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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 16, 1897, p. 5

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WW* i.\""mm-'-mrm,m>mtmtmm,,..... i iiiim'ffji "i| mm"!' i m .i'liJ....l 5* If ANDERSON ft BANKERS- Agents for The Boy&l. "Tie Guardian and +.h& Lancashire, tfhebutlararftnoeCompanla In the world. fefiy We m*kft a ipeoUlty of Ininrlns Firm Pro- ' Money toXKMD AtandeHproeat.oDParm Property. "'. , Farnws Insurenow in Good Reliable ', Companies. The Essex Free Press. BRETT & AULD. PkopKICTOBS FBIDAY, A?RHi 18, 1897. Town and Vicinity- (.'( !' U?:'. lir-.; ;.- Good Friday. Suwday will be Easter Bnnday, Mixed or miiHtard pickles, 15c. per quart, at Smith's. The junior football play or a in town will organize in a few days. Ladies' walking shoos 75a per l>air. Gent's fine shoes $1 per pair at Smith's. Miss Boss Ray, of Busoomb, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. O. Desjardin. Miss Flo. Andjciihon returned on Monday from a visit with her sister, 'Mrs. Ashplant, in London. Miss Agnes "Wattkhh leaves to-day (Good Friday) for Mt. Clemens, whore she will spend her holidays. Thb South Essex Lioonso Oouimia- sioners will meofc at tho Aberdeen Hotel, Essex, next Thursday. Misa G. Kbadmh, ocoompaniod by ' Misa Sara Lambert leave to-night to spend their Easter vacation in Amberst- burg. I>on*t forget to see the now and hand some designs in wall papers, at il/rs. May's; the largest assortment in the county. H. 0. Hodgmau and bride arrived in town on Tuesday, and after spending -fsw days here loft for thoir future homo at Amhorfltburg. On Friday last, \V. D. Boaman, V. M,, imposed anno of $20 and costs on Henry Plant, of Harrow, for soiling liquor without a license. Miss EltjEN Bkid, a formor High School pupil, of Merson, paid tho town a visit on Thursday last on her way to Teacher's Convention at Arnhorstburg. """ A sbiiviok will be hold iu St. Paul's church this (Friday) ovening at 8 o'olook, tho collection for whiolTVill bo for tho spreading of tho Gospol among the Jews. BxaoABD Pkkbton and wife returned to thoir home at Loamington on Satur day last, after a few days' stay at tho homo of thoir neice, Mrs, Stophon Wilkinson. RommiT Tate has sold a half interest " in his butcher shop in town to Sidnoy Bird, of Windsor, and tho firm, Tato & Bird, will continuo business in the same stand on Talbot stroet. 0. E. Nayboii, some time ago had a building moved from ono of his f atbor'H farms in Maidstono to a roar lot on Tal bot streofc and is having tho building overhauled and rebuilt for a stable. William Whiting, son of tho Iato Bey. J". Whiting, formorly of Grace Church hero, graduatod with honors, from tho Ohio Medical University, April fltk, taking tho dogreo of D. D, S. There wero 00 in tho graduating class. Tiixb Hummer' rates oh the M. O. B. between Amhorstburg and Windsor and Detroit have taken ofl'oot. Tho faro from AmUerstburg and nil inter mediate atations to Windsor and ro- turn is CO cents single and 75 cents return. This kindergarten which Miss Wat- torn has conducted in tho session house of tho Presbyterian Church for tho past four wooks, will bo closed for Easter vacation and will open again on Monday, 25th mat. 4 PAiita ladies* hose or i pairs men's socks for 25c, at Smith's. Tnu annual business mooting of tho Essox Public Library will ho hold in the Beading room,on Monday evening, May JU'd, when tho reports for tho past year will bo presented, tho election of the now Board of Management take placo and tho old periodicals sold by auction. It is particularly requested that the members will return to tho librarian all books in their possession not later than Saturday, April 24th. For oil cake, linseed meal and ilfix seed, try A,H. Scarir & Co. Evkiiy ovoning during tho past week the Baptist church has boon well filled, Bomotimos crowded with intelligent and appreciative audiences to listen.to Bev. "W7H. Palmer's ahlo and profound declaration of God's truth. Not pleas ing stories but plain godpel preaching has letL a nuinbor of intelligent men and women' to surrender to Christ. Owing to the blessing and success God baa given, the mootings will bo contin ued until further announcement. Every ovening at 7.80 song service is rondered and at 8 o'clock preaching commences. On Sunday next at 11 a.m., Mr.Palmer will preach to christians, and those who missed the opportunity of .hearing him last Sunday morning should not fail to be present at this sorvico. On Sunday evening the Services commence at 7.80 ; p.m.. Everybody cordially invited.-r- Qflf I Thb maple syrup season li ow Eivb pounds of cooking flgs for Wo, atBnuWs.. O. J. CUbdvbb spent Sunday at his home here. Am. Wilcox, of Windsor, spent Sunday at his home here. Thb residence of Jno. M. Hioks la undergoing extensive alterations. Tub American House was re-opened ton Wednesday by tho Parker Bros. Jambs A. Hioks has a Brahma hen that laid two eggs in one day last week. Wm. Monuis and Robt. Gordon, of Leamington, spent Sunday In town. OiiBAN up your back yard even if the Sanitary Inspector does not call on you. M. J. WioiiB & Co.'s twenty-five cent tea is having an immense sale; it's great value. Miss Ah? GampdbXjXj is able to be a* bout again, after a baffle with the meas les. BussbkiTj PrawJirs, wife and child, of Olinda, visited the family of. 8, F. Francis this weok. W. O. Cmmon, of Camp Palmer, spent Bomo days this week under the parental roof. A HKpenT of tho Teachers* Conven tion in Amherstburg will be found on another page of this issue. Miss Ida Nbhbxtt, of Porsythe, An derson A; Oo.'s atoro, returned on Sat urday after spending a week inWindspr, Miss AnicEnYj, of St. Thomas, .spent a day in town this week'with herbrother, Mr. Arkell, Managar of the Imperial Bank. Geo. M. Buktv, of Welland,audMrs. E. J. Gott, of Amherstburg, visited at tho home of their brother in town on Monday. Winn Essex oolebrato the Queon's Jubilee?Wliy not call a meeting and ap point committee to take some action. Other towns are going ahead. Thb "Lydia" Band, usually held tho second week in month has been de ferred ono weok on aocount of the baz aar. Miss Pascoo will lead the meeting on Tuesday night. A. T. CuamNo, who was so seri ously injurod aomo timo ago in a bioy* olo aooidont, in Toronto, is progressing favorably and has been ablo to leave tho hospital in that city. "The P. M, of Kortoh is batching for a couplo of weoka, and is looking very disconsolate, Mrs. N. K. being on an extended visit to hor sons-in-law, Br. Dowar and Dr. Martin, Essox County." Watford Advocate Toronto Saturday Night pnbliBhos a list of 58B vacant storos in Toronto, of which 7fi aro situated on Goorgo atroot, 180 on Quoon and 04 on King, For this remarkable condition of affairs the departmental stores are held to bo re sponsible. Jonw A. AurjD, M. P. P,, was in town on Tuesday consulting with tho mem bers of tho town council ovor the. peti tion to tho Lioutonnnt-Govorjaor in council asking for poworto borrow $1,- fiOO for improvements and repairs to tho water works. The Graoo Mothodist Sabbath School havo purchased a set of maps and charts for tho uso of tho school. Tho prizes for collecting for tho same wero award ed last Sunday, ns follows t First, Howard Gardnor, man of tho Domin ion ; socoud, Gordon Foray tho, map of tho Provinco of Ontario ; third, Willio Naylor, work of art; fourth, Arabol Bobinson,book; fifth and sixth. To tho Ladies of tho Town of Essox and surrounding country. As tho timo is drawing near for tho usual spring house cleaning, and as it is customary to mako some changos and roplaco tho old with something now, you will find it to your advantage to call and sooure ono of those lino English bedroom or toilet sets from E. L. Park, next door to W. H. Richardson. As spring is approaching, all good citizens who have tho sanitary aspect in viow, will bo making preparations for house cleaning, oto., It is ono of tho necessities of life to thoroughly olernso your placo of abode, after tho long winter months, and not only that, but tho back yards and surroundings nood immediate attention. Soo to it that tho sanitary inspector will havo no work to do this year. .WiTir tho advent of tho robin, the blackbird, tho crow and tho marblo player it needs no wcathor prophet to predict that spring, is at hand and that tho spring poet will soon wake up, rub his oyos, crawl out on the sunny side of his whiter lair and break out in song. The Fiwsb Pukka ib roady to publish spring pootry at ton cents a lino. Sond it along but bo sure that the-linoa jin- glo. As for tho eonso that ia hut n aooondarv mattor. A, H. ScarJT&Co, havo in stook a full line of bulk seeds. An order has boon issued providing that, notwithstanding anything to tho contrary in the general fishory regula tions for tho Province of Ontario, tho oloso season for pickerel in tho wators of Lake Erie, Detroit Bivor, Lake St. Olair and Bivor St. Clair, oxtending from Point Poloo, in the County of Essex, to Point Edward, in the County of Lambton, shall bo for the year 1807 from the 1st to the Xfith of May, and that tho oloso soaeou for bass in tho waters of Lake JJrio immediately' sur rounding Pelee Island shall be for tho year 1807 from the loth of. May to the ISthof June, both days inclusive in each case. Misa E. Hau* spent Saturday last in Detroit. Try Smith's 2ffo tea. It has no equal. Get free sample. Water rates are now due, 2nd quar ter. Call at the waterworks. Fob best value* in clothing, hats and caps go to M. J. Wlgle & Co. O Mott, of South Woodslee, spent Sunday with friends on Alice street. Miss Gbaok MoDonaxd, of Kings- ville, is employed atT. H. McEUigott's. W. M. DeOew has a number of val uable young horses for sale at a very low price. Miss Minnie Eaton, of Detroit, will spend a few weeks with her mother, here. Mrs. 0. E. Adams and child were guests at the home of Mrs. Jos. May a few days this week. M, J. Wiolb & Co. nave just received another largo consignment of shoes; nice goods at low prices; Wm. May, of St. Thomas, spent Sun day and Monday of this week with his brother, Jos. May, of this placo. N. P. WionK and wife spent Sunday last in Kingsville at the home of Mrs. Wigle's mother, who is very ill. Miss E&fih Smith, of Oolohoator South, formerly a student of Essex High School, is spending a few days in town. S. Upoott, of Minneapolis, Minn., spent a few days hero this week with his sister Mrs. Fred. Hyatt and Miss Annio Upcott. A. Bedfojio, of Bloomingdale, Ont., has takan a position in J. Thome's drug store. Mr. Bodford is an honor graduate of the Ontario College of Pharmacy at Toronto. In Committee of tho Whole, the On tario Logisluture,on Friday laat.struok out tho clause in the amended bill in troduced by Hon. Mr. Harcourt, to allow municipalities to pass by-laws lessoning tho hours of soiling liquor. The ago limit.howovor, has been raisod to 21 years, "Clean up" should be the battle ory of merchants, householders and citi zens generally for the next month or six weeks. Spring has tumbled old winter off her lap and made her debut; and it behooves citizens to oloar away from hack yards, back alleys, etc., the accumulations of .the winter months. F. S. Adamh rocoived a message yos- torday (Thursday) moruing from To ronto to tho efieofc that his brother, H. J. Adams, had died tho provious night. Deceased was ft8 years of ago and- tho romains will bo intorrod in tho como- tory at Norwich, to-day (Friday) at 2 p.m. F. S. Adams leaves this morn ing to attend tho funeral. The Fire, Water and Light Com mittee have entered into a contract with J. A E. Thompson, to put down a well at tho Waterworks, and Mr. Thompson has his derrick up and ready for drilling. Tho cost of tho woll is to bo. $250, and tho casing that was used in tho gas woll will likely ho used in tho town woll, Mr. Thompson is to go down 185 foot, if necessary, for tho $250 and in to roooivo $1 por foot after that The Directors of tho Essex Gas and Oil Co., aro busy winding up tho affairs of tho company. Tho young men in town who tool; stook in tho company havo boon vory prompt in mooting tho call as thoy became duo, whilo many of tho oldor mon and proporty owners, havo boon somowhat dilatory in paying up. Tho Directors do not propose making any further calls for arroars on stock, and unless tho same is paid up without delay, it will bo placed in tho hands of a solicitor for collection. Tho Dirootors oxpoct to havo onough monoy loft ovor aftor paying tho contractor to return some to tho stockholders. CAiirifiTB; carpets; nowosfc patterns' and colorings, diroot from tho mills. M. J.Wiglo* Co. Ben. Fkktiiam, son of Wm.Fcotham, of this town, accepted a situation [in a dry goods house in Dotroit a few weeks ago but did not hold oh to it very long, not, however, from any fault of hm own or his employer's.. Ono day laHt week ono of tho immigration officers at Detroit co-Hod upon him and with out a groat deal of courtesy or core- moiiy.ordered him back to Canada, at the Hiune timo threatening to lay an information against tho employer for violation of tho TL S. labor law, for bidding the 'employment of alions. As Bon. had boon'assured of his situation before loaving Canada ho concluded it bettor for both himself and his om- ployor to return,to Essox, which ho did. Good corsets at 25c per pair, at Smith's. In some of the largor oitios of tho United States a shopping reform is going on. Tho tendency hue beou to do most of tho buying in tho afternoon, aud so quick to follow a fashion aro tho ladies that it got to bo a serious ques tion with dealers as well as with the overcrowded shoppers. Tho big storos took up the subject, and by offering early hour bargains and talking the matter in their advertisements they have succeeded in attracting milady's attention to her folly, and 'forenoon shopping Is once more coming into favor. It is a good idea; ladies who practice it say they always obtain satis factory results ad well as being much more satisfactory to deliverers. Laob curtains, 28o per pair; Smith's, Secure one of those toilet sets at Park's. Hare your watches repaired at Ovens', the new jeweler. . E. Ft,oBA, of Chicago, Is visiting his sister Mrs. McAfee. .....Have you tried A. H. Soarff & 'Gov's 18o tea. It is great value. A, H. Bbvhan left hero on Tuesday to take a position *n Norwich. Miss T. Dbwab spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Detroit. Alex. WaIiLaob, representing Frost & Wood, was in town on Tuesday. Jxtdbon Waxes, of Mersea, visited at the homo of J. A. Boso, this week. Wm. Eaton, 6t Detroit, is spending a week at the home of his mother, here. Dr. W. J. MoKsHzia, of Kingsville, was in town on Monday of this week. O. Chomwbijt,, of Detroit, spent San- day in town, the guest of Miss B. Hall. OAEtt WionE, of Leamington, spent a few days this weok with friends in town. Miss Fiiankie Jahhim is spending Easter vacation at her homo in Amherst- burg. Leave your order for wall paper at Whitney*s. Prlcos from 8 cents a roll up. The London City Council Monday night placed the license fee for the sale of cigar ottos at $50, Mahtku Eiwest Jouuan, of Loaming- ton, is spending a few days with re latives in this town. H. TAYiiOnr J. Handoook, and C. Mott, of South Woodslee, called on friends in this towu last week. Miss A. CAHnon loft oh Thurday to spoud her Easter vacation at her home in Boston Mills. GsonoK ' Coxib left on Monday for Dotroit and will likely go into tho bar ber business in that city. Mhs. Jennie WioijE, loft Thursday to spend Eastor at the homo of hor son,; Dolbort, in Grand BapidH, Mich. Misses Bortha Lyppa and Laura Bird, of Essox High School, left lost night (Thursday) for thoir, homes in Kings ville Mk's. Jab. L, NAYnon, of Manistee, Mich., is spending Eastor vacation at tho homo of her father, Wm. Church, of this town. The body of Alex. Gott, who died at Nopti, Utah, on August 2fith Iaai, was brought to Amhorsfchurg on Saturday last and buried there. Alex, was at ono timo M. C. B. operator at Maidstone Cross. W. H. Konnody, formorly of| Watford has oponod up a law offioo in tho cornor of tho Abordoon block, Monoy to. loan at 6, GJ and 6 per cent,, according to so ourity. Collecting, oonvoyancing and winding up estates, a spooialty; also n numbor of fine farms for salo. Tub bazaar given by tho LadioaT Aid of tho Mothodist Church, at tho resi dence of J. B. MoEwan on Tuesday and Wodnosday of this week was fairly attondod. An oxcollont assortment of fancy and useful articles wero on sale and wore disposed of at good prices, Lunoh was sorvod oaoh ovoning from Cto 10 o'olook, the admission_feOj_lO cents entitled persons attending to re freshments. On Wednesday night of last wook, Baomor Poose and Misa Ellon Miller eloped from town and havo since boon located in Denton, Mioh, Miss Miller is a daughter of John Millor, of Gosto, and had boon working at Dr. J. E. Jcnnor's. She is under ago, and as Poaso is a married man. if. ho is caught an information will bo laid against him. Mr. 'Aiillor has gono to Donton for his dnughtor. Poaso has boon working in EHsoxfor sonio. timo,.boing lately em ployed by tho Drs; Brian. Foit Eastor holidays, tho M. C. E, will sell tickets to andiromnll M.C.B. stations in Canada and to stations on tho Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway at single faro for round trip, good going April 15th, lflth, 17th, 18th and 10th, good .to return on or bofore April 20th. * Teachers- and students upon surrender of standard eertiiieato, signed by tho principal, ono first-class Care and one-third for the round trip. DatoH of sale, March 27th to April 17th. Limit for return not lator than April 27th; A, S'miwns agent. A. H. Soar ill' & Go. havo tho largest assortment of oroukory, china and glssswaro in town. Tub high sohool entertainment hold in tho Proabytorian ohuroh, on Mon day evening last, was a porfoot success, considering tho unfavorable condition of the weather./ Tho solootions of Harold Jaryls and Bliss Elsie Martin delighted tho audiouoo. Mr. Jarvis is always well rocoived and in no way did ho disappoint his listeners on this occa sion, Miss Sybil Cunningham, with hor piano solo, and Mrs. .Wm. Laing aud Miss MabolLaiug with their piano duet received great applause. Jarvis was in his best condition and tho way in which he was applauded shpwod how well he was appreciated. Miss Martin was very good in the light work,-especially in "Seeing Things," and was vory woll appre6iated ior her first appearance here. Tho High School's reputation for1 concert giving suffered nothing on Monday night. The proceeds amounted to $60. ' V.v:->V>:^M :> , >: .' ^r^W-M -.." jj^n To Buy (foods is when they are Cheap, MOW is the time; Call on Q. E SMITH & CO. Elegant Lace Curtains, 23c. per pair. Linen Boiler Blinds, Complete, 39c. Extra Heavy Carpets, 12%c. per yd. And All Lines of Spring G-oods for House Cleaning Time at Extra Low Prices. . Heavy Colored Shirting regular j>ic 10c., for 8o. per yard Heavy Oottonad............................................ 150. w Heavy Groy Cotton for......... 04a " by Fast Colored Prints,................................... 60. *** Ettra Heavy and Wido Flannelette, for......... 4$o, per yard, Feathor Ticiting,............................................. 12c. " Good Table Linen,...................... ............... lSjo. *4- V**<** '.$ 3-u.ita at Bstra laovr Prieoa. Gome and inspect. Our Values In Shoes are Ahead of All Others. Women's Fino Button Uoots..........ftl.io nor pair. ** Walking Shoes..... .76 " Mon's Fino Shoes,..................... i.oo " Job Lot Girls' aud Boys' Shoes at Half Price. G. E. WBLITNISY BLOCK, TCSSEX. ITH & CO. $25 To $30 ^Saved Bj' Purchasing yout* Bi s FROM' W. CHURCH & SONS. * * * *: High Grade Bicycles Only. No Inferior Wheels Manufacturer's Guarantee with Every Wheel, Carbon Steel Frames, - "D" Shaped Tubing. _ No Cotter Pins. . v Single Crank Axle, Dunlop Detachable Tires, Adjustable. Handle Bar, See the Anderaon Automatio Brake used on tho White Rimmed Hyslop only, Wheels From $50.00 Upwards. W. CHURCH & SONS, Dunstan Block, Essex. M >m i\L ' '%i- "", Th<^ Shoe Business of this Store has been built .*%/ ! -Price is a conHiderationin buying. Of having the newest and Selling on the Clpaest||| margin of Profit ia all the argument that is needed4i|;| for brisk sales. "'"' "'^? The more yon compare Goods and prices: the morei.|| certain you will be to spend your noney here. > A::^| We wanTyour Trade and we offer you this pppo^'a tunity to secure Bxiira -Value*... _. '.,': ^^H - Sign of the Golden Boot, WHITNBX BliOOK, ESSEX. 'II MM "Work on the street railway from Anr heratbuxg to Windsor was began at AmhorBtburg on Mondny. The work is done by tho Windsor, AmherBtburg and Lake Erie Kail way Co.* Vhose Qharter would have exgiret| to-day na- less a start were made the road is to he completed in a year. Xhb gold ring: lost by ,% H,: Elligott and, advertised in tb.e' ;UB^i|| Pbebs last week has beehj-eooyfM^;-^ J. .11"Patterson,,"ol' 'Mfaa.^0^^^^^ tho Fbhb pBBsa that he h&4fonjtt^^ ring in hia possesion he,having jpiiCwjEr it:up in tie'dnBt'widlo\in^a8e^^M ^M^S^^MSi^l^

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