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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 4, 1897, p. 5

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&.... ........ W0F$w&vy*flhw t,v*viiiil^nDfld6mpaa|o Jntiioworld. K>ti.;:^ aJABPB0la]ty bMnaurlng Furip fro- ^toliitt aft 8 and 6tf petfcW.on Jum .. fy;.,:;-v.. . ^j^t'Jnwrinw'in Good Reliable %$ti^; Companies. .. . . tHHssex Free Press. .S'Ti. If*** m MHtTT* AULD, PROPRIETOR*; -laa^PWPAY., iTCNE 4, 1807, jifea and Vicinity- m"1' *? . .^iBiiBiNS, CO <?entB a box at Sntfth's. ^icryqur etraw hats at Whitney's. m* i jii/J&otTMTX OouNoiii meets on Monday ^ffi^^yoturolothingfrom M. .T. Wiglo 0i I5S-: to is^Asnp 7o. summer goods at Smith's; ^theaa.. " OB straw or folt hats, goto M. J. jfi'AOo- Lodge, A F & AM, moots ^[Wednesday evening. . "" q*. 3?. J. Thompson has gono i"NV Y/, for t> visit, ,BBY Lavson, of London, callod on iJb Essex triends on Tuesday. |!3^M.O.B. are storing 00 . empty ifltrs in the yard at Amherstburg. M'^pitney's is the cheapest plaoo in fWJjnx'to get your sweater^ and bioyolo iM. J. WioiiE & Co.. are making a fjjp&Jiiilty of laoe curtains and wool and n carpets. ^QoNSTAiWiH Siaaon looked up flvo ^mps in the look-up on Thursday _ Jht of laBt week, ^i/SiiKX- Laing Uaa diBposed of one of ^ Planetariuma to the trustooaof B.8. $$.\ Sandwich South. ^tpiupirtfx Beove Johnston may bo Boon .'lOrting a new Hyslop bioyolo, pur-' IftSed from W. Ohurcli St. Son. $ S. Kinner, formorly in tlio ouh- .pina at Essex, boa gone into buamcRS wtjXorbnto having purchased a produce flianess in that city. IJPhb Synod of the Diocoae of Hiiron xeete in London on Tuesday noxi OK Thomas is lay dolegato from St. _Sittl8.EpiBOopal church in town. ftStBs. Abthuii Lindsay and daughter JaiiieandMrs. Br. Paymont and two Sldren, of Detroit, are visiting at tho 'of Mrs. L.'smother, Mra. U. &[#Tqhn Lain and wife wore in Detroit 'fe^V'ediiesday. of liiat week 'attending a *^ty given in honor of Mm. Luing's fther at the homo of Mrs. (Dr.) J. G. ^0 Play, No JPay.~$1 a wook for fo weeks pays for a comploto course (" the Nbw SPANiarx GbitauSyhtks[. :gall or addrosB \V. 0. Sherman* at E. ^Park's Jowolry Storo. tf. ##H.'M. O'Oonnom wont to Detroit, on ^ctnday, to mootlriu daughter, Mrs. W. ^Byan.of Hamburg.MicU. Mra.Byan ^d'a child intend visiting in town with pfe* parents for a fow days. 0 J. D. Stotxb left on Wednesday (j>ort Huron, Mich,, whoro ho will lengagod in tho nursory businoBB for a lionth or bo. Lea will also take iu tho fGi: W* A- xnoofc ^ Chatham before'ro- 5fening homo. $S$ \V Koswifiiii., of Brnntford, hns boon ^" 'Iioamuigton the past week in tho ^interests of tho Canadian Ordor of !#oTe8ters*andwilllthiaai,riday)ovoniug, Organize a court in that town. Tho garter is now in his hands. |f;^FKAHK Bisimw.M.a.B. agont at Ed. 'gars; whose flowortt are bo muoli^ ad- apaired,; is extending his operations. JBC^ -lhas. laid out tho grouudH on the $j[&utb aide of,tho track in ornamental dsjind is puttiug out a choico lot of ^plants. ^ r^TiiR Western AaHociation of tbo baptist Ohuroh will moot at Harrow, ' 'on'TnOaday, Wcdnoaday and Thursday Jiext. BovM l^Oampbell and wife, iHenry Barlow and wifo and John I'^ospor .will represent Eaaox Iiaptiflt. jjQfoxiTch. at tho AHB.ooiation. Two loads of Epworth Louguora KlngBvillo, drovo to Ehbox on ^Tuesday ovoning and attoudod tbo |iri of: tho TCpworth Tjcnguo, of ^raco Church. A 0 Aloxandor, of ^Kiugsvillo, addroBSod- tho lioagiio in '%}$ interests of tho u Studonta' .Voluu- #9er Campaign" and B V Clement, of 'ijKingsville, also gayo a short addroaa, bf/'A bow belonging toJamoa MoMurrny as ,croBsing the M. C.B. track juafc west $f'his store on Thursday of last woolc ;who she was struck by tbo oast bound %p.6vn exproBS and thrown Rome distauco, i|Soino horsOB that wore with tho cow a narrow eacapo. The cow was for bo ffrom ^nite badly shaken up but .is now got- F^ting along all right. M'ijAVERGNE, tho infant' daughter 'of g$. and. Mrs. Prank O'Neil, of Sand-; ^ijah Sptttb, diedattho bomo of her raiidparonts, Mr. and Mis, Goorgo rbb',' iniowii, on Saturday morning ist; The child waB 0 months a wooks $L"* and had been ill for about three Int^xths with pnoumonia. The remains W^eialcento the Episcopal oemetry; at j^^wSwin'fl ohuroh in Sandwich South ntflunday afternoon for- interment." : FAtfox straw hate tor mtoxi find boys ^ ",r:- Rhv;:'J; Qlayvpolwaftn, of; ^indaor, waa In town "on Tuesday. FbaNk Stotob; of WinuBorj visited his paronts in town this wook. Thb Fbbob PBitas will be sent to now BubBoriberei January',it 1808, for 50 W. J. Bbhtt, of Windsor, spent Sun day laat in town with hia brother, R. B. Brett. M. J. Wioi/b & Co., tiro showing an extra nice range of parasols at close prices. Miss Nona DbijOngv of Klngsvillo, has been visiting friends in town the past two weeks. Misses Mabel, Laura and Gertrude King, of KingBville, visited the past wook at J.A. Pranois'. , Fhank, son of P. S. Adams, haa pur chased a Crescent wheel from Wm. Ohuroh & Son, agents. J. E. Mohan and J. P. McQueen wont to KingBvillo one day laat week on a botanizing trip. Skid tlio lOo and 14o- summer dreaa goods all worth twico the price asked at G. E- Smith and Co'fl. Don't forgot to see tho now and handaomo doaigus in wall papor at Mrs, May's; tho latest in tho county. Tins tux oollootor Ib dutermiued to have the balance of the 1800 taxes col- looted Boon, lie having iasuod a number of warrants of distress this wook, J. D. Stiiumujeut, of tho firm of Laing, Bitohip A Co., who has boon travelling for tho last flyo months' wan in town last wook for a couple of days, NoTraia All owners and harborora of doga who havo not paid thoir taxes itro liablo to prosecution and havo their doga destroyed after the first day of June. iTamkh L. NaytjOU, of Manistoo, Mich., was in town for some.days tho past wook getting acquainted with the rooont addition to hia family and yiftit*- ing with friends. J. W. GniHON;, district agent for H. A. Loaior &,Oo.( of Toronto, has boon in town tho past wook on buBiuons with tho local agont for tho Cleveland whool, W. H. Bichardson. Rkv. W. S. PaBcoo loft on Tuoflday morning to attond tho Methodist Con* foronoo in eeaaion at London.Tho pulpit of Qrnoo ohuroh will bo Occupied next Sunday morning by W. B. Manning aud in the ovoning by Wm. Peotbam. . Hrair, Public and Separate schools cloao for tho summer vacation on jfernoi 110th. Xn rural munioipalitioa thoy ro-j opou on tho third Monday in August aud in urban munioipalitioa on tho 1st of Soptombor. This Government has isauod a regula tion iu connection with customs' pack- agoai which is important to buinoaa moii. Hereafter pftokagoo valued un- dor 50 oonta will not bo dutiable, and such packages will bo dolivorod by tho post olfico. \V\ H.ICkknrdv, formorly of Watford, has opened up a law ofllco in tho corner of tho Aberdeen block. Monoy to loan at 5, GJ and flporcont., according toso- ourity. r Collecting, conveyancing and winding up estates, a npocialty ; also a number of iino farms for Hale. -Mb. and Mrs. John Laing and sou attoudod a birthday party, givon in honor of Mrs. Laing's father,' Jns, Bichardson, of Dotroit, on Wodnoaday of last wook. Tho party was given by liia son-in-law and daughter, Dr; J. G. and MrB.Kirkor, of Port stroot. Dk. J.P. MABTiN.who had boon viait- ing for aix wooktt in town with hia broth er, Dr. II. P. Martin, loft on'Friday last for Chicago whoro ho ban practiced tlio dental profession for somo yoara. Dr, Martin iutonds" yraotioiug during tho suinmor at Geneva Lake, a favorite rosort for Ohicagonns. 'CnABiiTfiS. Bonuit'r Hoknis,' Judgo of tho County Court of tho County, of Ebhox, in tho Provinco of Ontario, him boon appointed Surrogato Judgb ia .Admiralty of tlio Exchequer Court for that portion of tho Toronto Admiralty District comprised in tho counties, of Ehbox, itout, Elgin, Lamhton and Mid dlesex, iu tho Province of Ontario... I^ahuwistjIi SooiAti. Tho Ladioa' Aid of tho Mothodiat >Ohuroh will give-a "Strawberry and loo Oroam Social," in honor of Dr. and Mrs.Pascoo before leaving Eaaox, on . M. H. Hall's lawn on Tuesday ovoning, Juno 15th, at 8 p. m. Choice musical selections l>y the Ohuroh Choir. Admission, 15 couta; ovorybody eoino. Mrs. MoEwan, HOcrotary; L. A. 31-llt This Epworth Louguo of Windsor dintriothaBammeodtouoIdmiaaionary mootings oyor ' tho ontiro district, Ko'vs. A. O* Aloxandor and P.. E.- Mal let Will conduct at each place. Follow- iug tiro thb places and dates; Juno 20th, Sunday, B.M.K, Windsor; June 21st, Monday, .Windsor; Juno 22nd, Tueaday, Walkorvillo; Juno SJIU'd, Wed- noaday, Woaloy, South Moraoa; June 24th, Thursday, Mi Carmol, South Moreoa; July 12th,Monday, Kingaville; July 18th, Tuesday, Comber; July 14th, Wedneaday, South Woodaloe; July 10th, Friday, Goatoj July 20th, TueB- tlay, Zion, Bomney; Auguat 2nd, Mon day, Harrow; August 3rd, Tuoaday, Amieratburg; August4th, Wednesday, Boohester; August 5th, Thursday, Moi(lstone;:August th, Friday, Wheat- ley. ' flHBWnit^oy>ne^bow"tiefl, latost Horne Qn Tneaday next. ^:K'J: L^p. Sxottb has been confined to hia house with UlneflB for a week or more. Mas, 0. Tbdbow and; Miss Tedrow, of Loamingtonr-viaited friends in town on Tuesday last. . J. X. Btbwaut, of Viotoria TJniver- sitjs Toronto, is at, the home of hia uncle, Jair oa Nay lor, in town, for his summer vacation. Mns. Jko. Oi/AUK and daughter, - of Detroit, oro visiting ot J. H. Crow's and with other friends. J* B, OvnNS, who has been conduct ing a jewelry repair shop in Essex for six months past, left on Monday for Oshawa, having bonght out an estab lished jowolry business in that town. SroNBjrF. BiBi), who bought out the butcher ahop of B. Tate, a few weoka ago, left town on Monday last, having disposed of his accounts of S. F. Fran cis. Mr. Bird came horo from Wind sor. A dozen Windsor bioyolistd wheeled down on Sunday morning last and spent tho day in town. On thoir way down they were overtaken by a rain storm and going back had a ho (id wind to go against. Tun east-bound noon eiproaa yester day (Thuraday) struck a cow bolonging to Jamos MoMurray, while sho wa orosaiug the track just woat of his store. Tho animal was so badly injured that she will not likoly recover, Fabmisuh aro largely iuoroaaing thoir acreage of tobacco and by next yoar they believe that all tho oigar tobacco roquirod iu Canada will ho produced in tho oountiea of Ehbox and Kent. Havana tobacco will bo used only in 10 cent oigars. -y.^^HIZ Thomab Pmnxai*f ofj Maidstone, owner of "Old Glancor," will bo in Esaex ovory Monday aftoruoon, the Maldon Boad aud OolchoBtor North, Monday night and Qotbam on Tuoaday. Mr. Phillips lately sold n Bpan of'hrjTBoa airod by "Old Glanoor," for^lOO, to T. G. Forriaa, of Windsor, Tuis following arc the numbor of tho candidatea of Ebbox High Sohool who will write at the coming dopartmontal oxaminationa at the High Sohool: Form I, 23; form IT, part 1, B; form 1*1*. parts 1 and 2, 15; form HI, 8j form IV, part 2, ; form IV, both porta, 8; mak ing a total of 54 candidatea. MtfiH 'Obbaves wiahoa to call tho .special attention of tho Ladies o* Eaaiix to her stook of MilTjInkby, of tho IntoHt Now York.and Paris pat terns, and during the month of Juno will bo sold at especially low price's. Ladies Bbould not fail to visit her show rooms boforo purchasing thoir mil linery, as her pricoa are more to ploaae the moat economical, Dp .not miss this golden opportunity. Show rooms in tho Scott Block. , This Canadian public aro in for a gonuiuo surprise.. A jubilee portrait of Queon Victoria is coming out that puts thorn all in tbo shade, and a beau tifully struck Jubiloo Modal of Cana dian design ia making thoso who have .soon it ask ."What is tho matter with Canada?" Both tho Jubiloo portrait of Hor Majesty and tho Medal aro bo- iug iasuod by the Montreal Star, a pretty good guarantoo that thoy will bo Woll up to tho mark and ovor it. John Knox, tho man who lived aix montha at tho Aberdeen houao'ufc Ebhox without paying any board, will have to aorvo out tho sontbneo. of 'two months impoaod by Magiatrato Barfclot. Tho application of hia couuaol, J. W. Hanna, to quash tho sentence waa lofuaod at Toronto, on Friday, by Chief Justice Armour, No one'appeared for motion. Thb noxt sittings of tho Division Courts in tho county of Esaox will .bo hold as follows l Belle Bivor, Monday, Juno 14th ; Eaaox, Tuoaday, Juno 15th; Amhorstlmrg, Wpdnouday, Juno 10th ; Sandwioh,. Thursday, Juno 17th; Har row, Monday, Juno 3lat; Kingavillo, Tuoaday, June 22nd; Leamington, Woduoailay, Juno flBrd; Combor, Thursday, Juno 24.th. Tim Provincial Oonvon'tion of the K. O. T. M.'atGuelph on Wodnosday and Thursday of laat woek, waa attended by about 225 represontutivos of tho tonta in Ontario. . A resolution waa passed that in tho opinion of tho con vention a groat camp should bo form'od in Ontario: and the .oflioors ' wore in structed to notify all of .the lonta to that ofl'oot. In tho olootion of ofllcera, A. Weir, of Sarnia, .but formorly of, Essex'Town, wa oleeted Provincial Oommahdor and J. H. MoOonnell, of Windsor, liiout.-.Oommandor, Tho roproHejitttiiveato the Supreme Tout are J. W. Truaalcr, of Oamlachie; A. E, Hartwoll, of Hamilton; P. H. Pirn, of Toronto/ and Dr. Mallory, of Colborne- Tho representatives in attendance from the county of Essex were J. A. Bnrk, of Amherstburg; Ct, M. Millard, of Essex; J. H. MoCJoniiell, of ".Windsor; Wm; Haggart, of Sandwich; X>. J. Wilr- liams, of Walkorvillo; D. Hepworth, of Leamington.; W- H. Helloms, of'Kings. ville; and Mr. Campbell, of Comber; Kingston was chosen asthe next place of meeting. There are in the Province now 270 tents, an inoreaae of 61 in the last two years, with 8,890 member^, an inoreaae of 2,187.. gan, of Woodslee, visitor in town' laat 'w^eki'- ^-V-----1-'---:.:"]l___ Miss Vbhh BBATJMa^of Tilbury, was the guest of Mr. and Mra. I>esjardin,on Saturday. Bhv, A. Thibaudoau, of Maidatone Cirotiit, has a hon that laid an egg that weighed 4- ounces and fneasrufedBf inches by 71 inches, v , Mns. L. Fbanks, of Toronto Dress Cutting Sohool, is in town, interview ing dressmakers regarding the new French Method of cutting and fitting. Tnn team to represent Ebsox in thoir game on Saturday at Chatham will bo picked from thofollowing: J. Gourlayr A. Gourlay, W. Church, W. M. DeOow, L. D. Stotts, A. Koane, A. Dixon, G. W. Allison, H. B. Taylor, B. H. Barret, F. Keane and J. Forrester. Dr. Pkbddb is making a gouoral in spection of hogs in Colchester South, Goaneld North and Mersea, and so far has found the hogs in excollont condi tion. .. The only case of disease found was at Lewis Powell's in Colchester South,where all the "hogs wore slaugh tered. U. H. PnitiKiPS brought to our ofllco the other day tho log of a stove which was cast at the old Oliuda foundry from iron that Was smelted from tho bog pre found near Olinda. Tho old furnace waa started about 70 years ago and for many years was ownod by the Meaern. Brrtnor, of Olinda. Some of tho bog oro may be Been at thia ollicc. Mbs. OiiAua Swrrn, who had been roaming around tho streets of tho town for n woek or more, was up boforo P. M, Boaman on Saturday laat aa a va grant and was sentenced to 00 days in the County Gaol. Tho old woman who is tho widow of Mr. Smith, buried by the town some years ago,, ia hotter fitted for on asylum than any place else. I\ H.DsCbw shipped flvo carloads of Btaves to New York last wook and 9 oars of listings to Dotroit, O. E. Kay- lor shipped 1 car of listings to Dotroit and 2 cars of stavee to Now York. A. J. Groen shipped a oar of hogs to To ronto and E. J. Wiglo shipped four carloads of hay to Detroit, Mr. Green also 'shipped acar of hoga on Thuraday of thia wook. Tub 21st Essex Puailiora have invita tions to attend celebrations at both Walkorvillo and Leamington, on tho Queen's Jubilee, Juno 22nd, Tho Walkorvillo company will stay at-home to aHsist in dedicating a fountain that Hiram Walkor & Sons are giving to the town, tho Windsor companies will likoly either atay at homo or go to Walkorvillo and tho Leamington and Ehbox 'companies will also romain in thoir own town. Following is the distribution of tho lioonao fund account for the license yoar 1807-8 for Windsor district: Province, 'ttt11.n05.8U ; Windsor,, $2,- 051.17, -Por tho liconso district of North Ebbox it is as followa:. Provinco, #3,- JJ2M7; Maidstono, #B2; Bochofltor, ig88; Saudwtoh East, $4ti3.8'; Sandwich Woat, $820 ; Saudwioh South, tt%; Sandwich town, $887.88; Belle Biver,' m Walkorvillo, S188.07. Tins Exocutivo of tho Groat South Wostoru mot at tho ofllco of W D. Uoa- man in town yoatorday (Thuraday) afternoon. Thoro woro prcaont, Proai- dont ElliH, Secretary Boaman, Treasur er Plant, Wm. Campbell, M. Barrett, D. MoAliBtor, W. G. Baldwin, 0. G. Pox and J. P. Buston. Tho Soorotary waa inatruotodto invito LordundLudy Abordoen to open the exhibition on tho 2nd of October and in case thoy could not oomo thon to invito the Minister of Agriculture. Tho roat'of thoaftornoon was spoilt in revising the prizo list- TiU3 now time table on the M. C. Bcamo into ofloot on.Saturday last. By tho ohangOH made Easox and pointa in Eshox County are given much better Horvioo than heretofore afl'ordod, and parties ho desiring can now reach Do troit and Windsor early in .the morning and got back by dinner., A west-bound express has boon put oh which stops at Tilbury/at B:83 a. m., Combovat 5:4:J, Ehsox at 6:05 and Windsor at 0:85,. arriving at Detroit at 7:05. ThoWost bound mail remains unchanged! tho west bound noon express' roaches Easox at llillb, oho minute later than formerly, and the Dotroit Accommodat ion passes Essex-.at 0:88 instead of 9:52 aa formerly, arriving at Windsor at 10:i5 and Dotroit at'10:55.. In the oust- hound trains' there are fow changes. Tho mail reaches here at 0:80 a, m., the Amoricau Exprosa at 7:18, the Atlantic Express at 11,' aud the St. Thomas Ac commodation at 5:87 p. m. On the ' ArahorBtburg branch the throe trains each way are continued but the first one out loaves the >Burg at 5:20 in tho morning arriving at Ebbox In time to connect with the first train for the weat; the second train loaves at 8:40, instead of 0, while the ovoning train is unchanged. The first train into the ,'Burg leaves, five minutes earlier than before, at 7:2$, and. .the others, 11:40 a. m. and 0:05 p. m. On the Leam- ingtonjbranoh an extra. train each way is put on, the flrst one oonnooting at Comber wi$i; the fast express west.. Taken; on ar whole'^ the ohaae^os a.Uould give satisfaction. ' .....mm The continued Cool Weather We are Over-Stocked in many lines, which must be Sold and Money raised at once- We have given rip all hopes of realizing a profit our loss will be your gain. The following G-oods will be of-* fered at Cost and Under... 'Jf?q :7:$k M m 'y'e Plain and Fancy Dress Goods^ and General Dry Goods, Eeady-Made and Ordered Clothing, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Eta !ffl Prices "will" be made so lovr you muat buy Come in early and get first choice as low prices "will make sure sales. ;.>S SMITH & CO., m. WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX- W. H. Richardson) -4- ESSEX -V Will Give You BARGAINS m *& * BUGGIES '-.Va m -.AND'--- . . BIGYGLES . . . ....THIS MONTH..*.. And Don't You Forget It. -^ %&& ' '! ^M ::^ai '!'.:'3S3 :m ...h.<.J W. MARK v Will Hell for Thirty Days, from date at ,.GAMP PALME :"." v/,:'v;-.<v-i!5 - 'V+.'-i.'V-V' '-^im At a Qreat Sacrifice p^e^^| ,\; - Vli-"-.^V^ All Sizes ot flsh and Oak Plank and Maple Scantlin ... . >^ .'n'*,'^. 'v'.'"'il,,Tr4?flS! All limber Ou^tUw("'SEring*. MttBt be pl^Bed Oat it stock.there, #! : W '"V '

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