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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 4, 1897, p. 3

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AN ""'v-"V'.v-:' aM.--.v-""*' ' ' " & ' : ", ' IN E88EX COUNTY Quality and Fit Gunranteed.... & i,'v";" fife S.1: ftp S/WVG GOODS JUSTARRIVED. Dying tion- . and Oleu-nintf.m Uauneo- ,,n J. 4 SMITH, SOUTH WOoVsi.EE. J D* WOOD'S Y # "^^>w " ~ CURES Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, pronchitis, and all diseases of th|e throat and lungs. PRICE 25c. or 5 for $1-00 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGClSTs' BacSt-Achr>, ft'nco-Acliii.'Ualutlci *ulw In tbi Hll<vetc; The"D\&L" Menthol Plaster Ibvlntf nwdTocrn. 6 Dfantliol I*Iuta foroyorpa|ttln tfa b*nl( ikl lumbago, I tuhMlUtlucly mconunond bauia u uifa, KtrauidtautdretuMlyiliil'iut, th*ywtlik bufte. A. Latojwtk, EUa.bw>to,nj, OnL DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Ltd. Proprietors, Uomtheal, HEART AND NERVE FOR WEAK PESfLE. At nil Dru(feist*. Price 6o cents per Box, or a "lor $i.so. Sent by Alnfl on receipt of price. T. JVULMJRN &. CO., Turautov. hSH*"*->'+3*-+3e>4>4>-'*3^43*-4> Cnuitpti, Colic,. Coids, Croup. Coiifihn, Tooth- no ho, *tTr*f. *3* and n\\ J10WXOI4 COMPJ.AMTS.ffi A Bute, Siifo. <J.'.:Ici; f arti for tliouo S** -trouble* Is ** rj/Mic! IntorsstiUymulXixiertiaVyj 4-$- Two filwrti. """*- <> fiOc. bottles. |j3 k>4>C-'^>4>4>4>43^3^4>43^f> Burdock LOOD ITTERS ^. THE BET SPRINO WEDICINE '.. !^ .r 1 ~ * - The Oirty J&edic^ Positive and Permanent Cures. mi 1 M^ttWttf?.:W inembcra of j jfcbe, ooanoil proeljt. r-Enoft omoe as a member of said court,(of re-, Viffbn/atid tb6k~faTif seas at *tho' ooao^il 1 The declarations above are made.by Mr. bharlea B. Holmau, S2KiogStrefltrWeat, Harailtou, Oat., a yb'tiDg man known to lincdredB la the umbUiouB olty. r ' MrlHblm'an'B^dQoIaffttioDS kr^boW^tand from the heart,"*,.", Aiier a aieK,of algkneaa and creat danger, and'failure with othfr medicine*, frionda who bad been onred by Paine'B Celery Compoand looommonded biin to ubo the flame fife savor aod health restorer,'--^' i Jklr. Holmau, whqhad been ao deceived, bad yot faith to do aa he wa'a'a'dvlsed, ana a glorjoua reward waa bia. Tbo dMiao""ouR ooUKh,' bla debility, his weakness and dc- preaeion of epirlta that wro dtafwiotf, bim to the Kravo were all banished, and be was ' made a new man. Ho writos aboat bin cure bufoPowti: .: "In tile, tpriuK,of, 1895,1 wua, troqbled with a oough, debility, andgeiioraldepron- biou of Hpirita. IWiur the Bummer aud autuajji I used a number.of medioines, but reoeired no btntflt frorxi them. About the beginning or November I wae advised to uSePttine'H Ccitcry Compound, I proourei the prepmratloa aud boRau to use it with wonderful benellt. I am now nouvinced, after uaina several bottlea of thia unequal led medicine, that no other oau compare with it in any roppoct. '*I am now a changed man;. my health is renewed, depression of spirit is uune, my appetite it good, aud t Bleep wtt|l, "I will always say a Kood word for Painu'B Celery Coaiponud." Township of G olctiester North BY=LAW No. 335. Respecting Pounds and Fences., To regulate the running at large of certain animals and for establishing a uniform height and demention of what shall be a -lawful,fence, and for other purposes therein named. "Whkheah, By tho Oommon Law no clomoBtio animala nro permitted to run at large, upon tho liigliwaya, commons and anenoloHud lands of any Munioipality. And Whhkrah, By proviaionB of It. H. O. of 1887, and amendmeutn thoroto-powor in .conferred upon, a Municipality, to permit certain domestic nnimaln to rnu at.large. And Wiieiihah, it is expedient to ropoal certain by-la"\ve of this Municipality, namely : By-law Number 17, and by-law number 217, and to 0Htftblinh a now by-law instead thoreof Bb It Tiumuvoitic Enaotew By tho Municipal Oounoil of tho Cor poration of Ooloheator iNfovth, under and , by virtue of fcho Municipal Act* of tho Province of Ontario,'and it is horeby ouaotod, 1. That chaptor 215, of B. S. 0,, 1887, an not respooting poimda and all amendments tberoto, aball bo in force in tho Township Of Ool- ohdstor North and all of its provisions exoopfc aa hereinafter varied or changed. 2. That no domostio animals of any kind as montloued in tueaaid AotroHpeeting poiindu ahall bo permitted to tun at largo upon the high ways, commonH or any uninolpsod lands in this said 'Jownahip, oioopt the following animals, and under fcho following roHtriotions : All oattlo excopting bulla and stags, and snoop excepting'ruma, and cattle not to bo allowod to romain on tho roads after uiglit in front o their ownors P^omisoB. Sohoduol of foes to bo given to any person ompoundiug any anUnal- not pormittod to run at largo : rs: Tor a Htnllion........................................ V.. .$1 00 !" '::""IIorHo, inaro, colt or golding........................,..... GO Bull or stag...........................................;.. UO Boar, or how and pigs under one month.................. 2f> Evory hog, pig or^awino, except as above................ 10 TO BIS TA1C1EN JlY POXyMUKKKPKHH. For^roooiving a stallion................................. $1 00 For rocoiving a horHO, maro, oolt or goldint?.............. CO : . For receiving a bull or stag...........-----............... CO ...For rocoiving a boar or bow and pigs under ono month.... 25 For receiving evory othor pig, hog or Bwine, except as above..........*.........................'..........- 10 For throe notices of Halo at 2fio. each.....................; 76 For doclavai ion of havinc; pofitotl uotieon................... 25 For attending sale.............-.....;..*<......-..'..... 50 And iivo cents commiHsion on tho dollar on tho value of tho animal or animala sold, for soiling tho sumo and making tho ueooasary returns, Aud for Icoopiutr oaoh animal and fumiahing food and skelter, hay- and water for horson and cattle, and com'and water for awine. ' For stallion, por day.... $ 50 l^or liorftos and cattle, por! day.......................... 40 For'how andpigK under ono month, por day;.........:... . 25 For ovory other pig, hog or swino, per day................ 10 B. S. O., OiiAPTBtt 215, 1887. JJ. Providing tho ponndkoopor ahall givo notice of sale inatlonst throe puhlio places within tho Township, doacrihing tho animals and giving marks (it any), and the place whore the unm'o hall bo sold, and time of sale, within forty-eight houra after tho, samo has boon . im- . pounded, and that tho said animal or animals will bo sold within eight days after micb notice, if not roplovied or. redeemed, 4. But no animal of any kind ahull bo sold until after the pounds . keeper who may have the samo impounded shall kavo lirst made a declaration beforo son'io person authorized by law to receive and take tho mime, that he did duly post up the notices and comply with all tho, roquiromenta of this By-law, or the Btatutoa aflfootihg tbo aamo ; and ho shall aloo make a return of tho declaration aud proceedings taken and bad on tho roll, of any animal aiul of all '-animals impounded, aud moneys rocoived and foes takon, to'tho council at its HeBaions in July and Booombor in oaob year. . 5. :That a lawful fenoe :shall be four feet high and may ho con- , Btruotod of railH, board or wire, and shall be of aufldcieut atrengtn' to prevent ordinary animals from oroaaing from onp aide, to the other. . through the said fence, and there shall be no opon space greater than five inohea apart within two fecit iniieigbt from the surface of the land. - A return or statement shall be made by the poundkeoperfonoe- yiewers, or any other officer of the Municipality.'with reference to any-."; . tbing doue under,this By'lftw to the Council when ever required'bo to do, arid in'default shall bo liable to a- illie not exceeding fiye dollars to bo recovered under tbe provisions ~i>f the Municipal Act. or; tbo A,ot respecting pounds. r ."!'. -O, That allotlier By'lawihconsistant' with this By-lawarelwreby appealed., .': > - .i' board. lOnt motion of Maaars. rBricftand fOamm^ the Boavt\; 'was appointed phair |man pfitha.qourt, .FoIlowlDfl porr^jionf. wore made In' aBaeBBoionl' roll oy said oburt of revlalbu: Statute labor aBaeaamanlo E. badouoer: not Rsasasad, wai. ohaDged, tp.l day ; A. Parent, 4- to 2 ; M. D^mrn, .4 to 3 ; W. Belabgar, 0 to 1; D. Grant, 0 to 8 ; E. Lawrence, 1 to 2 ; D. Grant', 0 to 6-; J. 8; Austin, 1 to 2; A. Baillargeoo, 0 to8; G. F. Bpafford, 0 tol.; B. Tpa- flignant, .0 to 1; L. Dqpule.O to 1; W. Ridfldale, 0 to 1;. Mca. Cowan, 4 to 6 ; Jaa. Stevoufloo, G to 5; A. Wilson, 4 to 6; Geo. Burdlo, 0 to 1; M. Burdio, 0 to 1; J. Myera, 0 to 1; F. Leffler, 5 to 6 ; Thoa. Lappan, 1 to 2 ; Joa. Stone 1 to 0 ; Jaa. Blanohatte, 0 to 6 ; M. Soully, 4 to 8 ; J -Baldwin, 4 to 8 ; H. Canada, 0to2; Thoe. liollaire, 4 to 8; C. Bengle, 0 to 1. Other Optreotions: John II. Galloway, oh an god to Wm. H. Galloway. An er ror in Jaa. Naylor'a aariasameDt was oor> tooted, tbuaohanging hie total aaaeaaraent on lota numbers 24 and 25, pts. in ,4th ood., from 91721 to 91703. An error in tho additions in Wm. Sohooloy'a . aaaeaa ment waa corrected, thus changing his valuation from 91400 to 91480. An error in the addition in John Cliokner'a agaeaa- meat. changing hia aaseaament from 9179G to 91785. An error in the oarryiog forward in John Smith's aaaeaamant was corrected changing his asaessed valuation on'lot No. 290, r. e. J 8. T. B, from 8970 to 9975. An error in the carrying forward of H.mry Btowe'fl aueeHHment On U>t No 15, ii o |, waa oorrcc"t,ohari|j' ioR hiiabneBuw* vu I action from 99(10 to 9940. An err< r in the description of one of Jamea BoblitBon's pleoefl of property made the duaanpeiori read 291 n. w. + N. T. B-, instead of 292 n. w. J N. T. It. This error waa corrected. The aefeufl- moat of tho property compoaing a por tion of thooatato of the late Alexander Cameron, was changed from the "Cam* erou eatatu" to the trustees of anid eutaie. John Cliuknur'a request to have hia aa- eoBBment for one dog on the "Jaokson" property utruok off the roll was grauted., The requoet of the Canada Company to have lot 2OH, e. w. in 4th con., obanged from the N. B. roll to J. D. Sauve as tenant, was granted. The request of Kov. A, Thibaudoau to not be aBseaaod aa tenant for lot 291, n. w. pt., S. T, K., .wan granted. J. Daniher waa as sessed as oooupant of lot No 18 a. w.^ in 8th con. Thoa. Tulley'o roqueat to bave his bod, J. J. Tulloy, aaseaaed with him- aolf on lot 28, w. fj in 5th con., aa F. S. was g'i\nt..>d. P. Champagno'a request to hni'n a tUiQ aawo^ucrl to him atruok off tho rcill a the (Ion whh now dead, was grann <*. The > num of Geo. Howard waa b rut'lt oU the roll, ti t Mo. 15, n. w, | in 8th conDBHsion, omitted from roll, waa ordered to bo asaesded on the noo- reoidort roll at a valuation of 8750. ' Wm. Johnaton'B rrqueHt to have a dog aasessod to him atrnck off tho . roll waa grunted ; but hie rrqubab to havo two of hia Boris aa tenants on the JTIopgood property was not ontoi Uincd ag there whb no evidence that thiu proposal had the approval of tho owner of the property, 8. fitovor'a request to have I)., Foroafc aaHeaBed aa teuanton hia B. 2G lot waa granted aa waa also his requost to have hid Maid- utono property doaotibod as shown on plan of name produced, F.' Bennrt* wuh neueased aa tenant on lot No. 25, u. '- vt. in 1st oon., with Mra. }&. Cottor ah F. II , waa gratitod. Jaa. Grangar'e application to havo hia statute* labor reduced to 4 days waa not granted. Tho requoat that William and ltobort Bp^gs bo aaeeaeod aa tenante for John A. Hogac'a livery utablo proporty at South Woodiiloe, with J. A. Uogun ni F. H , waa granted. Tho atjBUHHmont of lof 24, cm. pt. in Iwfc con., Ji noro, was ohan^jud from Mrs, Griffith to J. J. Dowhirat ne owner. Honry Maiaonvilte waa Eiaaeitsed as joint owner with bla father on lot 8 a. ^ lot 1, h St., G/10 aore. Tho namo of Jerry Driaeoll aubatituted for that of Levi Stoward uh tenant on lrtt No. 10 n. o. ft in 6th con. Moved by Mr. Price, ueconded by Mr. Paieloy, that oaoh and all of the foregoing cai-rootlona and amendments of and to the aBHBBamei fc roll of tho township of Maidstone for the year 1897 bo and th uamo are horeby made ami confirmed and Lhlit.tbo auid aBaeaamont roll as now cor* rooted and .Amended bo adopted an the aaHuoamont roll of tho townahip of Maid- Btono for the jcar " 1807. Carried. Mnvad by .Moaara. Fiioo and Potior, that tho aaurtof rtiviBion now rfao and that tbo eon noil ait for genoral buainoaB, (Jarriod. COUNCIL MEETINO.' Mimiteaof tho previous mooting wore riud and, on motion of Mouars. Daram und Trice, adopted as road aud .aigned. .Moved by Meaara. Prico aud Paisley, that J. Hillior . he paid 87 50, eettlomont in full of his olaimH.fordamugoa. Moved by Mosore. Potter add Paisley, that the Rum of 85 ho given on charity account to purclmso olotbing for P. Mahor, oaid Hum to bo plapod in tbo handa of II. Hayee for aaid , purpose. Carried. Moved by Meaars: Price and'Paisloy that Mrs; JaokRon bo. paid 94 for board of Imurio, iudiflent. Oarriod, Moved by Maasra. Damm aud Prion that J. Scott bo paid 92 for goods furnished Marahall, indigent Carried. R. A. WiBmor, bar- ri titer, \vrotn. demandinR on belie If of hia client, ii* Allen, 925 .for-.nlleged uamagos sustained by Mr. A Hun in comiBotion with the Wilaop Quiolan-Wiamor Drain cont'truotion. On . motion, Mr. Allen's dumuco olaim wcb laid over for future consideration. Joseph Tiornani P-Ij.S. aud C.Iii., applied for oiline of town ship engineer.1 Said application was read and on motion of Meeara, Potter..and Prioo, laid . over for future consideration. Tim notice of Wm. Kerr and others (now amended in cnmplianon with the provl- aitmo of tho Drainage Aot) for therepaira of tl>e 9th oon. drain waa read- Moved by. Mr, Paisley, seconded by Mr.1 Potter, that tho notico of Mr. Kerr and others for the repairs of the 9th con. drain be entertained, and that Meeara. - Price, Damm and Kerr be a committee for the work of makir C the necessary repairs to I he said 9th cou.drain, the ooBts attendant onthft making of said repairs hot to exceed 92(?0 Carried. Moved by .Mr. Pfioe, Boconded by'Mr. Damm, that the oounoilgo into committee of the wbolo fpi,tha aeoohd ripading otby-lttw No;. V419 tophango the iTmnqdarlea ^('^.aobobl.,'^- )jana, Noa. >".by'!.few: warf.;read1 plauso \by\b1iiiiB0.mnc|.on motiony ;af!|ppM;V:pn' mpiponV^-^es^-7"'"*" '^" uried. Movd by Maairs. pric^anffDamm, tba* *ba oolleotor^be paid 15 for extra . work and dlsbarsemeota M;oollotof and RW K yt Preis <b. paid |19.4e for 'rinttng as per acot. reudBred. Oarried. pa motion; the assessor was.: p**d 94, rsaments and "h;e oourt of ndtiflod .'the ,?jn mo:ion; the atsessar-was. .lor postage amd othor disbursatx one day^1 attendance at' th,e 'Tsv'isibno John HpitJoe .nb'ti________ :oounoil to repair under, the provisions of 'tbo Drainage Act, tho 4th eon. orHoetfne , Drain. Said notlos Was read, And, . on -motion of'MeMrs.Pottoriand PdOe, fyled. 'On motion-of;Me'B8ra. Price aodv Damm, jP. Hajpr, wag.pid 9P,dor 1 amber ,*qr- , nlahed township as per.accQaqt rendered. Moved by Meeara. price and Damm, tbat Wm. Miller be paid 99.75, for goods fumiabod Haggerty, indigent. Carried. On motion, 8, J. Cowell, overeeer of high ways for road division No. 29, waa given two chfquea.for 97 and 92.80 reapeotivety, refund of non resident statute labor to said; road division. Joa. Bonoit and others noti fied the oon noil to conduct a portion of the Brown's Greek watera in soma other direction and prevent damago to their, lands and orope by an overflow of. said Brown'H Creek drain, otherwise they will hold the corporation ' responsible for loss or damage which they may sustain from said on use. Said notice waa read and, on motion nf MeasrH. Potter and Price, fylel- E. A. Wiamer, barrister, demanded on behslf of iHaao Hillior, 950 from the cor poration as payment of damagea alleged to have been sustained by him (Hillier) from Hood a oaneed by the drainage works passing along his property, lot No. 18 n i s B, M. E. Moved by Meaars. Paisley and Price, that the clerk be lmitruoted to write Mr. Wismer stating that aa Mr. Hillier never notified the ooanoil to repair any of the drains which could pOBBtbly ove flow and flood hia landa if out of re-' pair during tbo high water period, tbat the corporation did not feel itself under any obligation to pay the damagea al leged. Carried. Solomon White, barris ter, demanded on behnlf of the It O B.S. No. 1 payment by the corporation of Maidstone to the Biid school corporation of the dues of the throe persons, Abra ham Charon, George Eindhartteand Henry Tillier. MoVed by Mr.. Price, seconded by Mr. Potter, tbat the Reeve bo author ized to take advice on the question rained by Mr. White's letter, and to take such othor steps in tho mattor aa may be thought neceunary, Carried. Moved by Messrs. Prioe and Pottnr, that the oounoil adjonrn to meet again on Saturday, June 26th next. Oorricd. . HOLDING HIM BACK. Why an Bnirprialng' Man If a* No Chanee to Boom a HllltooalrA. Blmnmer is ono of onr oiti^ona who, live w,ell und do nothing. Ho toils not, neither doca ho spin, and yet lie and his family livo in comfort that is not many removes from luxury. Tfiift baa subjected Blutnmer to adverse crit icism, Which fuirly hu:erntf!H hiH fionai- tivo fcclhigy, and bounboaoiritd himpolf to a few frieudH the other evoniuK while thoy wore enjoyiuy tho good thinga ho keopsontnp. "Thoro'B not n laKy bono in my body,'.' ho began ngpvcwiv(iy. "I'd rxithqr work than out, m:d I've nlwuya thought that I hud a grout buKiiiOKH head on me. But me rooord'a against me. My father not nio up in a morouutile buainesa, mid whim 1 h^d a -balance struck ufc tho end of n yoiir thcro waa not enough loft io innlco a deoenfc uaaimimnnt. On. hid death! came into a hamlaomb fortune, und I just thought I'd nbo.w my rehv tivca how X had been miajndged by in venting accrotly in a .great aout^ern land scheme. "I wont down gleefully to look over my new purchayo and gloat over my prospoota. Moat of my roul ea- tnto wua at fcho bottom of a lake, and what wna on dry laud wouldn't raiae a hill of corn to tho acre. "My brother got won nice ponition aa traveling Hnleamui), and "I had hoUI whole fnrlondH of goodHntlifilf prico bo- fore tbo houHo could he.ud mo oii^. They told mo that 1 muHt aell to' hold my plitoo, und that waa what I v.'as dednfr, but they diaoharged me ao hurd that I novor got rightly o\ev it, JVlothor bought me a farm, nitdaRidii I atnriod to aatou- iah my folks by my businotm Hhrewd-. uobh. I trudod tho farm for tho atatc right to a patent fence. All I got out of that waa a jndgmont agninut me in an infringement caao. Mother loft me what I havo now, with a proviso that 1 should forfeit everything if I tried to 'do.buainoHS of any kind. That's why I ' have no. ohnnce to make myself u mil- liouaire." Dotroit Froo Proas. MELTED SNOW POWER. Bwlun iby/Jaw!'ia'ieead'la"i*hi passed. Moved by Mr. Pot^r. ,flccopd"ed t>v Jlfr.PrioP, tbtB Qonway-b*appoivlr Towiu Tliafc tJtlllao tho Mountain ' Htreauts. . BoaidoH u conaidorable number oi lnrgo-wnter power iuatuJlatiouH Switzor-. land ia full of small powor plants, nearly every town in that laud of mountains and .waterfalls boiugwol] supplied with power from tho "white coal/* us the molting auow on the mountuin sidos bus well boon called. Wbou thcro aro no large atroama,.many ruinil ones uro im- -pouudecl and collected' in rcaorvoira on. tbohiilaidoH, and it is rare to find, a place of any aizo which is not well lighted by tho power of some iucmntuin stroum. " '-' At Mpntreux ' tho eleotrio tramway got$ its power in thiH way, hhd from t]i old Roman town of Vovey to tho mn. diipval castle of Chillduono niayridour a trolley, car propelled by, tho powor.oi , an inaigniflcuHtlittloHtromn which may or may. not bo^ndticod when climbing up the hillsidefl juat above,; ", ^Tlm capabilities of this general -'iitxl- ization of natural power ore -beginning. to bo nuflorstood evory-yvhero, and, with tho appreciation -ofr-the possibilities pi. the beat mothode of loug-uiHtanco traiiu- misslon, the/development of muuy moun tain Htreama mnat surely cpm^.Th'ere". are innnmerflblo streams, which, while .' vety'^iaiirf..'j^ caul witij comparatively^, little diffloxilty, be topoundwl and oaiTied down many * . >to^towfj;."C!: i^tJ-^uB Vni^jijajBi '-'.-isp1'^^'-' 7 their ,Jaok;$cvypiu^ rare readily bmaJiiftbleraiid, e4(her* bj Marryicg a. Mwi.to ^^m V>i<; ;whi6h'4V^rTS|eir%>f^> the happ(Dba of mah^hiyrwp^gtfW^ writes : Bvaugeh^^^ifli^X-^lM^^^^ The Ladles Hooje Journal, "U the fl] mon delusion that "ii'--. vtomiu &$-jltJ form a man by mAirffyfymfi^f**^ mystery to me bow people Wi^^|>pi| W the 'hundreda ini^jMjiwj^'^" caunity whi-r.e^ptteHpg-hoW^^^WlSIS and lonooout liyis "fiaVe ^8en' *f^-W'^^S oauBe aon>e 'yodbg 'irf'l'^Mp'p*^^?]^ marrying a scoundrel m t^e bopej^ a^?f^{ him. I have never Known .Booty]'a; n^^^j aud I have seen huudreds Of : themf, r0ttfe} in anythiug bat s4nfa8.aod diaaeter,-; r,, no young girl think tbat she may fef ^W^ to aooompliah what a loving mother sympathetic aiatara have beeh* uuabJfejW^ do. Before there ia any contract of m*&$M riage there should be convincing proof tbai.v:^ there has been real and thorough regeu >) oration,' LIMB PAINS. m :'-m Contract Rheumatiam and.Too'.^ill Buitei:^ Untold Agonies ^ Rbeumatio Cure and you will Have..'Rrtfta lief in a Few Minutes, *ud a Cure ~;... Three D*iye TeBtimooy Proves it, " J ' I was for three years a great aaffereff^ from rheumatism- paine- io my limt*8>'r^ were particularly diatreBain. I had tritkT'V almost every known remedy, but reoeivad}^ no benefit. I waa advised to gi?e South^ Arnoricnu Rbeumatio Cure a trntl. I purr."".' oboaed two bottles. When I bad uled one'v and a half bottlea I was perfectly onred.iiVJC;}^ aonsider it a wonderful remedj; and tabe1-^^ pleasure in reoomraendiug it." F. Nugenii,-^ Niatfara Falls, Ont, . . ..".-'-iM . , .-:^/& Profosaor Max Mailer;1 of Oxford, In^fj^f^ recent lecture culled atleution to tho^d Inrirowt book in the world, the wopdflrfaJ^'M Ku'th Daw. It coufai(B of 729 pnrts in *hS^ fihapo of wh*e rr.arblo, )>liit**p, c^vrred v^i inscriptions, each plate built wiih a .* 'fffi plo of brick. It ia fnuud utar the'"6Id;;J priest mly of Maudulny, in Burma, aud'^M thio tornplo oity of more than 700 pagoda ;.k" virtually m'trfes up thiamouter bjok-7tha\^ roli^iouft codex of tbe Buddhists. '",It\ff$M written in Pah. Rather atracae to Bay,!lt|g, ia noli an unciuut promotion, bub its pre*^ paration was prompted by the Buddhistic^ party of this ocatury. It was ereoted.iri^ IB57 by tbo command o( Miudomiu. tjuiftj Mfoond of tho laat kings.of Burma.^Hpu>ft3| .Jeurn'al. "":%*%* L.\ GUIPP13 SCOUHGB. Who haB'not'B(iti a Vioiim? Wh> hag|j not had Jusi the Kxperienon"of Mif,^ Cnrtin?rVvVho may not Have tho Relief^ South American Nervi' o Afforded Hlrt'.jSj ' "Aa a ItsKult of a re^'ura h-'ihok, of^ i| grippe I differed .greutly from .weakniMji and loan of appetite.. 1 uaw teHtiruouiala.O^;;; tlio curative powurs oi Huurfi A.merio'ai Nervuie aiid.dotGrmMirf* ' exjaiitl^ lor niv cmh*.; Pure, ii-fd'ii und a'm^lt^^oX mediaifly. beyn. lo iiripinvd.' Mv htrerigfm rctur. ud io me y**ry rapidly. -. WUWj i.tinV tukon tbreo hottlt'H I had d.iVrtloped.ia.fer^ cioux iippiitiro, I hiu tie welt to day.-.afli'j evorl wan, and am aufti in .B^.ing thatj^ oau attribute it tn South Am ripan': Nafe vine, aud no words of mine in rpeommWfj^ ing'it eunlrl bo too wtrnnu.V C:-.Jm .Op|ejt(^ Windaor, Ont. Witnessed by F. a, La.u^ drn^iat. -^ ^ -------------------------------:---------------------^--------------------------------------- Mr. FiaherhaH given notice of a-pff- to provide for rogiatration of oheeS^i fnotoriea and oEoaniories; and"! f6rM branding of dairy products, and .to P>:P^ hibit misrepresentation as to dotea ;oi^ manhfaoturo'Of Biioh products. v ;^ ':^ Tbo Governor-General has received^ lottor of thanks from the.Viceroy^. India, in whioli it is stated that Oanada stood next to Groat Britain in he^Ct." tributiona to tho India famine fun^ Tho worst of tho famine is post.;. m DBWcipps *!-m CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. h------- ,: ,. \u,-*i ' Tb Wwat. PocuWr'.sww Uor Majaatjr IJia^ayeg AQEMTS. .-........._-, wrltiB, t-ont XiOruu, about '^Queea Vl^Wl Bulca unprocodonteu, ,Mftsy to maujft'- flyotat Uh dultv. Hia oominiHBion. . OdtflV;Irift# THK BnADriEtaAHKETSOHCo.VTorpM Mnu'and Women who ohu^work b'oriiij and writing six hours dally, tor six doya'A) and will booontoDi) with; ton dpllara yreel 'Addieas, \ '. '^l^l^M NKW IDKAS 0O,i Brant^'Sdifi IliqajTrn ImiuBtriona Tjeraon * WVARI C||> Rui with 0bo4;.oWai oomnion school oduoatlun,oa,nibbtiiwn ment for two monthp Inthjis comtiouiilti, det4r>,!p6Q^.ot^\i<to^;!D^^^uugj^^ to.dpv 60 la > gooil *r^'^Siffl .. ^m^1

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