^of hm farm; Additional Local. E. A. Wismeb is able to navigate around with the aid of crutches. W. H. RroHAKDHON V.S., and Mies Annie Ooleman visited in Leamington last Sunday. Dabiuh Horooor* is moving . his family, into his fatherV residence on the corner of Alice and Victoria streets. Mkh, J. II. AxiXjISS has been quite ill fbr some days with bronchitis and asthma but is some hotter now. Bn. Jams's BuncN, who has been so low for a couple of weeks that his life was despaired of, is now on a good way to recovery. Si'koiaij services in commemoration of thoGOth anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to tho throne will be held in St. Paul's Episcopal church next. Sun day evoning and at Trinity ohuroh, North Ridge, Sunday afternoon. Tub 1-yoar-old ohild of Henry Rhyn- drosB, of this town, was Hevoroly burn ed yesterday1. (Thursday) morning. The child had put a/small stick in the front of the oobk stove which rapidly ignitod and sot Are to: the ohilc^'s olothes, Eeforo the' flames Tvore ex- tinguishedjtho body arid[fooe were bad ly burned. Dr. J. W. Brien was, called in. ..The wounds oro very painful and serious; and may result fatally. Tub Globe's Jubilee number*,which made its appearance last week is a rocord breaker. It is by all odds the, greatest production in the; ^newspaper line over attempted; in Canada or for -thatiuattorin any other country. The ( Hobe's jubilee' number will bo a great advertisement for Canada. Get a copy and get acquainted with the wonderful country in which we live. ^'. ' -,-------------------- ' ^" * ' Canadian Jubilee Stamps. : '... It is the intention of the government to issue aset of Jubilee postage stamps;' |3uok stamips^will; be. put into publio; use by being delivered to postmasters throughout Canada for sale in the'BajDQQ luanucr iia ordinary poBtoge stamps.are '^piantity to; ^'^TOft'^^'^'^n^l^flSt; tione of Jubilee etampe and.the'totai 200,000 8 cent stamps, 160,000 10 cent stamps,' 100,000 15 cent stamps, 100,000 20 cent stamps, 100,000 50 cent stamps, 35,000 &t stamps, 35,000 $2 stamps, 25,- 000^8 stamps,. 35,000 $4 stamps, 25,000 85 stamps, 7,000,000 1 cent P. O. cords. The total value of one stamp of each 'kind is $16,21 As soon as tho whole number of stamps mentioned in the foregoing schedule is isauod the plates from which they have been engraved will b,e destroyed in the presence of two of tho head officers of the .depart ment.. On June' 19th, the Postofflco Dopartment will proceed' to supply Jubilee stamps" to the principal ppst- oillces in Canada, and through them tho minor pdstoflloes will obtain their supply until the issue is exhausted, If this Jubilee issue were to wholly dis place the ordinary, postage stamps it -would supply the . ordinary , wants of the country for between two and three months ; but as- the use of ordinary postage stamps will proceed concur rently with that of Jubilee stamps, it is expected that the Jubilee stamp supply will last beyond three months. JSjrtns. ' GAQNON-r-At McGregor, on Sunday, June l3th, to Mr. and Mrs, S; Cagnon, a " daughter. .-._ AsH In Gosfiel(i| North, on Tuesday, fune , 15th, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Sun 111 el Ash, a "son. ._ ' i,': Haggins At Camp Palmer,on Friday, June nth, to MJr. and Mia. Joseph Haggina. a' daughter. .. . ; ' CosncAN In Maidstone, on Saturday, Tune 12th, to Mr. and .Mr John, Costigai, jr , a daughter. SMITH Rochester, on Tuesday, June, , 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, a 1 Claek Iri Goaficld. North,,,.qn Satuiday, ' June 12th, to Mr, arid Mra: Ernest GlarK, , asop-' ' ' :. "". ^AKEB--rAt Geato, on!Saturday. !J-uiie;,>i2t^L, to Mr; and Mrs. Bentloy Baker, a son.' Wrsti;aks ^NAcXiislqN^TAt ^ the '.Ttrethodist ^^.(j%nteh;'/Ma1d$td >'.,Jil^B, . J!,<i5tht by.:^,-l^.-S;^i'ir,,TOba<id<i*u,:';-Mr/ to'Ui? m The Millinery Departmeilt Is Filled to Overflpwlijl " 'tilt I .^ Our Stock is new and complel in all departments. ..-;' ^1 We show the largest assortmeiii| of New Black and Color eel Dress Goods. Also a new line of Priestley^sf, Black Dress Goods. lOOil ladies' Shirt Waists at 25g1 each; A lot of Remnants of Dress GoodB at half price. Men's, Boys' andlTouths' Clothing *~ at astonishingly low prices^ m DIEBEL & liCil Wanted 20,000 lbs. of Wool. Wi H. RichardsonI 3*8 -*- ESSEX H- Will Give You ^^ tim m AND."'.' -.. THIS MONTH...- 't et '. '"'Xf^ -vm ,. bl?M *:'"M .- I'fJ'jii! . ' i ""/,!>m f ill Will ell for\^U^^\D^:b^--A^, t Hi