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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 12, 1897, p. 6

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wm i>j- v4'" ^r^ w/^ fVi'^ Picking up Knowledge Ib onsy onough if you look for it in tho right plaoo. This is tho right placo to ' loarn just what to do for; that dobilitatinrr condition which Spring always brings. Do you want to bo curod of that languid fooling, got back your appotite, sleep soundly, and fool liko anew man ? Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do it. It has dono it for thousandg. It has boon doing it for 50 years. Try it* ii<l for tlie "Curcbook." 100 piiKu !* - J. C. Ayer Co, I,owell, Mush. Goslleld .North Council. Town Hall, CoUam, Fob. 27th. Council mot purimaufc to aujoaramont, all tho raomborn pronont, MinuLuf* of tho laat noaoion, of January lltli, woro road Mid adopted. Tho following oluiutfoo woro toado in tho nppoiutmoutn of puthmafitorn taado January 11th, viz: W. B. Boot iuntimd of W.Orow. J. B, Mill&n iuatotul of W. Ash. Goorco Billing inatoad of Orovo Hop(/ood, John F. Loalc InHtead of W. Gosiioil and W. Loo for now division, to ho known an No. 1 north town lino. By-law No. 00, to confirm the appointment of offt- oorfl, wan road tho nouofwary numbor of fcimoH and panned. Tho Clerk was iutttruct- od tofrarao a by-law to form u now road divinion in tho north-woot corner of the towuHhip, to bo compoRod of partp of No. X divinion, Talbot'roud and No. 1 diviaion, 11th ooncoHBtou, alao to chungo cho north fcart of lot 6, concoBflion 9 and nouth part Of lot 379, l'albot road nouth, from No. 2 diviniou, wont fcowrilino, to No..l divifiion, Talbot road, L. and Q. Thoman and Goorgo GloVor roaoivod porraiHHion to com- ~'touto their atatuta labor for a torm of yearn, H. Barlow to bo oommiKaioner. A petition fiignodbyuvo ratopayora of IJ.S.S. Ko. 13 waa road noltititf for tho diflsolntion of Raid anion. P. Inraan wan appointed arbitrator for that pnrpoBo. Mr. Jolloy rcooivod pormiBHion for tho 1. O. V. to taoot in tho hall on TuoHday ovouin^ next. An nououut of W. Jamoa for tjlanlc and bpilcoii unod for culvert on Laird avonuc,- Cottam, wan laid ovor for ouquirion. *ho auditor'^ roport for 18% was road and adopted, and tho Clark inntruoted to havo 200 uopieG printed. A. lol.tor from tho \V . C. T. U., of Toronto, wan laid boforo tho Council aaltirjfi for aid to GHtabliuli a home tor friondloHH fjirln coming from variouu partn of tho provinoo to obtain work in Toronto. Itequent not granted. Tho Reave preiientod a notioo from tho Provin cial Troasuror stating thaLtho paymont of all raoniea due to tho towimliip would bo Btoppod until .the townahip auditors hud completed their return* to the Bureau of tudiiHtricH for 1R05. Tho Clark wait in" atruet,od to invontigutn tho mat tor. K. "Wifilo profiontod an account for cloariiiL' ohfltruotioim from tho I/ivoluco drum. An Mr. Wiglo waa indebtod to tho townahip for a unmbor of loadn of gravel it, waa aprood that tho amount due for j^ruvoi Should offtiot tlio abovo claim. Tlio to!,- lowinf; petitiona and uotioan woro recoiv- od : From lnaae Wi^lo and four othctrH, to repair and daopou tho Lovelauo and Orton Bido road drainh, tlio Kn^inoor to ducidc the quo-jtion of tho heHt outlot ; from 1L Wifjlo to r6pair tho ubovo draniH, and trom M. Small and ton otbern to repair a part of the 7th cioneoiHion drain and tho WCHturn flido road drain. Putition and noticoo all laid ovor. Tho following ordorH on.the.TnmHurer woro pa^Hod. Brett (fc Auld, printiui; and Hiationory, ^20.1*1 ; ]j. Conldin, o;ik plank for rnpnir of bnd^u on T. D. nl', Sl.Sfj; H. Duncan, repair of bridfjo on uu.Kt tuwii linit, '.V l^. 71), i?'2 ; .1. E. Moore, removing B rod.4 o[ fouoo on X D. 8tl,-S1.20; CL Biirliii^, 'Z\ c*\U at wood -tO-Cmupbuj). *i! &> ; ] ]. 'i\l'tck-t, I cord of wood to Campbuli, ftl; L. WilhamH, 1 corJn of v^md *o (I uncivil, iic:i LybnH, charity tn di^n, 91.0-1 ; Jumen Oampb/?]!, charity f.'r Maroh, S3; ltiloy BroH., refund of Btatuto Jabur, 8-t; J. Ta... lor, do, 51; W.J.Taylor, do, 55; JumoH Bain, in liou of rocoipt from County TroaBurtr, rufuned by auditora au a vouch or, 83f>. 17 ; H. Former, refund of dofi tix, $1; P. Imnaa, aalary un auditor, fill; W- . B IColk-tt, oalary an auditor, 812; Obion 3Potornon, work on (Hh oonooamon road. "&4i Couuoil then adjimrnoa to Baturday March '27th at ono o'olojli p.m. - Whilo no pUytiioiaud or pharuuicittt wn ooiiHuIontiouuIy warrant a ouro, tho J. C. A'/or Cn, jm iranteo tlm purity, otroii(4ih and modioinal virtucH uf Ayor'o Saniapnr- illn., Ct wan tho oiuy bl jod-puriflur udmit- tod it the proat Wcrld'a Fair iu Chioa^o, JlS1 important letter. HI 10WTN(i: :ilOW A ^BIUa^BKIt FKOMHOTATIOA WAH OUBBI). A rtimiiH|'nNl>WNTOVTIIKOUITjTjUNKWK- MCTTMIl VITir VlUHMYHHiOW YHOU 'l'UM AtJTIlOK MAKKH TKia TiKTI'lAU VHHWO rrwiLTi iiw orjAT>i-jY mui> nv nviiun HHI'KKTinsitH V1COM THIH I'AINKl/Ti Tlnvfollowing lollm- Iihh boon forw.fird- oduHltytlih C(dd\vatov, Out,, covron- pondont of tlio NWH-Ijott(r, wliiob vta havo (jjroat ploiwuvo in imblifdiiiij,': ^Ooldwutor, ttopt, a6t.li, 18(W. ' A few wooIch a^o T boomno very im- woll from an nllalc nf Hoiallca, ami ro- niomlmving that awbilo a^o a woll known frinud of mino, tXr. O. T. TTot- Hon, of FoMnorlou, a fow miloM from boro, bud boon a ^voat indVoror from thin puinrul complaint, T thought it would bo w-idl to nnnHult iliat fjmitlo- iiiim ah 1o tho modifiino bo t*\v(w orodit to for bid rolinf and ouro, hh T wiu* awavo that. Im van now woll and hmivt.v and had ovor u\no.i\ lmmi in ntiMidy work unions luinbov-biu regular bimi- )iohh. TTo ixuvf*. mo tho infoinuition rwiuirnd, nnd wvoto out tlm following tt'idimoiiial which ho dofdn'H to havo puhlmhed in any way T think proper, ho)diitf thai it will moot tho eyo of many mifl'orovH liko myHolf who avo anxioim to j;nl roliof. T thnroforo for ward it io ynii to publinh: Fwumrton, Wopt. IHIli, Iflnrt. "Tt i*h with tho ^I'oatoKt ploaHiiro ilmt T io.Hlify io Iho mnrvnllouH bonoflt and ouro tluit lh*. Williannr Pink Pilln oifootod in my niHo. Tn tho your 1B02 T wiik tnkon vory hud with sointini. T wns tronlod at difVcvont timoH hy two doetorH but dinpoiiHodwith thoir sor- viooM as T found T wiw not ^ottiiif? tho hopod far relief. T then triod difiov- out ronmdiofUidvortiHod nn a ouro for Rcintica. hut with no bid tor roHiilt. Thou T tried Mron^ly rooomiimndoil oleotrieul applianeeH, hut ntill tr> no purposo. Tdid not improve any and tlm pain was oxerwiatin^, and T bo^an to lrf.se all hope of evor trotting better. T oould not nit down or movo about without Niifferin^ intoiiRo jiain, mid tho only roliof Trouhl i,'oi was when T lay down with my Iojjh Htretehod, Htr'aij,rht out nnd then tho pain wuh somewhat. Iosh. T was in this poHitiou one. day whon T itiidced ii]> n nowflpaporlyin^ hy my sido and there T. rend of a man cured of Hcintiou by taking T)r. Wil- liftniR' Fink Pilln. Alwayn having hut little faith in proprietary medicinoH, and in view of the experience T already had, T would not havo tried thorn hut for the fitet that my wife, inmHted on fjoin/; at once and procuring nonie. Slio ^rot a box and porHitudod me fo tuko tliom. By the time T had finiHliud tho, box T believe T felt belter, so T kept on taking the pills and hy the time T bad taken six boxes T wns entirely cured. T had been biid up for four months be fore taking the Pink Pills, and T shall continue to take thorn occasionally us T know iht-iii to ho an excellent medicine. T shall never cease rocommondin^ them. Yours truly, CifAitr.ns T. TIopsov. Our corrcspondi'iit adds that this this letter is from a mimh respected resident of PosHerton, whose word is ^enei'ully considered as j_jood as his bond. Frocks for Small Girls. '*It in uo loiif^or oon flido rod nuaonsary," Knyntbo Ludloa' Uotuo Journal, *'to eot a- hhI.) cortain fubrioa for littlo ^irln' woar,-a Uowadayu thuy woar ovarytlunn that thoir do, oxoopt rual laoo und jowuIh. Oiro Ih takon, howovur, to uxo only Hmall-pattnrn- od mutfiriulH for thoir frocks, In ooIoim, wbito hi id way n In ^;ood tu^tti, utuo Imhy l)pio JkihI pink, and thin uprin^ ^roon in ynry muoh in vo^uo, as woll an |ioldi:i browu, Wid, Vnaich and navy hluo, puarl ^ru,y und palo yollow. Blank in UHod only 101 a trimming in volvot ribbon or mohair braid, Batin and taffotu, ribhomt uro used nil trimming. uJno whito, yollowiali und Hnon-oolored uinbroidorioit. Valenuinnneii and net top Iuooh are uhoiI in whito und hotter nlnidoH with hihortiou to matub." The BuhIiuhII Oil Company (a bnuich of tho Standard Oil Compatiy),liaH purohayoil and will rooonatrnot and oporato tlio Alplm Bdflning Worknat Surniu, tho town oouucil haviiif.! plod^ud thomwolvon to grunt tax oxomption, On Tncuday laut John Batemnn, of tho lath eonceimion, Orford, wn outtint! *hii- iinr in tho woodH with hiu ntopnon, a youtli about twonty yoitrs of ago, mimod Heriot. A fnllinj; tree Btruck Horiot on tho head, but with Mr. Batoman'n help ho walked home, und no fatal reitult wau fourod, though medical Hkill was called iiiV Tlm youni^ man, howovor, (*row rapidly \von*o and dif'd in twonty-fonr houni after the acoidnnt. THE AMERIOAN NILE. SUCH 13 THE GREAT RlO GRANDE, WITH ITS VAGARIES. THE BOOKTOGOOD HKA'JfjTir Is Through tho KidnoyH-Tjikua Woll Planned Sanitary System Thoy Koop tho Body Human Healthy- Interesting Story From Quoboc. Tho kidnoyn havo vory appropriately been donoribod hh tho nanitary Hyiitom of tho human body. Lot them beonrao in- operating and diHoaHO will quiokly follow, and unlfiHH the obHtruotiorm uro romovml, death will bo tho renult. Mr. D. J. Locke, of Bhorbrooko. P. Q., tmfforod for yituru from complicated kidney trouble and upenfc over $100 in of/ortti to tmouro relief ; hut no relief oaron until ho uned Houth American Kidney Curo. Ilifj Htatomont i chat four Haitian oomplotoly cured him, and to-day ho in in tho onjoymout of Hound btaltb. In tho most dintromung Qtmon thin remedy civow roliof in oix bourn.. Sold by J. Thorno.' KuiiNter IIiitH ami Ifiomiute, An article uf special iutercHt and value to women in tho'LadioH' Home .Journal in a doHeriptiou of "Thin JilaHtur'n New Hatn and Bounds," by lnabel A. Mallon, and i IUiHtr.it ed from tho tnobt recent Bar is models. Tn a ^01 cral dn^criptiou of tlio newent liuttd-drena i"\Ir. Million write ; "The fiinhionuble matiiriuln for thii K'lBt- ur'H huts and bonnuts are chip, inamlla, bej^horn, Ntiapolitun, Muda^uRCiu* ai:d J^iiilinli Hiraw, and all tin- Htrnw braidn, especially tlione imitating thttiu. Bluck vi.-fvL't h hugely used for trimmiufi with imirft nnd ivitm rilmonu, doftly loonod. Outritdi tiprt and lbng feat horn are iu vogua, though fluwerii are jiiven pvefcreneo over t: very I h ui^. Tho l.i^ Ptirma vicietn, an wcdl us tho enorniono tdhoh and poppioa that were ho uenurully UH(-d laHt soufjoii, coutinuu to obtain, whilo oiutselliaH, tuho- roi^e.H. wltitu lilien, lilieH-of.thc-vallejr;"bluc hortiiiiHinH, rag^dd robiun uro nouutod ad qnitu new." A lady bud bix-n ill una under medioal troutiui'tit for a lou^j lime. Ah hho grow no butter all tlio whilo, hIio hueamo diatrilflt- fui of bm- phytiieiitn'H niuli, mid did not wish to boo I11111, and yot was not bold onoiifib to tell him no. She communicated her utato of mind to her maid. "Jj'avo 'im to me, mum, 1'nvo 'iin to mo!" uaid tho ^irl. By.and bye tho doctor came to tho door, and Bridget opouud it about un inch. "Sorry, mr," tiaidsho, "but yeoan't como iu tlio day, doctor," Can't como in? How's that?" "Tlio miotri-HH do bo too ill for to uco' yo tho day, tiirl" I; ui an intoruninn fact that tlio Irinh laofiuufjo ittill I inborn' in tbo Babiimuii a- luiuig tho mixed dcimeudantH of the Hibor- niau patriotii baniidiod by Cromwell to tlio Went Indies. Ono can ocounioiuilly hear, it is iimIlI, hlaok nailora iu tho 'London dooko who cannot npoak a word of KngliHh tallontj IriHh to the old lriyh npplo wouion whom thoy moot, and thiiH making thom- auki'H iiiteihuiblo without a knowlod^o of the Saxon tanguo. Vnluo ol'a Nlckol. lI learned the valuo of a nickol in a po- ouliar way to-day," natd a man, who wan waiting in tho poitoilico, to a Now York Tim en reporter. "I walked jnHt around tho corner from Naaaaa and Becltman utrnnt and Rtoppnd to let a littlo bootblaok givft mo a 'Hhino.' Soon throe or four gathered around mo. " 'Say, Chimmin.' Haid ono. 'I want dat nicknl. You owou it to mo,' ' 'Yoh, an, when you f^ota it I wants) dat four conto you owoo mo, Sou? Haid an other. " 'You owoii mo 'ron contu for puttm' yer against dat buudlu din uftoniDon,' aai cl a'third. " 'You borried two papea from mo vih- tiddy,' haid a fourth, uddreHning tho noe- ond, 'an' I wantu dat jienny.' "Tlien conntor-o!aimn l>ean to pour in. Ifuppoarod that each of tho boyH had dobtn and debtorw, and whou my nickol wu.h bunded ovor it wiih divided into penmou and thoy were panned around until thoy cleared about iifty ceuto of indobtodnoBH, My only regret jh that I oan't remember which of tbo bn3'H had the money whon tbo financial trannactiou v as finiahod." Foodzcuriu FonMgn LanrtH. This lJortUf!UCfiO hIio" ban a woodon uolo and heel, with a vamp made of paten' leather, fanciful, nhowing tlm flesh nido of tbo skin. Tho Pert-ian footgear in a rained tdioo, and iu often a foot hi^h; it ia mudnot light wood, richly inlaid, with a strap ex tending over tho inatop. Tlio Muncovit" hIioo ih bandwoven 011 a wooden frame, and but littlo attention io pu.il to tin1 shape of tbo foot; leather in Homctimcn used, hut ttic naiula! ia gonoralty inado of flilk eordaqo and woolen olotli. Tho fiiam- oho hIiod buH the form of an anoiont cauoo, wi* h a gondola bow and an open too; the Ht)l-.-in mudu of wood, tbo upper of inlaid wood and cloth, aud toe exterior in elabor ately ornamented in coloru with tfold and Hilver. A uontumporury. poiuta out that Kin^ Gf-orgo of Greece in ourioiiHly related to bomt! of the royal futmlicH of Europe. Uo in ihtiKon of the Kui^ of Denmark, IIu iii tbo brother of tho Princeaii of Walon, and of tbo Downier Czarina of IluHaia. Ilm rddoht Hon in married to tlm KJHttti* of' tho Emperor of Germany. IIo la tho unolo of tlio Czar of Uutifiia.and tho Cz.irina ia tho niece by marriage of bit) sifiter, tho Pnn* opea of Walua. Tt in Haid that tho Ger man Emperor ia diun;)Mod to miub him, but, iu tho event of inn dohitf ho, tboro may bo a bifj family fjiuu'rol, in which Queou Victoria will havo uomothiun to nay, with lior UHU'd quiot improomvenoaH. Her pretsuinptuouu Rraudnou iu no match for tier, whon it comoH to fottlinfi affairn ni- bido of fho family circle. No Gripe Wlion you talco Ilocjd's Pills. Tho big, old-fash ioned, auKar-floated pills, which tear you all to pieces,,aro not ha It with nood/a. Kasy totnko ods Pills H mid eauy to operate, to truo of Hand's PUU, which ar up to (lata la every rospoct Bafo, eortata and mire. All iltuKKlsuj. ttfl, 0.1. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. tho only- VllU to bike with Hood's Sarsapirill*. - SovHBtupol. Tho fortiflcntiouH of Hovofltapol,-which oauHed tho allies m much trouble during tho uixmoutha'dofoiiKO of \iho fovtrenH by tho Riuiuianu,1 \v >ro at flrat vory woulc, aud military oxptsrtH nay tho town might hnvo Boon takmi by a . vigorous bombardment nnd , a^fiiiult duwnpf tho flrut fow days of tho Mage. Tho ignot ranco of tho nlliod gouurulH iu regard to Uitt Htrun'gth of thoworkHoansfed a delay which tlie RinwinnHiwiproyodhymukimf' tho defenses olnicut liuproguublo. It U illv.r of rreakl-k HblU bad Muit XUi Vu Moru Tliau Oarm to Be Vn- (lurtttood l^lovrs Mulnly VndArffroatad, 'but nt flmutf Tlmro Is Torrent on Top. "Ifc'w a rlvor i.riOOmilos lonpf, mcrui- urod In iin winding," Haid tho man from Now Moxloo, Hpoaklng of tho Hio I i ramie. ' 'For a fow miloH, at its mouth, li^dit draft utoamorrt run up from the KiiH of Mexico. Abovo that it dotiHu't float a craft oxcopt at forricH, In tho old diiyn, when Now Moxico wan a province of blpain, tbo pooplo along tho. rivor didn't ovon havo forryboutu, and tho , only way thoy hud of (jotting aoroiui wait by fording. For thin purpose n npflclal hroed of largo horuoH wiu* reared to ho kopt at tho fordH. Whon tho rivor wn. too high for theHO linrKPH towiulo aoroH, travolom camped on tho bank and wait ed for tho wutorfl to mibfiido. Now thoro uro hrUlgoH ovor tho rivor at tho largor VAa Grundo townti, nnd in other placoH rojie forriort and rowboatu are tho moaua ot oroHHing. "In times of low water a Htrnngor HKfling itti ouiTont for tho flrtit time vould ho apt to think ulightingly of tho Bin Bravo del Norto, iw tho Now Mnxi oaiifl lovo to call tho groat rivor. Moan- doring in 11 Hinall part of a vory wido ohanuol ho would wo only a littlo muddy Btream, for ordinarily nino-tonthu of tho Bio Grundo iu unden'ground, tho wator Hoaking along toward tho gulf through tho hiiiuIh hencath itH chnnnol. Tho val ley, hounded ovorywhero to left and riglit hy uiountaiiiH or foothillB, in Handy, mid tho water, pevcolatiug tho nanda down to hard pan, ppieadu ont on oach niclo ko that it may alwayn ho found anywhpro in the valley hy digging down to tho lovol of tho river'B nurfoco. For tho greater part of iho yoar tho rivor abovo ground flown Hwift and muddy, narrowing oh it HwirlH round a sand bar : and widening over fihallpwB. But tho thing that utrikcH tho strangor most qucerly in itH dinappdaranuo altogothor for reaches, many milcH in longth, of ItH ohannol, which, except, it may be, for a wator holo hero and there, in aa dry aa Sahara. Tho rivor in keeping right along about itH huHinoM, howovor, and whero a rotsk reef or clay hod blocks Itn Hubtflrraucim current It omorgfiH to tho Hurfoco nnd takcHafrenh start ahovo ground, running ha a big stream, which, farther down, mify Ioho ituolf in tho HandH again. "It ia whon tho floodn como down that tho Rio Grande hIiowh why it ro- quire.1] ho big u chuiinol for itH all tho yoar round u.s6 and demonntratofl that If tho waterway wero ovon widor it would bo uu advantage to resident* along Itn hauka It i-sfodbyawatorahod of vaat area and steep dfiHcont, whicli in timen of rain and molting buowk pre cipitates tho waters rapidly into the ohannol. In June, whon the Rnow melts on tho poaka about its headwaters in Colorado and northern New Moxico, and later iu tho summer, when heavy show- era and cloudburst** are tho order of tho day, tho Bio Grande overflows ita hanks, doluging wido tracts of valloy and some times curving a now channel for itnelf, changing ita course for milcK. Where tho valley i.y unusually wide and Handy, uh below Isdota and in the Mnrilla, val- leyrtho old channels in which tho rivor used to flow aro plainly indicated iu tho landscape "No puowho has seen tho great river in flood ia likely to forget tho positive ferocity it seems to display us its waters Bwoep all boforo them, and woo to tho man or boast who ia overtaken hy them! Tho flood arrives without warning. The" fllcymaybu clear above when the travcl- or, loifmrely jogging across tho wido chaunel, hears his wagon wheels grate upon the sand with a peculiar Bound. It means that tho waters are stirring tho Bands beneath him, and thou, if ho knows the river, ho IlihIich his horso, making at all speed for tho nearest bunk, aud lucky lie is if he reaches it safe. Tho chaucos are that boforo ho gets tboro he hears the roaring of waters up tho channel and sees them coming down toward him with a front liko a wall, rolling forward."and downward us if over a fall, with a rising flood behind. Many ti man and whole wagon trains havo been overwhelmed in this way, and, buried . iu sands or cast away on doBeit banks,-no human eye has ever Been them again. "Tho great river has its pleasing and romantic aspect, so fascinating that it is a saying among people who livo in its valley that 'whosoever drinks of itH wa ters and departs will como again to seek them.' Liko the Kilo, the Bio Grundo enriches tho noil of its valley to the point ot inexhaustible fertility. Along its banks in New Mexico arc fields that for two centimes havo been cultivated yearly, yielding great eropw, and-thoy tiro as productive today as whon thoy first wcro tilled. Irrigating canals, call ed acequias madras (mother ditches), convoy water from the river to bo dis tributed'through little gates to the fields of tbo valley, which it both waters aud enriehe.4. A' trip along the river reveals ajmccession of pictures of n primitive civilization of tho old Spanish'-American type. Adobe vilhigofl, with small, flat roofed housoa. built about antique churches, mid tho spacious houses of the vicos, or groat mon; orchards, vinoyardu, whoatfiolda and grazing, cattlo aro all features of tho scenery of tho Bio Grande, tho American Nilo." Now York Sun. fTr^TTTT*TmTTrTTTTTTTTTTTmiH'TTrTTTYTO' The Em-iBls!-o,ni la Invaluable if you ;>; " nn "1 \ down, as It Is a food uu '.'/< .... a medlolhe. Tho'D- & L- Ernt^'.:;%;/: ] ' Wltl build yu up if your iicrim..] l- .vlin i:i - ; luipairijtl, 'J Tho D- Sl L. Emui.'iicn . - Itttliu lumtiiiw! iimr.t i>:il.il;ililn |iri:j!..r.n.--n ri ; ' Cod UvcrOll.ncniuiui; wtili iin: m'i.'.Uoll-: - c;\tu mouiacliG. * \ Tho D- Pji L- t-r/vuir.'on 'j ' ^ '* Cuiud.i, * ! Tho D. & L. EmulsSov) '. Iu n ninrvfllniiFi fltjbli pruduciu" .....i -l y\'\: ] : you uu appotilo. ' BOc. &. SI poi- EottEC 3 : Ho nur ymi l!'-t I "DAVIS & Uv/ftEHCE Co. ( nn, \ ' ' tlm j;t)iiuiiwi I Mciirnt/.u TUB EQSE2C .TAMES NAYLOE TukoH tblfi omiorlunlty of amioauobi^ to the imaplii of tlio Town mid Ooimty of Ehho*. that in. hns roinotloliwl tlio Kmhox Hollar MUls ao- oerilliiU to pJnuu propitrod by it. N- 1'rloo, of Ht. 1 ijouinn, anil uln.-* tutourutl Uuitmrvloow of itubort Htrflobttn, an oxmirhuiaotl and thoroughly 00m- l>otut uilllor. I "VJiimliiii for tlio paut WA.N'l'KIJ-BlCVlflllALFA.iTmf'Ur, MKN OK Womou to ti-ftVftl for roupoiuilblo (jiituli- Hnbod boiiMo In Ontario. Hitbury, ?7Ht). puyabla Sin woitbly and oxininncni. Voiiltlon pormanont. Kuforoiiuu. KnclOiui nfilf-uddriiii(iil MtainiKid un- volopH, Tlio National, Htar lluildlnu, Ohloaf(o. Wantd. AM A XT*'10 HKtjIj CANADA OHOWTH IVXillN - l-'rutt ami Oniamontal Troon, flhmbii, Koiiim, llulbn nnd Dulliouii riautH.Ornprj VIuoh, Hmall I'niltu, Bond Potatooii, oto. Wo aiitiilot/uu onljr tlio hnrdlunt und moiit popular variotinii tbiitmiacood in tho oolduitt oliiaatoii Now iioaiiounow coinmcuioluf;: ooinploto outfit frno, tuilary and oxponnon mild from utart for full thuo, orllboml uominiiuiion for purt tinui. Apply now, udilroaiiiiif; noaroiit otlloo, am! ohoicn of torritory. IjUKK lUtOTIlFJlH COMPANY, Iiiturnatioiml Nuniorhm, CmoAcio, 1X-.U,, or MoNTniiAi^. Qui:, Fresh Bread In what yon oan rely on jotting whon yon buy from uo. Our wagon uoen to all partuof tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, frontier, or nweot- or iu tho country. A.1J hinds of Puncy Galtou and Jolly Ilollu. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo soil nothing ntalo or dry. Leave low Order aud you can roly on prompt dor livory. FRANK FOSS. OppoaitoBack & Friuiclii, Erjnox SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wiltjou Avo., next Abordaon Hotel, . Tho latoiit improvod raachinory for Ironing Collars and Cuffs. Will not oraolt or break tuo wing. Family work ohoap. Parcola oalled for and dolivorod. Ploauo call and try. If not Hatiafaotory no ohar^o will bo raado. I our work HuitH you. reoominond uh to your frioutts. lunkiiijf tbo piioplii of tint town and oounty ho patrouu^i Ixiwtowod upon hlmlutlio , will (piamutuo HiUlttfuotlon In tho future. - Cristlng and Chopping a Specialty, 13.- The Iltsi Gratks oj Flour, Ft Cornmca! Kept in Stock and sold at Prices. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats, DO you Iftde ? If so, you want to have ^ tlio best there in and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout -in to uk ran at- JOHN A* ROSE'S Livery, ^Good fioadnUrn, JCafijj Jtidiny Buggies. Comfortable Carriage*}, A Call Solicited. &atinfct(slion GuaranteaL North of tho * Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT. Johnston Bros., Builders *d Contractors. DKALKllfl IN- British Columbia HAS A RECORD 40 YEARS OF SUCCESS IT IS A SURE CURE k row Diarrhcea , Dysentery Colio , Cramps , Cholera Infantum br\d tktl Summer Complaints ' its, CKildrcr\ or Adullo. l/^vrwffi-i^rrarsg'iy^r^ Uu * Pine" Shingles, $1-00 Up. oi Building Material, SJSII, DOORS, LA 'I'll ami BARN LUMBER, Wf~ SutlHfuetlon CliinrniitRccl, Opp. Water Works, Ehsc.v. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS 9. THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND- I..ARGS5T SAUE IM CANADA. J. GOUKIiAV & SOH. ESSEX, ONTT ---------.....-----jA__^^'^ -' ' '-:S !- x^!*^* & mm TOE THiOMPH CORN SHELLER ]DDEsetoxii;x>a?lx:c>3sr. ThiH Maohino consists of a horissoutal oaBt cyiindor, with wrought iron biiirs, with Htool tooth holtod to tho cylinder bo as to ho rovoi'Hiblo whon tbo. tooth hooomo worn on tho front Bido, vanning in a porforaled concavo iron shell, which tho shollod corn paaaos through into a shoot iron onso, with a an or oloimor attached holow, wliioli takes all tbo dust from tho grain. The' .riioapost bout, most simple and durable Powor Corn holler in use; shells iorn porfootly oloan in any condition Knelling and cleaning from ono to two housand bushels of oars por day, according to powor. Dimensions. Mloy, 10 in. diam- atorr fi in. faoo; Motion, BOO to 800 rovolutions por minute; Weight, 560 lbs. EVERV SHELLER WARRANTED. J GOURLAY &SONS ^i^M#^ 94

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