w^^^^^wf^F^^^ > I , U' XT JAS. D. ANDERSON & Go. BANKERS Agents for The Koyal, mho Guardian and ho Lancashire, Tho bontluouroiioo Oouipauto In tho world. Wo make a upoolalty of Insurliiit Warm l*ro- porty. Money to Loan at B and M4 l>or oont. ou Farm Property, Farmers, Jtisnrtuoii' Good JCsliaM/ CoMJiartifl, Tho Essex Free Press. BRETT i AULD, PhopHIETORs, FJUDAY, MAHOH 19, 1807.____ Town aiid_ Vicinity. Try Smith'n 3fi cant ton. Wodnofldny next will bo St. Patriok'w Day. -0. 13. Naylor tipout Saturday iu Dotroit, SmilliH liavo tho boat cliocnoiu town. Try it. TIioh. Brown npout Sunday lftHfc with friends in Wind nor. Itobt. Gordon, of Tjoamin^ton, npont Sunday at homo, horo. For Sale Bocontl band cook titovo, Apply to Goo, Coll. Nat Kendall, of Wolkorvillo, called on friends in town thin week T. B. Kinnoo Hpout a few (lays at tbo Toronto millinery opouingfl. For boat viilnoa in boots, hUoob and rubboro. 0 to M .1. Wifrl" & Co.'a. Mibh Stolla llobinaon, form1 rly of Diobol it Brickor'tt iH attending tho millinory openings in Ddroit. M. .1. Wifjb* & Co. liavo jiiHt received a good asttoilmont of yarnH from tbo ICintfsuUlo \w>olon iiiiJIh. Robert Noil, of Leamington, bao takon tbo position with G, E. Smith & Co., formorly bold by It. E. Gregory. Miss Maggie Burnt), of Detroit, in the fjw^fc of hor aunt, Mra. M. Dolmoro, * Jonnor atroot. Mra. N. T. .Tones, of Cana City, Mich., in vifiituig at tbo homo of Dariufl Hop- good, town. Tho Corbott-^itKHimmonB flprht takon plttco at Oarnon City, Novada, next Wednenday. John Stewart, of this town, loft on Wodnotiday to attend tho funeral of his aiator in tho east. Mrs. Hall rtnd_J\riu H. CUnttorton will open a dressmaking cHtablinhmont in tho vacant corner of Hart's Btoro on let of April. Misb Mary J, Laing gave a five o'clock tea to about a dozen of her young lady friends ou Saturday aftoi- noon lant. Mian Lily Millar wbo has been visit ing for a few daya pabt with friends in Loamiugtou and KingHvilto, returned on Saturday. jUisa Molly Ferry, of Indian territory, who is visiting relatives in tho county, apcufc Sunday at tho homo ,of her aunt, Mrs \Vm. .Tones, hero. Misa Kdith Wigle loavoa for hor --homo in KiugBviUo to-day (Friday) af ter spending three woeka with her cousin, Mihb May "Wigle, town. Alex. Laing loft on Saturday for Kalamazoo, whoro bo addressed a meet ing of tho Litnary Club, in tho intorots of liiFi Planetaiium, on Monday. Stephen Shaw and wifo returned to their homo here on Saturday after spending a few days with tho former's brothei, Milton Shaw, of Dotioit It haH been ascoitnitied that tho amendments to the Lhowio Act now before tho Local TIouho will cut oil inn licenses in this Pro-unco. Tho Provincial (Join ent ion of tho IC.O T.M., for Ontario will bo hold nt Guelph, on Wodnehduy, May t-Mitb, to choose roproHontativus to the Supreme Tent for 1HA7. Tbo BaptiBt Y. V U. on Tuesday ovoning appointed Tho*. Daly, Itov. M. , P. Campbell and Wes. McGladdciy loaders of tho meetings of their society during tbo month of March. During the puht week the M.G.K. Co have been \ory busy, movo freight is said to ha\o passed o\or the road, than has, in tbo same lima foi throe yeais. Tbo pump here is kept in operation night and day. On Tuesday of last week Messrs. Roado and Lowe, of Kfises, paid a visit to Maiden to see one of thoir old com rades, CharloH Savillo, wbo in staying with A. W. Bailey. Alderman Whitney moved thin week from his town residence to hia farm just out of town, on Talbot street. Win, Hatch, of tho M. 0. II. pump house, will movo into the house vacated by Mr. Whitnoy. On Monday afternoon, while on duty at tbo M. C. It. pump house, Wm. Hatch was sei/od with a violent attack of blooding at the nose. Pr, -T. W. Brion was summoned and after Home hours succeeded in checking tho blood ing. George Leo is taking tho work for a few days. Jus. P. McEwan, Inspector of tho Windsor Humane Society and Orphan and nogloctod children for tho county of Eshgx, gave us a friendly call on Thursday morning. Mr. MoEwan in tends coming again to look after a fow casoH which have coma boforo Ins notice. Any oubob reported him will eceivo his immediate attention. Head Smith's ad. for bargains in olotbing. D. J. Whitnoy is the- hattor and furnisher of Ebbox. ,T. P. MoQuoon is out again aftor a niogo of la grippo. M>h. Harry \Viglo baa boon visiting in Walkorvillo this wook. Olaudo Vanoo oallod on frlondrt in Dotroit on Priday butt. \V. H. Richardson, bardwaro, lia boon auiroriiig from la grippo. Kmorson Gardiner bud boon quite ill for Homo timo but is on tho mend. Now spring goods contiuuo to arrive almoiH daily at M. .1- Wiglo & Oo.'h. Jliss Prankio .Tarmin, of tho Eysox High Sohool, viiiitod lust wook at hor home in Amheistburg. FOR SALE.-A lot of wild lands in Ehbox County at \0 por aero. Apply W. M. DisOkw, Ehhmx. ]\r. J. Wiglo A Co.'h bargain^cnunter in being well pntronixod on Friday; special bargain day. Miss Lou Grooves, successor to Miaa 'J'hovnton, milliner, viaitod hor mother in KingHvillo, on Sunday. Mrs. .T. A. and Miss Elbol Rouo are Hponding a fow days with rolativos in Windsor and Dotroit. Miss Sara Lambert, of Forsythe, Anderson & Oo.'s, ban accepted a posi tion in J. A. KranoiH1 store Don't forgot to hoc tho now andbnnd- flomo dosigna in wall papers, at JI/th. May's; tho largest assortment in tho county. Robert Littlo, formorly of Foraytho, Andorsouit Co.'s ia now in tho employ of A. II. SonrlU'Co. Ediaon Laing has boon in Loaming- ton for tho past fow days soliciting ordorB for oloctric bolls and other oloc- tric supplios. Misa Todd who wan to havo loft Now York on Saturday last on tho Ethiopia did not got away until Wodnotiday aa tho Htoamor was A days overdue Wo call tho attention of farmers and othors who wish to borrow monoy upon mortgages of real estate to tho advor- tiHomont of the Chatham Loan and Savings Company in another column. Tho dilYerant merchants in town aro daily receiving new spring goods, and passing tho same into stock. A visit to (ho different storow whoso advertise ments appoar in this paper will con vince tho most skeptical that it is un- nocoBsary to go outside of Ebbox to got up-to-date goods of any description nud at prices that will comparo favorably with any city ofltablisbmont. At tho nomination for councillor for ward No. ;l hold in tbo waterworks on Monday tho following wore nominat ed: N. E. Scott, John Hicks, J. Wort- ley, S, P. Francis, and C. W. Thrasher. All afterward withdrew but Mossrs. Scott and Wortloy so tbo ehoico for alderman lies between these two. Elect ion will bo hold on Monday next from !) a.m. to r, p.m. Forsytho, Anderson t Co. bought tho bankrupt stock of Poddio & Co., of Windsor, which was Hold in Toronto on Wednesday, at III cents on tho dollar. Tho stock amountod to about 810,600, and tho purchasers paid cash down for it. (r.E. Forsytho has gono to Windsor to take posaeBHiou and will dispose of tho goods at Poddie A: Co.'s old stand. Sandwich street. All kinds ot line shoes at cut piicoH. G. E. Smith ScCty Tho tempeianco people announce that a public meeting u ill bo held in Diebol A Iliicker's hall this (Friday) ovoning at 8 o'clock, in the intercuts of Local Option^ addrcbhes to be given by Kov. I. R. Gundy, of Windsor, Kov. Father Mc(ruo, of Maidstone; Captain Otta- wny, of the Salvation Army and tho lesident clergymen. Choico musical selections will bo given. The diihrent mu'rhunta in town ai e daily receiving new spring goods, and passing the same mto stock. A visit to the diilorent stores A\hose advertise ments appoar in this pupoi will con vince the mosl skeptical that it is un- lieccsbaty io go outside of Ehucx to got up-to-date goods of any dcHcuption and at prices that will conipaio favorably with any city establishment Fruit men dittor iu the opinions con cerning tbo piuipocti for this year's peach crop. Homo assort that it will bo a complete failure. Others find that their trees luuo not been injured in the least, and consequently look forward to a good crop Tho injury which has been dono way caused not by tbo ox" tremo cold of a fow days, but .by tbo long, severe winter. Some orchards which woro sheltered aro not hurt, but no doubt, tho crop on tbo whole will bo very much bolow the average of the part threo years. It pays to patronize M. J. Wiglo & Co/b bargain counter on Friday, thoir spocial bargain day. Tho Women Mission Circlo of tho Baptist Church held thou* quartorly mooting at the homo of Mrs. Wm. DoCow on Tuesday afternoon, at which tho opening of tho mito bo\os took place. Owing to tho inclemency of tho weather, all tho botes woro not handed in, but $2,57 was tbo amount forwarded to tho treasurer. Aftor tho mooting a farewell toa was served in honor of .Mrs. A. D. Pito, Secretary, who is to loavo in a short timo for thoir farm in Goflttold South. Mret. Jaraos Winters wa appointed soorotary for tho onau- ing year. M. J. Wiglo A: Co. aro tho clothiwa of Esboi. Thos. Ouollotte, of Andordon woh in town on Tnenday. Fiuimy ih Bi'BouUi BAnaAiN Bay at M. J. WlOLH k 0o.JH.---- Miss NolliQ TIoHkin, of Jjffc. Thomas, is visiting Mins May Wiglo. Wm. Poster, town, loft on Tuosdayof last week for Jackson, Mich. Mibb Minnie Fox, of Kingsvillo, is viaiting Misa Lily Millar, town. Miss Jounio Donald wbo baa been vory sick is able to bo out again. Mrs, O, DoBJardm spent a fow days laHt week with hor sister, Mrs. Ray. Ernest Woodiwiss and Ethol Wiglo visited friends in Eshox last Buuday. A gouoral favorite: M. J. Wiglo & Oo.'s i)5e. toa. Earlo Wiglo, of Kiugsvillo, has boon visiting this wook with R. E. Grogoiy, in town. Stanloy, sou of E. J. Lovolaoo in vory ill of soarlot fovor at thoir homo in St. Catharines. M. J. Wiglo & Co. mako a Hpooialty of extra ilno touB and coftoos and gonoral grocerioa. Misa Noblo, of Dotroit, baa boon on- gagod as millinor for this season for Forsytho, Andorson & Co. Mrs, Ellison, has moved from tho Whitnoy block to tho houHo adjoining tho waterworks rocontly occupied by J. K. Millar. J. T. SomorviHo, M, D., graduato of Trinity Univoraity, Toronto, wishes to announce that ho baa secured ofueoa in tho Whitnoy block, and will bogin tbo praetico of his profession. Tho noxt pooplo's concert at tho Dotroit Auditorium is mostly to bo sup plied by Canadians, Misfl Paulino John- aon, Owen A. Sraily, Miss Jesuio Oorlott and Harold Jarvis. In tho caso of Pottor vs. Mooro for slander, tho parties woro oxaminod on Thursday of laut wook. Tho oxamin- ation boro out tho ploadings and tho suit will go on. On Tuesday, W. D. Beam an, agent for tho British America Assurance Co., paid ovorto thoKiugflvillo Canning Co., the Bum of 3,81)8,45, for loss sustained by tho company in tho rocont firo. A girl who doos not reside over a hundred miloa from Eshox recently sent 25 cents to find out how to whiten her bands. The wholo family, oxcopt herself, woro tickled to death whon she received tbo reply : "Soak thorn in dish water." Tilbury was again viiited by Jlro on Monday night, tho Grand Central hotol boing totally destroyed. Tbo loss on tho building was about ^7000;insurance iriOOO. Tbo budding was owned by J. A Aubin, of McGregor, and Ed. Wiglo was tenant of same. Tho caso of Queen va. Groeuway and Littlo which was to have boon board on '.Tuesday last was adjourned till today Friday) at 10. a.m. on account of P.M. Bartlott having to go to Toronto on im portant business. W. II. Kennedy has boon retained for tho dofeneo. W. II. Kennedy, formorly of Watford, has opened up a law ofileo in tho cornoi* of the Aberdeen block. Monoy to loan at 5, r)\ and ft per eont., according to se curity. Collecting, oouvoyaueing and winding up estates, a specialty ; also a number of fiuo fauns for salo. Big cut in prices of towels iitSuntli's. Tjieut.-Col. J. n. Boattio, of tho 21st Battalion, Essex Pwuliorfl, is authority for tbo statement that after tho Juno session of Parliament, action will bo taken to cbango that Imttnlion fiom a rural to a city corps Tbo battalion now numborfl five companies, and another one will have to bo added to comploto the establishment. The e\peiises of tho change will bo about 2,500, for new clothing, accoutrement, etc. Tt is un derstood that tho dintiict ofHcei com manding has recommended that the change be mado. Evory day is bargain day, and Fnclay special bargain day "\\ ith M.J. Wiglo k Co Diebel ^ Brickor's Hall was tho sceno of quite an interesting and well con tested suit on Wednesday last. Alfred Cornell with iivo othors brought suit against E. Smith, mill ownor, and John Murphy, contractor of Ruscum, for wages uudor the Masters and Sei- vjmts' Act. Jndgmont was givou tor the amount claimed in onchcuso against Muiphy, but the uano against Smith was dismissed Tho case camo up bo foro W. D. Bosnian. On Thursday moi ning Smith paid Cornell but rofusod to pay tbo otbois. Special Hue of line shoes at half price. G. E. Smith & Co. On Wednesday last Prod. Rooholeau and Jacob Drouilhud, two farmora from Canard River, (Ith con,, Andordon, had quito an experience getting to Essex with a load of pork. Thoy startod from homo at 7.30 a. mf, with a mixed load of livo and dressod hogs on a nar row-tired wagon, with two toams on abreast. When thoy got -within HJ miles of Ehbox thoy camo to a out aoroflS tho road fully two foot deep which had boon out out by tho water running across. In getting over this infc thoy broke down, then thoir trouble com menced in earnest. Thoy had to unload thoir pork iip tho mud, got auothor wagon, wido^arod, and load up again. Tho wide tired wagon rolled up tho clay ho that it was almost impossible for tho teams to pull it at ail, and it was 8 p. m. boforo thoy arrived in town. Two bottles of phiklos for 25 cents at Smith's, Mrs. Fred, Hyatt io viaiting rolotive noar Leamington. Miss Nellie Btraohan who had been visiting in Dotroit hafl returned homo. Call and boo Whitney's namples of wall paper. Prloo, fiomH conts a roll up. Mrs. W. J. Smith, of Amborstburg, spent Monday with rolativos and frioudu in this town. A. J. Groon loaded a car of dressed hogs at Eshox station yesterday (Thurs day) for which tffi.fiO per owt. was paid. D. J. Whitney baa juat roooived 48 boxes of tho latest styles in spring hata. Call and boo thorn before you buy olso- whove. Mrs, Stophon Wilkinson and daughter Annio, who have boon quito ill of la grippo, aro eonvaloscont. Soe tbo largo assortment of bioyoloa just being opened out at Riehai dson's. Prices to suit the times. Miss Jonnio Wbito of McElligotts tailoring ostabhshmont is spending a fow days at hor homo in Cofctam. Miaa Williams has boon on tho sick list and her placo on tho Public School staff has boon supplied by Miss Loda RubhoU. Richardson is just opening out a largo consignment of tho Shorwin-Wil- liama' proparod paints all colors. It is ilrst-olnHB, try it. Dolmor Trimblo wbo has been on a circuit at Williams, KontCo., returned homo ou Wednesday on account of tho serious ilbiosH of bis mother. Tho Fiikk Pmsw and London Daily Advertiser will bo sent to any addross for ono year for $2. This oiVor is good only to roiiidents of Easox County. Misa Mariotta LaDollo, honor grad uate of Philadelphia School of Oratory, Miss Virginia Nina Eautmau, graduate of tho Chicago Musical College, Dr. E. B, Spaudling, Detroit's popular bari tone and Mr, Arthur Dopow, well known in musical eiiclos here, will all take part in tho programme of tho concort in tho Presbyterian Church noxt Tuesday night. Every body should como and hoar thorn. Grocciios! fresh and choii] at Smith's Somo people never havo a good word to say for a newspaper, a preacher oi a lawyer. Tbo first costs more than it is worth, don't amount to anything, and, anyway, thoy can borrow it from their neighbor, tho aocond saya things that fit too oiosoly, whilo tbo third is such a cussed liar that thoy wouldn't havo any thing to do with him under any circum stances whatever. But just let tboso same individuals havo a littlo trouble and thoy aro tho first to lot dampers fly out of thoir uocka and tbo nowspapor, tho preacher and tho lawyor aro nearly always callod upon to holp thorn out of thoir difficulty. Havo your watches ropairod at Ovens', tho now jewolor. On Tuesday morning at Harpor's Hospital, Detroit, a neat and olovor operation was porformod by which a 25- cent piece was removed from tho eso phagus of a littlo throe your old girl named North, a nioco of Mrs. John Turk, of Windsor. A week or two ago tho child swallowed the coin, and has sufTcrod intonsoly ovor since A fow days ago its exact location was mado kuownbythc'X Rays, enabling the opciation to bo conducted with cer tainty. Tho coin was lodged in a pocket there, and would have caused death vory soon by choking. An inciuiou was made in tho neck, which was out down and tho obstacle removed with noatuossand dospatch. Tbo coin was quite discolored and will bo kept as a curio. r Top shirts, worth s?l 25, now for 7fi cents at Whitney's From a repoit which has been issued by tbo Dominion Geological Depart ment, it appeals that tho future of tbo natural gna industiy, in tho opinion of the mining export, is \ery doubtful. It is pointod out that tho rock pressure in tho woIIh iu Ebso\ county shows no marked decrease, but this is attiibutod to tho rocont dato at which tho con sumption became othor than that of a local character. There havo been 2(1 wells drilled, of which Hi are active pro ducers. Tho rock pressure is given at 400 pounds to tho square inch, and tho estimated output is !1V)>IO,000,000 cubic foot per annum. A very ditVorent "Con dition of things is reported to exist in tbo Wolhind gas holds, from which BulValo draws its supply. As to that distiiot, tho report continues: "Accord ing to tho opinion expressed by sovoral of tbo leadiutr authorities on tho aulvjoot, it would appear to bo moroly a question of a fow yoars boforo tho gas supply in tho Wellaud Hold will bo oxbaiiHtod, at least for commercial purposes, though a small (low may still continue for annum longer period, which will bo of service for domestic uses to farmers and others with wells on thoir premisos, and re quiring only a vory limited daily supply, In support of tins opinion mention may bo mado of tho Provincial Company's woll NaflJl, drillodin 1808, which yielded whon tho gaa was struck a flow of more than 10,000 cubic foot por day. The flow 41 Cm uiila Tv'uii. uaa *x\jy - oroased to such an extent that it does not produoo 400,000 foot in tho Ramo timo, although it bus iu tho interval boon Bovoral timoa fed from tho other wellsr G. E.SniTH&CO Have secured a quantity of Sample Over-Goats, suit- table for the Sprin wear, which will be offered at about one-third their value Regular $9.00 line for $3.99 13.00 " 4.99 Don't Let this Snap slip by. a SPECIALS In Men's Suits of Olothes : Regular $ 6 Line for $4.25 U U (C 8 10 12 u u 5.75 7.75 8.76 F OR TW O WEEKS We offer Big Outs in Ordered Suits of G-ood Quality : Scotch Tweed Suits .Regular, $22.00 for $17,50 " 20.00 *< 16,75 Job Lot Men's Panta $1.50 for 95c..... a Out Prices GASH ONLY, 1 * m WltWNKY JiLOOK, 13SSMX. SMITH & GO W - HARDWARE - Is Cheaper than Ever This Springs If You are Building # Gall and Get Prices on ifc NAILS, BARN HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, &c. Baker and Butcher. THE oldont buoLnoiin ia town. EntabUali 1B7*I, Firnt'OlafiH hrna.il and oakoa of . Ulndii. Wedding oultosa iijiooiallty. Grooan- provinlonn, flour, focul, unit and pork. Goufi tlonory, crockery, Rltidnwaro. Canned fruits uu vof/otublou of all ktadn Gcodfi promptly o Uvorod to all purta of tlio towu. J. M. HIGJC 101tf ~~ Iteamington Gawiage Ulofh. To Fai met. an I thi Public Generally ' Compotmib jiidjion bityo docidod onoo mortr that onr^ B UGGIES and WAGONS See our Stock of Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements, Prices to Suit the Times Just Think You Can Get One Parlor Suite, Ono Bedroom yuito, Ono Extension Tablo, Ono Sideboard. Six OlmirB, One Boekor. ATI I. TKL lW'flT. Tills your, an unaal, thoy luiv iflvon u ilmt nrt/o(i out oi 11 potmlblu aovon nt rjoamluRtou I'fitr; four Arnt \mQ'i at Har 1'iLir out of a ronniblo JIvh; and at Bollo HI* f lutr *mr Uiih|d( Kot U'rf' flint prl/on out i ponidblo flvu Kfven l)j tho Hooloty, thun maL a clouu iiwcup ut till tlio I'lilrti tbiifc our v wuh on oKhihitifQ tins full Our iluinh waH ctdlont, in fiiotit ^an tho unWoriial doolaloj. wvorylxidv tliatoui vohJoln nuriiaaaod any hlblt of any form or yoani Uoiit of all, wo h ir.oro work at mid during tho 1' aim than atli(rcoiuiintltori flolil nil imt tof{otllor. b wo liavu alot of (.Ulfuiiiut iitylnti on biiQd makuif! ovtiry wook wliioli will nuit tho n fantnliotm Wo am now rOndy to tako or* foi Fiult WuroiiH, liinjtii'B and Carriftfjc uvory dofiorlptUiii ItoptiirluK douo lu al. ruuclmu. Ordoifi iiolioitotl, Ijaiiteni I'lURioH mid Wiiijono and all kind Piirm IniplomuntB ami Itioyolon nuppli(K< 1 nhoi t iMitiuo iind at a iinuill (idvanoo ou oont, Tlnuikiiif; our patroun foi imnb favom, I an Yourn vory roHpoocfully, W. F. McKENZl \i'ciiLfot tho abovo W( > ho\ 0 i, IjQaiiiluuton, Out fi I J. A. .u^ #^# All For $40 -ALSO- Iron Beds, Baby Carriages, Picture Mouldings and Everything in tho Furniture Lino at CJobo Prices tho Boat Goods in the Market tho bulk of which is our own manufacture, thoroj fore wo will gnurantoo it tbo host in tho Market '!: :,: :': '}- * Undertaking A Specialty, FirBt-ClasaCUy Hacks in attondanco whon voquirod. All of tho abovo to bo had at Esbox: Furnifcuro Wttrorooms. J. A. HICKS & Go,, Essex. WANTiaD-fflBVlilHAXj VAfTUVUXiUUN 01 Woinou to truvdl tor roapouaililo outal lltflitid bciiso In Outiirlo, Salary. 87H0, vayabli d 16 Wookly aud expuuaoH. Position poriinmot**- Heforenco, linoloBo anlt'oddroBUod atampd *n- Vuloiie. ThoNailoual. Star Bulldlugj Obloago. Smith 1 <tU\jr1 Woodslee* nASOponoil a Dyo W(, in counoctiou with liis Tn EatabliHhinout. 1^ i You Havo an Old OF CLOTHES, BRING IT TO SMITH And ko will make it aa j. an new. If? YOTI WANT FASHIONED MADE NEW. 1MW6 IT TO SMITH. AN O SUIT Clothes Gleaned, Renovated and Dyed at Smith's* ^ # At Smith's you cau got a good Tweed Suit for Worsted $ ^ j. i A' M '1"A>l>M^r^ t> v\ I Mils. h>n> k^kiihU^ A1../ 722979