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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 18, 1897, p. 3

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:&*,'!-% . S^v;^.->' 8K?W;- ' * #.#. *!)<* :'-..,.' &*=* #* Quality and "Pit "Guaranteed.... T& '.-. '/! IW 'SPRING MODS MjUST ARRIVED. %:- Dying iinrl Oteamng in Con hoc- J. A SMITH, SOUTH W00D8LEE. ma ou^tfw'^ silverlf^ed .wieflr*Vot,fcwd 'to.'Nw Tork tte for many,'y*ar*. nude* differs -en namM Mid ,wr introduced? tOJtt&ny of tho wMtonv state* and were*usually called Amartoari SaabrightB. Along in the *ovenMirthy togan to tod* place in the howroom, and their admirow be gan necking, admission for them/in the American standard. At thestandard revision meettag of 1888 thitf-breed wai admitted to :tho standard .under the name of SilverJliOoed Wyandottos. 'Theii handsome color, together, .-with theii plump,; rounded forms and elegant egg record gave them a great boom. In fact, so great was the domand for them that Anything 'resembltng a -Wyandotte sold daiatjmd ohoap,<fuid ohoese issosrco and jwpaatiiely-aiiHh. ; Suppliea of cheose $:?-' : V.:-. y'; . pv ' p["-' ' ' ' \M&!; to'-: ^ THE BE8T SPRING MfiDICINE Cwjr* all Blood OluMsea, trom* common ; , PJjbpIe to tho worst ^ctjoIhUus Sore Crompa\ \ Croaj>s \ 43 'i Cr&mps\ \ C Col/o, \ ^Colds, \ Coaahfy Tooth- iioba. 4>. J>JJ,XXJTaCAt JDY&ENTJGRV, *> ,A;&un>,8ufo, Quiolc f:yrofor tJvO'-w Jc truubli.'^ la 4^, <pEnnv DJ.VW'.) Fjsocl Xtjierttttlly nxul Extorunlly* Two Bl/Wv $* %:. r.m! Pic, buttlctf. 5> ^ ^>-.^^>^3^^4>4>4>43**e^43^4> The Coast Unc to MACKINAC WTAKH thb &:v. fe te".' JVIACK1NAC DETftOIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO. New Steel Passenger Steamers The Qrhtitttt Perfection yet aitulned In Boat' Con tract Ion J-t<xurloua Equipment. ArtUtlc Puraiihlnar. Decoration and Effic ient Service, InstiriiiK tlie JiiKhest decree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY Foun TnipB pen Week Detwecn Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PET08KEY, "THE SOO ' MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Macklnacnntl. Meturn. Including rieale anil Berths, prom Cleveland, ,$irt[ from Tolcjo, 15; from Detroit, $13-50- DAY AND NIGHT 8EHVICE. ; Between Detroit and Cleveland" Conec(tnK at Cleveland with Earliest "tifliiiB for nil points Kaat, South and Houth- j*cst mid at Detroit foraU,polflts North nud ;Nort.liwcst, . [- rinilay Trip's June, July, AbflUii and Sept. Only EVERY DAY BETWEEN wicveIand,Put-in-Bay/Toledo h?;uti for Illustrated Pamphlet- Address ' 4U A. 80HANTZ, . Vf *., D"TROIT, M)OH. Tiie Detroit & Cleveland SteamMav. Co. 'L'li'* Uf-sst Vo'imlur Ijifa ol LV AuEuT^ii lUr MiiuPty t lni'o i-v-r ain,M i\ J.or ,*s attMib " Q'l^n y^t^via" ^'V:'-:- Sales nAprt'6.-->l.'n:t'U'. 'inv tp m4;u' Hv il.i & -i i: THE imH>I.i:V \ HUEl'S:v,- (j't.. *V ' '.1 .! Wanted. Mou and W^muii wlio onii work lianl tu-Hiltia and writiutf oi3:i'tout*n rtaily, for nix, drvyn a v:'* It and will t>o eojii'Hit with uut !ut.ltirii wutiUl;, ^ Ut .,,": -" -. (>,ji\V ItyKAH'G').,'BiauClurd Out,.. K:'AHTED. iudastilo 'b iieruouB of i>ltlu,r mm ______._ . w< with good olvtntoter ami IS^f.v r omnoD Bobuol eatumtluu, pan o"tnin onnloy- lyAS'.'jmantfor twomoothain thla oomnmnity. ^ fei'^'"- ' 8,'.-ttl^ yltV, T. r-'iito. pnt. AjlItVKB LACED -WXAXDOTTK COGKRItSX. at a fabulonH price. This, of course, gave tho hnolcstor and trickfitor jnofcithe opportunity ho wo looking for, and,as a tobuH tho country -was flooded with atruff worse than oulla Thoro was ^sc much-of'this worthless ntuff sont on* tliafc it como noar killing the hrood alto- gothor, Had it not been for a fow.whc could eocrmoTQ in fptoro honosty than present dishonesty, tho brood would have boon pushed to tho wallrand lost sigh*: of entirely/Those'few-began carefully^ to mako something of t the now breed, and by careful soloctionfl^and oloae in breeding they held a place in tho, fancy that tho frattd could not dislodge them from. Hiirdly any two breeders had the name idea as to which linerof breeding would,give thoibest prpduct,**,ud as a re sult bno'was ^brooding light, another dark and still another medimii colored bisds* Tho brobdor that waa brooding the light ooloravwoH not ouly/Hntprised butrfdolightod to find a few solid white chicks from his .jjmting, whioh* mated togofchor, brod true to color, wliile the darkisnatfng gavoscune solid blackbirds with (the aanio rouHs. ThiH #avo.an tho two solid colors, w>th tho true Wyan- dotto shapo owd quaUt-ios. Tho.goldon variety .cumo from iutro- ducing somo outside Wood, presumably Partridge Cochins, that by breeding buck and forth Anally got tho Wyandotte shupo, but for a long timo gave lots orf troublo by throwing foathors on feet axid legs. Tho buff variety cumo with a fad for buff color And was a rotmlt of care ful matlngs, somo tiffing tho Buff Oo- chiuB to got tlia color, othem usiuR a cross of Ehodo Island Rods. Noamatonr need bo afraid to take up tho. silver, gold, white or Waok variety, as thoy Will not only brood trad, hut are one of our very best breeds and rank today alougaido of tho Barred Plymouth Itook. How to Itnlrfo Ttivtcoyt. Turkeys are delicate creatures and difficult to ronr, especially iu their cur lier stages. Tho oxovciso of intolligoni caro and tho observance of the follow ing precautions during tho first two months of thoir oxintonco, iiowover, will noiitralisse that tendency, aftor which only ordinary looking after will trafjlco. Young tnrkoys will not thrive in con fined limits, therefore as soon, as strong enough to run about they niUBt bo al lowed to roam with their mother. They arc vory fsnwpptible to ill eiToctfl .from wet, therofoi'o they muyt not bo allowed to roam in tho rain nor until tho sun -or wind huH dried tho tlow from the gross, Their.rofuso is injurious tti them- solves, theroforo their resting places must bo changed nightly. A New Jersey former who whs sulhciontly succosflfnl with turkoys to bring toinuturity 00 to 05 per cont of 'those hutched, hud'light, pqrtablo, boltomlosfl coops with Which ho covered tho mothers and their broods us 'soon as they Settled down for tho night und which confined tho mothers until tho dew Or rain wan dried off on tho following day, when all woro ro- loascd. If a shower 'tltreutened, thoy wore driven into the coops until condi tions were again favorable for their be ing at largo. In placing .tho coops care was taken.to avoid places lowor'hoUow .enough to pormit wator to puddlo. wo n^q^efltiODabiy light- Xeadlng mar kots and produoiag districts' In ^his country and Canada report only a frac- tiou of 'their^BTmlirtioolwt;. Cuhada hnff, it is claimed,-less than a ;tenth of its last year's Bi.inply.BTitiflbstookB are re potted T6ry.Jight:t! and that country ha^ token American and Canadian chocae at prices which ordinarily shut off export bnying entirely.' New cheese will find Btooke of old almost exhausted. The prospect for the coming Boason is better, than for a long time, bo far as market conditions ' are ooncernod. National Stockman. Dairy and. Creamery. There is no question hut acow ought to go dry and rest a month before calv ing. The.calf will bo stronger, so will the cow. Her flow .of fresh milk will be beaviorthan where it haaibocn drained Xraigbt'.up to the time of the birth of her calf., Nature and reason >alike favor this drying on". Havo.your cowa como in irenh in the fall always. Tho Danish dairy oxperts lead tho'world, and thoy declare, oxpori- ments domonatrato that a cow calving In the fall gives 25 per cent -more milk than tho cow calving in the spriug.-- JaredYau Wagenen says in Tho Bu- ral Now>TPorker: " Wo feed into tho man gers (tne hoppers) of our machines rough, crnde materials worth from $0 to $12 per 1 ton, and afferTmrayTmanipu- latious wo carry to tho oxprossorirelght Ofnoo a .product'-worth from fSOO to $000. per ton. I often think of this when I drive down on a light buckboord wagon with -tho equivalent of two or three tons.of ihay .and grain packed in pound prints.'" , When cowa como in frosh In tho fall and arowell.fed all winter,..thoy- keep tolerably flush of milk for six months. Then thoy begin-to fail somowhat. But ' just in the nick ;of ^this time of failing comes in thcurich and juicy Hpriup paH- turo, audtheroyou oro again, with cows Whoso flow of anilk iis;greatly .increased by the gceou grana. CowpfdM 'In ttin North. My experiment with cow peas was not very BatirtfiicioryT x sowe'd thorn on fairly good sandyJo'am soil that would ;grow IfiO to 200.bushels of potatoes in a favorable season. They woro sown Cbroadoast June 18, quite a heavy growth <rf rye having been turned undor a few , days previous. Tbeyjcamo up quiokly, but did not muke much growth, and Wttro overtopped by & weed locally known ns.baru or pi goon jgrosa. Tho season as favorable warm, with plen ty of moisture. Some that I planted in tlio Kurdeu mudo u good growth of vinoumd made pods six inrthes long, I Conclude that on my farm tlioy should bo novtn in drills and cultivated, I may oxporimont moro next seasou* Thoy wore sown with the intention of plow ing undnffuoxtupring for potatoes. From this year's trial I think that thoy can't toko tho place of clover for that, pur- poHfi. Glover requires a lougor timo to grow, but less labor and expense. H. F. S. in Buxul Now Yorker. A B"XliAW to provide wr draining a part of the Town of Esbox by the,, Improva- ment of the drain upon the .weat aide of '.".Vibtdrla street aue| for' raising-the sum ol 8133, for completing the Bame. . Proviflionftlly adopted ibe 1st day olJuiie, teo7. . .; WereuBAB, complaint has been.mado by John Vf. B-ordlck and otborn, nwnera, as abown uy tho lQfit royiaod AflflOBfltnont lloll of btae proper ty borelnofter sot forth to bo benefitted by thn putting In bettor repair ot tho drain ou tna >nruteido of Victoria street, bavo notified tne Cauuoilot U10 Town of- Essex that the aald drain was very much out of ropalr and re. qi'eatod the Bald Munloipal Connotl to pat the eaid drain In repair as soon as poeible, Akto \VHEHEiH. tnereupon tho Manlolpal aounotl of tho Town of Box oauea an (nomination to be made by Ja8. B. IJairu.O.L B., being a person competent for such purpose, of the said locality proposed to bo dralnflo, by tho improvement of the said drain, and has also procured plans, and estimates of the work to bo made by tho said Jamas S- Laird and an assessment to bo mode by htm of the real property to bo benefitted by, tho improvement of the said drain, stating, as nearly as be can, tho .proportion of benefit, which in his opinion, will bo derived In oonseqaouco of buou Improvement by evory road or lot, -or portion 01 lot, tho Bald asaestHment so mado being the aBResti' mont by thlo, by-law enacted to bo assessed auri levied upon tho lots and parts of lots hero itmftor especially eetfoith and dosorlhod and tho roport of tbo fiald Jamas B, Lalril Is as follows: To tho Mayor and Council of tho Town of Essex, In council assembled: Okntlbmen In aooordanoo with . Instruc tions from your honorable body I havo toVon tho notloo or petition qlRned by John W. Durdlok and others and have laid out a drain. on tho west side of Victoria street, from Block 13, south, to the Bear lload, a dlstanco of COO rods, and bop to report tluroon ae follows : I found the said drain very much filled up in moat plaoes and very badly in uood of improve ment- I woul<l tbereforo recommend that tho wold ditoh bo alennod out In aacoraanoo will) the annexed profile imd Bpnolncattons, 1 And that it will oottt, nil oxttonseB luolndod, ?IUfl,'to put said drain in a good etato of repair. Of this amount I bavo taxed tho Town of Essex for benefit to roads with $16,43. The romuiii fug $07,551 have aseoBBod ftvalnsb tbo lots and uartn of lota that will bo In any way bononttod by tbooleaulngoutof said ditch This drata Hhall to kept in repair by a tax on tho lands mi J rood now~ asflonsed and In tho samt' propor tion as now ussoBBfld except tbe ongiiiebr in ahargooftbo repairs deems lb nuceag&ry t> chanee the proportion on account of tho altered iiondttionfiof tljo dralnaae nyatoru. Aocowpany|nR you will And plans, prouloa, oRtimatGfl, Bfooinoatlona, assoaamentf) and nil iiiher papers noco eary for guidanao in tlie conntruotlon of said ditoh. X havolho honor to bo.Gentlouion, Yourobediont HorvanL, JAMI38 B I/AIltD. I;Tj H. Ksbok, May-Un, 1B07 Ah WiiKiiBAS, tlio Bald (Jouoll Is of tho oyln- Inn that drainage of tho locality described Is (luslrablo; lie it tboroforc ouacted by tbo Municipal Council of tho Town-of Krbox, purBHant to tho provisions of tho Consolidated Municipal Act r>r iBifi, and amend in tints thereto : 1st. This Koport, Plans and EBtimatosbo ad v_______1 the said drain and works oonnootou lerawlth be mado andooustruoted in aoaor mm ,& m mm ' $%m ! J/M$L 'WVR '-------- f.-.y.-A^m^ \\^'\y.s^m Tho illustration above is J^aing's ledge in regard to many things; WHM LAiNO'5 PLANETARIUM; Or<uJn Voddnr Crops. Wo havo had quite an experience in *oilig two covvh, beginning with rye ejirly in Miyr, outs and peaa in June and July and now foddor com.. All were Kood, but tho corn is tho loafit vvorthy. Pata and pounwero Hown early on Handy land, well, manured in ' winter. Thoy grow very strong and wera eagerly eat en by the cows up to tho timo when both were noarly mutnro, I know of. mo crop equal for soiling, . and I sowed Aug.. 1 again for hi'to fuoding, or to euro if tlie woathor bo favorable. Instead of foddor corn I ahull plant early sweot corn for August feeding. Exehungo. optod und the Bald drain and works oounootocl therewith be maf I'anco therewith. '2nd. That for tho purpono of paying tho sum of 907.55 being tbe amount asseesod oKiiinat tbo waltl Iandu so to bo bonofittful nHayornnaiil, qthor Mmn lloada belonging to the .Mnnlaipblity, the following apooiol rates ovor arid abovo all other riLtes shall be aBBbtiHod and toviod iu tho saino manner and at tho same timo as taxes arc loviod upon tho undermentioned lota and parts of ]o(r und tho amount* of tho said Bpooial ratou as aforoHaid Bballbo asBanscd and lovlotl nijalnnf ouoh lot and part of loc iu tho year 1H07, , Idnfcof lota and parts of lots in tho Town of Kbbo* asResBad. for tho: improvotuont of tho tlnilu on tlio v.'oat. fido of Victoria atruot ftom Hloclf lgionth to tlio Koar Hoatl. a o O a .8 u a p-i a a o si I* B.T.ll, it 'Bloak A.. ;&vv) 1' Culiured Ladies with roroe of ohar vtmi;* ,***y<>'4 noedi ig to oarn money, can learn 1 ow I^am:^ do >. in aflooj,,bim-'o, ' .. ml JAfaEZ GAXLOWAV; ..ddrofS, Toronto Obt, S(.' ftUENTS* I -n jnetvstarting:the host Uf.^*-J:jf0^ motty toaklngyoa have seen for Ktii^yd^.;'Tfinr pamoandaddroBawill bring "fe^e"gol4*n'ihfor|Maiibn,/ ! ,' m^'^M':; >' fe:/^^ ;v" vlv.a-':vi.':,". > ToaoherB, Barristers^; PhssU Pi,i'*^aar'*Jn*'.0Jft^vKi^l* ij/< ;ll~ I. ftlauffflls'JTor fitoak l^oodln^, ' If the ground ouu bo well propnrod early iii tho Bpring and tho aeod sown, at. that time, tho ehanoes for securing, u good Btand of bootH aro muoh greater than if the Bowing be delayed until later, One serious diffioulty: in securing a good stand of the beets whou sown Inter in tho season is, according to u. Rural'Now Yorker correspondent, thnt the young plants do not become estab lished before the ground becomes so dry thut they gaffer, if they be hot killed entirely froin ,tho drought The Mam moth Long Bed and the, Yellow Ovoid tave proved th moat satisfactory with 'itie. \ The Yellow;Globe hap not given bo groat a yield per acre as the varieties named. Mangehsiiko a doop, rich loitm that is quite warm and dry, A dump lowland will Bometirhea produce large yields of mangels oi.aii'imrerior'quality^ ?3oHats weekly and MlTw . Mechanical llofrlfferatlon. It would bo well for the creamery mob Who havo thoir old icehouses to re pair and to lay iu a now. supply of Haw- duot to inventigaie tho.cost and conven ience of mechanical refrigoration. At tho Kansas convention... it was" brought but that it took moro power to run them than was stated at ilrst, but that thoy did good work no person disputed, and by running than, throo or four hours every day, oven in tho warmest weath er, they would keep thoir cooling rooms at a lower tempevuturo than "they could with 100, and also, with nnudi less work. '. . - B<jott" wiutor Appio. Dr. HaskinH of Vermont is quoted as sayiug that. ' ' through tho horthwosfc, as well as in northern New England, espe cially in .Wisconsin, Iowa and Minno- Hota, Scott's Winter is considered tho horit apple for tho late winter market.. No other, variety so productive of such hnndf'.ijiuo fruit will grow north of the point Where tho Baldwin fails to endure tho cold. Violota In Favor. Prinoe'sa, ,of Wales is .an oxtromely fragrant violet. Swonloy White is a double violet, pure white and fragrant. Siriglo violetsarp.'popular, and amOug tlieao tho Luxomio riuikshigh.. Admiral Avollau is anothor Frenoh variety. Its flowers aro of t bright reddish purple. California>violets; 'mA usual, find pa; The Whole Story* 1 Early.batohed .pullets got to laying beforo cpldweathctfaudkep^ bo ;iibundaptly broody in March, yvhiob enables another* supply of early ba!tcho.d chickens, the pulletaof, whioh.will be laying before cold weath'er^omospn and lay, freelyiall through t^e^ipterl gjying'{ us another generation of early .broodert and more early, hatched' chickens. .vThc whole story .'Of proatable i^li^rw|iBiiiB can "ho^snmined up in three abort', rul es; (i^ffetc^tne>^ckJa^ 1* Plan 1129 11 3 80 CO 76 1 10 1 60 3 no it 00 50 1 00 ' i 50 0 or, 4 on a'00 1 m 1 Hi> 0.00 1 00 1 00 80 '7rf 20 8-18 0> 9'iO 50 :trd. lt'or tho purpoRu ot im* htu thu huiiU>( *[|R -15, bolnc tho total amount acBeH0d afjiihmt ihootrootaln tho Town of Kbbox, a suQloioiH upi'ol'd rato over and ubovo all otbor rates ylmU ':o levied in the Biinio nnmntir iind at thoaamn time an taxoB aro levied njion thrt wholo ratable liroporty in the,'Town of ksbox in tho yoar JWVr Hylitiw -fllmll bo publishod c for four oonsoeutlvo wooUh. 4th. That tUls nncoin evory wnolt In the Khhkx Fiikk 1'hksh, and shall oomcluto foroo oh and after tlio final pasein^' thereof. and Rbni] bo l^novra and may bo oituil aa th t Victoria strootPralnaRe By-Ijaw No, 207. JOHN WAt/TERH, GEO. ,T, THOMAS, Olorb. Mayor. I hereby ao'rtify that the foropoluji in a true copy of a by-law provisionally udoptod by' the municipal council of tho sntd Town of Kbbox oh tlm first day of June, A. D.1H07. ., ,,. JOHN WALTBUS. Clerk. Planetarium, invented and patented by Mr. Alox. Laing, of this town. It is an instrument nontly construct ed of wood and brass, and is intended to give pupils in all olagsos from tho primary school rooms to the highosc grades, clear and comprehensive! in struction on tho motions of the earth and other planets around tho sun, and also all tho cft'ecta upon tho earth and its inhabitants, which arise from its motion and relation to tho aim, such as seasons, tides, day and night, long and short days, eclipses, etc. We publish below a few of the many hundred testimonials received by Mr. Laing, which Hpeaks'of tho value of bin wonderful invention by our townsman: From H. U. PATTKNGI1X, Hupt. Public Instruction for Btafco of Michigan, for years 18!>'to'!ftO(I: Mlt, A. JjAINO, Permit mo to con'ipliment yon on tho .very excellent device you havo per fected for ilhirttrathig the many com plex problems arising in. connection with the study of mathematical geo graphy. Your Planetarium is so light and hIiowh ho muuh \vitU_ ho little moolumiHm and in no small a space that it will prove at once a popular'pioco of school apparatus: ----- H. 11. PATTENGlIjIi. Landing, December, 1800. From PBOP. J?7u. WOODS, Tioas., Educational Assooiation, Chicago : To whomit.muv conoorii : X regard it both, a pleanure and a duty to exproHH my delight in tho ad vanced scientific arrangement and at tractive' teaching tact of A, Laing's Planetarium. It attracts attention, arouses- iiuiuisitivonouH and puts tho mind of the pupil in condition to re ceive the iiuprosMive.iiiHtruution which this instrument, so aptly illuatratcH. It is tho most valuable aid for clearly demonstrating the motions of the earth,, moon and planets of which I havo any knowledge. By its uho geographical and astron omical studies are condensed into the eompvoliortmou of a look. Very respectfully, F. M.. WOODS, February, 1807. . FromO. K. LATHAM, Supfc, Public Schools, Kalama'/.oo, Mich. ' In my opinion evtiry teach or of mathematical geography, ovevy toacher of astronomy will bo delighted with your' Planetarium, It comes, to the aid .of. battled imagination in countless ways and withal 1 it" in ho modest and simple that .'it deimmrtH unstinted praise.'. Itespeotfiilly yours,. O. B. LATHAM. February 10,'"1807:" OITAULES Mi DAVIS, Bayoime, N. .1,, Oity Superintendent, writos : TeaoherK who like to i<ot liold of 11 good thing will welcome Laiufr's Plan etarium as belonging to that cIhhh, It is an hiHtrumonUinely:adapted for uho in the study of mathomatioul and idiy- sioal geography, uh well au that of as tronomy," It will prove-a great help-in simplifying tlio Hubieots of tides, eelipsoH, cliiiiatc and .tlio -like. - dliA11TjKS4-M. DAVIH,. September 0th, 18!W. had bafllod their imaginatibnand><i^ffli wise remained a mystery. !.; \'.U CH'/ J :~.'\':ft JOHN'GRAY,'D.'I>;^ffl Sec. Michigan Female Semijiy^rl Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 12, 1807/%;;1|^ From PROF. W..S. JACK3^5^|| cago Normal School.' * -'f:'$$!$ I have had opportunity to loojcii^wjl the plan and working of Ijaing'B;^ijto>|| eturium and believe it to be &:>$<mt excollont piece of apparatus,to.heHSbC in illustrating tho different relatipriflj$w tho planets and the sun. Its lighWeaipJl portability and simplicity ore .tr"o)^|a points in its favor. Teachers of math inatical goograidiy and nstronoinj1;.^ high schools and .elsewhere will ftnd'ij a useful aid to study. ' $ Very respectfully; v -^ . wilbers; JWSHJ^ Teacher of Natural Scierie^jf Chicago, 111., Feb. 1, 1807. :: r0$B I conour in the above, :,;'.vi'-M X. .T.-BLOOK,1;?:';'^ Prosidont, Marshall Higlx.Schibio) : -'-----\-"^W$ II. ~E. JIOYT, .fcittcvetary, (BoaraVM Education, Kalamazoo)*, writes iijvf Plcaso ship to the Kalamazoo SchtSffl District, eight Planotariums forvpt^ schools, all to be'. equal to sanipj^i shown our school board this day. r';4fijM IteHpectfully yours, .-H..E. Ht>Y'J\, March 11, 18!)7.: ,'.'.'.' F. W. HARKINS-A. M.,Ph,D^:S^ orintendont(1 institute of Tedhitt^l ;' jtgy, lucago, .writes: . ^t^ .Laino Bros.,, Eshex,. Ont. \',/{:zj$l I take ploflsure in stating that^TOa Planetarium arrived to-day.in perifgiii, condition." It is certainly a tine piepL of work and leavos nothing to be $eji0& ed of its kind.. f.wlS I trust you will meet with a wide mextonsiva 'ftinulind, , as. you certainly! Hhoilld. ' -..T^ftl ."A Very Miivch 21], 1807. respectfully yours,';;$im F. W. H.ARKINS;r;^l 3STOTIOE, \TOTIOK- la berob> clyon that a Coart of R LX> vlslbn will be held at the Town Hall, Kssex, on the 0th dn'y of July, I817, at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m.,, for tho hearing ond trial ct apnualR mudo apainet tbo above .auuoR* m* it, or any part thereof, in tlm mnhner pro- vfdndhy tho Drahintio Abt, 1B01. .A notloc .f ineli.unpen! to bo nerved on thn Olerk of thf MunloJpality nt lonet ten days haforo the fli-at lueotiocofsaid CoUrt, ... , And fnrtner notloo Is hereby Riven that anyone one intending apoly to havo an oh By-law, or any part thereof, d.uaBhed. must, hot later than ten 00 oe In writing, unon the pnitty of hie Intention to uako. app tbat purpOEo.to tho High Court at Toronto, dor erk of tho Mculol- uaboapplioatlon for :ays after the final passing thereof,, serve 0 itloe in writinR, unon the Ol ' - -- tt hie Intention to u pn . . V 7 _____ _. 1]'it (he fx weoie next ensuing the final pao&ljtf of this Bylaw. .. ' . , ,' . . JOHN WATjTERH, ; " V.iar}i. Dated at Ebbw, thle lat day of June, lfi07, ', VlplPerHla the wadingeeryi.^ iaread in! front of a fiice.'.^'^u^lijipftrft'giia'.'. the pi^est taVe8,tilia flner, 4ea'is rhem'-t^^ro^ A^: wttft .^^j&^lf iaatj^op tp"fcVb ,iti!L--ii*' r" From JASON E. II^IMOND, Hupt/ Public Instruction, 'for. tho State of '" Michigan, f8r term of 1907-1)8; Itako pleasiu'o in Hpoakiiiij a word for. Lain^'H Planetarium, a sample of which'I havo,had an opportunity to ex amine. It is tho most accurate and convenient, apparatus'.of" the kind that Ihavo evov soon.and is worthy.of a place in tho .public .schools 01'this "Xours very truly,-1 IASONF. HAMMOND, Lansing, Midi., .Taiiuory 4, 1807. QKVIIjTjE T. BRK JHT, 1)07, The Tom-, plo, Chicago. '..',,..'. I have somewhat carefully'examined Lain^'sPIaiiotavium; In pomt of light ness, simplicity and eftootivehesH,; J have never'eeeii any.piece of apparatus for a similar purpose to Compare with it. 'The teacher can hold it Wore'a class with no faiitruo.whatever; ; Jts workr iner; seom perfect, Ifc would be in- vauiftble in, teaohing astronOniy and, mathematiiDal geography. ', ^ ." ," ,: ' I cononr in Mr. ^Brigit^/en^orpe- .'!'.,'V:.' ':i v-A.:..; Babw;,;:;^:-::.^., From IJH.WM. K. H^RPEB; J?r^g dont University of hioa*?o : ; ' ^S Mlt, A. IjATMrt, if I havo oxnminod with Kreatiutoreftt the Planotaviiim and havo thtm#hfcH$? much of it that I shall be glad; to hayjEJ^ you send uio. ojne. of the instruments for'thouHonf my children. ' .M Xourn -truly,, "^M WSILU, HAHPfiR.^ February 24, 1S!)7.- j#& . yy'^.v^w llEV.' LUKE : KKN'AUl^, 0. -ii^$0! .writes : \ It is only M hours since I receive'3 Mr. Lamp'sPluuotariuiii> aiidj.dlrj^djR I (ind ifc a most unefnl .lnntrume^j{(n helping mo in illustrating and ,^6lvM^ some 'difficult problems,.' ",. . !,.o7]W : LUKE IlENAIJB,., O/B;;^ Amhovstlmv^, Out., I)ec. ll.XQUpi,^ ' r<$$i'r* BEV. FBANttv A. 0'BEIE^,Bei^ : >y-^& Bfc. Au^ustmo's Schpol,3Ko^mi!Sl writes : " ,'v.^'S&j I consider Ijain^/HPIanetarfni^jplw good thin-JT, and cordially cbrn^'gg to any school in need Of suoh'rai sirumont. ' " . !"'"-v',"-:!-X,"*!^5aj ' FBAN1C' Ai O^&EBg ,.."',' .' Kaliani^^o'jf^J HENBY '. BNYD'Ell,' 'Suptf rdfWvM -"""'-rjSVS Hohools. writes ;-,.;. -.: :-*/".'i;W6a ' 1 -:.yXVf '. ,.-.".',- ,l'/- V'yWVCTl-. Air inspection of your Plit'^eta^iun has nlVordod me much pleasuii^;y/It^ certainly- ft very iri^'ehioufl IfeftajSl feel sure thftt it can be Used'SyithSuKJ rosults. > ' :'-,!'--i-.'-:, ' '-J^ii'i^m '^!^ ,;.,'-':' ;HE^Y;sNai^fi ity;N.j;;;Oot;iri8b0^a .Tersey City UBBULINE Ontario .' iii-iW LINE , A:^E^r;<:ptiM \V/e unhesitatihgiy^'flo^ Laing's Planetarium*:to$$^JjTO seen, and ttiid. it ^dmJrabiyJ^a^ the study; of; th>1ea^u^ )S^ etc.. It Bujpppno'ff/riv^Mit';^^* 'earnetit ietix&^^'y^l^^^m "\ iS:H?iiB^ ^TbO Pi^esv^^;Apvil^%;rlo87SP

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