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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 12, 1897, p. 4

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7;^*^;^$ up mi mi L.:V The Essex Free Press.. BRETT 4. AULD. Proprietors. FRIDAY, MAEGH 19. 1B97. A New Drcsa. - Thk Fwbb Piucfls appoara this wook in a now dress of uews typo, alia" wo doubt not but that the improvement will be readily noticed by all of our roadore. The typo wqb purchased from Gwatkin & Son, of Toronto, und ia brovior size The propriotora contem plate Btill furthor improvomouta In tlio near future, winch will keep thin journal in the front to.uk of the local nownpapora in Western Ontario. Eshkx County Spring Abhixob open at Sandwich on Moudiiy next. WnM you sift out' tiditorlnlu on the Grown Nost Hallway, (uid tho mining boom uowfl from tho Toronto duiUon therein not much loft. Tho reading public i getting a triflo weary of thoso over dinouHHod quoetioiw. Tub OorliflH Immigration Bill in doiul for the proHont. Everything on the TJ. S. Houho and Henato oalondarH diem on Maroh 4th and mUHt go through tho wholo logiHlativo prbooHB before it can go to tho profiidont again. N. B. Cor.nooK, IiiHpoctor of Oub- towH, wna in Esaox yontorday (Thurn- day) and installed Dr. JamoB Brion 'an BUb-colloctor for tbin part. J. H. Kinnoo, who ban boon acting an tiub- collootor for over a year pant, will likoly leavo for his old homo in Toron to in a few clnyH. St. TnoMiH JomtNAii: tu Britinh Columbia mortgages have boon taxed for eomo yoai-H, with tho usual result that tho amount of the tax ban to ho paid by tho borrowora, Tho FnrmovH' Allianoo of that provinco ia domanding tho repeal of the law, wJiiloJJxo.Fiiti'uiiB of Ontario last wook ankod tho Legisla ture to adopt tho moasuro. Tho move would bo a retrograde ono, put hor- roworn to troublo and exponso, and tho bill would have to ho ropoalod in a year or two. ' A rum at company wnH organized in San Francisco to run a moiiRtor dopnrt- moutal Rtoro, nil the manufaetiuin houHOB, roal efctato, loan, insurance and othor companies, and private employ ers who oxpocted to bo injured, imul- tanooiiHly diBchargod . nil their em ployee^ and "ro-ciipiged thorn on an agreement to pay oacb one bo much wagos on condition that tho employee should not spend, or allow any part of hia wagefi (;o bo apont in a departmental storo. Tho scUomo looked liko boy- .cott but it worked and tho departmental Btoro played to an pmpty honno. If tho buainoHB people of Essex realized how much money was leaving thm town each week for tho departmental atoroH in Toronto thoy might bo tempted to take similar action. County Buildings Settlement. Tho Spooial Committee of the County Council composed of Warden N. A. OoBto and Moasrs. Win termite, Colo aud Brown and tho Special Committee of tho City of Windsor Council, com posed of jtfaj'or Davis and AIohbi'r. Sboppard, D'Avignon, Connolly and Baxter, having jointly considered und discussed the question of tho improve ments of tho County buildings at Sand wich, mutually and jointly agreed that Windsor would contribute its proper share of one-sixth of tho sum actually spent in enlarging tho County thiol ami Court Houso, tho erection of tho Gaol er's residence and providing ' furniture and fittings for said buildings. The sum actually spout and certified by tho export appointed by Windsor having been recognized, accepted and fixed at $ 27,(133 tho sixth wan fixed at sHlH.H0 which Windsor agrees to pay to tho County in a lump sum on or before tho 1st of Jlay next. This agreement was ranched on Friday afternoon Inst, by tho two Committees and was ratified on Monday night by tho Windsor City Council and as tho County Committee, had full power to sottlo from tho Coun ty Council, tho raattor is fully settled. Of courso tho County Committee will report to tho County Council aud tho report will bo adopted early at tho .Tune session: It is n matter of congratula tion that tho County and City Com mittees and Councils Uavo thus amica bly aud honestly settled this important question, Tho County Committee also mot with the Wallcorville Committee on Satur day but there was no settlement arrived at. Auditor Lye's roport to tho Walk- orvillo Council was submittod on Mon day evening. Ho flgnros tho amount at$l,0.'H. Tho County Committee's claim is SI,80(1.1)2, boing ouo-tonth of tho balance loft after dodueting 8.1,000 aud.tho amount contributed by Wind sor, from tho amount agreed upon by tho City and County Committoos aa being thoooatof tho ropniro, via., $27,080, There will undoubtedly bo an amicable adjustment of tho. amounts between tho two committoos boforo tho Juno session. .i ,... . _ At Portage la Prairie Assizes Deputy Boturning Oiucor] William; Sauudors was found guilty oCstufilng abnllotbox iu tho Maodonald election, Dopnfcy Maowhiunoy wra acquitted. Cltnda, Our sohool is again opened. The Horticultural Society mot in tho Patrons* Hall hero on Saturday evening with a largo .attendance. Mm. Dauiol Oorlett and Mrfl. ,Tamofl Stownrt, who have been very ill with la grippe, aro now oouva|o0cuut.- Tho funeral of Albert, son of Oaniol Bynll, took place here on Wednesday of last week. The M. K. Church, in which tho services wore hold, was not nearly largo enough to accommodato tho viwt number of. people present. Mr. llyull was ill only a few days with pneumoniu, which, in spito of tho best medical aid, resulted fatally. Ho was baroly BO years of ago, a respected and doaorvodly popular young man. He was married ilve years ago to Miss Wigle, daughtor of Arthur Wiglo, and loavoH a widow and two chihlron. The The fiiuoral was conducted by tho T.O. CIV, of which order Mr. Ryall wan a member, a most improHsivo Hor- mou bolng preached by Hov. E.Boftloy, of Kingsvillo Ohureh of England. COMMUNICATIONS. We wish it to be* distinctly understood that, wc do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinion-; expressed by our correspondents. Local Option. Editor Finsta Pukhh: will you kindly allow me, through your valu able paper, to appeal to the electors of Essex to vote, on Monday next a- guinuj tho restoration of the open sale of intoxicating drinks in our town. Tho chief cause of the extensive uho of such liquors is their open sale forming a constant temptation, through the treating habit, to the young and to tho brothers, husbands and fathers, whose money would otherwise go in the pur chase of comforts for their families. Business men, will you not vote to keep our fair town such that the tem perate, thrifty, prosperous farmers of fertile comity may continue to eomo here with pleasure; that those who know their weakness for drink may come here with confidence that they will not be tempted, at each entrance to the place, to spend all their money in strong drink, but may have it to spend in the stores for comforts for the loved ones at home; itnd that scores of those loved fines may hud contented in their homes when the son, or hus band or fathnr comes here, and not spend each hour in dread as they have "in tluTpasf, for fear of the return with empty pockets, but full of curses and abuse. Intelligent, reasonable fellow- citizens you know that it would cost more than the town's share of license fei;H to keep us good order in our town day and night, with open bars, as there has been since last August. If any will not admit that, we ask them to consider that the average share of lessened taxation to ouch ratepayer under license would be about fifty cents a your. Shall we, for that paltry sum, vote to license' the open sale of that which shatters tho nerves, fires the brain, deadens the moral nature, brings poverty aud misery to so many homes, causes so many, bitter, Hcald- ing tears, and so many broken hearts, so mnny lost homes, three-quarters of tho crime, and more than half of tho insanity, and sends so many souls, created in God's pure imago, to an eternity of utter woe! Fellow-citizens, who have that awful.craving for drink, and who have felt snfe'and free for these seven precious months,willyou not vote to keep those fearful doom of tempta tion closed, for tho sako of your bodies and minds and occupation, for tho sake of your loved ones and for tho sake of your own soula. Fathers and grand fathers, from what are drunkardh mudo ? Wo can give the answer bo readily, hut n'honc. hoyn 'J It might bo ours that little one who lies iu hin cradle now, or that little prattler who runs to meet ur and climb onourknoos, or another bright one in the school, or that other ono of whom wo aro so proud, just ready to carve his way to some high placo in our Fair Canada, It will be some of them. Which aro we ready to sacrifico, if wo vote for tho opon drunk ard factory? Fathers, who aro to bo the drunkard's wives thoso victims of colduoHS, and neglect, and passions producing, I believe, tho most wretched misery felt by human beings? Will ono of them bo that lovely daughtor one of whoso curls or caresses ifi worth more than a King's ransom? Aro wo willing to run tho risk of hor being one? If wo aro Buro of the safety of our own loved ones, daro wo vototo cause, asourolyas night follows day, that our neighbor's children shall become drunkards and drunkards' wives...... Christians Oh! do I need to plond with you? Tho Groator'n first question to man was "Whoro art thou V and his second was "Whore ia thy brother?'! The toBt mosBngo of tho Saviour was "Inasmuch as ye have bavo done it un to ono of tho lonBtof thofio my brothrod, yo have dono it unto mo." Shall wo not think of tho weak onoa, aud tho innocent; holploBS onoi who would suffer, and rise to tho plane on which St. Paul stood, that a weak.brother for whom GhriBttliod may sot .bo mado to offend? Each ono who votes for the By-law to rostoro tho opon salo of strong drink in otir town will ho responsible for ovory uorrow and loss and crime that would result from tmch restoration. Anxious Paiubnt and Oxtizbn. TOWN 0_F ESSEX. By-Law No, 263. To ropoa) Uy-L&w No. 101, prohibiting tho nalo of liquor In tboTowu of ISbbox. WhoroM the Munlaiual Uounull Of tho Town of Kubox did ou tho twenty-ueoond day Of booomtwr, In tho yoar lfiOO, Anally naufl n by-law to prohibit tho hilIu of liquor lu the Town ol Mrho* ; and WhoroaM tho eulil Oouholl liaa boon duly rtwiuontoU to iwihh and autmilt tj tho nlootom a by-law to rupeal aWl hy-luw No. 101. Thoroforo, t)n> Mnniu'iMil Commit of Out Town of Kbuox, boruby ouuotn att IoIIdwh . 1. Thut nalil by-In.w No, lfll, to prohib it tho nalo of liquor In tho Town of Khhox bo ami tho uitmu lu huruhy tuixmlutl. y. That thin by-Iitw uhall luk utfent ono day after tho anal naHnlntf thutrnof, namuly. on tho wovonth day of April, 114)7. 1), That tho voto of th uluctoru of tho Utild Town of Khoox will bo tukon on thin by-luw by tho DopuW tlotimilnff Offloom hnro- Inaltar mound, on Monday, tho nrtuimth day of March, lii07, eoimiHtuohitf at nlno o'clock In tho forouoon. Man turn Htatidard tlmo, and coiltlmilijjf until fi o'clock In tho at tor noon of! tho Himio day, mid uo lonKor, in tho undorniontlouod piano a hi tlui Town of 13ttox. No 1 Ward, hi th Town Hall, by John Wiiltorit, I)tipntylluturnli>tfOfnat>r ; no.U Wtird In Mr. Ohurulrti ofllao, Hiumtim lilook, Win. Olniroh, Doputy Hotumini/ Oflloor ; No, 11 Ward, hi Mr. IloamtwVit oiAou, Tidhot ntr'>ot, 0. M. JoluiBtcn, Doputy Hoturnln Oflloor. 1. On \roitday, tho eighth day of Marub. Ihin, fho Mayor of tho Town of Kumix uhall attaiid athlH ofrtoo on Tulljot ntr<iot, at thrt hour of ton o'clook In tho forenoon, to appoint in writing, two ]iorHOini to attond nt tho nntil timmiiliiu up of votod, iLtul ono ixirnoi) to attend at oaoli polllnij pi no fJ on behalf of tho yuv- iioiih tntoruHlotl. In and donlvotiH ofpromounn thoimiifiliiK of thin by-law and a ltUo ti'umbor on linhuir of tho ptiriionn IntoriMitod In and drmlroufl of dpoonln^ tho putt nana of thin by law. C, Tlio Olork of tlin nald Mmilolpallby nhall iittnnd at tho Connoll Clinmbor, at tho hour of tfui o'oloolt hi tho foronoon, on tho 10th day of Maruh, 1H'.7, to mitn up tho numbor of voton fiivon lav and agaludt thin by-law, 0. T|mt thin by-law bo puhliHhod onoo ovnvy woolc for a torm of throo wol(H In tho Krmox Kroo IVtiJiu ]>ri)vlonn to tho ' final voting tliiiriion, tlin (Irtit publication to bo on tho 10til day of Fobruitry, 1807. . rrovlHioiully udoptod tho alxtonth day of Folmuiry. lbtrr. FRIDAY 1TOTICE. 'pAKK NOTfCM THAT THK ABOVK IR A L trun oopy of a propotii'd by-law which ban boon taken into comiiduratloii and whlcli will bo anally punnnd by tlin Municiiml C'ouuull' of thn Town of Ktonne in tho ovont of tljn iLiitnuit of tliuTiuijorityot tlio olcctorn boiiic obtuinod thoi-ntoaftcir ono month from tho Unit publica tion in tho ltmux Froo Prcmi wltiuh will ho ou thn uliwtounth diiyof Fubrnarv, 1H07, and 'hat the votod of tlio oliictorti of tho mild' Munici pality will ha tulcoti thnronn at tho pi noon, on tho day and durim; tho hottni innntionod in Hfiid by-law, namidy, on tin; flfU'onth day Of March11H07, commmiclhj; at tho hour of uinu o'clock' In tho forenoon, KaoUiru fitandard timo. JOHN WALTKIIB, Clurk of tho Town of Ktuiov. fti. TOWN OF ESSEX. By=Law No. 263. To raino tho twm of Two Tliotifland Dollurn, for tho puriiono of adding to and improvini,' tho waterworkit In thu Town of nux. WlioronH, It in ilonirabln to makn iniprovo- montiito tho water works by tho addition of. a now boilor and othor noootiiiary iuiprovouiontu and altorntioiin inoidontnl to tho nnuiii; and Where an, it bun boon dolorinlnod and onti natod that tlio noconuary iinprovoiuonttt a*t boforo nnraod will oont thu fium of .Two Thoufi and Uollaru; and Whoroau, tho Munlclnul Council of tlio for- f oration of tho Town of Knuox hnvo by rofl'du- lon dcolarod it to bo advinablu and nxnodiont tT raino tho naid uuin of Two Thoumuid Dolhirn, for-thu purnono huroinboforo naxiiod, by tho liinuu of dtmonturiiii upon tho croilit of thin Municipality, mild dobenturon to extend ovor a period of fourtoon yount; and Whoroau, tho wholo amount of tho ratable nroporty of tho Town of Entioi according to tho In nt roviHod. tirinotitimcnt ro|l in tho Hum of S1H7.471 ; and Wlioroao, tho umomit of oxintinff dobontuvo dobt of'tao Municipiility of tho Town of Kuuox in tho mini of S47,7!W.B0, and no part tberoof, oUIht jirinoipul or intorcut In in urroani Therefore, bo it onaotod by thi Municipal Counoil of tho Corporation of tho Town of Kmitix imrnuuut to tho provifiiona .of tho Mnni- clpulAot. I. That for tho purnoHo of mioiiift tho nmu of Two Thousand liolfarH to bo unod for aildiuu tu mid improving tho watorworkit hi tho Town of IOhiiox tlio Mayor of tho nalil Town of Kiwox idiull flituso dobtiiturofj to lin jfiuuod for tho liaymont of tho iiriuoinal of nuob dobt, and tlio baid dt'bonturi:n oliall bo Hoaled with tho noul of thu Corporation and oitjnud by tho Mayor and TreuHuror thoroof, ti Tliat tlio nald dohunturttti nhall boar intoroot at tho raio of t\vo per cent, per tuiuuni rttcknnod from tlui lnt day of May, I BUT, and coupoiiH for tho payment thoroof Hhall bo at- tacluid thoroto. ;i. That tho iiaid iirincipaldobtof Two Tliouii- iindl'ollarn Hindi bo ropayublo in four toon huccoh-' filvo niinutil iniitiihiiuutti for whicli aohoiituruft hUhII 1)0 immtid, i]out) of wljlch nhall bo loini than jiui hundred (lolhun, and that tho ti^grogtitu uniount pnyahlu for principal and intoroot iu any year Hhall bo equal an nearly uk may bo to what 1h pavliblo for principal and interont diirhifjoacli of tho other yoaw of tho period ovor which mini t:uch debentures uliitll nxtoud, 0110 of nuoh iiititaluiuiitFi, to^utboi with tlio iutcroiit ou the principal ntnount from tiu.o to tirno re- inainitiR unpaid to bo paid 1 11 tho lnt day of May, in ouch und ovory yoar benlniiing with the lot day ot May, lfcUS. I. That thorn uhall - bo rainod in each and every yoar, during the currency of tho dobt, to ho hereby cnmtutl, tlio uuin of 202.03, beintf a u in nulllciont la dlnchargo the novoial i tin till- iiiontf) of ]>rt[icipal and ioLoroHt ticoruiug and duo on nuch debt payable aa horoinboforo pro- vidod, and that iiuoh an annual tuim nhall be loviod and raiiiod in oaoh and ovory year, dur ing tlio naid torm, by a opecfal r.ito tiuflluiout tbnrofor on all tho ratable property hi tho naid Town of Ksnex. B. TIiatthH Troamiror of thin Corporation bhall nofjotiiLte the nalo of tho afoiMHatd dohyn- turon under tho direction of tho Council, and idinll dopooit tho amount in tlio Imperial Hiiiil: of Canada, unbjoct to tho further ordorn of tlio Council. 0. That a vote of tho oleotorn of tho nald Tdwii of Emiox will bo taken on thin by-law by tho Deputy Heturninf; Onlcorn liorolnafLor niiined, on tho lf>tli day of March, 1HD7, com- meiiuiiiff at niiio o'clock hi tho forenoon, oaot- tirn Etaudard time, aud oontinuiii(> until flvo o'clock in tho aftornooh of the name day, aud no loii([or, in tho undermentioned plnoofimtho naid Town of Kbhox : in No. 1 Ward, in Town Hall.J.Waltoro.Deputy ltoturi)iii({ Ofllcor ;Ward No.3,in Mr. Churoh'n ou)oo, Wm. Church, D. II. 0 and m Ward No. J), In Mr, Iioaman'n oflloi), O. M. Jolinutou. D.U.O. 7. On tho 9th day of March, 3897, tho Mayor of tho Town of Eon ox oliall attend In bin ofhco on Talbot titroot, at the hour of 10 o'olook in tho forauoon, to appoint two pomoiiu to atton 1 at tho vurlonu polling' plnoou aud nt tho final Humming tip of voton ono pornon on,behalf of tho porfioud' intor- tuitod in premotinu tho panfitifjo of thiu.by-law and a liko numbor ou bohulf of tho ponionn op- poning tho paaotuf] of chin byduw. 8. Tho Clork of tho naid Municipality nhall attond at tho Council Chambor. at the hour of 11 o'oloolt In tho forenoon, on tlio Iflfch day ot March; 1807, to uum up tho numbor of voton given for und URaiunt thlo by-law, 0. This by-law ohall bo pubUnhod oneo a wook, for throe coutiooutlvo woolni, iu tlio JfloaoxFrnoProHB,provloua to^tho nntil voting thoroon. Provlfllonally adopfcod thn :ath ITobruary,. 1B07, to talco afloat Jmmodlatoly upou tho final paasiuu thoroof, TAKE NOXIOH. THAT THE .AUOVH IS A trao copy of a. propoeod 1 ydaw which baibooti tika into oousldorttfon nd wbloh will bo flraally pUBod by tlio Municipal Ckmuolv One of the things against which every merchant has to guard, is over buying, and even when exercising the greatest care he oc casionally finds his stock too heavy in one or more lines. Then again. Odds and Ends, and Remnants will accumulate, and some times an article becomes soiled or otherwise slightly damaged. In order to speedily dispose off ALL STTOH LINES, including over purchases we have decided to make Every Friday A Special Bargain Day When such lmes will be placed upon our counters, and marked in plain figures for Gash, at such prices as will insure a speedy clearing. Parties Who Pay Cash "4? Will find it profitable to visit our Bargain Counter on Friday our Special Bargain Day. $?- We are now receiving and passing into Stock Large Consignments of NEW GOODS bought in the best Markets, and which will be sold at the closest possible prices. Yours for Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & CO. FRANCIS' Great Unloading Sale.. . Dress GrOOdS at wonderful low prices, from 7c. per yard up to $1.25. Blouse Silks worth 75c, for 50c. All Shades, 34-inch Flannelette, worth 10c. for 6c., extra heavy twill and plain. Oorsets D. & A. for 75c, worth Jl.00, Men's Overcoats, worth $10.00 for $8.00, $8.00 for $0.00. Men's Pants from 90c to p.so. "Underwear all wool, for 50c, excells all other values at 66c. Boots and Shoes-very LOW PllICBS for next 30 days. HatS Men's $2 Fur Felt Hats for $1.00. GrrOCerieS Always fresh and best for least money. The Best Tea in Market for agc.yj^^ money refunded, XA.FRANCIS. of tho Town of EnfiL'X In tlin ovont-. of thn aiisoiit of tho majority of tliu oiotttorn hoin\t obtainod throto ititor otio month from tho Unit imbll- cation in tho Khhox l-'roo I'iohh whioh will ha on tlio 10th diiy of Kolmifiry, 1H97. uiirl that tho voton o( tho chictoni ot thu fulfil Muiiifiipfillty will ho talcfui thoruon nt tho plncou, ou tho day und ihiriiifj tho lioura moutlonoil in niUil by luw. TOUN WALTElt^, Clnrli, Town ol Kubox. R Choice ^tealf on. P3?ime I^oast, Ai'o among tho nocessanoH anl luxuries of life......... Thoso with everything...... ..;...gIbo in 'first-elans....... FBESH and CURED MEATS Sausuge, Bologna, Headcheese Lard, &c, Can ho procured from.,..,. R0BT. TATE, Talbot-st., Bssox. Hvirlicst Price Paid for Uul&tt, V/ord comoH that tho Thftmnvlllo oil oporatorB Jmyo ftt Iftflfc boon wuccoHsful. A Byndicato of flvo mon hiiVii boon bor ing away on a property uonv tho vil- latfo, nud, it 'wn fluid,' on Sutnvday, thoir'faitU'waarowftrotlby arioh.Htvike.' At a depth of 243 foot an oil-bearing Hirata witH oncountorod. Tho woll wiia aliot, and tho oil, was oarriod oithor by tho powor of tho dynamite, or by it omt inborent forco, complotoly over tho top of tlio dorriok. There is ro- 3oioiu(j'and oxoitouiont in Thaniesvillo because of tlio strilto., . . ......BSSBX...- Musio ^ Blots* ,, ......___ TU^ Wetmore Truss. tAt.!?}.i^____i r~H'^'i,' rr a "PlsTS Piano and xs^^\.x\iXN ^ Organs- # B, S. Williams' Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianos, 4^ Singer Sewing Machines .Hiivo junt rocolvod a. New Supply ol Vlolmu, Autoliarpw, llurikioiilc-uw, minaru, Ac. Violin NCrliiirw ami Snpplion-Jor all tho uliovo IiJiitvuuiontH on hand. Tuning ami TtopairlUfl a Specialty. Maohlna Noodlou mid OU iri SLoclc, 2h<I Ikoor Norm of Itl.CMK. sW '> <> i- ML '.. . The Best Twias in the Jrtafkefc. Thin Ti-iiHii lit rooommondod boouuno ItluKuay' to Woar, Cannot dot Out of l'lacu; can bo Ubou r. lu Cunon Hnrd to IIold;aud uIlo in Cildoh Easily' Xtotainod. It in importer to nil othcni 1ov tho Following rtiiinonn: lfct It ban n opriii({ bow that can ho adjuntod to emit tho cuno uh to turonnin-o, 2nd It iloon nnt ro iu-ouihI tho hipn but ovor - tlirjiJi. Tito back pad in almocit oppcidto tho front piul no tli at tho proiiimro ia ovonly divided. llrd Any cauu can uollttod by luljuntluK iho padn und ithapin^tho bow; in hrtht. oauily tn at)- junt and will ittuy whuiro It boloufid ovoi-y tl^no aud all thu timo. 1'arLloH iu nood of n Truuii ohonUl uoo tho Wottnoro, JOHNTHORNE, DRUQOIST, ESSEX, ' ONTABIO. WOOD'6 Pl3COl?X10t>XNr3Gl The Groat Cnmlluli Uomcdy. Six TaafoWM Guarantied ta promptly, and pacnmnontly euro till foi-iiiii ot Nanmuw Wtittliuisti.EitthHtQita.SperM- otorrhea, JntpotmouatutdU '.tiffficl* Of Abu$o or #xuii Mental Worry, cxoaulvo ui Before and After, ZntSfWMoh ;om had to *t- flrmtttt, Xnaanttj/t Ctiturtitnptton and <M Mrlyarave. JIafl boon proacribod 6v6r OSyoarn la tbounaudii of cosob; lid tlio only liojlahia a.nd.Jton*ti JtlitdlatM inown. Askdniffglst^or Wood'* PliOBphodlnci it lio offors eomo Worthlcaa tncdlislno lu'pWo ot this,' Itioloflcj prlco In lot tor, and wo will uond by return irtalb Vrloo, out* paokatfo 1| mix, $5, One ibtit pUaie,mksxoiUour. Pamphlot^frodtoaByaddro**, Tlio Wo^)d Company, Wlndtor, Ont, C*nkd. tar Bold In Ebbjx and everywhere a Canada. by all reapoqBible DraBBlst. LAST GHRKGE pou. KC2L. THE OUPW'S P^flVEt?. Without aiiy doubt, tliopromium piotaro/-.',^ offofud by tho Family Iloru'ld und. Weekly ;v.$j' Statin tho litandoht pioturo over offered','!.'-^. nowHpapor roadora. Thoro in a yatteat"' % Horamblo from all pntta ot tho world to a- ':,^ euro a.oopy. Somo ynb8orihor who.have',^.rl roocived it would wot part "with it for a 810.;'; bill. Tho puhliflhoru will withdraw the i promiuni Bhortly. We<huve made arrange-'A^ KnuntUi howovor, with tho Family Heca(i,?|f piiblinliorfl, whoroby thoy ayreo to HQpp^'iS^ tho *'Orpha'u rrayor" to all ihuiibh bent J in by tho Kst-ox Kroo Pmbb on or before 15th Fobrmiry. Tho Family HeraldnittflS^ Wooldy Star in tho re conn izod leader o aU;^| Wofikhee in America. We. offer "The Or-<f phan'ii trayer," the Family Herald'afl^ Woekly Starv (One Year) and the'Free:^L J?i-owb, {One. Year) all for : 81.80. Dori^ faU to eeonro a oopy. Send aubBoriptiona!;; " ',' BRETT' & AULD,: '$ pa^ Sample Pioture can be ftoen here. , '; "/'A. :^rm #& 'i)wJ;\\

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