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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 11, 1897, p. 2

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&f* ., :w,.... ifWfcthg - ' id cprdialB1 and mjrared dates, Mi. :0thmnh6 a*inc, citrons and nOrlCQULj.:...-..* jHatYWtfr.fcnpyfn.. to eastern ubfcn ilaVM and smoking pots d-tfUalB find conuiost fish f lr;tht trihr the ourloua palate could rose ._,,_.. SfftTout of the ccdarn doora. itorsdov^r moaatc floors _. .-'a'nemoncs. 'myrtifia and vioicti, V'hd - miiaical fountain throws its Jets >f,^ft hundred colors Into tho air. ;.;,X dUfl}#auKaJia loosen* hop hair . P'JWnd Btftlns with a henna plant the tlpa g&Dt'tier* pointed nails and bltcn ho.' lips ffiiSSBU-'thJiift bjoom agftln but, nlnn, that *>'ttw*^ijfb gultftn buds and blows, [ot tor the Sultan Shah Zamun \Then he goes to the olty lspuhunl ^';Thn, JM*h> wove of hv sunny hand* The danlrfng fflrlu of Sumn runnel GMfdo In like Rhlps from fairyland, ^"Making a sudden mint in air if:fleecy Vfiiln And HoutliiK hair v.m-And white arms lifted. Orient blood :VKuno In thoir vulna, -shines in thilr oyos. M*,--,'*!-. And: there, In thla'eastern paradise, V>41i,illod -with tho breath of nandnlwnod fcstvttAtifl- Khoton musk nnd nlnon and myrrh, ft;wO'Blt ROBfl-ln-Bloom on a silk divan. ,.._ j-Wjit*ift tho Wint>H of Antrakhnnl M^S&aSSifJ'liojr Arab lovor Bits with lu:r., fci^a^iaCa'.lvlion tho Sultan Shah Seaman ' BdesHo the city Ispahan. opposite prny, mjm-,.. .............-.- -... ..nn say, iaLt^it* innocent. Hviltan Hhnh Zmnan LS'&ono to .the city iMpalmiV. ThrtmiiM Hulloy Aldrluh. J^!" IN A PUNT. . &'.". < , Ono evfiinu*jft when l had returnednil llonu uitd very 'wouvy, intinfuHy .pull- lug my ijunvy -boat, which I usod ovory Dight, I Imused ii few Konoudrt to tako breath near the eel go eif Bcrao rccdB, Tho , ,-._. j&epthor was" plorionH, tho moon waa $$[ todjant, tho riyor Hpiirlclcd, .tho air waa fll'v' fjpolnwl Bwcot. Thi tranquillity tempt ed, mo, and I thought it would bo vnry jtfteofltmt tonmoko raypipoiii thin pluoo. tTho action followed tho thought. I '. tjcizad my nnohor mid cast it into tho tyvor." Tho punt, which flouted with tho fbrreut, drifted uu fur ;ih the, ond of Ha }hiu, and thon Htood Htill. 1 Roatud my- ^!V! ' qqlf iii the storri on my ulicajiHlcin as coin* 1L",V -fbrtahly. aB.pOHfllblo, I/hcard nothing, not a nomid, only at inrforvalfl I iniagliiod.! hoard a slight, 'aimOHt inaudible, plash of tho wutor ngahiRt tho wlioro, and I saw olwstors of tall rcodfi whioh assumed surprising ehapoH and Hoomod at iutorvnlN to' stir. Tho rivor wrr porfootly quiot, hpfc'I folt agltatbd by tho extraordinary fltillnosH ^.-,:'.;whioli Burrouu'dod mo! All crcaturOH *"" " t)jo froRH and toads, thoRO nocturnal Bingorsof tlomarHheH-7-WorOHilont, Sud-r flonly at ray right, cIoko to mo, a fwig croaked. I nhnddorod. It cciufod, auci.1 ;,(< hoard nothing more mid rowolvod to ^' ' fiin'olcotodivortiiiymind. Yot, although .1 wnH a liotorlouH and confirniod Hniokor, I codld not Hmoko. "With a cocond puff, I changed my mind and popped. I biffin to rcpjj'o verHOfl. Tho Bound of my voico waa painful. Thon X Btratchcd mysoif out in tho-bottom of tho boat and, watched Tho wky. 'JTor'.-Komb tlrao /I romuinod afccaHn, but aoow light.movo- monts of tho bout diRtiirbod mo, It flotmiod uh if itwufl making gigantic hirohoH, touohing aliomutoly tho two bnnkH of tho rivor,' thon I tliought that Homo bu'i.ng' or inviniblo forco drew it gontly to tho bottom of tho wutor, thon, ruining it, lot it fall onco ninro. I wan toBsod about aft thougli in tho midst of . a tempoBt, I hoard rouiuIh around mo. I roso with.. 11 bound. Tho wn'tor wan ghumiing. All wh quiot. . I aw tlmt'myjiorvcH wo'ro noxnowhat -.ehnkou, and I dotorminod to bo off. I pullod at tho chain, tho punt bogan to movo; thon I folt a rosiBtnnco,.' I pullod harder,, but tho anohor did nob como. It had oiiughfc on Hom'othing at tho bottom of falio .rivor, arid I could not lift it. I onco moro1 connnoncod to pullibut in vain, Thon with 'my oara I turned tho boat up Hfrroam in ordor to ohungo the ppHition of ihoanohor. ThinwaBtiHolofitt; it Htill hold ftifit. I wak unixod with an- gor and nhook tho chain furioiinly. Nothing moved." I nat down diHouragod 'and bogaii to wfloot. upon.my position. I .could not think of brouking thn ...obnin orof - Bopurating it from.tho boat, for it'was very heavy and riveted'in tho . bow to a piocu of wood thickor than my ana. But n tho wouthcr M'imfttiH vory /fair, I thought.that I whould nob remain tonio mihor- mtiri:.\vhb would como to my roliof. My 'mishap hud oalmod mo. I wat down, ," and. nt4ufc wan ahlo to Rinoko my-plpo.- I had a bottlo of rum. I drank two or -tJiroo gluHHQrf and wus oompollod to laugh at my mttuitioiL : lfc.wtuH yory warm, ho that I conld, it* ; tiocoflKary, without great dific/omforfc, puHHtJio night in thobftautifnlfllarlight. :' Snddonly a.wift rapsoundod aguiuyfc tho ^;i";.'v ' sidoof tho boat, I Htartn"d; and a oold \$C-'.- - .(w.oat frosio mo from lioad to foot! ThiH flot\nd,doubtlf]H,oamo from eomo pioco of. wood borno by tho curront, but it iW'ij ' ."Was onough, and I was again posfiossed fe^V,:V .by a atraugonorvoris agitation, I grasp-. S.^.i, ,! ed iho' Ohain and utrainud with a despor- 'fc^i;[ .,'. ato offort Tho anchor hold ilnm I sat fe. down oxhanHtod. . ' H^|.' , Moauwhile .tlio rivor had gradually become covored' by a very thiok white ^,;, v? mist which hung vory low over tho.wn- feVi.Vtor, so that, atahding, I oould no longor l"'.]" flee tiie river, or my fcot, or tho boat, S^v-'but only tho tops of tho roeds, nnid in lafjjK?.., the distanco tlie lbwland, whito in tho ; -moonlight, and from it groat black . ?"- ' :;; ' ^ ll': te ^' JopotB, formca by clumps of Lombardy |"^,.jpf^lar((,.1,arpBe: inthe.aky., Iwaa wrap-. jwai-ir;p9d>t6;my waist as if in a muslin about Mil;;-:' 'Vpf^^n^lar'WhitoneBfl, and fantaatio'vi^ f'^'^H^VT'^POB- oamo to'xbe. (^^^ ,,:i^fani>ied that someone whom t cottld M^/a^'*4J8tf^i8h-wa9' .trying tb/bUmb'ta: iS^'i'f^^^'^^1'13^**: wd1: .'"that t|io '-rivor,^ hidden. :fe!r;'^ In this opaque miet, must be. filled; with &$iylifejE^ around *|>J^e;^!!l1/feife:i^6rdble;di^ my/ llomns Undei* the Around. In tho salt dintriot in Obeahiro, Eng- hind, tho brino has boon pumped so con-' tinuouRly out of tho oarth that the land haa Bottled very conHi&orab'ly. . Tho houses naturally sink with tho earth/ and in some of tho streets iti Northwioh only tho roofb are Visible. Tho housos are inhabited, although tho rooms aro underground. In a groat many cases ad- , ditional afcorios hnvo. boon added, so that fcy living in thoVppor rooms tho resi dents may havosomo light and air; Tho roadways Bink too, but aro kept up to tho proper level by tho government. New Xprk.Snn..,-^.... *t rdpmih%^ t^i'^of^ifaf'^ fiM<. ?L'Mi.c|. ^odii\'.^ai' ioh X b^jfj m$tim imyBjll,<nuir^n# Ji;fftr/Unob|vto bwj the Bhorfl or to On^:.my b<jftt,_Ad,I imBgined I could feel mywlf drawn by my feet. to the -very bottohi ot this block water. . Indd, I should hnve been com pelled to itruggle: ngnlnit tho current for at loait 500 yards before reaching a rint freo from grass Mtd rushea where might gain a foothold, there- were Dine ohanooB out of ten that I should not bo able to find my way in this ob scurity, and that I should be drowned, good swimmer as I was. I tried toroafion with myself.-1 deter mined not to bo afraid, but there wan somothing in mo beiddoa ray will, and this other thing was afraid. I naked mysolf what there was to foar. My bravo I jeorcd at my poltroon I, and never so well us on that clay havo I un derstood tho conflict of tho two boinga that exist in uh tho ono willing, the other restating, and each in turn pro- vailing. This foolish and inoxplionblo fear conHuunlly incroasod till it became ter ror. I remained immovable, with wido opon cyofl and expectant oar. Of what? I know not in tho lonftt, but of somo thing toniblo. I Loliovo that if a fUh had thought of springing out of wator, as often happens, no more would have boon neodod to Jiinko mo fall Htlff and insouHildo, NcvorthelesH, by a violent effort, I Buccnodnd in gradually rooovoring my lost roason. I took again my bottlo of rnm and drank deep draughts. Then tho idea oermrrod to'mo, "mid I begun to shout with all my strength, turning suc cessively to tho four points of, thu hori zon. When .my throat. Was absolutely paralyzed, I heard a dog barking in tho distance. I drank again nndtitrotohed myself nt full length ou the bottom of tho boat. I romuinod thus for perhaps au hour, perhaps two, without sleeping, with eyes wido open, nnd with terrors around mo. I dared not Hue, yot I wished in tensely to do so, I put it off from min ute to minuto, I suid to mysolf/'Come, Htund up," and I Was afraid to make a movement. At last I raised myself with infinite prconutions, us if my life de- ponded on tho 'slightest sound I might mako, and looked over tho side of tho boat. I was da&zled by tho most marvelous, tho most astonishing flight that could posaibly be soon. Itwas ono. of tliOHO phimtaflmagoria of fairyland, ono of thqso visions related by voyagers who, return from afar, and which wo hour without bolioving, Tho mist, which for two hours before waa flouting on tho rivor, had gradual ly receded and gathered on tho rivor bunks. Loaving tho stream ontiroly clear, it hud formod on each uh ore au unbroken bank six or sovon yards in height, which glcamod beneath tho moon with tho superb brilliancy of snow. Thus, not a thing was viniblo savo tho rivor flashing with ilery lights, Between those two white hills of mit and high ovorhoad hung full nnd largo a majestic, luminous moon in tho midst of a black sky dotted with stars. . All tho oreaturoH of iho.wator.wore awake, Tho. frogs wore croaking furi ously, whilo at intervnlfl, now at tho right, now at tho left, I heard tho short, monotonous, melancholynotowhich tho. ringing voices of tho toads uttered to tho slurs. Strangely I was no longer- afraid, I was surrounded by a scoao so extraordinary that tho most striking singularities had no power to astonish' mo. How long this lasted I know not, for I had.ended by falling asleep. When I opouod my eyes, (ho moon had sot, tho sky was covered with clouds, tho wa ter rippled mournfully,.the wind was blowing, it was cold, and tho darkness .was profound. : I drank what remained of my rum,, thon I listoned, shivering with cold, to tho rustling of tho roods and tho sinis ter sound of t)io rivor. I tried to see, but I could, not distinguish tho boat nor ovou my hands, which'I hold boforo my oyos, Gradually, however, tho thick dark- nosH diminished. Suddenly. I seemed to feci a shadow gliding very near mo. I ut- torod n cry and a voice answered, It Was a fisherman. I called to him,'-Ho drow near, and I told him of my mischance. Ho thon pullod his boat alougmdomi.no, and wo both titrainod at tho chain. Tho anchor did not move Day.dawnod, som ber, gray,. rainy, cold ono of those days which bring ono gloom, and mis-, fortune, I perceived anothor boat. Wo-bailed it. Tho man who rowed it united bis efforts'with ourB. Thon, littlo by Httlo, the unohOr yioldod,'. It oamo up but nlowly and burdonod with a considera ble weight. At length .yo saw a dark Inoas, and wo drow it into, my boat. It was tho body of an old woman' with a stono fastened to the nook. Guy do Maupassant , : ' H Wondered Why. .; Miss Oldfriend^ I deplore,. I bogin,to rol that I am.growingipld. It's really; unploammt. ,"; " -\ .. . Mr.'B. Sbfl'tpe-^Yea,I dear*,"Ii must fee esppoially' bo\ for ^one^who haa been 'y;6n'flt^-lOTg;,;\'1".V:V,!V'..::; >'/!-'J\. r'-r":- (Audi ^ei! wondered why- she waa oi- '" v.: , j'itani'iiimta^^'thte if^$!$fy ih*.-p^rftlt'^ialweH^o^n. Now York womdn, aoveral other persons took fldvantago of his being hero and gave him-o^or for thejr portraits. "Among. thasy was a well known man. Shortly after thia latter likeness was complated a wealthy westeruor who happened to bo In this city was ontor- taiDOd at the house qf the Now Yorker. Tho westerner saw tho, portrait and much admired it. "My wife Wants mo ^to got my portrait paintodi" be said. "That's one reaflon why I'm in New York; I wonder if this French fellow wouldn't do rnino too." His host assur ed him that in all .probability tho "French follow" would bo only too de lighted. Bpforo'long tho westerner was experi*!noing nil tho glory'and. honor of "Bitting for his portrait." Ono day some time.after this, but be fore the picture was finished, tho west erner was again entertained by his New York frioud. The portrait was naturally referred to. "By tho way," remarked tho westerner, "how much didhenhargo "for your picture?" "Forty-five- hundred dollaiH," wa tho answer. "Why?" But the westerner was beyond speech.' IJalu and breathless, ho leaned back in hia ohair, imd whon ho did speak it was simply to gaup forth, "Forty-five hun dred dollars I" "Forty-flvo hundred dol lars I" over and over again. It transpired lator that he had made no inquiries as to terms, and that h had never dreamed that tho portrait's prico would be moro' than $150. Wliat worried him mont wan what his wife Would say. But tho old fellow was gmo. He first bound tho Now Ywrkor ever to temporary Huerocy, after whioh ho proceeded to go through those sit tings to tho bitter end without a mur mur or a question as to tho ultimate cost. Benjamin Constant hover know1 that tho bill for $G,O0O (the woHtornor's pbrtruit was lurgcr than tho Now York er's) that wns presented. later caused tho Slightest ripple upon tho emotional surfaeo of his patron, But in a certain Western homo there today hongs a paint ing the price'of'which has never yot boon revealed to the mistress-of-tho houBo.': ' \^m *feti;"-. Uatand aUthetimoHcKHl'BflarMiJerillB hftn beon , adverttaed; m fl. blood-'puTtflor, The grout cures by Hood's BampwllU have been aecorapliflhed through puriOed," blood. Scrofula, Bait rhoum, oorema, rheumatlflm, neuralgia, yield to Hood'n BarioparHla, beoanao it eradicate! th W;.;-;D^/BfiAMANi'..- .-, [JUoMtl MarrlARo Xlooneofc. Ins nco agont. NlBhtOffloe ftt DwoIUdb. . ..> "' TALHOT BTBEET, KB8BX HOW TALC IS QUARRIED. Wlieru It Cotnou Tram uud the Manner of . Handing It to ftlurlUut. At I/nzenan, in the upper Valley of tho Ariego, talc is quarried on an ox-, tonsivo soalo in tho granite of tit. Bar- thoiomy, a naountnin 7,700 foot high and about SO miles from tho main'chain of J.hp Pyrenees. Tho quarries, which are nituatod ubout two miles from tho summit and B.flOO fact above tho sen, aro opened in a bedded deposit, included botweon miensohint below and. lower Silurian Hlates above, which has boon followed for about 2,000 yards in u north and south direction, with a dip of about CO degrees.to tho oast, tlio thick- noss varying from 100 to- 3,000 feet, ua docs also tho eompcsitiou, AJusses of limestone and granite, tho latter often of considerable flizo, aro froquontly found iuoludcd in t.bo silionto of magnesia, whioh also .contains some alumina." The best rock is of a brilliant white .color and feels greasy tothotouoh when ground to fine powder, Tlio principal quarry, at Tremouin, is worked in the open, across the direction of the bod, forming two or throe terraces CO foot high, the surface covoring, 0 to 10 feet thiok, having been iltst strippod. Tho stuff broken is carried by u level, in tho bottom of fchoquarry, drivan.iu tho foot wall of tho vein to. the valloy of Axiafc, whonoo it is hauled in bullock Wagons about la-milos to thoworksof Jbuzonnc, whoro a water power of 00 horsepower is obtained from the Ariogo, Tho mo- chanioal preparation includes sizing by sieves, driving in a rotating cylinder furnace, breaking, grinding nnd gifting. ..Nearly the whole of tho product is converted into powder, only a' small part being mado into pencils for.mark ing out work on metal or .sold, in the lump form.: Colliery Guardian. Hlovot-jitiiK Nature* Tho reversibility of tho.physical proc esses of nature has latterly.boon the: subject of interesting comment. .Lord Kelvin, for example, has been credited' with saying that nil of them, no matter how complex thoy might appear to tho human souses, consist in reality of the motions of invisibio molecules, and,if; therefore, by some means, all those molecules could, at the samo time, be made to move in exactly tho opposite di rection, and each with tho same velocity that it possessed at tho moment,, all the- world Would.begin and continue to move backward; waterfalls would flow iiptho sides of cliffs, rivers would run upward from tho sea, rain would rises full blown, flowers would shrink into buds arid plunts dwindle into fieodlings, man him self would becomd young again, passing from old ago to infancy. Just what kind f pictures such a topsy-turvy world Would present may-b< s;ocuwith akinot- nsoopo running.'.backward. Professor "Quorouit, according to report/has mado: observations in this'lino, and Some time ago commuuicajed them to the French Academy of Qassior's Maga- kiuo. , " Whut They Said Wouldn't Ttoad Well. . "Jim Scorcher has just returned from a bieyole ride around the world. Ho is going to write a book about it." VWhatiBhogoingtocanit?" , ' '*People I, havo run up agaia*-"r- Odda and Ends. The' little town of Nazareth, in Pales tine, has no fewer than three hospitals, 7. convents and 13 - achoolB under Euro pean,supervision.: ^ ' . . ' In the royal family;, U it always the queen who flrat kUses the wife .-after, her marriago, not the newly made hutj ! Vestige of thoso impurltloa whioh have been doveloplng, perhaps for yeare, in tho blood. Hood's Barsaparilla euros nervousness by feeding tho nerves upon pure, rlob blood. It absolutely nnd per manently curoa when all other medicines fall, because Hood's Sarsaparllla Always Strikes at the root of tho dfsoaiio, which Is in tho blood. ThousahdB tofltlfy that thoy have boon absolutely cured of blood dlHonsos by Hood's Barnaparllla, although thoy had become dlscournfjod by tho fail ure of other mediclnos to glvo any roliof. No other medicine has such a record of oures as Hood's Baraaparllla, bocause Hood's Sarsaparilla If th lieiit Id foot thn One 'I'nai liloo^l PuHfler, H^T^is ^?mly rill, 'to tnke with Ilood'H KurMimarllla, Rloplni; Hli(>iiI<icrM. And now, says a New York fashion writer, comes the dimigrouablo news that in foreign fashion centers sloping shoulders aro to reign. Wo have it .on undoubted authority that tho leop ard cannot change his spots nor mati add one cubit to his stature, yet will the modem exponent of fashion ex orcise her ingenuity in tho alteration of -the anatomy above tho shoulders. Foe many years we have worn our sliouldors up to our ears,'so to speak. Now all is to .bo changed, and tho fashionable woman must assume tho virtue of slop ing sliouldors, though who havo it or ,jot. Seams from neck to shoulder-point are to ;bo lengthened, and all .fullness that remains in tlio top of tho Hloovo will tend in adownwnrd direction. Th .shoulders proper will-remain whore they are, but will look as if they hadreeoivod a direct impetus toward the elbow. M8SSiWKM mBSm I 'iMAfeBlACE_____ ' III ^-,4MHB^|^.uj^^llt^ ^iiekpQrtty i f ufX -Oommimilonorln O -3ri Mftnifcge Llooqn* Tho Way Thoy lilirt Xt. Ohntmccy M. Ilepow says that ho has bad personal experience iusoelcingofnco not for himself, however, but for eth ers from every Republican president. Ho says that Mr. Lincoln would always listen attentively to what -ho'"had to say and thon tell a funny story. On his way back to tho hotel he would think ovor tho story, and finally, wo that it landod bis candidate way out of sight.'. General Grant always received an application for office as toasts to tho memory of Washington aro drunk standing and in silence. President Hnyes listened for awhilo, thou broke out into lamentations that the attention of tho 'president of tlio United States should be divertodfrom tho great affairs of state to distribute patronage. Thcu.howonldmakea mem orandum iu a littlo rod Wok, which was to remind him not to do it, Gonoral Garfield would put his arm around your neck, tell you how much ho loved you and tlion forgot what you had asked ofhim. President' Arthur would listen with polite attention to nil you .hud to say, then refer you to some man in Now .York whom you woronaverable to find. Presldont Harrison would sink, down into his chair until you hud presented tho claims of your candidate ami then ohungo tho subject. 'Presldont' MoKiu.ley's methods havo not been developed. Chicago Record. tho No Hotter, StvJdoutly. Nephow Hollo, unclol How's gout? Uncle How's the gout? Confound yont What's that infernal thing round your nook? . -Nephew sir, I believe. Uncle Bah I You look like a donkey, looking oyor a whitewashed whll,- Lon don Punch, It is estimated, that about $70,000 worth of meat nnd $90,000 worth of broad aro daily opnsiimod in New York oity, while for amusomonts tho public spends not mora than $80,000. per day at the thoatera. There doesn't seem to be very much the matter with .your child. He doesn't,ac tually lose weight, but there is no gain. He belongs to'- that large class (_of children that don't seem to prosper. You look 't him a ;little, more thoughtfully than ;you - ,'do at tjie.rest.-and say, "He is not doin^Vvvell." Failure, to -gain.in weight in a. child,; js..a',' danger-', signal, .Scott's;; jEtriulsibn , should be ;talcen *" ,/,' ',1,'.i,,-k') ^^ UNDERTAKING.. _ _ nPIiUMMErnirtrnflortokor aad mnxuuto Dealer. Oofllna, hnuio and taotory ytle trom 88 to S?0. MaQregor, Or* ARCHITECTS^ tSrVZ^maycock, Itoom 10 nnd 11, tfleailug BuiUUnK, WlndBor, Ou( Phono 010, SOCIETIES % i), O,"f.-KNTBKPRISB- LodRO No His, i. mootBovory.ThurHclfty.cvoiiInK at 7."" In Jcldfollows Kail, Iu third storoy Duuutan Htck. Viattlng moraborB uf other lodflen -will rooclvo tratornal woloomo. FHK1>. filbBOE, N. O, UKHTBAli F.NOAMPMKNT, No. 0, muolBln 'JtldMlow8'Hall,DuuBtau'B Blook, no tl Unit ind third TU0B(lay Inoaoh montli. Vloitorn cor- llally roooivod. Moaibornof BubordiimtalotlBflfl In tli*. JnrlBtllotlon, iuvitod to jolt O. IIANNAN, O. P.. 0. F. IULU Boa. r^HSKX FIHE milOADB. WEKTH FlltBT 1 J Friday ovcnluR In ovor/ iihiiiUi for brl- Kudo uiootlnK and third Friday for praiitlon in tUo Fii'iimoii'H rocm In tlio Ktotio builUIni;. <1iih. MoMurrav, Cutof: Stini, Hmlth, Ciiptnin; .Ion HloLc*. LioutonnntJ wurroii I<ot>, Bunrotnry; l)'.rod. Hyatt, TroiiB'jrtii pOUHT ItOYAfj, NO. 'Jill, l, O. F. W Muftta Rucoud and fourth TuuHdiiv'u iti oaoh month in J. O. O- F. Moll nt H o'olocli.p.oi. VlfclthiK hrothnrti will ho jdv<iii " frHtdniiil wol- uoiuo. VV.J. Duwiir, O. It., W, C.Hlmw, it.B., M. J.-Wiulo. C.l>. 11. O. H, - sssa-T. " The Niagara Falls Route." OOINM KAHT Taking cffnnt &farc1i(.1H0l. Mull \ix\t. Dotrolt....... Wlndfior .... 1'oUou........ Muldntonaa Khsox ........ WooilBloo... ltUHoomb . Ootohor...... Itldcotown.. llodiioy....... St. Thorn an Loudon ......... t. Thomufl... Hndny......... Hidgotowu..... Ooinbar.......... lliiHoomb.r..... Wood h1 oo....... 1'jHBOZ. '.' .......... Miiblatono Or lolton............ WiudHor......... Dotrolt............ a.m. fi.QO R.80 am o.io o.:ir> o 'its e'ftf* rur S,20 S.-IO O.ftO a.m. S M) r.2B li-oo 8 47 10.00 oorso wiiwr. Mxp. Kxp. Aoiiotu Mixed a. in. pin. u. ui. 0.-10 4 40 10,10 s.or, fi.10 tl.^S R.:i7 n.co li.05 n.a-i tic 7.U8 1.25 IM0 1,1)0 1.1 -I 111) D,2'J Bllfl fi.sr. IM0 10.50 11.115 . 23 n.tii. 33.10 2.40 n.iw 107 ft .as r>,40 ft.B0 0.0!) II. u ti.'li u.ir, 7.10 a.m. .i.io 4 48 fi.-i!i ' .^ .10.2B rt.05 U.:i5 o,:ir, 7.05 1U.05 12.40 li.h), fi.in O.lfi 7.11 7.:i7 H.r7 o.co 0.10 n.r.t KM 10.IHJ Mixed a. iti. r-:u) 7.G7 R,t7 W.40 110 185 U00 a.20 :u7 4 00 AnibvrMOiiifir local Trulux, WKHT p,m. a.m. n-ni. tl.PG 11.40. 7,!Jfl H.J4 11.f.!l- 7.40 (1,21. 12.00 7.47 41 22 . IS tti 7.B0 0*40 13 * B.10 (I.45 1^.40 H.15 I-UBT a.m. a.id. p.m Kfliiux tt.M .IMS c.ao KilrmrH- fi."J7 0.3S fi 10 ti A Si It XIuk .iil !' 87 4.(17 MeQzauor .20 11.25 d,fifi , Gordon H.0K 0IW 4.11S Amborfitbum .00 11.00 4M> All trains am run on oontral niuudard tlroo, which iu slstty miuutoa elowor than Ehhos tlmd. For inforiuatlon and niton to. colon- Ifttfl movlK wtmt apply to Joljn Q, Ijavon,- Pan- uenpor Acnt, St. Thoman. O. W. llmtt(\ou. Goti- flrnl FdBHonKor and Tiuhut ARont, Cblonno 111 or A, O. Htlmora, Aonfc. Krbox. t. b\ & D. R. Ry/ TIMK TABTjK NO. 22, talciuK oiroct Mondi.y fiopt. !37,1S'.HI. Trahinriiu-by Kaaturn Htand- ard Tlmo. Daily oxcopt Bumlay ^r: A d A U A' M o.ys'iu.oo o.iuiJJ.w 0.U0 12 40 ocn l),&7 in 02 10 0(1 10.1(1 io;w 10 U7 10.45 U) t>:> ii.it tl.'JO 1 l.i!f) ii.:w 11.43 U.W) 11 .-ifi 12 04 ia.U 12. IB 1.4 I2.au [ M. 12.46 M o Ct V M 11:20 (1.27 ti.iui 11.40 12.B3 (1 47 1.10 il M t.ll (HO J.fiO 7.17 2.1111,7.37 2H-V7.U7 2-50.7.44 y.43 7.M 4 IU fi.ro 4'10 M'H C.21I ' 5.12 -*.65 , (1.05 0 15 o.:t!i 0.45 7.M 8.17. 8.22 tt.ua H.40 8.17 HM 0 00 0.07 0.12 0 20 o;:ti I'.M.'rjf Ktationb. nop WalktirVlo At WiilUorvillu June. .........Poltou......... ,.....\ OUlCUBtlfl...... ......\ Vnquttttfl...... ..... MoGr->fior...... ...1 Now Cauiutu... ... I MaTBhSidd ... ...... Harrow ...... ~.t"Amor......... ...... Kinuavillo...... .....: Itutiiveti ...... ... rjoamlnKton ... ......WlJcotley ...... ......t Houwiok ...... ..^..OoatRWorth .... , .....\ Gltiiiwood...... .........Morlin.......;. ...... i lUixlmi."........ ...... Haudluoti ...... ...tOedarSpriPgH... liloubi'ln) Junob'u .,,... lUtinho'jn...... ,........IWHI-io......... ArKIdcjtown !/<!> A 0 30 ii c:i S 57 S M S 47 8 42 ea K2f) a 2J sit S 01 7.51 7.40 7 21 7 if- 7 10 A M 5.fi0 5.HS fi.ii7 5.17 5.'H 5.(10 4.1(1 I.ICt 4.95 4,00 \iM> y.15 2.10 1M 1..1S 1.15 7 U0!l2!K> 0 52)12.21 (145 lBli' (l 40 (1HI (124 0 20 S 10 0 00 A.if. 12. TO 11.2H Il.\i V M. 7.50 7.4 :> 7.U7 7;li:i 7.ii7 rj .10 7ll7. 7.10 7.0.'( 0,62 0.42 uao 0.1H u.oo 5 51 5.40 5!lil 5 2S 521 510 5.07 fi.OO 11.15' 4.55 10.151 145 JO.OOJ'4,115 A.M.P.M. 1 Flaji-StatiouB,. Trains Btoi) otjly whon thon- aro luinuHHiorJ at or for thoho HtnlUnm. Mlxoi) briUiiH aro at- at tlnnjH btibjoot to ho ounoullud WM WOOLLATT. Oenorfil. Muporlnt'omlon'-i. To Drive anywhorn, IF bo, yon.wout a Goad .........r-ud tUo p^aoo to Rot it 1 at s ' ' JOHN IKIcDOUGAtL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Good Hoatlore in atteadance dayland nigbl; HORSE-SHOEINO *,M' In thii branch otoor buelneas web' ^flrBi>, cliWB Workmen and will guarantee Batii/ootton, In Shoeing Uoraea, that intarfore. jOver- Boaoti or^'h ve<,OorIlRor.ContKaot^A<Vf'6(l'.'^.,'Wfl.tilllk0B, ti^i^JlfOvti^iJ^iy^^ff^ >j^tX0^7*fAyiov;atWBli ntol|iolip^l<,KpwojtbLagiiopryorma._ Toosdftysveninaatffo'clock, aen/EltJ* :"i Cmmo'ix..- or' B5oi,anii Bov. A.L.Bevoirij#*M<&tymbept, St* ^uIb; Ewex^Jpiv^tM^#A tfandtty at 11 a,m ,7 o'olook, p m Bnti&%y:%tSR BchodUtlO . m. trinity Churoh, North Illdgaxg -DiTine lervicos ovory Hunday at 8 p. xa.; Bqn- W day bohool at 1.4CO. m, Xuo pabllo afe oor^j; dlally invltcid. . : . - " ' ' ' ' m" PaHflB-XTBBU^.-^W. M.Flomlng, yaitoi'Baf*5M vIosbon Sabbath at 11 a. in. and f .110 p, iu. Sab- '^S oath School at 2:80 p. iu. Prayer miotlogand -i^!Z\i fastor'a biblo cJuBa'on Tuotsday at7,30 P, xai'-'*JM Social Union on Wedntedavat ti.lbp, . h'.'^ss Haptis cnoncn. Jtov.51. F. Campbell, '-wPl --____,_T..F Pfti-.-.'4i tor. ci vloos ouch Babbatu at U a. in. and T;^fa p.:;. Prayer moating on Thursday ovnlnB-n at H o'olook. tioatB > ooruod. '.'-,:' 'j.'l'l'fy: Momah CATUoiiio.-KflBoa "')" '|S Pantor. Sor^ioe ovory otuur Sunday utS.UOp. <*' $$* in. Sunday School at an. in. . ^/i Maiubtonk. 'W* a. in,, oalucliittui at u y, m,, baptism atU p. m,t"'.r;l\k vonijuruaud nuuudlotlon at 7 ij, m. O. &, Mc* ,fw? Geu.F.-F. '"' S uobb moo tin tib lor cbrlutliiUHl-riday oveinngand' : '-^wi 11 u.m. Huuday; Kucu Drill 7 a.m. uvory Sunday.,- - "'}*?& Allur wolcome, "i^23 J7 A. VVIHMKIt, HarriBtor, Kolloitor, Kotary '.'>^'| Vm ruhlio Ao. WojHiy to loan. Offices,Dun- ' .$ __________^._. .^,__,..........._____________________ _____________- J' Ii. 1'KTJIKH Harrlatr, Solicitor, Notary 1'ubilu Alouoy to JjOim. Oliloo ovor btrutburu' Uuuh.KiiKox Oamro.- CUjAUK-;, oowan, hahtlkta hmitimt, J Uarnntor, otc. OliitiUH 5ldbury Diode, WiruiHtr. FriyitW filiidfl toJoau* A. H. Ulajucb, Ii. Ij. 1*. it, K. Cowan, m. I'. N, A. uautlhv.' A. U. Kau'ik.kt. H. A. HWNK_ U. WAljTi';ilH-Ij.Ij.W.1Attoruoy_jia (Juiitibulor ui. fnvv, Holiuitor In Ohauoory Frooior in Admiralty, lutout bolioitor, Ollloe, Nowborry liiibdlm/, or. tir.hWol,U unit Jjurnoa utb., Outrult, -liuli. (Ouiiadluu ulalmn ayuh)i)t poruotiB in tho United UtatOM ollUi4i*l.) HuforonooHj JmintrOft Hiiiilt, J'lUBOX.Out, , J. Jj. 1'flLorH, tiiHj., harrJiitor, uiu., ICmouc, Out E,A. WlBUicr, JiiUj..JiHVriut-r, oto.^liUHas.Unb ! Ij* m tVIEDlOAL. .jVUfl. BltlKN A; unnoN. .- J us. llrlou.M. D., Ii. It., O. l. s raduato of Quoou'm Untv-imty, Klmj_tou, uibinbor of (Jol- loyooi I'liywlomJiH and tiuruuona,Ontario. Grud- uatoof Uvvr Vorli. 1'oHt Graduaio -ledlculOol- Joo. . J. VV. Brian, M. D C. M., F, T. M. 0. Honor graduato oi Trinity Modioal Oo11ohi. Honor -" 'M Uuivurwity, M.iubot iu und HuinuouH.-Unt. t, L'OBt Uruduato W Oilicuovor Kbhox Modioal Ilall drus ntbro. Kraduaiooif Trinity Uuivuridty, Mt.mbor of tbo ^1 (Jolioi;oof Fnyuioiuiiu und buiuoiiH,-Unt. Grad- - - -lr'1l luito or Jsaw iiurk, L'oat UraUuttto Modioal Oolloo. . ":. - >vor Khhox Mod leal Hall drug dtbro. OoOHtiltutiou rouuiB, both on ground lloor and llrBt Sat ahovo. 'l'u|oi>bouu iu both otlico and rooidfuiow. All oiUIb uttoudud tu from otllce, amU Hturo, ov roaidotiuu. itosidoiioo, Talbot Btroot, ixoiit. of tuir HYtiuiulH. __ f i'H Dlt J, Xu. JJSNNKn.'AMOolatf! Oorou^'for tbo (Joiinty of lutiHot. - ' J. Kurlo Joiamr, W.-jj.O. U., Tiiuity Univ.er- Hityjil, O. I'.auu H, Ontario; Ijlo.ltojai Col logo .; j.^ FuyuluiauM, London, kujj.; )t Kcholarnhip and .'i- Hold Muduiiat, 'ttiuuy tJoilono, iHSa; appointed . ^ Houbo I'hyBiuiuti itni[j_u,t_UJon^Xorontotiuuer_l ' .. O.-fl Hospital and huuidout Auouuuliuur Ituruslde JjyiuM-ln Iioupitiil.-Tot'unto.issi. HpooluHy, dis- .. .^ latnJy oocui>iU by Dr. Dowar, Talbot t Khsox. ^o Osloo Inliiiporiiil Uar.lt Block, ground floor, ox>i>Obito T'bonio'a 'ivug otoro, Aiodiolnos diB- puiiuod in tho olllito. 'Xoluphoin> ob'nuuetion with both outuu and ruBiuttuoo- I'rivuf) tele-' phono lii|o hot woo n OyriJ I'atjuotto'BbL'tiso aud iJun ICoiiuouy'o houuu uud oUluo. NiKht oallauttohdod to ut oJlioo or reaiclenoo. '3, - mi DENTAL, HI*. MAKTIM.D.D.KmIi.B. 8, Graduate':' ..... DontintVy, Jioyiil College o7 li-Iital Juryoouh, Ontario, uud Uulvoraity of, Toronto..' UharfioB.nioderato. Oliloo, ovor Brian & Cos"^ Jru_ utor*i. 18-lv VETERINARY. . u=.!| WH. ItlCIIAHOKON, VHVullfclNAHY BUR'.?*:'. T';^ , OUON. Honorary ({raduatu of OnUrltf'wi Voturiuary (Jolloo, Toronto: mombur of On-'.',-?^,' tario Votorlnary Mudloal Hnofotyj Diploutls't Dciiiiietry; truutH all dtuoauoB ol. doiuoBtlca imiinalHi oatilo duhornod bv tho lattiat impio Utiuvitb clipper (JiiIIh by tt-li-phouo or t< tario Votorlnary Modioal Hnoloty; Diplouilut In-iJ'^^Cil Donlietry; truatH all dtuoauoB ut. domoBtlcatBcT jUt&ti .......... veii,'^ Kvauh i Vojjiptly nttuiidod to. liuaidnnoo,three -..'^"h doorb oabt of sriut mill; oifloo in pout offlon ;",'^%' buildlmj; hirtriiinry, dlruotly oppOfdiu. "fS1-? "5f LAND SURVEYOR. J4MM ti. liAIltl), l'roviuaial Land Burveyor,;'!'-^ and i.'uunty Kii(;lnoor, Kbbox (Jontro, Ont ;"v^w Oflioo.Duuatau'lllooU, mmtairs. AUCTIONEERS. ^rt r, a t\*** sijssss v HKNRY HKDHI0K, Auotiouoor. ' S a 1 e- t prDiujitly uttoiulijd to. Audreua South .,. Woodslou, Out. Koreans deairing to scoure me';;^ may louve word at tlio i'u 1*ebb olllce. ">?k tt H. HMDKIOK^.^ : $& DB1NOTjATK.'I.I0K^SKD auctionbeb1^ . for (ho County of Kbhox. liailJttof mahtbtM itivislofi Court." All JihnlH of Ifartu and otherjija HaloB oMitluotiid promptly. l4atB rua^on^pla^i aud furnfbhyd on implication,'. KnqulrerB irnayT-V'i apply at W. 1); Uoaman'B oilloo, orac thq/oi or btviaioii Oourt UlorkiMr. johu.Milno. i .. , _________ 'r. --Vffl.. . I OUN GORMbMY, ":? M0$ O IjICoiNbKD AUOl'lONEKE.fortboOouni*. of Khhl'X, All Idndfl of faruj Btock sales,'.eto^ oondUcttid propiptly and on uhort notice, Bat0f$ ruuHoeable. TtirpoGB dunirablo CO'u'rranKB.aaloji! may Ioho by oallinuut r.ho Jj'hkb 1'iiBBB'dJBorf Or by applying to $$ P.O. Box 155 .iiiBBor.ynm _^ g8 i^ltANK. 5fcOIiOBKEV, MaidetoW, ' seven yoare' oxperlouce as ^nauttionjMJrJ the County ot fAauox. Salfi^ ponduotod proirip" xnd on roasoaabio terms. L'arUcB doBhrlnj dx tho date tot a eaXo can BaT0.tb6u)wiy#. driiru by rallius at theFn^)i;PihBBB1olll6a>^ havo arraaaed with Mr. McOloakey, aua^wUr' thu dates for ualtts by talogranh, bntjrojy |rd all charge to tbo poraon holding' thoifialpV. Jxobb JiVunk UQUloBUov.MaidBtouvOrpflifl'tO: ' :-^>'-\i:'---^fMk _o=- tftNOAND LOAN AO J, TUOMA8, Con,Y*Vfl>njferj;jj / VEOItGE UT njfflflioiiBr, in High,Court n itoalEstate nnd Mortgage^-. at the lowest rate -ol ,___, ind Bold. In an ran oo taUonXh'in&mia' companies; Dra^winc pt dee'd,'^ loaaoB a upooialty, Obargea rat ouoioeBB j>Fomptly ifctten^aeafiff^^ Oontral Telephone office, BmiG(Ji ti*V:Wr

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