^""^".;..... mm t~\flilt . .- JI-.-L*1*--V f $^r~;' ' i^#<* .w* l..'l |ts,................ For Sale, < ONE Bcoond Hand Engine. 20-Hors Powax, Good. Cheap for o&fth. Apply to J. Ft Mo QUEEN, atLaJna Broa, off loo. . Qosfield North Cheese artd Butter Companjy* j | "A ,FBW unpa(a,oall8;onatookfluowsrib6d oy ?l eotao iBtookuoIdora to tho. aboyo noipfa Company wUl bo sold at the. factory, gottam, on Tnoi|day,Jan18tb. 1B07, at tho hour of 7.B0 P.m., to tho highest bidder. Parties Inttfwst^d xnuat govern, tbernsplvefl accordingly r J. fi DILtlNOB, , . i I*." 1N&IA.N, President! , . i Secretary. Cottam, Jan* 1st, 1607. ft! piA ; r.;,V'\..W;:!iwrtte' insj!>ecr tion of our stock of Summer Dry G-ooas. We challenge comi- p&risoa in. quality land p;riceOiir ass(prtmen|t of Wash. Fabrics f 01:. J; T: SOMBRyiLLE, j ; ',. Qnjt, Gbaj>uatei of Trinity tlNrvmBsrrY, ' FkiiTjOw iof .' ' V"..' TlUNIpf ,MBDIOAJi ,00^0021, ' , // ._ Toronto, On*.' Offioh and RnsiPBNOB. House lately occupied by tho late Dr. George McKenzie. TaIibot Stbeht. - - Essex, Ont , $:, .', rr-rr- Essex County Co until I. The: Jaie WeVsioh of ijho council ogjein* ed' on, \tyan&iy/: afternoon/1 Warden i:> ' >i,.-..-.. wV. Warm leather VSaists. And Costumes Includes' The Farmers ; and Traders .] Life and Accident j Co, i trttt* Jumos If. BUrt, ProsldoDt, , Joliti Oampboll, VIoo-I'rdMldunt. 1 D. 10. Oalbraitb, Boorotary, [ P, M, Fmaor. Mauaglng-Diraotor. [ Head-Office* St. ThomasV Ont; !v< Figured'OhftlHes at. Oo ii yard.' \ ^Handsome Colored GrepoiiH at lOo a mfty'-j-."'yard.. White and Oolored Manlius ufc B$$-: e V^ i' 'd yard. Chocked and Striped .Xiineuls ^;if,.at' l^io: a; yard-1 ( Ooloro'd . Strjped ; ' 'J OririkleB 'at 20c' u yard. >Prints aud Pi' 'KV p;A' Blouse Waists ; Matle in tho latent etvlo, with aim without detachable coIUvh and,ou^ in ' Prints, SatoonH, ' JjIuenH, &o,', *fr6ra 50c each. t*owot HntoB. Cii'toDato Policy Contract^, Jinorgytlo, tollabia loonlji^oiitg wuntod, AddroHH, f , ' ' Qofioral AKont(,IJox 704, fit. Thpoioa. Ladie^' i Wliitewear -^ > .^JEjl IKA7M rJb and Upwards, ; ' SKJllTti BOo and Upwards, '.; < ' MIGHT ffOWiTS.SOa and Up. Theso nt-o woll made garmenta, full , sized and nictily Jhiinhoa. , ; 1 $* &, ' A Special Line of .. , . , Qloria Silk ParasoIs_>. AftBortod handled,' 2,'I-inoh frame, strong and handuomo, oxtra valuo at $i-oaoh,: " Pure Linen Orash Towolliiidri oxtm valuo '.. ' hoavyl7'iiieh Htripodborder,' lav price lOo, for 7c, a. yard. 1:; r 60-incli Loom '?;.. . .DamafikTabloIjinoii, flowor. ',', torn, Hpboinl at age. u yard.' j 1 pat- 7^ a T^>j $ Piano and jx.-cv.xbXN 1 Organs* - -| ^ :R. S. WilliamB^ Kawba". ' j Evans Bros. Pianos # Singer Sewing Machines. - .........IfJtlvft Juefc fodolvoil a.,..-.. N'*>Vt Mupply o< Violin*, AUtoliafptf, KVuk-mokiliiM, iiUar, Ac. violin sirtuixu nbovo Ii)Hti*umout( ithil SnpplloH for all tho n bond. .-.' 'j.'uln^ and Itoimlcfng a Spoblalty. Waohiao Noodloa and Oil ia Stock. H. M. FAUi, 2nd Boor Nonh ol 31.0.H, New Bakery. '/>. Jt- W- Men's Fine ./'-, Colored Oambrio Shirtn witIi..Ool- ,1m* and OuflH, UHual 75o, line, for 60c. each. In Millinery w J)epartmont for tho romaihdor of the HOftflon; Out Viaaizv provail, |;'. . ; as .we, never carry Millinery Gooda overfj'omono Hoason to-another* ; .Everything iuunt G-0 ! m tlier Depts. BOOTtiAND &IIOM.. ". 'A:-'1 dLOTfflNG. I bog to inform fcho'oitizootf of Ebhoxand vicinity that I' have Opened a Bakery at my rofljdonoo, Victoria Sfc,', wlioro can bo 'found a fall lino of . , ... ", BAKER'S Q090S. I Bake tho Detroit uolobrat- ed Homo-Made Brqiidv which . rdty tho latoafc and wont appe- bivArii*. Patrona oun obtain thifl Broad by oallinc at WILKINSON'S ^..-# GROCERY, '# . Ho is Jniudlingtliu goodB for mO. .; Please Give Me a Trial and bo convinced that I can . suit you. Goods will bo Fresh- us my waijon gooa. to all parts of tho town every morning. ' IS" Wodding Cakes a gpooi- WESLEY BUROICK. The sixth anniversary of the death of 8ir John Maedpuald wafl obaerved' at Kingston on Saturday, the late ohiefr tain's grave being decorated /with'mnoh ceremony.':. ; .' It,is generrlly believed at bitawa that a deolsion has been reached t>y! Jffffr;" Merry del,Val regarding the l\i ture attitude of thejpatholio eeoleaias- tipal authorities umrd the Manitoba aohool law, and^th^ll hostility Wtho <!|oBte!tooIs,the ojxajr at 3ofojbokM.dJthe following councillors- answered to tbo>r names;Atf. A* Ooefce, J. S. Fatton,.-JvS. Laird, J. E.[Btone, O. G. Fox, J. T; Brown,,/ Bobt, iamarBhl Bgertdu Scicfttoh/j.BD. A. Deziel, JJ A. Buch anan, Goo.f A. Wintemuto, Abram Oole, Joseph ]}urocher,F and: JT^poIite .Mall- Ipux, TJio minutep of tho previous mooting were road and continued. Oommunications wore read froni county olerk of Wellantl, t requesting Essex to join in a memorial to.tho legis lature,of Ontario, \ asking for aiuend- monts to.the Jurors' act and from coun ty clerk df'Bufforin, enclosing a mom- orialto;tho legislature regarding the division of gaols into 'Gaols'* and Houses of Beingo.'. ; . j! The "Warden to whom power had been given to settle the matter connected with the legal offices in Windsor report ed that he was so far unable to'arrange definitely for tho; rent and other ex penses of tho office of the Master in Ohanoory. As to tho matter of tho Surrogate Court Clerk, and Deputy Olerk of tho Hi^h Court of 'Justice' re specting his claim for stationery that has been settled, by paying Mr. Mareon for his account of fast yoar as iindorJ stood and by arranging with' hiin fqr payment of $75 a 'year^ payable dy quarters. As to the-vault used by Mr. I Maroon and the putting in order of the; paporB.aud floouments in that vault and; in the,vault in tho rear o( the treosuv-, er'H.oillco, nothing has bon dono a|s yet. The warden has had to givo uddl- tioiialwork to county auditors when btatemohtfl wbro roqmrod to Sottlo wit l Vvindsor and Walkeryillo, find tho nud - tors had to'suspend their regular wor c to be in'attdndanco for several day) and give explanation^ to the exports appointed by Windsor and Walker.vUIe to ,look into tho aocouuta. and Vouchor*. 'jTho auditors'also Jiad a groat dea inoroAVork than usual on aooopn't of the large sums expended last year on thcjl- county buildings, and as the counoi had deduced the salary'of the auditorf from'8l00 to875'it seemed fair that tbby should consider all the extra' worlc that they had to do. The warden was satis- iled with tho way the gaolers, whohav^T assumed the running of,the furnace^ and the oleaning of* 'the', main county building^ hnyo done'thoir work. H6 has also supervised as;mnoh as possible the W6rk; of tho county officers which soeth to J)e done propor. and diligontly.j SiuCo tho last BeHslcUi everything thaf eouW bo;paid has been pain out of the rate of tSt^fS on the floating debt incur ved to run Uie coui^ty siu^o tho rate of 1B95 ^ad'ho'en exhausted and to pay up tho expenses on County building im- 'tlk>vomonts, and the notes in tho bank, which in January amounted to *isomo $^i),000, hav6 been rodxiood to SIS.OOO. Ari more money iri needed to run tho county from Juno to next January. very Uttlo boing paid hi tho last half of the year, it is. necessary that tho eoun- cil tihouldpase tho by-law raising $10,- 000 in debonturon to pay up what has been incurred by tho expoiiHos on tho county buildiDgs, whichhayo rnnmueh highor than whs oxpocted. With tho $10,000 already issuod, SIO.OOO to bo issued now, and the contributions of Windsor ami Walkorvillo amounting to 1!0,838, tho total amount would bo $)!J2.- JJ38, or baroly onoiigh to pay up for all oxpenses occasioned ouo way or .tho Other by tho iniprovotuontH* on tho county buildings, Tho Warden's ad dress also referred to some othor minor matters. A rcauost for assistance from Hotel Dieu, was road and referred to tho finance committoo. Tho board of trnsteos of &. S. No. 11 township of Colchester South,appoaled to tho county council against a by-law passed by tho oounoil of tho township on May fst last, altering B.'. B. No. 11 by detaching therefrom lot 0 in 4th concession and adding lot 14 in said township, A petition from certain in- habifcauta of Gosllold North wafj road, praying for tho appointment of arbi trators io decide tho quostion of tho formation of a now school section ; from certain Inhabitants of S S No 3, Colchester North, against the action of tho cDiiueit of tho Township of .Colches ter South ; notice of appeal against tho docision of the Municipal Opnncil of Go's field North, in rogard to refusing a petition for a now school section ; also, a petition from curtain ratopayers of Colchostor Bouth, praying to be re moved from1 section 0 to section 12, in said township. All of tho above wero roferred to the Kduoation Committoo. Tljo committee appointed to. examine and repair bridges over Bello River oh tho townliuo botweon Maidstone and JtbeliosterV presented their report which was referred to. the Road and Bridge Committee. . ; Tho special committee appointed to settle with Windsor and Widkerville, re improvements to county buildings, presented their report which was ad opted.: The garden and Messrs, Wintomute and Lamarsh were appointed to draft a letter of condolence from the oounoil, to Mr.Girardot and family in their loss by tho death of Mrs. Girordot. , The special committee appointed to revise and consolidate tjio by-laws of t'e County of Essex, and the rules pf order; ; presented. thoir report,, which Council 'adjourned until 10 o'clock era Fair to be Wd at iBqilo piver; feoXKJ. to the Leamincton and ' Mersea Agri cultural Soblety; $90 totheEs^e^ rr|iiJ Orowers1 Association;-also' a graht to the^Arnherstbarg,'Maiden' and Ander- don AgtioulturalSooioty. ' , ; The matter of the follawing! grants wore referred! >to the Road and Bridge Oomnoi^tee: $fip0 torDistriot No.flitofoid in baijding,a bridge over; Oeflnr Creek washout; a grant euifioient; to build \ a bridge oyer the River Canard between Colchester,North and Anderdohjasniu- cont sum. to build a new bridge' oh the Canard River, between Sandwich West and Anderdon, 'in :tho' second conces sion. I j " Moved by Mr. Wintomute, seconded by Mr. Colo, that the Treasurer furnish this Council .with a stateuient showing the amount paid fto the Inspectori |of JPrpit! Trees for ttie past year Carried. , i$.x. Fox gavp notice of amotion fpra grant of $25 for Fruit Growers} Associ ation of , Oliiida, Messrs, Lamarsh, "Wintomnte and Patton wore appointed a Committee to investigate the Treas , urer'rt bonds and rop'ort to.council dur ing the present' session. Council ad-, journeduntil lip.m. ' * M Council met at 1 p.m.;and adjourned to 8 p.m., ot whioh timo they repnmofl. Moved by Mr. Wintemute, seconded by .Mr, Cole, that the salary of Hen^-y Morand, County.Treasurer, be ilxed at $1,600 insteadr of, $1,000 per year and that tiio salary o an assistant or ,uh-' siBtanta, ps; may bo required in has office, bo paid by Hmself put, of-p^e, .$1,000; alsolfhatheborequired.to super-,' visb tho weighing1 and quality'of, coal for tho heatmg of Court Honflo Arid gaol and also the offices at. Sandwiejh and certify to the ' correctness of** bills before they are paid; also ihHpect and ! oortify^to all gaol supplies apd that J ho bo obliged to do afc his o^vn oxpouse fall .the oleaning and caretaking-of-Cpunfy Treasurer's oflico without extra pay of any kind. That tho salary 6f m.MT.'; Boully f be reduced'; "from 8600 to S4fi0 with the tindorstanq- lhg that he not only to perform 'all tho duties sot forth in tho byJlaw an- pointinig him but alsoi to, bo on' 'hanil when reipiesfod by tho;ji;dg:e,to'.go'iti the Division Pqi^rts pn,- special heav cases, witihout extra pay. That fch] clerk be reduced'from $080 'to'^flpo'.i: Mauanooxtrnsl-: , , Moved by' Mr/ Stone; seconded'-by Mr. Fat ton, in ambndmout, that the, re port bo dealt withclauRo by clause, and that tho.salary of tho County Treasurer be placed afc/$t,!100f 'and that by-law be (passed to confirm-tho oamo, ; .Moved,, inamondraont to tho amond- monfc, .by-Messrs. Fox and Fatton, that Hio'inafctor in question ho laid over un til to-morrow and that tho couucil ad journ until 10'o'clock to-morrow morn ing, ,..-. Oeusiderablo diseusaion took placo on the qnohtion; Messrs. \Vintomute, | Laird and Burochor supporting tho motion uud Messrs. Btone, Patton, La- niftrsh, Jiuchauiui, Fox and Scratch supporting the imiondment. Aftor the discussion had 'lasted for over an hour tho amendment to the amondmont was carried and oounoil adjourned, 1 mi| , iwl inlWfiJWMft ,.^-.i M&i.m ,i*a-#-/5|,Ai VV,,'^.';A '. ' ,;:,a^A^;S^ ew For 30 0ays, Beginning: June i&t; Owing to the-^ .W.i'-n'^'AM ^!i'f.'"'ij|ift Stagnant condition of trade for the past two .mouths we oro pVfflflic'1 with now Spring Goods Und in order to pay for them on -the ^sfr'w , we aro forced to. ooavert a large amount of"'eo6)3a^infp.:cJ^b'.:'^^|liS nqx^ 30 days, ,in other words,iwJe ore compelled "to crowd three mofltwu business intq ono. -, Imview oX fche scarcity of money we arelatviu:frtKa^| accompliaUuo bi^ an u'ndertakuipr extraordinary induoemohta W^'f622 , to bo offered and prpAtB.Baorinced, in fact many linesi'will have^'totbetj nt^loGH thap coat. .Howovor.^ve are prepared to face the loss jn qrd< raise tho money'required. Nojer in 'the: history of theA clothdgl _ haB such an opportunity been'offered to the public of scouring"npHo^p . Olothiutr, Hrits and I^nrnishinpjs at such low prices. Below we men! a few .of the bargains you can expect and we qssurei yop\that si ;rcduotions will be given throughout tho entire iriook.; ' ' } . A Faw Sample Bargains we are offering In . . Men'sBluo Hergo Suits, always, considered cheap at 5,. now...,....., ft i^.flflt'f Men's Mixed Tweed Summer Suits,, well \Vortb 86\ now..................... "#8flf$! Mcn'fi All Woril Halibut Suits, alwayH wold at $C,.n6wL....;j;,..,..:..'.,..Jil'lt,TO@ i- Men's All Wool Fancy Tweed HnhH, worth $10 to $12; now....'.;;....'.i;, '.f#| ! i Men's Fiuo Black Worsted Coats aUd Vestst regular.price 8l0j inow .i J7f4flfei .t Men's Union Twoo^Pauts, well worth 01.2/5, new-,,;,,........^...,fc.f.;.;...;-;4'%tt& .; JMen's AU Wool Tweed i;auts, cheap ^t $1.75, now'..;..:....... *-iafife. Jdjmm Mon^BioycIp Suits, All W06I, worthy, now.;.................. S^ Men's Rainproof RigbyCoatH, warranto^, worth 810, uow:: ' "r ,; Boys' Imported Tweed Suits, (1 ..... " - Ohiidron^Iirip'ortod Tweed - Children's Wash Suits, Blou :Men's Spring Overcoatfi,1 Custom Mjide, worth 10to $13,' how^A..'..^ f'7^3 '* ' -r^^ T* the bargains In. > -f v , Furnishmgs. 'X '. :Men's ^lanneleitc ShijrtH.'. J -..'..' 'Men's Laundfied1 Cambric Shirts, , ....... , >Min's Uejjatta Shifts, separate col- ' lars. slightly soilrd, wcre$i, now Men's Untaimdiicd Shirts, worth 50c, now.................... Men's Heavy Cotton S ox, Re am less', 4 for 25c..... .............. ' Men's Heavy Cotton Shirts and Drawers.................... Men's arid Boys' Cotton JJ want era.. Boys' Wool Sweaters sailor collars $1 Men's and Boys'4-pIy Linen. Col* ' lars. 3 for 25c .'............. Pcrrlns Beat Cable Sewn Kid Gloves..'.................... Gloria Silk Umbrellas, steel rod.. "9 So ' 1 H . ;.p icn's Tweed Bicycle ta rv.iV miUP DAY. Weduosday, Juno Ota. Oounoil mot at 10 a. m. Tho by-law to, borrow ij?10,000 to com plete payment for county buildings im provements, whioh had oeon published for throo months, was read a second timo.. . Alois Mahters, high constable for tho county, applied to" have a telephone, put in his office., Tho Initialization committee pre sented thoir report which was adopted. Essex was equalized, at 8335,000 and Louiington at rllflO.OOO. D. A. Maxwell, I OP S, -for South Ehhox. preoontod his roport which was ordered .published in tho minutes. Th. OHrardot, Inspector for North Ehbox, was excused from piaking a re port on uccount of his roeent ailliotion. Moved by Messrs Laird and Fox', that tho county treasurer furnish the council with a statement of the ac counts between the county and the dif ferent municipalities. -Carried. Moved by Messrs Fox and Patton, that.a grant of y2fi be made, to the Fruit Growors* Association of Ontario. Onr- riod. ' , Moved by Messrs Fox and Laird,that a grant of. $750 bo mado.tp the Great Southwestern Exhibition at Essex and that tho matter bo referred to tho Financo Oommitteo. Oarried. At the Afternoon session the by-law to borrow $10,000 was read a third time, passed, >ml ordered to be promulgated. Tho county oilicers' salaries came,up: again for discussion and a compromise was eifootod, Hxing tho 'aalJU'y.of the county treasurer at $1,450, the steno-i graphor at $400 and tho county clerk at $000. On motion, Roy Her is to receive $5 a session as nieasentror, Tho county auditors reported that they had . looked into claim of Mr. Wright but could find nothing hi it.: , Moved by Messrs Stone and Patton, that the, County Grown-Attorney ascer tain if :aU^tJio-_flneB and fees received by.acting. J P's in the county have' 23 00 !0 90 41 men-s iwecu uicyeic .cops.,.,.';;;.'^CjSg Boys' Navy Varsity Cnp^, r V^ArVrAvA^Sj Men's Ulack or. Brown;,.Fedoraa^ .>:^ spring style, worth $i.25J ".ow.^ i'^M MenV Stiff-HnW, style i8p6, /egti. fr.^M lar price $2.50to $3, now"^^. itfyJ^'M Men's Stiff Hats, latest style.^or.thr.'^;1.^-; .i| Boys* Straw Hnts, worth sSc.now^;., '^It^J Men's Straw Hals, worth 35c, nojr^AiatfS&j Christy's Celebrated English, :never;v:-!>'-"(4l *ohl,for less than 3, :;;DetroU.;l ,f>^M price $S, now........r...K...'T^\:^^M 75 Indies' and .Children's Spwig' $*%$ Jackets, regular price from $0 -to^rj^Mp .... ..'.V ro^^ Men's anil Boys Lanndnet] Shirts ,41 . 'VH^j., Ilememhor no goods will be charged during this sale as it is Cash -we "drleS aftor and Cash we must have. Hiiio begins -Tune ts't and ou(1h .Tune fldtli, '; l^*V^ ____.________ __:;____ i w$\$m JO. PECK, The Big Store, Cor. Ouollotfe Avciuie Siuulwich Street,'Windsor.' and .M|J'j.rVffi :# to-mprrowmprnihg. -" : r.'.\:\' ,, The epunoil met^pnrauont to adjourn ment. The roll was called, all tW members;'present;'.:';;".-,; / ^ere^'teier^ed':^-;^'.1:'^^^ inittee-^S^Jp tp;>thts GoloJieBWSouth: ^( L-Ltilil.WJl^U-^lijailliLil.JJW- been properly returned to theoonnty. ,. .Council adjourned : till Thnrsday morning. , ' .: ., ..' Essex County Court. ' ,; The County Court and Sessions, with a jury, opened at 8and-wiolV;on Tues day, at1;p,m* before Judge Hprne, an4 a full hsfc of jurors which appealed in last W;6ek?B^B8ue.V.' v "}.-'.1/,:,!-v' Aftor tho Grand Jury had beejioalled and, warn,-. Hie1 Lordsjjip addrppaed them, The list idf cades to come .be|pi*e thepayhe :^siiai ^6jB,(h,' "^eob^rgeof iwheat stealingbj&Jp destruction of property.. In regard to tho charge of destruction of proporty they must be satisued that there was an intent-to' destroy. The duty, of the Grand Jury ie to hoar only one side of tho caflo, and find whether there is suf- Hoiont ovidonce to warront placing a man on trial. Thero wore also two cases of aggravated assault which would havo to como before them. For merly it took 13 Grand Jurors to ngreo on a. true bill, now'sovon can bring in a bill. The Grand Jury then rotired to take up tho chargo against D. W. Mason, W. ' J. Brett, I\ MoEwan and J. Thompson. ." Naturalization papers were taken by Moaos Souoior. The Couuty Court Clerk announced that the following constables had been appointed since last court i C. F. Oor- uotot, of Bello River ; Frank Wilson, of Woodslee ; Daniel Antayn, of Sand wich West; Alfred Kapos; of Walkor villo. The legal fraternity was represented by J, W. llauna, F. 13. Davis, D. B. IJavie', R. F. Sutherland, J. R. Martin, A, L. Lafferty, A. St: George' Emr-Mr Sheppard.O, E. Fleming and J. E. O'Connor. Owing to the serious illness of his daughter 'Court Stenographer Scully was unable to attend and the re port of tho proceedings was. taken by L. N. Case, of Detroit. The following list of oases wero set down for hearing : Queen vs J. Mulder; Queen ysD.W. Mason and others; Qneen vs Hoore, and Quoon vb DoneaU. Civil Kearns vs Smith ; Parent vs Hutchinson ; Camp? bell vs Parker ; Churchill,vsMeKellar;* fetrachan vs Forry ; Leggatt vs Ford. , Before JJae cases were .-started on S. Laflorty. who was out on bail on a charge of seduction, appeared ..before His Lordship and elected, to.be tried without a jury.,, The case will likely be tried about the end of the' month by JudgeHorne. '. > ..' v ^ ; Straehan vs FeUry, ?an! action by Mr..; Straohwi, a traveler,for 1>.M;;Ferry. A Co., to recover 'salary'claimed tp;be- due byr defeudante: to hiin, ^vae settled: b'etween:':t^p(^e8-vb,eT6re\:.iV': wa?, caUed, 3V ':.*V Sa^a %' plaintiff;, ^Ellia.&"ptis^i6r;defendantB.V::?; KWui :~/^X!;';.fiv/"I>aVJfl ^enteied;^an.^ar^eal> against;; a: i ^nviwpn,':^iBiw*,^y.iyfl^ ;pchm^dv;J^iWr^)B';;i MB""*" ..- ftrm Koarhs vs Smith was then caliear- it was not finished when court adfpii od at o'clock. The plaintiff, Roji'e^ Koarns, is a laborer and tenmster/ml tho township of Rochester and the^'dP$ fondant, Edward -Smith,- is a : f^mfem and mill owner in tho same townshipS Theplaintifl'sued-for-glOO thevalu'eSif^ a team of horses taken out of MspQjBBj oseion by Mr* Smith and .for^iatyrj balance claimed to be owing by,Smjt to Kearns for work done |or uefendw Plaintiff began-to work for Smithy tho fall of 1805 and continued-in"] employ until the fall of ,1806. 'Keai. Was to clear up 2f> acres'; for SinitK;^ return for the horses but only ,ole^< part of it. The eaae^vaB'.a'^badiT-v^ni ed ono, and was:^not ^ve^;:;;tQ^tl jury until Wednesday..: ClarEejS Cowan, Bartlet .& Bartlet appcaired^foifr plaintiff; Oloary ;& Sutherland for'*$$& fondant.".^.' :-":-^'-i-?$tyM At5 o'clock Tuesday afterhobh:utl Grand Jury announced their.decision in the cases against Di W. Masoti^ J. Brett, P. MoEwanaud J..Thompff< A /(.true, bill ?' was returnedaga^i^ Mason for removing:'fixtures and ^a^ft^ age to property and a *'nobili-^i^S theft. A "no, bilj*' was-iretTU^^ against the other three oh all.counts^ Tho case, of Kearns ;vsPSto^h^ continued on Wednesday mor^^g'jariM the jury^vere out a ildne/tinie^efblS coming to a,verdict which.was:$VBB$ntf ': '^:(--MS The charge against.I bhn';Mitf "dfc&W then taken up. ' ilajf^^ reniembered. wasm:'one.Qtiux<ecw^iS^' ored menwho -.were' a^cused'//^pfcf injr wheat frbnv*Henry^^Heat<ia:^ eellinjritat A; .J.';Green'a^l^Mc" 'in Easexdafltfal>;""A^;^^|jafJffi Dooembersessions and the,:3ury^ agreed, Hnghbanks an other oithe-^ pleaded guOty beior&Judge;'So?h%| was sentenoe;d^to !fou^Jye^fcw|f~ t6n,Fehitentiar^:";';-;5&!waiiiiv^W to give evidenceagainet Ttfulder^i T)eneau:for 'ftssau}^^