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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 26, 1897, p. 1

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,l-s> f m* W*v flfi*^T7,"'M I . jV' The <* VOL XIIL No 8. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDA.Y, FEBRUARY 20, 1897. WHOLE No. 632 F0R5YTHE, ANDERSON & Co. The People's Store. SU, 4j. Jk/4 Headquarters For Fine Watch Repairing. J. B* OVBNa 77>e A/ew Jeweller, IItifi all tlm lulont niiprovoil tnolii iuxl ilnvlfon lor (nljiu.tliiii tin* tliMint mill iiiodt uoin- Itlicututl Wittolinf, ILllll Cn\\ tJriinrunteti HutiHfHotion. /** spring i mportations y Are gradually coming to hand New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Laces, New footwear, New Headwear. And all cold weather goods must bo. got rid of, regardleHs of prioe. Men's Good Tweed Punts. 95c- a pair. Men's Heavy Full Cloth Pants. $1.25 a pair. We have too many Wool Socks, and will sell the 20c. and 25c. Kinds at 2 pairs for 25c. Men's Fine Wool Felt Fe dora Hats in black and colors $.100 each. Men's Fine Fur Felt Fodorai Hats in black and colors, $1.50 each. 9 New Cnshmore Serge Dress Goods All -Wool, in blactj seal, navy, cardinal,garnet, green, tan and cream, 25c. a yard Orders taken fi om Catalogue for all kinds* of Watches, Jew- ololry, Silverware, &c. ItniiHmibut- tho HtniHl, Muy'ii Jlloclc Thrort Doom houlh of Imperial Hume, Talbot Street, Esaox. WAVTi-a>-t.nvmtvTj rAmiFFL, w.noi Woimm to tiuvitl for ronpoiinllilo ontnlj liiiliml tir.uuii iu Ontario Hulari, $7s0, payiibk ~lr> wnnlily iiml {ijrii.uiiiOFi. Monition pnnnuiitnit. Itoforoiiro. I!in:loiit: m>lf mUi-uusod iitutnpnd <m- vi'lopo, Tho NtiMonul Htiu ])uil<lin|,r, Cliicnj;o FiirnmrH* Institute. Times and plaeoH of mooting in Essex Oounty : MiiidMoiio, Friday, Fob. JJOIh, AmhorHtburg, Saturday, Fob. :37th, Essox,'Monday, March 1st. Oottnm, Tuesday, March !iml. Olinda, Wfldnwday, March Jlvd. BlyUioswood, Thursday, March '1th. Roiunoy, Friday, March 5th. high School Notes. Tho following aro tho mi men of those who obtained over !i:i ikh* cent, in Latin Form JL--J. Smyth is, M. MeKue 7(1, O. Kniiilcr 12, L. Richardson 51, 10. Whito ir, A, Caslor -\~>, M, Rorko .]", M. Cummiford :ir>, Latin, Form II, Part A-S. Fixer ?(), S. IPihum .VI, E. Neal 41, F. MeAfeo U, C McQueen :m. r\ur>KK vinmniv :nuiti,ii r, ANnuniaN, V ijrtifLt. lii'itoriu uoiK, soli i on mi*ht to thniuu iiiiiiii. Tjoni Dutforfi: liiLvoiiucon it to Caiiiidiiinii in tfluwinj,' wordii Kiuiy to malm nonio iiiaku twieu that Mirny imilin inoro in Hparu limn than iliirliu* ilav at roKiitiLi* employ- iiinnL 'Dim >oar'n llirut. Kosufjoiiury t'dlolmi.- tioiifi aro UooiniM|{ il. I)0(iU on tin)" 1'roH- pcotti'. frti'i to ciinvaHHOi K Ttii ntory Komi; nut TIIM HIUDLKY-UAUUKTHON CO. Ijt.l , Touonto, ONT Wanted. Ii^\r\C\ r'OKDh of I l't Wood Waiitcil in -UUU oKfhinc'J tar mont ct account!. (U Ltit I'l'Ll Dl' 111 P'LY- LMNd IUIOS Wanted. I'ak'i iks Invinq on hand Lightning Roils that ihi.-) will sell, writu me at nine State al out how many Tl-uU J'ack in hov. or coil. Must he clicaj). M. C. WK1J.S, Hox 430, ("hatliam. Out. Townsbp of Colchester North, . ,f"V\VIN"n to tin* pr-Hi'iicn at Ho;; fMiolma in \ * t>\hi>\. Coniiiv. I li'ivii Ijooii uiW nilly nnti tli'l by W. If.Hcuith, l>nputy MlniHtnr of Alt! cull Hi for Ih 11 Diiiiiiniun of Can ml it, that Uolchufit i>r North Inn ln'cii placml in iniarantiim un It r "Tho Aniiu il (;<jntn loin ijudh'io Ac-t." mid no mo, oiimmi! of lio^jrt, Ii'ji; nmntmi 01- h<)(,' pnnluct of any kind uili !>'> ptirmittod without un oidur <>i ini'j]<jt.io. It in hoped Lb'it nil pi'iimim w ill obuy tlm r<i,;ii]ntioriH in il ainh(t iji fitiLinpini,' 0U1 tli(j liiHi-uho. hiiispiictuil tjaROH hh mill lie* lit 'inru ri p 11 did to Dr. W, II, Jliuliai'1 on, Ktniiix, IjOlmI I'lnp.'ftor JOHN A. TllOMAH, Kueyo Cole In 'ftnr Noifb, T* In miry - !n<l, V '>?. The I'amiiie hi hull:!. Our readers will ho iaterentedin hoar- intf that tho l^ainiue Fund ut the uiVwv. of tho Montreal Stur lini pained ^;,.o,0[l(J. Tliirty-iive tlwammd dollurH, bein^ for twenty dayn un uvera^n of fioventeen dolhirR a day, far mid uwa.y the j^'iuatoHt fund of tho kind m- Ciiniidu'ti hi.story. The ehureheH and h/'Ii-odIh aro doing ox- eellent work in HAvellin^ the Star Fund, many bundled.'! of tlioiu having forward ed HuhneiiptionH, while othei'H arc now doiu^ their Hhare, --------*-> Conservative Banquet, ALBIJNA. At tho cIoko of Minn Aforton'n laboni an an ovAiitfoliftL at, the Albaint churoh, Friday ovouiiijf, Fob. 12th, Mr. Court ney road unaddreHU, which wan Huit ably ropliod to by AIihm Morton, and prOHont- od licr with a piirno coutaininf,'^^7. Mibh Morton Hpont throo wookn at Al- buna. Tho Hpeeiul nervieon havo boon carried on nearly hovuii wooIch, and aro utill buin^eontinuod by Iheinintor, Itcv. Dr. nledd. 0\or ninety pemonn havo been at tho altar, noelcin^ pardon for their "inn, mont of whom profenHod to have found peaee. tad il kjj Fine Men's Gaiters, all sixes, .00 a pair Don^'ola Kid $1 Ladies* Carpet Slippers, all sixes extra value, 25c- a pair. Opened us this week: New Dinner Sets, New Tea Sete, New Toilet Sets. Cheaper than Ever. Try Our Grocery Oeparime^. We have special values iu TeaB. We imporL them di rect anc^ do not have any old box-flavored Goodn which may "have been in some warehouse a year or more. Our 25c. Japan and "TetleyV1 Black in lead packets, our Young Hyson or Gunpowder, will suit any taste. orsythe, Anderson & Co., Is Cheaper than Ever This Spring, If You are Building ty Call and Get Prices on y MAILS, BARM HIETGjSS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. See our Stock of s, Wagc:;s and Farm Implements. Prices to Suit the Times. A Choice 5tea^ OIC The biinipuit held by the Conserva tives of North Jiid^'o and vicinity, on Friday ni^ht hisfc, was 11 ^leat suceeHs. A lar^e nuinher of ropreHentativoii were therefrom different partn of the Coun ty, anions ulioni were the following Kpoakcrh : - Lewis Wi^le, ox->r. !'.. of Tjenmin^'ton, ! , S. Wi^lo,r,Mr. Ihuinn. G. E. "White, .I. II. MeCounell, (Jhus. MeArthur, .(suae (lady and Aid. Kilroy, of "Windsor; II. Clay and f'.U.A. Da\is of Aiidierstbiir^, and Dr. .1. W. lirieu and Win. -Feulhuin, i,i l-Isiiev. An oys- tor su[)por was nerved in S. Slote'^ house, w hieli had been prepared for the oecitHion. About 'J(K inMted quests, amon^' whom wuro a nundu-r of ladies, Hat down to the feast. Tho table was laden with the best that the eountry eoiild allurd, and those present did ample jusiiei.' to the spread, the Wind sor eon Undent, in par tieiilar, distinguish- hitf tlieniriehes for the iinount ot ^ood thm^'H that they eoiihl dispose oi. 'J'lie Hiipper t>\or, an adtournment was made to the Toinpiram-e Hall where 11 f^ood ))ro^riinmie \wi-i carried out. It eou- Kihted of speeches by tho gentlemen mentioned, interspersed with musical selcetioiiH furnished by Mr. find .Mis.*, Merrilt mid Win. Ileeves. The nuisie eonsihtod of vocal and hist ruin ental select umn on the violin anil month or^an, accompanied on the or^an. W. Hr Hilling filled the position of chair man in bin usual happy style. Or. Kiny was to hauj beeu the liiht sjieaKei (>f the t veiling, but 'uuce he was unable to be there. Win. r'eethuni, ol Msic\, whs the first e.died and was quite equal to the occasion den, Xoble, of Khsex, wnh a prominent figure in connection with tlie uflair, and it is .said tliat its success was in a lar^ro ineiLsiue duo to his miuia^'ement. The meeting broke up at a late hour The visitors trom /the Uui^and INsex remained alt ni^lit in Ivi.sex and took tin* morning train foi their r njiective destinations. aiaip^toni! cuos. Rev. T'1)'. H. irereati\, of Loitdon, will be Kov. I'r. ^iefloo h afuustant for boiuo time. Tho North Khhqx J^armors' InMituto will hold n meeting at tho now village ball, AfaidHtone, to-day (Friday). There will bo an afternoon and ovonin*; HOhHiou, coinmunein^ at 1 p.m and 7 SO p.m., respectively. \V. \V. Ililborn, fjeiunin^tou, will fivo addresses on "Small I'niitH," "lfouse Plants" and "Oaro of thoOreharcl." Thos. ^[eMil bin, of Seaforth, will talk on "Com drawing and thoHilo," "breeding and Feeding hit cuttle," and "Making our Hay in lafe." K. H. Donnelly, of Sandwich, will talk on, "Chiekeim their care and selection." Arner. It. K Tliddell, of Arner, has just re ceived 11 silver medal from John I. Wed- derburn, of irashinKton, Patent Hohci- tor, an a rouard for an urHclo which he has invented. Mr. Itiddoll will enter a competition for a *M50 pri/.e on the Hiimo article tihoitly Kd. Oukoy is tho happy posnennor of a ymnitf daughter. 'Philip f^iiinhtn in 'proparini; timber for the eroction of a bam. Wm. Buhner, of Windsor, called on friends here last week. MisHdnice I'ldrbairn ih upending a few days with her Hiider, ^trft. JaniPH h'endriek. A ipiantity of pork was taken from Wm. Kllin' outhouse on Tuesday ni^ht of last wecjlf. Kenneth Wilson and family ni>ent Wodnesihiy of list week with friends in Now California. Mrs, -J. Wilson, sr., received word this week of the death of hci oldest sister, ]\[rs. Andrew Wilson, of New Zealand, who died in January last in her eighty-first yuai. AMimU5TIUJU(l. AmherHtbure; Council, C. Prime Aro among the necoftsanoH an 1 luxuricB of hfo......... Those with everything..... ......olao iu lirat-claHS...... FBESH CITBED MEATS and ESSEX, SauQuge, Bologna, Headcheese Lard, &c, Onn bo procmvjd from...... R0BT. TATE, Talbot-st., Easox, [Hiffbcst Prlco Paid for Hides, WOODS!.1:1;. J. 1'. Huston and hons are running the mill full blast. Miss, lianir, of Puce, visited tho Missen Ifo^a'i, Saturday and Sunday. Hairy Owuifs manyfriendsarepluas- od to heo him around a^ain after a Hovero attack (tf la grippe. Some of oar sports aro talking of goin^ to Washington, l>. C, on .March 2nd. They say if they do not ^o there they will take iu the dance at the Puce- Jus .Bishop, our mailman, broke his record ou Friday morning. Ho got up a little lute and when he got hia mail bags lie had only ten minutes to get to the train only one mile, lie generally takes his time going to and from the station but tins time he bad to hustle to get there, lie caught tho train just in time. .Fames get up earlier, Mho early bird eatohos tho worm.1 On tho overling of the Ifltli iust., n sleighing party from South ffooodsloe, drove to Wm. MntUor'a at Rnacomb j timo was spent. riAIUATON!;. Miss Lizzie Wilson is visiting friends in Windsor. J. T. Nesbitt visited on Sunday in Walkerville. Special services are still boing curried on here and judging hy the intercut niunifestcd a great ileal of good is being done. Kiehard W'igle, who wa4 no soveroly injured by a falling treiiHome time ago, is rajiiilly improving. On Thursday evening Inst, Master Lee Conned was surprised by a num ber of his school-1 nates, who report having spent an enjoyable evening. K. P.Ilh, who lias been confined to bis house, for. a few days, is able to be around again, Miuk (rosneU returned on Tueslay e\eiiing from I lichgate, where ho ^as called to attend tho funernl of a cousin, Miss Dola lloiiso has returned from a two months' \ isit with relatives in Potrolea. M>i,' 1 H mix)!;. Kev. Mr. Scott, of Ksscx, preached iu tho Methodist church on Sunday last, r. Scott is always welcome at North ltidgo. Pie\, W. II. Shaw-will preach in tho iMetliodisf church on Sunday next at 11a.m. Pruyi 1 mciti) ,' on Pridu^' e\oniiig, 2'liii iniit., at . ..i) p.m. Piiends are c.trdially in\ ded. I-M\\md .1. Williams, youngest son of Thomas Williams, of this place, left for Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, last week, lie has secured :i situation there in a di ug stoic Miss lilamlu Billing and her niece, Sophm, Jhlhng, returecd to tin1 parental roof la it week, after an extended visit v> ith her sister, Mi s. .1. Johnson, Wood stock Ahm/o W. Bridgon moved liHwireand fumilyf fiirin Htoek, agricultural imple ments, etc., to tho sth coiiccHsion hist Tuesday. Ue lias resided here foi* the j last eight yeais. He had not beeu gone long bolero Kobert Huggias and family from Young Ireland, moved into tho premises f 11st vacated, Tho house scarcely had time to get cold. O. (!. P., will give their annual ball in the town hall ou Monday evening next. ThoGrummond liuoof Detroit started their steamer the State of Michigan out ou Monday morning Iroui Dctioit for Cleveland, but tho boat could not get beyond Amherstburg on account of the ice and is still laid up there. David Mongcon, of Andordon, was thrown out of bin rig. last Priday even ing, while his horse waw running up Sandwich street. He struck a telegraph pole with such force as to bo rendered unconscious. He recovered iu a short time but is still quite sore as tho result loLllip accident (J05PIIXD NOUTH. Co^neld North Council moots to morrow fSnturday.) fn tho (mitft of "ijowiH vh. Williams nni] Williams vii, Lowiu, tho Judgos of tho High Court of Justice have appoint ed 0. F. Naylor, of IUhhojc, as Kecoivor, who will otl'er the biiHiiioHH for Halo in a few weeks and wind up tho ontato. sr. JOACHIM. Miss Uoso Tjivernois, of Detroit, waa visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. antl Mrs. Peter Lajoie. James Moro and family havo moved from hero to Tilbury, whore ho intoutltf making his home in tho future. A sleigh ride party wan formed by the young people here, who wont tc Terumseh, where they woroentortainoc by a party there, at tho home of Goo. Sylvester. Our choosernaker, E. J. Hormostoa, has returned from a two months'visit to his fricndu and relatives north of Lon don. He is now making tilings ready for the coming houhou, which will (dart about May 1st. COLCIIhSJLk NOIMIt. A sleigh loud of young people from Camp Palmer suipiised the family of Chns ICecley al New Canaan on FrL day night aim spent an enjoyable time in dancing, g ime.s', etc. Tho Wm. Ouir k {-aw mill property was offered for sale under a mortgage at the Aberdetn IL tel. Ussox, on Saturday last. The I light >d bid ottered by out side parties vh not sufficient to meet the mortgage and tho place was bid in by the mortgagee.1, tho Wateioits Ln- gino Co., of Brantiord, At tho IE. C. Clmreli, Afcdregor, on 'Tuesday morning last, MLs Louise Poirier, daughter of Fruneis Poirier, of Colchester North, was united in mui- riage to Kobert, son of Alc\. Sinasac, of Vnderdoii The groom wir- support ed by his brother', while Miss Li/xie Alougeou acted us bridesmaid. After the ceremony, pel formed by Lev. Lather Ueehard, the young couple drove to the homo of the bride's father where a number of immediate relatives partook of dinner. In thee\ening they wujttothu re lidoneo of the groom's father, where dancing was indulged iu till an early hour next morning. UUTMVEN. Jan. Clegg, of London, Kng,, witB in town looking for a aito for a manufac turing plant. .Miss Minnie Truax, of Holly, Mich., is spending a week with Misses Daiay and Nora Fox. Afisses Daisy and Norn Fox, who had bei ' '.I i'ing fronds i-i "nnibor for a week, have returned home. Miss Kate Molt "l nerlliiied lIic pul pit of tho Alethodr ;. ( hurcii, Siuiday morning of last week, and Jas. Swoot in the evening. C. II. Kai'ior, stago nmnagor of the Imperial Concert Co., has gone to hie home in ClbMou, Mich., where he will remain for some time. Min4 Lillie McCormick, who had been \iiutnig trieim , ;,ul i^hdives in this place for two weeks, returned to her home in Colchester last week. Camp Palmer. Leoimid Welsh spent a few days with j fuends in town. Mrs. (lurdiner, ol Eshox, ban been tho guest, ol Mrs. John KettloR. MvH. Powell, of Hamilton, conducted services hero on Sunday, 1 Ith inst. Afrs. (Jeorge J^OHtor has gono to Cottam. Afi.sw Grainger, of California, h* visit ing her sister, Mrs. Oxloy, Aliss Lottie Jaiuos and Miss Winnie Tackaberry are 011 the mend. Mi.ss Lditli James spent last woek with AHs.s Solkiik, of Blythesuood. Air. and Mrs. Wm, Logan, of Kings- ville, visited in town on Wednesday. Kev. W. JL Shaw will occupy the pulpit iu tho Metliodiut church Sunday evening next. Airs. Jl. Sonleyuud Aliss limily Cbw- coyne, of Kssox, visited tlieir mother, .Mrs. II. Cascoyno, on Wednesday. K. 1'IUiott and wife visitod friends hero hist woek. He teaches in Sand wich IFbflt. Mrs. George Floming, with her fliater, BI:Ll.i: R1VLR. Prank Oiiellette has returned home from hi.1 trip. Fred, Ouellotte's baby died on Mon day night of lust week. Aliss Celina Mousseau bus gono for a few months to 'L'ecum.seh. John Strong has bonht rmt tho har ems sho]i and leather depaitment of AL ses Menard. Curtis Kuymond, harno'-s mnker, baa removed bark with bin family in tho direction of he uoi lb. Airs. Leon Vincent returned home after a feu months' illness in tho Hotel Dion, Windsor, and appears to be grt atly imputed. Some definite action is hoiug taken to have .lames Kourke, jr., conducted to Loudon tor better treatment than can beghen him by his family, On Tuesday, at Folic Liver, beforo Magistrate B.utlei Ld. Ch;,p lb- and I). Diipuis were tried on a charge ^of as mult and battery preferred by Joh. Lesp'-rance Dnpuis is the pouud-keep- er and C'bupelle bad impounded an animal bi longing to Lcspernneo. It app' hh thitt Lesperauco bioughtontho fi.u'iis b\ using abusive language. Ho first clo-ed with Dnpuis and iu turn wan attacked b^ Cliapelle, vbowont to tho assistance of Pit pis. Cliapello j)aid S").f)0 tt\\C\ I hipuis ."iOe. Leamington to attend her mother, who|Ml'y Tiiylor, nuide her final call on is very ill. Miss Om Bunuing, of Tjoamington, who had been viKiting at George Foo ter's has returned homo owing to tho illness ofhoi graudmother, A surpsiuo party was hold at Airs. Jnmqi' on Thursday evening, Fobriiftry 11th, it boing that lady's fiftieth birth day. An enjoyable time was spout. A aleigli load 01 young folks attendod a party at Honry Thurston's ou tho lifth concession on Friday ovoning, February 12th, whore nu enjoyahlo antl eponttho evening in singing, danc ing and other amuoemoutH. All wont well until they woro gotting roady to como homo when thoy wont to sottlo their, bill at the barn. Tho boya woro all broke but one of tho ladioEi came forward to pay tho bill, when, to hor uurprifio, hor purno wna mieaing and n thorough Hoaroh failed to diHcovor ita whoroabonttj. It contained two rings and aovon dollars in money. Tho 0110 that htiH tho ptirao may keep tho mouoy if thpy will only return tho rings to tho I Oo^houdo, South WooiMoo. ' ] m' Wm. Whito and John I3urna woro trying who could draw tho larger load of logn, last woolc. Whito took 3,200 feet into tho mill and Bums 3,424 foot. Mr. Whito hauled his from Misouor'fl bush, while Burns took hie from Philip Wiglo's. Tho L. F. & 13. E. R. took out 10 car loadfl of Btuflf from tho Clamp ou Satur day, n. M. MiHenor, Bhippiug: Gcaraof stavos; Frod. Sweat, of Ocsto, fl oars of wood and 3 pf bolts; GardnorBroa,, of Lenmineton,! car of boltd audi of logs, and X. H. i)idew, 4 oars of wood. Mrs. J. T. Brown, last Thursday. Sho expects ta Ioavo for hor homo, in Al berta, about tho first of March. Tho Ancient Order of Forosto'rs aro about to Dturt a lodgo horo and have rented tho building (Hill'a storo) from Mr. Kollihgton for a lodgo room. John E, Tilley baa sold his farm to Robert Juno. James Bain latolyroeoivodatologram informing him of tho death of a brother, who lived nonr Grand Rapida, Mich. La grippo has seized upon Miss Mor ton, lady ovaugolist, Misses Edith .Taok- son, Minnio Tackaborry, Dolia MoMnli- on, Mrs. J, T. Brown, Jaa. Oampboll and many others too numorpaa to men tion. Tho attnoks aro of a mild typo. Tho many fHonda of Mihh Morton, ovangclist of Toronto, will rogrot to hoar of hor illness. Sho in ontortaiuod at tho homo of Kov. Mr. Shaw. Alias Morton was assisting Mr. Shaw at Olinda in oomiootiou with special ser- vioos whou sho was soizod with an at tack of la grippo; wo hope that hor ill- noss will ho of ehort duration so sho may soon bo ablo to resume hor work. iiumuY. Co'l'u- A. I'owell, of Tibnry, who was charged by Win. Thompson, car riage maiml'uetmvr, of London, with obtaining giants under false pretenses, was committed for trial at London on Tuesday lust. Powell, it is charged, obtained tho goods upon false represen tations, claiming to bo worth $3,000 in unencumbered property. Ho admitted that at the timo ho procured tho goods (which amounted to :>ltf0) there was a mortgago upon the property for #1)50. After getting tho articles the placo was again mortgaged, and it was finally sold before tho notes became duo. Powell was bailed until tho next assizes in his own recognizances of #200 and another surety of S~00. ./" ^*1 ltd WINDSOR. * Fred. P. Coonoy, the sonior proprie tor of tho Crawford Hoimo, died on Saturday morning at 7.110 o'clock, aged 7-1 yonrs. Goo. Latcham, formerly of Windsor, hiiB boon olootod Grand Recorder of Michigan, There is a salary of $11,600 a your attachod to tho position. Charles Gregory, son of Korby Greg ory, of tho Benton Houso, Ridgotown, long arosidonfc of Windsor, died at his father's rosidoneo on Tuesday morning of last woolc, with ooiiHiimption. Tho ease of Mrs. Farroll vs. Windsor waff triod in Chambera, Wednesday last woek, by Judge MoHugh and verdict given for tho oity. It was a sn for damages for alleged injury to a your old child of Mrs. Farroll by lallu on a defective sidewalk. Tho conte tion was not sustained by the evident ' , Ho costs were allowed. m w i'M 1 Tsy ,1 U.'?'1.' 1 , ".*',' j 'v'A), iL' \; ,./>', ,^-j C 8D

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