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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 18, 1897, p. 5

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^i|iii!ywfe;::oi$EA8E& 'BuffArtogfrojnloiii of Vitality, Emid- jUotb, .Varioooole, Seminal Weakness, ^pfc.:$Tphllii, Oleot,-Stricture. Blood i,; ot'.ftny' dl*" *ffotiriB the Goiiito- Org*ui, can be aunroa of sohmtiflo i and of.a_rAdioal_apd pornaraent The Dootor I mMi^^^^^y^Ll^y!^ ' ' : 'l*8**1*^.vAa^wlth'.aU ^whina.'gon^the 4""JJ " ""' fleet riiot'must be- fired .by,hand/.;Altar. ibat tho wodpou will abeorb oMtridftflB-and j _9niitJMjljftio-of bollotft ab IpDtt AB it la ; fedv ExperlmeutB rando thue far show thai on tho occasion of a brief, aharp attack, the gun can actually be made to fire olovon. shots in a single aaooud. A very interesting feature of this new gun is that tho explosive power results from the ode of cordite, Tbo whole of) this snbat&noe ia expended in pressure |EiSS^iSS^S!lSSSS: wtoMMbUokpowbr 1,'o.ly oeeM lor pressure to the extent of fifty per cent. Tho- experiments with oordite-aud with the gun- referred to show conclusively that cordite ib not aflooted by water, as in gunpowder,, and will stgnd a great variation in tom perature... One of Bet'0 -Agenta SuMued hy'oiailDH OD DB, HALE. The landing offer of aidrlolt of two WiQt tnlaium that he undortali Dootor tor an undertakes an ."'/' v1 >: \-. "!'> \ !-.;.(,' o*e Cl9P9 ComponhA Vrlnste Uttering from FemaloWoaknoss, mmh uMBltudo, Loeorrhpoa, Displace* .<W;'Ujoejr&tion of the Womb, Nonralgia, ittji,-Barrnno8i. .Tumore, Blood Poison, hep, Facial DiRflguromonta, or iroin- any ad?: peculiar, to their ex, aro skilfully and fully treotoil by I>n. HALS. The Doe- bad OTOr twenty years t oxporlonco in ttog these maladies, Is uneducated phyai- K.,r JVand a Ekilled specialist. "5Alh affections of the Throat and Langs are ,JUB6itreated, at the Institute, by Its ataff of *aeven expert British specialists, especially igoiUxxiAi and GatattbakDeatnesa, Asthma un<, ft^ionowtti; also, Rupturo, without an opera '<tloa(eJid all DlBOftaee of tho Beatum.anobdu i&fUei^ Ulceration,' JTlBHUro, Fhitula, ana Pro- ipilepse or Falling. No- operation or detention ifeMroa* business-neooaaory. iMI^ltVoTi, cannot eaUP send Qtamp for quostion fe.'Mank for home treatment. JKtS1 Office -Hours* 9 t? 12,1 to & and 7 to a. Mo V.Bojiday boars. BRITISH MBDIOAIj INSTITUTE, /. 00 Washington Ave,, Detroit, Mlob. lv v tr. x*. HAIjB. M.E- -Chlef Consulting Physician. /^-fSTBaware of traveling doctors, and otho 'VTampiros. They blood tollvo, and liva to blead ;: Appreciate Canada. Jv;1 Chief Game Warden Tinaley baa been ^^iSMsked to express his opinion on a-schema |MjMppofledfor the protection of migratory jfe^garne 'birds in the Hinted btutoe, by whioh j^^oeiiain reserves would be set apart where ';V".BhootioK would be illogal and , birdu would tcV^find refuge. Mr.Tinaley's opinion is favor- ^'ajbjie. to the Bcheme. Under preaeut oondi- l^iiiofta Ontario is getting a'good deal ot I^^game.whioh would otherwise remain, in "i^^'tho Statea. The fact that the birds find '|iout qnlokly where they are protected is %apparent in i*ake St- Olair. On the Amom- ft^,;.HDi|inrSide where the spring shootiup in at- ^%plpwed( hardly a water fowl oau bo nee. M^-fiQn^ths Canadian side, whoro shooting is r^pnly allowed in.the autumn, the birds- aro lv seen on all (ridoB. Bo keenly do the duckn i-l|j-j,(' . ... ^ ^ .. i^Ppreciftto these favors that certain Hpeotoa ^llike oanvaa hooka, red heada and blue biUe S^re breoding ip South Ontario,' whereas jjythey formerly:.0ew to the silent teuton a oi w|jhf'riorth. ,'- " Tliey are Good. fv^/Mr. -3as.. Hagau, the well-kuowo ox- tfcftlderman <f Keaiptville, Oot., says. l^or Kiflonie yea-re I have heeu greatly troubled [pjf v.Witb pain acroHB my baok.XJrinary Iroubloa f&r'^caused -mo uiuob loss of sleep, and I suffor- l^i'v'ed'froEa-a tired worn .out'fooling. Doau'a tw Kj-. :3Kidney Pills gavo mo ' relief in a Bhott ?i' time. S?he pain.in'my'baQlcbaBdUappear* '^v:/ .ea, and I feel that I would bo doing wrong $-!^ v-aot to 'rooommond thom to othoru , suffor- ll'ii^ ingaal.did. They aro tho bout modioiuu "" jleverflsed." *$: jjM; :'.'.Cold'atoraue baa. wrought a oomplotu Vj,: revolution io tho winter living of the poo. ? >'." jple.'- Modern aoionoa oomes to the aid of man cud bolpa bim to a good dinner of what would have boou 20 yoars ugo moat mnseasonablB Inxurios. The explanation ot.iuBcioua apples, oggpianta, oanlifloworn, grapes and pinoaples all tho yeur round is to be found in cold storugo. At tho time when the fruits, fish, wild gauio and vogo- tables are In their respective soanous and at their beat man's mventioU layH hold of them and puts a large Hppply of each K'}$. 'against the daya'whou it will bocomo Gourco ,v'x': .andont, of season, Tho various artioloa ,...1:,'-...;" 'are preserved iu admirable condition, vnt $"' . etorea of good oaiableato.be drawn on at If "i1. .wi|U,, The price in raised for tho produoor ife.t'.andcheapeufcd for the oouaumor by this method. Tobacco Heart. My, heart troubled aao \t4'A' with violoht" palpitation, .uhortooaa. -.of ','"'t '" '-" breath and BlooploHBnosH. This wub caused, my physician advised mo, by oxoefiaivo v use of tobaooo.-'biuoo tuking Milburii'H ;,,;;;,';.;Heart and Ncrvo Pills tho__ diattf.'-ssmy Bymptbms have entirely diauppoared. They have cured me, and I am thankful to; testify to'their uood effeotu. Signed, W. J..Juduon,. Bt. Thonuia, Out. iw- Royal Itoso 2>rty. A/oorreapondout, ' M.aiarovM,M.;-writes . to the Globe;--* In a roueut wuo of au 13ng Hah paper.'the 'sugeetion has been made by ':a.writer,npo.n tho staff that a roao shoul I 'beworrion June 22nd,aud that horoaftor the 10th day of ^Juno should, be known, us .'.*: 'Boval R6Bo'.b*y..*"""No moro simple or '. faeautifuiroooguition of. our Quuon could y^y'to made, 'Whilst its beautiful aud. national aj'.'-;; siguific?noo will be eeen by, 'all. Haying ",/ seen nothing of this proposition in auy Oin :|. V adian'pipers, t beg to >epoal'.lho;HUges-;' f::,, tiopv and hope it may bo ma,do widely ti ' koowu through tho local presa, -luuo i^ ^'^i;'i:v.th9 month.of roaos, and evon onr, ponroHt My'^,; oitizona could.prooure this budge of. loyal ^yn; |fe-v'::.'GKNTi.EMEr Your Burdook. Blood Bit |->v;UrB cured me 6t salt rheuni throo yours T^i-'i^o.v It was bo bad-that t lost my finger Py^'^iiiB^^ttBa-i'oap'fcruiy'.Hay that I Know of ^Qr*ya-luabl'e. medicine in the world fe^th'^n '3B.B B. . Ihave bad no return of Biilt K.;>.:rbeura,aipaeV:;' .'.' , ~\>y-y.-' fe.'.-.V^-V'/.V.": '.';l' ' 'Emerson,'Man: , {||7,W,';'i ;(" ' ^.^$fo$jMSSu, and -' '$$$$'"'fidtf;. Others Pafl It Cures! Dkab Srna, Frommyown expeneuoo I: oan confidently say that Dr. Fowler's Ei- traot of Wild Strawberry posaossea trne merit,, It was the means of saving my little girl's life last summer. Hbo was teething and took violent diarrlitoa. Dr. Fbwler'a Extraot"' of^ Wild Strawberry, cured1 her, and I' foel that I oannofc aay enough in itn favor, MRS. WM: AUTHUR, -------_._.'. Teetorvillo.Ohfc. How to'Beefc' tho Elyo. A> medical journal says that in the cou tinued ubo of the eyes, in such work as sewing, typoHuttin^,. bookkeopitig,'reading. and studying*, tho saving point,is in break ing off at short intervals and looking aronud the room* Dhis may be praotioed ever ten or hfteon minutes. By doing thin the muscular tension is relieved", tho oye^ are reBted and tho blood aopply beootries better. My Mei^bUor Told Mfc* About Hood's Bareaparilla and advised- roe to try it This iH.the kiud of advertiH" mg which f^iveg Hood's Saraaparilla the largest sales in the world. Frioud tells friend that Kood's^ t>areaparilla oUres; .thai it glveH strength, health, vitality, and vigor, and whole neighborhoods use itos-a family medioino.. Hood's I?Uln act easily and promptly, on tho liver and. bowe-la. Cure sick hcadaohe. Dutiuc the tetxiporary ubsonoo of' tie family the farm rosidonoe of G. 13. Wilson, Middlo lioad, Rocheator, was brokou. itito one day last week and mouoy and; wear-. ables stolen, A son of Mr. Wituon's \h treasurer of) tbo Ruaaomb Station Sabbath fiohool, and the funds amounting to. over 91 were stolen. A new pair of iiUo* shooa aro also rmstdug. Tho doed ia evidently tho work of trumps. ; An; Antidote for AhUiiim*. Mr. Albert Uoid, Angus, Ont waa for ovor two years a anfforer fromAbtbma. A half bottle of Yellow Oil aurodi him oom- pletoly, and although that was aomotimo ago, ho has never ainoo boon troubled with tho bamo oompluint. * Fiah that Olotho Tliemaolves. Tho oooan oou tains several llah which ulotho aud .adorn chemsolvou. the moat conspioous of thorn b&hig.tlieautQnnariua, it small fish froquouting tbo Sargasso Soa/ whieh literally clothes itualf with aoawooil, fastening the piooos togpbher with 'stioky gelatinous atringo, anrL then, as it were, holding tho garment on. with it fpro flue. . The medicine that oan. resoua and; save a human boing alter the. beat efforts of mediaal men prove unavailing should merit the qarefal coaaidoration of, every siok and diseased man and woman. , Such a medioine la & boon to the worldi ah an oh or of hope, p rot cation and joy to those who have been told that they are In-a hopeless condition and incurable. Up to tbo preaeut, medical eolence has 'deviaed but one remedy that fully meets the wants and desirea of all sufferers. Thin wonderful medioine IsFaine'a Celery [Compound, to whioh thousands in Canada to-day owe life and good health. : Here Is a statement from a lady, Miaa Marilla A. Bullook, of Roxtoo Fond, F.Qj, a sufferer from liver trouble, that is in- overy way suiholently strong to couvinco- the despairing, deHpoudcut and donbtfdl. She sayB: "I think it is a duty and a pleasure to write and toll you. what your Paine'a Celery Oomponud he* done for me, a suff erer from liver trouble. "Two years ago I had a very bad attuok of it, and'called in a dootor who relieved mo of the trouble,., but I alill remained weak and ailing, and bad another and more severe uttackv 1 waa under, the doctor's oare for four-montba, and received very little relief. "I was very weak, not able to sit up more than a few mi nates at a time. A< little milk taken at meals would diatroaa me, end I was nervous and aould get but little Bleep. ., ; "Hearing what Maine's Celery, Uora- poand. had done for a, friend, I gave up. dootbriug and uaed your medicine. I hava- takon six bottles audi haye received muoh good. I am able to eat a good meal, sleep well, seldom lie-down during the day and can drive six miles over rough road* withent getting tired," '-..'.. ..'!' Oure for Hoaseholcl Insocta. Many a housewife is disheartened whoa she nude that the house into which aba has josb moved wu inhabited before she arrived, and that already her nioely clean ed beds are beiug.pooupied. A euro death for such invaders-ia bonzlue. It will i at once destroy theioseot'u life, and does .not lpjnre oarpets ori_furhituro. Fill a long neoked can withe this fluid aud apply, it thoroughly iu all oraoka aud crevices where tho buga^ or-their iygga mayi be. Leave tbo doors- and window* op on aud tbo odor with-f^uokly evaporate. Bouxipe shoutd bo used only in daylight, as it is very imflammai>le, and must not ho. ear- tied near an open Are or light. '----- Fromp.r^ Pleasant, Period Norway FjrneByrup ib a prompt,-, pleas ant and ppriooi aure for cougU^), colda, aHthma, brouobitiH.hoarHenosM, sore^bhroats pain in tho.oheat, croup, whooping; cough, (Xuiusy, ioSuouttaandall throat and lung troubles.. ii5c and COo. at all drug; stor^u. The Woight and Yield of Bgge. A clever Btatiatloan, to nhow tho uumbor of oggs that uro annually laid by various kindH ot fuwls, and. tho number of eggs that* goto pound, ban drawn npa table from< whioh iu tiktruotad tho following: Grouce,(ourt0itho pound ; 90 por auuura-' Polish, uinu *.o. tbo pouud ; ICO per: w num. Bantams, jixtooa to tho pound;: lOO por unnura. riumburgftt uinu to tho pound; 200 per annum. . Game fowl, nino to tho'pound; ItiO- per annum. Turkeya, ilvo to tbo pound ; 3a to 00, por 'annum. : ' Xioghorua, nino to tbo pouud; 20 par an- num. lMymouth.Rooka.oight taUio pound ; loQ, per annum. . XiiugBhaue, oigbfc to tub pound; 150 per annum. Brahmas, Hovou to tho pound; .180 per annum. Duok's, ilvo tq tbo pound; 110 to 00 per aunutn. . , Tho weather map , for May-aaB boon if.auud froui tho Moteoroiogioal1 Beparb-' mont, Toronto. In British Columbia aud tho N.-W.. Territories tho meaai temper- aturo oft tbo mouth has boon, very muoh above fcho' a.vorugo.; Outario^oa the other bandi.ahows a slight decrease' f*om aver- uge. 1/he rainfall throuRb.QUo the Mari- UmQ^toviuoOH a.ud.Outario-lias heori' over three iuoboH, whioh ia abdva-. ttbe, avorafje. 1'he.woathor gonertllv dyirlug;. the month throughout Ontario may,bo- c&araotorized RBiOlou^y, cool aud gloomy^ nevortholeHH, it will doubtless be a surprise to the oas-. ual observer to learn that the temperature 'waa average in mauy, dbitriofcs, and iu uo lease doos tho mesui,- show, more than throo'degrees, below.v This diBigreoment between the aotualfaataandthoobaorvor'a foeliugB are doubtless' owing to tho very largo amount ot' cloud aiid tho small range of temperature betwoou the day and night bours, 1'here wero Hovoral light but "killing'1 froHt&iu tho oastrirn portion of thu provinoo^ and ouo on the night of the 2lat in tbewsatocn portion, where young pottocs au3 othor delloate plants wore in many instances' , completely *do*roycd, Excoptmg' in Eaateru Ontai\|, whore spring yrain is vory habkward and fall wheat ip poor condition,.and tho opinion provulis that alt orops aro doing remarkably wolh Spring whoata'u^ other oroRa are rather backward, bub aro extremely boalthy and tho hity orop promiBes.t.o bo enormous, Tlit quantity of hloBaoina upon nearly all fruit trees is vory large, a^oding iu northern and north-woHtorb dlntriota wa^ much delayed. owi^K to tho aauHuully \v< t weather. milHdnairoeUtin^ -. ^n'^.^^^'i^offlM V'^ppriif(, ooupona, down to the bumble Oltiwn who ' winga a pick for a dollar a day, nobody is free from ft. , 5fc ail cornea from thfr same oau'ae. The kidacje are'to blame. Doan's Kidney Pilla are tho one arfmple remedy, that esq be relied upon lu all forms of kidney* troubles/ 6omo ofl your ne'ghborsihave tied them, and no o&ejuaa found them wanting. Here* ia what ouo Essex man Bays of them. Mr. J. Hi Crow states: '*D6an* a Kidney Fills havo cured mo of pain in- the back ond other kidney and urinary <iftl- oulties with whioh-3 had been afflicted'* for five years. "I am glad to be- able Jo state this as my own experience* and oan ^reoommead their use to anyone- suffering with pain- in the baok or other kiduoy troubles," Mr. W, FeoLhain, well known n 0bat- ham, as the obliging, manager of the grocery department with Measrs. For- Hythe, Anderson & <J6., highly esteemed'in religious oirclea in> St. Thomas, Ouo,, states: "I have been sfQibJied with serious kid. ney and back trouble lor some time, and was laid np for a lon'js while with my com plaint. X prooured a box. of Doan's EiioV noy Fills from Mr. fthorrin, draggist, and thoy have removed every Bymptom froup which I Buffered. "Asa medioiuo for kidney troubles and pain in the back Dean's Kidney Pills can not be excelled. Il heartily recommend them in every respect." ---------: Humor iu. Literature. Humor ja one of those pervasive qqaJa- feiee that take poaeesaiou of your roqbos like the smell of < the woods in summer after a rain. You* are trudging along through a book, interested, perhaps, in^e course of the story, ooid impatient for *jbe end of it hII, It )siva ordinary book, you think, like ahuudreuSothera, but a tuna, of the page aud you are Iu another atmos phere. There ia arrowing warmth about your heart aud a Ufa to the corners of (your mouth. You do not break into a lau^b, but you chuckle to-youraelf und forgot a-' bout the end of the-, tale. You wauU 'to linger over the paget* aud turn backhand go over the trull again. In a twinkling the "obaraotera ""oJ the story have beaome human beioga liki* youraolf. iu June Ladies' Home Journal. WOOD'S PHOSPHOrilNE. TIio Grea* GusrlUh Remedr- Six Taakagea Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently euro all fonnfl vVKtrvoua otorrhea, Impotetpcu-amd ail etfccUaf Abuse on-SxcesteM, ______ Xenial Worry, emaeaslve vh Before and JdfUer. tort,,; wM^ no^jcad to i*, flrtnitv, InaanitUL.&XMWnpttort and an&trttf grave. Has been profHrribod over SB years In illausAnda of oaBUBt if* the ottJu 3ltliahta and Honest Saltaine. fcnouTu AakOrtttfglstrorWood'aPhoaDbodlneilc ho offorafiomevrorthlcaa medicine Uxi-sULcfi ot thlrti Incloao prlc*ln.lcttr, and wo will sentt by return mall. Prie<v.ane/ paokaga, *lt elt^.Vk One will please, ah} wiltcwe* FampbJotjfrcaia&nyaddre/js, Tbo 'Wood Qnmminy, Wlndsocr.Qnt. Canad.a, VST Bold.'in-HHKox and ovoryyybej* In Canada by all rounAiiaibln Druociet. r^-,V^yyyy:^M .,j^! !:E3Htt A'vv;iv-^-. ESSE^S- edical Hall rAjuJtiuitrKors roc Sohool Books* iSohou , Supplied. Nofc^'i>uparlKnvelop-.s, Inks Writing To.bUi.iiA and office Stahtono^,, a. -Sw- BmM^RfA T DISPEMaiNO AND lFA.TUr.ILY <.*jy 1M ^m '^1 tyym J'\:Uflm ..n.$. ::::'yM BUY a Stove until yon ;Bi| the new atoek at ' 0" $&$? M J,M' m :'f^ ee the Oxibrd's Stores, R^st fn the WOlld. Mauufiboiure' y the G-umey Foxi ndry Go , of To-oufco, (both Woodiai^ pal). We haye tKiem ir^tock, 0ur pricea are the krweflt' <Z?JL1 &.1CXGL iC3a.s-x>eoat. GeneralTLmeHaadtb ing and Eepairing attended to. vSifjp 9ti* Nortk of; Railway Track, -.Essex* 41 Bull ding- ? We c un supply .you with n\\ ki tls nf Wr.oden Material; ph ttd oraaxneiital. Pine, VHmio' 1, and 'nuii-ve Lurbbetr alwftij round Bob] ". . "f'.'/Ufl am on b and. 'Sliin/ea, CcdttfrtsiF wed and SaaT a ttlid Coal ... Getj your Screen Doors y^mdc jws made now. Gi.sterns Made to Order fro Bee Hives cut to order. .iift yW 'Mil '*rT I- .^ i rt-cf '" i':^ UILTY OR NOT GUILTY DISEASED MEN CURED 'KIDNEY BENBE. Ouroulls are out of thu Quonilon iu.Kid- noy Diaorilers A. Spooiilo Kidney Toiiio ia tho Ouly Bate ttomody. How roaiiy diaoover wheu it is too late that tho kiduoya have htorally been ground out by the litcle solid partioloB wbioh aro oontallied in.the blood of all sufferers from kiduey disftRBe, and wliioh aooumulate in thoBQ or rum a. Oommou bouho s'tys and inedibai Boienoehaa proven it that ahqutd solvent which will diflsolve theso solids.aurl eradicate them, frotn the Bystenv is the oply pure cure for kidney disorder. Sohth Amerioan Kiduoy Curu jh a solvent. It has been tested iu almost hope leas, bastm, and therp is yrt to ba recorded u^atast it a failure to oure when" " ' win on1 Some pboplo.. ar6._.oonstantly troubled with pimplos and boils, espflbially about the faoe^ahd usok. Tha ' btBt remedy ia a thorough 'doursb of Ayer'e Saraaparilla, whioh expels allhwmors through the pro; por obannela, und no makes the s.l(in bs oome soft, healthy tvnd fair. , ;..,-; . '. , Byron used a grent deal of hair-dressibR,' but was very particular to have only the best to befouod in the market- If Ayer's Hair';Vigor had been obtainable"tytep. doubtless ho would have testetl. its merits, as QO'm^ny diBtinguiBlied and faeblooable peopiqiare^blng'nowrtt-^ay"*'^.'?;.^ ;.^'; .,..i.,,,:^. w.vwv-.V^y^i^jr.: FOH AUU KINDS OF- :WIN D.0W- BlilNpB ft.WBy down.' 'paiNAware, / . . BniU-A,BHA.GEt FANCY GOODS, NOVEl^TLKSi ; -y , BOOKS,AND STA.TlOSEuVt SCHOOL ^UPPUES,, '.; TOYS OF Abi' KINDS, ' BERIjIN WOOLi 'ftud-.EINGBaiNQ ."' 'YARNS.:,, 'V'?.w-iStock:oft^te W.ail Pwer \%7 vwtBib^isyfiVttiiii fa tx'HFuii'lviEiir' '& YV.- Wpmohto ti'iVflV;,' >r,ip^pf)nmbl,e,8ta):>;; f CURES UARANnrEEDqRM6PAY^ A VVnmlnK from '"ifjii"LivlMr^A .- -.....---------- ,,..v,-.. ....- v.^....^.. 15 i learned a bad rAabit.-Trl^foaeB a doctors and nervo tonilb by the uoore witliontbenofiti eraiaslons and dxfliixalnc " "" 1 bo^arno a nervous wreok. A triond who,hud lie"nourwlby J)rs. Konnody A wlUbrinffarfohharveM. Wood andTrlvata DlSasHi sap tbo ver^ltfo end yftaUtT'd oj tho viaim. Oar NKW MBTHOD tTRHATMHHT will Dpeltlvely ours all the ioUq^t tatt^iaonaes: . S VARICOCELE^ EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILlW I'; SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, 8EMINALWEAKi K NE88, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAli * DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES^ A RP YHII 0 WERVOtlS and desnondonti weak or debilitated: tired raornlnirai'- D** f*0^ IUU I wnbitbn exoltable and Ix-^^i,, tahlp: oyea ennken, rod and blorredt pirn pi on on face; drsakna and night loflftdm Teat-:i,| , wu; bagtfard leoklng: weak book, bono painet Iwlr looaet nloers: eorc throat?: varljp/Ar colo; deponit ia urine and draina nt stonh dlstmatinh want of contidotlcot lack ot onertfyandBtraaath-Wfi-OjaA/ OURE YOU O/i ASX WO-WV, Sj - *-vS'siGS (if aoimihirdifteoflo, nrlvlsod pie to try thorn; 1 did so und in twomOPthBWOB,__r . lyoarod. .Thia_wn elriht years oho. ' I am now married end,' have two healthjrah ron.M iwjffi VARIPfllPFI E PIIQPn MVarlnc.Uoir.wlolifomiBorabio.<*tikpafefiji^ VHniuUULLC byfli.'J, necTu^lu>u>aHtmken,.baHhfnJlnBoolej^^bfl^tbln1 _no ambition;. rhe^GoldenMoHltfir'oufinuU my eyes. Tuo Ne*wMethod Treatment ol Ore. Kennedy and Kergari ooied mo In u law weko. t Ju. PKXflHSON.r " PMf^^inMQninrn J.P.EMKHaONrplatesU^exueriencei .____, LlfllOulUnO bJtitU. nfurm. AUuhooll learned on early.hahit>J-wMoS weakqnoa rno phyBioaUy, Boxnally and; mentally,-FamUy doctors aaldj, tJ""' "' jjr into MecUno" (oonanmption.)- Finally "JlioQoIden Monitor,'edltedbyDrt H-/ .& Kerfion; falllnto my lumda. I learned the TRUTHS and ;the! OAUBDr-vl Imd napped ray vitality. I,took the New Method Xnatmeut(.|S&d".wa^eiartrid . frleude.tbink 1 waaoureu.otoonaamptlon. I have eent them many ipftt '~ K** whom wore, curad.; Their Now Muthod Troatmeat supplies 'vigor,,:vitaTltTt'W ri)-^yrr'<^-^^W1^ '3 PlittCn' v^bia terribleP&Aoleeaae'waa'iti'myVwBiem^jrMa yeara.^adtiu^enmorenry7oTtwoyeax8i'bWt^ .jpimplee ruid blotohwi on J^o skin, ulcerB; !& ' theniout Ffi^f S SYPHJLLS ratnrnod. Byes.-rwLjjlm - tongue; bono pain: eared ot Gloat Thy otired- mo diBeoae In six yean ^7-:Y&ARai_ OarNew-iMothodTreatm y7^0MWUATia K

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