r The Essox Tree Press. BRETT & AULD, PROPRIETORS. IFKIDAY, KEIUHIAHY 2(1, IH07. ( On THs-Uvonty-llrnb of Juno, of thn pn>u- onb year, our noblu Qivxiti will, if nhll numborod among thu living, cnlobruto tho clone of hot uhctlulli yum? n ruler of tuo British Kmpim. aorg HI. waru tbo coronet tho longont of any Ihitiuh noyc- roin, othor thmi Ut< Queen, but. ho fluid in tho Mlxtivtli your nf bin loij-.n. Rtudonlii of bietory cannot And a more unnHonul task than to oomparo tho ovonlii of tho two roigiiH ami tho lonniiutivo partH tulum ty tho two novoroiijntt in moulding tho nation* al history. Nuoillonii to nay, hugIi a ooir- pariHon mut inevitably redound to tlio credit of tlio prormnt inlm'. In innry parU of tlm Quomi'rt va'it domiuiiii, oovci- in, approximately, 0110 fourth of tlio mu latto of tho (jlobo, hor loyal Hubjoots nro difioUHHiiu: bow moiit appr^piiutply tn oulo- bratu tlio diamond julnlio. All uortu of bo^ohUohh huvo boon made fiom tlio oponiug of tlio pi farm doom to thu cut b liHhin'jnt of hoipttnln, liumoH for tlio old people, clulilrun'H tdioUoni and immornon othor phllaiithmpio projouU. Bvory towu should lioruli tho dawn of tho dmmoi d jubiloo. JRnuox ulwuld bo in tho nwim aid bo hi it oarly. Such an ovmil affotdu tl g llvo town a ohfincio to draw uttuntion, im t by a ofjobratioii alonu old linou of wbuh tho puhlio havo liccome tirml, but by tl o Introduction of no vol f natures. In tlio uoxfc fmcooodinj* four monthn lot tn ill koop the tliarnoM 1 ]nbil" in viow. to The Planetarium. The following are lwo of the many ink d tci>timoniils whuli Mr I.iing In. rcnuul fcferrin^ b- his Planet umm Whit Pi of O, K. Latham, Superintendent of Kal.ima/oo Public SlIiooK, s.i\i ol (he inslruni m Kihmuod, Mich , I l\) mtli, 1S07. Mu A. L\in(. Di:ak Si u, In m> opinion every K i< Iilt of nnthcmalical i;eoi^inphy, i.vcry tfirln.r o( astronomy, will be delighted with V"iii phiiu. turiuin. It coniLi to tile ud ul billle I im agination in countks-, uiys, ind with ill, 11 is so model ntul simple' tint it dt minds un stinted praise. kLipn-tfully, O I . L\!I!AM, 'I What Prof. \f Wn.,iU Manijtr of tin. Jiclucntional A^ncmum ol 1 i i^o, iij 7h 'vhom il f/.ry toilet / regard it both \ ph isiin* and .1 <lut\ lo dtdi|hl 111 tin1 nlviiKcd sricntilit and attractive tc.icluri|; t icl <>l A. ani'taruim. It iilr-in-. attenimn es inqmsitivene^-> and puts tin. mind <>f u pupil in condition to recent Hie nnj ili iiue instruction winch tin-, instrument sn i\ ilv illustrate^. It 1-. the uioit v.ilu ihlc aid foi clearly demonstrating tli - nuiiions of the eaith, jnoon ind phuets, ol whuh I \11\e mj lirjowlol^t . By it-. Uil ^Lo^riplncal and is tronomical st 11 lies aic conduced into the comprehension of a look. \ (jiirs respectfully, I . M. Woons. Fiirnii'is' JnMiituto. Tho following aru tlio pHg-ariimrh ar- ranfjod lor theHUpploinuntury ninotnu;i uf tho South I>r.c\ I'linner'!' IiiHtituto in thifi vieiuity \\I 1 s1B\, X>ccli'u Hall, .loud ij.Mni'li l*t,uftt moon hoihiou, couinioneiii^ at, 2 o't 1 ck Prcui- dont'rt uJdr-an , TIioh. "McMillan, ' Lund Drainaiio" ; A II. Woo Ibri Ig ', li:in . to obtain a protitaMu dtiiry herd" , \\* W. Ililborn, "Hnmll J mit " Kv< nui 1 t-m Bion, 8 o'clock Mayor Thomii'i in tho t-hair, .'i'homafi McMilliin, "Tarrrj life, itn eo di. tmnn and requirements ' , J. 0. hli > y, '"Tho Tarmci . Iii.luu^' , W. W Mil bom, "I'lirmci's fruit, gurdi u" , V. II* Woodbrid^e, fiubjoet in looted. Tut nduv, Mtircli *Jnri, inoinni^ schhioii, ooramonoiiig lit 1') o'clock '.V. W IIil born, "Dot)troy 1 u^ Injunoin Innccty und l*'nnf*i in Un* Orutiard' , Win Milieu, nub joot oolectod ; 'J'hom.is MuMill'in.Senforth "Gilio (tnd Appliu ition of Jilnuuii'". \ftur- noon non-don at 1 o'olook - \ H Wiu 1 brldjio, ' Giottin^ Polatofi , \V \\ IIil bom, "Tlio Kiinnei 'fi <t vi\, n", T.A hi ik, "Dairy ln.luHt-v" , J C Hh< ply, -1 md Dtaina^e", Tho^ McMillan, 'i)oliO"iin %r and itii advantu^oH." \l OI IN 1J V. Wodnondny M'irt li ;ii d, moi mug nr tiiun commoncuio nt It) o elocl<. -W.W.IIilboin OiimitiMton, ' Cultivation of tho OrL-liuni ', hoo. M0SI1lln.11, H atwrtli, ' Corn Gio-.uii^ lid tho Silo." Afternoon hohhioo, "J o'clocU A M. WiRlc, aubjuct w looted ; W W Ii^lhorn, i'Tho Farm01 'h Gaidon", ,J C fihoply, ( Cultivfition of Corn" , TIionhlh MoMillan, "Cultnation of tho hoiI for (Jruin and Root Oropi." ^1 liLMlIIIiUO I'. * Thursday, Muroh 1th, afternoon hi hhiou commonom^; tit 2 0 clock Timnmu Mo Millan, Btafoith, "Brecdn p; and l^cDdin^ IMiHl Cattle", fl. I', .lolfitjy, uubjcjt nolfot- fid ; W. W. liilborii, "Underaramin^" , ! '. A, Jjoak, "Dairy loduatry"; Cecil itml, ubjoct aoloctoil. Evoinnt" suHiuon, coin- munciug at 7 !10 o'clock.- J uiich Selkirk, Ruovo ofMorHOii, m tlio diair ; Thomas MoMillan, "Alu-kug our Way in Info"; Eobt. Roid, flubj'.-t scl tod , J C. Bhoply *'Bomo of tho Advanbitginof tho FtirmorH1 IuHtituto"; O031I Koid, "Lfiavin^' tho nomoatoad", W. W Ililborn, "Tho Farm- era* Gardon." Tho public in cordially mvitod to nil tho mooting!). - Manitoba Col'o ;o atulentii Uavo oon- trlbutod jj03.05 to tho India rolief fund. Tho jury in tho nanutnoud murdor trial at BraoobridKQ, after boinj; out for flvo OUrfl Oil Friday '-uh nnnnnnnnrl flint thry ould not nfftoo on a vordiot. Tho jury, t is undorBfcoo'l. stood fivo lor conviotion nd bovou for acquittal. Tho jury was mmiuBod ttud tho pridonor roturnod to the (tol to await another trial in Juno noxt. MiiMlMtono Uouncil. *. ____ Town Hall, Maidwtono, X^ubruury 20th. Council mot thin day, pnrmiant to ad- journmont, ull tbo mumbory prommt, MinutoH of tho proviouB mooting worn roiul, and on motion of MntuirH. Dimun and IMoo, adoptod an rend and" ui^nod. Mr, ItiuLiiiiohol uoniplaiiiod to counoil of ob utruotiotiu to tho froo flow of tho wator in tbo Dili ootlooHHioti drain oppouito lot No 1^. Moved by Mohuih Tneo and 1'ottni, that hdr, Boauiioliorn miittor bo roforrod tn Mr. Datum ~ Cuiriud, Alox. 0. Taylin notiftcd tho counoil to ropoal under thu prnviniont) of ttio OnUrio Diainiij^o Act, and aniondtnontn tlunoto.thp Mm ray Crnnlt Drain. Movod by MoHiirH. l'lioound X'oltor that Mr, Taylor'n notion bo ontoHimmd and thai tho Oloilc ho uuitrtiolod to notify tbo Krifjininu* to rnpnrt thoroon (0 oouncil at noKt mootinu Cttrnud. Movod by Mniiiini, l'liGtj and Damm, that, tho Wind nor Kooord bn paid S'2li, for townidiip piinting.iuiporaconunt rondrrod. Ctirrunl A lottei' from the inunioipiil co> pot ulion of Sandwich fjonth roqnimtinjj Alaulntono to pay a portion of tho intorunt on Uimpomn loaim in eouiiootiou with the conmnmlinii ol tlio wt'iio towiihno drain, wan prt>Rentod and n ad, Movod by Mouaiu. l'auilev uuil Pottor, that tbo Olork bo innlrnotod to in form tlio cuiiiu il ol Sandwich Kcmih th it thin corporation will pay a junt pro poition uf waul intercut. Curried. A coin munieation from tho L-ittlp fiintcm of tin Poor 10 John Nolan wmi r< 11 d und on in tion of M^eimrs. Pnco and Pottor, rofoirvl lo the Olork. Movod by Momim. Prm- HlldPainlnj, that ordnr No. ,1'J, ihhiimJ at -TTTtTitturj; of tho fith innt, in favor of H C IU-0H, ho cancelled and tliut anothur oidi-i for 9-r) in favor of the Haul II O H-ien, ho itemed. Carried.Mr, Honn reported bimm'lf 111 Htmi^lUcned ciinuuntiinoiH on account of tno piotraetod lllnotii or bin wife Mo\ud by M.l"hih, Prion mill lJtiihle\, tlmt Air D until be million/,' I to attend to Mr Ho,)' complaint Curried II, M ir r-ntctto rep jrted that bn had boon unable to {jot lurf load woi k dono 11c tho prop' i timiMUid wujhud to arrange to do 11 Un coming nummiT. IMovod by MoHMni Pi io and Dainui, tlmt tho C;ierk b" in '-truuttvl to filio Mr. "Mirput'tttr'n imto foi ^J3, pnyablo m six mouths) from duto and that on tho receiving of which to f^ivo Mr Mai ontottn thn nocehFary Htaluto lahrti re eoipt for 1H ifl Cai ricd. Move 1 1>Mi 1 ri Pnc and Piuwlny, tli <t Mr 1'oih- hon bn paid "i3 foi tho work of removing fenei alon^ tlio Itonhnno dram. On 1110 tion of Mnhurn. Piieo and Danun, Win, Mtllor was paid %\ 1,1 for M,oodn fuim.lu'd Mirilialland S.1.5H, for ^ondH furni-.lnd llii^^uitj, mdigontH Wm, II irvi'i Httttd- to councl that bin ehddrt n att ndrd \l I', S S., Nui '2 and 1, Wnodi)loo, and tint m con^ quenco of thin ho domrodi to ha\i Iiih Hjhont tax for lHOli trunrift-rred to said Hfhool seotion. Moved by Mounts J'iici and Pusloy, that Mr fltirvoy'H mattei of "fjliool tu\ bo ruff t red to iho Clerk lo re pott tlioroon to council at iitKt meotiuj.* Carried. Movod by Mo^rn Damm uid Pottor, that tho C Uootor'n timu foi tin li \y and collection of ra\uu he e\tenoY 1 to tbo ovonin^ of tho .ltd day of April no\t - f'arriccl, Mo\ed by Mohiu'h. JJ'iiiim md Potter that thu Colleotoi bo authonyul to rocoive Mrn Luciih' taves Ichu $*J, th' amount charge 1 hei tor a bi'ch whioli im'- buen dentioyod Otrind On uintmi lo'ionh Jones wan pai I M fm ^oivic h ik Hbeop valuator. Moved by Mi H-^rn Price iiudPottii. that Mm Him In . h< piil "2 ,"j " for Hie wm k ol n tnn\ui^ In r fi in otl tlu WiNon (Juinlan Wi'iim Diain Carried. Movnd bv M> h^is Pi ice and I'ashy, that Ml. (>iu li> bt pud "J foi fn-icrn >lj) hhitp viilmiior -Caintd Movi d by Me-^rri, P1100 and Damm, thut If Ki unedy ho put 1 ^'j for ilunui^i to In ' rnpi bj ovfillo/ of tho u\i l'u - Carriol. Moved by MeHnrs. Price an 1 Pamley, that Mi.Ounn bn pm 1 'M IS ti tefund of an 0/- ich ir^o in hii dnii 1 1^ - 1 utL i f irtio 1 .I0I111 1 Uf imu Pi im (|U Hi to be l \CIIH(*il fiom |*i\llLUl of^l d ifi tn\ ai tin; doj,' did not bolono to bun and wni killul Hotno time a^o, v.n', mi ru ition of Mohhm U tnjtii and Puttu, t,'r. I'd \tuvod by MchiirH. I'm t and Piuilcv, that Mr hej mour'a nc tic u ll*i S'ynioui ijiiiulj.n drain, under tin- I) A W (J Act, bo not entertained. Curiltd Movul by Mlhhi i Pottt r and Damm, tliut Wm LtHpcranoi he pan! M for 111 vil- t 11H 1 Uiitoi, and tlmt hu bo p-i I -', hi) for hi rviein an jitnitoi up to tho end of the (tui(nt)oar Carried. Tho Hucyo intio dueed a by law tn provide- for tlio appoint- moot of drain umpuuturi Said by-law ieceived Iho uhual ruadm^s and panned, Mr. Pottor m tho Chun. Moyolby Moh-iih. Diiutn and Pottei, that thu Clurk be in fl tuctud to notify John Baldwin to caunt thu removal of thu obstruction!] to tho fieu flow uf water 111 the rivoi Pueo, on lot No. la 111 tho.1th coucemiion. Oarrierl. Moved by Mcdbra. Pottor and Damm, that the Clt-rk bo mtitruoted to notify Mi. Tulley to rumuvo tlu lo^u obstructing tho froo (low of water in tbo Puuo or No. 10 Tap Drain. Carried. Moved by Mouurs, Pmj, loy and Pnoo, that Ramnol Ilyltiud, jr , bo appomtod ovorsoor of lu^hwayu 111 the room and atoad of Xluury Btickwood, who refuiiod to korvo. Oarriod, Moved by MoBiirH. Pnoo and Pottor, that tbo Clork bo iiibtruotod to rocoivo tondoru from tho County papers for tho townuhip printing. Carried. Movod by Mopors. Pnoo and Pottor, that tho ooanail do now adjourn till Saturday, tho 3rd day 0! April next. Carried. - Twouiy-uiiu nuw Qoropanieo gave uotioo of inoorporation in tbo laab iriauo of JTbo IJritiuli Ooltirabia Gazotto, Tho n^roRuto capital ifl ovor 810,000,000. Tbo majority of tho oompaniou aro orgamzod to aoquiro uaddovolop provincial ramos. TOWN OF_ ESSEX. By=Law No, 262. Toronoul lly-httWNo. lill iirohlbltiiitf Urn Bal of liquor In thuTown of Kwtoji. Wb'trium tlm Minilnltntl f'oiitioll of tho Town of I'.mhox iliil 011 tlio twmiLy-Hfiiniiit day of ln((iitml"i', In tint vnur lh'10, llnallv puttu 11 by law to prohibit tho ualii of limirti' in tho Town ot Unmix ; and Whovoan tlirt imM Council hail bimn duly roijiKJiitoil to puiui ami luibnilt li tbo nliuitnrH 11 by-law lo ropetil mild by-law No 1*1!. TlwMnnHo, thn Muule pal f'onnnll ol tlm Town of T.imiK, borol>y oniictn an lollowi) 1. Tliut nald by-hiw No Kd to prohib it the wilii of Ilijimr hi tin* Town of llimnx bn iinil ttid 11111111) In hoioby inpealed '.. Tlmt tli in hy law hbull (ii).n n 111 ( t Olio day uftm thn iliml pawilni! tbwnnf, lniniidy. on tl.n iinvimtli dny of April, lh'l7 .1. Ilutt tho voti* of Mm nlm lorn of Un il Id *1 fiu-ii of Kimex u||l bo tald'ii nn (bin b\-lnw ny tlm IWputy llt undue (iflloi in limn iijjLftdi miniHl. on "i,f)jnlii\, I he IHt-imtl ihiOf Mlllld), lh'li, ( onmi iTieinu t nillo r/cbuil tn ibo foieuooii, llu.ld'ii Hiimdiird rbim, ninl (ominiiiiii: iintil r> o'uloi K in tlm iilti-nioon of tbo im inn day, ami no loiunn, It^ tlm undo) iiinnt ionod plm en in thn 'I own of IIhih No 1 Wind fn tint Town J (.ill, bv hum Wulti in, IhtpuU Itotiirnii n Ollli i i . .No J. W u i in Mi. Clnni h u oftb e Inm it m Hioi U, \Vm t'limrh, Dnpity hittiinunii ilfilenr , No .t Want, In ^l IKhiiiiiii'ii nflW'i , 'InPnit utitnl, (' M Jiiliutiti n, I'oputv Itnliirnini: ' dlhoi- 1 On Moiiflaj, tlm elf litb .ttiy of Mni'-ti, lt"7. /lie Major of tbn'fowi of 11 ii, x i.bnll atliuiU uliiiii oltlin on Tulliol ntiit. t at I in bom of tmi o'( Im It In tin nam o m to appnn I m writing I wo pin muih to iitinnd at tlm llnul iitiiiiinliii; lip of vottiii, ami one per ion to iitteml nt inn ti pollniK I'birc nn bi half of thn piu noon intioniiliiil in and iiobiinmi of pronmi tun tbn pHiinliil,'of thl'l by luw and li lll.n iiiiijik") uu In Imlf of tlm prmi"iiu uitor uteri in nn.l rl" moil i of oppimlni: Llin ]MifiHiii;n of I bin liy law r>, Tho Cleric of tlm ituld >ttiiiictpiilltv hhiill tt ml ut ili (otiHli L'liiiiuber, at Im bom of ton o'< tool in the tnroiinon on tl o li'ili <htuf Mureb, l'n to mini up tho mini Ian of voteu (jlvon for nml hi alnnt thin In-law, l 'J bur thin tij Inn Ik pulilifilii 11 im 'i ' w i v WfcK for a tnrii) of tlmte wolh 111 Mm lhiiI 11 i. I'll ti-> pm. ion to llie llijlil \nt o )' Minn on, tin (h t liublii ition to b(- o i In 1'Hli (.I'LJ "f ' I'brniLi > Ih'lT lToMHloimllv ait'iptei) thn iiixt'enth dn\ of I ebllllii J. JWii NOTICE. H'\KK NOl'IOK THAT 'I M P. \Hd\l IS a till" < opy of a iiinpij t-il li\-lnu \s hit 11 it i Ik mi t i hell into ( oiinid" l 11 ton hi> I v. Im h 'Ml lie lltiiLlly )ii hid bv Mm Miioiitpil ('mm 1 uf tbO 'lo\\ 11 1)1 KhlM\ in tin i)\ i nl ol tlitt u m t t ot the nmjoiirj o till' (ili i tor i tuiliij! o' tn'Mi il r bo i o to nl tni oim month fiom ilm lh <t pub!]' il Hon in The | s.nx 1 nn I'n i-t winch will tn <u Miu nineti i ntb il i\ Of I ( hrilill v If >7 an t but tin* \ot' t ol tho ebitorii of tli* saul Miinul pulit> will bn t lo n tin H un ut Hit plan i un Hu diiy mil dinini; tbo hum , in itliont it m Miunl li>-l i\\, mil n*W on Ho tlfli i nlli flii\ o' Man h, Ih'li, i onilileiK mi: at Die boui oT i un o'clock in the forunooii, 1 a^tiin hlamlard tinm. lOHN ^ Altfl It i (Jliirk of t)l.- I'llH n Of M-HLJT TOWN OF ESSKX. By=Law No. 263 'i o mi 11 tin ii mi of T ui riioiisiiii'l J)(il! 1.1, for tho pin poM of n,iMiii{! tfi aid uninmi i; the wati 1 worll'i in tbn T.o\w. i) l.t. i \\ lii 1 mis it 11 di si 111 bin to ma to* nop * < v' nn i.tr to tin* v. uti msoi li** bv the miiUtioii ot n m u tioib r und ot bin in i't hwh \ nnprnu nn i t II tni a) turn I ions uu 1 ti lit 1 to thn wunt , in I Win inuH, it loin bculi 'It ti 1 t liimd mid i nti 1 .at 1 d that Un in ( n-MLiy improvmntu ts n >< hi torn lliiuif d will Co it thn > inn ol I wo Thoti"> and Dollaih, mid Win 11 111, Mm Muiiii ipa) ( mir nl of Mn Cor poriilloii ot Mm 1 own ol I .m.i k h -\ n bj i< . >lu tion di elm id it to hi- mlv ninlilo and i \]i> ilnmt t ^ ru'm Mm naul I ill i ol 1 wo 'I'lionsnnil Dolh ru lot tin pUiiiOiO bun llih.il lo itaiil'ti) n 'hi iMUiiot ilnlit.iituie-4 ii| ill llm crt lit o Ihii ^1 u nn ipiduv, ml id di In nlm i - I i iMmmIii ( i a [m notl uf luiutcdi) joai-H ut il \\ lit* 11 ii ii tbij W bn]o iiinnllii! o' He n lal li ID t-pi 1 IJ ot I In 1 own (it I, i i v hi i hi llii|' 1 > i b< !n il l \ l mil u )' D-iiu lit roil -, i In t\ n i i - h" 171 and Win ii ai Mm uijioillit of i Unlit fj dilnnturu ili 1 t ot t u Muntt ipitbl, *)! lb- I ow i ( f I ii . is tiin Htn ot - 17 7i- 11 ii ml no pi.it Im r m t itin i i i mi lpul >\ intiiri ut i-> xu i 111'i i i U In ii loiti, lin it i ti n id b.i Mn- Mil . i n i ( on in 11 oj tlm ( oi j oi ii l ti i ut tlm 'I. i\ i i if I ieii \ puihtianl to Mm pio i-ioiiH of tlm Mi.ni t lpul A t 1 'I IiilI lor tin pin p Jin of i in-lit ( lh i un ( I t \ ii 1 liou-ii'0 1) jlhli to Iti in.'d Im i .'.I ii t u nn I linpiov II* i In \M U I ill n llm In III Itll f III MllW'l III lb 111 I J" MM II III I S-..I H t ll U ( ill"-(i Hi bi IlUl l ' lo b ,-. I i l hli llm p i \ till 111 Ol till J 1 I! f i|Uil Ol MU ll di lit lid Ml Mini i< lii inn t t dudl bn i-eiihd with Mm 'no ol tlu v'oi pniut on tint i n ii< 1 i y t i n I oi uiid 1 ii aMiit t tin not, .' 1 li it, the nanl d jlni'it tn '* i 'ihall 1' > t int. i. ut ut tin Ian ol lh< pi i i i j i i nn im II i kon d I mn tin 1-a .l.Lv iif M \ 1 i nm t i ipnin Uu llm puMin U tin n ol nhnll In <H t i 'inU Mil lll'O 1 1 hilt llm s i iti n j im ij in I ih lit uf 1 \t<i I in 11 . in M oil in u i ball bn rupu} nblo in loin un n i tn i n- tIm annual in lulim nl i toi u In. li ailmin > n I i.l 11 1 (I lllMII 11 II Ollt) Of *A 1 H'll > IlIll I III! ]| -, l J IHII Mn liiindr ii t (lolbu i) an I Hint tin- i , i.^ili ii Ino.iiit piiMt bli loi pi n i i pal in 111 in It h [ li iiii\ mud shall lie t <]ti il i i< iiLtiily ns ni L\ In t i ib it is pll\ libit lti| pi 1!1< lpul llll(I | ill I i n diini'K u li.1i ot thn ot hi i 3 cat n ol t tie purl" t o t t w ldi.b bum lii.li dnlji niUH h Mmd t - | ml nn i I t Ucli Hist tbnnntt, t< i'i tin i w itli tin mn ti t t on t Im |ii 1 it lpul itiiioiiiit fl nn t j ii ti t i tin ii ii).lining Itnpiinl to tin piud o tin J >t d i v t r Mai m i uli and iviry jour lnuinnini; iitb tlu Ii.t ilaj nt May tviS 1 '1 hut tlinn hbull bo iiiuod in m h nn I i \ i i \ >i in , doi in, tin i untitle\ ol I Im t) lit, Ui l> b nb\ 111 at nil, tno ii nil ol -Ivl ll'i In ]t]n n u in hiillu u nl '0 til ,i'hai mi Llm i.n\ mitl in .ti] n.ei tn u! ])iinLipitl ii ml intt 11 it nn nun; nml dun o inm h i Jul t pit) ii lil> a i In 11 io'm f<> o pi n vid< d n.nd Mint Himh un uiiiilinl iitim nliall In 11 \ lo I nnd i I'isi d in ( acli ai < I i \ tn v oi i di] i int' the Hind ti nn, by il h put. ml rati) hi lib (dm it ihtJiuttn on nil tin* ratabln pi iijh i tj m thu huh] llAVU Of 1.1 Hi V. Ti 'Unit tlio Tiniitniinr of this ('oi pouition Mi all iiu^otintn tlio t, ih of tho n loi i ui I iluh m- tiiiinuii'lti tin dirittion ol tho Connil, and shall ihmcjriit tho n.inoiini m lb- tuip i ml llinilc of Un n nil i, till b jut t to tlio fin t bur on lorn of till1 t OlMICll i>. J hilt ll \Otl1 uf t))0 ( ii ( Mil ) OT ill' riH Ml Town of l,hsu\ Will bo IhAchj im t tih l>j law btlm Di'puU Hi tuiliili^ OlliciiiH iii ii'lunlloi nninuil, uu thu l.r>th day of MiLiidi. IV)7 eoiii nmnciiiij nl iiiun o t loeli Mi Mm ton noon, enst- orn namhud tnnn, ami cunLinuiuu until tlvo u't lock in tbo nit or at nn i ot llm intino Oa*,, and no loiifjui, in tbo undt riuontu in tl plactn m Mm Haiti Town of I'iimok tn No 1 Wn.nl, ui l*o*vu Uiili,.r Wnltoru 1-inpnty HatuniiiiM (JItU or .Ward No "in Mr Cliuieli'tiollb n, Wi i Cbnicli D It 0 and in Wind No .1, m Mr, iUnnnan'i] otlloj. C M iohlmton, D.U.O 7. On tho 9th day of Match, Wl/, tho Mayor of tbo Town ot Kh>h)\ hbull nttniid tn bin otheo on Talliot i.trnot, at tlio hour of 10 o'clnck in tlio ten timon, to appoint two jiuruouH to atton I at tlio varionii polling plaooB and at tlm final Huminini: up of voton ono portion on bubalf of tho pnnionii into, outod In prcinotltif1 tlio paiisu^u of thin bvdaw and a liko number on lioli df uf tbo piuiiunii op- ponlnc, tho paiiidnfjof Mdu by 1'iw, H Tho Clork or tho nald Municipality nhnll attond at tho Council Chamber, at tno hour of 11 ooloolt In tho forenoon, on tho lOtli day of March, 1HU7, to ntim up tho uiuubor or voton (jivon for and iiRaintit tldii Liy-law. 0. Thin by-luw shall bo publidlmd onoo a wook, for throo coiinooutivo woolin, in tlio WiiHoxl',rooliroiin, proviouii to tho nmil votlnfj thoroou. Provlaionally adoptod tho lGtli February, 1697, to talco offDct Immudiiittiy upon tho final iaBulna tho roof, TAKE NOTICE THAT THE ABOVE IS A truo copy of a propoHud hydaw whlob Uao boon t ikon iuto oousidorution anil wbloh will bo tlu ally panned by tho Municipal Council FRI DAY= BARGAIN DAY One of the tilings against which every merchant has to guard, is over buying, and even when exercising the greatest care he oc casionally finds his stock too heavy in one or more lines. Then again, Odds and Ends, and Remnants will accumulate, and some times an article becomes soiled or otherwise slightly damaged. In order to speedily dispose oif ALL SXJOH LINES, including over purchases we have decided to make Every Friday A Special Bargain Day When such lines will be placed upon our counters, and marked in plain figures FOR Cash, at such prices as will insure a speedy clearing. Parties Who Pay Cash Will lint! it profitable to visit our Bargain Counter on Friday our Special Bargain Day. tJiiSr1" Wo.iuc now receiving and pacing into Stork Large ConsignmoniiH of NEW GOODS bought in the beat MarkotH, and whtclrwrlMm Hold at the closest possible prices. Yours for Bargains, 0 ^3^ DU3tfSTiUtf BLOCK,, ESSEX 0 DreSS G-OOds ^ wonderful low prioen, from 7c. per yard up to 1.25. Blouse Silks TIip lutcRt styles in Jnp.uieBe Silk, worth 7oc, for 50c. All Shades 34"incll Flannelette, worth 10c. for Oc., extra heavy twill and plain^ Corsets D, & A. ^ 75c, worth si.00. Men's Overcoats, worth sio.oo for $800. ss.oo for $o oo. Men^s Pants from i)0o to s:i.oO. Underwear all wool, for 50c , excellH nil other values at G5c. BcOtS LllCl Shoes very LOW PlirOES for next 30 day*. HatS Mon'H $2 Fur Felt Hats for $1.00, GTOCerieS--A-lWJiys IVe.-h and best for leawt money. The Best Tea in Market for 25c, ifi^> money refunded. ; .,1 t)Ml I nun (it I HH \ in 111'- 1 ".'-Uf (d till! 11-.v lit i,l Un iniMMMh . I tl .1 - r . .1 in b.Uli: obt mind Un utlti iifli 1 in ' Mill 11 1 f 1 "HI Hut "l-lt 1'"tlll t lit lull III Ml" 1 --11 \ I In 1*1* n Willi li V- ill nil ,,11 Un I ILM d 1 Wl I ' I" m l"l% "Ml1 U ar Ml" w,tn ol llll ill i" "I tb" ml I MiHii' ijuibtv Mil I t in), ii Un i< on nl tin' plui'iH, "" fhu .Iil% nml ilui 111 , Un 1 nui . iiiuiitiunud IH it-Hi (> "U" JOHN WMiTI'H i. f'l 1 1 T'lH II (if I HM'T T ~ ~ -^ - Hn-tliN. b.in/iii, -Md -to, on Hominy. Kibiumy yjml to Mi an I Mm 'IIioim u (!. C iij/.k r, 11 him. P. \i.m ii -T.i On licl 1 \urtli, on S itunUy, V. biuai j UK h, to Mi. and Mn L\i tn. Utinictt, a hum Ovki \ -In MiliImIouo, nn Suinlny, 1'" h-u ury JU', 10 Mr an 1 Mri 1. i. O il'-y, u ilaii^liLir Coi i inm In S mdwifli S mth, on Su id-iv, I'tii ru!ir\ '21hi. to Mi. and Mm Cm'<>. OolliiH, il daiiiihior. uraiture. Tlioho who need FurnituK iL W.li plV Liu-ill Lo UMUinin Uhj vt v\ Inn* tind woll d-iMd Li'd SUjcIc ,lL lIhj Composed of Wetmore Truss, v-, ytr , M.irrla^<*H. l'()M MN -TllUllMDN At tilt* KplSO [' d ( bur b, J'.-ihi'V, on Wmlni'Hd iy, l".d)ni ur\ 2Uh, 1>V Hoy A. Ij Ui'VimW, i\Ii. Wm T Oonkhii, uf KiiihhvUIp, tn Mk-h Louttn Thointcn, of Jj.hhck. C.ju p.Nft i\- Hi iiiioi At tho Mi'Chodii.t -L |uiihoiia^< in Win.lHor, on Tumidity. Fehnmrj 'i.li'tl. by H*>v. .1 U Oumly, Mr. Wm, Gro'iiwit\, nf I<;snx Id Mihh Kuto Si-lirniii, of WmtHor. Bakor and Butcher- Tnrnldimt buninei.'! in town. Untabllfuio lli/ii Kiiht-chuui hi oud mid oakor. ot nl tiudii Woddlnp pilIiohh upoohillty (iiooorioi- iiroviiiiouH.lloiir.frtiid, unU and pork. (Jonrw> tiiiiH'ij.crookoiv.Kliu.flwitio. nimii'iiriiiitiwimi vortdiihloitnf ul1! IcihIh (hhh\h jmnnptW 'U llvorodto till invrtiiof tlio town J. M. IIlCKh )\)l tf Parlor Suites, Bedioom Suites, Diuingrooin Suites. EaS}' Ohail'S, Of uvmy D. iuuptimi, LoungOH, liiiby Carria^en. Picture Funics Al.idc to order on sli'dt nolnii', ami ivirythin^ iu tlio slmp-iol Fumitmu too nainL'roiiM Lo mciUioii. You Citn nit I'lii'- iiitiuv horu for lo-- money tli m olscwhero, quality oi' gomU consitli'ieU. Everything tin-' hvereil iVeo of cliaiije. J, A. Ii!G"-:S & Co., Essex* acnaeVr-WTi DACK ******* llm The Best Truss in the Market. 'I'bui 'I i nun inn coiiimuiiiln 1! t'Ciiunn i( in Tany lo \\ i in , ( tuiiiot Oi't (Jut of IM id , mm Im Unt'tl in Cti ii II ml to lioid,iui<i idi-o iu (Jat.cn rmiily It< tilUliiil. It it. hup* nor to nil otiton for tho follnwlnff 1 L 1 HC (11 - 1 \ - L. bun il lijuiiif,' bow Unit can Uo u-ljuotod to Mitt the i"1 iO us to pniilllii, Jji.I It iloi ii in t (.jo uiniiii 1 tlm idpn but ovor tin in Tlio bin J: pud ui iduiont opp hitu tho Ik ii L pa I no tbat Lbti pit ^miio 1 ovonly iliyillod, Jul- \i y uniH' i mi on tlttfd b> nil jit still'; tlio pailH mid Mlmjiini; tlm In*, in lijdit, tituifi> toud- jii> t und uill Htuy ii,ltu*iuit Loloiif,ii ovtuy timo nod nil tho timo. I'tntiofi iu iiuod of it Tni'iH hIiojUI nou tbo Wi'tmoiu. JOHN THORNE, DRUGGIST, j:HfiEX. - ONTAHIO. IUhhox Markol. Whfliit rod" per bnohol... .8 70to 70 Wlu-Ht, wlHto .... 70 Corn .*.. 10 Oats .. 14 to U Timothy Rood .... 1^0 Clover Sood .,. 300 to -100 Hay nor tou............ 700io 7 00 Alniko - 3 00 to -1 00 Hoof per owt.....*...... t 50 to 5 00 Pork Livo woiht......., i 00 to 3 2ft Mutton ............ 5 00 to fiOO nuiof] ............ i so GhiotVoca por lb.......... 0 Bnttor .......... 1 11* Lard .......... 8 8 Ef^a, por doz .......... ID Potatooa, por buabol .... 40 to 40 Oavrota .... 40 Turkoya por lb.......... 7to 8 DuokB .......... 0 Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on wbich ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. It) prepared in two degrees of strength. No. X for ordinary cnaca is by far the beat dollar medicine known sold by druggists, one Dollar per box:. No. 2 for special cases lo degrees stronger sold by druggists.. One box, Three Dollaro; two boxes, tfive Dollars. No. i, or No. 2, mailed on receipt ot price and two 3-ccut stamps. tho Co6k Company, Windsor, Oatulo. Umi" Bold iu nuaox and ovorywuoto lu OowuU by nil roi!|oiiHlblo DniBflint. Tho Oubiuet wafl oonsldorii g tho in w franohifio bill on Saturday. It nimply adopts the various Provincial ftanohlaoa for olflOtlonB to tbo ECoubo of Commona, LAST CHANGE F0R THE ORPHfl^S PHflYSr}. Wilhout any doubt, tho pri-miui* pioturo off una h> tlm l1'unruly Ilttuld una weokly Blur la thu uruudoHb piotnro ( vor offerod nowHpiipur ruudorH. Thuio ih a por foot Horumblo from all purtu of tho world to ao- ouro a copy. Soiuu Duhnonbera who liave received it would nor. part wiilt it lor a 810 bill. Tho publinhorn will witlidmw the premium fdioitly. Wo havt> mado arrange- montH, hovvovor, wuh tho Family Herald publiHliert*. whereby thoy ajjroo to nupply tho "Orpbau'u Prayer" to all nanfioa aout in by Oio Em-ex Treo Prcoa on or before lfith February. Thu Family Herald and Wooitly Star i tbo rocoKnizud loader of all Woeklien iu Amorioa. Wo offor "TUc Or- nliun'n Prayor," tbo Family Horald and wookly Star, (Ono Yoar) aud tlio Free ProHa, (Ono Year) nil for 81.80. Dou't faU to luiouro a oopy, Send subaaripUona BRETT & AULD, Essex, Oat. Sample Piolure ouu ba aeou hero.