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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 9, 1897, p. 8

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||ll|Pf||f^^ . :?J'V ai':l h"r Cottam.. Wm. Hens,returned from .Albsrta, on tftt':V". Monday night Otto. MoMahonhaa moved ^from Al. tionberry'B houBO to the farm of the Ut Bert RyaH, nearDlinda. > John B. TMey has the prospect of : renting the farm in the marsh, known w the John Quick farm. The hriofc chimney which stood bo- ide the mill for thirty years was under lined by Carder Bros., until it fell. .'hey intend using the brick for a pat ent Kiln to burn brick and tile in. J. Oampbell.who hae been selling tho "Hindoo Medicine now bangs out a very ^eatsu?n advertising the sale of modi- iae.The flipn was made by himsolf and 1 loletteriugwhioh looks like tho worlc of t ... professional Bign painter was done yFranJk "Whito, an amatonr. Frank it us musical talent as well. Gosileld North. Hev. G. Baker preached on Oottam "" Irouit last Sunday. F. Birch has roooverod so as to bo >Io to bo out again, Mr. Qallingor has the oontraofc of G. Swell's, also Mr. Bailey's hams. Ohas. Knight, of Morsoa, has moved .to Mr. Hannan'd house in tho 8th con. J. Phillips has 'tho contract for the 1 rpentor work on Stowart Swing's vrncrib, Thero is some talk of forming a now 'ihool aooliou, hotwoen tho 7th oon, :"'.e 10th oon. Tobn E. Mooro has lot tho job of " 'ilding his house to Mr. tVMntoor, of : l"*uth Woodsloo. John Rohs had tho misfortuuo to put ' o tine of u fork in his foot the othor i' .y and was laid up for sovoral dnyif. W. H. phillipps piirohnsAd from "onry Bpeoohloy, Bollo Rivor Boad, ." .st wooki fl ilno milch cow; aon&idora- r'in 325. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loy, who have 3en upon ding a woolc with friends at -. jntiao, Mich., rbturnod homo on Sat- v,"day last. , Jjowis Hutohins, U. H. Philipps, T. i'odgora and Woflloy Brooks, visited, t.flamiugton Lodgo, and whilo thero ire givon tho 0. M. A., E. 0. Philippa was in Windsor ono ' ly last wook on buBinoss. Damo ru- lor has it that ho wuTjoiu tho Bono- iots in tho near future; Thoti. Wilkinson, of Merora, whilo I'siting at Mr. Hutohins on Saturday tat, had tho mis fortune to loso a valu- iMe horso which died that night from iralysis. Blford. W. Elford'la building an addition to his house, Silas Wright has removed to a farm at Gifral. Wm: Garlic has moved to Detroit, to take np his permanent abode. Sweotman Bros, have startod up their saw mill, and are running evory day. Soott Taylor is building a new dwell ing1 house on his farm in tho seventh oon., North Gosileld. Mr. Hoi bock has bought 25 acres from Sweotman Bros., part of lot 1 In flth eon,,Gosflold North. .Tames Mason is buildings now dwell ing house on his new farm in tho fifth concession. South Gosileld. Goorgo (Jowoll has built a dwelling house in tho soventh con,, North Gos- fiold. George, Mustard, for many yoars a roHident of this locality, has gono to Manitoba, and he intends to settle hero. Mr. Talbot, of Manitoba, returned to his homo on Monday of last week ao- oompaniod by Thomas Quick, of this neighborhood. For 30=Days ONLY, At the great cornep stors Sale. .. Of High Grade Dry Goods. Millinery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Carpets and House Furnishings. . At Unheard of Low Prices. .esses:. Stwa. ' A "R"Kr 5 Pi^^-0 and .rxx^xN j organs- .. R. S. Williams' Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianos, Singer Sewing Machines. .Havo Junt rooolvod a. Supply of VloIniH, Auloliurpu, Klurmonlcuw, Oullnru, Ace, * Violin titrtntgu and Snpplioii /or all tho /.povo iDBtrumontM ou ltantl, i'urilni,' hiuI Repairing a Spoolalty., "iMdoliluo Noadloaand Oil iu Stock. H. M. FATTL, 2nd oor North of iri.C.U, ^ HEftPEST AND EST FITTING *>!/* ^ $1b ESSEX COUNTY V Quality'and "Pit Guaranteed. , * WftPRtNQ GOODS HUST. ARRIVED. lying and Oloaning in Coiinco- vr^. SMITH, JBOUTH WO0D8LEE. South Woodflloe. David Smith loft this, week for Mani toba. Mifla Amolia Allison visited in Eaaox last JFriday, Wm. AlHaon was oonflnod to tho houso laHfc wook. Wm, Graham haH roBumod his posi tion horo ail oporator. . Jno, Harioook will attend Bollovillo CoUoko aftor Eaatot*. II. C. Kgob was on a buainoflH trip to Cleveland liutt. wook. Htonhon Hpokor, of Lnngloy, Eng land, in viiting frionds Loro. Tno. Mill, who was ba<lly hurt in H. 0. Kooh' mill, is rooovorlng./ Dr. Hough hits gono to Middlovillo, Mich., to look up a practice All our boys soom to, bo greatly m- toroatod in whools this spring. John Mqlntopr imloadod tohMassoy- Harrxs bindorH horo lust woolc. Mibh Edna Allison spout throo days of Inst wook in Dofcroit visiting friondH Socrotnry McOnaig, of tho Windsor Y. M. 0. A.., proaohod hero,on Sunday last, Frod.nnd OlaroncoMotthavo roturnod to Dotroit to rosumo thoir formor posi tions. ; MisBGB Lizzie Hillior nud Maud Elli son visitod at W, S. Cummiford'B last wook. Nathan Louoh has puVchasod a thor- ough-brod oolt. Look out for develop- monta. Mitoholl & Hookor, had thoir an nual spring dolivory of machinery on Wednesday. ' J. O, Richardson, of Dotroit, spent Monday and Tuesday with his fathor- in-law, L. Mills, horo. Mrs, Snivoly, who had boon visiting in Aylmor, has roturnod to tho .homo of horson, A.W. VanEvory. J. A. Smith has oponod up a tailor shop in tho MaHsoy-Hnrrifl , building. Wo think ho has struck tho right spot now. Tho I. 0. 0. P. Hall is fast noaring completion find when done will not be oxcellod by any wost of London. Rev. \V. Ayers has boon inOlovoland visiting his old appointment there, and tho pnlpit was occupied by. Mr. Mc- Cunig, of Windsor, durinp: hifi absonco. . Fred. Michaol, son of John Michael whilo jumping oil'a Michigan Oontral railway train tho other night, foil nud broke his jaw, and othorwiso hurt him solf. A. W. VnnEvory has had his storo roraodolod and .repainted so that it now presents a fluo appoaranco; ho has gono out of tho hardwaro and put in a stock of crockery. Stephen Hookor hns gono into part- norship with Jacob Miteholl in tho im- plomont businoBB. Ho has just como out from England, and movod his family horo on Friday last. Alf. Smith, son of W. 0. Smith, of our town, has oponcd up a harbor shop horo again; ho had a shop horo hp till, a yoar ago, since that timo has boon in Cleveland, Ohio. Inoxporioncod houso broakors tried to offoct an ou trance into D. A Young's house ono night recently by a ladder, but Dave had not yot retirod, and tho would-be burglars wore frightonod off. D. A. Young reports that on Satur day night, March 27th, whilo attonding to trains somo ono mado away with a five-gallon jug of rye whioh was con signed to one of our -hotel proprietors. Hugh Haltttoad, of Woodfdoo, was summoned to appear on Monday to ftiuiwer to a charge of Rolling liquor on Sunday, March 7th, but ho did not ap pear, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Hugh know nothing of the anhpoma till tho itom appeared in tho panbrs. On Tuesday ho wont to Windsor and his trial was sot for a wook from Monday. On Monday morning, hofo'ro tTudgo MoHugh, Frank M. Bennett appoalod from the dooision of Magistrate Bartlot, who flnod him for soiling liquor at Woo d- sloo without a liconso. Bonnot bought out Hugh Halstoad, but did not secure a transfer of license* It wsb ohargod that Bennett wont on selling without a liconse^ whilo in dofenso ho said ho was acting only as bartender for Hal- stead. Judge MoHugh reserved his decision on the cane. PRINTS. 11,000 yards of tho boat 32 inch Prints, regular price 13J conts per Yard, ^Boduoed to 10 oeatn por yard, all new designs and pattorxm, 2,000 Yards of tho beat 10 cent Prints; Beducod to 8 conts per yard. 10,000 Yards of NiflW BItESS GOODS, Soiling Sfi per cent, below regular prices. BLAOK MGTJBMI) LUSTEKS for 87^ cents per yard, ltogular prico 60 cant* por yard. Shirtings, Cottons. FlaUuolettos, Ginghams, Table Linous, Kapkinfl, Orotonnos, and Shootings at ngtonishingly low prices. flO Inch Bleach Cotton for 5 cents por yard, Bollor Blinds, Comploto, for 2/S conts. Groat Value in Wall Paper. Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves and Silk Mitts. Evory lady will want new Glovos for Eaator. Wo oro Showing an Immense Varioty at popular prices. OOBSETS. All tho loading makos in OOMPTOKS and tho Cele brated D. & A. Corsets. irofcOEBY. A Spooial Line of Ladies* Black Lhde Thread Hose for 2f> cents a pair. Bogular price 40 cents a pair. Laoe Curtains at 25 cents a pair and upwards. m ^.' Al m ^11 Boys' Sailor Suits' at 75 centH, $1.25, $1.60, And Upwards. $2.00. M M Men's Clothing to Order, Importod [Scotch Twoods from #15.00 a Suit and Upwards, Gontlomon now h your timo to loavo your order. Fiuo Black Worstod Suitings from $18.00 and up wards, Porfoot Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. HATS! the latest Creations in Stiff Fe dora and Straw Hats. ^ # ^ A Oomplete New Stock on SaJ'o at a great Saving from Regular Prices. Boys1 Suits in fmmerme Variety and Style at Greatly Reduced Prices. MEN'S'PAITS Regular Price $1 50. J. D. KING'S BOOTS AND SHOES are Acknowlodgod by everybody to bo tho host mado. in Canada ; wo havo a full assortment and wo. offer Sovoral Hundred Pairs in TAN and CHO COLATE at ono half tho rogutar prices, also groat bargains;in|Black Dongolas and Kid Shoes. Call early'to got first choice. C5T" Special Low Pricos for Sugar by the Barrel." DIEBEL&BRICKER. (losflcld North Coiiholl. SaturdayrMarch 27th. Council met, pursuant to ndjourn- mont, All tho mombors proaont. Tho minutes of the last sossion, February 27th, woro road and signed. Tho fol lowing petitions and noticoH woro ro- oeivod : From Potor Boutmoy, to ropair tho.Upoott Brain jJEtorborb Smith, to ro pair part of T. O. 04; O. McAfoo and six others, to ropair part of T. B. 80; D. Brossor and fifteen othors, not to olianeo cotirso of T. X>. 07; G. Thorn ton and olovon othors, not to form now road division; W. Newman, O. 13.,Tor omploymont under tho Drainage Act; R. S. Fox, that ho would not pay his sharo of costs for examining tho Fox Drain. All thoso petitions and no- tioos wore laid over, Isnao Wiglo ad- droHBod tho Council in roforenco to his potitiou, rocoivod Fobrurary 28th, for tho ropair of tho Lovolaoo and Orton Side Boad Brain. As tho Council ob- jr otod to tho amalgamation of tho two drains, Mr. Wiglo withdrow his poti tiou,- Btating that ho would proaont an- othor asking for repair of tho Lovolaco Brain only. Mr. Irwin, ownor of part of lot 1, concosaion 0, complainod of tho flooding of his land and asked for roHof. Laid over. Mr.MoFaddon, ton- ant of part of lot 13, concession 10, com plain od of tho ilooding of his land by the overflow of tho Noblo Drain and want of a proper outlot. Tho question of cloning a drain on tho Bollo Rivor Boad to provont tho overflow of tho Noblo Drain was laid ovor and tho olork was instructed to write to tho ownor of the land advising him to take action un der tho B. and W. Aot, to obtain an outlot. Mr. Hobson complainod of tho flooding of his land and asked to havo a tilo drain put across tho Boar Road into the Maddox Drain, to havo a ditch dug on tho north sido of tho Boar Road and to hayo a drain put in tho 8fch oon- cossion>oad drain at tho TTpoott Brain, Mr. Kay was commissioned to attoud to tho matter. .TosaoWhito asked'to havo tho ditch from his land to tho Cot tam Brain cloanod out. Tho Reovo was commissioned to attend to his re quest.. Mr. Barlow was commissioned to commuto tho statute labor of Thos. MoOroory on tho S. Roar Road, and of B. B. .Tones on tho 8th concession road.. The Deputy Roovo was oommisaionod to look aftor repairs of brfdgas on tho B. B. lload and on tho Puco Brain. The notice for tho ropair of a part of the 7th concession, and W. Side Road Brains; laid over from February. 27th, was taken up. Moved by J. F Millen, seconded by Jas. NeWman, that J. 8. Laird make a survey of the drain complained of and report to the next meotxngof tho Council. Carriod. The following orders woro passod : ,Tohn Myors, refund of statute labour $8; J. & W. Birch/do #0; P. F. OowoII. do $8; W. OHborno, do 83; Jacob Myors, do $10; Mrs. A. J*. Oowoll, refund dog tax SI; J. iT. Fulmor, do ijt.l; Osborne Bros., hridgo plank 811.58; Jan. Bain, quarter salary, paying and soiling dobonturos, trip to Sandwich, oto.,_$JH.00; I. Jack son, quarter salary $35 ; J, Bonnot, do for. care of Hall $5j E. Amos, repair of bndgo out. B. 74, $4; A. Sisson, ono- half cost, ropair of bridgo on T. B. 01, $4.18; A. Cowan, ropair of bridge on S. Town Lino 75 conts; J. Phillips, re moving obstructions from drains $4.50; J. Dalton, wood to Oampboll $1; C. JSovillo, do $1; J. Malott, do $1, B. Parker, ront of houso for J. Campbell, throe months, $3 ; Oampboll, ohari- ity, S8 ; J. Lyons, do $1.50 ; J. Riley, fence viewer's award for fonco botwoon Q-.Hopgood nndA.Cummiford 87; J. Bain, Gosflold North's sharo .of costs of arbitration for dissolution ofTJ. S..S. No. 12, $7.09. Council then ad journed to Saturday, April 2'lth, at ono o'olock p. m. =3 Treasurers Sale of Lands For Taxes. Town ok Essex, To Wit; Whereas, by-virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of [ Essex, in the County of Essex, and authenticated by the corporate seal of the said town, bearing date the 29th day of March, liJoj, and tome directed commanding' me to levy upon t le following lots or parcels of land for arrears of taxes due thereon with costs. I hereby (jive notice that unless the said taxes and costs are sooner paid I shall, on Snturdny, the 17th day of July, 1897, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at Peck's Hall, in the Town of Essex, proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said landa as so much thereof as may besufficient to pay such arrears of taxea and all lawful costs incurred. Plan. 310.. 310.. 223, Lots. Taxes. ......27..............$ 7 00. Rochester. Tho old man Oarvor who has boon a ohn**0 n tho Township of Boohoutor for a long timo, died at tho.homo of his son-in-law, Mr. Sexton, of Busoomb Station, on Friday. March 36*fch. At tho lafit mooting of tho Boohoator coun cil an ordor was passod, instructing Br. Siffcon to porform an oporation on Garvor in hopes that ho would regain his former hoalth. Although the opor* ation was snooossfully porformod,, tho patient was too woak, oouplod with old ago, and aucaumbod as abova stated, He was buriod tho next day. -------------1 ----------------------- Camp Palmer. Mrs. J. Grainger, of Goflfiold South, is at present on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. EC, IVfisonor. Kdward CarrothorS was suddenly called to Tilsonburg lost week to attoud tho funeral of his father. Thomoa Booloy, who has been work ing in this looality for over four years, is going to work on Soptten's large farm near Sandwich. H. M. MiseuoriutondstoHtartoutting with his drum saw in a fow days. This machine outs heavy staves suoh as are used for oil barrels. Win. Edwards, jr., who was badly kicked by a horse a few weeks ago, is now able to be around, and has startod to work for'T. H, BeCew at Eshox. "W- M. BeCow, of Essex, was here on Monday of last week looking after his lumber interests. This season ho has Wilbur Ohuroh in charge of hla lumber and wood yard in this village. 233. 223. 207. 207. 220. 267. 322. 247. 247. 247. 247. 247. 45. 46, 47 55.69. 74 .28.... . 481 49.5*. 5z.53.54/ 75. 77..........-., .,,.61............. ....20, 21......... ... 27, 28......... ....'23.24......... -.. *5............. Costs. . Total. .$2 o5..............$ 9 05 3 4. 3 05 i5i 13 41 21 3* 4 20, 21 .......... 15 ........0 ........88......... ........27".-..... ........28, 2Q...... ........64......... ........43.......... 16 2 2 6 no. 90. 91. 53. 65. 35- 83. 55- 59- 2 73- 2 27. 58. 12. 84. 24. 43. 05., 20. 21. 05., 05. 05.. 05.. 05. 5 09 160 71 15 u 44 74 24 *S 1 17 55 19 04 4 60 '4 11 96 - % 7 i 53 64 78 3* 1 W. D. BEAMAN, Treasurer. -SIC" "4$ I bog to inform the citizons of Essox and vicinity that I havo Oponod a Bakory at my roeidonoG, Viototia St whoro.can bo found a full lino of . . . . . , . Baker's Goods. I Bake tho. Detroit oolobrat- ed Homo- Mado Broad, whioh -is tho latest and most appe- ti5!iug< Patrons can obtain thia Broad by calling at WILKINSON'S % .# GROCERY, # Ho is handling tho goods fop TOO, Please Give Me a Trial Read iiiuiiiimmi 3 TM and bo oonvinood that I can suit you. Goods will bo iTrosh as my watron goos to all parte of tho town evory morning. tS* Weeding Cakes a speci alty. WESLEY BURDICK. = ti I'TrtO PrcMfl. ilcNlrl.'tf Ut prdrv'ly '-:* ..".>'/* .........................., E-M ^ fi.li.Hvi'ij,"ci'cui.nil'ur 10 tint I'oitior.-j nhit p 1'.:,Vi!^ 3^to<'1.'!m:n nf C'aiuula uli-icliy "^uli- ^ suji'lbooHo Wuoltly Fi'uu'1'iu.-.h will j[ot One Year's Paper Freje. 'MM 3 Tim J'Yco Pii'-h Iiuh imifld -nrrnnce- c-f.-*^ a nwnitrt' iv ill. ilnt V^'Urt'Inury N ionce t'V,';i,4 3 Pul-Khhlnir fo. tovtt nuiiili'Tiif foplnn of S-,).,';:,? d Uti'lr huolt, "Tliu Vontiiii'in SciiiiicD," ~</'\W B tho |>rluu of Which In pilltl. Tliisbooje EV?.;%3'tt'juin lully mitl In pliLlti .lnit|;iin}to tlio- "..,7^ ^1 Anntomv, !>f^(tiinon oml TitMiiiicr.t Of = - ^'M l'I)oii'i!^t.lu AiilnnilH h'ihI, Poultry/ V.i'ln iiilnfntr afulUioKcripiiniHif Mr<UctQ'. && unit Itocitfuiri, ho thni every fanner con bo hi* Own voLoihinry. ISSX.^ 2.00:1 F. X. Meloohe, for 17 years past deputy postmaster of Windsor, has boon BuperannuatodOn;S400. a year. John Jeffrs,Q messenger in the ofllco, has al so been retired. Tliu W'uylily Free Frew and Farrri and Homo for ono year (price |1,00) and jtcopy of the Vntt-rlnary Sclonco (prlc*,-..,,. 132.00>. Both whl bw maUod to any: a4+5et* drf-Hsupon tho receipt of T " ' Do not mliw th( ,<mahce. ly. it of Two Dollars Wo, OiUTtlOt 5- . ... liberal offer miffb b full to attract ' R*>: member, by ondlnar $2.00 fpr the boot I ou got the WeoklT Fro Pre nd I 'armandHomeONE YEAR FREE.; <'f __ .... . erywfc . , ___, 3 allcommunlcatloBBto thi^'^^X^^r^m 3 you got t 21 Farm and] ..... , -.-,,- ____, - ..... Agant* wanted everywhere, rAddr* " .tlo Fre Preu Pr^lnri'^Ml .......... --------n.Omikl ________:_____ ^,rrt.vii...iiM7'*'"M.r ' ofnis lumber Jeflrs,Q niesaen^er ui tne omoflt, nan - : ;...>;.:. v^iKoJtt^^O^ ago. .,,- ,; .Vaqbw;rera..: . - |jwl|ji^ .:/:^.^ <ir/y:\:y-y^^ " I-*.ir>v^r%^^Jh^'M^mTw^k y&^*^ 70 5

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