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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 26, 1897, p. 5

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W&"-: Plp!P<f^ m '-' .cm IAS. D. ANDERSON & Co .BANKERS B Agents for Tho Royal, mhd Guardian and ho Liinouuhiro, LvhoboRbltiBuriinoit tiompiutlo In tho world. [SvoniaUo a iipiiulitHy or Iniim'hiK Varm I'fO- rty., tonoy to l^oiLiuLt ft itnd &M \ntanut.tm Vmni foporty. I,', Farmers hisurcnov i>i O'oiul AV/wM' CompuHtf's* fcThe Essex Froo Pross. BRETT A. aULD, pno^tuErons. FRIDAY, FKHHUAUY t>s, 1H07. Road Smith's ad. Sleighing him gono. fi Hjh. of prunoH for 2fto, nt Braith'it. /t/iHti Agnotf JFattora in visiting in town. . Wo notiood our old friend Frod. King in town thin wool*.--------- Midaort (lortrudo and Mabel King, of KingHvillo, aro visiting at J. A. FmnoiH, thin wook. Town and Vicinity- Fitn>AYin Hi'iaMAri IUhoaik I>ay at ', J. WkitjW & Oo.'h. MisB Donald, of Detroit, ih tho guest f tho Mihhch tttraohun, Court Ehsox, 0. O. l'\, initiated throo ftndidatoH on Monday .night hint. . MiHH Kdith Wiglo, of KhigaviUo, in Waiting hor eousin, Miss May Wiglo, wn. -Mayor Mullen, of Amliorntburg, Ehhox on Saturday hint ou his Windsor. MiTu Foubistor, of ]>elroit, who had oon visiting tho Misses Ktriiohuu, ro- 'iirnod to her homo on Monday. ,T. F. Mo.Quoou returned from u week's iait to hit) homo in- Alma, Monday ighfc. Ho reports a pleasant trip and ood time. On Tuesday last, II. .Raymond and mily moved to Leamington where ho nd hia Hon .Tamos will be omployod in nrduor Bro.s'.handlc works. Ed. .T. Williams, of North Ridge. Into f Ekkcx Medical Hall, left on l* rid ay atfor Portage la Prairie, uTiereho has 'eouvod a pnsitio.i in a drug More. Revival services will be held in the ethodist church hero, beginning on undnytioxt. ]\Hhs Morton, of Toronto, ill ho horo to aid in the meetings. | J. T. Honiorville, Al. I.)., graduate of 'rinity University, Toronto, wishosjo Anounce that ho ban neeured ofliees in o Whitney block, and will begin I he ractico of kin probation in a few days. Tho High Court, Canadian Order [)'ron'tors, held their auuual meeting at iagara Fulls this week beginning on iiOBday. Ebhox hedge was represented y proxy. Misses Bessie Hiekinnd Lily Millar ro delegates to the annual Sunday ehool convention of Windsor district, old atKingsville, Thursday and to-dny riday.) 'I'hoH. Greaves was up bofure Mngis- uto Boaman on Monday last forshnot- g partridge. Jdo paid the ilno of $~> d coats, in all $\).V.i. Win. Lipputt tho information. T*onngor, published at Ottawa, i.^ 'ndiaii inn gamine whieh di-xcrves tronago for the commendable ell'ort is making to supply a magazine full of gravings and short stories for the re- larkubly low priei! of "ets. It certainly lght to succeed. It in suggested by Sir -John Lubhnr); id ondorsod by many tljal the tivoiny Jlirth of May bo made a perpetual lmli- uyt to commemorate the reign ul" otiaufter that illiistn>in Hovereiu'iJ ln'riUHHod away. It i- also prupuHml tn ill it Viet or in or ( Queen's 1 >a,>. M, .T. Wigle \- Co. make a .spci'ialty OXtra.lino teas and codecs and general roocrioB. On Tuesday, the speei.d I'onnniltce ^pointed by tho County Council at it > at soHsion to report on the bridge or Hollo River, at the Villus o! ello Kiver, met at the bridge and ex iiinod same. The eomaiiltte is coui ,'sed of A[(^s!ii,s. Stone, Cub- ami intornnto, with Mr. Stone hh rlurji , MrH. Ann AleDonald, of Kingsvillo, ia visiting with !ier daughter ,1/rs. a/. J. II iglo, town. C. E. Xaylor has been visiting his hrofchor, d. h, Xaylor, It. A., of Manis- too, Mioh., this week. Tho County of Essex minds H pupils to tho Ontario institution for tho blind, ut Itiantfonl, I male and 7 fomalon, Wednesday next will bo Ash Wed nesday tho beginningof Emit. Dunces will then be called oil"for six weeks. W. K. Manning took charge of tho services in Onion Church on Sunday last, .Or, I'useno not being able to bo out. it is new (dated that thoM.O. R. will take over the T., II. \- II., on March 1st. Tins vill connect at jWolland, with points north to Toronto. Tho olUeers of the Twenty-ibst bat talion will hold their annual meeting at the Crawford House, Windsor, on Mareh-Iii'd, Wednesday next. OhnrleH Totten, who has been nuller- ing from lung mid bronchial trouble, left on Monday for Helena City, Mon tana, for Ins health. Ho has relatives there. In response to a pastoral issued by Bishop llaltlwln, all the Kpiscopal con gregations in Huron Diocese took up collections on Sunday last in aid of the India relict' fund. Charles Thrasher anil John fiormloy have added four more foxes to thei" list of victims. They now have twelve to their eVedit and al! of them were run down near Kssex. Tu response to tho, Bishop's pastoral. eollce.tions were taken up last Sunday in St. Paul's Church, Kssex, and Trin ity Church. North Ridge, for the India famine fund and sent to the diocesan secretary on Monday. Tho Michael Swcotman and (Jeorge Williamson properties wore oil'ered for salo at the Aberdeen Hotel, on Tues day, l.mt tho highest bids, were le.ss than the rescryed bid. On tlie Sweet- man property, ^'l,;{7o was bid and * 1,17") was bid on the Williamson plaee. Tho Erie" < Huron Loan Co holds the mortgages. A general favorite: .\f, J. Wigle a- C'o.'s *J"ic. tea. The boy who has the freedom of the streets after night-fall without businohs is cultivating a dangerous habit: Any place where a boy has no business is a dangerous place for him, bo it on tho streets, or elsewhere. A boy who i,s all right prefers his home, friends, books; and newspapers to tho class found in ! the .streets. IIiiHiness -men of ail kinds ! look upon the boy loafer as tho "dead beat" of the future. The next sittings of the Division Courts in Kssrx County will \iv hold as fallows: Relit) River. Monday, March M\!nd: Kssex, Tuesday, March : :>rd: A mher.it.burg, Wednesday, .March 1th: Windsor, Thursday, March '.'".lb; Sand wich, t'rid^y, March 'Jiitli; Harrow, Monday, March'.".Mb; K ings ville, Tues day, March ;sntli; Ltiamiiigton, Wed nesday. Mar eh :ilM ; Cnndn'i*. Thursday, April 1st. County Court, Sittings and Surrogate terms will Ire h, 1<| tVoin April oih to loth. The fain ilia r signed. "All abuaiii." iir.cd tor starling trains, is being done away with by the llrand Trunk Railwav, and sui.slil ltted by a small steam whittle alonu sidi- the engineer in I be call of t n>- [ locoii,idivc, which is connected \v itli ' 15o, a lb. at Thoy i'oumi the abutments j,, j each passi-ngcr ear by pip.-.s somewhat rood coinlition, but the eovi-riir.' padly out of repair. The e: in ntborized Mr. Stone to write [us bridge coni|>anii.-s For 1 it-T11j .-. js for putting a steel or inm rer the same. The bridge i^ long, which ]iiits it, ct'iii'!;, Irisdiction of ibe (.'onnty. 11 coin, -10 cents per do/a n at ancis'. [Ontario (lame and Fish ("oin- meeting, hold in Tun mt.i < it was agreed not tu change ^season, but it was rceommend- tard to dee.r shooting, that the fn prohibiting shooting deer in be abolished. Owing to the Initiou among the settlers with fiso fee of >2. it was agr<-(;d lo [Olid that this bo abolished a.s tho set.tiers,-and that a nominal [."i cents be charged. As to the fiws it win recommended that, the fduring whi(di duck may be slio' mgod from "between half tin hour ' i BiiDi'iHC and'an hour after sun- I md, also, that no blinds or hides Jjowed, except within 11)0 yardti of fihoro or rushos. The oiieuing of [quail fioaion is recommended to be Lvod. until Nonember 1st, making it ivp .woolen, us threo-fourths of tho [ro not fully grown when the font BOOflon.opel)r. Gotton-tail rab- rn'itiyill bo roconimeridcd, may .not ijhofc after tho close season, nor may tys bo carried to kill them, as it has in found that pooplo, when thoy go guns aftor rabbiiH, also kill othor 10. , similar to the an* lu'jiKe pipes. It is not m-eer-.-ary now for a <"urnhidnv of a t rain to signal the engineer Ly the lu inelbod ; he can blow the little v.diislh- wiiiiont going outside of the r u*. T!ie whist le taUe.t t he place of the hid I cor I, as well as a means of drawing the a 11**n- Hon of the driver to any breakage in !iK train. Kvnry day is barg.aiu ihty, and l'idday special bargain i]i\.'y with M..\. Wd:.:ic .V Co. Tin.: !\(ouetary Times says; "["urni- ers in the extreme sout h western port ion of On lario hiL\"c felt the depression in bu- in ess In b ' rm usually sevoro, 1 i ere- toioia- they have depended largely up on the sale of the. coarser grains such as corn, oats, beans, etc, together with what surplus timber thoy hap pened to ha\e. These products they stdd to dealers and much of them was shipped to Detroit. East fall "their us ual market proved a very poor one. There was no demand for fndian corn and now wo hear that Canada for the iirst time within our recollection bo- came an exporter of this ceroid. Wo are told that a short time ago 5,00(1 bus hels were sold in Detroit at tho low price of IH cents per bushel. Tho price of henna lias also dropped to 85 cents per bushels. Uoth these iirtielos have been extensively grown in JCont and Essex counties, and for Rovoral yonrn have been tho farmers' mnnt proJltnblo crop. Tho price of whito at ono time was aa high aH $l.o0 per bushel, and a year ago was above ono dollar; since thou tho dcolinohaa boon continuouy." Prepared coooannl, Hmith's. Edison Luing spout a couple of days in AmhorHtburg hut wook. Tho A/Ihhcs England^ of Windsor, aro visiting jl/iss Etta Hull, town. il/rs. Btraolum spent a few days this wook visiting relatives in Detroit. jl/rs. KrieghofVgavo a 5 o'clock tea to a number of her young lady frionds last ovouing (Thursday.). . Cloaring sale of towols, fancy lines, from !lo. up. Towoling, extra goo/l, 'li cents a yard, at Smiths. ,T. L. J.kuterrt, lawyor of Windsor, is -niing that corporation for damages sustainod by a fall on the sidewalk, in which his arm wan broken. J/r.I'eters formerly practised in Thmox, Tho suit of Fred. Wwootman vs Chas. Htaddon and others for $1,000 damages for false arrest will likely como up for trial at the coming assizes, which opon in Sandwich on the loth inst. Miss Eon Oroaves 1ms 'bought the Stock of millinery from Mins E. Thorn ton and will eontinuo the huinnusH in tho same stand. M ins (I reaves has boon in tho. employ of Alias Thornton' since tho latter started in business hero, Try Smith'u 25c. tea and eoH'oo; bust- in town. "Tramps' Omen" a very striking lecture by a very popularlooturor. Rov. Mr. Crawford, who has entertained large audiences with great hhcccss in New York, Chicago and Detroit, will lecture in the S. A. barracks next Tues day,March 2nd,lo nn Eshox audience. Tuesday night wan tho literary meet ing of the Epwortli League. The sub ject was "Palestine" ami description!* of Rh principal features were givon by the following members of the Loaguo, M.isses Lily Wigle. Oinda Williams, Clara Oosnell, Ada t'ascoe, ^melia Austin and Mr. frwin. Tho subject proved' very interesting. Children's hIioch at half-price at Smith's. Jlenjamin McMahon, convicted of tho murder of old man Flolton in Tilbury some years ngo, but who was afterwards ptu'ilouod by the Minister of dustice, was liberated from Kingston Peniten tiary on -Iannary 7th last. Immediately after leaving the prison, McMahon ho- cured employment in. Kingston and is now working there. The r.ailroads crossing tho Detroit river aro fortunate-this winter in having little difficulty in getting over. The transfer bouts have had trouble this winter only three days. When they were sent down to cut ice, the river immediately became clear, the ice pass ing out into Lake Erie. Since then the crossing has been as easy as during tho summer months,. it pays to patronize M. .). Wiglo & C6.'s bargain counter on Friday, their special bargain day. ' The following pupils from Khhox County attend the lielloville Deaf! and Dumb Institute ---Funny S* Rail, Win. Rain, (leorgina Euirhairn, draco Lit tle, Win. liebordie, Windsor ; Vesta Kaufman, Kingsville ; (leo, U, Munro, Walkerville : Angus II. <>uick, IVIoe Island : J as. Mail re, Klmstead, in all nine pupils. On tho roll last year there Were "-Jio pupils. At the Masonic; Lodge of Instruction to be held in the lodge rooms of Cen tral Lodge. No. lo^, A. V. k A. M., Duns tan Rhick, Kssex', on Wed nesday, March Kith, the first degree will be exemplified by Windsor Lodge, the second degree by Thistle Lodge, of A mlierstburg, and Ibe third degree by Central Lodge. The first two degrees will be given in the afternoon and the third in the evening. oiss Label Todd, who hafl been visit ing her uncle and aunt, Mr. ami Mrs. .1, R, McKwiui here, will leave Iv^cx ue\:t Thursday, to join the stomier at New York, which Laves on the sixth < f .' larch for (.ila<go\v7 Scotland. Tho Ul(j I people of Kssex have made her visit one of her most pleasant memories by their kind and genial courtesies and wa>m t'i lemLhip.T, which she highly prizes, and will look forward '.ulh pleasure to renew at some future time. Cut prices on all linos of shoes at Smith's. The amount of freight handled by the M. C. R. theHt: days is something almo.'-t unprecedented, and too niimbor of cars hauled ea.-u in the biHt fortnight is in o a cess of any similar period in thico ye.o-s. During tin: pu.sttwu weeks there lias been an average of over lifty trains a day. The men are all working over tune and moiiry uill be pleiiliml next pay day. The main article of trailic is grain, which is in such demand in the Kast that shippers will not wait for iho opening of tho Jakes. Just received another lot of elegant framed pietnies uhpremiums at Smith's. The Temperance people called a meet ing last Friday night lor the purpose of organizing for the couiing vote on tho repeal of tho Local Option Jly-law, M.- J. Wiglo was appointed' chairman. Speechos were made by tho chairman, ,1. E. Stone, Dr. Joimor, Captain Ltta- way of the S..1 .'ation Army, Lov.' M. 1Campbell and othors, after which com mittees wero organized in eaoh ward fur ^he purpoHo of thoroughly cnuvasning tho town. CommittooH wore also namutl to arrange for public mootings and for distribution of literature ftU^ wa.->Mib- Boribed for oxpouuoa. For bust valiios in boots, shoow and rubbors, go to M* J. Wiglo fc Oo,'B. A. -T. Oroou shipped Hix curs of corn from Oldcastlo on Wednesday. Kogular mooting of UioPublioHchooI Hoard Momluy-Jiight^.uext, March 1st. For Halo Hocoud IuiucLlCOoIc.. ntoyo, Apply to (loo. Ooll. Miss Maggie Hull,of tho Public Mehoo stall' spent Saturday and Sunday with' hor nisfcor in Detroit. Don't forgot to see tho new and hand some designs in wall papers, at A/rs, Alay'd; the largest assortment in the county. VVanted lOOmon and women to bring a pino plank, -1 ft. long and U in. thick, ou March JUh, to nail down in front of the H. A. barracks for a good sidn walk. H. E. Ottawuy, Capt. V. Cronyii, barrister, ofTjondon, was in town on Tuosday attending tho Hide of the Swoetman and Willianmon prop ortion sold under mortgages bold by the Erio and Huron Loan Co. jl/omhors of (lounci! N'o. *M, Cana dian Order of Chosen ITionds, aro res pect fully invited to attend regular meeting on evening of J/arch 1st, as important matters will bo discussed preparatory to representatives leaving for (irand Council. Nic Rostou baked beans fi cents per can at Francis. II in. (ireonway, of Kssex, was mar ried on Tuesday last lo .1/iss Kate Sebram, of Ibindsor. The parties wero assisted by Arthur Drown and Miss Lou (ireonway, sister of the groom. The ceremony was performed at the J/othndist parsonage, Uov. ,1. JL Cundy olliciating. My. (Jreenwuy is well known in Essex and was at one time employed on the I-'uki; I.'ui^h staH*. Ho extend congratulations. A. II. ScarfLV. Co. are giving great value in laill'eo. Try a pound at .'JUo. I nsuranco men will read the follow ing . item from an, exchange with in terest; A hill has passed the Alabama House prohibiting any insurance com pany doing biuiiness in that State from belonging to nny tariff asuociation or compact which tends to regulate the rates of insurance and prevents free competition. Tho penalty ia that in all losses sustained the company shall pay to the assured 2o per cent., in ad* dition to tho amount of the total loss. Choice Rinnan Haildio. Me. alb. i.t Smith's. Il'm. Cotton who for several years has been studying the principles of electricity lias just put iu a Combination Kleetiie J/odieal flattery for Dr. d. I-:. .Tenner. This instrument is iu office or table plate farm. It. includes tho (lal- vanie current and three Faradie currents and the machine is controlled by four switches and rheostat and is also'equip ped with tho polo changer and all ne cessary electrodes for galvanization, faradization, electrolyHcs, etc. Have your watches repaired nt Ovens', the new' jeweler. On Wednesday, St. Paul's church, Kssex, was the scene of u very quiet wedding the contracting parties being \\m. T. Conkliu, of Kingsvilh:, and Miss Lauretta Thornton, of tins town. The ceremony was performed at; n.:jo a. in., by Rev. A. L. Kevorly, the only witnesses being the attendants, .Mil- ford Wigle and Miss Laura (ireen, of King-s\ ille. The wedding pai ty kft for I )eti-oiL on- the I ! a. in. train whence they too]-, the train for Toronto on a wedding .trip. The I;kkk I'i:i:ss extends congratulations. M. ). Il'igle \ Co. are the clothiers of Kssex. , Tuenday night was a for Kuthven Oddfellows. down from Kssex, Kiugsvi G. E.SniTH&GO Have secured a quantity of Sample Over-Coats, suit able for the Spring- wear, which will be offered at about one-third their value Regular $9.00 line for $3.99 13.00 " 4.99 Don't Let this Snap slip by. u SPECIALS In Men's Suits of Clothes : Regular $ 6 Line for $4.25 8 10 12 <.(. 5,75 cc 7.75 (: 8.75 OR TWO WEEKS We offer Big Cuts in Ordered Suits of G-oocl Quality : Scotch Tweort SuitH Uvular, $22.00 for 17.50 " " " 20.00 >< 16 J5 .....Job Lot IVIen'H Pants ^ 1.50 for 95c..... Cut Prices-CASH ()\rLY. :^vw..' WIIITNKV 15I/X;K, KSSIOX. Leamington Carriage Uiofh. To Farmr.r. an,i (' J'n/'/it C,tiural!y * Compotiint jwlgt'ii Iiuvd iluciduil onco nioi.;. t litt our Bu GGIES and WAGONS Aitr. Tiui in:sr; grt-afc ni-hj Jjomls went lie mill Hiir- iow. 'the inemhers ot Kuterprise f. odge were, : - 1!, K. Park. f 1 >*ni_lu^ (!. 'i'lirashcr, .Hr. .' \V. JJrieii, d. l-'raii- cis, K. Ciiupcr.U.'Milieu, (1. H-iiifor.l.T 1). Mc(:rc,ery, l*\ Oilhoe. W. C. hliaw," J. .\In,yvilli' anil W.rhaflertun. Kutliven degre.c tenia gave an exhii;it.ioii, cen- ferring the iirst, second and third de crees. rJhc Jwugsville hety.s coitlVrrcd the oriental mi those who hud nut. tiilten it. Lunch, cmisisLing i;f suiidwi<dics, cake and cnll'ee, was served by the lie- lirkalni and r^llected greut ei'cdit on (lit: ladies, It was eertainly much fip- preciutcd by the visitors. dobn Hod^'ins. hostlei' fur J. A. Koso, was ii)i before 1*. .1/. Beamim on Wed nesday on the charge of stubbing .John McOliutie, ngml id years, in tho buck in .1. A, Hose's eilico ut tdu livery : table .Sunday lust. The- evidem-e showed that several persons wore sitting in tho nJltco wUon tho old goui.lemuii came in from working in the lurn. Ho took out his pipe, knife and tobueco t;> /ill his pipe, As all tho chairs wero oeen- pied ho wont to young MotJIiiitie, who ippoarud to ho tho youngest of those (hero mid putting hie hand, holding fclio opon knife, ou his shoulder told him to got up. .1/cOliutic anys ho did not iiudorotand what liodgius suid hut df- tor waiting short timo tho old man ngftiu put hia hand on him and told him to got up. TboboysprangbaoltHiiying "What do you want?" an 1 thou got up and in > ,-U punctuated Ian ^n igo.tuhl HodgiiiB that ho had stuck him with his lenifo. It appoarfi that tho kuifo wuh knoolcod ugainat this chair and did not ti^ewhon tho boy sprung back agiuimt it, thuB cauaing tho cut. Magistmto Boaman hold that it was wholly aodidont.nl and disuibBGd th : orbo "with coatH. .T. A. Francis gives 1 do/en cans of tomatoes for HO cents. .1/iss May M'iglo and cousin, Kdith, viHited at (Joorgo lledidle's, North Hidgo, this week. The agents for the liidfour Memorial fund pictures in tin: county are. ut work soliciting Hiibseriptionn. Chas. \V, Jiubcrts is agent for Kssex Town. 'The proceeds will be for the beiieiit of the family of the lute Hon. \V. I). Ihilfour. A sample of the portrait picture has boon on exhibition in K. L. Park's window ' t1"!" >'"" ivon uf \\iii<iu\v. t\r>it ]iri/u:i nut el a j)o^siblo Hfjvun ut 'J* C Ktnlge-rs, Ctinadll (loinpUIiy I Ij-taininKtoii l-.tir; four l)r.it ).i'izuB ut IIiu ,.,... , ami at Hollo J11 agent, laid inlonimtion^.oeloi'e J . M, j,.(lir rilll. n,^,;!,^ jm.i tln-tm lii-.nt niizms out. Ucam.1.,, ou ThurH-luy of lust w..,k. I ^^T^Z' F^Tl^l uguiust Win. IJcctlmm and \\ m. .V illls, , WHi, m, ..xliiiuUiai ilm tall. on tho chargo of biking away timber from tin; company's lauds. No fines were imposed under the circuiiistnin'cs, the defendants paying the costs. S'i.-J-V in ouch cu?e. A. IT. ScartV .V Go. are ollcriug canned corn at'1'J cents a dozen. Ivisa.-m i'n -juii'H .i!i.f \V .u'ntiH ami nil kin \'ictoiiiin evening, to ccbdirate t!ie i.\.tin Nuili'Mnmi." i-a.l Hicyctoti mippli.- iio: I. iiulli:.! ii:nl al. >v hmmiU inlvnaco ou co.-' Our ll:ii.fli whs (nali'itl, in r.ii't iL Wiitilim univursal duuiiiioi tsvcrytniilv th'it our vchicli"i Mtirnnnmid nnhi bit of am fori:.it \ furs. It'vil, uf all, wo !.:::)i i> wnrli lit iiinl 'I iniriLT llio I-'nii'si thin -.o...]- <M,iii; .|i!i,|--i f.ujil ,.11 put to^utlli.T. : w.< ii l-. .. (. 1..I Dl .ii!:"'.'i'<'i.1 hl\li'H tat lituxl ,',;r.:.[!i;: i".' i'v iU:>'l. *.>,lii;!li will Hiiit tho i N t - i it'll Weal" Ui.v,- O'l.'l) to tutiii f), nmi C'arririL- .ri'y il.-ricia'pti a. Ki-riiirlrif' .luuo in i. hiuimlii"'. lli-'lo-n f-.!ii-it..l. oxceiitionally long and glorious ivi;t!i ol H'er .1/ajt;sty tlie ^Hicen, iu the Ki-.se>: l'ul)Uc Kibrury Heading Ibiom this h'riday) evening at H o'elork. I'ro- griumiie literary and musical, speidally iippropnulc to tho oocuMHinn. A Incite, loyal, sympathetic audience looked for. d/ayor T'bouiiis in thedmir. Admiisiou -20 i'. (diiblreu 10 o. IJuoks exidnmged before 7.11(1. * hid Save tho (,>ueen. FOR SAliK. A lot <if wild lands in .Ks;,uX County at ;;:i0 per acre. Apply Lu W. M. 1)kCi-:w, |-;s.si-:x. The following is Iho list of pet it jurors empaneled for ihe coming assizes at Siiud-wioh, which i.pcu on d/ouday, dAuroh l'"Jth: lUehivrd All hi, I Kin Muiek and V. W. Sweet, of Oolelioslcr North; J. IK Alliss, 11. K. IJnd.L, It. !!. Coleman and David Whitney, of Kssex Town'; dolm Audcrt-on, of d/ddeu; ,To^(.'pli Alien and doMopli I:'. Ouellettc, of Sandwich; Daniel Uruxil, Saiuiol Glapp, Clem. .). Gurlifl, John I>. Dn clianmvlohn Foster, and rierre 11 chert, of Sandwich Fast; Thos. liroddv. .A. Borfcruui and ideorgo Boyeo, of Wnlkor villo. 'L\ W. lirooks, (loo. ,I/. Christie, A. W. Fotit -md Jt)Mi))h'rhmup-.ori, of (Findsor; Nicholas Can Hold and Ohio. Clark, of Colchester Hoiuh ; lino; go A'. Cady and Alox. .Mayeoodc, of Co.dudd South; CordonC'urtisand W. 1L; ityall, of .Leamington; Fatrick Darragh and DonuBPotrimoulx.of Audordon; Francis Gaiithior and Coutad' Knistor, ol ItochoBtor; LTiliaro Cignae, of Sand wich West; .1/iloa Cirimahaw. .J. H. Hull, Eli.'fauissoand Clinaiuiuo danisso, of Tilbury,West; D. iV. Komp, .Am- horatbuvg; John F. Langloio, of Bollo Rivor; .Judsou A. J/oon, Howard Noblo and Philip ^/olutooli, of / oroa; John il/olutoor. and Alox. Itouamt, of jlfaidBtono; John Pulford, of ') inga- villo; John Itoas and llonry Btotta, of Gosflold North. 't ii nliin1^ mil |nu r. :r.i lur I'aHt fitvurn. 1 .. Vcj-irs vi'ry rospuotfuln w. f. mm l.'.-ILll.!! '.::i;i.i I'm tliu abovo ^l' !i, lli.l J. A. 1 * l-fcldJ * 9 Woodslee, HAS Opened n D.yo W in c.JiHieetion with his T. Kstublisbment. Vou .HayQ. an Old OF CLOTHES, BSiS^a SrT0lk1ITE And ho will ninko it aa uk now. -** <>-<?-|ir,f^>-h^-*^- YOCJ WANT AN ( FASinONED SUIT' a MADR N13W. BRING IT TO SMITH. Clothes Gleaned, Renovated and Dyed at Smith's. -5i> At Smith's you can got a goccl Tweed Suit for <t Worsted ' & i- Tho Frisib Pitwia and Loudon : Advortisor will bo eonfc to any m.i for ouo yoar for $3. This ofor jr only to roflidonta of Ebhox County. m ' d i . , - ."V , '..^1 X .' vl- l^lj^Jk $&& iiin^rwiwi'Vffii V' i nil i i ' i ul1 iii 11 miii 11 i1 i mi ' iiMiyiii ii ii h fi nil ii. d ro '^Mwr^iiMiMi^BfcMii'itmirfii ttjji

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