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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 12, 1897, p. 1

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The VOL XIII No. 10. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY, MABOH 12, 1897. WHOLE No. 634 FORSYTH E, ANDERSON & Co. "4? spring Headquarters For Fine Wafch Repairing. The,New Jeweller, Ilnti nil tho Intoitt Iniiirovml tnoln mid ilovloon tuljuiilhij! thu annul; and monboom- Nfoxt Monitny'ft Voting. fot plioiLttiil WalchuP, and Can Guarantee Satisfaction* :f: I mportations OrdorH bakati from Catalogue for all kinds of Watchoa, Jow- clolry. Silverware, ifcc. Ilomombor tlio Btaml, May'a Illook- Doom Houili of Iiuparlul Uunu, -I'll 1*0*1 Talbot Stroot, Essex. Wanted. Are gradually coming to hand New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Laces-, New Footwear, New Headwear. And all cold weather goods must bft got rid of, regardless of price. Men's Good Tweed Pants, 95c- a pair. Men's Heavy Full Cloth Pants, $1.25 a pair. We have too many Wool Socks, and will sell the 20c. and 25c. kinds at 2 pairs for 26c. . Mori's Fine Wool Felt Fe dora Hats in black and colors $.100 each. Men's Fine Fur Felt Fedora Hats in black and colors, $1.50 each. New.Cashmere Serge Dress Goods All Wool, in black, seal, navy, cardinaljgarnet, green, tan and cream, mont of iiooountH. for mutovl'U or In pay- LA.INQ urob, -tun- Chatham Loan and Savings Go. INOOIUMHUTKD A.It., 1HH1 . OAJLHTAU - - 1,000,000 Money to Xiomtl on ItloWtfiur*** or lro- tluetlvo Until KM(aln. JtfijT Farmers and Others Wanting to Borroto at Hcst Kates sliouM apply personally, NO Xlfiluy. UXpOIIUON VjOW, SA.VINQB IIA.NK. Uojiodlta af 81 ami .upward h ruonlvoil and kieh ontcurrimt rata of hitornnt allowed. Dobnntuyon Jumiciil bniu-Inc Intorofit pnyablo hulf yearly for tUroo or tlvu yun.ru. S. F. GARDINER\ Manager* On Monday next, somo of tho elec tors of Essex will havo a ohauco to oast throe ballots. Tho by-law to ropoal tho Local Option By-law will bo votod on. Thaso quali fied to voto aro tho electors who appear by tho Inst roviBod list to bo ontltled to voto in municipal olootious. On tho by-law to raiso '#2,000 only fiooholdorH aro allowed to voto. Tho $2,000 in required to make very uocos- sary repairs unci improvements at tho waterworks by putting- in a now boilor and milking changes in tho big pump. Auothor boilor at tho station iH abso- lutoly necessary and will bavo to bo purchased or tho pooplo will wako up Bomo morning and find thomHolvou without JIro protection on account of tho condition of tho boilor. Whilo wo aro opposod to increasing tho town dobtwhorovor it can bo uvortod, wo bo- liovo it would bo a Having to tho town in tho long run. Special Announcement BOOTS & SHOES! J. S, EDGAR'S, 25 Sandwich St., Opera House Block, "Windsor. Lodge of Instruction, Township of Colchester North. ' OWING to tlio proaowoo of Hon Cholova In Kmiox County. I liavn' bnon oOlciully liotl- ftodby W. n.Hoarth, Dopnty Mlniiitor of At!rt- culture for tlio Dominion of Ciumrlu, that Colcnaiitor North lian boon pluood in quuriiutlno umlur "Tlio A.uimul Contiifjiouii Dliioaiio Act," and no movtiinunt of Iiokii, bo|[ mmmro or bof[ product of itny kind will bo permitted without an orrlnr -of in up no tor. It in hoped that all pornonn will oboy tho rogulationn and armiiit in Htampinrr oat tho dlnoitno. Kuapootod cation nlionld bo at onoo roportod to Dr. \V. H. KicliardHon, Knnx, Local IiiHpootor. JOnN A. TnOMAH, Kcoyo. Colohoiitor North, Vobriuiry S2n<l, lWt. TIMBER SALE! In The tlleli Court of Justice. WILLIAMS vs. LEWIS. 25c. a yard. .Fine Dongola Men's Gaiters, all sizes, .00 a pair Kid $1 LadieB1 Carpet Slippers, all sixes extra value, 25c. a pair. 'Opened us this week: New Dinner Sets, New Tea Sets, New Toilet Sets. Cheaper than Ever. Try Our Grocery Department. We have special values in Teas. Wc import thorn di rect and do not have any old box-flavored Goods which may have been in some warehouse a year or more. Our 25c. Japan and "Tetley's'1 Black in lead packets, our Young Hyson or Gunpowder, will suit any taste. Tcnilers will be received by (he undersigned up to Saturday, flar. 13th, 1897, For nil or any part of the Timber on the N'orih half of Lot Nu. 17, in the 7th Can., of the Township of Gostield North,cxcept the black ash on the south quarter of said North half of lot 17, subject to the conditions nam ed in a Canada Company Timber License Nn. 2354, and excepting also the Timber on the Northerly Twenty-live acies of said lot. The said Timber must lie removed by the purchasers before the 1st day of May, 1897. The License above referred to may be in spected in K A. Wismcr's office, Essex. There is .standing on this lot a large-quantity of lilacU Ash suitable fur Saw Logs and Hail Timber, besides White Ash, Kim and Oak. Address tenders to C. E. NAYIJOR, Or to Receiver, Essex. L\ A. WLSMEK, Solicitor for Receiver. Dated March 1st, 1S07. Receiver's Sale. In I'll* JVIuli Court of JTiiutlco. Tho MfiHonic Iioclgo of Instruction in tho roouQH of Central Lod^o, No. 403, A,F. .t A.M., in tho Duhatan Block, on Wodnendriy, wuh ono of the moat huo- coHHful ttil'iiii'd of tho kind ovor givon in thin tliatriot. Tho programme an pro- vioiiHly announced, win carried out with tho addition' that tho Ontario Grand Master, Wm, Gibson, M. P., of Boamsvillo, \va pronont inthoovouinpf. Tho lodge-.wad called to ordor at 2.JJ0 in tho afternoon when tho olKlcors of Great Western Lodge, of Wiudaor.took tho iloor and exompliilod tho flrot do- groo. At -J.!10r tlio atair of Thifltlo Lodgo, of Amhorfltlmrg, bocan oh the ; nocond dogjoo and in tho ovoninp tho third dogroo wan worked by Central Lodgo, of ."Khhox. ' Tho thvoo lodgeH woro all well up in the work and tho mannor in which tho dogrooti woro 01- omplifiod brought forth complimentary romarkH from tho p.U.G.M., W. R. Hiclcoy, of Bofchwoll, who wits present all day, the Grand Moator and othor vittitors, tho Grand Master going so fur an to say that he had never soon tho third dogroo bettor exemplified. After tho work iu the evening, speeches wore mado by tho Grand Mastor, thoD.D.Q, M., A. n. Clavko, E. S. Wjgle and II. F. Golden, of Windsor, and otliern. A goodly numhor of visiting, brethren woro in attendance during the day. vis- Having purchased the Stock of A. E> Edgar & Co., with the intention of consolidating both Stoolcs into one,, and in order to do so, we Muat reduce the quantity of Goods on hand. How to do so, is to offer our entire Stock of Leather Goods on hand at a Great Reduction for Gash to suocetiafiilly carry out our project in us short a time an possible. Bargains! Yes, Bargains ! In Every Departing ^' ,G OVER $25,000 vMA. *4& Worth of Fine, and Medium Footwear will be placed on Sale at a Reduction of from 10 to 50 per cent. Less than their present value. High School Notes. WVIjLIAITIN VM. LHW1H. KSS!XV Tcndcr.s will be received up to Sacurday, Mar. 13th, 1897 Kor ihu following property situntetl on North Pari of Lot 17, in the 7th Con., Gostield North : i'akciu. 1. One Circular Saw Rig and C:\rrinfj;e with 2 Mead Blocks and Rntchct Set, 1 60 inch inserted tooth circular Saw and one 46-inch solid sooth Saw. I single ed- gcr, 1 hutting saw with swing frame, 1 gear bull wheel, log car truck and chain, I log turner, 1 .stripping table, 1 saw, 1 bolting tabic wiLh 24-mcli saw, 1 cut ofT saw with sliding table, 28-ft. of 1 3-4 shafting with the necessary pulleys and belling for running the above mentioned irachinery. PAKCEii. 2 1 Boiler, ^8-inche> dia., 14-ft. long, with 43 3-inch (lues, about 40 feet of' smoke stack, injector and boiler pump, I en gine 12x16, with balance wheel and shaft, Parcki. 3. About 150,000 feet of Lumber, consisting partly nf Black Ash, common anil better grade, a large ([unntily of squares of various sizes and lenghs of oalt and white and black 'ash and cull lumber. Parcel 4. Three Horses 1 get double Harness, whillletrees, neck-yoltcs, chains for trucks, axes, saws, cant hook, swamp hook nntl 1 single'seat spring wagon. Parcel 5 230 pieces 3^x4 14 cull black nsh squares at Station Yard. Pauciil 0. One Band Saw Machine, Mo Grejjor-Gourlriy malic, with 3 saws. Terms. -Eight monthu' credit will be. giv en oh all purchases of over $10 on approved notca being given or 10 per cent, per annum oft" for cash. Tenders may be made for the whale pro perty above mentioned en bloc or for any number of the parcc's taken together, or for any part of a pnrccl. Further particulars as to inventory may be seen at the office of tho undersigned. No Tender .icceESarily accept ed, O. JG. KAYtiOB. Dated M*ifr 1st, 1897. Keceiver, lisicx. Tho following is tho result of'u an oxam. iu English history, Form I., A .S. Pizor72, L. F. Sedgwick 70, E. M, Lniugr (i, J. Brady 2, liTW. Noal 00, J. Brady M, G. Irwin Hit, C. A. Stouo .10, S,"\VilHou 40, AI Liuch 3fJ, P. Sheri dan, iJ5, Iu CbomiflUy, -Form r\r. TI. Arnold 51, J. J. Bcoman 50, O. W. McKoo 50, W. Wightman W. In Arithmetic, Form I., B J, Coati- pran (10, W. Allinon 67, L. Linch 55, .1. Edgar JW, E. Naylor 53, O. .Tames -17, M. Millar-W, W. B. Olvnr 44. A. Ooitr- lay 43,1J. Groonway US, J. Bownr ;i;i. Tho chief foaturo of tho iirogrammo at tho Lyeomu hint wook was tho dehato "RcHolvod that tho inventor of ma chinery haa boon bouoilciul to tho- laboriiiff clnfiacB." Tho alllrmativo wus takon l>y E. HichardHon, E. Irwin and E. W. Borry, negativo G. AY. MoKeo, W. Wightman and J. .T. Beam an. Mc- Koo having a reply at tho closd of de bate. Ton minutes was tho time limit for each. Following is a summary of tho dobato: Tho averago person looks upon machinery as an improvement, and therefore a boon to tho community and dues not generally stop to analyze and ascertain tho oxaot nature of that boon. In showing their side tho nega tive had tho uphill work of speaking a- gainst this public sontiment but the way in which' thoy oancollod their'op- ponoutfl pointB by counter argumont, and put their own, showod thoy had thoroughlymastered tho subject. From Adnin BmitU the nflirraativo obtained theory from tho Encyclopedia flgurGH and tabloH and from John Stuart Mill somo moro theory. Ono slip was made by thoni, giving the negative a point, in considering the farmer as a laborer, ho of courBoboingbonoiHted by machinery, but hired laborors woro shown by tho nogativo t'o have boon almost com plotly wiped out by tho bindor, reaper and othor farm machinery. Tho affirm ative by extensive tablos showod tho' increase in food consumption, agreeing that tho people mxint hnvo moro monoy to buy thbso articles and therefore tho labbroro. Tho nfllrmativo very likoly lost tho dobato by wandering from tho subjoct na wae shown by taking tho postal system and trying to disputo tho authoritioa of tho nogativo side, among st which woro Bov. Job. Cook, Henry Goorgo, Adam Smith and Sir Robert Pool. Tho general standard of tho do bato was vory high and tho principal Mr. Grasuwollor, who hud occupied tho MOST OIUUJ!! SPRING PUROnaStS Have been received, comprising the Finest R3 well as the Most Modern ; Styles in Black and Tan Shoes, and they go with the rest............ This will be a Record Breaking in Selling, This is a Chance in a Lifetime, Do not miss it. It will pay you to lay in a season's supply for yourself and family. REMEMBER WE OFFER 10 TO 50 PER CENT- ilFF. ^^rNo Goods charged at this Great Reduction Sale, Comeand nee our lay out. J. g..ED<$yi5r25'Opera jiouse Block Windsor, chair, remarked that it was tho best do bato thoy had ovor bad. Tho judges *SI.iHH Kent, Mr. dishing and Mr. Moran on comparing notes roturnod a decision in favor of the- nogativo side. Mr. Gushing as spokesman complimoutod tho debaters for tho excellence of tho points brought forward, showing that thoy bad,not only gathered tho pointa, but had absorbod them making them their own thoughts and opinions. Public School Board. Wcdneaday, March 3rd. Regular mooting of tho Public School Board. All tho mombors proaont. Minutes of regular mooting of Fob. 1st and special mooting of Fob. lath, woro road and adopted. Tho principal's report for Fobrnary was road and ordcrod filed. Mr. Manning addressed tho Board in roforenoo to tho HtispouHion of Goorgo Thomas saying that ho was perfectly willing for him to return to school on assurance of proper conduct and the loarniug of the leasons of his olafls. Moved by Messrs. Boaman and Hop- good, that tho chairman eoo.Mr.ThomaB and explain tho fooling of Mr. Manning and tho Board. Carried. , Communications from D.A. Maxwell, I.P.B., of Amherstturg, and J. W. Smith, of Loamington, woro read and ordered filed. A communication from W. H, Bioh- ardson, re boating tho halls of tho school houBO, was road and ordered filotl. Alox. Laing thon addressod tho Board, ro tho Planotarium. On motion of Messrs. Johnston and Wyman, it was docided to purohaso a Planetarium' from Mr. Laing, to bo paid for on Nov. 1st, 1907. _ Tho following bills woro presented, and, on motion, ordered paid: H. JJbo, cutting wood, 81; Alox. Gunn, tj cords of hickory wood at $3.50 per cord,$4.07; tT.-H. Allies, for zino aud putting down samo, 70o.; W. H. Biohardson, furnaco and sundrioB, $0fi.Q4; Brott & Auld, printing, Ac, #17.50. On motion, Board adjourned. An earthquake shook was distinctly felt on both Hides of thn Niagara River on Saturday night, Judgmont was to havo boon givon in tho London election trial on Saturday last at Oagoodo Haiti Toronto, but the Judges, Messrs. Kobortson and Fergu son, stated that they had not been able to fully go into tho oases and judgment would not be givon till Juno 5th. Additional Locals. Brodio Groon, formerly with A. II. ScarlT& Co., is engaged as salesman iii Foraytho, Anderson *t Co.'s. Wm. Edwards toamstor for 7.)oCew mot with a very nor ions accident on Wednesday last. Ho had just put nomo linament on ono of tho horses foot and was standing behind him whon ho kicked striking Edwards on _ tho jaw justbolow tho mouth. Two or. three tooth woro knocked out, many moro loosened, and a largo cut mado in tho chin which had to havo a number of stitches, He.said he didn't think tho horso saw him at nil but kicked either through play or on account of tho lina ment. McGjII TJnivorsity is a fortunate institution. Mr. W. 0. Macdonuld, tho 'millionaire tobacco manufacturer, who has already givon $1,500,000 to tho in stitution, has added to his previous munificent gifts tho sum of $00.0,000 for tho erection of a building for chemistry and mining, tho oudowraont of chairs of architecture, mining and metallurgy, and for tlio maintenance of tho engi neering and physics building. KlnKsviHe, Tho L. E. & D. R. station hero was struck by lightning on Tuesday and .caught firo. It was extinguished, by Wm. Konnody, station agont, however boforomuoh damage was done. Ono of tho moat romarkablo birthday suppers took place just, oast of town laat evening and wo doubt if tho equal of it ovor took place in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wiglo's three daughters agod rospoctivoly 20, 10 and 0, woro all bornon tho samo day of tho year, viz: 8th of March. Tho Kola- topa mandolin orohostva serenaded thorn and a vory pleasant ovoning was spent. Leamington. A sorions accident happened Thurs day afternoon of last wook at tho Pub lic school to Master Eddio Pox. Prin cipal Smith, noticing tho odor of escap ing gas, soufc Eddie Vox downstairs to the furnnco room to invosfcigato tho mattor. Whon ho arrived thoro ho found that tho flro was out. Thon ho atruck a match to light the ilro, but a loud oxplosion followed, tho furnaoo room boing full of unburnod gas. His hair and olothos woro badly soorohod, and ono sido of his face was terribly burned, Tho explosion .waa so severe that it shook tho floor of the room im- mediatelr above tho furnace. The gas had been tamporod with by two boys, who had boon allowed to go hoar tho furnaco to got their foot dry. Canadian. A new railway from Winnipeg to Port Arthur is projected in Winnipeg. Tlio total shortage in the accounts of tho late Treasurer Campbell of Brant County in nearly $23,000. John McMullon, arrested for drunk- onnoHH at"Brantford, died in tho colls on Saturday. Wm. Smith, late Deputy Minister of Marino and Fisheries, is dead. James Homworth of Rossland is to be given the Boyal Humane Society's medal for heroic conduct in saving the liveH of two of Iiia mates at the bottom of a shaft'.. The various brotherhoods of rail way employes of tho Grand Trunk mot rtt Iiainilton and docided to..fodortito. The Government will sonda small ex hibit of Canadian' cereals and wood pulp to tho International Exhibition at Stockholm. Queboo provincial elections will bo held on May 11th. Merchants all ovor tho county of York are complaining that thoy aro Hwindlod by sharkn, who aro circulat ing bogus CO-cont and 25-cont pieooH. Tho report of the C. P. R. for 1800 showed tho gross earnings to havo been $90,081,500 and working exponaos, Sl9,r)74,G15, leaving not earnings of 88,107,581. A half yearly dividend of 2 per cent on poforonco stock and 1 per cent on ordinary stock was declared on October 1st last and a similar dividend is now doolarod payable on April 1st, 1807. Tho infant son of Henry Brown, of Tilbury West, was so badly burned on Friday by his clothes- catching ilro, that ho died on Sunday. ."Essex Market. Whoafc rod per buuhol .. .9 Whout, whito ' ' . .... Corn Oatg........... Timothy Bood : . ... Olovai 3oud .... Hay per torn.,....... Aluiko .,., Boof per cwb............ Pork Livo weight.....,. Ktutton . ,,,......... Hides............ Ohiakene por lb.......... Buttor ____...... Lard E^b, perdoa Potatoes, per bushel Carrots . .... Turkeys per lb.....,..;, Daoke ....._____ 70to 15 to 70 70 20 16 135 000 to ^00 3 00 to 600 3 00 to 4 00 -1 50 to 5 00 4 .00 to 4 20 6 00to. 500 4 60. M ,18 8 . 10 to 7l0 14 8 10 40 40 0 :m :sm ' >"\'!--P$l ,. , h'TT ' %1T [ y.'X'. *i :M!ik^^U^^^^ 34 B9-C

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