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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 11, 1897, p. 6

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Y.,<: fe.. , VA _ If^alc^-lA.yer's ;Pills|(Gnd you ..will' ^Bjeep:1>et:ter and wake in better felt-tonditiou for the day's Work: ^^vAyer's:Catliartic Pills have no ..^z.f^iequal as a pleasant and effect ual' remedy, for, constipation, 3iVi<^:. fciliottsri'ess/sicfc headache, and |$p$v;:;,W1 'liver "troubles. They are l4!^?/ eugar-coated, and so perfectly .**$&'" P^pS**2^ that they cure with- roij,'j" but the annoyances experienced ^vfc?1' la the use of so;many of the |i^'v:;;ipills on the market. Ask your &ji,-:; druggist for Ayer*s Cathartic |^|j ' JPills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's Is THE PILL THAT WILL ^ Rochester Council, Town Hall, May 31t. C, Laporto applied to tbo oouuoil to Oommuto bia statute labor iu front of hiu Jk>. place on Oth oou. road. Granted, and Mr, !;.,- Bylveatra appointed to roooivo work and ah- 10 number of days commutation, tbo work to 1^6 done before lfitn of August, 1897. Joa. Vorraotto wants'tbo council to ulcun tho ditoh on tho 6th oou. road, alontf. bis farm, as far us Betb'a old mill, tbouoo to 'tbo Rusoorn 'Eiver. Mf. Wilson waH appoiutod to look into , , Air. Yermette'ii complaint and to report at ^,;,,iiext meeting. ^4'v " X>w'birat and Mailloux, that Mr. Wilson &-'.'.' be appointed to. investigate Mr. Poltit's ** Gitrnod. i' The olerk w^a instructed to write Gov Tr. re taxes on 0. Uushlow'H village lot 32. Church et., South Woodnleo. : Mr. Taylor aBkefi council to grant. part Of the Hcuubq monoy from tbc villngo of [$?; , South Woodidco for thepurpohe of- making 3ewalks in paid village. Sylveafcro anil Miilloux, that Mr. Daw* W^,;, hirst be appointod to look into Mr,^ Tay lor's request, with power to act. Oarn'otl. On motion of KlesarB. Duwhhst and Wil- l^i'Bpn, the It jovo was aopolnfcud fco wuit ou \Mftidetjjaaju)tiiiicrt-"^ifcb thoobpjut of ugrrso- if poaalblo, upon tbo renpootivo por- of fundi* to bo furni'ahud by both Kjila (Mnldntono and, RooliOHlor) to itain that portion of road from J, A, in'storuor to tho "junction of wild I with tbo townlitni, mid piooo being ! io lieu of tho townlirio between said iBhipa. numbir of acaaunta woro pussocl, and leil adjourned to meet Tuno 1 1th. t: Jfli idpiiiitftnlie. lt$or^;;<|li^ ,t:d]j^^^^ over so thaV^emiflbt eat bot hedge "'^^B^raq t&? i By.ltt w No,' B^tcr-^ltor- the botindaries of Vohool sections 8 and * InT $pwoBblp ^f^pafiefdr.South waapaBaed. By-fiiw Nof 83 to ftbtobriZe o^nBtrnotion of bridge oyer Cedar Uroek, on Front Koad on Lako ah ore waa pasaed. By-lawa Noa. 68, and 50; Imp/osing/speoial; Vatta upon Iota & pfc'lS, jtafc cod.,' and Ufto W * t4A" Itb oon. .under tile.atone ana timber drain age aot, were passed}. The. Reeve *waa in structed toisBtte orders for rw6rk on Oodar Oreekbtdge.Tho following orders were paes* ed. 82.28,J.D.Maldtt.goode for Buobaaau, obnrity|; 888.50, Philip Fox, for payment of inspectors of hoga ; $2.50, Thory Wiglo, almrity' for Buchanan last month ; SU, W, H.flollema.advertiainfr,; 810.07, Peter Fox, aboep killod by doRB ; $6C0, Oapt. Dooee, work on Cedar Crook bridge ; 83, Leonard Malott, fixing bridge on K. T. Jj ; $8, Gordon Fox, olearing logs out of Cedar Greek ; 84, John Bruner, watohing boaoh afc *0edar Greek; 81.50 John Doaglo.9, obarity ; 8100, Ohriatian John Ron, work on Eodefdniin ; 87, Wesley Valado, refund atatnta labor; 81C, Goo. Goghill, work on aoraper; $1.50, Leonard Allen, aaraping ; 84.CO Ezra Fox, Boraping ; 8-4,60, Richard Uenderaop, Horaping. Council adjourned. _------------------ Borers in Poach Trees. Tboa. Hammond writea to the Aylmer Bun to give owneta of peaob orohards tho following Rood advioe : Permit me to Bay to peaoh growora that thia ia tha t\me of year to look for horera in-tho roots of their peaoh trees. Thii pest ia easily detected by removing the surface earth at tbo root p. A alimy aub- Btauce will be found at th<j roota with amall light ooloroo! worm, perhaps im bedded iu the larger roota. Tbeso borora rauet bo romovod or they will aoou deatroy tho tree. If thoy are imbedded iu tho troo they oan bo removed by grubbing bhem out with a amall wire. I might Bay that aomo ^rowora olaim that this pest can be romovod by pouring boiling water on the roota and the lower part of tho trunk of tbo tree without injury to tho troo. ,1 toy tod one troo tula way and found no in- jury to the trp^siiU I daro not recom mend this remedy, fearing it might dam- ago the trooa. Prevention ia better thuu oure, and if growora would givo. the baae of their treoa a heavy wash of aofc aoap within tho next ton days,.and repeat thia about thu middle of Juno, no boreru would appaar uoifc yoar. TU'J parent ily laya tho eggri that produoo thoao poata, during tho latter part of May and Juno; tho odor of the soft aoap in didtaatuful to hor and Hho will avoid thu tree that is tbu Rata rated. ','1- Oosflcld South Council. w- ; Saturday, May 20th. Court at Hnviaiou waa hold at 10 a.m. iJhoreAVore ouly a oonplo of appoala qol- iVraideredi the'bupineua. oouniatiii|; ahiofly in. ^'.;sfcriking6ff[logH and addiug a' fow namoa ;:'tO tbo aaBea^mout roll. Counbil mut in jS^regalar aoBaiou at Iguh. m. All momborn ^preapnt.: .Miniitoa or proviotrnV mooting fffiread and udoplod. Ou motion o( Monhrn. ^' Feterflun and llogoro, tho motion re atutulo '.llabbr of Jjot 12, paamid lit la^t mooting, ^'jWaa; reaoiuded. On motion of Monarw. Put* ;h;>*ann H..*t l.Vv tin petition pro'iontod at waa rofurroJ. to fciyibrBOifc unfT Fox, tbo 'jilttBt msotiny ro hawkortf' ^V'boudty oounoil^ . Mr, Putoraon reported S'haying ootiimucod; Mr. Mooro'a atuluto liiftDor^ for,:l yeara on ,B ^ 2(ia, T. It, N. Shimon Wjglo oomplaiued thitt wntfr lia'd |jffaahed.aveHy.,bi4 foot bridge, and waniod fOO'unoil to go aud, inyoatigat'. Wru. liut- tOJhiaa aaid that. ditoh on. north 'townlinti ' andhbould bo olyunod, ^(.j?. Shanjc* was appointod pommiaHionor. ^tlbi-;rt Goldun uddroiaod council in ri>IY.r- fijicp fa & j*h ttlemetib for- oonorote bridge '^(yiinp to' the btgh. water it would bo ex- '^UBivo now 16, make, tbo rnpuirp, uud ho fo'uld givo a 'gqitrantio for oompifiiqu, by ugust let."John (iraingor abkod tbattfij- riaiu through;centre of lota on 4th qon- ViBBiOit be cleaned out end aicopeued. j^mimb/;'iValiidei.,.ilwanteU nome ditching >p'poflita his plaou aud wanted tocommuto 1[^i;^tftjtu(.Q lfchor. Mr- PeHraon waa ap- joiRtod coininiflHOiJcr.' Jamoa Mu^on bad immott'd bia eta'uta labor, at d wautcd it ||;qii">V% :< f : 2'aud..;N i of 1. -KpqUeui taijted; Ho iiIho uala>d fnr tilo for An- feW'/Chupman for uau. ou Houthoide of ^h^piteanbeipg wdbug, to ooinmute SSjte^UW';); were' ,-grantorf; Horaorac'-'sh OrUuro. HoncradiBh p oJuonn r.o aeol, ao iH raiaod from aotH or piuoou of the nraallar roots cut'i ' to 8 inohoa long,-with uppir onjj Blunttug and lowor and fiquiiro. For culture in tbo farm'garden tbo noil Hliould bo'wall manured, dooply plowed nud.other, wlao thoroughly worked, thon markod out in rows and planted 15 to IB inolioa apart. ThtH ia done by making a hole with a long alitn dibber or planting atiok, or a Hmall light iron bar, and dropping tho Ht't, uquuroeud down, into ir, ao that tho top end ia Ibft slightly below tin nurfaco. Tbo aoil ia'tbou proaaod iirmly agniuat tho aot.. With oultivator or wheel boo and hand ho'o tbo Foil ia kopt froo from woeda un'.i' ttho heavy top growih tnukoa further work* inp; among tho.crop unneooaHury. " A hoaUhy appotitf*, with porfoct dlgoa, - tion and aBHimilation, may bo aocurod by tbouao of Ayor'a Pilla, Thoy oloanuo and atrt'iigthon ..tho wholo alimentary oaual and romoyo n-U obutruotiopu to thu natural iunotioiiu of either ;blx,. without any un- ploaaant ofiaota. ; "SST WILijIAMS*. pjpjIK' B!^BT03mp, ; THBIB HBAIiTir AN^THBiY TVWH OTHER . BXOFVSBXBm. TO KNOW XT, A XiBTXBB THAT WtLIi BBINa HOFJB Tp MANY.-^-NO OTHB lUBDIOINJE OBTH BVQlt VOIilTNTABX yitAiae. ' The following letter yritton by the Rev, Win. Xnwflon, Motbodiat minister at Bicbibuotb, N. B.,' attests in tbo strongest manner the merits .of Br. WiUiams' Pink PUls, and a perusal of it will suggest -why this great medicine is bo popular in thousands of homes throughout the . Dominion it cures when other medicines fail. Riohibuoto, K.B., April. 20th, 1897. Dr. Williams* Medicine Co., PeabSirb, I am glad to furnish you tho following voluntarily given toBtimonial, with the fullest permission to give the names and place. They do this as a thank-offering to God and your moclioine. Mrs. "Wm. Warnian of Molns River; (near hear), says her son Allien wns sickly from birth.- Ho Could hardly over retain food, and his parents bad but little hopes that ho would live long and the doctors who attended him wero of tho same opinion. Till Roven years or ago ho continued in that' con dition. Then the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was begun, and under thorn bo recovered and is now a strong heal thy boy. Mr. Wormon, tbo boy's fath er, also adds his testimonial to tho great value of Pink Pills, saying; "I (raftered for yeara with a bad back, un til I need Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills and thoy ourod mo." Miss Annio Warnian adds this evidence with enthusiasm and freedom. "I was weak and sickly and did not know tho blessings of good health till I took Dr.' Williams' Pink l'ills. I used eight boxes and have slnco enjoyed tho best of health. In fuofcl am nover sick cow." Horo you have tliroe mombors of a family restored to health by tho nso of your modioino, and you would aim oat oovet their good health and gonial ways largely resulting from such health. Thoy wish you to freely use theso facts to help othor sufTorora, and I am able as thoirpastor to certify to tho facts ahovo stated. Binoercly yours, , Wm. Xiawson, MotUodist Minister. IIS i Aa<J nmr " :'i'\:s""- Rtttatmbiir V, ftfW^i&iS Worth U.tfaf fjfb^th. brink WbM ibnU rflo to be forflver knownl , ' ,' This did fnU.Wanr.who y* ilpt unknown . '^/'<r.Hiilr,Mirr.l j Thlnlut thottiprohno tbat lhy remain on- ' -"'.', W^oin iboa knowatnotf , By nttol tramps'hi hbavou Uulr prttlso li blown.'.': oi DItUo their lat. What hall I do to ^ajp trnl ltff rJlBohargo aright Tho itmplojJati^with WiUh each dy la rift, -TOft. Vitb my night, Ere perfeotL qchua,of aotlpn thou dovUo WlTlifo bo Hod,,.'," While he.who Tar6ta as coneoteno cries Shall Uto, thon ,(iAd. v ' Bohlllor. THE RETIRED BURGLAR. GM American, Asparagus on Toasfc. . To cook uuparafjus, pare tho'ltiwor part of tho Hl^mn, waah well and.tio into lnu> dleu, hoado all onu way. Stand tho buu- (Uuh in a Buuoupaii, butta down, and uoarty o.vtir them with water; add a toaapoonfol of Halt to onoh quart of wator aud oOvcr tboHuuoopan ; boll alowly for throo-qua:- tora of an hour. It, in not noooamiry that tho bt'adH should bo oovorod with wator thoy, bcinti toiidor, will cook in tho. .steam, as ho on u fi tho buttH imYnuraod in tbo wator. Uavt ready a rneuVpJator oovorod with niooly toaatod broad, Lift; tho us piirayuH oarofnlly, drain and arrange- it on^ tiho toaftt.' Put a tabloapoonfull of buttor and ono of Uour.tn a' aauoopan ; rub until amoofb; add ^jraduullv a half pint of\ tbo wator iu wliicli the aapara^na waa boiled; Htirover'tho iiro until boilntf; add a Jiulf touriponnfu! of aalt, a daab of popper and a tabloapoouful of lumo.i juico, Pour this oirorully over the aopara^ua and aerve. - Mrw. S. T. Roror ia Juub Ladiea* Etomo JournHl. "More" Garativq power ia contained in Hood's S <i'- atiparila/thau in other nimilar medloiuoB It coatathopropriotor and manufaoturor more. It ooata the. joubflr more a\nd la worth more ip'the consumer. More Bkillja repaired in ts preparation and it reqi'iiies more rernfl dial qualities titan any ottior medidine. ;p3nBeq[q.rri'i \J "it;haS,' re^^r't'.pf yj'ojnpJpnrcA' ;^fitB;i((t,irri';areVn^^^ pM^'on. Hoii'ri.HrtftprllUi8 th*i boat ^meli^tie;':*ii^;:t^o*i Itopovta fr6m many of tho aouthcia and western States speak of oavthquako shocks being oxporioncod on Monday. Tho Washington Times predicts war botwoon tho United States and Spain. A Rohomo is being conbootod by sugar barons and capitalists to bring ma t- tevs to a crisis. Lieut Poavy, - of tho Unit pel 'States navy; will soon sot out to try once morotoilnd tho North Polo. lie has, obtained livo years' leave of absouoe, and ought to bo able to roach tho stick in that time. On and after July Ut noxt, Wood- stook vendors'of oigarottos will, bo ro- quirod to secure a Hcouho from the 'munieipftl authorities bofovo thoy can continue tho sale of tho littlo mischief workers. The license to soil oigrtrottos shall cost the vondorfl ^25, and if this and other regulations are not adhered to a lino of $50 may bo imposed on summary conviction, The annual report of-the PostofHco 3)opartniont for l8(.)5-i)(t ib to* hand. From the report 'of Ddputy.Postmas- tor-Goncrul While it"m>pearfl that on Juno :10th last there woro 0,1011 posfc- oillces in tho Dfuniniou, of which 1,I40 wore in tho Province of Quoboo. 'i'he total number of 'totters carried 1h given as' 15(1,028,000 I postcards 24,794,800 ; vegistored lottors !l,6(Jfi'ifi00 ; froo letter's 4,ft0H,H00.; tranaiont ncwspiwers, peri odicals, etc., $4,01!i,0Q0 ; prjitter'n1 o(M>yt photographs, otc;, 3,H52,000'; piiokagos, fifth class mutter,' a,H20,700 ; parcols,, post, !iai,700 ; olosed parcels for,United Kingdom" and other "countries 23,IWK). During the year JJ18 additional miles of railway mail Horvice' 'woro'cHtabUshed. The average daily railway mail service was 14,00!>, an incroaso of '>00, The postage stamps was ^a,TTl>,t>i>il, un moronse of 9164,1*71).- Th'e net revenue of the postofiice Was $3,11(14,014,, an increase of $1.71,324 , He Toll* of Sodh Vr)r UDploaaani Exp*- rfnci With Mirror*. "I have,had,"* said tho retired bur glar, " some very unpleasant experiences with mirrors. ' I' think I have told you hoiv I once firod at my reflootlon in a mirror, mistaking H for another man a mistake that I thought I ihould never make ngain. But within two year* nftr that I struck at a man in a mirror, and smashed tho glass and smashed my hand and made myflolf uncomfortable gener ally. It may seem strange to you that ft man could make such mistakes, but In a dim light, and where everything is strange to him, andhe'sollsortof keygfl up himself, I don't, know tut it is after all. Still, after that lost experience I did think 41 would be some time before I had any more trouble with niirjori. But within a year I bad an experience that was a groat deal worse than either of them. "When I camo out of a room in ft house I was in one night, on tho second floor, looking down the hall this wa# protty near tho front where I was ^J saw the figure of myself in a mirror at tho other end. It was plain enough, even in that light, but it startlodm* a littlo at first, and I threw up my gon at it. Oil course tho figure's hand wont up and down, just the same as mine di Canadian. ltov. B. P. Austin, for iihe past six, toon years Principal of Alma College, Bt Thomas, has resigned, and Kev. H. J, Warner, late professor of modern languages, has been appointed Prinoi- Ine^eflttoa are p^wpUy :.J^ed- $, n^*,$w<} fxhtrmmfc*?**1 <'M and it made me kind of laugh to think of it, and I could imagino tho shadow laugliing, too, at a man who was afraid of his own shadow. . "Then I wont into the next room, an^ when I crime out of that into the hall aguiu iny eyoa sought tho mirror ngain. It wasn't very pleasant to see yourself in tho dark in that way, but it would hiwo been a mighty sight less pleasant TKrtrto." But thon I waa all right, and I stood and looked at it a minuto and throw up my arm at it samo as before, just up and down, a sort of Unnecessary teat, but it made me feel just a little easior, and up wont the arm in tho mir ror with mine, but this tirno, when mine came down, tho urxu in the mirror staid up. " 'Now, don't raise your hands/ the man said,< covering mo with a gun iu ,his upraised band, voice kind of drawl ing,, but meaning business, you know. You know when a mau moans business, and this mtyi did mouu it, und I kopt my bauds down. ., . " 'Oh^Billl' ho says, not moving a mnaolo and not. shouting it out, but just kind of drawling it out like tbo other. 'Thonji man appeared beyond the man thut was holding mo up, coming toward him und me. .Ho walked right through tho minor, post the other man,. and kept coming. It was all plain enough then. In fact, I'd guessed at it before, as may bo you havo. The mirror Wasn't u mirror at all, but a doorway* an opening midway of h long hall, and tho frame was tho frame of the door way. There were rooms beyond, just tho sumo us those on tho side whore I was, and it was the doors of those that I bad aecn in tho mirror and not the re flection of those on' my sido.. And it was out of one of thoso doors that Bill oamo. Tho marrwith tho gun hud been. ready for me the first time I looked, but it must have boon that Bill wasn't thon. But Bill waa ready now, and he camo ou past tho other man, careful to keap out of his rungo, of eourao, mak ing for me, and ho camo around behind mo and took two or three turns of a rope aroimd my body und urnis; Thon tho mim with the gun. came up, und bo- twpen thorn thoy tied, mo up gooil and strong. Aud that was u matter of some four years. " Now York Sun. Legal KquHty. moving in the state of Illinois in tho intorosfc of equal ity before tho.Juw. God blosB:'thoui and God speed thorn in their righteous quest I The Hhumo is that itis.leffcfor the women to lend. Lot the ipoh inauguruto tho* mbvoment that will mako for justice. This cause has lost its newness. i It has had t,o pay full' price \ for - tho crudities and extravagances that gather. around every reform, but at tho core the de mand is a righteous ono, and it must be hoard, and ultimately it must triumph. Lot no one lowe boiu*c and let no one de lay .any logitimuto effort, Wyoming. Colorado, Utah and Idaho have fully enfroncB1aBd'"thotr~wbmeu- ' 'Eastward tho stur of (this) empire takes its w.ay. " ' --Oliioago' Now: Unity.!. i ' 'L~ 'J' '^^^^^^u ' I,, " 'f i "' *' Vv^^gitt ' ^^b i .V' ,T" ' Th i- ' I In CONBCMrTION nsd nil EtTSO DUEASf^ HUTTING 6VUX0OIK ' COt'OII, lOS OP APPETITB, PEDILITV, (ho. bcnonoiortni a>ticte'ar most miulTeit. By tha nfd'of TWft "D. A f^-dmulilon, I hT apt wlui-b bad ttoublwl mo Tor i rldotiibAcUpit ougb _______ aver * feu*,' idl lUra gilnod' eonddorablT in . wplfbt. ; I liked thl* Kmtililoh pO *tU X wiU alii wbB OM tiaio ume uduixi to ulw II. , tu.wwaiuu,o.a,iiontwi 50c. and $1 per Bottle. DAVI8& LAWRENCE CO., LTD,,M0KTRtAl. WANT&D-sWKBAL FAlTHf Vh M3JIK QB Women to travol for roBponalblo ostab- HBhodhduso In Ontario. Balary. 780, payable *16 woekly nod expense*. Position pormapont. Boforonoo. BnoloHO eeU-addreaBoil atompoa oa- velope. Tho National, BtarmnUdlncc, Chicago. Wanted A M A XT-TO BKLti CANADA GROWTH r\. lVJ.ii.1^1" li'ruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, BoBeft, UalbBandBnlbouBFlants.Qrape VlQQS, Small FiuUb, Bood Fotatooa, etc. Wo oataloauo ouly tbo hardloBtand most popular rurietibe thcUaueoood in tho ooliloafc climate a NowBoaeon ttpwoommnnolnRj aomploto outflt (roe, BiUary and oxiiouflea paid from start for full tlmo, or liberal coinnuHBlon for part time Apply now, addroBflluK naarost offlco, and olioloo of territory. : * LUKE iniOTBEKfl COMPANY,' International NuxBerlea, OHicioo,lLL.,or Montreal. Que. Is what you oan rely on getting whon yon bay from us. Our wa^on goes to all partaof tho towu. Buns. Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, froBhor, or ewcot- er iu Jhe oountry. All kiuds of Fanoy Oakea and Jelly KoUh, Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo aell nothing Btaloor dry. Leave jour Order and you can roly on prompt de livery. FRANK F0SS. Oppoalto Book Si ITranoIa, Eaaoi SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wilson Ave., noxt Aburdeon Hotel. Tho latost improved machinery for Ironing dollars'uud Cuffs. Will not oruuh or break tio Sviuy- / Famdy work aheap. Taroola called for and dobvored. . IJleaio call and try. If not natiafaotory noohun;o will bo mado, I our work sultE) yoiu reoommoud us to your friouds. Break Up a Cold in Time BV USING PYNY-PECTORAL Tho <Jtdok Oifro for COUGUS, COLDS, OROUI>, BKON- OB1XIS, llOAItSENKSS,otc. Mrs. Jobkph Nokwick, of 6y Soraurcn Ave.,Toronto, writoo:' " Pyny.I'wtflfBt li nnvor fnllml to cur my clilldrtiri of crnii|infuritfwU'>ui<. It niroil tnjiitlfofalonJf-atAitOlni* emiali aftxr niiviiral otlior roiinlli< liad failed. It. Iiiih Mui)jrovuilatixcillinit coupli turn fur uty family. I \>iU\x tt to nnvoUior tnadlDiii (of coufc'hH. tituup or Imara.tQcMd.'. -, II. O. lUnimuR, , of Uttlollochor, N.p "Ab enrn for emmhi l'yny-l'ocUiml i tlio ixist mlltiiK inwlloino Iliuvu; tay oua. tomera wilt linvo uo otbAr.". X^argo llottUj, 35 cts. DAVIS & LAWliliNCE CO., Ltd, Proprietors, Moh,tiu!\l I MKK*H^e ::'JAMES', NAthiS Takes this opportunity of annonnolcrVto' people oi tbo xowa.ana Count j of Viu&M be has remodeled the Ebbox B^lltr MUui, cording to .plans prepared byii N PriM/0f fi Thomas, and also secarodtuoBervioes ofBoM Btraeban, an oxperienood and thoroughly ,o , u % w^ilgfe Tbankluff the people of tbotoym andaoanlf for tbo patronage boetowod upon blrttlttttt pant, will guarantee satlslaotlonIn thelator^ " ' Jll-ffc Gristing and Chbpplng'.a*^ Specialtyv',':'".-->:-;";:^ to* Corttmeai VM The Best Grades a/'ffleur,-'&'}'? $$$ "' Kept in Stock and sold, ail:.^y:*/ 7;,': ' '."'i'^is .--. -'# Casf?, Paid/or Wheat and Oaiefj} D0:you]$de * ' \-\rm If so, you want, to hay^ the best there is^^lfcm ' :"i( everybody knows, that>| The Nobbiest Turnout -is to un. iriD at- Ml1 JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. Good Jloadtttcrti, J'Jasy Hiding JJuffffies. Comfortable Carriages. A Call Solicited. . &alisfaotio7i Guaranteed. North of tho . * Kailway Track. m Johnston Bf cs., ESSEX, ONT. Builders Aud ' "K% Contractors ,>i, -niiiiiiua in- British Columbia ' Pice Shingles.. $1-00 Up/ All Kinds of Building Material sJs//, DOOJv'S, \ v LATH and fgr Nnil^fuclloii <iiinruiUteU. 'Opp. Wftter'WorkHi ' ' 'fflSa ""' -"r'^'UM. ------r ---------r- %.:.'J*j|f' FOR TWENTV-SEVEN VEAR8 ;a ",'. ',V,'"X"w J'-fil.'. Mineral Wool. : 8ho What is this mineral wool one roads so muohabont? >.-' Mineral,wool? Why, that's tho wtoI: they shear rrotohyd^flB^orams,^ Now'ybrk^inws.',;'.'i;^i'^";; ' X GOURLAY & SON, ESSEX, OUKE OupsoJf linen, wool, fltraw, barfc of trees and leather were extensively wprw In Pgypt and ArablA iu early times and wore usually: -oi"-1^ -rpdlnte'd"i^'.pjS^SB^i s^yiw

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