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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 16, 1897, p. 7

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* \imMj^,iii^^^^M^^^^^^^^n^^^^^^^v^^ ' CRITICAL CONDITION to: !#?: ' 'i b;.'" !* " It-.- fiv1 Of Thousands of Canadians. |9r >--BIood Is Foulard Diseased. Jpftjjie'a C1tf. Cpwpouud tbe re** spring CURUiar. J)}/'- It your blood impure and poisoned ? I r/S; ! M you'bavo ernptionB.blotobea, piraplos, ffi::".'.-'( Borei, eowmft, aalt rheum or eryBipolaa. With auob Iroublea tbe blood ia fast cirry. Jngpofaon and disease to every putt of your system. /^Jfobiolean, aoand.yjgownattnahflallhy ' yon moat nao Paino'e Celery Compound. Its vitalizing and boftHhpjviotf proper tie a it ia unequal led ae a health produaor aud cleanser. No bitters, nervinoa, aara&parlllaB or jpilla dan poBaibly remove tho dangers that lurk In your ayetem at this time. For pare, red blood, rosy ohooka'and good digestion yon need Eftloe'a Oejery Oompouud that baa done such a mighty and wonderful work id the post. Beware ot the flubefcHutcH that aro fre quently offered for Paino'B Oolery Com* pound thoao worthloBH imitations that are pushed ou the uoHuapoating for tho salto of the largs pro tit a thoy bring - the retailor. Inaiat upon having. Maine's" the kind that makes people well. -------------------- An Artist Without Hands. In tho London Magazine of Art there, tiro Bome intoroBtibg oxatnploR of desiguB for frieze, hammered metal and bead and tall piece a drawn by an artist without hands Bartram Hllea was 8 yoara old, ho wan de prived of bo;lT qIb arms through a tram oar aooident. Before thin terrible event he had developed a strong panuion for draw ing, ao strong that tho loan of hia arms in no way diraipiBhod his ambition to booorao an artist. It occurred to him that tho main diQloulty would bo overcome if hn oould oduoato his mouth as a holder for hia peuoil for brnahoa wore nob yot ho pod for. Ha accordingly sot to work with ' ooum^o and outhualaain, and in a abort time, by dint of poraifitoofc pruotioo and perseverance, ho fotind that he oould write lo^iblo and draw . with firm noun of line.-. Nob raoro than two yearn after his aooidouiMr. Hilea obtained a "first aland excellent" in the aoaoud gmdo froohaud (?) drawing at tho aohool ho was attending at Briotol. In duo timo ho was yent to at* toad tbs art dlaas, tbon rocontly formed at thoMerohaut Vaturer' Teobuioal oollo^o, Bristol. IWbile there ho mado rapid prat, grass, bUcoegHfully passing numoroua art examinatioufl, tho tmbjeota .inoluding 'modeling. At 1(3 ho pxhibltod a wator dob or, and eventually ho won an art naholar* ship at tbo National art traniup; nohool and settled down to work for hit) livelihood. Mr. Uilofl is aa exhibitor at tho Koyal So- oiety of British Artists and a worker for prominant Grain of decorators. Tho famo of tho youug artiat'a horoiam has already Hproad, and tho Quoou and the Bri uooas of Waled have boon purobuaoro of bin works. Work and Worry. Over-work, worry and mental a train l&flfa spring.caused heart 4roabIff,'TiervouBBet,' sloepleaanesa, eta. Milburn'a Heart and Nerve PiH bolpjod me at onpe and, finally' oared me. t feel like a new man now. J____(Signed)' THOS; SINTZBIi, . 7_..... ,,.WhoIfaa|eClotW - .-- ,. Toronto, Ont. The city oounoil of LondoD baa paeaod a by-law fixing tho lloenae for the sale of eigarotteaVat !9600 per. anuani. Now If aomebody would impono a universal Uoodbo foe on the smoker of the innooont-looking little weed, millions of non-nmokom would "be duly grateful. An Antidote for AHtliraa- Mr. Albort Reid, Angus, Ont waa for over two yoara was a .a after er from Aethma. A half bottle of Yellow Oil oured.him com pletely, and -although that was some timo ago, ho has never been tro ablod with the same complaint sinoe, Judgo Brmatinger, of Blginoounty, was dctlayod by a tardy train near Bianmrk, W. Klgin, tho other day, in his ondeavor to reaoh Dutton id tlmo for oourt and iu- utoad of waiting for'it walked tho aovon miles over almost itnpaSHiblo roada. Ho walknd over the T. Ij, K. A i*. railway to Port Burwoll from 1!ilBouburg, a diatanoo of sixteou mlloH, one day laafc spring. Tortufod andUolploatt. Rhounmfcimn has Hordes of Victims, and la no lioBpootor of Persons American RhoumafciBm Cure KoHiata hia Oruol flraap, aud Heals the WouudH ho lufliat'B Xtoliof in Six Hours. Geo. W. Piatt, Managor "World.s" Nowapapor Agonoy, Toronto, uaya. "t am at a loss for words to oxproHS my feel ings of sincere gratitude and thankfulness for What South Amorioau Rheumatlo Ouro has dono for mo. Ah a result of ox- poHuro I was taken with a aevore attack of rheumatio ffcvor which affeatod both my knooH. I Bufferod pain almonb boyond hu man onduranoo. Having hoard of mar- voIIouh euros by South Amorioau Bhou* matia Ouro, I t(avo it u trial. After taking three doaofl tho paiu ontiroly loft mo, and in throe days I loft my bod. Now every fcraoo of my rheumatism bos disappeared." Sold by J. Thome. JDroHfliiiK Handsomely and Well At a Small Uout. A lady friond, a usor of Diamond X)yon, writes us follown: "With Diamond Dyoa I changed ray hueband'a fadod gray nuit to- a rich dark brown shade, and a blue ono wafl*nmdo blaok, while tho obildroti never know what had become of their old olothos, and won- dorod whoro all tbo now onoa qiuno from. ' My oxporionoo provos that any woman who cau road tbo plain diraafcionn oh Dia mond Dye envolope can not only navo a largo amount of mopoy in clothing hor family but will woar just aabandnorao and fanhionablo olothco uo boforo, Diamond Dyos aro indeed the true provontivoi' of hard tircoii." CompamonBlup in Married Life. *'If you wish to bo a good oompaniou to your, huabiind atudy to make each 'good morning* that you say to him an inoontiyo to a hotter lifo," ia Ruth Auhmore'H udviuu to young woraan.whom sboaddreaaos upon *'Tho Profosaiou of Marriago" in Ipril Xiadioa1 Home Journal. Learn to malto each 'tfood ni^ht,' a bonodiotion of love for the day'ti work, tho day's loving and tho day's sympathy. Look for his goad qua- litios. Ho is like you in haviap; faults; with vory little trouble you can ilud thono faultB, and by talking-ahout thorn and re minding him of thorn you oan raako your murriod lilo uucudurablo. Yoa oau brin^ about heart burnings, you oan oauao strifo, and before you know it hatred may tuko tho pliioo of lovo. Look for hiH virfcnos, and Mookinti alwaya for goodnoim, \ou will grow hottor ovorv day just as certainly aa you .. would prow bud if yon looked only for that which wuswiakod-RomarabortuorG ia tnuolv that will havo to bo forglvon in you, and wbonovor yoa fool inolmod, to rommd Tom of a woaknofla road tho book in whioh in sot down your foibloa and your follies, A woman who, qvoh after hor mnrriago, care fully HtudioH hpr profonsion, oan make hor husband what nho wishoa him to bo. Evorything^fcUat is good is aoubugioua, ami the right kiud of wifo makeu tho right1 kind of busbaud. "Itaspaot tho rightH of your husband; ljo is a mun, not a child,-' and bow oan tho world honor him when you, his oloHdut companion, do not? Do not even in joHb, dorido or undorttte lilm. People aro alow about deciding when ono ia jesting or when ouo is in oarnoHt. And what you meant to bo funny uqay oanso some Btupld porson to say, 'How horrid Tom must bol Why, hia wife aayo droad- iul things about himi'" --------,... ' - ',------ Thero arrived in Hamilton tbis week a 'million white Ash for deposited in Me , Onturlo. "" ' A death of blood poisoniug arising in a poouliar way took pluoo in E, 2orra re cently. Donald MeKay, bluokamith, Btruok his log with a sledgo hammer by accident and a few houra aftor wa taken ill. Blood poisoning sot iu aud'ho died ton days after. Ho waH, until a few years ugo, townahip dork and treasurer for E. Zorra. yprint lioquireg , That tbo impurities whioh have aooumu- latod in your blood during tho wlntor shall bo promptly and thoroughly oxpollod if good health in expected. Whou tbo warmer weatbor oomos thoflo imparities aro liable to manifest tbomHolves in various ways aud often lead to Borioufl illuoHH. UnlesH tno blood is rieb and puro that tirod fooling will ufllWri yoii,,yaar up- potito will fail and you will find yourself all run down." Hood'a SarsapariHa tonoa and atrongthonfl tbo oybtom, drivon out all impuriuos aud mukos pnra, rioh, healthy blood. Hood's SarsapariHa in tbo ono-truo blood puriilor and tho boat spring naodi- oino. Bo Bure to get only Hood's. Thoro wcro two aeoidonts on tho rail- wayn at. Iugortioll^ou Friday last. At tho G.T.It. a Iroight traiu utartod ou tho main lino to loave a oar of hogs at tho Ingoraoll Packing Go's faotory. While the roar ond wau on the main lino auothor freight from tbo woat dashed into tho caboose and stovo in tho head of tho online lotting tho utoam ofloapo aud injuring it. Tho roar of tho ottbooae aud ono freight oar woro stovo in. No one was hurt and the engine oan bo ra- pairod. On tho 0. P. It., ongino No. 2113 ran off an open owitoh iu tbo yard. With tho uHiJintimco of anotlior tram and blouk- iug, it wiia got book on, tho track aftor a fow hour'a hard work. Thoro was uo in*, jury aud light damage. No email objection which young folku had to tho old-time upriug medioines wan their uauaoouanosa. Iu our day, this ob jection is romovod and Ayor,fl Suroaparilla, tbo thoat powerful and popular of blood' puriQora, hi as plousaat to tho palato an a oordial. Doan'nl Doan'8! Doau's! Doan'H Kidney PiUh ouro baakaoho, weak back, rhoumatism, aiaboton, Bnght'a dis- niitto, diMinoos, HloopleHsnoHH and all kid ney, bladder aud urinary difficulties. Prioo fiOo. por bnx or fi boxes for AS.fiO. Sold by all druggists or eont.by mail on roooipfc or prioo by T. SVlJlburn St Co., Toronto. -- - Honry Ward Boochor onau informed a man who camo to him oomplaming of gloomy and doapondout feelings, that what ho most neodpd waH a good cathartic, moaning, of course, ouuh a mediaino an Ayor's Oathartio Pilli), every doso boiug- oilootivo. A Point to Itemombor. If you wish to purify your blood you should tako a modioiuo whioh euros blood diaounoH. Tbo roeord of cures by Hood'a Baraaparilla proves that tbis is tho boat medicine for tho blood over prodaood. Hood's Sarnaparilla euros the most dfcub- born oases and it is tho medioluo for you to take if your blood is impure. Hood's Pilla are tho bast, after-dinner- pill; assist digoution, ouro headache. 25 o'onta. In the sixty years of the Oueon'a reign the Britiab Empire has increased in popula tion from 111,100,000 to 800,312,000, while the yearly value of the "foreign "com- merae has grown from 49,050.000 to 483,946,000. Compared with, jhat record the development of 'other nations appears iuaigniuoent. ' ' Animal Importation. - The Department of Agrioulturo has '(lifne^ tKei1'jfoIlaMng inStrucHdn'B in re gard to tfio importation of animals from the United StW>; A Cattle-*- Under aeo. SI of said order cattle for breeding purposes filial! be accompanied by a certificate signed by a Government Votoriorian that Buoh oattlo have beon subjeotod to the tuber- oulni teet and found free : from tubor- onlosia, that said animals are freo from oontogiouB diseoao and that no oontogi- ona uMseaso of oattlo exists in tho dis trict whence they came for six months preceding tbe'dabe of shipment, Oattlo undor aoo. 21), uettlora oattlo, must be accompanied by certificates of health. Swino tTndor boo. 211, forming part of Bottlers efrbots, must bo accompanied by a certificate tbatBvinoplaguo or hog cholera have not existed in tho diutriut wh once thoy oamo for bix months pre ceding the date of Bliipmoiit and that oaid swine are in good health, Hheop -Under boo. OB sheep for brood ing and fooding purposoa must he ao- compaiiiod by a certiilcate Higned by n Ooyornmont Inspector that whoop scab has not existed in tbo district in which thoy have boon fed for six montha pre ceding tho date of importation. All tho above certificates must accompany the animals and ho furnished by tho Uuitod States authorities' and signed by United Stales Govornmont Veteriuary Inspect ors, SoxjToitoh Gonoral tfihspatriokhaH in troduced a bill into tho House of Commons to repoal tho I'rau- ohiHo Act, whioh bus cost tbo tho Country ovor $1,000,000. Tho hill virtually substitutes the Provincial fran chise in placo of tho proHont ono. In almost ovory Provinoo at proaonii, thoro is manhood suffrage, OreatOHt In tho World, Loran E. Adams, Deep -jJroolc, N. B., sttV": "I havo takon Norway Pino . Byrup with grand resoltH. I had a vory bad aoii<jh for ilvo <venks and oould tiot no roliof, bnfc aftor taking Norway Pine Byrup I wns entirely curort, It is the greatest coii^h medicine in the world." When you are woak, tired aud IMoIorb' 3'ou nood to on rich aud purify your blood witli Hood'H Samapurilla. <ON. A robin wall oiujght by ouo of tbo high aohool htudont's of Watorford. with u piece of paper tied to itu lo, with tho following "Where will thiu robin build its uestin tbo coming spring ?" Tho noto was aigned by N. Juloa Foritidand, box 41fi, Tampa,. Florida. Tho studont iramediatoly wroto to Florida annouuqing the capture of tbo bird. ilan<l-lti-lliiud. Health and Happineim go Haud-in-Hnnd With Stomach and Nerves all ont of Sorts, Health and Huppinoas are Un- knowu. Prank A. Gadhois, Cornwall, Ont.: "I wan for aovoral years a groat saCferer from indig-ationt dynpopala aud norvouflnoan. 1 took many romodioo witbont any roliet. 1 saw South Amorioau Nervine advertised. I procured a bottle, aril oun truthfully aay it i tho boHt raodicino I evor ust'd, and I strongly rocommnd it to anyone Buttering us I did. A fow doHoH wondorfully bolpud mo, and two-bottlnn have madoa now man of io." It cures bv diroot action on tbo norvo coutroa. Sold by .7. Thome. Government nurvoyor and oxploror Ogil* vie roporto from Fort Cndahy that vast disQovorios of gold have been made in that rogion. At Clondyko, whioh in iionifi sixty miles southeast of Fort Gudahay, and further into British torritory, somo men arn making from 81,000 to $2,000 por day. Thin is dono by plaeor mining by tho moat primitive mothods. Kioli and Red. Rioh, rod blood moan a strong vigorous health, -Burdock Blood Bittora ourioho* tho blood, Htrongthons tbo Bytdom, regu lates tbo bowolfl. liver, kidneyn and stom- aoh, nnd euros dyspepsia, biliouannas, bud blood, siok hoadaoho, oto. Ono cont a done and every dono bolps tho euro. Thorn is a big retaliation row on in To ronto, and tho big dopartraont Htoro.is likoly to louo no me af its popularity in con- Rt'quonoo. A Buffalo lirm whioh loason a building in Toronto in whioh to open a department storo, sout ovor a gang <f American oarpontors with an architect, to mako noooaHury altoratioim,""Toronto oarpontors aro objecting, vigorously, and aa't tbo earao troatmont For tbo Buffalo in truders that io given to. Canadian nit- ohanios by XTnelo Sum's inepoutoro. Piles, Cured in . 3 , to 0 Nights Ttohing Burning Skin DisaaRnn Boliovod in Ono day. Br. Agnow's OIntmanh will euro all oawos of inohin'g piles in from thrqo to aix niplitB. Ono applinatiou bringn oomforK For blind and blooding piloa it is pfinrloss- AIho ouroH tether, salt rheum* oozsma, barber's itoh and all eruptions of tbo skin, llnllevo in a day. Hfi oontH. Sold by ,1 Thome. . , "Leaal dealt*rH roporb a roraarkablo Hale of boxing gloves tlilu mouth, and asurilie it to tbo influence of the Oorbott-Fitzitim moufl aorap upon tbo latont pugnaoity of tho youth of tbo * city." Sb. Thomas .lotirnal. Your Spare Time. Men, women, to eombtot buelneas at"lipnm. Work la simple writing and oopylux Until of addroaaoB received' from local advortlalntr toba, forward^ to na daily. , No ciin- vaBslnCi no prevloes oxperlenao reqalrnd imt pmlti writarfl proforred. PnrmanoDt woik to those content to earn *(Jormoio weekly In Hparo time. Apply to WAaBHKPun. Co,, ioNDOH, Ont. I wonld lh* my lov* were a My Mr > Andlwould tkall.WAW-aMabaam.tala^ Btlll to U draMla^r'% * flow^ Balr...... IU day loaf with my airy fold. Or wonJd .Ou* | Ftre'ta* &* a* Um U th* r jd I,Hi,rcM *ru W*r*' To fold my n& laavJtov^t ar yM And tnmkm my mwm*tn*u m part of br. Woald X wra * bn that li wliare 1* will And ah* la&f la ii loly plaoa. How I wonldoUnf * Br, slog to hor, till Bht gathered m p tn her arn mbraM. ..' r. , . i Or wold Uut ah wars a fawn *o y And I wilkin soma lowly bad Whora oft bar iHvarr faat wonld atray And dimple tha tarf ahowm ma aprasd. Kny, Inavo th' annbfkm tha llsht tha**a hia And Inara tha Illy bur airy gold, Aud f(lvo ma my innldan, jolt m aha la. To klsu und h1u|{ to, to keep and hold I -Kaw York Ladgatf. A LAD WITHOUT GUILE. How Grant Imprewed UU ComrwlM md m Wait Point cdt. "He vtoM a lad without guile," teati- flea General Longatreot. "I novor heurd him uttor a profano or vulgar wont H was a U>y of good iiativo ability, al though by no monus a hard atudent. So iwrfoot "vvaa hia seuae of honor that, hi the numerous oubala whioh >ver often formed, his name was novor mentioned, for bo novor did anything which oould be subject for oritloi&m or reproooh. He soon booaine tho moat daring horaonian. in the academy," He hod a way of RoWing probloma ont of rulo by th* ap- plioatiou of good, hard aeniie,' ahd Jtuftm lugalla enda by saying: "When our Bchool dnya wore over, if tho avorag* opinion of tho mombora of tho claaj had been taken, evory one would have aaldi 'There ia Sam Grant, Ho id a splendid follow, a good, honest man, ngaluit whom nothing . oan bo said and from whom overything may bo oxpeotedL' " One of the koeneat obaervors in hia oIohs, for a yoarhls roommate, perceived more in him than bin instructors. "H liad the most scrupulous regard for truth. He novdr held hia word light. Ho novor aaid an tiutruthful word oven iu jo.it. "Ho waa a reflective mind and at timea very rotioent and Bomber. Some thing seemed working deep down in hU thought* things ho kiiew as little about art wo. There would ho days, oven weeks, at a timo when ho would bo ai- lent und aomber uot morose. Ho Was a cheorful man, and yet he had thea* momeuta whon ho Roomed to fool some promonitiou of a groat future wonder ing what ho waa to do and what ho was to become- Ho wou movod by a vory sin- ooro motive to join tho Dialootio society, which wna Uio only literary aoeipty w had. I did not Wong, but Grant, joinod while wo wore roommates, with th* aim to improve iu.his mamior of ox- preasing himself. " McOlure's. . t/imutlintla 3PortTlU of ffrmnklin- It Booma tho height of absurdity to look upon the ao called "Sumner Por trait of Franklin, at Twenty," belonging to Harvard unrvoraity, aa an authentic portrait. Whoro did Franklin, who was grubbing for funda to o<urry him horns at tho time thia picture ia suppoaed to hav.e been painted, get the money for the "pnrplo nnd fine linon" in which, he ia arrayod, lot alono to jpay tho artist for hie work? Aside from Pronklm's oir- ctunBtanoea being against its authentic ity, hia "Autobiography" ta ailont upon bo important it etibjoot aa this portrait, and iti hlatory la purely mythloaX Anothor picture that lias no better claim to bo considered a likeness of Ben jamin Franklin hangf* in tho Metropoli tan MuHonm of Art and waa painted by Stephen Elmer, an English still life painter. Thero in nothing to show that it waa given tlio name of Franklin until 1834, whon a plato ongraved by Ryder and published in 1783, a "Tho Politi cian,1'was rolottored and isaued with tho name of Franklin, Tho loat picture to bo mentioned- in thin oxpurgatorial lint-is of tho ilrat im portance il n work of art. It waa paint ed by Thomiin GaiuHborough and ia in tho colloofcion of tho Marquis of Lnjids- downe, but it is clearly not Benjamin Franklin. It in, in my opinion, tho por trait of Governor William Franklin. ChurloB Honry Hart in McOlure's Maga- KillO. Tho. The flrnt Htn&m Power. power of stoiun was known to' Hero of Aloxandrin, who oxliihitoil what aooma from the doaoription to havo bf.ftn a mnull atoam engine to Ptolemy Phila- dolphua and hia oourt about lfiO B. G. Pliny deacribca a umall bout, built by a "mugioian" of Homo, whioh moved by moaiw of awhool, "drivon by a pot of hot wator." Watt's invention of a ro tary steam ongino waa pntontod iu 1760. Tho first raiiway looomotivo waa built by Trovithick in 1804. Tho first prac tical locomofcivo was porfootod by Sto- phonRon in 1830. Aa early aa 1707 Donya Pupin built u model of a atoamboat, whioh waa doatroyod by a mob of boat men. The firatitaotioal Rtoamboat.waa built by Wilrtam Symington in 1803. In 1808 Roborb Fulton, iu connection with Chancellor Livingston, built a ntoamboat which waa tried on thoStsinc. In 1807 tho Clermont bogan trips from Kow York to Albany. A Dluoroot ICstlumto. "Pupa," fluid.'.youug Mr. Hunker, "won't you ploose give Goorgo mid mo $10,000?" "What do you want that much, mouoy for?" "Wo want to build a$B,000 house." ^-Harloni Lifo. ht Him n JTrvo*. Money or my lifo, ia it? I waa wondering how I waa'going .to livo through thia week. Now I won't have to. Very kind of you., Shoot away. Boston Tranacript. . Tho: willow is one of the moat adapt able of planta, A willow awitoh ntuok in tho wot ground will almoat inavria- bly take root and become a tree. ', In ten days a letter from New York Will bo delivered in Bmasels. ' ~BVY a Stove until you b j the new stock at .-M m McMURRAY'S. 'it'.. II See the Oxford'B Stoves, Best 111 the World. Manufactured'; by tho G-urney Foundry Co., of Toronto, (both Wood arid % Ooal). We have them in took. Our prices are the lowest*."!; 0/ll and. Inspect. General Tinsmithing and Bepairing attended to. *S^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex.^' Are You i')i Wo oan supply you with all kinds|of Woodon Material, plain) and ornamontal. Pino, Hemlock and nativo Lumber always.! on band. Shingles, Cedar Posts Doorap'ii] Sash aud Ooal. M Your Boors and Mads Now. - Laing Bros '\i " GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY DISEASED MEN CURED TUnilQANH^ ot ypnnflf jraon, middlo nffod man, ami old men can look bacVnt' their boyhood duya or curly muubood wltli a nifth of romorse^ Tho IfrnorfthoVof ofirly yontli, or lntfironajij^HBtmnt lifo [lO^'ptiAOl thoi o mi fieri boyit" has sown , crtntr. SELF AKUiSfc, io n wirriniflnin nffnitiat nutare andf{ i, IllondanJ Private IJIeaflea nnp tlin vory lifo and vitality: of tlu. vhiilm. Ohr Mtitf AWi'HOOJ.'UISATMJuNT vlll iioltlvoly our all tho follow- Intf dhniLBi^: UifjHowlBforfntnromift'orinir. SELF ABUSE lo n tairriuinBin nffni Will brlnir n rioh Imrvoet, Blond and Private Ul nap tlin vory li SELF ABUSE it titiirrlblflBln n dan J T THOgil' 5 VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS/ NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLfeET, SEMINAL WEAK- K NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAL 6 DISCHARGES, KIDWEY AND BLADDER DISEASES 5 flDt Vnil 1 NRHVOTJflnnddMpondonti Wflakordabllltntod; tlrwl momingfl: noV"! tiiblo: oyo annlcan, rod mid blurrod; pimploa an fuoo; dronmn nml niht loaiwa; V9t-)y U^aTliiwiiard JoolcinKl wt'uk back, bono paiun: luilr binMj; ulcorp; Hro throat; vorlco-: colo: doponitiu iiriuomui draimi nt Htonl; (Hfltruatftib want of ooufidonco; lack ot'; uuorKy und aUoueth-W/H OAN CURE YOU OR ASK NO.&JXY. $ CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL:* K SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. f^^iam^A dooUira uiid norvn toidtm by tlin njoro without bopotlt; oniWBlona aud draice innroaied. . j 1 biiciinio a norvotia wrook. A 1 rinml who hud I wa curod by I)j. Kennedy, <Ss Kergan' <$ of a nimllar diHonso, wiviitod mo to try thorn, I did so and in two montha waa poaitiTO- iyonrwl. Thin -wumtlttht yaro iwo,, I aui kiow uiorriod and hayo two hoalthy ttlJUt. rou.M~O.W.IJ2WlB,ynfiUiaw, .,,:-:, "VftWoooiilo mndo Hfo miserable, I -wai weak BxifM ___ ii-lh norvouo, ciyofi Hunkon.biwlifui ineooioty, hair tbii'S"" no ambition.^riio 'Qoldoii Monitor* optmod ny eyo._ Tho Nhw Method Troatment Dra. Kennedy and KargaaotmHl mo ia u few Woeka. I. L. PffrJSBON,,Iouia v| J.l'.KMKltSONrfllatoBiOaexobrlenco. "I UTodon^ ___a form. At school 1 learned aa early habit, whloh^j io physically, sexually and mentally. Family dootors eaid^l waa gotog^ into *doolino' (conanrnption.) jrlnaUy lXheiGoIdeni Uonttonedited by JpW'Kennady^i hands. X learned tho TRUTH and tho OAUBE. Self^bnaei] I took tho Now Method Treatment and waa eared,.'-Mfv,. of eonBomptlon. I havo aont them many patiaoAp; all ,oxJ; whom woro ourod. Their New Method Treatment sappiioa vigor, vitality and .1 maIlbood.,, ' '[v'^vfl U eunmi IP nlinril "This terrible blood dlefiasewaBln my aystam for elBbtyili' sronry for two years, bnt thediaeOM " d ekln.meers In tbe moath and on us, oto. My brother, who bad been w ______ _ nedy and Kergan/ rooommendid.thi They oared m in a few weeks, and X thank God. I conaulUxl them, Up wtnra <* EMISSIONS .CURED, weakened mo physically, sexm 2 'SYPHILIS CUHEU' yaars. Hu^ takenmeronry fop twoyears.bat thediieMtf;^ retarned, ICyes red, pimples and Hotohoa on tho skin, ulcere in the moath and on tonatie, bone pains, falling onfc of hair, woakneas, oto. "- *"- *-*->----- cured of (Jloet and Btriotaro by Dra. Kenned; rbtumed, Byes red, pimples i _ .jje lot _ .____...- ______wt- diseaiie in ahc yearn." Vt. F. MM Jacksoo. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. DFAnrDI Areyoan Tiotlm? Havo yoa lost hope?. Are yon oonteni ntHUCni marrlager Baa your blood been diseased? Have 70a any ' Onr New Mothbd Treatment/will eore yon. ^What It has done for others it a yonu CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who ^ tj^^ yoo.swrite f %IonFrM of Charge. Chares rcoflonable. BOOKS FREE.-I^Qol; oDOa. -Everything confidential, treatment FREE. . '_ __ eMSi y> ^SSJaliiBWi^ttiiMiMii^SiiSii^a m;MsSMMMS^^^^^^^^^^^A 47

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