^adewayBVand in Nothing more'than ^^;^ort^:^iff)6 ^^^^^.^ftt &feMv(W mtBrion'td'p^t Lew notions' trtttfti aill^Mitwr ^There's tio'suggeslion 6f claptr&p and never any attempt at'hiHreptc- JKm< IWIhat wtlfHlNT i? read oa an average by-hundreds of people1. That's constilu-' IK^eh tcrmak^uj care:fil In tlje use of words and doubly careful t^ p(t nothing in; the ferfhariBh'tJhthejlpre. " . WEA^IN? mSmt a!*0 vwiakvtp set. goodireading cheap * rnv-fcfpiptt.epvered .books wiH b^ ^,r i^inlouif assortment.'" This )ist( gives M^^iW&p> . Ml. b/ H. -Rider, HnRgard.. ^Bft*!e&<Xwtf:Sitti i" 1iKtt)meV--- . " feUte^iJ ': J^?3SJ7Wa> with-HerAIf" ^teRa,.Jtt!Mte, "Fortune ,' M'DicV5'Dax]iing; v !'.' ^-MaKWife or widow " *VvHiywrlght'fi daqfchterrt Bertha'U. Cloy. W. Clarke Russell,. Chailes, Dickens. H. Rider .Haggard., -Wilkie Collins. Bertha M. Clayi Mrsj Henry Wood. Mrs.E.BurkeCollins Rita. '"-Bertha M. Clay. The Duchess. Mary Cecil, Hay, Florence Marryat. L. T: Mead. Clarence L.L labelle. Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Annie Edward* 48c 25c SHOES. : 125,'Pairs Ladies', Mioses' ,and boys- Oxford Shoes, roynd and pointed Toes, tn Dongola, Kid1 and Caqca Qa\fc fbegu- lar price fti and'$i:5o pdir. Odd1 sixesV your qhoicfi for...................... HOSIERY AND QL0VE8. Ladies'Tan Cotton Hose, full1 fash ioned, ihigh spliced heel and toe, fine quality, .at.........f..,.,, ...j,..,..,,, Ladies' ^i/hUe Cotton Uo^c, silk finish* full,fashioned,'special at,T........-,,. 35c Ladiea'^lack Cotton Hose, fastblack, : full fashioned, ribbed tops, at 2 pairs' for 25c " Children's Tan Cotton Hose. Sixes, 5, & 7i 7$ and 8, frdm....;.i....;,;.. 15c Boys'Black Ribbed Cotton Hose, fast' black; from....,....-..,..,. ..w. .,.,' 16c Ladies'White and Cream Silk. Gloves, corded backs, at.......?. m^.....-V 25c JLndica'White, Cream, Black and Tan , . Lace Mitts, all pure silk, fancy backs, at 2$c Ladies' real French Kid Gloves, ,5 and 6 hookiacing, in tan, bro\*ri and black,n't 75c 1 , _ 1 . i . - /'.'Marty Goods here are|totally different to anything you'll see outside and prices ipositi vc ylyJbelbw anything you'll 5nd' anywhere, every reason why they , should be' with, buying and (selling, advantages. othr stores really know nothing .of- Special Bargain Day Every Wednesday. . - ;" !;;: i< [{'^ w ;h endershot. Alway* Hlghoat Market Prlco Pal J for, Butter nnd Egga In rolls or oroohe. : .0 ! Wool ! Wool ! TBS p3L0O,oq Lbs. Wanted at m ^^^The K-idg^ville Woolen Mills. w.v.-* *^^v..- --20c.::GSili/22c,- to 24c. Trade..... -.: ' '- ^;K:f>.Puif1;'jT'aginnB are out onthoir'old ronton. Ho]d your Wool until thoy ^cail.onypu.., '^ ..: .'.':':. THE BROWN &W1GLE CO.. of Kingsvilie, Ltd. ft')"-',-. ;w-# SS?;*' * v ,' TV -' iA TKe' Essex Free Press. bnETt A: AULD, PnOPHICTORS. EBIDAY,-JUNE-11, 1897. !b.' CJowan'h Aliou liabor bill paaspcl d reading-'on'Monday, iu tbo [b.'-'Gasb*,b bioyolo^ bill wna put W& through comiiiit^oo at Ottawa,,on Mon- Ejj^.t.Jiayj "without atiaondmont, an^tpoeivocl p\vita third roading, and will now goto the Senate. . K;^|J. P. WniifKKit, Loader of|:tho Oon- wf^i&rvatiye, Opppsitio/in tho ^Ontario P^:liegiBlaturo^WiUactdroa*ia meeting in fll'tbe Opora Houeo, ^PindBor, this f(Vvi~ W'i day) evening. , Ho will bo aeoonxnatiiod ^ by MesBTB.Willoughby, St. Jphn . and W:;,-Mfttheflohi .M.EPi'a."-andJoUiorB* firf^'py ol'tliodrow'sNGst'PaHe aoroas tho tyh Bookios, 'toriniuating at EQHHlaud In [4: . refcnrn fov this grant tho Oanmliah &':;.Paoiflo binds itaelf to ooncodo running @;' powers to any ami all. other railwayb. ?|-f'.'Thelobal 'froigliV-ratofl at\d tolls shall P/^r be under tho control'ot tho Bailwny ^ dounoll.giAlV <iM$: freight ratoi^upon goods Hhippod from M^:;>hy:.point 'on/the" extonfiionl^o ,.any 'M'point on tho 0. P. B.; shall alad bo W;-y. aubiGcttothe control of the Railway ^p;Coromittob, and;tbo powers reaorvod ^5?*:.: 'shall.'be vested in any railway, dommic- |^;>^ion'hereafter nppointotl. In offectithis p/V?giye*i.the commission,-when appointod, #i^|ull control over' all froigbt rates upon H.B/raylor aWAlliflOn 0. Tliraahor P. Koaue . W.Ohnrcb, A. Dix6n H. 'Poster A.. jGourlay 'fa B.'.Balmer \B. Courtney half backs Forwards H. Holmes A. W.. Kelly iP.Pi^gott 0. Shaw A. Andorou, B, Oook 11..A, Sturlc M. Sheldon At the tjiboral Oauoas in Ottawa last wpekan, announcement was naado li'"/ concerning tho Government's policy on K;': the,brow's -Nest Pass ^Railway. t rXho :; result' of. the, prolonged negotiations was tho drafting of an agrboxnon^un- der whioh the 0,p. B. will got a'bonus , J of ^11,000 per mile for the oouHtrULction ||5 ;. oi880 miles of railway from IJetlibridge thrpugh the, town of ^oLood and by KofoiJoo- X D. liambnt.'. Ohatham wan the tosa and on tho kiok-oit the ball was put in the pos- HOBfiiou of tho right whig of the Chat ham forward lino. During tho pro gress of the game bothgoals were press- edhard time audagain, and the goal tendors wore oallod upon to show thoiv goar. Fourth; of tho Essex team, is a star, and his equal at, the position', ho plays would, indood^bq hard to find. Ijong shots'were literally rammed in on him bat to no avail. " , Paring tho first '* half of^tho game l)ixpn and Poster lost easy "chances to Hooro and the first half was over with out either team Bcoring, Wlion Diion kicked from centre at tho beginning of SGconnVhali' tho ball was carried through the OJiafcham dofeuco and Dixon shot a hob one: whioh Hicklin misjudged.. TJie hall' .struck the top bar andj|bound ed down anfl bobwoon tho posts; but the goal x^mpiro, no doubt out of sympathy, fpr his h,ometoam,dpQidod that:the hall went over. ; Essex boys kicked Vigor-? ously at thisHnf ringoment on their good nature beqause admitted by several of the; Chatham team, that it was an honest goal,; and even tfte goa^keieper was con- &dehjt' it was a goal for; he, ithrew the ^..- . ;i - tiWifie'llfor a centrd kiofev, ^The ^y^!t^-fl$d^>^UaW^V^w^';t\:totodjw Sff^re ^Aw'-bjos.|sm33^V -t6: .;^ .niirt />nrdta^ w' " " " " "^ ......... "...... ;.V.,ttI l^rimade;,,beginning" in 1808, on cortain ft'v;"f8peoifio^,' classes of mprehaudieo frqra |>;;;, Till points : east of' and ' includirrg Fort pv;WUliiVfo,' ranging froni .1(1 tp,.3 per, ^ -oient. States .upon apples -"' and other ^;fresh; fruits will .be redt^oed 88 per( ^^'b^tjiAji'Jmilioytoit" cBriBideratiLn;;^or! fe'theV^^t-grpyera' of pnWloV .;k, '.re-. Kj.:; du'ctio,n.,6f."; ^.p^/^en'^wiU^be^.aaode, upon all wheat and flour, the principal freight from the westj, willbe reduced 1J cents PorlOO pounds fortheyear 1898 and 1J cents additional in 1899, making throb oontf* in all below, prosont rates. This reduction and all others made must remain in force always thereafter. Tho 0, P, B. agrees..-to convey to tbo Dominion" Government fi6,60O acres of picked coal lands, part of the laud ac quired by it from tho Proviuoo of IBrit- ish Columbia, in consideration of the couatrnotiou of tho railway. Foot Hall. The spoond game botwoon Chatham an4 Essex teams was played on tho Chatham grounds on Saturday last and therosult plaoos Chatham in tho finals witli \yindsor for the Walker Oup. Tho teams lined up as follows; . Essfcx, Ouatham:.- X Puerth..,..- Goal ..;'. ..P. liioklin A.W. Koauel ; ?> , X Gourlay ) BackB OQd Bflored, the aeoqnd goaVloKChathamv Olio score fitpod thus at;thecloae. .-The ftbwn<je fitvi 8tottj6ri> $*. Jhalf back line, mado the.|iSB,0X-4efenoe tweaker than when Chatham played At Essex, -where the fine combinationplay of the < Ohat: hamforwards.. The Essex .boys intend having Chatham ' play . an exhibition game at Essex- shortly when they ex pect to redeem themselves., - ' '. Jn the Windsor'Detroit; foot ball game on Fridoy lasty Windsor .won by 4gbalsto0. : ' '". , London Methodist Conference. ,, ..... i p * ' ^^^^^ ' .' * In tho election of the new ' President of tho oonference'fot the1 current, year, Bevi Stopkeh bond, of Soaforth, was ohoBen. Bov. G. F, Salton, [ of ' St. Thomas,' was elobted , Secretary,. Bev. X E, Moore has, been transferred to the Bay of Quinte conference. , , ^oys. Alex.Sbratph and Wm. Mc- Donagh have been placed pn the super; annuated list. P. E^ Molott,\ A. O. Alexander and, 0. W. Kennedy are ropbmmonded to aoljoge and among those who wore ordained on Sunday. last to the fu.ll work of the ministry were L. W. Beid and Byron Snoll. Both former schopl teachers , in Essex County.. / i , Changes have been made from the first draft of stations in Windsor Dis- triot whioh makes the final draft as follows: Windsor John Boy- nolds and E* PesKaut, superannuated. Walkerville AniherBtburg 0. W. Brown, B. A., B.-D.--: .-." Hari'ow W. H. Oooper. , Essex Gorliam A. Gifford, Ph. D. KingsviUe B. D. Hamilten, W. MoDonagb,. superannuated. :Buthven W. McMullou, B. A. Gesto-i-D-H. Trimble. Cottam X'B. Kounody. '. Woodslee . Maidstone -'.- Xeamington-^-X Galloway; A. Scratch superannuated. South Moraea George Baker, (Lea mington,) Goldsmith John Morrison, fWuoat- loyoy . Comber J, l, Kirklaud. Bonmey Peter Myers. Poleo tsland JC. L. MoOutoheon. Among thelist.of candidates for tbo miuistry were D. ^W, Harvoy, of Essex, Tho latter goes to Ethol, in Harvoy, of Buthve'n, and J. X. Stewart, "VVingham Distriot. W; Godwin goes, ijo Godorich; E. Modd to Sarnia; Walter Ayors (now at Woodsloo) to Point Edward. S. W. Muxworthy to Tooswator; J A Snoll to Bodnoy; J GPallisto Hamilton Boad, London. Cooforoueo will moot next year at Ohathara. ' '.. . Bov. J. B. Gundy, is chairman of Windsor District and' Bov. W. H. Cooper is financial Secretary. Bov. W S I'ascoo is chairman, of Wingham District. W^. Vff* Public School Notes, " Ebhox Public School weekly oxaminu- ations. Miss Cameron's room, junior Third olass: Arnbol Robinson, Elwood Mounteoiy Willie Naylor; Graoo Green, Gobrgimi Gosnol, MnmioDoan, Gordon Bobinson, Stanley Stone, Dora Paul, Ada Wightman, Aimer Binder, Bossio Sinclair. Senior Second: Atla Stacoy, Daura Dibbloy, Cordip Wiglo, Ernie Bush, Louise Trow/in, Minnie Baugh- man. .'.- .. Miss Aitohison'H room; senior Second olassir-M Biehurdson, H Orasswoiler, D GoBliu, N Willshor, XI Baughman, D Wightman, BSears, 0 Auld, AWftlfo, VTansloy, N Groew. Junior Second class: E'Gormloy, U DaviHi V Hihes, BHannan,:B koowu, J Pootham, 13 Lewis, M Bobinson, G Hail, M Cong- don, M MoParlauo.H Bussell, G Dib bloy, G X^orsytho, Miss Show'tt room;'junior Part Soo- oud class: GrncioAVigle, Myrtle Del- more, Blanche Domau, Prod Tansloy, Wilmer Pprsytho, Arthur Leo, Janio' Wolfe; Willie Anderson, Stanley Brown, Nellie Lippatt, Biohard Waddingtoia, Addie Allison, Elvira Wethorley'Olive Dibbloy, -, Miss Hall's room; Albert Gardner, Kate Hines', Acla Biehardson, Ethel Bobinson,:Mary CottoH, Clara poster, John Locke, Annie,' Eustace, .Ethel Wobb,M^belFord. , , Miss Cameron's room; jr. Third: Composition, Grace Green, Willio Nay- lor,Ethol Dolsen, Arabel Bobinson, El- wood Mounteer,; Man^ie 3)ban,1 Etli^l Laird,Myrtle Thorn ton, Gordon,Jtpbin> soh", Bessie Sinclair, Georgina Gosnel,' Dora Paul, Lena, Allen, Aimer 3?inder; Sr. . Second olassj Laura Dibbley, OordieWiglaiAlvin pplaeh,Ada;Stftoey, lAlfretta^Ooreyt'":'-". ' ^ lyiiss Aifcekisoh^ room; 80^10^ Seood olass^M Richardson, B Deaniv^^vXaiBfei-' iiE% Gr^BftweUer/'i.jBl- Banghmon, qiAuld, Y Tanolej5.v, ;,;; :> WMfthaw'-flMjojoar ^eniorPart'See- oria Mftsssr^pe^^^^ v 1 P.5 , Goods^ejeot^ wi^h^gr^^aft;t^^ thd'b^^a^e Carpet's, 'Ooxpet./Lihuig^atid'St^'iP^dB^', New Goods at oIobb prices. iU-Ui Aid li^e: ]?r^ -Bx^S^4i fSN^&^&x^MJ .to our fine asHotfcment of Window SHades,- Lace -QurtainB. ^tJniok ^^^ J^l-wdiSl^sS .X I ivw' nuJ 'QiA.'lI U n s\ t*. MAW* llyVA Jt<rt ili. 1.m.a. -a->*J>a.m , . \,Ji{^^ "'/ '4s&, '0 1 M .' selection of our Summer DreSB'Gooda, Prints* Gloves, Mitts, Hose^ Vests, 'Blouaee,.:;?5| Belts apdTie^,,/ ;,';' ;,\>;"'-.'"; "*'.."/ w Our New Parasols Are Elegant. We haveiiotForgot Range of Suits,SuitingSi Shifts, Collars, Ties, Hats, &o.^is: unusually large 'and attractive, and Prices the .." 1 'Lowest,: ? ...-( .,!:. OUR SHOE DEP ARTMENT^ Is Replete with the Best Goods in the Market. Ifew Cold New shapes and Extri Values, , . Our Grocery Department--l8;^l^g^ as ueuaL i%i 1 W COME AW SEE WHAT, WE ARE DOING. m J. WIGLE & CO DTJI3,S*A1T BLOCK., .ESSES. , ' v 1 :i;*< :^:.:M SPRING DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HRTS, CfiPSF BOOTS, SHOES /WD GROCERIES. :' it Special Lines .of'TDincss Dress GroodSi Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wool; Black Liistresas low as, 25c per yard. " 1 Fancy/.Bia'bk Solell at very low prides. ', Fine Line of Prints tor5o'per yard. .;i..- , GXiOTHING. y . We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. - Hk. BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies' Oxfords [^ for $1-..' Brogans for $l| ^|| Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices- "Vc-V. GROCERIES, We Lead the Trade in be$t G-oods at lowest ^ prices- Try our-25c-Tea and ii not proven mbney refunded. 0a!'?| " """"" "*M & Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, i' You Can Get Ono Parlor Suite,'^ Oao' Bedroom Sinto, Ono EKtonsion Tablo, One Sideboard. Six'.Choirs',. One Bockor, ' . ..,' I I I All For Iron Beds, Baby Carriages, Picture Mouldings ana Evorythiug in tbo Furnitnro Line at Olo^o Prioes tho BeHt Goods iri tbo Markot the bulk of. which is'our owu manufaoturo, thoro- foro wfl will guarantoo ittjio est *' * Undertaking A Specialty. First'ClaaB City Hack's iiLattQiidarice ', whpn requirecf. ' All ol'tbe above to bo bad at' Esbox Furaituro Warevooiiis. J. A. HICKS & Co,, Essex. Baker and Butcher. TfXBolcloQfc.ljuslxidBa in tov^a. Esbablieu6 .IB76, Flret-olaae bread and ^ake^ oi al kinds. Weildtng oakeH a Bpooie-lltyi Groooneo roviflfona.notir.tood, suit aed pork. Coutod 0pnnpdj;rttit8(iad P1 tlooory.orookory.RlQBawaro. CanneiUrutts vegotableB<of all kinda: i Goodo promptly 1 TeredtoallparUoItbo town. J. M.1 Hl( ne' 0Kb Cook's Cotton Root Compound r Ifl the only fltife, rpliftblo Monthly 'medicine oii ,wWc^l. ladles can depend-In the hptirl.ahd time pf Hccfti . MBpreparedintwbdegrcei. ,/Nbi'X^ for'ordinary isbyfarth^beBtdolliurtnediciriektiowni ;,,<>;; for;'Bp)?ciI ciisrr0 ^re Thrte DoMar*; tw^^olce*,Flv^liolhirs. -.'Vliifiv/ij ".'tjfiSi # *4 -ftfm Is Selling all Goods for Cash. Try !him-...... Removed v To Corner Aberdeen Blpd^ ^'^ >4"M The Shoe Business of,; thils Store h^a: beefchallt^^ on its Merit Price nrfl^ F AOT; ; . ... . . ,; , . ^U^m ! Of having the newest and:Sehing^^ m t;j is a,;cpn4deratipnlrifbuyji^^ ': W^W ffest and: Sejling t^^Gl^pi margm- of* Profit is all the argument tjha^laljr^l^ for-briBk.sales.-;; .;'-:/:"' - v'ftj'Sl-^S The more you pertain i'you Vill be to spend your jixqn&^^t^^;^ We want Jour Trade and we bfCery^^^f^S luni^ io >eoure B#a,Valued ; .,; -^^WwSM '"T"1"- A' -1 c^^. -' T',,,-'"\' f- >T\ ."T ""I- "'i/V^^^hbotiBh 1 Qrown