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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 12, 1897, p. 8

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j**' TO ' "' ' ' 'V& S^w XjE^^IlSrO ESSEX .y -And will begin at once to close out our Stock at Cost Prices. We've got" to sell quickly the QLuicker we-sell the Cheaper we can sell- ----- This sale comes in right for the Spring Trade when you want our G-oods. There is no better stock than this in Essex, and we have the reputation of turning out very stylish work. THIS IS TOUR OHANOB Tocet your Spring Goods at Coat Prices. Suite start at $10.90 Orders B must be accompanied by a deposit in (ill discs. All Book Accounts are now due and must be settled before we leavo Essex. DEWAR, The Tailor. A Good Thing Those who want tho best of Good Things come to ns. They get Greater ValucB, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of out offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. 3ur Shoes Look Well.-Fit Well, Wear Well. Oesto. Mrs. W. HiilHpH in (juito ill. A. G. Bakor waH in town on Tit outlay. John Ituport hnii moved to tho Sur- vioo farm just vont of tho villn^o and Ira Brush hasmovod to bis own farm. Tho sohool eoncort Inst Friday ovon- ing was woll attondod,. although tbo woatbor was very unfavorahlo. An on-1 joyablo timo wan ftpont for about two hours, Tho' proceeds, $11, woro for- ) warded to tbo fund for tbo /amino HUiTororH in India.. Thin in tho loattt wo could powiibly miy about thorn. If it wan not for oar oxporionoo ni.lmithcr we oould not hoII 110 olican. Call and lio couvinood foryotirnolf. Bijrn of tho Golden tbo pul- boi'o on Boot, PE.LTON, Shortly after sovon o'clock Thursday ovomnpof laatwook, ftB Robert Quiu- dal, a Hootion man on tbo M. 0. It. R., was going homo bo wan stopped by two rough looking mou, who ordorod him - Lo throw up his hands. Qnihdol oboyod but tbo bigbwaymon found no iuonoy and nothing of Vatno oxcopt a watch infl chain which thoy roturncd. Quin tal's bunch of switch keys, however, was appropriated and going to tbo small shod in which tho Viand car in kopt.thoy unlocked it and placing tho car on tho >nain track started wofltwnvd. Tbo hold-up occurred near "Polton, and al though word wan immediately tolo- ortapbod to tho Windsor police nothing bud boon soon nm* hoard of tbo rob bers. M.O. R. Dotootivo Hconau eamo up on Friday to tako a hand in. k-------------i-*U-*-------------- Windsor. Tho Windsor race track ban boon ToaHed to a Hyndicato of well-known horsomon, who intond giving throo i mootfl of fifteen days each. Tho annual mooting of tho Windsor, IWidkorvillo and Sandwich Horticul- |turnl society will bo hold at tho City iHall, Windsor, on March 10th, at 7..10 p.m. Collector of CInstoms Martin has had to return to Hotel Dion for treatment. Inquiry today HiuIh that, while ho ih a littlo better, there in no near prospect of his return home. On "Monday night tbo connoil ap pointed Ellis it TCIHb an city solicitors at n salary of 8500 per annum. Tins sum includes everything and no extras will bo allowed this your. Tho domainh of Mrs. Rtowart, former ly of Windsor, were buried in Windsor on Sunday," Interment took plnco in thoR C. cemetery. She, waf* HO years old and leaves a husband and Revoral rmmll children. .........** Hy. Morrtman, colored, is behind the bars in "Detroit and awaiting extra dition to Windsor. He in naid to have committed perjury in getting n mar- riago certificate from .Tas. Davidson, and was married by Bro. Collins of tbo A.M.E. church. Kin wifo in white and belongw to Ypsilanti, "Mich. She in under 18. Ham Woodward called on the police Monday and complained of the carry ing away of_ his children from the Methodist Sunday school, but he wan told that there was no help for him but to Rteal them buck, as he did not- have any more right to the custody of his children than his wife. Woodward will, therefore find out where bin Spouse is nettled in Detroit and a teal a similar march on her. Tho whole question of medical char ity an it concerns the Home of the Friendless and Hotel Dion in now in the hands of enmmittcos for investi gation. The board of health has nam ed n joint committee, and the city council two weolcH ago. did t\m Kame thing. Tho council's committee was asked by Dr. Carney, who thinkn tbo SiHtera of St. Joaoph at tho honjiital Mhould h(j heard from their aide. The agreement for care of city patients at tho hqopital will bo roviowed. On Thursday night March 4th the Windaor board of trado was called to gether to consider an offer of tho O. P. R. to root an elevator on thoif proporty hero nfc a cost of $(80,000. on condition that tboy should rocoivo a bonun of ^2f>,000 from tho city. A committoo was uppointod to draft particulars to proeont to tho O.P.R, Zov accoptnnoo. Amonpr other things tboy will tcquire tho O.P.R. to guttruntoe that tho ole* vatpr bo kept ruuniug, that a certain number of boiyU bo placed on tho route, And that the public may have use of tb elevator. South Woodslcc. Frank Bonnet, tho Walkorville man who bought out tho Halstoad Hotol at Woodaloo, but who failod to got a trans fer of tho licenso, was, on Monday, fined $riO for unlieonsod Belling. Camp Palmer. Miss Sarah Pattoraon, of Oornervillo, ban been visiting Mrs. C. H. Miimer. Mrs. E. TiiKzamnu, of Essex, ban boon vifdting her daughter, Mrs. John Kott- Ich, who ban boon vory ill. Six constables viflitedour village one day lately, bunting up the fomale out rage at Trenton, Mich. Three families have moved from hero to Eflflex. viz., George Foster, Charley Knapp and Alex. Eagle. While here they wero employed with T. H. Deccw, and Mr. Dooow'r larger field of lumbor- in operations necessitated their re moval. The Literary society held their reg ular meeting Wednesday, of last week, February 17th, with rho usual program- mo of vocnl and instrumental music. A dialogue wna given by Mr.s. S, Mc- Earlane, Mrs. N. Bouk, and Mrs. A. Burgct. Ed. Fethorly, a boy of nine years gave a Hplendid recitation. Tho debate, Resolved, "That skilled labor should be bettor than tho work of pro fessional incn'V was decided in the affirmative. On Wednesday, Feb. 12th, a good programme was. also given. On WodncHday ovoning, March 3rd, tho mombers of tho Litorary Society gavo an oystor suppor and an entertain ment, both of whichworo highly appre ciated, particularly the magnificent and choice assortment of edibles, as well as tho bounteous supply of oysters. Tho ladies of tho village have always had tho roputation of getting up n splendid spread of edibles, but tho generally'ox- prosflod opinion of tho visitors was, that on this occasion tboy surpassod all previous efforts. Tho ontortainmont, so far as homo tnlont was concerned, was litorally carried out. Tho loading mou of tho county, and particularly tho learned professions, wore expected to bo present, but owing to unforsoon causoH, tho Rev. C, W. Kennedy was tho only ono proRont. Tho chairman read letters of regret from John A. Auld, M.P.P., and J. E. Johnson, Mayor of Leamington, stating their roasons for not being.present. As for tho rest of tho spoakom some of them did not acknowledge tho invitation. The evoning's programme was as fol lows: Chairman's address, Samuel MoFarlano; duet, White Bros., of Cot- tarn; duet, George Mulcastor and wifo; rociitation, Evnrt Fottorly; address, Rov. 0. . W. IConnody; duet, Whito Bros.; solo, Mrs. Goorgo Mulcaster; rocitation, Maggio McFnrlano; solo, MissEthel Bonk, spooch, Walter Boyle; dialogue, II. Clark and wi/o and Goo. Burget; speech; H. B. Carnpboll; duet, White Bros, This closed tho pro gramme when votes of thanks woro givon to Wliito Bros, for their kind ness in furnishing and rendering ohoico vocal and instrumental selections, a special vote of thanks to Rov. 0. W. IConnody, also to visitors, likewise to tho ladies for having so gonorously arid successfully carried out thoir part of tho progrnmmo and also to S. MoFar lano, who discharged tho dutios of chairman satisfactorily. Tho mooting closed by singing God Save tho Queen. Tho chief features of tho homo talent was tho suurflowor chorus rondorod by Hovon young ladioH, also a solo by Miss Ethel Bouk, a littlo girl five years of aero. A rooitntion by Maggio MoFar- hmo, another littlo girl, and a recitation byE. Fetterly. Thu'solosea tho labors of the Literary Society. Brooker. Rev. Jacob Ilor will occupy pit in the Methodist church Sunday next at 11 a.m. Mihh Maud Tilley, of Leamington, is visiting at tho home of Richard ITrim- blfl, on the 11th coneoHfwm. Tho family of OIioh. MeA/oo aro im- Iiroving after being laid up the jmst week with !a grippo. Fred has resumed his studies at Essex High School. Oeo. Trimblo who hasi boon confined to his bed for a month past of pneu- monia-plouriHy, was able to bo out on Sunday. Tl.bury West. On Saturday afternoon, tho 2J year old hou of Honry Brown, Middlo Road, was frightfully burned while playing, with tho lire. Mrs. Brown was absent from tho room at tho timo. Tho cries of the littlo ono brought ita mother to tho soono, only to. find tho littlo ono enveloped in flames. Mrs. Brown throw her drosses urouud tho child and soon smothered the fire. All that kind nursing and medical skill could do wus dono to relievo tho littlo BiifVorer, but ho succumbed at an oarly hour Sunday morning. Rochester, Tho old man, Carver, of Ruscomb Station, who has been a care of tho township of Roche-star, has passed through a successful surgical operation and is mending nicely. The township, at least, will hope for a pormanont euro. Thos. Kenny, of Rochester, mourns tho loss of his partner in life. Mrs. Kenny gave birth to a child on Sunday of last week. An operation was deem ed nocosHary by the doctors in charge but tbo deceased panned away before tho medical men had performed their work. Cottnm. Goo. MeMuhon and family spent Sunday with relatives in Essex. Frod. flascoyno has taken his position at Minsi and roports that hois woll ploasod with tho position. Wo hoar that our old friend, Albert F. Brown, beforo leaving Minsi, Pa., for his new position in Now Jersey, jwott-givon a sond^on' by tho employoos of tho Sanitarium where ho was em ployed, being mndo the recipient of a handsome gold chain. Bert was n gen eral favorite-at tho Sanitarium and will bo much missed by his many friendh there. , + - . .1.. Efford. Wm. Garliok is about to movo to Detroit. J. Mason is having his bouse on tho 5th con., robuiit. Malcolm Henderson is doing the work. Mrs. John McBoth has gone to Wingham to attend tho bedside of her mothor, who in seriously ill. Goorgo Barloss has loft for British Columbia to invest in minos. Ho, will bo greatly missed by "tho fair box. John Salter*, of London, who has been sojourning for tho past week with his brother; James, of this place, ro turncd homo- on Wednesday, accom panied by Miss Avolina Salter. Gosficfd South. Mr. Clark, of Windsor, movod from there to E. S. Wiglo's farm on tho 2nd con., Gosfiold (Lottor K.) Ho will work tho farm tho coming season. On Tuosday, March' 2nd, tho resi- doneo of Wm. Rawlins was tho scone of a happy family gathering to eolobrato tho Bflth birthday of Patrick Rawlins. Tho old Kontloman lives with his son, Duncan, and after fcho company had gathorod at William's rcsidenco, ho was sont over thereon an errand and walked into tho midst of tho crowd. Mr. Raw - lins, sr., has (I childron, 22grand chil dren and 2 groat grand-chihlron, of whom 4 childron and 7 grand children wore present. During tho evening an oystor suppor was sorvod and a vory pleasant timo spent. Mr. Rawlins has lived in Gosfiold for 18 yoars and though in his 8i)th year ho looks as though ho woro good for many more yoars of life. Tho childron prosont wore: Mrs. ChftH. Hillior, Bollo Rivor road; Wm. and Duncan, of'Gosfiold North, New Caiman. Revival servicoss will comraonco next Sunday evening. Tboy will bo con ducted by Rov. J. II. Williams. Rev. J. II. Williams and brido was tendered a reception by their lady friends hero immediately on their arrival from Amherstburg. Rov. J. H. Williams preached au ex cellent sermon on Sunday morning from tho 6th chapter of Corinthians and 17th verso, "Wherefore, if any man bo in Christ ho is a now creature; old things are passed away, bohold, all things ai-o becomonow/' Evoning sub ject, Gonesifi^lth chap, and i)th verso, "And tho Lord said unto Cain, where is Abel thy brother? and ho said I know not am I my brother's keeper. North Ridge, Ellcry McCombs, of Woodstock, is visiting rolativos horo at prosont. Walter Smith and wifo have returned from Erie, Pa. It will bo romomborod that they went there in hopes that his health would improve, but wo aro in formed that ho is not much bettor. Tho.robins and bluebirds havo ro- tiunod from tho south and wo wolcomo with delight these pleasant songsters and harbingers of spring. Roy. W. H. Shaw will preach in tho intorsts of tho educational fund of tho Mothodist church on next Sunday 14th inst. nt 11 a.m. Frionds cordially in vited. Thunder, lightning and a liberal downpour of rain last Monday and Tuosday, and tho ditohon aro moro than full and tho land is overflowed with wator. Tho roads aro in a bad condi tion almost too wet and muddy for any travelling. Tho many friends of Miss Oinda E, Williams will bo pleased to loam of her improved condition of health from tho vory sovoro attack of. cold from whioh sho has been suffering. Hor valuable services In tho Methodist ohuruh ore greatly misHod hut we are hopeful she will soon bo able to fill her pl*ce again. Amlcrdon.' .On Monday morning Chas. Laflorty, of Anderdon, was arrested on a charge of seducing Clara, daughter of Jos. Martin, less than 21 years of ago, under promise of marriage. Informa tion was laid Thussday of last week by tho father of tho girl but Laflorty kept out of the way for some days and tbo police did not get within sight of him. On Monday he drove into Windsor and was arrested at Laforge's stable by Martin; who is a county constable. Bail wuh accepted in $2,000 for Lafibrty to appear yesterday (Thursday.) On Saturday of last week, about I:HO o'clock, on-the fifth concession of An- derdon, a young man named Michael McCarthy, well known about Sand wich and Windsor, was shot dead by a gun in the hands of a young man limned |Ernest Thrasher. Tho. shoot ing was purely accidental and tho.ro- snlt of a careless handling of the gun. In the afternoon, Thrasher went to Frank Kreamer's, where McCarthy was staying, to ask him to go out rab bit shooting. After Homo conversation passed, Thrasher proceeded to pull his gun from under his sweater, where he had it to keep the breech dry, when the arm was discharged. Dr. P. F. Bell, coroner, after hearing tho cir cumstances, concluded there was no need for an inquest. Is filled to over-flowing with the Newest Creations in Parisian Coh- tumeB, Sicilian Cloths, Drap do Alma, Brochea, Plain and figured LuHtroH, and a Full Assortment of Priestley's Black Dress Goods. Ladies kindly call early and see these lovely Goods, our obliging salespeople will be pleased to fthow you through. Special in Scotch Zephyrs and Ginghams Wo offsr 115 pinccH of Scotch GinjjjhamH and Zephyrs at 12Jo. por yard, regular price Iflo. par yard. 80 piooGH of VcrlutiiGfi urn! Wrupporottos, bountiful goocln junfc oponotl to-day, at 12Jo. por yard. 2fi pioocs Persian CanhmorMi at lOo, per yard. 30 Pieces Amaranth Drosti GoodH, at 9c, por yard. Now Prititn, ono hnndrod pattormi to ueloct from, at Go., Co., 8c, 10a. and 12Jo. por yard. In the Clothing Department we offer several lines of Suits for Men, Boys and Youth s at a Great Reduction from regular prices. Boots and Shoes for Everybody. Always liie Cheapest for GOOD Goods. DIEBEL & BRICKER -------------->/i A Great Magazine Offer 3 .* FOR l 3 FOR i Maidstone. Mrs. Thos. Fnrroll is on tho pick list. .T. B. Fuorth flpont Sunday at hio homo in "Woodaloo, Jerry Moynuhnn lost ono of Ms vnlu- nblo horaes Inat week. Tom MoClofllcoy paid Bollo Rivor a flying1 viait on Sunday. P. Cummiford and II. Taylor epont Sunday on Middlo Bond. B. Lambert aridV, Hognu, of Wooda loo, opont Sunday at tho Puco. Tho remains of IVIion M. Kn'no, late of London, but formovly of Maidfltono, wero intorrod in tho It. C. comotory on Monday. IHhb Mftmo Sheridan, who has boon viniting friends in Rochester, has ro turncd lionio, accompanied by Miss Jano Kane. D, MoAlistor, of Combor, Bold two thoroughbred Durham bulla rocoutly. John Ellis, of Maidtttono, purchnaod a yoarling for^HO, and tho Maidstono nnd Boohostor Agrioulturnl Sooioty au 18- montha'old for ^05. Itoovo Corbott, of Maidatond, intor- viowod tho Bollo Rivor vlllacro council at itw mooting on Tuoaday of last wook, with a propoBition to improyo and gravol tho Toounisoh road by joint aotiou woat from the village to Pike Crook. Tho idea aoorood to ho favor ably ontortained by tho village oounoil. Oonfltablti Boohan, of Maidfltono, on Saturday arroatod a farmer namod.Wm. Burton on tho ohorgo of highway rob bery and tookhim to Windaor. It Bim- morod down to tho taking of aomo mar bles from tho young son of tho oonetablo and tho magistrate discharged tho prisoner. Tho eqtorpriso of tho consta ble will cost tho County $8.35. Tho regular subscription price of uDcmorckVH Magazine," k'Judge's JAbrary?1 and "Jfunny Piuturufi" ia $3 30. Wc will send All Three to you \ One Year for $2.00, or 6'mo. for$t. Dotnor^vt'u ttlnirnzfmo In by fur tho bont fnmlly mafiazinopiiblinliod ;"tlioroln nono of oiu* moritbliQH in whioh tbo bonutlrul uud tbo uaolal, plomiuro ami profit, fanbjou tind Litomturo aro no ful1y pronontofl an in Dnmjrnnt'fi. Tlniro la, In fuot no publioation pi'otontliu({ to a nimilar ncopo anil )>m-j)ouo whioh can'comjiurn with it. Kvory nuwbou coiitnliifl, a froo pat ttiru ucupou. ' JTialKe'** Hjlhrury" la a monthly macazino of fun.'flllod with illuntmtlonn In oarloaturo mid roploto with wit ami linmor. Itn contribtUorij aro tho boiit of Amoriouu wita and illu- tmtorn. "I'uniiy I'lcturot." iu another hHnioromi monthly; tboro Jo a landi In ovary Hno of it. All throo of thono Mafluzinoa aro hanilnouioly cotton up. You abouiil not mian tblu obunco to flocurti thorn. Cut horo and return Coupon proporly flllod out. Demorest Publishing Co.. 110 5th Avenuet New York. For tlio onclowd $!J.OO plouiio noud Doinoront Puraily MitQiiviitio, Jud(*o'u Library (a maga- zlno of fun) and Funny Pioturon for ono your no por your otfor. Name J'oal-ojjice. 'Date. State. Sandwich South. Mrs. P. O'Connoll, of gravol road, who hati boon dangerously ill.iH.alight- ly improved. Mian Ida and Halford, of Detroit, ppont a wook with tho latter'& parontfl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Halford, Tho wife of K. J. O'Noil, roove of Sandwich South, who recently, under- wont an operation at a--Detroit hospital,, has rpturnod to hor homo much im proved. Tho Jobin BroB. havo purchased tho Gloncoupio farm of Donald Gt. MoKay, for $4,200. A, Livingstone, who has managed tho abovo named farm for tho past yoar, has sold his good will ami will roturn to hio fornior homo in CHon- .oooi ' Amilo, tho 18-year-old aou of Franoirt Hobort, who myBtoriotisly disappeared from tho parental homo, has not yofc re- uruod. It appoara tho young lad got nto dilHoultiea at sehool and refused to tako the punishment imposod. . K. Sulivan and S, Vollans, dirootorH of tho agricultural Booiofcy havo x>ur- ohaaed two Short Horn Durham btiuij; ono from D. MoAlistor, of Comber, and from R. 35. Dodijon. They- paid $00 p piece for them. They ore iino auiinals. r AUCTION SALE -OK- Farm Stock and Implements Tho nndoviUsnoa will noil by Fublio Auction, on Lob 29, lafc Cou., TOWNSHIP OF ROCHESTER, ON-------.' Thursday, Mar- 25th, '97, ComnionohiKatl o'clock p.m., nharpy the fol- lowiuc vuluablo proporty, via , HOUBBS 1 blaok Filly rlalug B-Voaw old, oll- iflbln for roKlsfcrntloii, nlro Bunuy Ollroo, Tiiilil, ho- by Bultiui. voooi-d U.yi, elro of Btamfnnl, 3.124. Pttin, MlrortbyAllrluhb, lioby Homand'H, Ono. Ilahb drlvinrt^orjio B yoara old; 1 heavy draught florae, 1f) yoard old; 1 Hoiso coining two 1 tfi ')" 1 1 I roara; tlnl Ilorae, m yoard oiti; i Jiorao coming two yi 1 nily Qonoral Pnriioaa. coming 3 yoore old. OATTfiK 2 MlWi fto-wa. 1 Hotfor, oominff two ycuvH ol'l; 3 fltooiu, ouinIii 3yoara and the fol- lawlngli'a'Ktook, UOowd ;3 Hoifora, oomlng 8 yafti'fl old; (J Stoors coming 3 yoaxa old. Ono Brrood Bow In Piff. , IMI"IjHJMBNTR Sot Farm Truokfl, Ohatham make ; 1 act Traokn with raak for hay or grain . Wi two bona cultivator for corn or fleld ; Brant-*"."Wtj ford Kraln drill, Straw Gutter, Mower, Oabawo, ,'.jl$ Oraln Brill, FanuJntfMill. Bulky Plow, Bet of ,','(' _.. b Blefghs, Boraper, Bab,of :-M Disk Horrowa, and numerous other articles, - ry.wa> doublo harness. Bob Blefghs, merous o %ST~ Tho above to bo sold without reserve. TERMS ".v,'-b rr that amounts months tircdib allowed on - :i over tarnishing approved joint notes or 6 per eentv per annnm off for cash. F. /IcCLOSKEY, / Auctioneer, W.-A. COHOE, ^p :'m$ tidkttii^MiM&^

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