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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 4, 1897, p. 8

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o! TilburyEWo^t, for i kriowii m i the aw $?*mdha!- temi wid has been the pro- lltr ---- '^i^\&ivfrftffli&v,and', W' large' nw^er OiTWfehbP1*-.- MalfltlPg:to. rai^o the - "'""""' '^iSymoi 'jfcjy1:p;Thoa. BuroWoI for some years ||S^"^:;.':;; c:'?:':;;'-;:^'. .: " te;^-;'. -- .. North Rldgei J^V-^^kJrpjjt boa .visited tis noariy every m!lv-f- nl^'for'aboutaveek.,: *fef Mr. Jolley will preaoli in (foe Methp- ip-fe v diBt churoh'next S&bbatU at H.OO a.m, W;i%-l::-. Peter Gilboe'and sons are building a IftSS; new Vire woven ienoe in front of their '*." Jeremy Johnson and wife* of wood- stook, are here oalling on relatives, and frienda. m A. GK Bedelle and wife werein Kings- vi)Ie;on Friday last afctouding the fun eral of the late Samuel Her* James Oummifbrdaud Samuel T3alt- Ber wont to Oedar Greek on a, fishing expedition last Friday; it tw a bad day for fishing, but they got one little Buufish about throe and ^even-eighths j inches in length. Shadoa nl the im mortal Isaac Walton* on wfoat peculiar ihoulders has thy mantle fallen. fev. *% v.- aeft - . to. -.._ ebverallmen from .^incUwt >ave been building' a nS4, for logs, whiofc was tiUcon to Windsor on tlon.'day. Goorgei Monsieau left reoently for Georgian Bayjwhere be has pttrohaaed a ^argo Cof^mnbOTv He is expected 'homeSahortly. , CohJctiQater North. KomlnaUona for a oounoiUor to fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of A. 0. Atkinson, was held tro Monday when George Colouutt/was nominated by F. Sweot and / seconded by 0. Cunningham. Tbiftre being no other nomination, Mr. O/olenufct was deolared elected for the '/est'cilf the year. KM 11 V rip'V K ft;.' fe , ,, Camp Palmer. O. R Taylor paid a visit to friends In Comber ami Leamington this wefc. T, H. DeOew whipped 3 oara of Tim ber for eastern markota on Tuesday. "Wm- White ib huhy gotting his hun ger on the ground for !}ub rosidonecou the TownKhae. jDelbort Wiper moved to Essex tfhis Week. He has secured work as thead Hawyor for Mr. NiobqrgaUi of Mc Gregor. H, M. Misenor is disposing^f 4Hargo quantity of mill etaves to the farmers In the vicinity. They lire, nnotl for Bhiugling. Last week,t4o largest number ofload- ed cars went out that have ever gone from Camp Calmer in ono day, "-being 18 heavily loaded with bolts at 'O- B. Taylor's mill, 10 loaded with staves and .Eatings from Mr. Misener's mill, and about eight .loaded with cprdwood a- longtho spur. Woodslee, Mrs.John Murray is.visiting relatives tn Bldgetowu. ^Miss Mamie Murray, of Detroit, oall- ed.on friends in town last week. Miss Katie Campbell, of Itidgotowe, . 1b visiting Miss LUlie Miirray. Miss Emma Donovan, of Befeoit, called on friends her last week. ' Thos. Paisley has a hen that has laid 4& opga. Can anyone boat this 7 Master Donald Thurber, of Detroit, Was a visitor in Woodslee laefc weok. Wm. O'Brion, of Chatham, rogiatorod at the Hogan House, on Tuesday. --Mrs.'.J. T. Mullona'and daughter* of '. Chicago are visiting her father, JvA. Hogau. Miss Annie Gaughan haa gone to De troit to attond the wedding of her ' cousin, Miss Bonyiehs. Mrs. John Boidy and daughter GCr- trudo and Miss Bert. Dougherty, of Oloveland, havo l>oon visiting at A, Hogan's this week. OUnda. Wo are vary sorry to report the a&vereEillnoss of Mrs. Whaley, sr. Miss 0..|Squire was a visitor with friends inJAmhecstburg last week. George Whaley has sold his young tteam,of Peroheron horses to John Greavos,of;Maidstone,ata good figure. Mr. Oorbett, shoemaker, has leift Olinda for the summer seasou. Ho has moved to Leamington. Some of our sports are talking of grading a half-mile track on the farm of Wm.^Qrton, with the assistance of Buthven sports. Itov. St. Bthelbert Yates will attend the Ontario Convention of the TJniver- salists at Blenheim on June 11th, 12th and tilth. Maidstone. Albert Hyland has purchased a now top buggy. Watch for 'developmoats. T. B, Wilson, B.A., of St- Thomas,' spent a fow-days with hifl uncle, Wm. Nosbitt. -Elmer, *ho year old >son of Oliver Plant, of }the Middle Bead, diod on Tuesday. ,"..', , Mrs.wnspn, who'resides with her son John, has been under the doctor's oare for somo timo. Miss D. House.who received her new wheel a short time ago, has^ become quite a proficient rider. . B. Wigle and P. Wilson are develop ing-their vocal-talent under the direc tion of Mrs. Dingwall; of Detroit. Miss Cora Wigle has been confined to her bed for some time as a result of an operation on her teeth. Although her condition is alarming at present wo hope to hear of her spoody recovery. Thefunerftl of Mias Dora Bonks took pliiw^>u. :^pn^|'{<ihe^BerY|cpg being wniluetia ;by Bev, J. A; Oollinfland USBiflted by ^e pastor, Rev/ J. fl; WMmti^aBfly,M* Purnel^ : Quarterly flervioes were oondnoted at New Canaan, last Sunday, by the presiding elder, Bey. J. A. Oollihs, and tho. pastor. Bev. Mr. Collins oonduoted the morning service and J. H. Williams took charge of the even ing service.. Cottam. Mrs. .Thrasher is visiting her parents, Bev. J. Her and wife. The weather keeps cool with frost occasionally at night. There has been no corn weather bo far. Mrs. L.PiHey'loaves this weok for Loads, England, after staving one month in our fair Canada. She made mony friends, during her ' short stay. She loaves hor husband -with us. The oheeso factory is mooting with great success this season and a fair prospect of paying all engaged in it. The milk haulers will receive so much atrip except a few whohanl bytheowt. W. Feetham, Fbsox, will preach in Olinda Methodist church, on Sabbath afternoon, (Uliiiiflt., in the absence of Bov.1 W. H. Shaw. James L, Stu art,, student from Toronto College, will preach in the evening. m .<ir.iiii.Ui XBr> - ' ft South Woodslee. There is some talk of holding a fair hero this fall. Mrs. B. Hogau, of Chatham, has been spending a few days in tho village.. Mrs. James Hanes has, boon quite ill but is now on the mend. She under went an operation last woeit. .J. A. Smith was laid up a good share of; last week with an attaok of la grippe, Allison & Handoook shippod two curs 0^ oats and ono of corn fr6m South WoodHloo this week. James Pembolton, who has been laid up for some weoksris recovering fafc and will soon bo .'able to resume his duties an agent at McGregor. Mn. Skarh, general agent for Noxon ; Bros., Ingcraoll, Out., was in the viliftge this 'woek on business with the : local agonta. Mitoholl A Hooker.. . Missos Hall and Paul, of Essex, are .'opening' up a dross-making establish-, nlent in a part of. tho rooms occupied vby J.' A Smith, us a tailorshop, . Two loads of Oddfellows from hero K" 1 V ^;^ent to liuthven on Tuesday night M?'if:':: /^hen dogroos woro' conferred on Mv.;);: '^several, of the members by tho Ruthvon j^",,';.v/;.';^;.iteam.:';. s. ' ." ^".:",^,,':"-' -', Bay, W. Ayers left on .Monday evon- in^fbr London to attend the Methpdist ^Conference. Ij. Mills; tho lay delegate, . left on Wednesday to attend the Con- |. ;: H; O1. Bees' is making shii>ments of stayes I from thia station almost daily. ; puFriday, % carloads were shipped to eastern points. - Some oars were also \ shipped on Wednesday .of this week. fe'lK"'-:: tjpfflftX: -Hooker will havo another fe;-.\-r,,,.............. ...... ?!$$ public delivery ofimplements .atBouth $$$$ ^^.^inBt^;TW^expecV. ^^eHyer^a-bbuMO fMjfc$t' Wnders^ besides otlier; im^einents.'iiid-' ^ 'i.' ">: flaldstono Cross. Miss Ada Half or d is visiting iu town; A. Halford,.01'EL, was in town on Wednesday. Rat shooting is all tho rage with, tho boys just now. Maidstone has a priaewrestler. Samuel JohuSon and Wpi. Burton returned from Chatham on Wednesday lastaftor spending about a week thoro. Mrs. Dan. Costigan i recovering from hor illnoBS. , The Windsor Bioyole Club passed through town on Sunday. A now refrigerator Was put into tho Maidstone hotel last week. Miss Bort Dohorty, of Detroit, was tho guest of Frank McCloskey on Tups- day. Miss Dohorty will shortly tako a position as bbnk-keopor in Now York. '........... ^ Kuthyen. The Horvioos last.. Sabbath were'con ducted in the morning by J, 0. Oopo- land and in the evening by. the pastor, Bov. Dr. Modd. The Ifipworth League is taking con siderable interest in tlieir society. It ia steadily growing. On Buthven circuit ..there are'no fewer than four leagues, all inaugurated during tho Inst throo years. From Buthven, J. O. Oopoland is appointed a delegate to tho International Convention in Toronto in July.. Albion Cunning started for England on Wednesday of last week. Ho will probably spend'the summer there. About two hundred acres of tobacco plants will bo sot out bore next week. Mr. 'and-Mrs. Baboock, of Nebraska, called On friends last week. KlngsvlIJe. ' .,. Capt. Art. King has gone to Winni peg,". ' Eyangolist Minnis loft last weok for Maple Rapids Clinton Co., Mich., where he will hold a scries of meetings, Mrs., HoUdorshot, of Wolland, has beou spending a few days with her son, 0. W. Hondershot and wife. Dr. J.. Peroival Xiee.of this town, was married on May Sfitt, to M|as Bessie Farrell, daughter of the late Jas. Far- roll, of Pavkdale,-put., by the Bev. Ohas. Ingles, of, St, Mark's church. The dopto? and his brido arrived heie on Wednesday evening of last week. The first general meeting of the Brown ,:.'i;' Wigle<" Co.; of Kingflvillo, limited, was:^eld in; the town, hail'/on ^Wednwday:"^,'"liwiti^eek'.': Drl-Si A.' Kin^, J, OS.;'3>uj^4;.:^'l3(;'-B^Bxowni.; Horace, Wigle, O^mefl. HijliSi ;Gep.; D,, ^_,^ere;^e)ieofeid:' e oyening the directors Oosfleld South. Wesley Hyatt, of Ruth von. fell to the ground fcom tho top of he gas well dor rick at Kingsville on Tuesday of lubt woek-and sustained somo serious: injuries. He fell a distance of forty feet, Ono of his logs was broken and it re<iuied 88 stitches to sew up the1 won ml a ^he sustainod in his scalp. The injured anan was brought to bin home at liuthven somo hours after the. acci dent. Although Mr.. Hyatt sustainod very severe injuries the doctors do not Consider bin condition dangerous. The residence of J. G. Lanuin in Gosflold South was struck by lightning ou Snhday. ovening of last week and badly damaged. The family were ail in the houno at tho time when the eloo- trio .fluid struck tho chimney and run ning down it and the stove pipe. passed out of the stove onto (the floor and .a- loug a joist to the foundation then down the collar wall -and out of the window in the.oollar. Mr. Lanuin had just moved from the side of the stove bofojrfl tho lightning struck tho place Whore lie had beon sitting.All themom- bors of the family were shocked bat how they osoapod death is a wondor.Tho building was insured in the Northern Assurance Co., of England, of which Wm. Ohuroh ih tho agent and the next day ho adjusted tho loss at $100 which sum has boon paid over by tho com pany. Tho Methodist churoh in Canada con tributes about 87 cents par member to missions, just ono-half more that is con tributed by tho same church in the UnitciVStatofi. The ato.amor Shjckluna collided with tho steamer Toouwaoh about three miles offTjong Point, in Lake Erio on Sunday, Tho Shiokluna sank, but her crow were'rescued,- . Au Ottawa dospatoh says: "Asovon- year-old girl named Laundry, was at tacked by a hog and had her arm and leg torn out and devoured.' Tho girl survived but a short timo." Almighty Voico, tho Indian who murdered Sergt, Oolobrook, of the Northwest Mountod Police, somo time ago^was located . near Crooked Lakes about 40 miles south of Prince Albert, by Corp. Boirdrottgo and Scout Na poleon Vpnno, Thursday of lost week, who oamo^suddenly upon a camp of two-Indians, They -tied to cover and from the bluffs firod two shots, one of which took "effect in Vdnno's shoulder, wounding him badly. The fugitives wore hotly pursued by the party, under luspootor Wilson, and another' party under Oapt. Allan. Later, on ap proaching u small bluff, the polioe, wero mot by a bullet, >vhioh broko Oapt. Allon's arm, and a moment .later by another which struck Sergt. Bayen in the groin. Tho party drew off from the bluff out of range. After being re inforced by other members of- the Mounted Police and somo settlers from Duuk Lako tho Indians, wero again iUrsnod, but the pursuit proved disas trous, Oorp.iCen and Constable Hookin, of the police, and Ernest Grundy, post master at Duck Lake, haying, been shot dead; They .tried to rush on the bluffs, where- tho iudians were shel tered. On Saturday, the police took a seven-pounder field gun and with other assistance,, including the Prince Albert volunteers; sot out for Almighty Voice and his companions. On Sunday af ternoon,, the Prihoo....'Albert' volunteers got' impatient and prevailed -oh the officer in charge to allowthem-to rush tho bluff,; whlph they did at pV m.( led by Wm. Drain,' James MoKay, Q. 0., and police ioiapers -Wilson- and; Mab- Donnld. On the;;first ;irus]h- they did no;t;flnd 'the: AijSfjVg: \ plac^'.;;,^f'^hey'lnT; dians,;', T^ey agaip /wenttyhrpugh, ,ijuig;th^/pnl^ A BY LAW to provide for dralnioft a part : of thr Town of Essex by the improve ment of the drain upon tho.west aide of Viotoria street and for .raising the sum of 9188, for completing the same. Provisionally adopted the 1st duy ofJuno, 1897. WiiBBBifl, oompUlnt haa beta mado by John W, Burdlok and othera, owners, aa abown by the laatroviBod Aaasaatnttnt BoU of tbe proper ty herein aJ tor aeb forth to be benefitted by the pubtlns Id better tepa.lt at the drain on the weataide of Victoria street, have notified the Oounoil of the Towa of Bisex that the said drain was very much ont of repair and re quested the aaldMnnlelpal Connoll to pat the said drain in repair aa soon at possible. , Amx> WHBn&Ae, tnerenpon the Mnntflipal council of the Town of Essex caused an examination to be made by Jas, B. Laird, O.I 8., being a person competent for uaoh purpose, of the said locality proposed to be drained, by tho Improvement of tbo said drain, and has also proonred plana, and .estimates 'of the work to be mado by, the said James 8- Laird and an assessment to he made by him o! the roal property to be benefitted . by the Improvement of the ' said drain, stating, aa nearly aa ho oan, the proportion of boDonb, wblob in bis opinion, will bo derived tn ooneoqnonce of each Improvement by every raad or lot, or portion of lot, tho said assessment so made being the assess ment by this by-lav enacted to be assessed and loviod upon tbo lots and parts of lots horo- Inaftorespeoially sot forth and described and the report of tbo aald James 8. .Lalrd la as follower To the Mayor and Council of tbo Town of Kser, In council aasernbled: Okntlbmbk In aooordance with instruc tions from jour honorable body I have taken the notice or petition slfrnod.by John W. Bosdlck and othora and have laid out a drain on >he west side of Victoria street, from Block 19,'south, to the Roar Road, a distance of 200 redfl, and beff to report thereon as fallows : I found tho eald drain Tery nrach flllod up In crost places and vary badly in Toeert of improve- inont. I would therefore racommeud that tho said ditch bo cleaned out-In accoraanoo vltb the annexed profile and apecrln cations. land tbab it will cost, all expenses included, 913a, \to put said drain In a good state of repair. Of this amount 1 have taxed the Town of Essex for benefit to roods With -085.45. Tho remain, lug $07Jtt> 1 have assessed acalnst tbo lots and parts of lots that will bo in any way behofittod. by the cleaning out of said ditch This tlralo snail bo kept In repair by a tax on tho lands androaa now assessed and In the sauiQ propor tion aa now assessed oxespt the engineer In obargoofthe repairs deems ft necessary to change the proportion on account of the altered condftiOna of the drainage system. proflloB, all guidance In tho oonstruoUon of sold dltftb. I haveibe honor to ba.'Ountloniou, . Tour obedient Horvant, ffAMKB 8, LAIBD. KL.B.' Essex, May ath. 1807. JUf Whbhbab, tbo said Connll Is of tho opin ion that drainage of the locality uuatirlbed Is dosb-ablo; ' ' Do it therefore on acted by t\\e Mnnicipal Onunoil of the Tcmn-of Essex, pursuant to the profislona of the Oonsolldated MunioipalAot of 1803, and amendments thereto : 1st. This Beport, Plans and Estimates be ad opted and the sold drain and works connected therewith bo mode and constructed In oooor- (Jaaoo therewith. ________ 2nd. That for the purpose of paying tho sum of 807.M being the amount assoBsea aguiuat tho said lands so to bo benefitted osaforosaid. other than Boads belonging-to the Municipality, tue following spoctal rates-over and abovo all other ratos ahull be assessed and loviod in the same manner and at the same timo as taxos oro levied upon the undermentioned lots and parts of lots and the amount*of thesald spocial ratos as aforesaid shall be aoaessod and levied against uaoh lot and port of Ioc in the year 1H97. LlBtof lots and parts of lots in the Town of Eksox asbeuBed for the Jmproveyitmfc of tbo drain on the \/eat side of Victoria streot from Block 12 sotith to the Rear Uoad. Aooompanylng you estimates, spooffioabioiiB, aflsossnionta and oihor papers neoe^aary for lu ------ ' :'::^mmmm GloBing Out Balance of Our Stock of. '. 'ii.'StSi The Crest Lmdieft* and Gentlemari1 reduced to Bioyclo, regular prioe^ The Chief tain ^ .V, Gentleman's Bicycle, $49.50. regular price $65, redacicl^f Princess Bortnie ^ ^ Ladies' Bicycle, regular price $65, reduced to Every Bicycle Guaranteed and Easy T^r; . of Payment. f?M IATuA-ISTTED 3o,GOO lbs. * m a <a o . P4 S 8 c q ' 3 o .9" a a <v CO a For -which we will pay the Highest MarJ$ price in cash or in trade. We would urge upon our customers to market their 'yjfl before July Iwfc, next;. The new tariff which takes eflfe^ fchat date will make prices lower. '" IEW SP1IIQ B.T.R. K <l Dlook A.. " 1 it ' i ii ic ii << 41 *: M II 14 II. II Plan B22 u i< i< 10 11 12 18 li '* U ": D '3,4,6,fl 7,6.0,10 B O 5 2.85 2.80 . a.75 2.70 2.05 ' 2 CO ' 2.55 3.1-10 9 B.07-10O 5.47 M SI 40 3 50 S 50 S 50 50 U 50 S 50 3 50 8 50 50 0 10 4 85 1 20 8 i/l I 0 - . 25u. oaoh 20o. each 80 50 75 1 l(t 1 50 2 50 B 00 *5U. 4 001 4 50 0 05 4-00 2 00 1 10 1 85 0 00 too 1 00 80 75 20 348 06 840 0; 3rd, For the purposo or paying the anm of $n&A5, holng the total amount asBOfisod against tho Htroota In tbo Towu of Baaox( a Bnffloiont Bpool-ti rate ovor and abovo all otbor rates shall bo loyloil In the eatoo manner and at the same tlinoas tdxosaro loviod upon.tho whole ratable property lu tbo Town ol Essex In tbo year 1607, The Shoe Business of this Store has been buUi on ita Merit Price is a cotiflideratioa in buyijS THE FACT . '\r::^^:-^ ' $ Of having the newest' and Selling on the; margin of Profit is all the argument that is iie|l for brisk sales; The more you compare Goods arid prices tliei^i certain you will be to spend your noney here; We want your Trade and we offer you this b tunity to secure ExtraValue. '." 3# 4tb. That Bball' be published thia' B/ Law ouooln ovary wook, (or four oonBeoutivewopka,' in tbo Esanx FflUElMiEBa, and Bball come Into forco on and at tor the final passing thereof, ii lid shall botnown and may baoitod as tlis Victoria stroofc Drainage By-Law No. 207. JOHN WAI/naUB, OHO. J. THOMAS, Clerk.: \ . Mayor. I hereby cortlfy that tbo forogblnK if) a true oopy-af a by-law proviaionully adoptod by tbo municipal oowuoifof tho said Town of Eaeoiton tho first day of Jane, A, p. 1897, : JOHN WALTERS, Clork. NOTICE is heroby givon that a Court of Ror viBion will bo h1d at tho! Town Hall, Hbsux, oh tbeOfcuday of JuIy,18W: at the hoar ofH o'olook p.m., for tbo hoariug und trial c( appeal a mado agalnat tho above. assdes- inont, or any part thereof, in the manner ;pro vided by tbe TDrainatfe Aob, 1H0|. A notice of Huob appoaltobo servod ontha Olerb of tho MpuloipoIIty at) least ten days before- the first raeetinflOt'EftidVCourt. , , .. ' ' And fnrtner notice Is horeby given that anyone no Intending apply to have snob By-law, or any arttberoof, quaahed, mast, not later \tuan ten Sai_________ ...... aya after tho final posaina thereof,' serve a ono Intending apoly.to have snob By-law, or any " " ' later tb y a after tho final poseins notice in writing; noon the Olork of tbo Munici pality of. Uie intention to xaoke application for that pnrpoHo,to the High Court at Toronto, dur ing tho alx weeks next ensuing the final pasBbifl or thia Bylaw. .'..'..' , f. ... JOHN WALTBBS,' "..v.'-oiertt Dated at Ebbbi, tbla ltt day of June, 1897. . p^Jof||eisi()i); . Rovlfllon on tbe Auesjnaebt :,BoIL of ' thb Teanei tS-Sigu ofthe (ioldou Boot, WHITNEY BliOCK. -ESSEX; ;'"';7-"."v"""l",: ' '.""' r'd'r, Treasurer's Sale of Lands For Tax8^. /\'S?M tbe-^m To Wit: j Ea^ex, in the County, of Essexti and authenticated by the-px$tffM 'of, the sauT town, bearing date the 29th day ojf M^rch, 1897, arirf tp me direcfefeconSit^ me to levy mwn the following lots or parcels of land.for,, arrears of. t^xes duei*JtH'5TO) costs. . \,{'):^.':^:?-^WL I hereby give notice that unless the aaitl taxes and costs^are' ai^ncfffP^j^^r^|m Baturday, the 17th day of July, '(897. "t ihe hour of ten o'clock in ' thevforen^on^4fl Hall, >n the Town cr ^ *u-^.-.-j lu-j^^.^iw thereof as may be su Plan. 310.. 310 of Essex, proceed to sell by Public Auction, the"^d:^;liu|idri^|j^ Lifficient to pay such arrears of taxes aricl nil lawfut'cpst^itfcyrf^^ Lots, ,. i^ t .(I ..28:. 223.-45, 46. 47. 48, 49.SJ. 52,53.54.) 55.69, 74. 7S. 77-............J 7 00,. 3 04." riiMiM.fl 223...... 223...... 2p7.. .,. 207..'*, . 220.'..... 267...... 322.. ... 247* 247...... 247.... 247.." 247-* ,.,.20, 21 V. ..,.27, 28.. ..,.23/24.. .....15.....,, ,...20,21,, ..;;V>...o,,r.... . * > . *..OOi * 1 .. .. . ......i,.28, 29... .* r43V.v>. 0. .>.... 1........ .'2 ;g41> r;^*Vyi^i * *i ..... -------tmmm WOOD' iBCO63PBE0prN3Et , T^^ Great tinuii^^cvie^r* I Stet'rTttbVaoe* QMarantep&to promptly, and pennanontly , cure ail tormBCt Jfjirvou* 1 otorrhea, Totpotmajiand an effect* of- Abtse or fvofafut. jnotcn. A^drtME^itfoeWoe^* m

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