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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 4, 1897, p. 6

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All* ' >J8-? :r '; ' tf-.j-S-v ,. - .' i1'" fei&r ft;* *r *. ^ ' . ',", xo'iy. 'A p.:;. 'Aafr 'under all pi*QUtnstancesf 'Tttbt^as *no;'x*imJ 1>y i;tak*i&; thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done Is , to: pro mote conditions' favorable to -growth. Tnfs TsV done "by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes , lie soil in 'winch tne hair grows, arid, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots,are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If yon wish your hair to retain its normal color, or If yon wish to restore the lost; tint of gray or faded hair use / Ayer's Hair Vigor. w '( ft: In Springtime. Kind o' has my doubia eoriie days 'JBoutttjo way theBeasou playa Wifli a fellor'a feetm'a, i*'rap^ Gotft noMlerdty tbeu drapa Then blamo mercury, an'you Don't kuow what ph airth to do Sort o' can't do anything 'Oept do nothiu'. Thon by jiu(jl I know it'fl Kprinj;. Whoa the Ban jest chinos out hot, Kind o* hintiu' j on'yo forgot When to ohaak thciiii winter oIohuh; , An* the brook turnu loose an' jass ffi*:w: GriutUn* oat a summer time, I$/> ' Like a** if it thought 't was .Juno, $y.',- And the oat bird trioa to etuu, And thebeoa in out by jin^l >.'_..-, I know ItV spring. ; When a farmer feels plum tire;! , Liko a foliar dooa that's hi.rod By the month for bod an' koop Ah* your head begins to leap When you move a litfclo quick, An' maw nayn, 4*Pap you'll bo Male, Ayer'fl Sara'parlll's the thiuif That you neod;" why, thou by final I kuow it'a aptim*. Sort oT- drifts mo back fcffon To ray boyhood's springtime, when, , Shut in doot-u I jjat kop' brack Of bho yollor almanac, Turned a pajjo caoh d-ty uutxl 'Now tako Ayor'n Sard'parilUI- Stared right out, an' than I'd fling "Dp ray hat: At kt, hy jingl I know 'twau spring ' A Caution to Whocl women. Iu directions to bloyclo ridors regarding tho rulo of tbo road it hub froquoutly boon , pointed out that when overtaking and pan- Bing a, vehioloon^ tho (oft, which is the corrucfc oido, tho oyoliat mint bo oxtroinely watchful agiinat the powillnlfty of oollid- ln& with a waggon approaching from tho opposite direction. Tho fuot haa not boon emphadizod, howovor, that tho daugor in auoh inHfcancea in fur groator.for. a woman than for a man. Thin ia not boo-muo alio ', ia loan pruc^ut or hIiIUuI in hor ridin eithtir, but simply hooaiiHo nf tho way in whioh alio ia droftBod. 'Any nkirt no matter , how woli it 'm gut' md iittod, will blow abouf; Bomowba^ and in pttHHiiig; through a Comparatively narrow Jipaoo botwoon two Vehiolot) thoro 13 a olmuoo of ibu becoming eatangled in the Hpokoij of tho wh cola on tho "leoward"' aide cf ttio ridor if a nftUti. oalterm may bo forgiven. Such an ooour renoo would be almost certniu to pauu^ a 1 horrtbm aoaidont, .and yot ovory oyoliet , who haa rildon much' iu thncity haadoubt- ' leaa aoen do^ona othairbrodlhoaoapua from juafc thia'afcato of affaltH, Tho only provou- tivo ia iiuromitMng vigilinoo on the patfc of tho woman.ua aho ovoitakea or puKHau a waKon- Somotimea I liavo thought that . LIhto in moro daugor when Bho la riding , ..with a man, boijauso it ih uatucul, uftor seuinfi him pann nafoly botwoou ilio vo- ., hioloii, to BinpoH0 rhab n|io can follow with- out riak, Bi)u dooi not ulwayo rouiombor in, time that Ji'or fluttering wkirt yuniurrpa- uiofo'rooui. It ia only one of tbo many opOHbiona in bioyolioii wburo (julok think ,ing and ta.uaJly pioinpt uotion, tho cbar- aocerisbic-i of a goodf lJcr/ boconit) tieooif : '.' '. ..Thototal qumbct of Hettlera from On- m: A . tario for Manitoba and tho west leaving I'li'v'"" , ^pronto on the weakly exouraiona 'which. [;^;,' ran from March 2nd to April 27th, waa 3,- \$'i' " abl/QtdoUbltJ the number oflaat year. ^' -Ijevtia Willie', of JjQ*tiujJtOD.. baa *pur.' j{: i:'. o!ioaed from 0. K. Oarrl(:Pah e Island, -i, l.L \":\ OOO ppuutia.of blioiee baiiada lyiit' tpbaco mfj^i /The iaJanderH; Mr. Wlg'P tates; are oin Kvfcimjre e^tenaively^nto^tb^:^ fling.^oi fe!^ The Toronto ^olid Scliopl I fe#v;VinBursnce;c6.^ pllowing fcro the moi* importint obKnitiitf Iii ;|l>e^ k11t: revlMd. neW' Pom In lobtarifl,, laid b*tow Pftrlifcment by HonvW. fl. Fisldiug, Tnee3y nlht: | ' Th* preferential triftltff~reBOluiip<r M i |%nffinfl^4f Hh 'tfhiK ;^tfmea> ^ittWllJ will noklsooflhsfc ikth ^BiHtiah^trea- " tw -y*\' .. It in provided that * combino shall not be^rpopeded^againat lilt a.y^iprome Oonrt jadge bas pronounced that there Ii gronnd for *^iiw;'-C:;,'0 ri.-v'tv v. .i. Doty on raw tohaooo leaf will bo oolloot- od by oiatbmB Inatead 6! by^xoiae After Joly lat, next. ,> The . tax on oigarettsa made of foreign leaf will be JW per 1,000; made of Gan,fdiaii tobacco,.#1.50per 1.000. 6dt and manofaotnrea^fobaoio-wiH pay 55 oent4 por pouo4"$**tyf inptead of 19} per cent! anbV0 oenta"per poniuL Sargioal inetrumGptfj 'will pay duty of 15 per oent. till January 1st* and aftor that will be free. pertain mining machinery, made in Canada;" will >av 25 per 6eDt.; dijty. A epeolflo^iei1 of mining 'thttohidery'will be admitted free. Tho old regulations with regard to eareening coal will be continued. On " nutfl, boltr, wire and ont nails, a lowered apooiflo duty replaoea an ad valo rem dnty, ' * ' Plate glaaa nndor 2C feet iquare is re do oed from 30 to 25 per oent. . Alt buttotra wdl'now-pay 26 per cent. Robber belting will be 25 per oent. in stead of 20. Udder the old tariff it waa ; Grindstonea are reduced from 20 to 15 por oent. The duty on woreted yarns are eqntl- f'/od. no as to do jnatloe to the Canadian raanqfaotnrera. The tax on raw materials for the manu facture of umbrolIaH, paraaola, nhirta, oollara, ouffn, bloaBca, ehirt waiatfl, etc., ifl reduced. Patent medicines, having apirita in their make-up, are placed at 50 percent.; nil others, 26 per oent. Tho duty on bound books ia reduced from 20 per oent, to 10. On unbound and paper-oovered volumes, many of them trashy, the duty will remain at 20 per oent. Obriatmaa annuala, juvoniln pio. tnre and toy hooka, are placed under the lower duty. Books for librarian are ad mitted duty free, and a Canadian book seller who Bella anoh books to libraries m entitled to a refnnd. Bboka dealing with ^XP^l^OTOTOOTOK AN AT TACK ,OE RHEUMATISM, NBHVOOSNinSfl AND STOMA OH TllOTTB^KS FOLLOWED BKTSBV AT, TIMBB WAS IMTOflflXniiB HBALTn AGAIN BE- ; BTOBBD. , -^ . From the Amherst, N.S., Sentinel. The little village of Potitcodiao ia ait- dittedr in" the south-eaflterly part of NW'firunawiok, dn 'the line16f'tne Interiijitional" Railway,' \ ^Tr. jSerpert Teomans, who realdes thore,. foTlpwa; the occapation of a hunter and trapper. BHb occupation requires hfm to eilanre a great deal of exposure niul hardship, more'!'eapeoi&Hy whon the snow lies thick ano! deep on tho grouncl in our cold winters. A few years ago Mr, Yedmans tellH.our'oorreapontlent thai he was Beized with aaevbre bilioua at- taok and a, complicatSon of diseasee, euob ds sour stomach, sick headache and rheum at i em. Mr. Yeomans' ver- ArrOtO MARINKR'A fliAtEtt Or MAW "0 MrBnnii m m*tioi,'i'W*Uviu+** : *rVry a# PabM f m thi ken If tuinUl '" w i:"v.i^'!' "B)i!*'-li* Mid.- .'^w-^mMA learb, yoTlnf man. Tom have M,nch enUbaWUn four o^itrri^fon ila m m $ ui thla o., School: Board the application of eoienoe to industry, uaed much by meohauioa, will he tax froo. ; The duty,on printed music is reduced from 20 per oent, to 10. Tho duty on iron and atool mod by manufacturers ia further reduced. Tho importation of gooda made oitbor in whole or In part in prisons is ahaolutoly prohibited. Progross in Victoria's Koign. "When Viotorfa was oallod to tho throne tho United Jftngdom ooutainod 20,000,000 peoplo," writoe William ueorgo Jordou of "What Victoria Haa Soon," reviewing in tho Juno Ladies Homo Journal tbo world'a progrona during tho 60 yeare of tho Ecg- lluh tiovoroign'u rule. "To-day it has ovar aO.nOO.000. The 'wlao men' of tho tiwo auid tho nation would go to pieooa. Thoy claimod it Oould uover govern its homo aud colonial poaaoHfliorjH. Under Victoria tho now territory acquired alone ia ono- aixMi larger than all Europe. To day Vic toria rulea over '102,614,000 people, or 27 percent, of tho population of tho globe Hor empire oxtonda over11,1199,316 squaro inilon, covering '21 per cent, of the land of the world. The United States, at tbo time of Viotoria'flooronation, had only 17,- 000.000 pooplo; to-day it haa 70,000,000. ArkausuH, Hiasouri, and Louisuna were thou wobtorn froutior States. AH our torritory weak of tho Al'imnaaippi contained km peoplo thuu Philadelphia haa to-day. Our proBonls.lratiS' MiNbieappi population oxcoodu iu numbor that of bho whole ooun- try in 1887. Our fcnrritorial area baa in- oreaaod 75 poroont., our national wealth haa irtoKoasod about 1.700 pof cent,'" Shirt Waists XTp to Date. Of oouroo a ahlrt waiat, to be a shirt want, mubtoonfofm to certain rulea, but it may he decorated according to fancy. Vory dainty litfclo flumraor. ahirfc waiatH aromado of plain miiilln iu bright colors and are quitu utyliph aa tlioad of Bilk.. A smart cotton shirt waiat ia built of delft bluo ohambray, with a pointod yoke at the back, amall tucka forming a yoko pffeot iu front. ' '" ' lMuid wamtu, m both cotton and Ftillt, art- ou regale, and aro nuialied with a bolt of plaid and stock of tliu Hamo. Thoao arc bhown you by tho doulera aa the latcaf> noveltien, They will bo muoh worn throughout tho aummor'aoaBoit with oraali and linen ekirta, flion pfjtho facts are: "1 became very ill and suffered tho most excruciating pains in my arms, legs and shouldera, so muoh so that I could not rest in any position. I frequently could not sleep nibls(' and whon I did I awoke with a tired feeling and verynluoh depressed. My appetite was very poor, and if I ate anything at all, no matter how light the food was, it gave rae a dull, heavy feeling*, in my stomach, which would be* followed by vomiting. I suffered ho intensely with pains in my arms and shoulders that I could scarcely raise my hands to my head. X tried differ ent reinodios, but all to no purpose. A neighbor came in one evening-Piid ask ed ;"haye you tried Dr, Williams* Pink Pills?" I had not hut then determined to try them, and procured a box, and before tho Pills were all gone, I began to .improve. This encouraged mo to pnrohoso more and in a few weoka tho pains in my shoulders and arms .wero all crouo and I was ablo to got a tfood night's rest. MCy appetite came . hnek and tho dull, listless feelhifr loft mo. 1 could oat n good hearty meal and havo no bad aftor effects and I fool strong and well enough as though I had taken a new loano of life. My old occupation became a pleasure to mo and I think nothing of tramping oighteon or twenty miles a day. I know . from oxperionco and I fully appreciate the wonderful results of Dr*. Williams' Pink ills as a safe and sure cure. I would urge all those afflicted with rhoumatism or any other ailment, to try Pink Pills as thoy create now vigor, build up the shatter ed norvous system and mako a now being of you. Tho genuine Pink Pills aro sold only in boxos, bearing tho full trado mark, ."Dr. Williams' P.ink Pills for Pale ..People" Protoot yoursolf from imposition by refusing any pill that does not hoar tho registered trade mark around tho box. PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. No Oaeo of Catarrh loo Aouto, or of Too Long Standing but Dr. AguowV Catar rhal Powder Can Allay and Cure When all 13ha Fail it Ouroa it Plrat and eave Experimenting ;. f'Piye years ago my little daughter waa attacked with-oa';arrh of u Vory severe type. Wo usedall known O&tarrh ouron, and t teat 3d with most akillful phyaloianv- for oyer three yeara, and her taae wiia pro uounoed ohronio and . incurable. Laa. winter wo beard of the wonderful care* off^otod by Dr. Ag'uew'a Catarrhal P^w dor,. A bottle waa aeon red, and: I hen, atate for the beueut and enooniagoment b" Jl aufdrera from this dreadful malnd} that after u^ilig' two bot6lefl;my'; qhddf: W nnmpletelv cured, Hnd X iouaitier it". mdoty to give my testimony for the, beneH .Qf like inffeyarv;1.'-:.,Ufa; QhOi'-QtM&tffliit* geraopO0^:;;rV:v:^^-"Ky;^ ^ Tdo Jubilee in the Schools!, Inspoctor Maxwell, of tho South Ehkox Puhlio sohools, has rocoiyod a letter from tho Minister' of 'Education, in regard to tbojsolohratjfou'of Qucon Victoria's diamond jubilee. ' Tho cir cular .states that in order to niako the occasion proiltablo to tho pupils attend ing tho Publio Schools tho Minister BUggostft ^ that tho Tnspoo'tor diroofc tbaoners in tho schools- oyer which ho has jurisdiction to devote the Friday affcornoou preceding tho ISlst of Juno to a consideration of ,tho mont not ablo ovonts in Her Majesty's: reign, par ticularly those bearing on the .progress mado in scionco, invention' and educa tion. In addition to thin it is suggest ed that tho history of Canada in rela tion to tho empire might with great ad vantage bo considered in briof addressoa by trustees and othors whose sorvicos would no doubt bo available. Tho. oiroular.rooommended that tho trustoos in each school section hoouto a portrait of Her Majesty to bo placed in each school that her memory might bq more deeply impressed on tho pupils. Tho Inspoctor will bring tho matter beforo tho toaohors at onco, and will endoavor to carry out tho wishes of the Minister. SIGNS OF IVOKMSiue.vitrhhlca^iji^ itching at tht mse% etc. JM f.t>n>'s Worm Syruji is tht best worm ixpelltt. , . Much in Ii especially true of Hood's fills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power in. so small space. They are a whole raodlolno ,'ftheflt,, always^; ready.-' ity : ways ertlQlenV always ^; lifayrtoryi prevent a cold tHr-wsvh*n I'Wiuatoairter'of kJwlkd , jammarl 'YotipxobAbly belieVe that yott < are oorxectjn ytmr atVtament;' but, man aliyar you are xqaWng,fool .o^jyoiwaejfc;.! th^ravils^Jo^t'^^t^a^^ No lowering away by hands and no jreV tlng-thembabkovettbii side with every pound of' flteha-polling'., iNew fangled' guns for fhrqwing a.Jife line,traft that, won't go ^ pieces in, tha.flrh chop of a sea, cork jaokcU that need "no injtruqtion ;<iards, bitSCltfc*- go ofi,7ft VinWi vest; pomps that axe rusty ioT'want'of nae, aeamlCHs plntos and1 dozen* of other inventions in tbca*da>B. Where wot* they in the old tixnesf: /'J>t memi yon aoraething. Xdon!t say but that there are many brave and 'gallant mariners , in Ltbe. businesa now. But the old shipwreck/meant more In the'mattor'of llfo'taking thau the ship wreck of'today 'does.' Did you ever near* tell of a sailor of- the old school trying to get . into a boat before the passengers were oat of, danger? Vou naedn't say yon have, becauae you have not . Why, the only ones who ever attempt any thing of that kind are stokers and fire men and Vowdiea who' have the impu dence to call themselves sailors. . "I remembar the case of n shore loafer named Holmes, who tried a shenanigan llko that. He was afterward tried in, the United States olrcuit court at Philadel phia and was'conyioied of manslanghter. He waa one of 80' sbipwredked porsbns who took to she' long boat, which was greatly overloaded and constantly: in danger of sinking. Well/this beach rat Holmes and some more of Abraham' men threw overboard 16 passengers, two of whon wore women, to lighten the boat. The" court held that a sailor is bound by/ W,1 if necessary, < to' sacrifice his life to favi the life of passengers. Furthermore the oomrt held that while two sailors might struggle with each Other for the posse ah ion of the some plank ^which oouJd' save but one, if a Sassenger were' on the plank even the iW of neoeiaity would not justify the sailors in taking it from him. Yon do not think muoh of that law? Well, it U the law of God. It is also the law of duty. "Did you ever hear of the cose of Captain Nutmon of the ship Aidar? He Was a good sailor and a gallant master and no matter what many may think, it is possible to bo both. His ship foun- derod, but he refused to be token off. Do yon know why he refused to bo token off? There was an injured man on board, and while tho old timhers were going to pieces nndor his very foot he knelt down and said to the man: "'I won't loave yon, lad. On nay honor as a.sailor X won't1 "On his honor oh a sailor he would not leave him. Hovo you over hoard of anything more touohingly honost? Cap tain Nntman wont down with his ship, but managed to hold on to his man and to get to the bottom of an upturned boat, from which they woro afterword resouod. It was a month or so after that when u townsman asked Captain Nut- man what the name of tho resoued man Was. '"Why, I never inquired/ he said, 'Ho just signed articles iu tho regular Way. I may have heard it then, bntl- do not know it now. He was a Swede, that's all I Icnow of him.' "The frioud shook'-his'head in aston ishment as he inquired: " '.WhatI A awode? Take all that ohanoo for a Swcdo?' *Why,yoH, ovtuforaSwodo. I didn't core whothor lie waa a Swodo or a Laplandor. He was a good sailor and would huvo done tho sumo for mo had things boon rovorsed." "Nor is Unit all, young man. Thoro Was a shipwreck aboutTl 8^16, but the name of the croft has escaped my mem ory, Tho crow: took to one boat, whioh Was overcrowded. A noble Newfound land, the pet of the ship, swam along- sido the boat. All tho mou turned thoir eyes sadly upon him, but thoy know thore was no room for him in that bout Tho enpruin loved that dog bettor than he lOved his life, and ho stood up in the boat as he took off his coat aud auid:' "'I cannot ace him dio like this, Givo him my place in the boat. loan hold on to the plank, and he oaiiuot. "Thero'was a chorus of dissent, and dug of tho sailors struck tho bruto ovor the head with tho.blade of an oar, while nnothor pulled his rdieath knife. " 'Don't hrirfc him,'said the .captain kindly, but firmly. , " 'Order him away, thou,1 growled Bov0rul;of the men. 'He will swump us all.' ;:.. -"The captain hesitated a minnto, waved his arm in the air and said, 'Back:, JPrinobj' ond,th faithful: brute BWam book in'the direction in which tho vesflci' had disappeared, beneath the surface. Where tfo you find -suofe pathos in tbe sen business now? Give n^othe old aailor Very time." ;. ?. , ' Aud'.he'hobbled up Beayei* street' as the young mariner dived: into William btrcet. New York Mail and, Eipreaa. 14And do; you. r^ly want to be my'; ; son?1'asked th widow Mnllins of young 8pudda/who had asked for her dacgh- r^l 'd; ^0f?oTn"fTv()r Ourei^ v COUOH8 und COLDS --( o(lflppertaIniyi tried and true, loolhlng i (tfiTfln laur ttirt P/nr-i'Mtnnil 0. Oucuii of chronic cow fn chmt n tubM, M<1 ]ao euxetl W. Q, iHmJ.'lh HoTTTv/ChernNt, , Quo..:- ' .muwi Mn, nillironchM.^ WeCotolKr of 53S YonJte St., Tarunio, wrltcB; mm itim ____ lbs Ut. IU mla vrtth m- rubU cAHi/Ti,iuaraftr VWtb ^'CAWKI^.cr. Ca. i...'. Solo Kr'opri" 1,01a WA^EP-BEVTlBAti 'jtEr&iaUh MEJN OH V'T^oBezi'ift Irtfral" for rBBponslbhTestab- fiBfrook^'hd Jpiponaoa: PoBllfon permanent. Beferenoe. Enclose ealf-addrsssad etamped en velope, The National, BtarJBaildfna, Oniesgo. Wanted A "TW A TtfmiofnnsiA oakada gkowth J\. l^l^LXl* iFraltand OmairiontaJ Treefl, Shrub a, B08o .TJulbs amlflulboua Plapts.Orapo Vines, BtaaUi JfraltSi 8ood PotAtoea. eto. We oa,talogne only the hardiest and moat popular variotftftrtbatstioboodln the caldoafi ollmatoa Now seeaoopowcominenchag: complete ootat fre, salary and expenses paid from start for foU time, car liberal oommiuion fa* pa*t time- Apply now, addraaslng: neuest office, and choice of territory. ' v J 'XIJKE BKOTHEBB COMPANY/, , Intem&tlonal Nurseries, Ohicacw, rtii., or MoNTnBAt. Qub. Is what yon can rely on getting when yon buy from ns. Our wagon goes to all parts of tbe town. ' ,!\-r/$ttiBt Takei this opnortririHy^dTahnoun yoTOla^tbe^owaa*OcrairtTjof" be dm wmodelod tba Bs*s* BoL eoratog to'plins prepared by BM. Thomas, and also eotu*edtheiervTa_. StrMban, an experloooed and thoroi Thankinathe paopls of he towj for tbo ptrronago bitoVc^'hbo past, vlfl gaarante* satiafacUoalq: tlis ful Cristing and Chopping *t - - ,' " .- ^ffitfL * 'VfliJ JSB'.Tht Best Grades of FIottt% -&-^M Cornmeal Kept in Stock and sold aiviKM n 'i'til : Am. !<>'^"'^^.M Cash Paid for Wheat and Otis. i^.-------:------ ,Yg^g '130 you I$de * If so, you want to hojAj the best tHere is;;4n^ everybody knows tli^^l The Nobbiest Turnoui is^ro E UiD 11 fn .;m i't VC " $$ l.'Y. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, 1 You cahfc find nicer, froaber, or sweet er in the country. All kinds of Fancy , Cajtes apd Jelly JRoIls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. We Bell nothing stale or dry. ___..... Leave Jour Order rely on prompt (Ter 'and,yon can livery. FRANK FOSS. Opposite 'xiuck ii X?r&nola, Eaaex SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wilaon Ave., noxt Abordoen Hotel. Tho latest ihiproved maohioery for Ironing Oollara and Ouffs. Will not oraak or break tao wing. JOHN A. RO Livery. Good Roadsters. Many liidtnff Buggies. Comfortable Carriages. . A Call Solicited. /Satisfaction Guaranteed^ North of the * Railway Track. essex, orsrrj 1 ,r l Builders And Family work cheap, and delivered. Paroels oalled for Contractors i| British Columbia Please call aud try. If not satisfactory no oharge will bo .mado. f our work suits you, reoommend ns to your friends. K irrrTTTTtvmrriviryvt rrrrrrrrr-rrrfrr^ w v * r IK.*: I Emisfsgomj r Is Invaluable If you nro runi down, as it is a food as woli as a medioine. : The D- fit L. EmtBioIon Will build you up if your goncrcl health la ; liupulfeil,. : The D. & L. Emulsion - Istlio boat and mnit pnlntnhln pr^piir-iiiiiti of ' Cod Liver Oil,agrufil.it;'Whh (lu mohtduli- ; cate stoiuucbs. : The D. & L. EmuSsion' - Ia proscribed by iho limdlnj; phycicUim of P Canada. E The D. & L. Emulsion : t Is n marvelloua fluah producer und v,lU i;lvo : F you on uppotito. ' F 50c. Sc $1 pes- Bbtilo p Bo euro you got I Davis & Uwreu'oe Go., Ltd'. : E tbogCllUlUO ( MONTREAL : 11/11. His Shingles, '$1.00. fp. All Kinds of Bulldng sjsit, doojRS, IATS aud . BAJiN LUMBER Hilt k & m far- HutluiacUou dunrauteed. MONTREAL LJUililiJ Opp. "Water Wo>rkst EflS< FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS &$ If, THECOOSCSBESXFRIEN^ Lahuest SAt-E i'm'canadaV,'; ;;; m m J> GOURLAY & SON. ESSEX, ON3C| -'^'^'^ rtX-tefMM ___________________________ 7.;^.;,; .^; :^^^v';^;^^^ '; :oa8ioyiind^:^ -bux b ,' iy Jf^d<a<, jap", da vt jc* .b^],1^^^^^^^^^ ^he|I i ^rhibh the shelled: 'cft&fraiw'a 'TOr^M&i&$N#^

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