WJ< , * X THE YOUNG TENOR. I wokrt. Tim Imrbnrnd melody Huil oronnod Dim Mlumbvr bar And out upon thn open huu Of aoimuifmiinuutl ufnr pwopt onward, with u fulntor strain. Au nnhnlntl thn tlr.um ntfahi. So Htirfc tliu Hllvnr ouml it ml olewr Outpoured upoii Hiu.uluht That Kilmiua wemml a llfilnnnr O'lirliuitiinir wllli (lwllultt The uldinltn* nio'tn, n tinier tip Upon thopin tul of her Up. -John H. Tulib in Cuiitury. IIAltO WATER. "ThVU livo to ruo it." "WuU,' Aw mumofc ^o urMh my fool- b'H. Aw cannot help not lovin thro. " "Nnw, uu Urn' cannot, help lovin JonK'b'tly oIho, con t:i? Thii'U livo to ruo Ifc, Aw tell thc(\ mi ho will tlmt. Imystuvfc tlm'H Hfot thy liPiivt on mind that." Thn pjirl udrireiwil blushed faintly, ' but did not, hautf hcv heart. Uujlr-r sho lifted it, with a nvond look which, *lo- Hpilo her wnrlciK uliuwl, plain black hat and wmiowhat; pn^ly white com plexion thn common heritage, of mill KirlH h-nt Homothiiitf quomily to her Wholo appoavunco. Had you noon Kaohol Swunn on Sun day ns Hhu widlcod, with Jut Biljlo uml hymnhook, to tho Methodist Suud.iy gchool to toarh hor class yon would iMsuroMy liavo known hor. IJrcBscd in tho latvHt Htylc -or tho lntost that had per colated to tho provinces from tho "tip4" in hov hat and tho "full" which expressed nitlmr than hid her dcHcuto fcjituvofl, to hor neat little (shoes, nho looked, what nho wns, a lady. And had you (men hor, ut tho chapel door aftor owning Kervico, without ado or oven {{rooting heyond a mutual look of Butiy- fuctjnn, moot a pleasant faced youiiR man and walk away by liin nido, you would havo been in posnesniou of tho ijficvot that Jnmos Kum- uer, iWKiHtunt easltier at Mtssra. Ped'H mill, and Kauhul Swann wcro "Iceepintf company." .Tim Sumner'hurt started lifo tis a half timer and lit.lo piecer; hut, naturally an intelligent lad and a givat favorite with tlio KehnnlinoHter, ho had, in wpito of the groat disability of ucgmumg to earn hia liviuB at 10, liuulo Mich jjood uso of his opportunities that ho was early taken into tho "ofllco" and was hot quitu"looked up to"byrightthink ing folk a a man -who "could audio (earn) h)H brasfl 'nut talckiu his coat off." Moreover, lie wns junior "ehapol Htoward" al tho Methodist chapel, and alto/cither n man any girl in that place might bo proud to "keep company'1 with. That Rachel was proud of her lover everybody know. They had only *' mado it up" a short time ago and had walked in public U'RH than a fortnight when the above conversation took pi hop. Tho man who threatened to "male' her ruo" was con siderably older than herself, and an "overlooker" at tho mill in which they all worked. Ilo had lonp forced hia at- ' tendons upon Rachel, who, while giv ing him no encouragement, bad not ab- solutely rcpulhpd him until hIio heard that ho did a littlo private boolauuking auton^ the yrmthsand youu^men ia tho groat mill. Until then .she had regarded him un a decent fellow nud t-hruuk from hurting hifi feeliuK^, hoping he would desist in time and pivo it up uh a bad job. Hhodid not 1 now .T:ibc/, Snint hurst. Ho vrai the sort of man whoso love can turn to bitter hate, and now, both against the girl and the man he deemed his mippluntor, bin rage burned fiereely. "Aw'mfair miserable at my work, Jim, now," .said lLaelul im fihe wnllocl with her lever from bin mother's eoi- tago tilong the embankment of tho great ranervoir. "\Vhy,-how'H that', my lass? Aw thought tlia* wuv all reet, now an grade- \y net up \\'i' fnnr Iooiiih an uveragin 19 an 0 awik, "for, though .lim wiw an ansistant eashier, he dropped, like hi.i lady love, into his native Dorir on all familiar occasions, "an tha' towd me that oven thy cross grained owd aunt could spoyk civil now." "Aye, Aw was fain enuf, .Tim, hut Eh, hid, Aw can hardly tell yo', Aw've kept it to mysel' frir days, but Aw can- uot bear it no longer. Th' overlooker's ta'en one o' my looms off me an suy.s he'll tak' another if Aw don't mend my work." "DoHtinean Jabe Smetliurst? Aw'11 Boo that reet, ne'er heed, Kaehel. " And aii they had pa.-^ed ihe railway station which htootl at 1 hu uj)per end of tho iy.-i- ors*oir and were in a wimewhat neeluded place lie put hits arm around her \vuit, drew her to him and kissed her fondly. "fciuy iiuwt, Jim. It'll do no good. Gaffer thinks weed o' .Tube lie hearkens to hiiuaaif Jabe kneweverytliiiian him nowt. An it dues look ab if my work was bail, for ho gives mo such bad HoartK 'at Aw con on'y do half what t'others eon, an my aunt huj-h who'll pfio mo th' key o' th' street if Aw cannot addle more nor a lit tie wench. It's piece work, thu' knows." "Aye well, ne'er heed, my lass. Kis- xnas'll soon bo here, an we'll got wed as soon as th' Now Yo'r comes- in. Aw'm EOttin diiJ a week now, an Aw'm prom ised a riso wi' th' Now Yo'r." # * * * * A month had passed. Poor Jim I All his fair hopes Rcemed blighted. Bromley Bros., u firm iu tho neighborhood with Whom Messrs. Pool occasionally did businesH, in checking their bankbook fonud thomsclvcs debited with uu amount paid by check to Peel <fe Co., for which they could find no eorrospondiufi: item in Peel's account, ami, on making inquiry from them, found that thero waa no account of its receipt in their coshbook, nor did such au account ap pear to havo boon paid in tho uauul way to their orodit at tho bank. Evidently a chock hud boon drawn and paid of which tho books of uoithor Arm had any record. It waa a sum under 10. But as tho youth who ran botwoou tho mill and tho bank iu the adjoining town of Black- brook nppeavad too unsophisticated ' to transact naoh a fraud, and as Jim Sum- hWiwaa ittittiodiatolyrospouuiblo tot the current omm of the firm, he wau held to he morally renponBlblft, If not aotuftUy criminal, and, according to the imme morial ouiitomof tho firm, "had to go." Poor Jiml "Ho did nojs wait-to meet hi chapel folkn and Intimates. He jnr klwed his widowod mothnr, who would not havo behoved "owt aguln* Jim" on tho testimony of an archangel, and went out into thu fronty air, Htraiglit to tho ntntion and away to a town HO milon diwttmt, to make n frenh start. His MWeetheart was Htill in tho mill. Ho ought, of course, to have waited for her nnd told bin*. Uut ho didn't, Ho would write, Slio would learn soon enough. The village would bur/ with the news mi though tho new "hootor" had pro claimed it by nightfall And it did. Thero wore girls who seemed glad to tell Rachel, and when nho tlared up lind Haid: " YoT know us well as Aw do'at .Tim ne'er did it," they only replied: "Well, he's tuYii his hook, al any rate. Yo'r Aunt Jlet seed him goo an says 'good riddance to bad ruhliidge.' She doesn't seem to think uswfelo' Jimmie as her niece doc>i. " What eouhl Hachel nay? She went homo with rage in her hour! against her nuiit, and some- tluug like resentment against her lover for hasting away without a word to the girl who could have died for him, Ah, little diduhn think, yet oven now a dead misery had taken possession of her. "Well, Miss Proudie, an how's thy fine gentleman nan?" (Aunt Bet's own lad had had hopes of tho "oMce" once, but had turned out a wastrel; hence hei bittorucM.) "Aw thont wot it 'ud be. Soi'no fowk can't stand gettin up i' th' world. Pridc'U hev a fa', an thy whip- persnapper's come a ei*opper, at ^ny rate." In tongno warfaro Rachel was no- Whore, liosides Aunt Bet wasn't worth answering. Then, that very day, the overlooker had threatened to reduce her to two looms and -laid humbled her He terribly before the otln r weavers that all tho spirit seemed clean gone out of her. She went to bed, but not to sleep. Tho "knocker up" hud an easy task next morning. That day was the black est of many black ones during the past few weeks, and now no lover's comfort awaited hor. Everything went wrong. Tho stuff wouldn't weave. U<t loom*- Hcemcd bewitched. Tho overlooker over looked with a vengeance. "yo'll start on two looms tmnorn." ho said. "Thinkon that! Aw've lots a' wenchoH o* 1-1 'at weuvo better nor thee uu do moor 'ark on two looms Pan tha' con o' throe." It was the last straw. She dare not Coco Aunt Bot and her sneers. "Oh, -Tim, Jim," was tho cry of hor heart, "why couldn't you say a word to me?" Porwhen her heart spoke it; cried for Jim, and not for looms. Coming out of tho hot mill it was bitter cold, She drew hor shawl over her head and hur ried away not to tho place siie called "homo." She scarcely knew where nhe went. A hopeless despair weighed on her sensitivo spirit. Tooth, unchecked and unheeded, dropped as she walked. "Anywhere, anywhere, out of the world!" would have been her exclama tion could she have expressed her deep est wish. Suddenly she found herself on the top of the reservoir embankment. The moon was whining upon the water, which sparkled and shone with a crys talline brilliance, "There\s nowt left to live for, an 1 won't live!" mid, casting her .shawl from her, she threw heraelf from tin embankment. The.ro was a sharp, ring ing sound. Tho moon shone ou, and all was still. a * * n # "Now, Aw wonder what'H come out about this, money?" thought Jim Sum ner as he struck the reservoir bank on his way from the fitation home. "lroU> are fain to stay in toneet, Aw reckon. Aw'm glad uob'y'll see me till Aw'vf cleared niyseP and what eanth' masters ha' taken th' trou ble to get my address fro' mother foi no'dby else knew it uu telegraph for me to eoino iiistanrly, if it's not? My, but th' fiost has bin keen this two days' Aw'll bet th' hulge'll bear. " Sosiying. he ran down ami tried it with his foot, and, finding: it safe, walked a distance OU the margin. "What's that? Good heavens!" H" hud stumbled over the proMruto form of a woman lying a few feet from tho em bankment. The ice was starred in every direction where her head laid struck it. *'Poor wench!" Tin turned her over, and tho moon's light fell upon a face he_ had often klhsed. J to reeled an though ho had received tho blow that made tho blood ilow from that marble brow. How cold she was! But she breathed. He picked her up and carried her, he know not how, up tho bank and away till be stag- geied into bin uiothor'H cottage. Could she be ia bettor hands? Still unconscious, but with signs of returning animation, ho left her and hastened to the mill The lights still burned in the ofliee. The masters were Heated by the fire, and in tho background sat tho mes senger and Jabea Smothurst. "How d'ye, do, James you got our wire?" "I did, sir, thank you." "Boy, toll us again what yon told this moruing. " Whereupon the ponitont lad, with fearful looks at Jabez, told how the overlooker had terrorised him about small hotting debts; how, at his instigation, he had obtained a blank check from tho office! hid at Uromloy's; how Jabez had tilled it in, copying the writing from another of Brora ley'a checks; how ho had presented it with tho rest at tho bank and got tho cash. The sequol was known aud did not need. recounting. Jabez swore it wan a parcel of lios, but tho boy'o evident sincerity, revolutions of Jaboz's bonkmaking trans actions and later Rachel's account of hor rejection of his suit, and Ids subsoquont thxoats and persecution, convinced tho masters of Smothurst^ guilt. They sim ply discharged him and oasod thoir con- BciouHuesH of Jim's ovcrhofity dismifisal by rautinfj his salary to 150 a yoar. Tho folks who ohnorod a happy pair aud pelted tham with rice did not hog a uoar ou tho brow of tho brido, for it was #tmrod by he* bridal veil. -Ttt-Bita, THE MODERN ATHENS THE STREETS ARE MADE BRILLIANT -------------BY MARBLE HOUSES. Thn Holl la 1'ot)rt Mow4iV<nr, uimI thn OUy Ifn* Alway* Mufftirm] Vfoin i I.imtc or Wttr Tlio Vl>timiM<iU* *Jirti ut th' Ohlon Tim*. X Not Wow Oflun Hntni. Of tho three mountains inclosing the plain of Athens, Mount Pnrnos in the highest (<i,nio' font), Mount Pontelious (H.O'll feel), with its regular triangular shape, suiigosting the pediment of ;t temple, is the most imposing, but .the thyme covered, honey producing Jlyinct- tuH(M,ImH feet) 1ms always' been most Intimately nwneiated witli AthniiH. It lies nearer to thn city, and from alino-d till the street') and all the window si kink ing eastwurd can ho seen its curved line marking the blue sky above, except nn rave jp'iry days, when clouds resting on itn top are uu infallible sign ot ruin. Tho various hues of, the mountains and the Hiualltii' billsfonniiig an inner cinde around Athens, oombiiud with the vi"W of thn soa lend nn additional effect of airine^'i and buoyancy to the aspect. In thn long, straight streets of tho iiirw town, open from end to end, nothing impedes the view en either niilc In praising Athens wo must not draw a veil over her defects, Such im provements as are indispensable to a modern city havo not kept pace with her growth in extent and nluuonon. The HtageH of-thiH piagn-fiH-nan bo neon in thn structural inequalities ovon of contigu ous dwellings. These dwellings may bo chronologically divided into throe eate- gurhvi those of tho first settleTH, when all were poor, and tho main ncceRHity was at any rate to bo housed; thosn of tho thrifty niti'/ens, who felt thn want of more Hpaeo and greater convenience, but had little regard for external ap pearance or interior comfort and con sidered carpets and plate gla^s a luxury and ovon chimneys of small conse quence, and those of the wealthy im migrant h, who guvo an impulse to tho bnildiiiR of elegant houses among all who, thanks to increasing prosperity, could afford to imiato them. The proximity of tho quarries of Hy- rncttus jujri IVntcliouH onahles Athenfl to supply herself with a building ma- tonal which no- other city could, havo at equal cost. Marble, in itself nn em- belliidmiont, is profusely used and )osen none of its brilliancy in thn dry atmos phere, whoso transparency makes pleas ant to thn eye even tho light colori spread on tho stono walls, whioh in other latitudes would hurdly bo beara ble. Tho'agreeable effect thus obtaihed is incroasod by tho trees in sonio of tho Htreets and squares, as well as in tho careens of tho better class of houses. But Athens might and would bo mow verdant still were it not for tho lank of abundant water. Thin vvnnt was felt in antiquity as well. To it may partly he ascribed tho epidemics recorded by an cient historians in times of war, when tho number of inhubUants was increased by those of the surrounding country nooking-rxfago within the walls. Antoninus Piuscudnwed Athens with a perfect system of waterworks. Thuy consisted of subterranean galleries, col lecting tho waters of the neighboring mountains. To these old Roman iique- duots, HnccoHslvely dwmvered, repaired and utilized, At hens still owes hor scanty supplyof water. Projects for-inorcasing tho supply are ever talked of, but will bo deferred ho long as tho municipal finances remain no belter than the na tional. Meanwhile, the macadamized roads between the fine sidewalks are hurdly watered. This fact and tho na- turo of tho soil, notorious for itH thin- neq since the days) of Thuoydides, ac count for tho dust, which is the great est blemish of Athens. An lOnglish lady was heard to admire the picjturosqne- uess of its whirling clouds, but oven were that single representative of an optimistic minority on a fine day, suc ceeding onu of ram, to see tho town and tho clear outline of tho distani mountains through a dust lew atuaV phero sho could not help regietting that tho name citems are nut, artiiluially at tainablo. On tho whole, Athens will Hhow to best advantage if visited after Constan tinople and other towns in Turkey, n.s tho Htandard of comparison will bn fairer than that aiTouled by thf great capitals of tho west. It must not be for gotten that, if one of tho most ancient, sho in at tho same time one of the new est among J^urupoan towns, nor ought the Inng period of her decline ovor to be lost i-ighfc of when comparing hor with other towns. Thu traveler who, romemhering that long period of Turkish sway, eounb on receiving au oriental impression from tho aspect of Athens is doomed to dis appointment. Kven tho national garb is faHt disappearing. It may still he worn by a few elderly Athenians. Those, and n peasant hero and thero rolling milk or choose, recall tho day when their dross was tho national one. It is, hDwevor, the uniform of certain Holdiers of light infantry, who may bo seen parading thu struots or mounting guard at tho palace, in ull tho whito splendor of tho fuHtanello. Tho wido, blue trousers of tho -/ERoan islanders arc not lusa rare, nor iH thero much ohnnooof noomg them Rt tho Pirooun, among tho oraft from tho vurioud islands moored along the, quayH. Tho uglier and ohoapor product of tho slopshop has replaced tho piotur- osquo drapory of tho oldon timo. Tho monotony of tho modern costume is broken only by tho priests, with their long blaok robes nud their peculiar hats. D. Bikolaa in Contnry. A Rubntltuto. Waitor Sorry, sir, hut vo hut no moro quail on toast alretty. Customer That'n too bad. Woll, havo you anything olso that is juot its good? Waitor Aoh, jal Consort Vo hnf tripo, vionorvursfc, pigs' ^ot, frnnkfurtor mid oabbnRO uud aauorkraut. Ohiaago XlmBfl-Horald. Can't Eat Thtil Is tho complaint of thouHntidrt at thto oeatJou; Thuy lmvonoap|Hitltoj food ____ don not rollsh and often ndhi t^dlgwt, CAUidui; Hovoiro uuflorhitf. Buch pooplu nood tho toning up of tho stomnoh and dlgeHtlvo orgftua, which n course of Hood'H Kiirmiparlllu will give tluim. It a]o purl- floa unci onrlchoH thu blood,euros tkut dlu- trwiu after anting and Internal Misery Only a dynrxtptlu en know, createa an npputlto, overcomes that tired fooling and bullilH up mid Hiistnlnii tho wholophysical uyutom. It so promptly imd effoctlvoly rollovuH dyspoptle aymptoina aud euros norvouH heudaclu'H, that it Hoomn to havo ulmont "it mnglc touch." Distress Aftor Eating. "I luivo been troubled with IndlguHtlou fof iiomo time. Aftor eating imytlihiK that wns swoot I was sure to oxporlouco great dltllculty and dlntruHii. Ijmt full I begun taking Hood'H Haniapurllla imd am glad to say that my stomach trouble has entholy dlsuppearml, I cuii now cat a bourty meal of almost any kind of food and Imvo yio troutdo uftorwurds. Hood'H Hiiriinpnrtlla has ntHo cured mo of norvouH Mpolln." John H. IIoMiuaiiAUBiGM, VVhontland, Iow. Such cures provo that Sarsaparilla latlictiunt In fact tie- (inn Trao Iltood Pm-flter. rreimrml by C. I. Hood & Co., bowel!, Ma3H< wh ** tr^-* cure naiiMi'a, hulice.itlpn. Hood S PlllS bllluimuf:^. taconta" GRANT'S NAME. How II Camn to Adopt "U. H." tut II!i Initial-. Up to tho start for Went Point, Grant hail been llirum Ulysses, or U. Ulysses Grunt. The young traveler required a trunk, and Thomas Walker, a local "Renins, " was the man tomako it. lie did so, and, to finish it olT, he traced on tho cover m big brass tacks the initials "II. tJ. G." .lames Marshal], Ulystca' coufliib went, to help him carry tho new trunk home. Ulysses looked at tho big, glaring letters. "I won't have that ho," ho said. "It spelln 'hug.' Tho hoys would plague me about it," And ho thorcupnn shifted his middle namo and bcoiimo Ulysses H. Grant, and so ho wont forth into tho world. Ho registered at lion's hotel, Went Point, on tho-flOth of May, as "U. II. Grunt," and the samoday reported to tho adjutant, Georgo G. Wnggaman, deposited $-lH and signed his name Ulysses Hiram Grant. His name as re ported from Washington, however, wns U, S. Grant, and the orror uroso in thia way: Thn lion. Thomas Hamer rocuived tho letter of Jchko Grant only tho day beforo tho close of his term, and, boiiipj much hurried, sat down at once and wrote to Secretary of War Poinsett, ask- ine for tho appointment of his neighbor'a pen. Ilo knew the boy's namo to he Ulyswcs, and, inferring that his middle nriine was Hiinpson, so tilled in the ap plication, and thus it stood when Uly^oo fated the adjutant. He asked to havo it changed, but wa* told it wim impo^sihlo without tho con sent of tho secretary of war. "Very well, " ho said. "I camo here to enter the military ncademy, mid en- tor I shall. An initial more or lens does not matter." Hn was known to the gov ernment thereafter as U. H. Grant. Hamlin Garland in Medium's. Hum KUIh Ono-timtli. Dr. Benjamin Ward Richardson, tho famoiiH English authority, from a life time of study estimates that one-tenth of tho total deaths of Kngland are at tributable, to the use of alcohol. Apply ing this ratio to the United States, the deaths duo to drink would amount to from 70,000 to &0,(jU0 per year. Thin, Tlmt nud tlin miu-r. Ono of tho latest results of thn pres ent fashion of thu pouter is the ' 'poster parLy." Tho oo.stnmes of tho vanoun guests aro copied from familiar podtor ligurea. Silver tableware shows'a bright Hn- ifib, with fornix and Klyles of ornamen tation horrov/iid either from the colonial or the Prench deHigus of Louis XV aud Louis XVI times. Cotton batting tied over tho tops of jars containing prc.iurvea helps to keep thuin from niolding or working. It is claimed ihat in making chocolnto or cocoa a delicious flavor is obtained by adding a few drops of vanilla. In making sponge oakn add alt thn in- [jredientK to the whiten of tho eggs in stead of tho yolks. An exchange says that this azures tho success of the eako. ;Scott*s Eniulsion is Cod- liver Oil prepared as a food At the same time, it is a blood maker, a nerve tonic and an up-builder. But principally it is a food for tired and weak digestions; for those who arc not getting the i^t they should from their ordinary food; for chil dren whom nothing seems to nourish; for all who are fat-starved and thin. It is pleasant to take; at least, it is not unpleasant. Children like it and ask for more. Some tlrufccittltf l>av a "Juat os Rood" Itlml. Im't tlieldiuliUolWatry to equal good enough for you to buy? IT* b. 1'AftK IHBIIKH 01" MAUUJAOW XA li. ooiihdh, ttlohardwili Jllk., Kimx, Ont. MUAHUKT'I', tBBUor o( MarUo Xjlcan> * CommlaHionorln O .J,, to. danto. Out \tT 1). 31KAUA.N. iHOtMir of Miirrltiifo Llnotmi^. linitiruiion ui{out. Hlidit oliuui at Dwiillhiu. U'ArjllOl1 K'ntltKT, KHHKX UNDERTAKING. nl'hUMMK .It, UnclurtnUur nud i-mUtim- from 81! to y:tl). kUtdrnunr, Op*- J ARCHITECTS. OUN A. MAYCOOK, Itoom.lO mid 11, I-'leinlhi! huildiiifi, Wimliior, Out Phono 210. SOCIETIES V O. O. K.-WNTKIU'ItlHK Lodfjo No 2|h, ' . mootii^vury Tlmrmluy, ovutti|{ 'it 7.!"'in T'ldfollewii Hull, In third titoroy JJuutittvn It Ink. /InlLiiiK uininltiifii i>f utlicit* loilrjoii will fm'oivo f.-iitm-nid wolounin. FUKD OU.HOK, N. O. UMNTJIAIi ]iKOAMIMKNT, Nn. 80, uinutfilu 'Jdilfellown'Hull, iJunntiin'ii Hloclt, on tt o Unit mill Lldrd Til o ml it v Inotndi inontli, Vltiitnoi oot- llnlly rnoolviut, Mnmlxn-ii of ituhnrdiiuitA loda'Mi in thii jiirlmlletloii, iftvltml to Jolr. C. 1IANNAN., C. I'., (1, V. 11114-., Hua, TUlUItT ltOYAL, NO. i!W. I. 0, V. O Mtxitu iiiicoiul mid fourth Tiniinliiv'ti in ouch month in 1. I). O. ! '. Ilidl ut It tj'clorU p, m. Vif.itini: brfttliorn will hn mvon il fmti nud wol- V:uiuo. K McUmnduMtl, C. it., W.O.Hhaw, Hccy. M.J.\Vilc.,0.1i. II- U. K. AC!KNTH wiiuttnK ]trofltidilu omiilnynuun tin ouijlt thu ttuiumur can llnd it with tin, an wo hiivo nowei.t ltumihiu vuriotion o( Nnnmry r.L(jclt imd imiw Bdiid I'otiitotiu. Hidnry or coin iniiiidnn. Write mi ut oncu for torrltory. I'KJj- HAM N UHKKttY CO., Toronto, Out, 2ll-i:it win' ,f'V _____2 |V\lCHICANrrENTg^T. "The Niagara Falls JioiiU:' OOINO KABT raUIuR effect Novnmhor 'Juth, 1K9I1. Mail Kx]>. V.xv. Accom Mixed iL.rn. ii.in. il, in. p.m. ii. in. Detroit....... fi.'Jn fl.-J0 9,-10 -I JO WindHor.... fi.sn n .'.n 111.10 ,',.(^) -i.eo lUon.......'. fl'iH fi.l!) 1.15 .Uuidntoiinp, ().]!) Tt.iiH I HI) Kiihox........ ti.:ir. 7.-id 10.1i.r) tl.ltV (,.iW WnodHlcin... fl 1li GW) b afi itu.icomli ... issn r.r.n n.s.i I'omlior .. ., 717 n.05 tl 10 Kldmitowii.. n,yn f* 17 ll.n* 7 10 TO.r.O Kodmty...... H.I9 7,:iH ]l.:i" St. ThoiuuH '.(.Mi 10.00 1.05 b.-10 2.'J,') rtoiNO wi'.HT. Mixed n.ni. , a in, n, m a.n i.ondon......... 1J.10 f> \U -t, Thomiui.,. 2 -to 0,110 OIJ-j &'& itotituiy..... ;i.:ih 7.:il 7.10 Itulffotnwii..... -1 07 lO.iifi 7.AH ULL I'omtHir.......... *).' * o.'ja la.in liufiuoiuh....... r>.-io :i.:i:i i iu Woodolt'O....... s.r>(i Oil IX, Khhox.......... o.o:i n.ni !C2 aoo Waiilfitoua Or ISM 10.03 .') 2'V I'ulton.......... (i.'Jl 10.V2. :i:i7 WindHor......... fi.lfl l*J.()!i 1C.JW 100 Outvoit.......... 7.10 12.4U Kl.Bti Auiiiei'Nlliiii'ir XjO<-h1 H'ruliiM. "\vkst i;aht it in. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m 'j.0.1 11.40 1.:H) KHHOX ti.afl H.45 Ji.Ui 'i ) 1 U..r>:i 7 40 Kdcani t) VI MMn f> 11, ' ,'11 l'J.1.0 7.17 1< V, & 1> HXIiifj .S1 ll.tr 1.57 ' 2.1 l-j.ir. 7 fin Mcd-.-ofior o.yi u-ir> -i.r..ri 'l in l-jarv h.ki (lordon ii l).r. fiOfl l.ll,. t4S 1*J 10 H.15 AiahurbtburK ".00 ',1.00 4.:Ji All truittii aro run on oontrul htundard tiuio ivhioh in Hixty udnutoo lilo^vor than I-Ihiiox 1 imr. For Information ami rutoH to colnn- iitfi moving wuHt apply to .lulin Ci. havon. Tim 'Uini-r Andiit, Ht, TlinniRH. O. \V. Kut;i:li^, Oon t-ral I'lLHiiiniKCr and Tioltot Aijont, Chiciifjo HI ir A. O. BtiniurH. At^uiit. KnoX, L- E, &. D. R. Ry. L'lMK TAHTiK NO. 2, taltiiiK olToct Momluj hunt ^7, lS'iil. Triiiimnm I)y Vantftrn Stand ard Timo. Dailv oxcopt Sunday r 1 s. Ii = s.rz 0 A &~&, Tl'-' A 5 Stations. - ! ir.'t'- *3 -V 0 d A 2 0 /, "A \A 'A 1 7, A ^r a ? ! V M A 51 A M I' M \\;i:> vim tl:J0 I>op Wallcory'lo Ar il 10 ft.rfl 7 ,rU IIS* IliliU (1 V7 VValUorvillo Jtmo. !l V'X ft.lh, 7 l-'i il H'. VI 10 t(.:l......IVlton......... H 571 ft.^7 7'-" '. in u is IS. '10 .....1 OltlcflHtlf)..... h f.;i' 5.J7: 7 :i. 'JMI lifill ti -17 ..... ( I'tiquutto...... H-17 r>.'h 7 r '.).'7' 1-10 Ii ftl .... Mefirnijor...... H M{ 5.00 loihi i.iu (ifiy .,.( Now t'aiiiian... h uu; 4.40 7.17 lDO'.l I.IU) 7.KM... t Murhhlleld ... t-Q i.:a 7 U 10.it; i r.ll 7.17I ;.... Harrow. ..... bea i.'Jft 7.o;i Ill'27, iMJi 7.'2.1 ........1 Ai-nur........ h it, 1.00 0 .VJ Ill 1171 i!:i.ri 7.117 ...... KillRHVilll)...... HCll :i.4ft 0. i*2 lO.in' tro 7.-ti UulhvMi ...... 7.-si, :t.i5 0 :io 10 r>r; ii.ti 7 rd ... r oaininfjtnn ... 7 40; a.id n.if1 11.111 4 10 H.I'J ..... WlH'ILtlLV ...... 7 !21i l.M 0 01 111201 I'-tf rt.17 .... f lCenwlck ...... 7 \r, l.!W nr.i n.'jr.l 1 in B-J'2 .....(.oatftworth ...|7 10! l.tfii ' ! ll.nr.l s(h m.;w.....toiynwowl......7 00 jii.ait 5:ji. n.n f>'j! H.I0|.........Morlin.........tl .V2.1ii.-2l fty 11 fl)[ Ti 1'J h -tvl..... , Ituxton........ If, Ifi'l-Jlv 5:11 11 ft a. ftr/i M.W ...... Bandinon ......]IV -1011^ 00, > in mill1 (j.or|f)ii();..dU(.dnrKnrIi>Rn... :il uas; .. n t^ll! (iir)'oo7 llltnlndm Jiiuefn 0 iiiii.yn .i.i.u p.Mt, (j.:n ti.itil......HUiiilu>:m...... 15 '201 n.ift- -t-v> IV.'M. 0 ir>'H2() l-2:ir 7.00 ) 111 .......iWlll-IO......... t; 10 lo.i.i, 1 iri Ar lliilfjutownDiip ti OOUO.OO i.:i."i I* M 'i*. M. I*. M Ia.m.Ia.m. r.M. t FIhr fitationa. Traiun ntop only whou thoro aro pai>tienRrT at or for tliuno ntatlonn. Mixed tnLiim aro at al timoii oubjoct to bo cancollod WRI WOOIiliATT. Gonoral Bupcvlntondon . Tn Drivo atiywhoro, If no, you want a Good ........and Urn place to [jot it lu at JOHN McDOUGJtli' LIvsry, Sale & Feed Stables Goo(||llo(itlorii in uttondnnoo day and nifiV. HORSE-SHOEING InHthin branch of our bunlnotm wo I* flr*- olaiw Worltuion aud will piiarautuo ii-tttefaotlon In fmooluq nornon that hitorfont.t O^ctr-Uoaoh ot bavoCoruBor Contvuoloil V&vt,. Wo nmko a Bpooinlty ol BliooUit Itont) and Tiraolt Hcmoa. 1^* Telephone ConntcJion. DROPSV QURED. THU UndovfliBnotUHiiropttro'Uoom'oallpiiBOH o( Water Diopsy whulhVoflouprorBliovb duration. Absolutely tiooliarii* unleHH fclunnitl- out hi entirely and pormftiiouuyourod.lgrAMKB OAMPmuliL. Cottoui, Out. * i> CHURCH DIRECTORY MkTiiopiht. Vf. Paueou, I'BHfor. Hervioe, ivory Hundtty at 11 u. in. ud 7 i>. m. Haliiiatu iahcol ut'2:1111 p. m. O, M. Naylor, HuporlilCund- mt of Bebool, Kpivoith I.euiuieiiruycr mooting L'utiBdayovnQinKiitA o'oloolt. Guin^al (tiayey neuttatfon Tbnrndit,y_ovimlit|j. iUivumi ov >.MruNit Huv. AT.Ti.TJuvorly.ln- 'Uniboilt, Kt, I'atilM, KbiiuX. Diyi c Ntirvloa uvery Hundoyat 7 o'olock, x> 111 Huiidny lohool at It) a. m. j'rinltv Ohuroh, North JUdgo JJivlint miVviooH evory Hunduy at :j p. ui.l Hnn JayHohool ut l.ir.p. iu. Thu inibtio are cor- Ually Invited. X'HKMUVTMHrAN. W. M. KlotiifnH, X'aHto*" Hor- vlcuuon Hubbath at 11 u.m. and '/.itop.m Kid>- rmth riehool at u no p. m, X'rayur intntliiHttWd, t'aHLor'ii hiiilo oliuin ou Tuesday iit7.'.l() p, ia. MooiiLl Union on Wedtunidaviit 9,1 ftp, mvi'iM- Ciiohoh. ltev.M. 1*. Oumi.boll, 1'ftB- tor. at vlonii oiluIi Haldiath at 11 a. in. and T P .1. I'rayor nimitinji on Thursday ovmiliitf at Ho'nlOok. Koutii (n'i. All ant uordlnlly 'wrtl- unniod, > HokfAM (U'liioMa. Vr. O. K. Mnfiiie, I'aiitor. Hor/! ovury oth.tr Himday at H.aOp, Hi. Munday Hohool at lip, m. Maiihitonk - -llich iiiiniii and fjnnnon iLt io.no a. in,, catoohimii at '2 p. m , haptiuin at :i )t. in., voiipnniaiid iimiudtotloii at 7,p.;m. C. V,, Mo- <loi', 1*. 1'^___ HAI.vatioh Aumv. Cunt. Huitlh and hiout, Cayton In oominaiKl. Halvatioti niofitiriuiiWeU- nr.-nilay.'llniviiday imd Hunt lay oviiiu'ni;n,i"i'(iuutul I'hiHy.hatiirdnv uvmiiiift and il p in. hmnlay; hull noun tiif-i.tlii|{f for chriiitiiinii I- riday nvuiniiil and 11 a.m. Hin finy; Knoe Drill 7 a.m. uvni'y Htuidity. Alt aro welcomo. LEGAL. \: A. VVTHMKK, Harrlnt.ir, Holicltnr, Notify 1 J . I'ultlii) (to. Money to loan. OMonH, Uim- utan Illoolt, tip-iitaivn, I'.miox. J-ly r L. I'KTKHH llarriutor. Bollollor, Notary r.l l'ubliu Monoy to hoiwi. OUlou ovor lltriitliorit' Hank. K'mex Oontio. / UjAHKK, COWAN, liAHTLKT & HAlVVUZ'V, KJ limriiuorH, otu. Utliubii Mi-iihury block, Wlndui r. l'riyato luiulii to loan. A. H.Claiikh Ii. h. Ji. ii. K. Ciiwan, M. 1'. N. A. iuitixi;-!:. A. H. IiAitit.UT, 1*. A. nKN'UV (J. WAl/l'KKh h.UH., Attorney aud , (Jotiniido/ at lart, Holioitor in Glmncury, I'rovitor in Admiralty, (i atinit Holimtor, Olllco. Newberry Jlni.dimr, or. Gr.nwold and Luruou iitii , Uutroit, Mich. (Canadiai] clainni aipilnut pontonii In tho United HLntcn coHo(4i(l.} Huforoiiooin hnpmial Hunk, Khiinx.Ont, J h. i'otoiii, I'.mj-, l'.(irriut,T, otc , Kwiux, Ont K.A. Wmmer, J'^q. barniitor, etc., Ewiux.Ont D MEDICAL. ItW, nitlKN A HK1KN. Ian ilrion. M. D., I,, H.,0. P. H., crailimto ot Qncoii'H UidVDiHity, Kiniihton, iiieinbcr of Uol- 1d!{o ot riiyinoituiii and Hiuijoouh.Ontario. <}rad- uatnot Now Yoik, 1'oht Oriuluuto Mudidul Col- leKO. .1. W. Urlen, M. P., 0. M., V. T. M. C. Honor liraduato of Trinity Moilical Collof^fl, I Ion of graduate of Trinity Umveriuty. Mi-mhur of tho iJolk'^oor I'nyiiiciunn and Huriioonn, Out. Grad uate of how York. I'oiit Graduate Medical Collofjo. Olllccovor Kiinox Medical Hall dni[{ utoro. Coniiultittifiii roomn, both on cround lloor and, lh-i.t Mat aliovo, Tokphoim in both olllco and rfJiiiduiice. All calbi iiLttindud to from ofllco, ilini,' utoro, or ritfiidoiicu. Itonidonou, TiUbot Mtnot, ftont of fair Hroiindu. D' H J, Tj. .rKNNKH, Aiiiiociato Coroner for - the County ot Kmiex, .1. Mario .Tenner, M. D.C, M., Trinity L*nlvor> >iity; M O. P and H. Onturio; Lie ltoyal Collogo . 1'ayiiiulaiiH, I.ondou, Kuu ; int H<dioliirnliip aud V (Jold- Modahht, Trinity College, lbiil; anpointod Iluiiho I'hybiuiiiu anil HutRoon, Toronto Honoral liorpital and Kuhideiit Accouolieur ltnriiiiido hyini; m Monpitn], Toronto, JHHt, Hpiiclalty, diu- tiatiDii of women and olitldren, Itcmduuao, uoiiejo latoly occupied by Dr. Do war, Talbot ut., Eimox. Olllco in hnporial Itutili Block, ground lloor, oppomto Tborne'ii drug utoro. Aluilluiiioii dls- puimcd in tho olllco. Telephone connection with bot.li ofllco mid retildonco. Frivato tolo- [tUumt line hotwnuii Cyril I'mjnottu'e houno and ban Koiinedy'fi houiie and olllco. Nurlit cullti attondwd to ut oillco or rcnidonoo, DENTAL. JT 1. MAHTIN.U.D.B., L. D. fi. Gnulutito V.1% m Dontiiitry, Koyal College of Uontal inr^oniiii, Ontario, and Univornlty of Toronto, .nargoii, moderate, OUlco, ovor Iiiion & Co a 'i u: ' titore. 18-lv VETERINARY. WII. HUMIAHDSON, VKVF.HINARY 9UR , (IKON. Honorary ^radtiato of Ontario Votorinnry (loUr^n, Tmouto; mi'iidn'r of On tario Veterinary Mrdie.d Societv; Diploniiht ill l>entistry; treatu all dineiiHert ut doinebtioatod iiuinaln; on tliu dulioined by tlni lati-ht inlprovod I.oiLvitt clijijier ('al)n by ttbpJi'^ic or iolij- ^rupli liromptly attuiuKTl in. ltiibi.lurLo.throo doom cant of fuiicmill; office in pout ofUon hmldinj;; fnlhiutiri, dlri-utly onpofiilb. LA^3D SURVEYOR, fAMTCH H. LAIItl), Provlnuml Land Burvoyor *J and ('ouuty Kngiueur, Kgbox C'ontro, Out illico, Daniitan Block. iii>iitairn. AUCTIONEERS. nKNHY HKDItlCK, Auctioneer. B a I o promptly attended to. Audrenn Kouth W'oodftlco, Ont. TurHoiiH iliiHirlnj; to iiecnro mo unty loitvoword attbel'itri'. PjikrhoiIIco. tf . H. Hl'lURlCIC D SINCLAIR, LICKNRKD AUCTIONKHl * for tlui County nf Mohox. Ihnhirof I-llchtl Divirtion Court. All tundri of Farm and other! miluit fouduut'ul promptly. It a ten reu^onnblo and fm nii'lit-d on aupllcatioi).' 'I'lnquirorn may upolyutW. D IJeiuniuriiollico, or at tlio oflloo lii I>ivli.iou Court Lib rk, Mr. John Milne. 1 OHN OOU.ML.HY, t) LICKNH1]> AUCVIONMlClt for tlio Opuuty of Ehhcx. All kiudu of tarm btock union, ate., conducted promptly and on tdiort notice, Itutea roiiHoi-ivljlo- 1'ernniifi dtslrnblo to urraiu;o (tuloti may lonoby calling tit the l-'nuw l'nuua oflloo or by applynig to 4 J.GOBMliKY, V. O. Uox 155 Kuhi'X,, Out. irKANK McCXOBKKY, MaidatOno, thlrty- P novoii yoa.ru* oxperionce ao aniuiotioiKiorni JifCountv "i inline a. niilff. JuiiduoLedpvonnitly, .ud on re'ahfiiii.hlo ii-nna, l'.ivtim rUiuirlnti to i)x the dan- fur a iMilii can iiavo tlioimielvoff a I1W0 by nilliug at Lite Fiu-ui TiiKiin oibeo. Wo tmvoaiii.n -od with Mr. ^luOlookoy mirl will flx otindaicH tor naUtiOy telegraph,uiitlroly froe of tl] oiutt^D 10 thn purfion holding tho iiulo. Ad- U'otiii l'"vimItMetUind[oy,aiiiidfltoneCretin,Out 1HB LAND AWD LOAN AGENTS p* KOItGK J. TIIOMAK, Convoyaiicor, C'-*a- OT ndimioner, in HlRh Couri of .liiiitloo; de 1 or u Ileal r.iittitt' and MoitRnrMXt. Moi.oy to h'an \i theloweiit rate of intercut, t'lirmu bt>ucht mil Hold, Intiuranco takon in tuo wnnfc reliable torn rum Ion. Prawinn of.doodn, uiortunifoa and 'oanona iipcciulty. Ohargufi moderate and al) tinstnuon iron:p6!7 attoiidod to. Oull n.t the Central Toleuhono ofllco, Knooxdoutro. ftU-lv WM. T. SIMPSON, Ariinnfaeturnr nf Fon- tor'a Vatont Union Artificial Limbs 113*114 ttatflii at, Do- trtdt. Mloh, Leiiorlptlvo jataloKtieu aud blanba U t malting apbllcatlonH for f:ovoriimont ovdorii for iiobii and t*taUHpor;tit(on ordommutatlon thurefor eont froa 011 ahplloiltlon 2d- :1 '*:ti '.'. rVK->Vuii"i '.. * ' ^^mm^MiM^M^^^^ !'-:.' */