heTjanpaa] Press, rr*r 'FRIDAY. JUNE 11, 1897. &= .. n j i; ftwife an 'Vicinity- W.vV ing^tiie June Bcaeions at Sandwlofi, >jtyiftrQN.OdtrT,:iiexfc Tuesday* ;; l |^tf jout s^fcav nats Ai Whitney's.. Ilfc$ii your clothing froin M. J. Wiglo Sria^Bults o^ clothes Wfc 'fiiko and; up K&Biottbtf laflt frOB ithe.,niut^9onaeont- iVo^a^it^dd. j 11: A pv- MiseTmIy Jambs visited with frienda Sitt'KingByUle last /wee*. ^,y?; A( Powana, ot .Betro^t, was a vis- mae feet' -week at W: S: Adams'. wITsb FbK Pratte ^ill be sent to oiew fgttbBcViberB to January 1st, 1698, for BO fetaUtt Wioub A 06-, axe. showing an lextra^nice range of parasols at oloso ^Prices." , ' ,, , ;.; t.\ . ,' bf Auborndalo, WiPhio, has been visiting In town the "&vpast week. , ' eJ^'>.;-Mb. akd Mrs. O. Jodenbon and ohil- $&r$ty;<?t IiepmlOgton.BpGjit Sirnday with "*"" iiVsiBter.Mrfl, Sisson, and other friends >3nVtd!wn. "';.,..., ' -' ' ^filtaTegBlai'moniuly'meotiiie of the ^5^; 0. T. XT. will behold at the homo ^ tt Monday ^afternoon at 8 'o'clock; |:;vBev. Mr- Burdett ^of Bidgotown; and Sr?S>'thur Milne,of Aubumdalo, Ohio, ,nro fen town'on account of tbo soriQuH_ill- fjifessof Dr.James Biien; fe; S-P. I'kanois is building an addition Ktothe rear of his meat market and Ed. K3?aazamaniB.^>ut.tiugn,pa.now shod at wjiisresidence on' Talbot street, 'fe'jTBs. Ij. 3?bank8, of Toronto Dress %;6uttiq; School, is ^n towtv interview^ tfink".,dressmakers regarding the now f;I*r|nohrMetbod of cutting and flttin jfus^Tjft," nagftid.'4' It is impossible w fitting. wvN-NYr" hsaaid. "it is impossible to t$;iake something from-nothing,'] . "I Sfliifldn't know about ihat,"'slie roplied, as [fc'iTi^pioked a long brown, hair from his ?5<softt'collar^ * .^Jy ^ Thb Synod of tho DioceRo of Huron, Ift^etin London, on ' Tuesday. All tho, ^ojergy and a lay rtsprosontativo are h Relegates. ' G. :r'.;Flor^y;, lay^dolegftte U^rOHi Christ ohurcn, Ainborstburg, has J'igivonnotiooof a roaolution to admit fc ladies to the vcHtrytmootingfl. i f J j,- HpW A. BaiiW, who hn^ .bpoji, in |S;'the Customs at Amhbratbutg tbt domic; l^'flftKon yoarfj as a landing waitor, hue Ijr applied for superannuation and Daniol I'lf;' B. Ijuokham has beou appointed to W, take his place. Mr. Bniloy has boon p/,;Bo ill for two years t|iat ho has not boon Jfc" abloto:do any work. ; ;; 1 ^^; Thh. Petrolia Advertisoi* is of.tho |v' - opinion that it is time tho Govoynmont vJ,vtook this Fire Undotwritors' AsHocia- ;tibnbytbo nock. Soon we won't, bo $;;- 'allowed to ubo a stovo for four of tbo ^. smoke Setting liro to our uoi^bor'K ^'^ b:oneF and the insurance buninoBH will ^Ji '^deed bo profitable ns thoro will bo $V; 'Absolutely no risk not dangorof firo. ': 'EiitEwisrii Sooiaij. Tho Lad.ios' Aid ot tho MotuodiHt Ohurch will give a BMt---' Strawberry 'and' loo Cream Social/'; W^:"in:hoi<ir of Dr. and Mrs. Faeooo bofore' ?/leaving Bbsox, . on.'. M. H; Hull's ^fr|,ftl-Iown on Tuesday: oyoning, June 1/ith, ^I^^q p_;m^ dhoioo musical solootions ?Wy. -by >the>:"Ohurcji Ohoir, Admiesion/.tS Ki^ents; elvorybojly qonie.. Mrs. MoKwan, J^:Av^ecretaryX;.A.',;.,, * .-^"^ $ji;,;". The Farmer'tf Advooato tart had a ro- l/J'^presontativo^nEBaox County invosti- ' ;i' ' gtitiug ihc ewino diHoaxo^ ' Of' o.ourHO ^ *there/ is littld or no swiuo disoaso in ff.^Easer Oounty at the'proeont time, but, ^;K the ^.dvooato^objoct.is to, show what,is K<; neceBBory'to prevent.butbroftks' in tbo !:%:'futuro. Anartiolem.tbo Advocato of S^Jtino 1st, blcoa up live coluums in thufc *'! $ paper and in of great intoKest to all hog [ji.-o;'i.-raieor8.; -: ."..". I^'V-'Mibs ..GitKAV^fl wishes to call tho * speoiaV :att6ntioii of : the: Iiudioa o'f !;.;Essox to her stock of \Mitiiir*iMny, of th latest Now Tprk nnd Paris pat- p; terns; aud'duriug' the inbuth of .tuno [ /will bo sold at dspeoioily,.low.prices. ".'/jiiftdiea slioaid not fail to viHifc her, show %Jiocms before purchasing their mil-" ^yfJinery^her1 prices are more to please JP$\t1ii*;most economical; Do':npt; miss ^^jiiB.'.'RoWen opportunity. Show rooms. - we^U'fl , Forest Frep TroflBf; ^he .Bev. A. 3j. Beverly;, o ; Mkb. "Jambs HtiiroaiNriwi i^> ^ana child have gone on a mpnth'ai visit to r^tat^ee.^.^^l^ottirg. \ "..'>', V- | D.on't forget ^toi see- the* new fln^ .baildtfpmerdeiifirn8 iri ^ftlVpaiijer iat Mtb> Ma^ajthe latest in the county., , ',' J At this.meeting ott^e Ontario Jledi- ctal AriB6'oiatipn,in, Toronto^ last 'week', pr^Sameon, of Windaor, was eleoted arstYioeP^dBident,; V ; ;.' , . - OnxE^jof Polibo Bi^Bb^^s in Sandwiob ,tM^w^ek(at&^g'thetJtine sessions as court oonstablQ and witneas, n th? 'Mulder case. ' ! Lieut. Cob.,' of the S. A.', Essex, whohad^beon resting for some three weeks, returned to her work here on Saturday last. | ^ V.' ,; Mns. Bekmeb and Mrs. W. M. De- Oew and eqn'left. on' Tuesday . to | yisiy friends in Cleveland, Ohio, and Pitts- burg^Penii. '. - : Tub taxcpUootor is' determined to have the balance qf the 1800 taxes col lected ioon(;iie having issued a number of warrants of diBtrosB this week. John Seaths; B.A., Inspector of High Schools for Ontario, paid an official via,it_to tho High School hero on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. 1 Notioe|-AU ^owners,; and har^orers of dogs wlio have not paid7 their taxes' are liable to prosecution and have their dogs destroyed after the -first day of Juno. The XjadiosofSt^ Paul's church will, give a laW ?ociali .on. Friday evening, Juno 2D^h, on the lawn at Bov. A. Ii. Beverly's. Furthor partioulara next week. ' .- f..... , fc Mbs. Jas. HoroooD, who hosbeon ill for some,eight yearsa^ 'the result of a paralytic stroke, roco'ived another stroko on Monday and has since' been quite low. , ' Onb trouble With our eoasous jb that they chango so Buddonly, that it js dangerous to put a big lump of coal in tho grato and equally risky to loavo iho Bouttlo in tho basomout. Tun. Imperial Bau'k^ of Essox, aro pleased to' receive subscriptionB to "Tho Canadian Fund for tho com memoration of tho Qtieon'fl Diamond Jubilee by founding' tho Victorian Ordor o^Niirsosan.Oauada." ( Huv, J. jl.i! Kickersj)n njid i\yifo, . of OholBOft, Mioh.,' are visiting in town withMrs. Niokorflou's sinters, Mr. Jno. Hopgoo(l.and Mrs. Jas, Hopgood. Mr. Niokorson was formerly stationed at Easox and hia many Montis in town are pleaHod to soo him. : W. H. KianiiniOV, formerly of Watford, has oponod up a law ofllcoin tho corner of tho Abordoon block. Monoy to loan at 5, BJ and fl per cent., according to no- cur ifcyl OolloCtingf.couvoyanoing und, winding up estates, a Hpouialty ; also .a numbor of iluo farms for flulo, I'noitforroK oxaraiaations will bo hold in South Eshox, Windsor and Walkoir- villcon Juno a^lth^asth, 28th and 28bK Tho 3rd 61 ass exahifi. cominenoontnoon on the 21th and tho Hocond clnBB at noon oh Friday. 1 TbCtirao is oxtoudod so that the ohitdron will not h'avri to crowd tbo leBsohs' into too short a space. . '"WiNDfKm; and Ehbox .Junior ^oot Ball teams will, moot on tho Agricul tural^ Grounds, Es8oxt to-morrow (Sat urday) ovoniug. Thoso two toamB will play homo and homo games for'the Junior championship of tho Pcninuuhir Ijeiigue.JEs6ex having won two games ftom tho Loamington Juniors au(l Windsor a liko numbor fiom Detroit^ Tho fesjiox team will lilcoly bo composed ofthb following: Art Oourlay, J Edgar, J Booman, P Gourlay, L Welsh, B ItiohardHon, J S I^iy.Qry A Jfcirory and 0 Baughmun. ' Tin; application of tbo Town Council for power to borrow $5,000 on deben tures will bo considered by tho Ijiout- Govornoi*-in~Oounoil at" Torotito,' .to day (Friday). Or, E. Fofsytho will re present tho Town Oounoil and W, H. Kennedy will appear for thoso opposed to th6 granting of tho tiower. : Jno; A. Auld, M. P. P., itccompanioil MoBSrs. Forsytho and Kennedy to Toronto, last (Thursday)! oyouing to introduce thorn to tho nionlbors of vtlio Council, at a spooial mooting of tho town oounoil on Saturday evening, > Mr, li'orflyilie was :iustrucf;ed to go toToroptd in behalf of :tho r'efiuest.' :i':.',;V.;.- ' , .' '.". ; -Tiiifl Queon'B Jubilee.day, Juno'ijOnd, will be celobrated' in grand atvlo at Loainingtou by Scotch games" ... if;, 'I'ifV'Essex.waBin town on. Tuesdrtjr and .und^islargo and.varied programme of ^^edneadfty, and will probably ho ap- attractions is bo oomploto that no one |;p^)iuted ::W, the Bectorship. 'of Ohrist ban aflbrdtoniias the day's sport. One ^J^o^ here.'* Mr. Beverly JeftV>0n, ^t^o^mpstpromiuont fbaturoB, ot rth ^iidaytb attend.the Anglican Syuod day will bo',a mounled* sword, ;cohtest JfeiSnffofai'.-! Should' "Mr<\ Beverly ,de-! ;bbt^een;Bonnie..Tban Cbrdbn/of Olii KiaeJtdappB^ cagb.'li^;, aiiclPrpf.^ Beid, .pf Wilke^ lEp^^pl;,:<jEurcli,-tb:e(;3newfl5 wbuld)^e b'afr^P^'.;.^ ^6061^64'^t^ a a^e^t ^^^^ pto., etc' Atphie Bcott,/ of Saruia, 'who suooesfully put up u- celobration there last,'frear, will bo master of covpmoniea, Mator JVEi> JoH^tiS^Jftfttatog1- iti&i lifc D AWfiok. bfDeWoit.i^ visit- ng herdaughter, ^v^-jfl|iaw. 35:-:-Mi!foeit *ofl ^ano^Bhirtii; ftiirft* Rt8^ ^jioyole.jftV^V^^^W^'ioaijB'.'.-'it mltb's., ' '" . /.v -:-r\r ^Ji?a EvA^AApfi, "of ^aJJtervUlp, h,a( teeuBpondixig a few days In town with friends.,' \ M. J. Wi*>t*B inakuie a sppoiatty of lace curtains and wool and pinion carpets. (: i \, :".' \ A nhw' Bidewalk/haB ',been- laid on Jjaird avenue and Alice street, Laing pros..,, did the work. Two-loads from Leamington are ex pected up on Tuesday evening toattehd the Strawberry Social. v , ' OoXiKOTOB . QV ODSTORye OoTT/ of Amheratburgr was in town, yesterday, (Thursday), on business^ .' B SofNiiKv left Jor Pinedale, Ontario Oo./onThurBflayvondwill take up his residenop there for th6 auinmer.' ! John Skehnb^ father pf Mrs/ James May, has boon quite Ul since/Saturday latjt with nenralgia of the heart, i A-BfI)..Vanzandtrclty editprof De troit t Tribune* ,waa among those.who waro'caUght in 'thestorm Sunday- Dn; J. E. Jonner was called to Mer- sea on Tuesday,to attend Mrs, Edward Cook^ -wijohas been very illwitt pneu monia. , , ,:". "! ' ' " - ' Cpuur of, revision oh the asBossment roil for the town will be hold next Wednesday evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. Wm. Mourns. noV omployod" at Gard ner Bros. Handle Works, Leamington, sponi( Suuday at, the home pf Tboa, Bob in son, town.; Quite a. numbor Of bicyclists from Detroitiand Windsor got caught in the Btorm bene Sunday, and had to stay till next morning. * i Mus. OoiittNS^ of Inwood, visited last vropk at F. S. Adams; and wpnt from here to Bidgotown to viait. before roinrning home. ! Miss Josib. Mobpen, of Bidgetown, was visiting for . a few days with the family of W. H; Anld, of' Tina Fiuta Piitiss, and left Ph Tuesday for Ann' Arj)or: .".v."1' '. Np Pjjav, No Pay;^! a ,week for, five weeks pays for a complete courso in tho New SvANiHji, Gottau System. Call or address W. 0. Sherman, at E. Ij.Park's Jewelry Store, ' tf. ' , Johk A. Brown was up before P.M. Beamau on Friday morning last on ia charge of riding a bicycle oh the side walks, in violation of tho. town by-law. pie was fined $1 and coats. 7 Bit. Jammb Bkikn, who has been so very ill the past week or more, is some better through the chances for hifl re covery aro' very slim. Dr. Inglis, of Detroit, was called : in consultation on Mpnday. . . Tina following is the final dieti-ibu- tion of license funds for South Essex for 189ft-7 ;~Mersoa, $.14.61; Loaming- tonv, $1S1).00; Amhorstburg, $a88.70; Maiden, S40.08 ;'Gosllold South, $573;- KxugBvillo,..: W.08 ; PotoC Islands Ml.47; Tilbury North, #114.78; TUburyWositVi57;87. Fptt Quopn's Jitbiiop tho M.Q,B. will soil tickets to and from all 3J.O:R. stationsin Canada and to sUtioria oh the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Baihvay, at singlo fare for tko_. round trip, good going Juno 31st and 22nd; good to return June'28rd. A. 0. Sfcim- ors, Agents Ehbox. , St mm ', On thw'spacifi aWtWo^uts,'one shovjhig a jfeirfiacti'.'tiie otheran im^rfeqt fiitiDg'^air of Gtapa'cs. When you go to a qualified optician you get fitted as the top cm shows, but when you deal,with BO-CAlled profriBOri and pedlars in nine cases out;of ten, you get fitted s the bottom cut shows. Imperfect fitting frames spoil pood fitting lenses. Pain, and discomfort ar(se from Spectacles or Eye-Glasses fitted in such a manner. We guarantee to fit .you properly. Give us a trial. . . IMPERFECT. % 'V-^.'-TT >M.MM.mz- \.'M*%r-> &>h&:/.ws*r \*,^>)M$3^nf5m ' Graduate Optical Institue of Canada. ' BSSE2C, - ONT. Tub. Biroptors of j-tho Public Library aroarrauging to .renew-', tho subscrip tions for their.magazines which expire July 1st, as follbwsi Outing, Buck, Oontnry,, BovioV of Boviows, Can adian Magazino, Harpor*s Monthly,. Youth's Companion and Illustrated London Nows. ; .'-. .' On i'liiOAY evening last, Juno 4th, Oourfc Leamington, No. t)8ft, Canadian Order of Foresters, was organised at Leamington wit]i tho following officers !P O E,W A Crardher ; 0 B, J A; Gardner; V 0 B( Judsbn A, .Morso ; Bee '$ea, VVilBou Vanitlour; Fin. tioo, Gordon Gowman ; Ohnpiaiu, Bov Joseph Gal loway J B W, Dempster -Wales; J W, John J ,B, John: P Ooyle ; Court'- PhyBioians, Brs PH Hughes and R Billior. Tins May meeting' of the Bur^d^^anal chapter'of tbe.CpUnty of, IJSsox was hold in Ki^Bvjlle, on; the S8tb ult., tho itov. IturaiPean Hiud presiding.) Tho,opening service was hold, atl\ a.m. in tho church'of the Epiphany, the ser- mpii being preached by the . B^v. E. Sof^ey, s'r,; and the afternoon session was held in the Sunday sctiool room. It was decided to, hold a convention of Sunday, Bohoo}; Tono^ Workora in'Essex. The Pev.' J.;;Bptry statedth#ttho>pishop of Huron:/had promsiedto visit Amhersfchurginv Oot- -ober, ond it was depided to';Ubld vthi/ convention about the flame; time, with the hope that to TEjo^dship^ iUfty be1 able to attend tioVmeWng:\;ri3& vble\ flihi Snath in ladies' walking shoes at Smith's. * TANshoefl for men regular price 98 for 91.25 at Smith's. : l W. B. Mannino, Principal of. the Public School, has been ill for the past few days fad, as a consequence, his room has,been closed. A DOUBLE quartette from Leaming ton will assist the Ebsox ohoir infurnish- ing music next Tuesday evening at tho Lawn Social at M. H- Hall's residence. Owing to the heavy rainfall Sunday evening last, Mr. Peetham was greeted , by a somewhat small but very appre ciative congregation. in the Methodist church who listened to the speaker with marked attention. Esse* is rather hard on Lawyers. : A few months ago Lawyer Kennedy was laid up with a sprained ankle and now, whether out of sympathy or just to be 'in it* with his opposition, lawyer Wia- mor, while playing lawn tennis last Friday evening, ruptured the ligaments of.the- ankle of hiq.right foot and is now wearing splints.. Mr. Wismer will bo laid up for a couple of WQoks._ Tina Lomoni/Iowa, Patroit, has the following to Bay of a young man who was formerly imployed in tho offioo of the Essex Piuoe Pkksh and who is well- known in this vioinityj "Dr. Will J, Mather, our promising young deutit, recently.passed au examination before tho Iowa board at Cherokee,' Iowa, and as a result reooivod on Monday' a life diploma authorizing him to praotiop dentistry in all its branches in the atato of Iowa. This remarkable sucoeas accoutuatos the fact, that diligouco and oloso application, coupled with good ability, accomplish much. This young man has prosecuted his studios with sucluoare, that though others who took tho Haino examination by his aide, fail altogothor o? got -nix mouths or yoar diplomas, his examination is ho i>orfoot and satisfactory that ho is promptly granted a life diploma." _ The Btoamor Diana, with the Hud son Bay expedition, has sailed-from Halifax., - ' Mrs. Waltor Edmonds, of Port Bow- au, in a fit of despondenoy, shothorflclf jn the broaat and died ehortly after wards, " : Port Huron oeoplo now pay, 35 cents to telephone to Detroit. It .costs Sarnia people 40 centa^o talk to Lon don the same distance.' ; . ( Premier Lauiier and party left Ot tawa on Friday for Now York where thoy, took steamer on Saturday for tho Old Country to, attend the jubilee colobration, , ' Mr; Dayies, who was spokosmau for the Gpvernmont.in the absence of Sir Biohard Oartwright, on Monday,.made the announcomont. tluvt tho .Oovern- ment ihtondod to drop tho frariobiBe' and plebisoito bills, for this session, iu tho compulsory^absence of the Prime Miuieter.'. ' , '. The gonoral.busihoasoftho Cahadian savings bauks shows a.oonsidorablo in crease over that of ithe previous year. Tho number of .deposits waa from 14ft, -. 085 to lo\yJ98 ;,'and the amqunt from $7,4.88,028 to $8,lS8,U4r.:, The aggregate balance, including acoruod intoreet^on June^80th Was ^28,982,029.08 orM^ffl,* 887.41 in. excess' of thp,balance at the olose. of the previons period. The aVerage balance at the oroclit of eaob dopositor advanced, from", S222.22:,;tp ^J28.82. .'The. average, deposit in 1895; Was $52,11 J jiii 18j)0,;it was $52.8?..,;'. , ;Le;amiflg^I^e;^.e^>p with player? 'ij^^r'V^^^M*^^'^-!^^.!W ^ ". .MqCAHFKBV^At'EasqxvoivSunday^ Jartc'6th 1" 'to, Mr.-and Mrs.. Win. McCaffrey, a soii.-, The contmu6^:Cob||#iather'^^-ii Over-Stocked in ma^li^esi^-Sil*1 must be Sold and Money raised ajK once- We have given up all ;hopl!i realizing a profit our lossv w^I Seyo^ isa; gain. Tne following Goods willbe- '(m, feredat \i-:iSi ; -'"ti-'i'itj .. . .-..,.' '"^m * - $ TV.:' . .#) * ."l".c', '-.',,"'- .~^/*-j*flS Plain and Fancy 'Dress ';Q6&dSm and General Dry Goods, Ready-Made and : Ordered Clothing, Hats and OapsJ i i ; > Boots and Shoes, Etc. "' ;.lSJ Prices "Will "be made so low you nius|;^ buy Oome-ln early and get first choiqelf as low prices wilt make sure sales./ WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX- . '..,"^11 ;.'ij THE J, W. DRAKE Furniture Company, Windsar;^ FihdingV:rioney^;i|! 'm& our wareroqms'ar! About as Good Xsw ^^^Il^E)I3Sra- :# MONElg Coiiches with Fringe all Round at ;$.; 5 i$ Bedroom.'suits'at1'. - - - - 10;^ Parlor suits at - $18 QO & 2l$ Extension Tables at * ^ . - ^^-v^'v-y,; " ARE SOME OF OUR>>S^ 'm^ -)o~x^o(- AU Goo4s Shipped, Freights Prepaid, and Safo Delivery at S&p epot Quar,antee No. 11 Sandwich street,."Windp6r^<3roS , ;. M^^ m Look for tho Brass Letters on the Sidewalk; tliat's where';We-tiiTO^0y$m Treasurer's Sale of Lands for ;|ai||M "^ .c:^:^M > ^~^Wi:'^s$m Town of Essit^, To WiT:'; , pf the said town, mc to levy upon th costs.'*. "f :" ' " ,' $f]oyrM "EMOjt, in the Gonpty of .Essoxt and authenticated by. th^'cor^^a^lfi waring dale the 2oth.day pf Mprch, i397 ntl toraejdlrected^o^i^tp je following lola or parcels of land fyr ..arrears . of, .taxes'.'dytl\tn'er^'n|4S '! '0^'^^at :dxcs".'ftnd,:,co3ts;,arfc:',3bon'eripa^^^ Oiirof ten o'clock' "" *tu*'v(t\tennnn^i>'n&}>&M ^.PubucAuc'jionl tcofr,aji may:;be suflicleht -to pay such arrears of taxes and-all 1 n. -,ii.'M(. ",[,'< Ihereby (;ivo notice that.unlcssthV^aid taxes'i .,_......v . Saturday^ t;he 17th dfiy of July, 1897. at the bour;of ten o'clock' in,, the! .forenobniyMM -HallKiri the Town .of Essex,proceed to, sell by';Pubuc Aup1i6n|^t)^:-'i(ft'iJo!l^^^!OT