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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 16, 1897, p. 1

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' v'^^ll r/; mv The -r ry% >:-Wt(a u VOL XIII. No. 16. ESSEX. ONT., FRIDAY. APRIL 16, 1897. WHOLEJNo. 642. F0R3YTH E, ANDERSON & Co. At this Season of "Peace and G-ood- will" this Easter Tide, We want &. Our store story to bo touohod and tempered with a apirit in harmony with tho occasion a spirit which wo regret is not more in accord with Tte methods of modern merchandis ing and which ifl bost oxprensod in tho motto "Livo and Lot Livo." We do not want to do all tho busi ness wo want and ore gotting a fair share of it. To those who aro favoring us with their patronage, wo aro duly grateful; hut the comingfl and goings, tho mov- igs and ohangingH incident to this community an to all othors, wo occa sionally lose a customer, and want always to replace tho one by at leant Olio othor to those, therefore, who do not trade hero, wo take this OCcaHion to nay a few words. Firat, as to our methods, wo aro not In business for. philanthropic purposes, hut to make a living. Wo do not claim to soil yon Goods for 75c which coat us $1, hut wo claim to soil good , goods at prices. as low as any and lower than a groat many. Wo buy for cash, and have-the markets of tho world to select from. "Wo got onr Linens from Belfast, our Dross Goods from England and-Franco and onr Teas from Japan, whenever and whoro- evor it in possible with cash and exporionco to got past the middleman and direct to the manufacturer, wo do BO and save a profit. Wo mark our Goods' in plain figures at the-lowest possible profit, and noil them with ;j|; our guarantee of quality, backed up V: ..with tho offer to rofuud the money ( ' should any purchase prove unRatiafac- 'tory. Wo aHk a share of your trade. Our stock will be found clear, bright and well assorted in all linoB of Headquarters For Fine Watch Repairing J. B 0"V"H53STS The New Jeweller, foradJnBtlnB tho finest and most oom Hu U tho lateit lmprovad tool* and devices B plicated WatoW, and Can Ouarantee Satisfaction. * Orders taken from Catalogue for all kinds of Watches, Jew- elelry, Silvorwaro, &o. Bramb*' th Btaud, May'* Block Thr# Doom Boath of Imperial Ba.uk, Talbot Street, Essex. Best Bargain Ever Presented. iij AM., AOUBS OF IiAND-frontlntf lying botwiwn John B <lono and tho Goal KIlnB. Tbla laud Ifl divided oa Vtotorla urdlok'fl rl- tntoIW&ore blookB and can be Hold lu setlon If portloa ki doBlre. One-half of oaoh block in in the towDBhlp orColoheater Nottb and the whole of tt Id useasod only M farm lands. It muBfc be sold and any pofaou 'wanting tho wholo or a par* oau seoure a bairoia ltd location makes this u valtmbo proporty. 1'or jiftrtloulftlrB eniulro of St. A. WI8MBK, Boior. -----YHB----- Chatham Loan and Savings Co. IHOOlirOUlTED A.D., \8fll OAPtTAJL. - - $1,000,000 Honey to Ieud on Mor<cK* o* Pro- dUotlV<* Heal ICatate, liT* Farmers and Others Wanting to JBorroiv ai Bat Hates should apply personalty* Mo toelV. ll3Cl>ellP* Low, BAVINGB BANK. DopOfllts of *1 and upwardn rooolvod and high oat ourront tat q( In tote at allowed Debonturog loouod boarlns lntbreefc payable half yearly for throo or five yeafi. S. F. GARDINER, Manager, The Farmers and Traders Life and Accident ASSURANCE COMPANY, JttmoB H. Still. FraaId6Dt, _ Jobu Oampboll, Vioo-I'realdout, **^ D. M. Oalbralth, Booretasry, X'. M. i'rfthor, ManaRiiiB-Lilrootor. Head-Office^ St. Thomas* Ont- Authorizcd Capital, - $500,000.00 Subscribed Capital, r .$S50,000,oa Paid-Up Capital, $36,000.00 LowoBt Ratou. Up*to Datti ToHoy Oonfcraota. Enorgotlc, xellablo looal agonta wanted, AclJj-oaji. /. W, Me KAY, Oocoral. Agoat, Box 704, St, ThoraaK. Wine ^a(ie ^m Grapes Grown in Essex County. Rich, Sweet and Wholesome ! .........Vox Caao of Twolvo BoUtoo.......... iv W' J'fff.- I'll'- Ifl-' Staple and Fancy IDiy GoocIh, Ooutu' Furnibhingfi and HatB, ]pftHhionable Millinery, . Clothing, Beatly-nnulo or to Order, Oarpetfl and Houbo FuruiflhingH, Bootr ShooB ftnd Ruhhora, I^iuo Groceries and OrooUory, .-80c. per G-allon- Sollvovod Froo at Railway Btrttlou or Bxproas lU IflBflOX. The Amhcrstburg Vintago Co,, A)TlHKHN'rCMtC, ON'JT. RICHARDSON ......SELLS...... The Cleveland Braniford and Wetland Vale MAICIS OP-^w I - See our Sample*. ARE YOU PAINTING? If so, try The Bberwin-Wil liams Paint it is a Rood article Wo havo.it in all colors, and for all purposes, BuggioB, Wagons, Implo- monts, HousoB* &o. Hardwaro, Kbsox. I1 ho nomination of Oandidatoofor the Nova Scotia IjOgialnturo 'took place throughout the province on Tueudoy, There wore only two elections hy ao- clamation^-Hon. T. Johnson and Thos. Bobortaon, both government Bupport- ere, being returned unopposed inShel- hurne county. The election will take pVace on TueBday noit, April 80th. Additional Local. A nbw fence has boon built around tho Salvation Army lot, J. H. PbngkijTjV, of tieamington, was in town on "Wednesday. Fob Easter hata, Bhirts, ties, collars, onffa, braces and hose, goto Whitney's. Mbh. AiiKX. Wn^oox left yesterday (Thursday) to join her husband at Windsor. Mil. Hibhohnkh, gonoral agent of the People's Inmiranco Oo., WindHor, waa in town the past week. E. Mooue, of G. E: Smith & Oo.'s, went on a business trip to London, yesterday, (Thursday).. Mna. Job. Rouwbok has been con fined to her bed for three Weeks past with an attack of la grippe, Barbinotoh Hats the moat durable, lightest and beat flitiug bats made. D, J. Whitney, solo agent for Essx. H. W. Edmunds, of G-. A. Shenrin's medical hall, left last night to Bpend Easter at his homo iuListowol. Msih. R. B. Bmarrand children and her mother, Mrs. M. Roberts, (vro spending Eaator with relatives in Am ber stliurg. BuxttNa tho laHt lineal yoar thoro wero 10i persons killed on Canadian railways, of whom 11 wore passengers, 40 employees and 104 wore noither. Mibh BtbxiXiA Roiunhon has roHtimed her duties in Biohel &Brioker'H millin- ory dopartmont after a long and severe attack of la grippe. GitnAT sale of children at the S. A. barracks, Easter Monday, at 8 p.m. Children's tea at O.BO p.m. Tickets for aalo and tea 15 oenti). Now for the Easter tide. Hats quality up, price down. Cash down buying, cash down soiling, helps you to the best hats at best prices for you at Whitneyf), tho hattor. Mna. G. A. Shkmiin loft on Wodnes day to spend Easter vacation at her homo in Gublph. She was acoompaniod to Detroit by Mr. Shorrin, who return ed yesterday (Thursday.) Tub Rov. T. B. Westgato, of Com ber, will eonduot tho service in St, Pauls English Ohnroh on Good Friday ovoning at 8 o'olook. Colleotion in aid of spreading tho goHpol among tho Jews, Tjik Ailsa Craig Batmor last week announced that tho bandsmen of that place woro to play in stockinged foot at McKay's fltoro on Tuesday' evening to prevent tho magic harmony of thoir weird music being drowned with the thunderous echo of thoir boots. Mna. 0. Eaton, who has boon sick while at hor son's residence at Ruth- von for several weeks, has improvod so as to bo able.to return home, arriv ing hero on Saturday last, Hor iriondo will be glad to see hor. Aw). Jos. Romnson, of this place, on Thursday ovoning of last week, foil from the top of his water tank to tho ground,'n distanco of about 18 foot. As tho ground wna quite soft ho waa not injured though somewhat shakon up. HoN.Mr.Rofls'bill to set apart certain wild lands of tho Crown for tho use of tho University of Toronto proposes to sot apart six townships of six milofl square of Crown lands in Al- goma in consideration of all claims hold by the university against tho provinoo being cancelled. Tho grant was not opposed by Opposition. J. II. TAOKAiumnv is orocting a framo building on tho vaoant lot opposite the south end of the Industrial Works, Tho building is not of tho largest sizo and is evidently so constructed that it can bo moved easily. Mr. Taokahorry will continue repairing hicyclos in 'his now place. Tho building ho has boon occupying on tho corner of Talbot street and Irwin avenue, iH now occu pied by Wm. Rawlins, who will open up n fltoro thoroin. lilKnm.I am again, on Thursday, April 15th and following days, with ohoap potatoes! Will give you this car of potatoes at 20 cents per bushol, or livo bushels for $1, Ihavoaohoioo lot of oarly varieties suoh as Early Northern, Early Rosodalo' and Crown Jewel. Farmers and oitizons I thank, you for your patronage and hope it will con- tinuo as long as I soil potatoes in your town. Bruco Davis, farmer from St. Thomas.box Oar, No. 4*2,(571. As soon as tho now Canadian tariff bill is prosontod in tho House of Com mons at Ottawa it beeomos tho law of the land, going into oflfoot immediately. Tho new tTnitod States tariff, hill has boon already introduced into Congress that body having boon called together in oxtra aosiion for tho consideration of that subject, and it is expected that that bill will become law and go into effect at an oarly day. As soon as these two important measures, the Canadian tariff and tho United Statoe tariffs be come law, a special edition of the Canadian Manufacturer will he pub lished, oontaining both of them, and also the British tariff, all reproduced Talksi ** -,'M n Says the S Essex and >ort, but the People of ent are Talking about our .3 ra Great Discount Clearance Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Valises, &c. Sale of Trunks, Two Shoe Stocks to Choose from, and Prices at Cost and in many Below Cost............. cases Specials in Ladies' Button : 21G Fairs, DohroIel Button, PUin, Common Setj^o or Opera Too, l'of- mot Price 82.75 cme-hulf off...... $1.38 127 pairs, bathos' Button, FinoHt Dongola and Frotich Kid, Putout Tip, Opora and Square Toe. Fond or Puce $4. Now at................$3.58 84 Pairs, Ladion' Don go] a. Button, I*ateut Tip, Opora Toe. Pdtmot Price 92 50. Now at.............. $11.89 200 Pairs, worth 51.50 to 93,00. Plain Toos........................ ope Specials in Men's Shoes : 103 Pairs, 51en's Don^oln flon- Hr^BH, Pluin or Tip, JTormor Pnoo 2.C0at..........................$1.58 90 Pairs Mod'h Calf Ocn^reas, Pluiu or Tip 9B.O0 aud 93.50 Bliocs at July.............,............$2.50 1B9 Pairs, Man's Goodyear Hand yowod, CougroBH or Lnco, Harrow, Bqttaroor KcundToo. Forcoor Prio 94.00 now........................$3.75 Mou'h Seml'Finn Btioas. Fornasr Price 91.25 at............ 4....... 'QOC Specials in Misses' and Boys': 309 Pairs, Misses' Plain Toes, Don. gold B otto a, Spring, Heel. Former Price 91.G0 and 91.75 now........ 90c - A m Pairs, Children's Plain and Tip Sprint; Heel. Former Prioe 9126 now only........................ 4R. Pairs, Infant's fiOo Bhoea at.. 88 Pnira, Boyw' Heavy Sohool Bliooa. FonnorPriao ftl.00 uow.... Over Shoos. 100 Pairs of Former Prioe Boyb' |Fino 91.1B at.... Ooo 3SO 78c 85o These are not the Only Snaps we have ; it would take more space than thia paper affords, to give each line in detail. See former ieaues of this paper for other prioes, or better still give us a call whether you wish to buy or not. . i i"l 'M Remember Every Pair of Shoes is Reduced froBaJLOJio 50 per Cent. No Reserve- These Prices Are For Cash Only. J. 5. EDGAR, 25 jScmdWicli .j5t. Opera flouse BIoc^, Wif[dsoF. 41 :;i- 77 Store.to Rent; Fixtures and Safe for Sale Cheap. Tho Public and High solioolct cloned Thursday, April I5tli and will opon Monday,^April 26tli. Tras Toronto Voterans' AsBoointion of 18CC-70 have for aomo time diaousBod tho propriety of asking tho Government of Canada to suitably rocognizo tho sorvicos of tho volunteers of tho abovo dates. In plaeos whoro VotoranB' As- aooiationB oxist, thoy. will poruonally potition tho Honorable Ministor of Militia, and whoro no asaopiation ox- iflt, blank potifciona havo boon sent to tho volunteer captains throughout tho Dominion, tho uamo to bo signod by tho veterans individually. It is re quested that tho potitions bo signed as soon w poBBiblo bo that thoy may bo prosontod whon tho deputation waits upon tho Ministor of Militia. Oapt. Bryant baa a list, and as thoro area number of 'CO men in this district, ho wishes to got thoir namos at onco. It makoB no dift'oronco what corps you sorvod in aa long as your namo is on list. High School Notes. Tho following is tho standing in 1st Form, Algobra: L. ' 0. Bird, 80; W. Wightman, 84; J. J. Booman, 21), Form 2nd and Jlrd, Arithmotio: M. Grant, 40.; 3G. Bain on, M ; A, Potter, 88 ; 0. Knistor, 88 ; S. Wottloy, 88 ; M. MoHugh, 84; C. MoQuoon, 88; C. Olvor, 88 ; 0. MoHugb, 88, Tho following aro tho namos of thbso who roooivod ovor 88 per eont. on An- oiont History. Forms flrd and 4th: C. Bodd, 05; 0. Olvor, 08 ; J. Batten. 68 ; K, Richardson, GO ; W, Wigbtman, G5 ; A. Pottor,58 ; J. N. M. Oooko, 48; L. O. Bird, 88; #. A." Jarmiu, 83. Literaturo, I. B. ; Minnie Millar, 80 j A. Qomrlay, 72 ; X. Hillior, 00;W. Olvor, 08; J. Dewar, 08; K. Laing, 07 ; B. Roso,' (W ; B. Thomas, 57 ;K. Naylor, 60 ; G. Tamoa, 47 ; Ij. Pinoh, 40 ; B. Groonyay, 41 ; B. Elli son, 40; J. Edgar, 84. Wo, tho mombors of tho High Sohool Lyceum, heroby express our heartfelt thanks to tho Session and managers of the Presbyterian ohnroh, for the nfle of thoir church,building* so kindly grant ed for High Sohool concert purposes. Signed in behalf "of tho High Sohool, Lyceum, J. J. Be em an Pres., L. 0, BirdSeo. Walkerville. John Kolly, alias Potor O'Noil, the man, who at the point of a loaded pistol held up and robbed Androw Bortram of Walkerville, on Sandwich-sfc. East on tho evening of March 22nd, was plaood on trial at Sandwich - bforo Judge Home, Monday morning. There was little troublo in scouring a conviction and the judgo sonthim to Kingston for eight yoars, in full from authentic copies obtained ttom official Qources. "Winnipeg Oonsoryatives has decided notto nominate a candidate for the bye election *or the Commons. Amherstburg;. A deal has boon oomplotod by which tho Twomoy docks at Amhorstburg, now operated by 0. W. Shipman, ore to bo takon over by tho Ouddy-Mullon CoaJ Oo. and bo unod by them tho com ing season. Tho company will havo a loaso of tho property for some yoars aacfwill oporato thoso docks in con- uootion with thoir othor docks at Sand- wioh and Amhcrstburg. Tho doal also includes tho Shipman ohutea. i.. ^ i. Brooker. Jan. Nowman has rented tho Hillior plaoo. , 8. Dodge is vory proud of his first horn. Goo. Kettle died at bis homo hero on Sunday Inst. Isaac Millon occupied tho pulpit on Sunday morning. F. Brookor has commenced to over haul his future dwelling. Two largo barns woro raised hero last wook by tho MoHarB, Noblos on tho Graham line.' Whilo ono of those wan in process of orootion John Moo jv. foil from tho top girt lflffc, and hurt his hip. Ho is slowly recovering and will he afclo to take up his ntudios after tho vacation. Sandwich South. John Ferry is preparing to build an addition to his houso^ and also remodel tho old ono, which will add to its oon- vonionco. . Charles Roborts hafi torn vod to Now Oauaan, where he has par .msed a farm and intends to make jis homo in future. Detootivos Oampau and Mationoy aro looking for a man, natad unknown, who is suspected of to king two watches from Hy. Fitzpatrick, a Sandwich South far mer with whom he, was hired. In the .1 i^ute between tho toll Toad ccmpfcny , nd the township heard in ohanc^era on Friday, Judge MoHngh uph d the import of the engineer on the l t-ged poor condition of the road, and for the present toll "wSJl ttpt he col- ceoted. , V-/: .' Belle River. Charley McCloskoy has vacated the; promises of J. Oharland. Fotor Marontotto has moved back to his farm in Rochester and Jacques Cadarotto, from WindHpr, has leased tho houso vacated, to Mr. Bisiou. . , Tho now firm of Ouollotto & Adam* aro rocoiving goods which they aro dis playing on the shelvos of the Parent store, whilo Mr. Parent, ift moving his Btook of hardware into the adjoining, store. MifJB Maria Soholflold, aged 38, youngest daughtor of Thos. Sohofleld of lako shore, Rochester, died Tuesday morning of last weok, after a lingering illn'OBB of sovcral monthw. The young lady vhB universally loved and respect ed and her death oasts a gloom on the . whole community. M ^ * %& Cottam. Miss Laura Stotts ia spending her., Easter in Detroit. Rov. J, Hor will move into the west ond of Wra. Maddox house. Mr. and Mrs, Ward, of Comber, viflifc- od at \V. B. Kollott's, this weok. Robert Porkor has loft Oottam and is occupying the American House, Essex. Mm. Andrew Loyst, of Comber, ia visiting at tho homo of her mother, MrB. H. White, at Cottam: ;,^ Jas. OampboU has movpd from '.'the';}-^} 'Wagetaff ofiioo to the house of George; '^ Cowan, on ncoount of it being larger and having a garden plot. :' Rev. T. B, R^WoBtgate will oonduot- sorvico in Trinity Church, .North-:ji,^ Rids:o, on Good Friday afternoon at. ;S|C3 8 oNjIooU p. in. Colleotion in aid of .a|{. spreading tho gospel among the Jews, 'i^ Some of our farmer* put in their oaU;, 'fS about the last of March and the ^t of:;;;|?SI April, but the storm and rain has prev';j^ vented any seeding being done ainoe- ,^ and vory little' prospect of any being, | dono before the 20th, ' '; ! J.'t Report of S. S. No. !|| for March, Names are'givei^"in/';wfe|i|^ of merit obtained in weekly iaj^^,1^ tlons: SUaB Moore,' B _.:r_...... Upa, VValadii, M' Ooweli...' St/'-8ld^;|i MoLMdi-B'Qae^.BObwoiit'ia'Qo^^p Jr. 8rd^-N Morrison.' M Moteodivl/^ Morrison,, H' MomBcr . . ^/v^.^-^^S^W RoBB,G Goatbe,' B.Bou^'ey^'M.Oueftjiil^i W Valade..'.;Jr. ^d^G,iivS^wWwife|ftS Malott, O. Moore.i'E-'-trpoott;1 r,;-!3MWHS M SWaekhammer,,Xi 1toBw^0M^ '^ViS^^^b^^^^^^^^^ 'UK *jt\JUI v^uvuma qviuvop. * '-. .'.vw.w*, 727676

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