a^dS^^^......-:.......-.^.:,,,,,,.,..,',,.,,,, ,,.;:v,^ys-;;v::;;^^ fee if:- I* ft- It-. Iv tirenviile Block, Kingsville. Lwavs on the Alert Wish we due tell of all the good;tbiga that are coming to make shopping here ore stud more of a pleasure. We are always on the lookout lor any special line roods and keep tolerably well posted and Thoroughly up-to-date. That more of goods and keen tolerably well posted and Thoroughly up-to-date. mean's a good deal these days " " - . i .. .. -L_ over what goods to buy, what to let alone, mngo continually and to always change for the better. "We know bettor than over what goods to buy, what to let alone, and where to look for qUiok chances. For, after all, there's nothing we like better than to lot water run down hill and to put our wheel in the atroom. WASH 800DS. Choice Collection of American and Canadian Frinta, all Colors, Guaranteed Fast,25 and 26 inches wide. Special at.. 5c 37 and 28-inch, Fine English Prints, Guaranteed Fast Colors, in a good range of all the New Spring Shades very special at........ ',................... *)c 32-inch Best Quality Print, Equal to lajc goods, in neat small designs. Very special, at.................. ......... "oc LADIES' SHIRT WAIST8. Ladies' Percale Shirt Waists in Fancy CoUrs and Checks. Attached Collar at.. 50c Ladies' Cambric Shirt Walits, with Black and White Stripes, Special at.. 65c Ladies' Linen Shirt Waists, in Neat Stripes. New Turn-back Cuffs. Special at.................................. 95a Indies' Fine American Percale Shirt Waists, in Fancy Dresden Patterns, with White Detachable Collar. Extra Good Value, at..........................$ * -Oo NEW FRENCH ORGANDIES. 3oinch French Organdie Mousseline, in Choice Floral Pattern*. Very Sheer, Extra Value at...................... 19c 33-inch French Lace Stripe Organdies, a Very Fine Close Woven Fabric, with Lace Effect. Special at..............aoc 30-inch Grass Linen, in a Good As sortment of Stripes and Floral Designs. Our Special Leader at.............. K2Jc LADIES' BELTS Ladies' Persian Belts, Plated Buckle, Assorted Colors, at.................. 20c Ladies' Leather Holts, Assorted Colors, Newrlhicklc. Special at............., 25c Ladies' Leather Belts, in Monkey Skin, ij[ inches wide, with Assorted liucklcs. Special at......,........... 20c Ladies' White Kid Belts, Kid Cover ed Buckles, Special at.............. 40c Men's Leather Betty, In Light' and Dark Tan Shades, Neat and Scrvicable for Cycling Purposes, Good Strong Buckle, at.......................... 50c "We're sometimes acouaod of soiling gonoral goodfl bolow tlio markofc in to offftot fauoy nroti td in Dry ftoodo. The statoment in valuer doliborato u only obj ot in mentioning it in to givo 11 chance for oompariHon. to know just what wo'ro tloiug. JitHthowwo do it and juafc why keeping prioeH down. Special Bargain Day Every Wednesday- order and our Wo want you wo pci'HiHt in C. W. HENDERSHOT. . Always Hlfthonb Murket Prion VxiA tor Iluttor and Hjjya. The Essex Free Press. BftETT & AULD, PROPRIETORS FRIDAY, APBIL 10. 1807. Tub Local Legislature was formally prorogued on Tuesday last. Mn. FiB&mwa announces that, tho new tariff bill will bo introduced on Thursday, April 33nd. In tho olootiou iu Ohamplain. Co,, Queboo, on Wednesday of last week, Dr. Maxcotte, tho Oonaorvativo candi date, ' woh eleoted by about 100 ma jority. In .Tune last, his runjority waa Mmtboxuby Maoazink von Aprttj. Tho up-to-dato character of thifl maga zine is seen in tho fresh and vigorous attiolos on tho On hot Celebration with dafloriptivo text, pioturoH and poetry and "The Rod Cross in Turkey," with fiffcooon fine ongravingi. Alderman Sponoo, Socrotary of tho "Prohibition Plebiscite." An interesting account in givon of Each, tho groatoat of nil musi cians, and of Schnbort, whoso centen ary has just boon oolobrntod. X>r. Pasooo, of Ehhgx, Out,, has a graphic .Oornish sketch "One arid All," Br. Williamson ono on "Tho Congo for Ohriat," and Br. Bowman -Stophonson a remnrkablo account of "Ton Years in a Portsmouth Slum." Tho Rov. A. Browning has a capital akotch of "Tho Gold Boom in Cariboo." Tho atory of "Rkoda Roberts" doscribos iu a very vivid manner Methodist Iifo a- mong tho Welsh minors, and "Philip Strong" is a talo of oomulativo power. "Tho World's Progress," "Kocent Science," and othor departments aro up-to-dato and woll illustrated.' Ad dress Wm. Briggs, Toronto. ~'" ... ...I....... KliigfivUlc. A carload of maohinory for tho South Essex banket and vonoor works has arrived and is now being plaood in posi tion in thoir factory on oast Main-st. They will bo opou for business in u horfc timo and no doubt will do a big trade with tho fruit growers along tho lake ahoro this sonaon. Tum Kingsvillo Woollen Co., which wont into tho hands of an aasignoo aomo weeks ago, has boon ro-organized, with . the following oitloern: Bri S. A. King, ..T. E. Brown, Horace Wiglo, Ernest A, Brown,-Jus. Hillia, W. A. Smith, and Goo. B. Ross, of Montreal. Tho oqm- . pany will oporato uudor tho namo of Brown & Wiglo Oo., and tuo capital atock is placed at 820,000, .Tndgo Forguaon has givon judgment in tho suit of Wiglo va, ICingevillo, holding that thoro is no provision for the exorcising of tho powers in ques tion otherwise than by by-law, and a certain resolution of the council, though entered iu tho minuto book of the council and containing tho*0011 tract stiuU length, and having tho Beal of . corporation attached to it, cannot bo considered a by-law, booauso it is not ; signed, as ia. positively roquired by section 280. It does not profess to be a by-law at all, audit could not authorize tho making of tho contract in question. Judgment for perpetual in- junction with costs. Wrtitt flowern aro Already beginning; to blossom in tho woods, and it would bo wise .for toaohors and parents to ask tho children who go nocking thorn, to pull tho dolioato atoms with caro, for tho careless pulling up of tho whole root moans that year by year tho quan tity of flowers will grow Ions and finally our Canadian woods will have lost that charm of oorly spring which lioS in tho wild flowers. Pull the flowers carefully and loavo tho parent roots in tho ground and so prosorve oar lovely woodland blossoms for many years to oome. A work of groat value to tho agricul tural community and tho ownors of livo stock gonorally is * 'Tho Veterinary Soionco." It treats comprehensively and in plain, ovcry-day language on tho anatomy, diseases and treatment of domoatic animals and poultry, besides containing a complete dosoription of inodioino, rooipos, &o., enabling tho farmer to bo hifl own vontorinary. Competent authorities regard "The Votorinary Science" as a standard work and ono which no owner of animals can afford to bo without. Tho book is sold at 82, but tho London Free Press Com pany has mado arrangements whereby thoy will supply thoir mammoth 10-pago edition (tho Wookly Proo Press and Farm and Homo) for one year, together with a copy of tho book, at tho oxtromo- ly low prico of 2. This is an oppor tunity of which ovoryono should take advantage. Hon. Mr. Mulook haa introduced hia Superannuation bill into tho House of Commons. Tho explanation mado by Mr. Mulpck wns to tho offoct that uudor tho now system tho superannuation act will not apply to now appomtoos to tho civil sorvice, to porsons now in tho ser vice who havo contributed nothing to tho superannuation fund, and to all who havo contributed to tho fund for a Iohh period than ton yoars. As to all those claasoa tho superannuation act is abolished, and tho retiring allowanoo of officers in thorn will bo provided by an asRosamontof C per cent, of their sal- arioa. Tho 5 por cent, ao holdback will bo rotainod by tho Govorninont, and in terest at tho rnto of G por cont. per an num, compouudod half-yoarly, will be allowed. On tho retirement of the offi cer tho rotiromontfund so created shall ho paid to him. Iu the ovont of his death in tho service tho money shall bo paid to hia heirs. y,':'; Don't go to Rossland. It is said that thousands ore there now without any- |f('J;, thing,to ao, Expenses ore high.. Board '* .-'costs $5' a week at the lowest, andjjan ;; 8x9 room will cost you $i a week. 'ijM.',; " '#-'... Ruth veil, A brass band is being organized horo, Miss Ella Stewart has gono to Detroit for a few montha. Mihs Mary Gallon is visiting frionds and relative's in this vicinity. K W. Cascaddon has diaposod of hia harneHs business to Grant Bros. Miss Graco Wiglo, of Amhorstburg, was the guoflt of Miss 1\I. Lypps. Mra. C. E. Naylor, of Essex, and Miss Morton, of Toronto, wore visitors at tho paraonago laat week. A Booial under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid-of tho Methodist church took placo at tho roeidenco of Mrs. S. Golden Wiglo on Wednosday. A good litorary pragrammo was provided. The funeral of Thomas Stewart, sr., took place on Sunday of last wook. In terment was made at Rnthven oomotory Servioofl were conducted by the Rev. Br. Medd iu tho Methodist ohmroh. There was a largo number of people present. Sandwich South' Council. The Ocmnollmt,purmnt to adjourn ment. All the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The Council sub scribed their declaration a* memberi of Court of Revision In Oahill Brain Out let Improvement and disposed of all appeals. Moved by O'Keefe, aeoonded by Mr. ShnttUworth, that the oommis- ioners on West townlin and Pike Creak Brain Repairs be instructed to examine the bridges on said drain com plained of by Robt. P. Hurst, and if ^eemed insufficient to remedy the soma. Moved by Mr. Shuttleworth, seconded by Mr. O'Keefe, that Mr, Oavanagh bo authorized to grant a commutation of Statute Labor to John Arnald on forced road on Lot 299, S. T. B. Oar- lied. Mored by Mr. Greaves, seconded by Mr. Oavanagh, that Brott & Auld be paid $18 for printing. Carried. Moved by Mr. Cavanagh, seconded by Mr. Shuttleworth, that A. J. Hal ford be paid $40 and Wm, Newman $18 for nor- vicas in connection with inspection, plans, attendance at Court, etc., in re gard to requisition filed by the Reeve for the examination of Talbot Street and Windsor Gravel Road Carried. Moved by Mr. Greaves, seoondod by Mr. Oavanagh, that Joseph Bellsle be paid $10.69 for ditching on S. R. It. in Ward 4. Carried. Moved by Mr. Cav anagh, seconded by Mr. Shuttlbworth, that Wra, Cole bo paid $2 for sorving notices on the Cahill Drain Outlet Im provement. Carried. Moved by Mr. Cavanagh, seoondod by Mr. Shuttle- worth, that a check bo issued to the school sections for the amount collected over requisition. Carried. Moved by Mr. Bhutkloworth, sooondod by Mr. O' Keefe, that applications!^ rccoivod at he next mooting of the Council for the position of Brain Inspootor for tho year 181)7 Carried. Moved by Mr. Cavan agh, seconded by Mr. Shuttleworth, that the olork bo iustruotod to notify tho Talbot Sfcreot Plank and Gravel Road Company that the bridges on said road are dangerous, nnd that tho said Company will bo hold responsible for all damages. Carried. Moved by Mr. Shuttleworth, socondodby Mr, O'Koofo, that tho commisHionoys bo authorized to re-sell tho unfinished work on the 7th Concession Brain Ropairs. Carried. Moved by Mr. Shuttloworth, seoondod by Mr. Oavanagh, that Martin Burke bo paid $115 for assessing Township and $5 for taking S.census. Oarriod,Movod by Mr. Cavanagh, sooonded by Mr. Shuttleworth, that J. ft Torongoau bo paid $04 for two road scrapers for Ward 1. Carried. Moved by Mr. Oavanagh, seconded Mr. O'Koofo, that all Statute Labor unporformod and uncollooted for 1800 bo added to Statute Labor lists for 1807. Carried. Movod^by Mr. Shuttlo worth, seconded by Mr. O1 Koofo, that Mr. Oavanagh bo authorized to soo a- bout fonoing Lot at Town Hall. Car ried. Movodby Mr. O'Koofo, socondod by Mr. Cnvanngh, that Mr. Shuttlo worth bo authorized to grant a commu tation of Statute Labor to Messrs. fro and Robinson on Base lino. Carried. Moved by Mr. Shuttloworth, socondod by Mr. O'Koofo, that Edward O'Noil bo grantod $ff for charity. Garriod. Movod by Mr. O'Koofo, socondod by Mr, Shuttleworth, that tho Collector's timo bo extended to May 1st and no longer. Carriod. Movod by Mr. Shuttloworth, socondod by Mr. O'Koofo, that each mombor of tho Oounoil and olork bo paid &2 for Court of Rovision on Cahill Drain Outlot Improvomont, Oarriod. Movod by Mr. O'Koofo, socondod by Shuttlowonh, that Alox. Jobin and Robt. P. Hurst bo appointed poundkoopere in tho plaooa of Wm. Hayoa and Donia Perrin who rofusod to act. Oarriod. Tho following wore paid by ordor of tho commissioners: Thoa. Fairbarn $0 and Patrick Pahoy $0.15 on tho 7th con. Repairs and H. G, Arnald 120.50 on West Townlino and Pike Crook Brain Ropaira. Moved by Mr. Shuttloworth, seconded by Mr. O'Koefo.that the Council do adjourn to May 8th. f,r V' 'f,l. During the past month We have been receiving and passing into _ Stock Large Consignments of New Spring G-oods, and ;if our Stock is now well Assorted in the several Depart ments, and we extend a cordial invitation to the Public to call arid see what we are doing. BOOTS AND SHOES--------------------------------- Is a Line which receives Special attention at our hands, and as our purchases are made direct from reliable manu facturers, and m large quantities, we feel confident that we can satisfy the most exacting. OLOTHING, HATS -AJSTD CAPS. Are lines in which we excel, and which are very complete just now iB our Motto. See the Goods, ge the prices. We are also showing a nice range of ^s> All Wool and Union Carpets ^g^V Direct from the Mills. The Neweet Patterns and Colorings at moderate Prices make these vory desirable goods. * Our Dry Goods and Grocery Departments FRIDAY fS SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY. M. J. WIGLE & GO. 3DtriTSTAlT BLOCK. ESSEX. Wonderful Values at FRANCIS' $1 3S5 Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Groceries. Dress G-oods Special Lines in Blank and Fancy. We have just received a nioe assortment of Citighams~und Prints in Dark Colors. Flannelette*, 34 ;nches wide at 6c. Heavy Weight Shirtings, at 10c. Navy Blue Ducks at very low prices. - Clothing in both Ordered and Eeady-made at Low Prices. Call and see for yourself. Boots and Shoes we have just received a fine shipment---all are Extra Values. GROCERIES WE H.A^^ he Best Tea in Market for age,ifQt money ^funded. Canned Corn, 4c. por Can ; Pork and Beans, 5c, ; Tomatoes, 6c. 25 lbs. Light Sugar for $1.00. 20 lbs. granulated Sugar, $1.00. J\ A*. FRANCIS, Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs, JSirfcliH. Inman In Gosfield North, on Monday April I2th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Inman, a daughter. Cunningham At Gesto, on Monday, April iath, to Mr. and Mm. Patrick Cunning ham, n son. Dickson At the Manse Essex, on Wednesday, April 14th, hy the ttcv, W. M. Fleming, Mr. A. S. Dickson, of Relic River, to Mi.su Dalphinoc Smith, of South Wondulcc. Auction sale of farm stock and Implements on lot S, 12th concession, Colchester North, on Tuesday, April ioth. Frank McCloskey, auctioneer. Eli Tinlin, proprietor. And will begin at once to close out our Stock at Cost Prices. We've got-to sell q.nickly the quicker {we sell the Cheaper we can sell- This sale comes in right for the Spring Trade when yon/want onr G-oods. There is no better stock than this in Essex, and we have the reputation of turning out very stylish work. THIS IS YOUR OHI^ilSrOE! To get your Spring Goods at Cost Prices, Suits start at $10.90 Orders must be accompanied by a deposit in all cases. All Book Accounts are now due and must be settled before we leave Essex. DEWAR, The Tailor. ." i,i CHEAPEST AND 0 0 BEST FITTING # m Tailor-made Clothing JustThink., You Can Get Ono Parlor Suite, Ono Bodroom Suite, Ono Extension Tablo, Ono Bidoboafcl. Six QJiairB, Ono Roolcor, All For -ALBO Ehhcix Market. Wlieat rod pot buabol ....8 Wheat, whito .... Oofn .... Onta .... Timothy Sood Olovor Stiod Hay pop tou Alaiko .,.* Bo of per owt............ Pork Livo woighb .,.,.,,. Mutton . ^.......;.. Hides ............ Obiokecq pet lb;........* Batter Lard EgKfl, per doa ..... rotatooa, por bnahol Oarrota........ r...,,,., Imii . 00 to 08 05 23 16 to . 17 1 25 00 to -i 00 G 00 to 6 00 3 00 to A 00 i 60 to 5 00 1 00 to 4 25 6 00 to 5 OO 4 CO 7 121 8 7 25 40 8 IN ESSEX COUNTY . . a v Quality and "Pit Guaranteed,... irfr- t m SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED, Pying and Oloaning in Connoo- tjon. . ' * ' . j. a. smith; 80UTH WO0D8LEE. Iron Beds; Baby Carriages, .Picture Mouldingsanh Eyorytbing in tbo Furniture Lino'at Closo Prices tho Best Goods in tho Markot tho bulk of which is om* own munufaoturo, there fore wo will guaraotfio it tho boHlt in tho Markofc.* " *' * ' * Hi Baker and Butcher. VM THKoldeat baaluoflfl in town. HfltabUabe 1870. iritBt-olaaa brond uud oo-Vue ot al idmlH, WO'ldbigoukoB a opeolallty, Ovooerjea nrovlftlouH, (lour, food, ao-lt and \>orU, Oonfea* tloaory, orooltory.cjilaHBwaifi, CnnnPil frulta and votfotobloHof oil ktutln. . Goodu n^miitly ne Hvowdto all partM of tho town, J. M. HtOKB WANTED BiaVJSMAT. VAVmMh MEN Ol Womon to travar " "*r yoBpoimlblo eBtab* llelieilbcuau In Outarli Salary, 87B0,payablt alfi wookly und oxpoijHofl. Position permanent. Uoforonco. Kuoloeo Bfllf-addroBned Btarajiod en voi to p. Tho Katloual Star IliiilillUR, Ohioaco. Undertaking A Specialty* First-ClaaB Oity Haoks in atteudancw when required. All of tbo above to be had ut Eabox Furniture "Warerooms. J, A. HICKS & Co., Essex. Cook's Cotton Root Compound la the only safe, reliable >_^A monthly medicineatin which V.'| ladles can 'depend'in^tho,'.'.;^ hour and time of,need* Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. I for ordinary case* is by far the best dollar medicine known . ^aold by druggists, one Dollar per'boac,, v^ No. 3 for special casea-HK>'degree!:yiM stronger M Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollara; r$$ No. i, or No. 3, mailed on receipt, of, r%~ price and two 3-cent stamps. ^ 1 ' j5!$tLl i '" " ,/?isij . -VM v&r Sold In Eaaex aijiJ ftverywhera In Canada/'jV'JjT by BHreBRQnaibloDruKfilBt. i.';,'l"yS fi %* ' "A* "Who'ca'.",, !!(':** of on':1 ,. ,i'."s.','-vt . . tiling to pavcotf-rf Mra4Waablttato^i/L/or their i,800 prti0 pfttt/M Wanted-An Idea Prot - Wrti !'( ' '." I -Iff ^f.'; < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^{