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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 12, 1897, p. 3

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1 5* CUTTING UP A HOG. 40 Washington Ave., DETROIT, MICH, TREATS ALL Diseases OF BOTH SEXES, DISEASES OF MEM. .Men suffering rfrnn dlscJi^iiS (if tho Gen- (to-Urlnary Orcans, sucli a;i Emissions, NightLossotf Varicocele, Woaknosy, Strlcturu, Loss of Power, lc., caused by Early Indiscretions, Overwork or Sexual Exccssux, uro rati lea tty, ot'rmiiniiitlv an J promptly curod by us. Wo havo n sCiiidhii; offer of a forfeit of $5"*> fir any easa of tljla kind (hat w^ undertnko nd fall to cure. DISEASES OF WOMEN -fft; monts of tho womb, Lcucnrrhfti, Parrcnnesis, Tumors, , Ulceration, Cancer, Kidney Disease, Ovarljin Troubles, or any malady peculiar to iholr sex, can, by ourtreatment bo fully restored to health. Ladles, whose casts havo been pronounced Incurable, aro , earnt-'ully Invlttid to call. Many liutidrud^ of llicse, who havo coino under our care, uro today on joying perfect health. THE THROAT & LUNGS.-^1^ Throat and Lungs, especially Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption hi Its first sLijjg. Socarohilnru wo In electing: cases; to treat, that wo refuse nil discs that aro doubtful, henco we' guarantee a permanent cure In every case wo un dertake. Our painless method of treating Rupturo and all Diseases of tho Rectum, Is tho greatest boon tlmt lias ever buon conferred upon suffering mortals. . . Officii Hours: q to ia, r to 5, and 7 to 8. Sundays from 10 to is, O Consultation froo either by mall or t dWco, If you jumot call send stamp for symptom blanU. Address, BRITISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 60 Whlnitort Ave., Detroit. Mlclv 0&*&*z&w'y :i:> \tj,x .(. 1 ;.ii.i \!? ! T I J' ;i;i V- off:; "!_v.v. ',...-.( my rhililn-i: ,i* , mi-fil my*. Itoi'i ! li'-viiiiil i-iin r* |. ,., r.iini v. 1 |, -; J-TH.il.jVi. ... .: <'U- . It li.i ' f..r t- II. o. of i. IU: "Am n r:n tll.> \-:l ,. , I..:.,.i., ivill Lm-ari; Hi'li CI D.V/IS & Pro: r..\v :iuf. ;c cu., .1.-1 1:1 Ltd. '.',',':'.i.<>*e$ Crar/Ji.T,\ \ Crou]>, \Ci)Uf':fia,', Tot)///- *j uvhti, Colic, Colds, JDiAnnuau, dysj-nti-kv. and all, JIOW7?// COMPLAINTS. ? A Sure, Snfo. Quirk Cure for Lin.-: troubled ia H-- ;- To Dhrtda n<l Cur tti Ouoam to * * A<lv*Ilt<ft, Thin if? to bo doiie skillfully to muku tho bust uaon of tho moat, depending on tho way it in to bo uuod. First, tho car otins iw halved by Nplittiugthe baokboue. If bacon in to be mndo, tho side is flawcul down ho aw to out through tho rib boncm, loaviup; a \01\fc Htrip from aaoh aldn, which may nftorwurd bo cut into piooofl uh may bo douixnblo. Tho shoal- dors uud haxiiH uro out out and trim- fund, and thu rib pfoooH nro rnucrvod for roawtfl or to bo Multod for boiling. Tho hoad and foot aro woll worth saving, boin^ (iloariud.und boilod and ohoppod into Hiitall pioons, than onoo tnoro IirouKlit to a boiling hout and thou puurod out into umldfj to not into a Molid jolly, whou it bocomoa wiiufcia oomrnou- ly known a brawn, ono of tho raout OKrerniblo kindw of food to bo eaten cold. If Homo uliickonu artrcut up and cooked with tho moat, it in much improved, Tho thin moat, uhouldortj and liunui uro niuo.li improved by smoking. Tho moat knopy hbtu.r during tho Biimmor and 11 modoruto muokiug with corncolm or hiokory hark with tho email twi#H udd mnoli to tlio flavor of it. For Hmok- ilif/ tho flikltinp; Hhould bo light and in btiHfc douo by tho Himplo rubbiiiR of tho moat, Tlio moat, boing out into oon- voniont piocoH, in laid upomi bonoh with thn Hkin down find u mixturo of uovon pounds of iluo na\tt four ounce* of fJalt- potor nud two potiuda of nuftur, of tho quality known ii 00fie0 lugnr, in well niixod. Souiotimosfipico of various kinds in addod and on tho wbolo in deuirablc, To tlio qunutity of unit and mignr mon- tionod one onncD ouoh of ground pinRor, nllKpiao and cinniimoii tuny bo udrlud. Thcso quautitiofl nro for 100 pouuda of moat. Tho mixture in rnbbod on tho mout on tho flonh eido, not all at onoo, bub at intorvaln of a wook, tho meat bo* ing loft to drain during tho intorvnlN. To prcvont- drying of tho moat-the pieces aro pilod ouo upon tho othor and a woifihtpd piooo of board is laid on tho top. Throb wookfl of this curing is unfll- oiont, whba tho mont in hung in a nmoke- honKo for final curing by tho amoko. Tho most important part of thin proa-. Of;..i ii; tho ooolnoa of tlio mnoko and tho abnonoo of tho tiro boat on tho moat, Tho uraokoiiouBo Hhould bo tight, and to koop out flioH it Rhould bo linod with 'fluo wiro gauze. Tho iiro is boat mado , outflido of tho bourn) in pit, having a~ Btovopipo laid ho uh to carry tho Brnoko 1 into tho houHO through tho floor: The ! timoko ia thus cooled and gives a much ; raoro pleiiBant flavor to tho moat. Half | an hour's amoking twico a wook for ! four wonkfl will bo aofYloiout, and this I id bettor than to Rmoko tho moat ovory day. If tho flmokohoneu in mado im pregnable to tho moat ilios and bootlofl, it will bo tho boat placo for keoping tlie moat until tho warm woathor in about to arrivo in tho Hpring. Tiion tho moat; should bo wrappod In paper, or tied in tho common papor bugs and hung in a dry placo, or if porfootly dry it may ho packed in boxen or barrels in dry bran.' If it io storod in a cool, dry placo, it will keop in oxcellout condition without molding until tho next houkou, Mont real Horald. .__. VEGETABLES UNDER, GLASS. A Nyateuo of IntfiiMlvo CuHnrc With Labor Kuvliitf l>ovio, Thu throo HtyJu.H of gloss gardening usod by vogotnblo growori aro oo)d framoH, hotbodrt and fornhighouson. Tho flrat of thoHO, tho oold friuiio, as Knrnl Kow Yorkor oiplainn, in ohoap atid easi ly managnd, and niany 11 farmor will Knd it valuablo ttithor for tlio bitncfit ot bin own tnbln or for tho homo markot. Tliooaimtrtiotlon, inartommorola] plunn, in oxtronii))/ Himplo uioruly u long bud, fl foot wido, inoloKod on ciithorfiido by Inoli hnnrdu. Tho ondfl urn of oourHO in- oloHod, but thoro nro no oroHfiharrt; ho nftor removing thu oiuIh tho on tiro longth may bo oultivatod by liorwopowor. For oovoriny, (1 foot huh lion uro mondy laid ucrntw tlio frumntt. Alloys 4 foot wido uro loffc bntwonn tho framt-'n. TIioho aro alfjo plnntod, no wawto upuco boing por mittdd. Tlio Htdl of tho i'rumoH in vory rich and well druinucj, and it in rouom- WIND SPLIT TREES. . COM) FltAMKfl IN BUU.MKIt. Wiondnd that tho tap earth, at ]onnt to a depth of two or throo inches, bo romovod and roplucofl ouch hoiihom. An illujJtration, rnprnduood from Droor'B book," Vogotuhlos Undor Giiuat," flhowH how thoMo "Ijcixch" look whun at rout that in, whilo tlio glun ia off dur ing tho mimuior. Tim alloy, *i foot wldo, ia pluntod with rad-JMhoH, while tho boxow thoniHclvoa contain a Humiuor crop of oolory. Tho pitsturo whowu how oaRily thaao boxoN may bo worked by Jiorsepowor. Au fat oj} ouo oropeomofjout amuhor iautartod. Somo of tho cold frumo rotutiona, praoticod by Philadelphia markot gar- donora, aro tliu.4 givon in tho usoful manual already quoted. Spinnnh, own_ about Sopt. 1C, cut at Chrietmufl; rad- iaiiuH, uawn in Fobrunry, pullod In April; buwh hoima, howu in April; corn salad, Hown tibnut Hopt. 15, out in April nud Muy, followed by boann; lottuoo, bowu about- cJopt. lfi, out in April and May, followod by bcimn; Hpinaob, sown about Sopt. IB, out at ChriHtmaa; lottuoo (planta from tho Heed bod or Bond) in Fobrnary, followod by boaiiH, JBeoU are frequently bowu in February. Of winter market garden oropn tho following may bo grown without boat: Spinaoh, spring oabbugo plants, corn Hulud, ondivo, onioint, duifiy, pansy, vio- lot. With bout; Tomato, encumber, cauliflower, beans, melon, mushroom, potato. Grown both wayn: Lottuoo, radish, para]ay, bcuta, water arena, oar- rots, rhubarb, nnparagua, mint. Tho Hooond out, iiIho roprocluoed from Droor'a book, io a pieturo of a simple foroing bouso mndu by placing tho mov- (PBCIIY J)AVT3'.) I TTsctl Internally nnd Externally. !J I . Tn-o8izuB, 25u. andKOo. botd.u ^ lEnrU-Aclif, I'ncf-.'.clti', hriiitic 1'uiii ill (]:< *.', fit rr*Jiuj.t!;' i^'-i -----VOX ALL KINMS OF WINDOW BLINDS Awuv dawn. arriNAWAKu. IlltlO-A-nUACIJ, FANCY UDODH, : NOVI3LT1KS, BOOKH AND KTATIONKKY SCHO'iL'SUPPMKH, TOYS OF ALL KINDS, B.LHL1N WOOL mid FINOLUING YAKNK. ' New Stock of Late Wall Paper ESSEX "Hoadquarcora tor Sobool Books, Soliool Bupplios, Noto Papor.Envoloprtu, Inke, Writing Tablets and offioo Stationery. DI8i?BNSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST, Warm Thulr Drlnliinc Wntor, Wliero iinimulH aro turned out to drink icy water it chills them very quickly, And in thn case of milk cowh tho shrinkage in tho milk flow ia no ticeable at onco. Last winter I put in a tank liwitor and find that it worlca very well. My water tank in in tJio barnyard, and tho source of supply in a Rpring. In severe ly coM weather the water in thin tank boconn'ri frozen over unloss soiuo meaiiH [ of wanning it ia used. After nutting the houtur iji tho tank and keeping tho ! lump burning it warms it ho tlmt no ice ! forms in tho coldest woathor except at tho extreme ends. Wo havo a cover ! which in liinged to tlm tank atono h:Mc, and this is kept elo.std except while wa tering the live stock, Tho earth in well banked up round the tank, so an to pro tect it a^ far uh possible* from frost. If euro in taken in filling and lighting the lamp which supplies tho heat, no odor, or at leuHt very little, of kerosene in pereeptibln, but none must be spilled in the water, nor must tho wiok bo bo high as to cuu.io tiio lamp to amoko. In regard to tho donirud temperature of the drinking water for milk cows in winter, Mr. II. B. Gurlcr, an au thority on dairy nmttera, n:iyH that ac cording to bin experience 80 degrees is none too high. Ho tollw of cno inoidont in regard to this which occurred in his own barn, whero tlio water was wanned by tho steam from the crouinory build ing The Htcum was injected into the water before it passed through tho sta ble. Ouo cold morning when the young initUo were turned out to drink, Mr, Ourler happened to be watohing theu.i. They went to thn placo wbero tho warm water was disobliged from tho pipo and' put their iiokch under tho stream that tvus running into tho tunk. Air. Gurler ilocs not ntnto just how warm tho water tviis, but aaya it was, "so wnrm it iteumed right along.n He saya also that do has noticed tlmt cows always profor warm water oven in warm woathor. Without doubt it ia much better for nil animals in wintor to drink wator which is at lonat 00 degroon, I bavo often noticed, years ago, "beforowokiiow unytliing about tank boaters, that tho horsos would shiver after drinking a pailful of oold wator in winter, and I do not boo why wo did not think of warming the "i/ator long ago. I boliovo iu paya to do ao, mid fool woll ropaid fur tho oxponao of putting in a hoator. In tho ouho of milk oowd, they, will drink munb moro of tho wurm water than of that wbtah ia icy cold,, and we Want thorn to drink all thoy possibly nan. W..O. Rookwood iu Country Gen tleman. FORCING HOt/SK WITH BASH KOOP1. ablo Hashaa on a frumo. This pioturo was token in Hummer and shows tho construction of auch a" house. Such a houso marks a.stop above tho cold frame and hotbed, for it provides flholtor and panniM tho introduction of inside heat by muutra of Steam or hot water. In thin Ijouko tho glas3 roof can bo wholly ro movod. Tho peak or hignoat part ot tho roof in about six foot abovo tho surfaco of the middle bod, whilo tho permanent gla&s fiidoa uro two foot high. TJio bods are mado directly upon tho ground, sep arated by sunken walks. Model Market For a Small City, The system of handling tho produce trade in tho growing towns and flmaU cities is very unsystematic in most places?' Intiteud of so many small Hliopii and littlo markets scattered over the city it would bo far better for 0011- iinmcrfl as well as producers in tho busi- noaa wore oononutratod if -an appropri-' ato markot building at somo convenient center. A typical markot of this kind is tho now institution just oponod nt the oontorof tho ontorpriHing city of Spring field, Miibh. Tho- New England Homo- Htend doHcribos it aa follows: It is of yellow brick, lGfi by 05 foot, oontabiing 84 atallH, Tho main doors open and close by electricity. Tho basement contains a fiuo plant for cold storage of moats, fruits, vegetables, oto. Tho display of those and' other f-wds in tlm various stalls is vory attractive nud in an-object lesson to farmers about prt'pur.-ng their Btnif for markot.....Although a new de parture, the oecupaut>] aro already doing u fino business, and on a, reount Satur day night 10,000 people visited this market. '13vory city in tho land ought to havo suoh a puhlio markot. National Irrigation Concronu. About 1,000 poreoHB, rcprtwonling 27 Hturo.y, nttondodtho national irrigation oongrosa at Phonix, A. T. Pormanont organization whs as follows: President, 0.-J3, Booth, California; vico president, Governor Ifileofc.F. H. Briy;gh*, North Da kota; secrotarios, Juuioh McOlintook, Arizona, A. T. Kollogg, Uolorado, It H* Howlott, Wusbingtou. How Ttie Mmy lie Hnvart by Alt of Holt In a pablio purk in ono of our largo oliins 11 mnguifiootit upooimou of tho white uHh which had boou long famed for Uh niBgniiloont si 10 and lino propor tions wan ordered taken dowu by the purk Hupcrintcudent btsoauso it hud been wind shaken in Houia Huoh niunnor ua indicated in the nketeh, and it wan ro- ^nrded aa dangoroua to llfo in tlmt con dition. Tours wore actuiilly shod by nemo tender iiearf ed treo lovers over tho fallen trunk. Median's Monthly after1 citing tho forogoiug has tlio following to say ooncorningthotroutmont of wind Nplit trooH: It dooa nofc seom to bo generally known that such injuries may bo assisted by a bolt nnd mitu, as shown in tho sketch. A half inoh rod is qui to atrong onoiigh, and inch nut^ara all tlmt la need ed. Tho nuta will booomocom- plotoly imbedded by tho t r 0 0 growth in a fow yoara, with no bad result. By tho bolp of ropoa on tho wppor portion of tho brauohoH nnd help from tho oinc way to Hxvrt x wroucb on tho tukk." nuts tho oloft can bo drawn togothor so oloMoly that the wood will oYontunlly grow togotbor again that iu, tho now growth will cover tho cloft, for old wood ia dead wood, and that oannot unito. Bands conu00tod by chains havo boon uoraotimes used to provout further sepa ration of a oloft, but thcso' provout tho growth and not like girdling, tho final result being tho death of tho portion abovo tho band. A YJnlquo fJUble, A contributor to Tho Country Gentle- man givcHthiu illustrated description of an Ohio stnbla an anoxamplo of making good uno of common, ohoap materials at hand in producing harmonious results: Tho log first story is 10 by 10 in cloar. Tho upper story projacts 18 inohoa on onoh side and B foot at tho front, giving space for stairway outaido. Tho upper the Attnuniru of tho Mau. When a man says he is satisfied with his lot, yon may bo suro of ono of two things either ho is a vory enterprising and ounning specimen of humanity or he io a liar. Up toDuto, an onro loo stable. story is Ehin;:U'd nnd stnined light brown ; roof, m; .-sy green. Thero is a roomy haymow and bran bin above, tho bran being drawn out of shoot below by post shown in sketch. It is "daubed" insido with limo mortar, and makos an exceedingly comfortablo otablo for two horses, or thrco sometimoa. Tho curvo in roof is givon by having main raftors ond atplato, and short raft- era for oaves' projection are thon nailed on at less angJo. A piece of 1 by 1 across the splice holds all solid, and by cutting off the unglo helpH round out the ourvo, which, after wheeling and nhingles aro on, is as rogular as could bo desired. Roof ia half pitch ; oavea and gabloa project 34 inches. The coat is nhont$100. Nocarpeutor was allowed on tho ground. Loga aro not plentiful ovorywhoro. Theso wore somo from whioh tho butta had boon sold and wero only valuablo for firewood. Bark is on and creepers planted round. It stands in tho edge of a wood. ftlurlftto of Potiwli, it had been observed that crops grown on tho experimental plats at the Ma'ssa- cIuiHotts Htution which had received ap plications of muriato of putuHh for a number of years in succession wero un healthy in appBarnneo, and it was snu- poctcd that this condition wits duo to a loss of limofrom tho soil. Fivo hundred to 000 pounds per aero of limo "was ap plied broadoust onrly in tho spring and subsequently plowed undor boforo pro- paring tlio soil for manuring and seed ing. The succeeding orops of oats looked healthy from tho beginning to tho end of tho Reason, Tho conclusion is reached that a lib eral use of. muriato of potash should bo necompanied by periodical applications of limo, and that it is.safer to use this salt on a deep soil with a pormeablo mib.'oil than upon, a shallow soil with ie::]piict subsoil, iiinoo in tho lattor oaso harmful chlorides nro likely to aooumu- lule unar tho surf aco to tho injury of tho rnnvu'nf the plants. .Dainty fHnlt For tho Ttag*. Tho host approved dolioatoHson for tho pig's pen is composed of 8 bushols wood ashcH.'rt buehol of oharoonl in small- piocc-s,, one-half bushol slaked limo, a bushel of line salt; 9 pounds Spanish brown, G pounds sulphur, onu-half pemd copperas and ono-quartor pound saltpeter. Palvoriiw tho last named two, thoroughly mix with tho rust in a bin or hex and keop in an >opou U-ough whero the' hogs csn hnvp froo iioocaa to it, All hogs rcquiro Homothing of this sort aa an aid to digestion and to coun teract tho acidity of thostpnaoh, When running at largo, thoy find a supply in tlnur rooting, but when oont<,vJ it uiuflt bo provided for thorn. C*?"";!*^*' TnnTA of fashion. NOV*L PKATURC8 WHICH MARK THE MASON'S 8TVLKS. Tlvt Mad Pr Aro In Orat K*qa*it. Tho Oollaf an Important Vootor Molr* Kfrut I'opuKnr' Corroot kltjl, for Evouluif flown* Kn<l Htrot X)rno. In tho fushhumble world ovory woman hau at louati one velvet drosa, which may tw black, brown or greon. A liberal uso of fur iu another inexorable rnundato, and when money in no object that fur is )*bl* or ohiuobilla, uaod in ooinbiuation A HALL GOWN. with homo roal lnco. Fur coats nro lined with Hatiu or brocado and aro frequently worn over frivolous fronts of laoo oud fur. Tho oollar is a conspicuous foaturo in dross thia flounon, and thoro soomH no limit to tho .variety whioh is appliod to ueokwoar. Bows of ribbon continue to bo worn at tho back of tho nock, nnd the flaring collar of battlement shnpad pleoos, rounded taba and points of bright volvot with a frill of luce insido is ono of tho primo favorites.' Tho modici collar nnd all sorts of dovicos that givo n soft, fluffy offoct around tho nock nro also in favor. Knifo plaited frills of aolorod tnffotn, silk, beginning just in front of the earn and extending across tho back. nro vory becoming with tho added frill of fuoo, and ronlly tho special charm of this collar fad ia that any decoration whioh is boooming is ndmissiblo. All sortH of fancy stocks in liRht, dolioato colors and pretty combinations of laoo, ehin'on and feathers aro ompioyed. For ovoning wear jowoled nets, mado ovor chiffon and Bilk, all'ord results in vested with artistic merit. Vory attract ive, too, are evoniug dresses ontiroly of chiffon, with deep flouncoH from tho knees. A charming gown is mado of black not ovor black silk and trim mod with inmmiorablo rows of laoo edging, whioh aro sowod on with silver throne's nnd Btudded at intervals with silver so- quins. This is an CHpeoinlly suitahlo gown for dancing, as it ia vory light and pretty without boing so perishable as ohilton or tulle. 9](iovos in evening drossos nro short, yot they are ofton much moro than moro suggestions, and the long sleovod oven- Jng gown appears among tho latest fash ions. Chiffon waists, mado warm by a vel vet bolero, are worn with both cloth and silk skirts. Slowly, but surely, tho tendency to ward trimmings of all kinds on drcrM akirta in devoloping. Ilocont imporfcu- BEAUTY AND HEAJLTH FAllt WOMEN. TO JVIihb Annio Patterson, of Saokville N* B., Onoo tho Viofcim of Nervous- noss and Goneral Debility, Takes on tho Ifoalth of ftarly Yoaro. BooiD ronaoJIoHaru notluug moro than a toinporu.ry stljiulant, and the reaction. ii^^ritvab:n Lhodl.'.uaBo, Wboro the ny-' torn bus booonio run down, and tho ner-- veuti dobihty iu Uh worut formn havo uhown thcmuidvoH, Bo'ulh Amorican Nervino will oure. It utrikott ut tho ncrvo oontr<;ti and huild'i up the iiyhtuiii by rtimoving tho rou.1 tiitiiHo of tnaihlo. MiBrt Annio Patteraga,' of Buckville, N. b,, a lady well known iu tho MuirMmu ProviuooH, nufYorod terribly from iudigcvitien ftnd norvounrioHHfaiid.hor' uitse si'oini.'d iuourablo, Bho uccoptod Houth Amoricari Norvino without bop: that ir- wiiH.uny dil'ferorit taothor romadiou, but hor wbrdH are, "I bud tukun only oni bottlo wlion my svstom begun to lako on tho health of oarh'jL' yours, and after tak ing throo bottles I was oornplutoly ciirad," Bold by J. Xhoruo. That Ilood'u Haraaparilla purifies tho blond and relieved a vast amouufc of suffer ing in uot a theory but a well known fact. Ilood'u Pdlu am tho only pills to tuko with flood's Biiriinparilla. Kuwy and yot fcl'ficient. ' ,'^TIio wiiHp and tlio-ily nro irreconcilable anemic1*, Tho prHoncc of a waHp h uost is a guarantee to tho whalu iiuighborhood of the absonco of (lies. C/lubbing Rates, 1897. Tlio propriotom of tho Vhva: I'kj'.hk havo mailct ntriiiiiitiiuoniiii'with thu puhliuliorti of othor porlodiaah and nowupaporii wliurohythoy aru in a poiiltioi) to |;iv tholr (iiilinorlliorn the bonollt of r*iluci)il prioon whou thoy ardor two or moro puiru. Arij^mnny of tho ofrorii aro only (jooil for a llmltoil tlmofmbtiorlhornHhould not ilolny In ronowiiiR. Tho followlns la a par- tlnl lint, of olYorii wo oiin ttlvo : 1 ..i.i. i : si'niiil V,'i:.r,t(.'ir< A.ivcrii'or.........$ I 40 Wooldy Mail.................... 1 4K " " \*.'i- Hi/ (i'fjti,.................. "l 50 " ' " Wi'-m i \' Slur mi.i Futility l-.-j'iM . ................ 1 hfl \\l-A-\.._. WilllOBP............... I IW " Dally Witnijsn.......... ...... 'J 00 " * runnc-rn' Bint.................. 1 :j0 " IIuriicr'H MnRiizinn............ '110 ' I0 " " liiizar.................. I aa ' " " nomul Tablo...... 2 BO ' Dnily Globo..................... 60 " " iJhily Adyoi-tldui............... 2 00 " " I'chliiu.iCi.laU .................. 1 S3 ' " Cnuii'IiuU TIouio Journal 1 53 ' Am'ui'io m At'rlculturint... 1 CO Tin: .Fiir.nl'riKRH onif your, ^l.f)0; (I uiouthn, 50 contu; :i iiionthfi, 2r> uimin. If you have not renewed for iHe>7, now Is the time to do It, ~ Add roan all conimunleatioitti to BRETT & AULD, Essex, Out. THE CULTIVATOR AND 7 PAJRiaiAN WALKING COSTUlfK- Honfl flhow silk gowns rufllod from the bottom to tho waist. A French walking ooatumo in blue oloth, striped with gray, ia trimmod with mink not only on tho sleovos, but skirt. It is hooom- ingjy finished with a foldod vest and eash of old gold satin, tho Rush boing bordered with the mink. Moiro offoots are dcairablo in many iclirootiona. Moire poplins and . moiro silks aro in groat domund for th'oator and dinner gowha. Fanoy woista oontinuo in favor, and thoro are numerous fnutastio littlo jack ets in tho popular boloro offoot, Thoaa jackets are made in many rantorUIu, in cluding kid, volvot, eilk and ohiifou. Empire funs in a wonderfully small -iko mem likely to hold their own, in spite et the alarming incongruity offorod in many oasw botween the ftUo of the fan and that of the lady who wields It Tiioy aro gay looking little thing*, too, those diminutive faua, with their shin ing spangles/ their brightly colored paintings and thoir lavishly glided mounts and utloks. Every kind of fan Seems to havo shrank in size this aea- sou, nud ovu the ever graceful oefcrlob,. feather fans are now being made iu a oonaidorably :maller aiza than: thoy word hvst yoar. Auba Va&nvk. C0BNTSY-. GENTLEMAN, THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DKVOTKD TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Livestock and Dairying, ^ While it also includtH all minor depart ments ot Rural Interest, such afi-thn Poul try Yard, Entomology, lieo*keopint',Grocu- hnuHu nud Grapery, Veterinary Hophcs, Farm Qu'-otiono and Answers, Firosido T'e-idii;!.;, DomoHlio Enonomy, and a sum mary of the News of tho Weok. Its Mar- Itet UoportH aro uniiRiially oompleto, and much uttonMon is puid to the Prosppots of th-- Grope, as throwing light upon ono of the moBt important of all questions When to Jiiiy and When to Sett. It is liberally. IU lui.trated, and oontaina moro reading mat ter than ovor before. Tho tmbsoription pneo in 5>2.u0 per your, but wo oOJor a spoo- iul Kodnotion in oar ' , ' CLUB RATES FOR 1897. Two SubHoriptions, in ono romttfcanoo 8-i.O Six do do 10.00 Ton do do U.QG ' tS-ToullNow Snbaoribora for 1897,' paving in adviuiue now, wo will send tb< pnpor weekly, from our roooipt-of the ro loittnnnn, to .Tonuary l.st, 1807 whhoo , ohargo. :.. .'.. t3" BpooimeuJOopioa Fre Addroefl, ,' LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publisher, Albany, N. Y. . io, cnivi oro. "'k iWanted-An Idea l^, Protsot your IdcMj thormay brlaajyoii woalui,." Writ JOHN WaDDEimUIU^CO^atent Alton aey*. Wuhlngton, D. C, for thi|r #1.800 prlso oter, mud list o two aundjr^d InvBnUowi waotod. y **: ,.VJj it *w:* **& &Ml iMM^^MsMiM 6213 1095 12

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