^!pMMmM l,-v v."i('^"0iMwdlB^.*iid. 1f ThTb*rt IxunranM I he Lancashire, K,, Th*|b*rtIiiiiirnoeOompiio Jntbsworld. IS wrinrt* a pwltfty Manuring Fnn ITo- iiJTO^V'.v;;. /.'.. ...... I^JWjAot tb twux | 6 and BM P" nt-on Pmto i-m The Essex Free Press. K'tt"\'-iWtTT * AULD, fnoPRIBTOli*. FBIDAY, ftlAYSfc, 1897. y;v.rv,< 5; Town and_ Vicinity- Bhab Smith'b ad.' k Tebtbuday was Ascension Day. 35 fbb cent, off fine shoes at Smith's. :V Fob best valueB in clothing, jjo to M. ^.^ WteieAOo. g&r."; Monday enda the 35 per cent, discount "J sale at Smith's. * '^: Miss Agnes WArnma apont the 24th at her home in Colchester Sooth. . Thb Frkb pBKfis Trill be sent to new Aiabsoribers to January 1st, 1898, for 60 M. Johnbton has been entertain ing his brother-in-law, Mr- 'Bogerr, .^.^^ thiflweek. ... fofe'i, Mas. MtriiDOON, of Toronto, ifl spend- ^^ring the week in town, the guest of Mrs, mn. M. Fanl. TffJV Mb. and Mrs. I\ F. Primeaa, of il;:'.' AmherBtburg, spent Sunday with their son, in town. Miss Mabtin has returned to her home in Detroit after a visit with her uncle, Harry Dymott. .. Miss Mary Thompson has gone to Toledo to visit her brother, Oapt. 0-. 3L Thompson, of that city. 5.V Don't forgot to soe the new and <?$S' handsome designs in wall paper at Mrs. "l'p?, May's i the latest in the county. i%$Li: Miss F. French, of Detroit, and ^|:; Miss L, French, of Sombra, spent Sun* ;Mr flay with Dr. and Mrs. Bomerville. f$$'.,"" On page 1 of this issue will bo found '^;; a very interesting article entitled IS; VJolly Uncle Josh.'* Don't fail to read .30 pbb cent. dUoounteale at Smith's. r'/Piattatfntoill hye hy "W bttrn" 35 wdb cent, on ordered olothiilg'at Fob best Talusa in clothing, go to iff* or.WlgiisiicJo. Thb Methodist oonferonoe will be held in liondon next week* Mbs..Axibx. J. Wxxidox, of Essex, m te m ' ..... : :X A. Fbanois'infant son, who was very ill with inflammation of the lungs, has just about recovered under the ooro of Drs. Brian. . FitisBA MoKbb, of Sandwich^ Wost, has made an assignment AjiabiRties ; are placed at 02,000. Mr. MoKoo was warden of the oountya fow years 'ago. No Play, No Pay.; $1 a week for M;.i five weeks pays for a complete courso 4%in the New Spanish Guitab System, 'Call or address Wi 0, Sherman, ntE. 5|^Ij.Park;fl'Jewolry Store. " tf. If, v^'iV. H.KenneoY, formerly of Watford, "^-has opened up a law oflloe in the corner &Vpf tihe Aberdeen block. Money to loan f 5, 6 and 6 per cent., according to bo- curity. Collecting conveyancing and '^: ^winding Up ostatos, a specialty ; also a KI number of fine farms for salo. $ ' PosTMASTEits throughout tho country & v have received notice from tho dopart- L"" ment.that the following holidays may be observed in the post oulcc: Now Year's Day, Christinas Day, Good Fri- Wi;'< ^ay Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, ^.V'.lfIibor Day, Thanksgiving Day and any $&!':; . local civic holiday, Bbv. M. P.-OAMPBtttiTi is attonding the annual convention of tho Baptist Churches of Ontario, Quoboo, Mani toba and North Woat TorritorioH. Tho ' meetings bogan on Tuesday evening '!; last, May 25th, and will continue until Tuesday, Juno 2nd, in London, Wm. ;, Feethan will supply for Mr, Campbell on Sunday noifc at tho Baptist Ohuroh in town. ',', Tub next sittings of the Division : Courts in tho county of Fssox- will bo held as follows : Belle Bivor, Monday, ,-June 14th ; Esta; Tuesday, Juno lfith; '- Har row, Monday, June 91st; Kingsvillo, .Tuesday,'. Juno 22nd; Leamington, Wednesday, Juno 23rd; Comber, Thursday,, Juno 24th. ,/ BabiIi HxjWE, brother of Mrs. W. A. 'Gardner, left Leamington last wcok for Chicago to spoudafew days with friends 'j^vVi'thenoe to Minneapolis, whore ho lias gvV* secured a position as travelling agent- fc' : with the firm of S. S. It. Sikos & Go., ';'V, .manufacturers of.leather belting, Mr, ;/ ,! and Mrs. W. A. Gardner ontortaiued v'. about thirty young friends, previous to '.- the departure of Mr. Hume. A very "{ .i enjoyable evening was spent. The ^amusement consisted of music and ,.';; topics, after which lunch was seryod, 'Si' ', Babmeb Pigahes, who is oharged' with ^v. having more wives than tho lawaHows, ij: had his hearing before Justice Reagan i^i in Detroit on Thursday morning of last j-fv week and was hound over to tho Circuit | ^ Court for trial, bail being flxed at #500, fi; .which Pooeo was unable to ftirnish. P&. E!U|a Miller testified to being married to feyPease at Denton, Mich., on,' April Oth ^Ijist. . Eebeoca. Cutting, or Dearborn, l; Mich., also testified that Pease married felier sister in 1881, but she could not flay ^Sjwbonthey had separated nor whether flp'they had been divorced. Her sister l^AS'.in court, but did nottestify. Her ptoe is now Coyyeau. Pease is now fe^tbej Wayne;County!goal,!and will have toremaiu. :the*e"Hlil^ the ^.twt'bpeiw/iV';,;^: '"'},'[;' te'i-i--;- pent Sunday in Amherstburg. Miss AiiiOHGAiu>NBn, of Leamington, is visiting at 0. J. Gardner's, in town. W. H. Biohabbson is building a new fence on his lot in the rear of the stable.. Miss Jennie Nbsbitt, of Walkerville is the guest of her sister, Mrs, (Dr.) H. P. Martin. . . Tub Michigan Central Railway em ployes will hold their annual excursion to Niagara^alls, on July 16th. Mbs. Calvkkt and her grandson, Master Boy Sears, visited relatives and friends in Leamington last Monday. Miss Emma Sbabs and Miss Jennie Straohan spent a couple of days this week with friends in Windsor. TinnuBY Masons will dedicate. their new hall this (Friday ) evening. Grand Lodge officers are to be present ns^d, a banquet will wind up the affair. M. J. WiOfcn & Co. have just re ceived and passed into "stock a fine as sortment of straw hats for men and boys and sailors for girls, tho prices are right. AiiOAJo of Bpworth Leaguers from Esser visited Kingsville league on Mon day evening of last week. Miss Minnie For entertained the visitors at her home after the meeting. Parties in Colchester South claim that the frost on Tuesday morning did considerable damage to the strawberry plants. The , tomato plants in this vicinity were also touched. J. E. STONBand 0. E. Naylor are the lay delegates from Ebsox. Circuit to the Methodist conference at London next week. Mr. Naylor ifl also a mem ber of the conference Sunday School committee. ____ Staitf Captain.'Tubneb, tho Chan cellor of West Ontario Province, will visit the Essex Corps of tho Salvation v\: Army on Saturday and Sunday, June 5th and Oth. A good time is expected. Gkoboe W.Miltmbd left on Tuesday for Guelph to represent Hebner Tent, No. 74, K.O.T.M., at tho Provincial Convention which mot there on Wednesday and Thursday. John A. Burk is representative from Amherst burg and John H. MoConnell from Windsor. The junior foot ball team, who won two successive games from the Leam ington juniors, are just now lying on thoir oars waiting for the, Detroit and Windsor Juniors to play their home and home cranioh. The Essex toam will play the winners of the latter home and homo gamos for the ohampionship of tho league Wanning: to Bioyclc Riders The young man who rodo from Talbot St. to tho M.O.R. station, Essex, for train 13 on tho 22ud and all others are cau- tionod not to ridobioyoles along traoks or close to track of railway as Do- toctive Hoonan and othor employes will arrest them. A young man was fiued $5 for such at Olifton. A l'OOT-BAiiX mutoh will take place at he driving park this (Friday) after noon at 0 o'clock sharp between tho sonior teams of Essex and Chatham, it being the first match in tho Peninsular League sories in which Essex and Chat ham, and Windsor and Detroit are matched for homo and homo gaineH. Admission 15c. Ladies free. Htm Loitufjiap, Bishop O'Connor, of Loudon, ho}d sorvioes at tho R, C. Ohuroh in town yesterday, (Thursday) morning and conferred tho rito of con firmation on four candidates. Ho also gave an oloqiumt discourHO, At the conchiBion of tho sorvices, in. company with Rev. Father McGoo, ho wont to tho MaidBtonpR.O. Church whore con firmation serviooH woro bold in tho afternoon about 100 candidates proHont- ing themselves for tho rito. About ton yoars ago some Americans imported German Carp fry and" de posited tho eggs, in Lake Eric. Now nearly overy crook, marsh and tap drain for milofi from tho lake aro full of them in the spring. Thoy have been caught in Long Marsh tap drain, Col chester South, and to got there thoy must have travelled at least twenty miles through tho creeks and . drain during the freshet. The drain is dry for.most of the Hummor months. Wu. In win, tho other day, brought to our office, a copy of tho .Maplti Loaf newspaper published at Amhorstburg and.Sandwich the issue being dated April 15th, 1858. J. H. Wilkinson was publisher and tho paper was issued every Thursday. The terms were 9s. 0d. per year or iOs.. per year if not so paid., There were Boopposition papers in the county in those: days and the ad vertising patronage of the Maple Leaf was quite extensivo, among the - hotel advts. being the Royal Exohango, con ducted by J, L. MoGee, and one of the Great Southern Railway Hotel, con ducted by E. Roidy, both of which were situated at Maidstone Cross.. Ayer'a Pills' then; . as now, were; adyer-; tiaed while the names of nearly all. the business men of the old Town of Amherstburg in those days ar:e_ to found in its. advertising columns. ^m^^^ : ,.:.....,.....,.,..,. !v 'KoriiBnI*iBKiffs visited In Leaming ton lart; weak; .'; : Ohaibs and other" preminmn free at Smitttli to customers. "^pn^^i^ptoy >jwivfJ' Queen'a Birthday'at Leamington. . Hiohbst prio for wool, cash or trade, CK E. Smith:k Co, W. O. LATNog|d wife were Tisitoxs in Comber o^ffinrday. Sbb Wbitnejrs new bow ties, latest styles in his window. Tub new time table on the M, C. R. will come into effect next Sunday, John Wobxlsx attended the Orange Grand Lodge in Windsor this week. Wm. NBiiSON, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. V. Rose. Whitney's is the cheapest place in town to get your sweaters and bioyole socks. "" Da. J. T. SoubbvuiUb moved into the Dr. McKenxie residence on Talbot street on Friday last. , W. H. BusSBiiii and little daughter spent a few days the past week with friends in Oharing Cross. WaIjTbb Pbihbau, of Amherstburg, is spending a few days in town, the guest of EJmer Primeau. A Nbw Yobk doctor says straw berries are good for tho blood. He must live at some boarding house. Miss Jbnnib Dawson and Master Norman Laing spent a few days this week at Mrs. M. Bunn's in Ruthven. Ebsex, Harrow and Eiogsville Courts of the Independent Order of Foresters will unite in divine service at Kingrs- ville on Sunday, June 30th. M. J. WiaiiK & Co. range of shoes for ladies'misses and children; fine goods at lower prices than every before; also men's and boys* goods in great variety. Potatoes. The last car of the sea son has arrived. Now is tho time to get your supply as I cannot remain bnt a few days longer. No. of car 88,188. Bkuob Davis, of St. Thomas. J. H. Stidbton, manager of the Im perial Bank at Port Colborne, with his wife and. son, have been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hatch, for a week, and also her sister, Mrs. G. P. Halls, in Detroit. Mr. Stidston re turned home on Wednesday. ' Aijii last Saturday afternoon was/ taken up by P.M. Beaman in hearing tho Camp Palmer case, in which John Kettyls laid an information against Mrs. Peltier and Mrs. Crothors for us ing inBultiug language on the highway. Each of tho women were fined $1 and costs. The monthly meeting of the "Lydia" mission band was held Tuesday of last week, the evening's programmo con sisting of readings by Misses Lillio Wigle, Amelia Austin, Annie Coleman and a solo by Walter Shaw, after which Miss Ada L. Pasooe's resignation was read and accopted and Miss R. Thorn ton elected president. Misses Ada Wilson and Annie Hicks wore ap pointed delegates to the missionary convention in Windsor. Now is the time to begin Bpraying operations to destroy the insect pests that cause so much destruction to the fruit crop. Tho Ontario Department of Agriculture has issued a pamphlet containing full directions for the-spray- ing of fruit troos, tho ingredients for tho proper solution, the propor time for applying and the means to be used, Oopies of this bullotiu, which should bo in the hands of all fruit growers, may be had from tho Dopartmont of Agrioulturo, Toronto, Nukhino Tnfl Siok. This is tho title of a most valuable and concise pamphiot on the art of nursing the disposed. It deals with nnrsing at home ventilation of the sick room, bathing the patient, ar ranging tho bed, etc., etc. It also gives several reoipts lor liquid and solid foods, and tolls the kind that can be usod for the differont diseases. It also enumerates tho sovoral diseases in which spooiul nursing is a necessity, and explains in plain words tho, direc tions for tho performance of the offices. Altogether tho book is hsndsomoly got- ton up, and is illustrated with a repro* duction from photograph of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, on the oovor, and interior viows of the hospital iu tho body of tho book. The pub lishers, Messrs* Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., Montreal, will gladly mail this book to anyone sending them a one cent stamp. ; Between 1? o'clock on Sunday night Hhd daylight on Monday some parties broke into the gate house at the M.C.B. crossing on Talbot street and by means of the levers allowed the gates to drop. They also visited, the Royal Hotel near by breaking into the front P**t o' it and took a. show case, that.'was used as a oi^ar case, and carried it as far as Rev. M. P. Campbell's where they threw it on 'the ground and broke it. In the ease on Sundaynight were about 800 cigars but no trace has yet been found of them. Not, content .with so much work they visited the meat market run by S, Bird, next tpThorne's drug stored and forcing, an entrance, by the back window rifled the tjtll; whipb,, however, was empty. Who the guilty psrties are is not known. About 2 o'clock in the morn- ng;J:0onnley;^ho['is^jithfr^ltb^jai^ Fnsm titiwioi men,tn orblack,|l.S5 per pair at Smith>. ., Miss Jmnrai Strrrow, has been spend- ^ in^a fewdavs With Miss Libbie Hillier, of this place.' Txs Queen's Birthday excursion on the M. O.R., was pretty well patron ised by Essex citizsus, nearly 200 tickets being purchased. M. J. WiOLE has just returned. from the .eastern markets, where he has pro cured some bargains in laoe curtains, cape cloths, dress goods, etc. Tub programme of the special " Go' at the Salvation Army Barracks on* June 5th and Oth, Is as follows: Satur day, 8 p. m., Introduction of the Chancellor; Sunday, 11 a. m,, two hours at the Cross; 3 p.m., Old Fash ioned Experience Meeting; 8 p. m,, One Purpose Meeting. Fabbwbx>Zi Sooxaij. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will give a "Strawberry and lee Cream Social," in honor of Dr. and Mrs, Pascoe before leaving Essex, on M. H, Hall's lawn on Tuesday evening, June 15th, at 8 p. m. Choice musical selections by the Church Choir. Admission, 15 cents; everybody come. Mrs. McEwan, secretary, L. A. 9l-8t John Gbeenway. and JohnRunnings, of Essex were arrested in Windsor on Monday on a charge of robbing a com panion, Ed. Eaton, also of Essex. Eaton claimed they took aTwatoh from him, which was given to another per son. The watch .was recovered and on Tuesday MoGee and Greenway were before P. M. iu Windsor on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. A fine of 95 and costs or 80 days in the conniy gaol was imposed and as the fines were not forthcoming they wore sent down, Mbs. Annib HatiTi died at the' home of her sifter,. Mrs. Wm. Bradt, . in Windsor, on Saturday morning last. Deceased's maiden name was Annie Beattie and she was for years a resi dent of this town, moving with her family to Corning, Ark., about five years ago. In January last, she was token ill with an attack of la grippe which terminated in lung trouble from which she never recovered. Four weeks ago last Friday, she was brought to Windsor andihero she died on Satur day morning last aged 88 years. The body was brought to Essox the same day and conveyed to the residence of her brother-in-law, J. H. AJIiflH, on Alice street, from whence the funeral took place, on Sunday afternoon, ser vices being conducted at the house by Rev* W. M. Fleming, after which the remains were taken to Cottam ceme tery for interment. The pall-bearers were O. J. Thrasher, A. Raines, J. A. Francis, D.J. Whitnoy, W. J. Dewar, and Chas. Hannan. Deceased leaves a husband and three children, the eldest being 18 years of age and the youngest 2 years. The surviving sisters are Mrs. J. H. Alliss, Mrs, J. S, Laird, of Essex, Mrs, Thos. -Hurloy, of Sim- coe, and Mrs. Wm. Bradt, of Windsor. Wm, D. Beattie, of Maidstone, is tho only brother. Important to Teachers. Ah the holiday season approaches it is quite necessary that you should plan for somo rooroation and amusement after tholong term of close confinement. Bicycle riding is said to bo the best means of strengthening the system and building up the constitution. It no doubt is, providing it don't give you too much exertion as for instance riding a poorly, constructed wheel. If you will call on Richardson, the hardware dealor at Essex, and state your case, he will sell you one of his high grado wheels for loss money than, you can buy it elsewhoro and guarantee it to give you the least possible exertion. Why, t'.ose who rido them say it is tho next thing to flying, try it. Ho will jrivo you all but tho wings. Essex Town Council. Saturday, May 23nd. A special mooting of the council was hold at 8 p. m. Present. Mayor Thomas, Reovo McDoitgall, Deputy Reeve Johnston, Councillors'Forsythe, Riddiok, Raines, Wortley and Jos. Robinson. Mr. Riddiok gave notice, that he would, at the noxt mooting, introdiioo a by-law to borrow by way of debentures tho Bum of #5,000. , ; Council then adjourned. Tuesday, May 25th. , Council mot at 8 .p, m. Present, Mayor Thomas in the chair, Reeve Mc- DougalJ, Councillors Rose, Whitney, Riddiok, Hicks, Wortley, Jos, Robin son and Fred, Robinson. . : fiy-law No 205' to borrow. 86,000 by debentures to pay for putting in dor mestio connections, the purohaso of two new boilors,a new pumping engine, the sinking of another Well with 8-inph casing, making alterations; to the water works building and for. other improve- ments.to the waterworks system, was introduced and react a fiw^time.\;:.;'v ; On motion of Messrs-;,Hicks : and Rpbinson.the by-law. was read a .; ":,^'y-)by-^w.P>OYWw^;f6r;^t^f;; piping And for baliance of Olffer for Spot lowing Lines a;t Less Actual Cpst -.'. : $:#$$ - .V;:-i;wiW?a m Tglce a hand in Celebrating ThiS^ Queen's Birthday. We pay the Expense,^! yon buy the following Goods froia us^yp^ ^ Save Enough to have a pleasant time. 25 Per Cent Off Dreps Goods, from 40c and over, per yard. Shirt Waiets and Parasols. Women's FineJShoes and Oxfords, Men's and Boys' Tweed Suits. Fancy Straw or Felt Hats. Fancy Summer Shirts. Bicycle Sweaters. Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes, We Show a Choice Lot of Muslins and other Warm Weather Goods, from 5c. per yard up. ' 0 a Special Lines of Summer Goods at Half Price and Less-This is A SNAP you Don't often get; . ' "'f, We are Clearing' Out a number of Ends of Carpets at Half Price*'-m See them. vfe &&> COME QUICK AND GET FIRST CHOICE. G.E. SMITH & CO ' >Hk "i W. Hy Richardsoii^ -- ESSEX -t- <M 'I'A'W :Ak>Nails, Buggies, Paints & Oils. Wagons, Wire, Harvest Tools^ w 1.'! ' Farm Implements, ^ Binder Twihei Large Stock. Close: Priced Will sell for Thirty JDaye from -'OJ^M~R ^-A-Xj^yCESGR date.at:'.:: . m0 His-: Stock of Good. _ .-, '^>^^vte ot $401,21 At a Gresit Sacrifice-r-ibr Gash or good b^nkAb^j^lf4' ' ' '-^'^ ^^^^M^^^^^H