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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 4, 1897, p. 2

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W3 -V; fir- ETtiA goa LSI"'.'." /cet'4 rl&"jir*'.fi^and to pra|e. iQf'loat.blm back la her busy years, feWlwn. !* "* world fcaught tjw man EfEato; bis plaoa In the battle fl van.. ft}*'*-; __ fc'.T".'*--' .* " ^ ****' 14 fcl^ehuTwith, unny hair Wday. o? hef young liferm .aprinjr. ujiWhwi"1 On small armchair stood just KJsj^^V-'tlis v/ay, ", Ws:Tha eonter of everything. -Now York Tims*. &0R LOVE'S SAKE. J^'fvit was Jack Mansfield**) wedding night. j:v and as the young flrornan drow his eay Kbbair to tho hearth, after supper and put %ik (tllpprod fmt on the shining bar of the Jfceiytfcrhe. gave a sigh of satisfaction. ia Veyes danced with pleasure as ho watched S f PMttyi quick banded little wife clear KEK'ra?ii/'Ll. ~t-~; *. oiofch Bad been uJ^W-'tsipWi and when tho SpidwVawfty in tho drawer and the lamp SijfeSUfca-little woolwork mat In tho rold- ^iJlBOftno snow whlto deal he cried: l&&G6m* along, Nellie 1" ^fe-'Tha.youag wife brought a low stool and jCiat'tft his feet, and, giving him ono loving $look of joyful trust, nlio ohispod Iiit hands on his knee and rested her oheok upon them as she guziHl Into tbe fire. &. : ITor' some momenta neither of thera k spoko. Truth to toll, they wero too happy * . for words. Nellie found plonsonfc pictures '\. of the hjtore in tho mystic caverns of the r;{' Are, and, as for Jfack, he just gezed his fill |fc":" at the only picture In tho world he cared &u to use the fans of bin wife, glorified in tbe $ rollahfc.iwhioh ehnnged bor curly hair in- ^. to a'help, of ruddy gold. But proaontly, ^7 .'with ari effort, tho young husliand npoko: fc.M ; "NelUo, my girl, this is oven bettor than our hopes promised, Isn't It?" Be allowed hlu oyes to glanoe gleefully round the trlrn kitchen, flashing baok tbe KVi sparkles of light from tho glass and ahlna 5V.. on the dresser, and then brought them swiftly again to their center, of attraction, the blushing face renting on his knoe. She did not answer, but she glanced h; back at him, and ho was nut lulled. ' ' 'Tell wo, Nolllo,dear," ho said next, &' '". "you have quite got over that old fear?" pf'\- Again sho did not answer, and he went ' ""'-on: ., i W There is danger in ovory life, dear heart.' Many wives send their roon to,sea Fire!" caino theory again from -> 'and do not seo them ugaln for months. m;r; Tho flames art) not cruder than tho waves, W: 'Nellie!*' ip-V "No, Jack," she said. m bravo, but" "But!" horxalnlmed, with nglad laugh. ffl-y- "Wo mustn't begin our married life with 1 '.fruts,' Nellie, dear. Tell mo If unytblng troubles you and wo will get rid of it at <jnce." as..-; J ""Oh, Jack, I don't Ilko to toll you, espe cially tonight. But you know ad woll na I ,,. 4o how Jim Travors wanted mo. I can't i^;get his face out of ipy mind. It looked 1\. awful in tho church today!" Wf\\- Jack Manelleld looked grave. "You'll havo to put all such notions out iE-Of 'your mind, my girl," ho..said qulafcly. ".' "Jim and rno'tt boon ohums for'years. Wo oouldn'i; both havo you, and lie's tho ':' sense to know that tho cholfio was for you. -Don't go and think hard of poor old Jim, as lost youl" I Nclllo Htared at tho Around eald noth- v ring. Tho watts of red coals oraokednnd $v fell together, involving tho fJory caverns ^. rln ruin, and a column of aparkfl fled up ?^ into the dark ohimiioy. Than, suddon and dwlft, tho pcacourid ^!-'jy ' t*10 ,10W hoaino w"S slmtterod by nn **K *wfnl cry from tho Htrcet: i'vVriro! iriro!" K"'- Nellie started up as if a shot had pierced |V;,tor heart, and Jim aprang to hl foot. %'<[ "So noon!" gnHpcd Nolllo, with hor hand ^'fpreflsed tightly sgiiimit her heart, ' ' *'Bo.brayo, my girl I" orld Jack. "Now'h fj. : the time to piove whafc^tuff you're made K^of!" |^V/-5!Flro! Ife- ."without* Vpr'. ,Nellie ran and fetched, her lniHlmnd'H if;,'! boot.1 juflfc a? n thundering rap Bounded on BJjr'tbo door and hasty footsteps clatterod uvyay E/"i;.on.tho piiVomenfc. w";-; 'It ws tho work of a momont for the Kyonng ilremim to kick off hla sllppurfi and Kvj-plungo Into his liooiu Then MoUIng bl.i Ij^.xiDot and bat from tho door, ho pauwed for ]$< a moment to ohtHp'hls yomi^ wife In IjIh arniH.; ; "Ni'lllo.'Mie whlgpcrod,"lt Is tho call.of L' duty, nnd whore duty In there God 1h too." W'. Tbon lio toro hlmsolf from her clinging |jjj"<iriria and was gone. Ix)ft ulouf, Nelllp'fl newly found oourac;o 1-'^as qninkly dofiorted hor, and,.ninkhig into lvi,arebair, ho folded hor arms on tho tablo Mand let lier face fall forward 'upon thorn. |E,She did not cry,;.but her wbolp body tvem- '^blbd. pitifully, and every time tho awftil tvpry .gimndod in thd street sho winced as If J;;awhipluHh had Htruck.her quiveringfloHh. ^Scarcely five minutes hatl paHscd slncu Fabk' loffc her though if tl^ue had been ui8urod byagqnyifc might havo boon five liours^ when a loud cheer squudod in Nol- ]_e('e 'ears, follbwod by tho thunder of hoofs Eib'd-wheclH. Sbo sprang to hor feet and fished to onon the door, just as, with a roar nd a rattle, the areongine Wont sweeping iast; There was a flash of scarlet and gold Imd flaring lumps, and show erg of sparks streamed from thehoufs of the horuoi, but Jellia only saw two faofj the faoes of two itthc belmeted flremon. |'y4<5)ae'wa the face of J:uik Muusflold, her ^Usband, who, smiled and waved his hand Mxssuringly to her as ,tho englno whirled lit.;1 .The'other was the f*.ce of Jim ravers, her releoted lover a dark and )iny faofij with wblto, sot lips and an loh,of bitter despufr. Ho, too, look- l"at her, and ths glance ^bat leuped from ,[duskyyos made her quickly oovsr her S^with.ber^aads. is sound of tbt madly whirling wheels w$6:ihn't mufllpd by tho distance/but "fttlk of feet along the pavement attll feon'rnlJ,;IooJitlng up ngain, phowas / ',. tore Is the flreP" she naked of a nelgh- 10 had Just run out of tho nex^ >ply[iw'Tliniitreet.':Can'* yer see tho; b the skyf ,rVm a-goln to have a look ^^owo/ftloog o^ mo, -Noll: ."Vor'H bo itod'tb.daiktb fttlfloinie.;1,' < "" .in Into the, house. And in anothor at pJMfnp Pt*ng: ffrtn smoko lrbfohv ot n4 SStmnn% mwJ Nsllis"* Btmts and miia3ija?UirMUkm-o^ gwayJncan^ditiMA lnyb^lIdlTnjrshO'fOlt'ig'-lf^b*' must fUr- BnHn a moment tfas lalntnew passed, and hs was able to look about her. 0!he building .was a,lofty An*, at *b dot- naTof tho'str<t^nn oil ^dc^lorshop^ and the fire seemed to have taken.ppsses- slon of tho upper roeras and tberoqf. The whole of tbe top story was inflsmea/ and the firemen ware working to keep the tixi from crooping lower. Rqnnlns; around th upper story there was a barrow Iron bel- cony, and her first glance upward showed Nollle the form of a stalwart young fire- in man balanced up pa the roll of |bls bo loony, Whllo he hocked with might and main at gome burntna woodwork which extended to tho floor beneath him.. ', With a shudder, she recognized Jaok. In the glare of the ilro tho rail he stood on looked liken bur of re<lbofcironf and ao pre carious, was his footing that it seemed to tbo watch era bolow that a single slip .must prooipitate him to tbo pavement or into too sen of fire within the house. . Nellie was aliuoit ohoked by the wild beating of bor heart as she watched her huflband's gIla^?' attempt* to save the lower part of the houBejfrom the danger which threatened it. Every stroke of the keen hatchot Boomed to strike ablow aut hor. When would the piece of blazing tlm- berglvo wayr When would Jaok stop down on to tho swaying ladderT Suddenly a ruddy flash'of light from a Rhadnwcd cornor of tho little balcony caught hor eye. It was the reflection of tbe flames cast baok from a ,brass helmet. There was,another fireman on tho balcony, and he wee oreoplng cautiously nearer and nearer to Jack. Was he going to his help, or Nellie's heart stopped beating for an inntantiand'floomBd frozen with a sudden horror. The face of the second fireman w&* exposed to the glare of the flames, and its expression wnSAwfnl to look upon. It was tbo foco of Jim Travers. A strange murmur rose from tbo crowd an uncortuln sound,, euoh as tho roa sometimes makes before a storm, when the Wind qiitoklv rlao and as qulokly dies away again. Nolllo knew that the people around her were watching Jim's sly ap proach, uncertain of ,hls intentions. Vol herself, she was In no uncertainty. . 8h had soon doapalr in his eyes, and now she saw murder and revongo In his movements.' Sho would have shrloked alond to warn Jack of bis danger, hut. horror oontraoted tho muscles.of hor throat, and the cry was etlfled In her heart ' Stealthily Jim crept nearer to the tin- oonttclous Jack, His hands shot out to ward tho foet so' unsteadily balanced on tbo glowing rail, and, slok with terror, Nolllo covered her fnce with her hands. Sho heard an awful cry go up from the <iy in i i i arowd, and a strnuglod scream tore Its way X will .try. to <*q_ttjrougii her throat nseho looked up again antT itaw that Jack no longer stood upon tho rail; that tho blazing woodwork had boon out away, and a crouching figure was creeping stealthily back along the balcony. Thon n black wave surged up before her eyes, hiding tbe bhize of the burning build ing; a roaring, as of many waters, sound* ed In her cars, end ehe sank into a gulf of darkness; .# .* utterly unfit n and for '$& "mffVm^-'^^^wd I haYe ioi^^t hgvtxW heard young mothor gay gadly that sho f. n*^e^^46rto0l^ it WMinoh a queer little thing, and aho Was half afraid to touch it. Other young thingg.izL.tho shape of..puppies,.kittens, oi"'^fi"a6ia;"'aih'r"iett$w "All" abbot nud wnfl quite at holme':with, but her own thild remained a sort of curious and uu- oanny Httl being to hor till his bnby 'days wore oyer and he .began to sharo- lu his mother'a hobbies in a boyish sort of way. Now, in Japan a mother like this is ail impossibility. She In not interested in politicq or in gocial reforms, neither is she bent on being a social HUceesH, nor devoted to any ncientiflo philanthropic work, us arc so many of hor western hih- ters, 8ho is pnr exoellouce a mother, and one who cannot bo rivaled in any other country. No children aro so well and carefully tended as hors, and she is patient and, geutlo, with thorn, uover threatening them, if they are unruly, with corporal punishment, nor raining hor voice and scolding them In tho un pleasant way one so often hears in othor ooxmtricfl. The Japanese mother is a born kindergaortnorin and enters into the lives of her little ones just as easily as tho western kindergarten teacher, who has undergone a long period of study and training. To her tho duties of motherhood come naturally, for among her nation women Who will make good mothers aro chosen as wiv^s, and thus in the course of nature tho quality of mothorliiiess ia Intensified as timo goos on, and the race of mothers becomes very superior, Nowhere is motherhood as respected as in Japan, and nowhere does the motberrecoivo more attention from both hor hunbuild and her children. Sho is regardod uh the maker of the race, and her maternal duties are considered to be exceedingly bonorablo andtoentitlo hor to tho utmost counideration and affec tion, Pittsburg Dispatch. ^^^7^^^^^ tatrtpgW ------ floo* powjTfbdt WWn*70 Hood's SaraaparllU, and take H aocordlng to dlreotlopg^to pnrify-yoMhlood, or, tnm fttoJlM^^fegtWiOPj!; crarb'anjrmWmiirbTmWMmwr -- ' Zn^t'r'trnii are morally certain to reeelv* benefit. The powsr to cure is there. Ton sto not trying an x^rmenU It wUl inakiyoar blood purerriah and nourfshmg, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen tho nerves and build up the whole system. Sever*' Onie of Dyspepsia .... "Isuffered from dyspepsia20 years. I had a feeling as though_ there was a lump in my stomaoh. I did not dare to eat meat or warm bread, vary few vegetables, for fear of the great distress food caused me. I experienced relief right after com mencing to take Hood's Sarsflparllls;' My appetite' InoreaMd, I gained In" general health and strength. X eaa eai,almost any/- thlngnow without discomfort. Although I had been sri invalid for, twenty years, I can truthfully say that I am better than for long time. I never weighed so much In my life," Mbs. Emily F. Bump, 45 Portland Street, Middlebero; Mass. Is prepared wily by 0. I/Hood * Co., Lowell, Maw. Hood's puis sgsjaa?'*M* a. afio. ONE OF THE MEAN ONES. "When pho returned to eonsolouBnes, Nellie saw that she was nt homo. Then she became aware of a strong arni clasp ing hor. Xiastly, she know that a loving fncowafi looking down at her with anxious eyoa the fuco of her husband. "Jack," she said, "are We both dead, and and is this hoavenf" Then he smiled at her. "No, no, dear heart," he brled, "we're allvo, and you'll soon bo hearty, pleaBti Go(\, and this Ifj home." Nellie felt us If hor Bonnes wore' leaving hor again. . But Jaok klfwod her, and the klna did her ro muoh good that) nho sat up. "3 thought you had. fallen Into the Are and heen klllod, Jack'I" Hhe said. "What; mo?" ho orlud. "No, no, lasfl. Thnt was Jim, poor chap, and ho did it all for love'.f you, Nolllo." "Oh, Juok, what do you .raoanf I thought ho was creopliiff along tbobaloony 'to throw you Into thpflro becauuo I mnr- rlcdyou Instead of him." "Hoeamo to save my life that you might not loe tbo, man you loved boat," said Jack Munsfitild grnvoly. "I didn't know ho wan there till ho ffulzed me round the waist and pulled me down from tho rail U the balcony. If 1 hadn't wtruggled, he might have boon more careful. But whim ho'sprang to any place on the rail he out too carelessly nt tho tlmhor and slipped and full into tho fire." Nolllo was now weeping bltterlyv . "Oh, Jack, Jaok, how wicked I have been!" she cried, "and what a grand man poor'Jim was! And wo novor knew it*-- wonovor know it I" "Shall I tell you what ho said in thai moment while I wna struggling to get, baok to myplnco on tlierallV" asked .Tack, Nollle could not speak-for bor pobblng, So Jiiok went on: "Ho told me not to rink two lives that lils own was of no value to him or to any body, but that I rnust.llvofor. your, sake, Then ho said: 'Jack, let,mo have your place. It Is for dear lovo'fl Bake!" " Folks, at Homo. Raliof nt'Xjufc. The long suffering man was trying to read, when, with a oraHh and a roar, fcho train loft the rails. .Down', down, down it- wont. The seat in which the long suffer ing man sat shut up like a knife and caught him In it* tenacious embraoe; an other scat rose up and nmoto him in the side. Two trunk* flung themselves upon his breast, and the luggago rack slid down and poked him In tho baok. Then all.was silent. Thelong'suffcring nian tried to move. One foot, then tbe otherrwoB found lm. bedded In the dcbrla; hlg arm a were secure ly pinioned by the wreckage. It was dark and warm and stUb The long suffering man nestled his oheek down on the cool surface of a window and heaved a'sigh of relief, "At lost, ' he murmured,,"at last thoso two maniacs behind raehave stopped talk- 'og-golf."' ..' ' Anfi a blessed ailenoe rolgned* Pear- san't Weekly. T'r Made Him Sad. Weary Watklne What you look in so sore about? '. Bismol Dawson 1 rqets guy today 'at tola me I was really workln harder bum- lain around do country than lf;I was ae*n Illy holdln a job, I* may be true, too, H i, ill know- Indianapolis Journal: ' ..:: \i'.t Might Bfve Beea Hean Enongh to Have Stolon Hi Jfuhrtt*aca. Four or five proaohors, at a proaoherB* meeting, or, rather, after tho mooting was ovor, were difiounsing some of tlie peuullar people they had been brought into coutaot with during thoir various pastorates. * 'Tho very meanest man I over.know," said a pastor, whose nasal twang be trayed Ms Yankee origin, "was a mar ried man, though, as rule, tho really meanest mon are bachelors for obvious reasons. "This party Was fairly well to do and oxpected to be enriched by tho doath of an old undo to tho extent of at leant $100,000. He was a man of about 45 and was, on the surface, an extremely pious kind of a man, with strict idciifl of biblical interpretations. At this timo the rioji pld tinole a millionaire, *by tbo way Was approaching the scrip tural limit of human oxlatouco three score and ton and his pious nepbew had begun to figure on what ho was go ing to do with'his sharo of tho old mun's fortune. Tho latter, however, did not hold to scriptural interpretations, but held on until ho Was 01 yours old. Thou ho 'dopartodf and as per expectation, when the -estate was settled up tho pious nopbow received $100,000, more or Iohs. "He ought to havo been satisfied, of course, but ho wasn't, nud after mouth ing around about his hard look, he finally capped fcho climax by suing tbo trustee!! oi the residue of the ofltiito, which bad boon willed to charity, for the interest on $100,000 at b" por oont for tho time fchufc elapsed botwoon tho three score and ton limit and tho duto of tho doath of his tmolo, a period of 21 years JJ months, tho whblo amount of intorosfc being $ 137,500. Ho evou wont so far us to swear that 6 per cent was too low, and that he could have got 8 right along for tho whole timo if tho old bum had died when' tho Bible said ho ought to dio. Being hi tho fam ily, however, he w.ns willing to discount tho rate of intorosfc an per oont. How, did you ovor hour of anything worso than that?" ' And'-not man there did.' 'Wash ington Star. . Our Society lUmtler*, Sooiofcy iu Buropo has a certain ye- strioted meaning which onablos ono to picture to; himself wbut Vin sotuoty" means; It iH not neoflssarily a brilliant distinction, but it'isatloust a suflioient- ly intelligible, definition. But hero "so- oioty loader"1 and ' 'clubman" may moan somothiug or nothing, us tbo caso may be. Hero again democracy exnggoratos tho very sentiments and positions it is .supposed'to ignore. Wvery woman with two chnngos of headgear is a "society womuu," and ovorymnn with a top hut 'And two pairs of trousers is a "club man;" One hears, too, inoro,talk about "old fuinilida" here than anywhere olso- Why it. is I know riot, unless it bo bo- cause they secretly feel that they are nil so new. "America and Amorioane From u French Point of View." Women Read Advartlaments. It is claimed, says tho Philadelphia Press, that the womon aro tho only read ers of advertisements. Inamoasuro thil is truo, and necessarily sor for women aro the larger purchasers for tho house* hold und spend most of tho money thai is earned by business, professional and working men. . Even in the larger transactions it will probably surprise dealers to loam how influential a voice women havo. The purchase of a homo is almost invariably dotOrmincd by the women of tho house hold, and in nine cases out of ton tbuii information as to the situation and de sirability of a purchase is gained from tho nowspspers. And every furniture dealor, dry goods denl^ grocery's?11 and keeper- of any sort of a storo knows that he must ap peal to tho womon if ho wishes to sel. his goods. Ouo of tho largest elements in the success of one of tho greatest mer chants in tho world today is the fact thnt hn knows how to appeal attractively through ttho advertisement to tbo wom an.- Fourth Estate. A 'Brand B>om the llurnlng. , . After Iho German invasion an offloor of tbo Turkos could not so ttlo dowii in to oivio life, bat went off to Africa on an exploring expedition. In one of thona-.. tivo villages on the Nigorhe saw an in telligent, bright looking lad tied uj>, and on inquiry found that'ho was. being fat tened for a feast which Was. in contem plation in whioh he was to appear roast ed. , He bought the lad for a case of Old Tbiu gin and brought him b;aclc to Paris, where ho was sept to-sohcol, astonishing, everybody by. his!joaJ)a6it3*. ;Ho has just died in that city, closing a history in which his rowiie shines as1 the xaoat , memorable incident A Illblo Sled. A friend of tho Xjitenorsnw a funny sight down in Maine. At a place there. Which needn't ho named, there lives a Rinall boy nameoVJonatban Longfellow, who is a third or fourth cousin of the poet* and ha is a groat boy too. One day this friend of tho Listener was driving past young Jonathan's house and saw the boy engaged at a little distance in sliding down hill on the slippery crust .on something.that was notusled. What could it bo? Evidently tho scrutiny of tho passerby.was observed by the,boy, for he stopped bis coasting and called out amiably, "I'm sliding downhill on the Bible." And it was the fact too. Ho hud got the smooth, leather bound fam ily Bible, containing the generations of all the LongfellowH, und was coasting on it with magnificent;success. -Boston Transcript, The Humorous lltayola Itopalrer. Roubon Rakcstmw Well, look thorol There's a sign that says "Bicycle Asy lum. n What can that bo for? * Boxuiu Itakestraw Oh I Why, that must be for folks that havo .this here bicycle craze that we've boon re ad In about. Brooklyn Life. , Juvenile Theology. "I know," nid littlo Johuny, sidling up to tho prohohor while dinnor was be ing prepured, "why tho wicked folks is tbo only onos what gits punished in tho next world." "Indeed!" oxolaimod tho good man. "I am glad to boar that you know this, And will you toll.mo why it iu'i" "'"Cause," ropliod little Johnny, "the good people always gits it in tho neck boro. " Cleveland Leader. . '-'.......... ' ' -ffJ^- y|ae"agentvr* UMDERTAKINQM ^ 'of' Marrfiyi* Xlcebse*. Ins MlghlofQo* at Dwolllp S V TALBOT fl" Panls. Ksecr, DiTif tiaij ataa.iri,r, o'oiobniipja HPLUMMB3-H, OndertakeVKtarOrLitui* : Dealtr-Gofflni, home and factory rda *:; JOHN A. ldAYCOOR\ ""^ . .:*.:;:.' abohi"'Tb<3t,&c... Boom 10 and 11, Fleming Building, Windsor, Onl Phone 910. >' f -0. O. F. BNTBHPBIBB, JLodge No 318, I maotsoyery Thursday, oteojng at 7J"> In BOOIETIE^ F ENTKUPBISIQ, Lodge _________.sovery Thursday, ofeoing i Oddfellows Half, In third storey Danstan Blok. Visiting members uf other led bob will reaolve fraternal, we looms. FBED-OILBOK, N.O. OENTBAL ENCAMPMENT, Ho, 00, xneetsla Jddfellows'Ball,Dunstan's Block, on tbeAret and third Tuesday lneach month. Vleltoia oor- dfally reeefved. Members of subordinate lodges in the jurisdiction,. Invited to Jolr. G. HANNAN. 0, P.. O. F. BILL, Beo. E 8SKX F1UB BBIQASB. MEETH FIU9T __ Friday ovening in overy month for brl- gado tneetloB and tblrdFrlday for prootioo In the Flromen's rotui In the Btone building. Jas; MoMurr&v, Ohiefi Bam, Bmltb, Captain; Job Slote, Lieutenant; Warren Leo. Seorotary; Fred. Hyatt, Treasurer CODBT BOYAL', NO. 2VS, I. O. F. Meets soeond and fourth Tuesday's la each month in 1. O. O. F. Hall at 8 o'clock p. m. Visiting bretbera wjll be clvon a fraUrnaf wel come. w.'J. Dowar, O. Ii., M. J. Wfgle, 0. D. HL.O. .Jl. W.O.Bhaw, B;a. Michigan fTEFTPj^ "The Maaara Foils BouU." " \ -, ( OOINO BAST . ; Taking offoot March, \Wft, Exp. Exp. Aooom Mixed Mall a.m. n.2 Windsor.... 5.B0 Pol ton........ 0.08 Maidstone o 0.19 Ebsox......... 0.35 Woodeloo... a 40 Husoomb ... 0.53 7.or Hldaetown.. 8,'JO 8.40 St, Thorn ad 0.50 ] flOING r.ondon......... p.m. 12.10 nt. Thoraaa... 2.40 Kodn'oy......... S.SS Bid ge town,,.,. 4 07 Comber.......... 5.S8 HuBcomb....... 6.40 Woodaloo....... 5.50 Esaoi............ B.03 UnidBtono Or 0.14 Polton...,........ tt.24 Windeor........'.. ~6.45 7.10 a.m. 6.90 060 a, ta, 0.40 10.10 7.20 11.00 8.47 11.64 1/25 10.00 WEHT. Kxp. n.m. a.tn. p.m. i 40 6.05 0.19 BJiS 5JJ7 B.50 B.56 0.05 7.10 7.U8 8.40 a. m. 4.00 4,1 Q 4110. 5.Q2 5.as ' 5.KT 0 10 10.B0 ll.SB 2.25 449 6.43 10.28 (1.05 U,!S O.nfi 12.05 7.1B' 12.40 a.m. G.1& 0.15 7.11 7.87 8.57 0.09 0.10 083 0.43 0.64 1C.10 10.53 Mixed a.m. 690 7.07 8.47 la. 40 lio las 300 .8.20 a.87 4 00 p.m. 0.05 0.14 fl.Ql am 0'40 0,45 Amtaoritburg Local Tralto*. WKhT HAst a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. n.m 11.40 7,80 Ebbox U.U5 0.45 6,80 11^8 7.40 Edgars fl.iJ7 0.85 6.10 12.00 7.47 LK&DBXIng fl.21 0.S7 4.67 19.16 7.E0 MoGregor 6.20 0.25 4.06 12.S5 8,10 Gordon 6,05 0 05 4.86 12.40 8,15 Amberstburg 0,00 9.00 4.80 Behoo ,-DiT day ^dlaUy 10 a. m. JiVinJtv uhuronVlioTth hi injoMiittiy aa^yt'apJSifi i#J? 1,45p< m' Tba PUbllo are ot>( W.M.Flemhig, Patter'Ber- -. vlotson sabbath atU a. to. tadf.^SvS.SS1 WArrui. oaoaoHi-itev.M^ OainVielJ, Pas-"^m tor. . oivices each Babbath at U . andL 7 WW atao'cloog, tteatsfreer Allartf oorWly wolr " >** eomod.; . ' BoHAif OAraoixd^fiBses-Fs. 'oil 4;iMoae. Panter. Berrtoe every other Sunday at 8J0d! ' m. Sunday (ichool at tfn.m, . , , ^i^oN^-T-High mane and HermOn/at U030 : i . mi, cateohlsm atp..m.l;bantlsm 4<8 p.:rd., -tM oaEorsand benodlotmn at 7 p. ht.T0?aJw '. ><-'+ a voapors Geo ~ Bihvxritm AnMT.-Oapt. Smith and iiont. PaytOn in oominand. Balvation UMUoVwed-' noBday,Tburade.y and Sunday eveningsiFieeand EaBy.Huturduy evening and 8 p.m. Sunday: KoH- obh mobtingfc for obrletiana Friday evernngand 11 a.m. Sunday; Knee I>rU17 a.m. every BaSdalrV Allaru woloonue. * *w^j< -n 1,1 ",f"'Qli ^ UIWHA5 as**** h tvrj every Bimday^' ' '% V'>:-;Sf LEGAL. Publiofto. Aloney to loau. UUkeea.Diai. -tan Ulook, up-stair*,^siox. . Yly .1 Lip^TK?JB"Bw'atr.-.SoHoltor, Notary ! Publio Money to -Loan. Ofnoe w Bcrutburs' Bank, Engex Oentxe. m tm CLAUKB, COWAN, BABTLBT&BABTLET, Uarr stora, eta. OmoeB-ModburyBlook Wludn. r. Private funds to loan. A'. U.GLA10& aua iioin ed flWOlrt ^'^ (Oanadlan elafm's agalnat persons In the United States QuUeUiil.r BeferouoeBi Imperial Bank, Esaex, Ont. E.A. Wismor, Meq. Barrister, etc.. JdBBex, Ont MEDIOAL. T)BS. BBIEN dr'BlUEN. Jail. Brjon. M. U., L. R O. P. S or*dn*L # SSI'S pSnll"rlMt*' ^Wtoiit ue'nSSr$%g. ton. Vrk" ^ot,t "'^attte'MedlcalCol! ,3. VV. Brian, M. D., O. M., F : T M n I wa*,- graduate of Trinity MeuYcal Colie'iS* mSSl graduateof TrinityTUnlveraity. ^Mombe,%J Oolfege! ^W Yo^ ^t "'aduV^MediSl Office.oyer Essex Modioal Hall dru* stora Kid!! 1"?!?" 1S'01,h0LO,I^hothoffloeSS . resitiuuao. All calls attondod tu from office drug store, or residence, itesidenoe. TalSt' strbnt. front oi fair roundy, a,ilvwo' J-(UD0 'Ti'-i ' 1$ $j ' rt^ '^1 ' A'-> 1 -i. -'.'i All trains are run on central standard time, whioh is sixty minutes slower than Ebsox time. For information and rates to oolon- Ists moving woafc apply to John G. Laven, Pas* Honper Agent, Bfc, Thomas. O. W. Buggies, Gou- eral Paesengor and Tlokot Agents Obloago 111 or A, O. Stlmers, Aaent. Essex, L-1. <& D. R.Ry. TIME TABLE NO. 22, taking offoot Monday. Soot- 27,1890. Trains run by Eastern Stand ard Time, Daily except Bun Jay -d O A MA M 0.26ia.OO 0.82 12.80 11.80 12 40 In H71 u French .-baron offored n ]>lod> cf, 10 niurksof gilyor'thut n opy of " Aviccunu," whioh ho dosirod'to reud, would' bo /returned, and ovnn with this goourhy, oquiil in quir monoy to ovor $00, his requosfc was rofusod* Quackery is always discov ering remedies yhich will act upon the germs of disease directly and kill them,,.' But rio discovery, has ever yet been approved by doctors which will cure consump tion that way; Germs cart only, be killed by making the .body strong enough to over come them, and the early use of such; a remedy as Scott's Emulsion is one of the h^lps* In the ^aily,war^ fare man keeps up^ he wins best^ wHois 0,48 060 0.57 1003 10 00 10.10 10.27 10 87 10.45 10,55 11.11 11.20 11.25 11.86 11.48 11.50 11.66 12.04 12,11 12.10 ltf.24 12.85 I' hi. 12.4B A 6 Pt 8:20 0.27 0.40 12.811,0 47 .1.10,6.61 tJ9,0.Bi> 1.110,7.in 1.Bit 7.17 2.08. 7.27 A 05 7J>7 a-Mi 7.44 3.451 nXA 4.W.B.C0 4.i!5 4 40 5M S'.ttl) 5.12 &.G5 0.05 G1K o.ns 0.4fi 7.00 r.M, 8,17 8.23 H.1IJ H.40 8.4V H.Bd 000 0,07 0.13 020 0.81 l'.M STITIONS, Dop Walkory'le Ar Walkorvlllo Juno. ......... Pelton ......I OMcaatlo...... ......-f Paquotte..... ......MoGregor *...- ...I Kew Canaan... ... f Marsbileld ..... Harrow . .....i..+ Amor......... ......Kin cavil lo...... ...... Uuthven . ... Leamington ......Wheat 16V...... ......I Benwiok ...... ......Ooatswortb ......tGlenwood...... .........Merlin......... ......i Buxton......... ...... Bundiaon ...... ...fOedar Hprivge... Blenheim Junot'n .... Blonbo'm...... .......tWilUe,........ &r Bid go town D6ji I A 0 10 0 08 8 57 8C3 8-17 8 43 h:io 822 8 11 8 01 7B1 7 40 7 21 7lfi 7 10 700 6 5'J 0 45 U40 oai (124 am 0 10 Q00. A.M. o X M B.B0 0.88 8.27 5.17 5.(8 5.00 4 AG 4.83 4,03 4.00 8.4fi 8,16 H.40 lM 1.88 1.18 12.80 12.21 12.1-.' 12.00 11.28 11.20. llilff 10.1R 10.00 A.M. S3 DU Jf. K JEWNEB, Assooiato Coroner for the County of Essex, * *u J. EorJe Junuur, M, i).o. M,. Trinltv UnivAr- sity; M O. P aUd 8. OntarioTlic. Syal Co lieu . aStu^i1?^'***** BoholShiSanS HSi^wS1^ J,riwfyiCu,le0 lbaB; appointed Boubo Pbysic/un and burgeon, Toronto Uoueral r^Jf^'n uUd 1Uo1"1(loub Accoucheur BurnsSe / Lylugin Hospital, Toronto, 18841 Bpestoliy dis- ww ox women and ahlldron. IteeiSenco, bouM lately oocupiod by Ur.Dewar, Talbot st./jSSE Office ini Imperial Bank Block, ground Coor. opposite Thorne'a druu store. M^dioinos dS witii both eiUott and remueaoe. PnvuW tele* anaKll?n^WS0U yril. ^qte'sSu1eSS iJan Keunedy'H house and oUlco. Nixbt oalls attended to at office or reaidciieo. DENTAL. HP, MABTIN, . i>. B.; Ii. d, St Gtadu^ fu Botitistry, Koyal Colldge of Beutal BurgeouB, Ontario, and Uuivorolty of Toronto oaorgos.nioderate. Oulco, over Brien & Cos drug store, is-iv " VETERINARY. v.u. 7.50 7.48 7.8I1 7.W 7.2 7.17 7.10 7.08 o.m CAH a so 0.18 (1.00 5 61 C.40 5110 528 5111 O.lfl C.07 c.no '4 45 '4.115 l'.M, WH. BI0HABD8ON, VEVHBINARY S0K *, . EON. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary. College, Toronto.- member of"" tatio Veterinary fledlool Society; DiplomlBfcMn ?,!1Kvtl8,t,;y;-t*!:Vttt1axaJ1 diseases of domesticated anlttiaJs,' cattlo dehorned bv the latest improved JbouyiU .clipper Calls by telephone or tele graph promptly attended to, ltosidenoe.three dooraoost of grist will; office iu post; dffioe building; inarmary, directly opposite. " ' W LAND SURVEYOR. '! "'i'-'.^a JAMES S-XAIItD, Provincial Land Burveyor r^'X iun aUt! tou.u(;y ^U0iuer, Kssex Centre, Ouo ; '.m- OiUcefl)unstttuBloci(, upstairs. . . i AUCTIONEERS. .LIUMBY.UHOKIOK; Auctioneer*' Bale J.J promptly uttouded to. Address South Woodsleo, Out. Persons desiring to sscure me may leave woru at tbe Fkeb Piuses offloe. e' . , M. HBDBIOK TralnB stop only when there gera at or for those staf tmiuB aro at al timed subjoot to bo canoollod + Plag Btatloufl. TralDB stop only are pasnougera at or for those stations. Mixed m DSINCLAttt, LibHWflKD AOOTIOMBEB for the County of Erto*. Bailiff of Eighth ' Division Coart. All kinds of Farm and other >' Hules conducted promptly.' Bates reasonable ; und furnished on application. Enquirers may apply at W, D. Boaman'a olllce, or at tbe olflce of .Blvisiou Court Clerk/Mr. John Mllno. '. '...^J8 Mim WM WOOLtATT, General Baporhitenden Cg You To Drivo anywhere, it so, you want a Quod .........and the plaae to get it is at JOHN McDOUGALL'S Livery. Sale & feed Stables Good HoBtlofB In attendance dayland night. H0R8E-8H0EINB ' la this branch oF our business' we b* first- clasi Workmen and will guaraatoe satisfaottoo in SboeinL Horses that interfere. Qver-Beaon or have Corns or Oontraotefl Post. Wo make a Spoalaity of fihoolj'g Boad and Track Horaoa. /. 3 $0 v. . JOHN UOBMLEY, * LIC1HN8ED AUCTIONEER for theICtonnty ':<> v ^ ofiEBBex; Allblniia of farm fattcU Kuitm, etc," t'>\:,hM nonduotHd tiroititiMv Ktwl'mi ulmrr. hum,..! i>.,+ *'!!& IS aonduoted promptly aud'on short no two, 'Kates rotibouublo. Poraoua df sirublu to urrauge sales - may So so by calling at r.ue FnieK Press office ' ' or by applying to "-, P. 0. Box 155 KBBMt. Ont.' ."'".'; m ......... M LMtANK .McCLOSktfY^MftldsW;'-to V bovou years'tixperlenoe as anHuouonoerJoV'ill^r" tbo County "f Ebbox, Bale8 oocduacod promptly,- '^(^S and on reasonable tonne. JfZartles.desiring w V'^?^ fix the date for a solo eau save tbemaelyei at' "-ffivw driVoby railing at tho Fukb Pbbbb oJbce- ^'We^;;-;-;"^ bave arranged with Mr, MoUloakey a'4-;inU'ii'^jS3S the datos for salos by telegraph, entirely rea ai'r$r all ohargo to the person holding the 'salo; "'Au-r- > '**??' dress Frank McOioBkoy.UaidBtone r- ' UNO 'AND LOAN AGENTS-.p^B 110 A. iroh^^MlobU^se^^^^V^ \>.\.

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