tf'L jaw* * -fS?fW^^^^t MMMMM "V*, ' 6KED6 NOT WORDS X worf a eonld latlafy tho heard Vbo heart tulght find loan oar*, JBtt* WordH, like ummr birds, dopart 1 Jtad l*v but empty air. Th,* linart, a pilgrim upon earth, 'jWu often, when it noodn, Tlt*t words ro b llttl worth js Juflfc so runny wuocIh. , -*-llUU sold Can depr Joy irppart Thmi host* of words, wMoh reach tn nead But navor ton oh the lnmrfc. Ths vole* that Winn its uunny way, A lonaly homa t oheor, Bflth oft tba fnweat words to any; But. oh. thoso low haw dear I If words could satisfy tho breast. The world might hold u foast, Sat wrdn, wlum Hummonod to tlin tout, Oft aatlafy tlin liuiHt. Llko paints that tunko a caudy show, All blonHoo) to tlm root, Put whoun prior imturn utnnot crow One partlnlo of fntlt. Char 1 ui tiwnln In Housewife, THE HAltDY HOUSE. "Hnrowo urn ut lout, tfirlg," I riod chporily, Kuthoiintf up bugi nn<lmiibiol~ lart uk tho tu'tfio portor dmwlud out in Inn luay voire: "Au-niH-tonl" "Oh, I am ko tired!" TtnfH Haiti hi such a faint voico ami with audi a whito, tired face Hint X hurried her into tho fly waiting ufc tho dingy littlo ata- tioti. "To tho old Hardy 1ouho,"I ordorod briefly to tho driver iw ho dosed tho door, and ovon in tho Kiifchwing dusk Loo and I noticed IiIm Hturfc of Htirprino. "Dopond upon il, tho houuo in hiiuiit- ul" rriwl imaginative Loo, Tho man loolcod as it ho had neon a #hont. I kiivo hor a warning ^laneo, but BosfI had not herded; uidocd hho noomod to havo fallen into tiilovo, which lifted tmtil who was lifted out and cavriod ifit-o tho eotliigo in tho BtiougnrmHof Anno Duty. DtamitKiK tho man, Loo and I lin gered outHido nwhilo trying ia mnkfl out itoinothiiiK of our novol fiim'ounrlingfi, but bnyoiid tho low, rumbling old Iiquho wo could hio nothing, nob ovon n, vil- lago light, ho oloHoly woro wo shut in by gioafc troefl. Loo Hhivoiod Rlightly. "How dark and wnird it lookfl!" alio whispored, ryumin^ into tho brightly lighted front room, where Anno Duty, having doponited Bow on tho broad, low lounge, was ahoady occupied iu. milk ing ten. "I winh Or. CroRi had tolographod old Dr. Doorinff to moot uh at tho sta tion. It would havo been a littlo lciW lonoHomo," gruniblnd Loo, later on, whon BoH4 hud boon loft oomforf ably nMlocp in tho wide, low coiled room on tho ground floor, tho only ono that hud been Rot rondy, Anno explained. "I think Dr. Doerinp; linn boon put to enough troublo for uh, renting tho houflo and all that, " I wuu boginnmp; to ro- moii*ttrato, whou Anno Duty coming in intorruptod mo. "Ming Katlurino, " sho began in what Loo culls luu* graveyard voico, "IVIimq Kaihonuo, I don't waut that what I am going to way Hhould frighten you, but I can't noways roroucilo it to my con- Rciomen not to toll yon. A ghoat wuIIch this old rattletrap of a Iiouro " I could not help laughing hor tone was ho sepulchral but bIio wont on without noticing ny levity, while. Loo listened with wido eyes. "Tho niim that biought mo ont with tho boxo this morning snid ho had neon it, and you couldn't hiro him to cmuo near tho place after dark; that lok of folks out Into of dark stormy nightfl had scon bluo lights burning iu tho room up" ntiiirs, and ho said ho wasn't tho only one that had neon a whitonguro flitting through tho dark hall, though nobody has lived in tho houso since, two years ago, a wicked, swearing young fellow died hero, crying out at the last that ho had f-o)d his Houl to tho devil for diiuk, and it was burning him up. "And Misa Kafchonno, honoy, would you bohevo it, every blessed bit of fur- nituro that hud been sent on ahead was piled np out thoro on tho porch, just aa they dumped it down, not a stick put in out of tho weather? And a blessed thing it hasn't rained." Anno pnusod at last for breath. Loo looked fearfully around tho cheerful but rather dilapidated littlo room, and, moving hor chair nearer mine, sho miid in a low tone, ai if afraid of tho ghout overhearing her: "I can't imagine what induced old Dr. Deoring to sond us to this horrid old haunted house anyway. Ho might havo known" "Loo," I interrupted stonily, for her voico was beginning to tremblo, and I havo all a xiiim'u horror of hysterics, "you know well enough Dr. Doerlng hofl boon kindness itself. What claim havo wo upon him, I should like to know, except that wo aro friends and pationts of old Dr. Gross? And yon, as well oh I, saw tho letter in which ho described this old house nnd said its location mado it tho very place for Bees to recover hor shattered nerves, quiet and so near the sulphur wator Dr. Cross has sent her hero to drink. "And now, Anno," turning to our faithful old sorvant and friend, "you havo too much sonso, I know, to utter a Word of this nonsense where Bcph can hear it, and I adviuo you to get it out of your own stupid old hood ns quickly as posiiblo. Ah for mo," yawning, "I am too tired and sleepy to sit up any longer, ghostfl or no ghostH " And in a short tiino tho old houso was wrapped m darkness and silence. I hod boon asleep I don't know how long whon Ruddonly I felt a ruh of cold air und heard a sound liko a low, sobbing sigh, "Oh, Kit I" wailed Loo under hor fcroath and clutching my arm convul sively, "did you fed it? Did you hoar it? What WHS It?" - "I fH tho wlud blowing in through a broken window," I anwworod coura- fftOtulyVfofti though I was only SO and a girl, I had-not hoon the head of tho Jwnily to tetany years for nothing, - Juin < Duty eame -rushing in with a iheet wrapped about her and a lighted aandlo in liwr baud, Junt as Bona awoke, j asking in her weak voUo what wo wore all doing up In tho middle of tho night. While I slipped on my dressing gown and lighted a candle on the stand near tho bed, I told her as calmly as I could, for my-heart 'was boating violently, that I thought a door or window up stUirs had blown ojlon, and Anno and I were going up to sco whilo Loo remain ed with hor. Thon I went out, Anno following bruvoly, though T could hoar hor taoth chattering, and tho miudlo shook ho I had to Hlco it from her. Ah wo shut tho door bohind uh I hnird tho Bcrapo of a match, and a bright light flatbed out from a room at tho head of the Htairrt. "Ohostfl don't usually carry jnntrhos about Iheni," J h'lid to poor trembling Anno iit a would bo mu-ciiHtir tono which my own terror kept from being a mio- rest. " Bettor a dozen ghosts," I tliought, "than ono live burglar." Slowly wo mounted tho creaking stuirn till just as I reached iho top a tail man, clad in a light giay Kuit, stepped ontftom Urn loom, eoi.fionfing me, A smothered hhuolc from Anno was for a moment, tho only sound that broko tho ntillnoHH, The light from my candle shone full upon tho intruder's face, and t saw that ho was young, good looking and unmis takably a gentleman. Anne, ton, must havo seen as much, for 1 heard her Heufc- tling down tho stuirn buhmd mo much foster than hIio omwi up, evidently mindful of hor costume (Junoufdy enough, t did not. think of my own appearance, but stood Mtock Htill, staring at tho man, who staled back at mo for fully two minuter, then lifted his bat and said eouiteonsly: "t beg your pardon, but havo X the honor of addressing Mitw Blake?" I bowed dumbly, wondering what on earth ho would say next. "Then," ho went on pleasantly, "I owo you an apology for my unccremo- iiionfl intrusion, but X havo boon absent from tho village for nevornl days, I reached home only a few hours ago and hnd not hoard of your arrival. You must havo changed your plans suddenly, for I was not expecting you until noxt week," this with au inquiring glance. Ho expecting uhI Wits tho man crazy? "Yes," I stammered, "tho physician, Dr. Cross, thought it would bo bo'it to got Bess, my sister away from tho city as noon as possible, bo wo caino on today. "And tho people told us," I wont on incoherently, " that tho houso wiu haunted, and wo thought you woro a ghost, and" IIo lunghed at this and drew him self up a littlo. "A very Mibstaiitinl ghost,"ho hind lightly, adding more earnestly: "I really am so sorry for causing you annoyance. You hoc, I havo been using this old house as a kinll of IT laboratory, making all sorts of chemical experi ments hero during the uncanny night hours, so it is no wonder tho place has acquired an evil reputation. I rau over tonight to put things together a bit, to prepare for their removal before you came, but you took me unawares, and" "But who aro you?" I inteiruptcd, unable to restrain my curiosity any longer. "Why, haven't I told you? I am Dr. Deoring, at your service." "Dr. Dcering? Why, wo thought Dr. Cross said surely Dr. Crobs npoko of you as an old friend," and in my confusion tho candle slipped and went out, but not boforo I had caught the twinkle in Ins handsome eyes. "I am his old friend, inasmuch as he -has known me all my life," ho said, stooping to recover tho candle, adding goutly, "Dr Crois hub confided you and your sisters o my care, and I hope you aro not tho i -ss inclined to trust me be cause I happon to be not bo old iu years or wisdom as the good old doctor him self." I do not know what reply I made; something foolish it must havo been, for I suddenly became blusUmgly con- ecioua that I was attiied in au old bluo dressing gown, and tins man, this stran ger, was regiuding mo with lather qui'/zical eyes. With a muttered "Good night!" I fled precipitately, leaving him to find hiq own way out, while I recounted to the gnls as much of my ghostly adven ture as I thought it needful for them to know. This was tho beginning of our stay in tho old Hardy houf>o. When I left, it was not to return to tho city, for Dr. Deoring hnd persuaded mo to remain in Anniiton. Margaret Foloy Bbishford in Now York Journal. HE HAD A CL08E CAUL. Tho Popo'd Dominant Trait. My fnond Paul Bourgot dofinos tho American as "a man who mvaiiably neon tho newost method." This in alno tho dominant trait in tho character of Loo XIII. Within tho moanuro permit ted him by a hoavy chain of traditions, he (Ioor not hesitate id grasp tho modern weapons in dofcuso of his nn- oiont faith, aud this dohbornto boldnobs explains his ponohant for tho American lharnotor. Yet in thoso very innova tions which moot alarm his timid tidvta- ers ho is conscious of being far loss an innovator than a routorer of forgotten traditions. IIo robes upon tho examples set by tho groat popes of tho middle ngnfl, who, in their day, oame down to the market pluoo, stirred the crowds and led thf pooplo on to now horizouH. Vicomto 15. Molohior do Vogilo iu Fo rum. ________________j A Family or Blxty-two Clilldh-mi. Tho ItuliauH are disousfdng tho ad- y Inability of penuioning Mrs. Mad da- loua Grtumattu, a lady of o7, who livoa near Nooera, 13 miles from Naplcii. Her husband has boon doad ton yeais, but during the ID years they livod to gether as man and wife they hnd 03 children born to them, 50 of tho lot be ing males. Eleven dlfforont times iu nine years triplots were born, and on three clflfferont oooasipng four boys weve announced, nnd one* there were tour boy* and a girl. Uajor GanaTal Milei'Thrilling KncounUr With Xm I>aar. Probably the closoBt call General Milos ever had in all his oxperiouoo a an Indian fighter was that iu his en counter with Lame Deor. It was in 1877, whou he was still a colonel, dur ing his campaign against tho Sioux ana othor hostile tribes iu tho northwest, Lame Doer and his outlaws had boor making troublo iu Dakota, aud Colonel Milos raided thoir village. Ho tells the rest of tho Htoryin hispomonml-rwjolloo- tions thus: "Iu tho nurpriue and excitement ot the wild onset of the chitrgo u gioup of Wairiors was forced away from tho rest. Before making the attack X had oidored our Bluux and Ohoyonno Indians to call out to tho Lame Deer; Indians that ii they thiew down their muiH and hui- rendeied we would tjiaro their lives. Ah we galloped up tothingioup of warriors they apparently lncogui'/ed the purjiorf at the demand and (hopped thoir arms on the ground. Xu oider to assure them of our good will I called out, "How liow-koiu" (meaning friend), und ex tended myhaml to tho chief, Lame Deer, which he grasped, and in it tew Hrond1) mom X would have scoured him und tho others, as, although lie wuh wild and trembling with excitement, my adju tant, George W. Baird, was doing the Sana* with the head warrior, Iron Star. "Unfoitunutoly just at that timo one nf our white scouts lode up and joinod thogioupof oflleors and soldiers with mo. lie had more enthusiasm than dis cretion and, IproHumo, desired to insure my Hafety, as ho drew up his rifle aud covered tho Indian with it. Lamo Deer saw this and evidently thought tho young scoot was going to shoot him. I know of no other motive for his subse quent act than the belief that ho was to 1)0 killed whether ho surrendered or not. As quick as thought, with one des porate, powerful etVort, ho wrenched his hand from mine, although I tried to hold it, aud graspod his rifle fiom tho giound, rau backward a fow steps, rais ed his rifle to his nyo and fired. Sooing his determined face, his set jaw, wild oyo and tho open mnv/lo of his rifle, I realized my danger and instantly whirl ed my horse from him, and in this quick movement tho horse slightly settled book upon his haunches. At that moment tho rifle flashed within ten foot of mo, tho bullet wbizssed past my breast, leaving mo unharmed, but unfortunately killing a bravo soldier near my sido." Naturally tho wholo scattered baud of Indians was instantly wiped out by a close and deadly tiro from tho soldiers. Tho incident is typical of tho wholo aeries of Indian campaigns iu which Gouoral Milos figured in tho last quarter of a century. The desire to iroat the redskins as follow mouF constantly thwarted by the natural suspicious of tho savages themselves, is npparout all through tho book. ORIGIN OF "RESTAURANT." An IntrrflntloK Philological I'not Vrom I'runct*. The French author, Maurice Cabs, ro- oontly published in La Itepubliqno Fiancaiso an esiay about tho restaurants and eating houses of Paris, relating many interesting details. His stoiy of how tho torm "restaurant" was first uiiod is well worth repeating. For a long timo inns and eating houses in Franco woro only intended for tho benefit of traveling people, for tho people took thoir meals at homo, and restaurants wore unlmown. Tho first enterprise of tho kind was founded in Pans in 1705. A citizen by tho name of Boulanger opened in tho Ruo desPoulies an eatmg house where soup, meat, fowl and eggs woro served. A chronicler relates that meals were served there on small, round, marble tables, and everything was scru pulously clean. Over tho entry to this first eating houso tho piopriotor had hung a sign, upon which wore the Latin words, "Ve- nite ud mo omnos qmo stomacho labora- tis, et ego restaurabo vos" (Come unto mo all yo whoso stomachs need attontion, and I will restore thorn). This is a par ody on tho well known Biblical quota tion, "Corao unto mo all yo who labor and aro hoavy laden, and I will give you rest," only in place of labor and heavy laden he said, "whoso stomachs need at tention." The word "loatuuraho," from tho Latin "nstauraro" (restore or re fresh), was tho main ohuraohristic of tho new establishment and gave it its name Boulanger amas-sod a largo foituue, for his enterprise proved eminently success ful, but. ho was soon imitated, some of his imitatois becoming more famous than ho, like Borel, at whoso place 120 years ago meals could ho had for 1D0 francs (?i>!10) per cover. Grant nnd Ilmicoulc nt a NI if lit Alarm. When Hancock's headquarters were reached, tho party remained with him for some time, awaiting tho arrival of tho head of Wancn'K troops. Hancock's wound received at Gettysburg had not thoxoughly healod, and bo Buffered such inconvenience from it when in tho sad dle that ho had applied for permission to rule in a spring ambulance while on tho march and when his troops were not (n action. IIo was reclining upon ono of tho wonts of the ambulance, convers ing with Geuoral Grant, who had dis mounted and was sitting on tho ground with his back against a tree, whittling o-stiok, when tho sound of firing broke forth directly in front. Ilancook sprang up, seized his sword, which was lying noar him, bncklod it around his waist and cried, "My horse, my horaot" Tho scene was intonsely dramatic and re called vividly to the bystimdors the cry of Richard III on the field of Bosworth. Grant listened amomont without chang ing his position or censing his whittling and thou remarked: " Thoy aro not fight ing. The firing is all on ono side. It takes two sidos to start a fight." In a few minutes tho firing diod away, and It was found that tho enemy was not advancing. The inoi&ont fairly illus trates the contrast in the temporunionta of these two distinguished soldioi tjeuoral Horace IjOrter in Century. Can't Eat This la the oomplalut of thousands at this ^jteoson. Thoy have no appetite j food _ does not relish and often falls ^ digest, causing severe suffering; ~HuflS people need tho toning up of the stomach and digestive organs, which a courso of Hood's BaruaporUltt will givo them. It also puri nes and onrichoa tho blood, cures that dls- treus after eating and Internal Misery Only a dyspoptlo can know, creates an appetite, ovoraomeu that tired fooling and builds up and sustains tho Wholephyaical syHtom. It flo promptly nnd effectively relievos dynpoptlo symptoms and euros nervous headnuhoB, that It seomfl to have almost " a magic touch." Distress After Eating. "I havo boon troubled with Indigestion for oorno timo. After eating anything that was swoot I was euro to experience grant difficulty and distress. Last fall I ho nan taking Hood's Barsapnrllla and am glad to say that my utomaoh trouble has entirely disappeared. I can now cut a hearty meal of almost any kind of food and havo no troublo aftorwnrdy. Hood's Barsnpnrllla has also cured me ot nervous spellH." Jonw II. HoMRfaUAtTBiar, Wheatland, Iowa. Such oureS prove that Hoods Sarsaparilla lathe Leit infactUm Ono True Blood Puriflor. Prepared by 0. L Hood & Co., bowoll, Mass. *_M tt rk*ii euro natiica, Itutlcafitlon, HOOd fi PlllS biliousness, ascents. WALES' GOOD NATURE. It A.v-rtd Threatnnml Trmtlil Murhitf Ml* Cattttflttui Tnur. Stcphon tfisko desenbos the Prince oi Wales' visit to Amoriou in tho Ladi<V Homo Journal and relates those interest ing incidents of his tour through Cana da: "The Catholics had gained a litthi viotory ovor tho storn Duko of Newcas tle, at Qtinbop, and now tho Orangemou demanded to be allowed to present ad- drossos to tho ptinco and to bo received Hopuratoly from thoir Gntbolio follow bitivnnu. Tho duke consulted with Gov ernor General Head and rofupod to por- mit this distinction. At Kingston an Ort&ngo demonstration was prepared, and tho royal party did not land from tho steamer, Tho Orangomon chartorod anofchor steamer and pursued tho prince ko Brockton, but again ho was not al lowed to gc on shore At Coburg a par ty of fiO Canadian gontlomon took the horses from his carriage and drew him through tho pretty hamlet. At Toronto tho mayor apologized for tho display ol Orange flags, Tho prince was hooted nnd hissed whou ho attended church, nnd serious riots wero feared. "All troublo was averted, however, by tho good humor of tho princo him- solf. IIo was taking a drivo with the duko, and tho Orangomon hastily hung u banner across tho road so that tho joy- ul party had to drive under it, Newcas tle wuu indignant and ordered tho coach man to turn back; but, lo, another Or- nngo banner hnd been bung to cnt oft tho rotroat. Then tho prince laughed heartily, took otY his hat to the flag and was ohoercil by the Orangomon. How ever, tho duko was not mollified, and the journey to Niagara falls was oxpoditod. Tho princo flrfit saw tho groat falls on Sept. 15. A number of riding horses had boon provided by tho Canadian govern ment, aud he mounted at onro nnd rode to viow the falls from various points." MARRIAGE LICENSES. Can ok nf YCloetoiniuiln. That plenty of genuine cases of klop- toman in undoubtedly exist is well known to both logal and medical exports. There Was, for uiHtunco, tho caso of a not very Jong dcoouHod nobleman who ficquont* ly pocketed his hostess' spoons at a din ner party, and whoso pockets wore m variably (.(lurched by his man on his re turn, with (i viow to prompt restitution. Iu another case a lady who was quite rational upon othor points was discov ered to havo 15 bags concealed about hor, in winch woro ovor 1,3 00 littlo ar ticles which sho had rtolon and conceal- oil, although nearly evoryono was abso lutely worthless A clergyman has boon known to Hteal Bibles under tho impres sion that ho was thereby propagating tho gospol, Another gentleman, sane in othor rrhpoets, invariably stole the tow els from any hotel ho stopped at while traveling and returned them when he got homo, and, oddest of all, there has been u ease of a man who would novoi eat food which ho had not stolen. lie was a man of mean*, and his personal attendant used to hide his meals, so that ho might think he himself had stolen fchoji^ in-order, to induco him to oat.- Keep up hope. There are thousands of cases where re covery from Consumption has been complete. Plenty of fresh air and a well-nour ished body will check the progress of the disease. Nu tritious foodsare well in their way, but the best food of all is Cod-liver Oil When partly digested, as in Scott's Emulsion, it does not dis turb the stomach and the bodysecures the whole bene fit of the amount taken. If you want to read more about bi these two distinguished soldiow. I ^t Jct ^ $Gn you a book- tlnnoml Hnmoe Porter in Oenfciirv. . L J SCOTT & BOWNE,tUU*vtU, Ont. ii. L, PARK I8B.UEK OF MAItfilAOH U oquboii, Rlob^rdaoh Blk., Kiaex, Ont. BATtnF.TT. lsBuor at Mnrikge Llcon-a Commissioner hi O.J..oto. Oeetu, Oat ry D. BBAMAN, X^suor of Mfttrlngo, Jjlconoot,, H. InDnranoo agent. Night oulud at Dwolllna, TAI-JiOT BTItERT, EflflEX ____JJNDERTAKINC. PLUMMB >R, TJtulortalcor nad tfiirritnio Dotilor. Cofflna, Ikjuqq and factory rrio Ironl 83 to 9U0. MoOro({or, Op* _____ 'ARCHITECTS.^ ~ TOHk'a. il AYOOOK, ' ""'" ' AKOHITK0T, fco llOdin.lO and 11, Flomlny llujhllnj,', WindHOr, Qui Phono U1U. SOCIETIES y. MNTKUWUBK I.0.1HO No UlH, inootMovory TluirBdny, tivoiilnjf lit 7.' In r o. o. i inootMovory . - ........ ""lildftillowH Ha)l,luthirdHtoroyDunHtau Hlok. VlaltliiK mouiborH uf other lod^mi will niculvo frutoriial woloomo. FKKO OIIjIIOM, N. (I, UhNTJtAL KNOAMl'MMNT, No.liO, uiootflln Oddfellows'Hull, Duimtiui'fl Ulook, on ttollrHfc and third Tuomluy lnouoh mouth. Vlnltorii tinr ilinlly rooolvtid. MumborHof nahordliuitii loil^oa In tins Jurlmllollon, lnvltod to Jolr.. ii. HANNAN, 0.1*., 0.1*. HIIjIi, Hou. |J>HH1CX l-'IHK imiflADK. MMKTH I-'IUHT I'rlihty uvtitdiiff hi iivory month for brt- uudu nidtl)K and third iriiluy foi [irnctluo In tho Fhomoti'H room In tho Htotio Imlldliif,'. .IftM. MoMurfiiv, Oiuuf; Hum, Hnjlth, Oaptiiln; .low filoto, Llnutonniit, W. 1". Muiiyo, Bocrotitry; l'Vtul, Hyatt.Troutmrux fiOVlVC I10YAL \J MiHltH W)OOU(| ko. aw. i. o. v. runt fourth TucHdiiv'o In oaoh tnonlli In 1. O. O. ! ', Hall nt H o'clock u, m. Vlbltllilfbrdtliurn will Ijoi;1voii il fraUruul wul- conio, j; MdOitinduiid, 0.11 .W.O.Hhaw, fJ(.oy. M. J.WJbIo. O.D. II. U. Jl AOHNTH wautiiiM prolUiihlii oinnloymotit thrau^h tho mm)mm* can Hud It with uh, wo hiivu nowoHt liuimliui viirlotloii of Nurnory btook mid now Hood l'otiitooti Hulnry or oom- iiUhhIoii, Wnto uh atoiiou tar torritory. l'HL IiAMNUUSUUY 00, Toronto, Ont. lUl-iat The Maaara Falls Route: aoiNa isAtir TaklnK cfToot NovomUor 80th, 1800. Mull Uxp. Kxd. Aooom Mixod Dotrolt...... WlndBor.... Pulton........ Muldittaiiuo Kimox..... Woodiiltio... Hunoonib .. Coinhni* Ridiiutrjwn.. ItoJiifiy,. , . Ht. Thoman London,.... .. wfc, Thmuiui... Uoiluay....... Hldffotown.... Omubor......... Hunoonib., .. WooiIhIoo . Khhox..... Maidntouo Cr Polton, .. . Wlndfior..... Dotrolt........... a. ii]. fi 20 fi&O flOfl (i V) n,:n n -in tint 7.07 a.m. O'JO a. m. 0.<lfl 10.10 7,20 10 B6 8 17 11.61 10.00 1.Q5 OOINO WKHT. P.m. I 10 6.0S G.19 BDfJ 6.^7 fiWl fi.BO (J 05 7 10 708 H40 p.m. 12.10 a-lo 1UH 107 B.2-1 ii 10 r, M) o.o:i 0 14 11.21 0.15 7.10 n m. 10.GO 11.31 12.011 12.-10 a, m. i.on 1.1/i i on 5,22 r>: 0 10 low 23b MUod iL.m a in filO 0 llti G'HB 7.M 710 7.08 0 00 I) 2J1 J3 11 0:1:1 110 0,-il 0112 10,0ft 10.12 ic:ui 10.BU liw noo 020 a:i7 100 Amhurtl>iirg lLncal Iralnu. WKHT I3AHT ii,,ni il m. a.m. am. p.m It, 10 7.80 IScnox 11.35 (1.-15 0,110 11.6*1 7 10 Edifam 087 0 H3 010 12.00 7 17 L J1AD UXJng fl.21 0 27 4.07 12,15 7 00 MaG-flRor 0,20 0.20 4.00 I2!iB ii. 10 Gordon fl 00 0 00 4 Hi 13.10 8.1C Amhorbthurrt .00 0 00 <\M All tralnn nro run on control ntimdard tlrao, whloh la ijixty minutoa nlowor than Ebhou timo. For Information and ratoii to oolon* intii movinR wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pan. Honpor Afioot, Bt. TIiouiuh. O. W. Bufiidan, Gon- ortil PimiioiiBor unrt Ticket Asont, Ghlciifio 111 or A, O. Htlmora, Aonfc.KanoK, p m, 0.00 mi 0 21 0 22 Oil) 0 40 L- b\&D.R.Ry. TIMK TABTjT3 NO. 22, tftldnfj oCfoct ATondfty Hopt 27,1B0O. Truhinnio by Fantorn Stand ard Timo. Daily oicopt Biiiidaj___ Uis 0 1 M p. u W ^ a 3 ri*a s Rtatiouii. f* "S rtW a >?3 0 'A 'A 0 A 0 VA 53 A M A M f M A SI K M Pit fl.21,lJO0 ll.?.0 Hop Wallcorv'Io Av 0 10 0 00 7 00 ouiuao 0,V,7 WulkorvilU) Juno. 0 0:1 n.^H 7d:t ii m 12 it) o,:io .....Pulton....... HC7 0.il7 7 37 11 Hi U 10 0,40 ......t OMcantlo . 8 no B.17 7:i0 !)00 U 0a n 17 .. . t Pnquotto .. 8 47 S.fH 7,W 1)07 1.10 (151 . . McGioRor .. B43 0,00 7.22 low 1 in a co f Now Canaan... 8 00 4.10 7.17 10 Oil 1.30 7,10 ... i Marahltoht ... H20 4.00 7.10 1(1.11! 1 00 r.17 HIS! 4.80 7 00 11) 27 2.00 7 27 Oil 4,00 0.02 10:17 2 IT) 7')7 . KlpRBVlllO... HOI 11.45 0.18 10.10 2 00 7.44 .. . Kuthvon .>,... 7 01 0.10 oo 10 00 0.10 751 ... rjftamincton ... ,.. . Whontloy .. ... 1 Itcnwlolt ... 7 40 il.10 0,10 11.11 1 10 a CO 7 2i 101 0 0(1 11 811 4 85 rt 17 7 10 1.09 001 11 81 1 4(1 h a .... L'oatnwoith ... 7 10 1,10. 0.4ft 11 ill BOH H.oa , . tGhinwood.... 7 IH) 12 00 0 0(1 ll.l.l f 20 H.-IO ...... Morlln......... 0 BJ 12.21 niiH 11 rji F.A<i a 17 HM 0 10 It 10 121' 12 00 e *ii 11 (iO JS.G5 nn 12 01 0,00 000 ...ICodnr KpriuRti... 0:11 1128 0 07 1811 (IIO 0 07 Hlonuiim Junot'u 0 21 ll.WI 000 1'J.Ui OKI 0.12 .. lllonho'm..... 0'20 ll.lfll 4 6* Wt.H 0,10 n 9.0 .......tWULio....... till) 10.10 4 45 u:io 7.00 0.01 Ar llhlfjutowu Hop ti 00 10.00 ^.SS r m. V. M. p. M A,M A.M. r.M. l l^liiR Btatioim. Tralnn utop only whon thorn nro pafliienfjorn at or for tho no ntflilona. Mixed tifilun aro at ul tJmort tinhjoot to bo oanoellod WM wnoTjIiATO?. General Bupovintondon , To Drlvo tuiywhoro, you wimt a Good If BO, junrswsr ^sa .r,ml tlm plitGO to not it in at JOHN McDOUGALL'S Livery. Sale & Feed Stables GoodJHotttlore in uttoudauco day aud nl[[ht. HORSE-SHOEING InKthlH brawoh of ouf biminoan woi- nrut- oluiifi Workmon iitnl will (tuarantoo Hallflfactlon iu flboolnK HorBflH that Intorfow. Ovor- ltuaoh or Havo Corns or Contraotod Poc. Womakoa Bpoolulty ot HhoolJU Houd and Traolc UorsoB. t3f Telephone Conwction, DROPSv CURED. THKJ UuderelRiiud I prop aro d to onro all couch o! Water Dropsy whelhor o| Iodr or ehort dtirutloa. Aboolatoly no oharao unlean the pati ent lfl ntttlroly and pormnnontly oured.? JAMBB UAMPBKLL. Gottaui, Oat. 110 ^j'i OHURpH DIHEOTORY; ' MBT/iODiflT. Dr. PISO09, FaeMr. fldrtioftf^^ STryHuDdayat 11 a. m-aiid 7 p: ta, BribbaUJ v"v ttohoolTrt-a;86vpnir.-OrrNyloi'i BapBrlittond.-,' * ontollBohool. Kpwortl^flaanoprayormoetliig TnoBtlayevonlflgatH dpok. General prayoy tttBOtlngoi^ Thtlrfldaye^ninK. Onuuon op Enolamd Bov.AJJ.Bevorl*,in onmbont, Bt. Pauls, Ebsoj. Dlyi xaoWloo every Uanday at' 7 o'clock, p m Sunday Unlioul at 10 a, m. Trinity Church. North Bldgq Ban di*y Qohool at 1.46p.' in, Tho public, ar cor dially lnvitod. P m, PiiKHBYTHnUH.-'W. M.PIomlnrt, PaotorBor* Vlooa on Hahbath at 11 a. m. and T .80 p. m Bob* oath Bohool at 2:30 p. m. Prnvor rat etine and FaBtor'iibiblo cIubb 011 Tuoutlay nt7.30 Booiul Union on Woduondtiy at H,10p. IUptik Uhuuuu. Jtuy.M, V. Oampboll, Pas tor, oiviooHoaob Habbatb at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ii, 1'iuyur imintlnit on Thuraday ovon In g ut 8 o'clock, Hoatafroo. All aro oordially wel- aomoi]. Uouah GatiioMO. Vir. 0. E. McGee, Pastor. HotAoi) ovory othor Buntlay atftOOp. tu. Nunday dohool atx.m. Maidatonm. UIkIi mans and lurmon at 10.80 11. m,, oatoohlam at2 p. in,, haptiuiu ut 0 p. m. vimpiira and nuuodlotUm at 7 l>. m. G. E. Gou, v, P. Mq- Halvatiom AnsiV. flout. Bmiili and Dlout, Puyton Iu aoinluuiid. Halvatlou motln Wod- iiuHdity.'lhurBdayuudHuiJilayovouiiiKH.lj'roeand JiiiHy.rinturdiiv ovonlu aiidllpm, Biinday;KolI noiiH uioothi^i. forohrlHthuiHl-rlday ovninand 11 a.m. Hui dav; Kuoo Drill 7 u m. ovory Buuday. All aro wiilautiiu. JLECAL^ 1i> A. WTHMKK,, Holloitftr, Notary ii. Publio&o. Monoytoloan. OfllooH.Dun- Btan Itlock, up-nUli'8, JIhhox. 4-1 y Xi. PUTX1HB llarrititor 1'ublio Monoy to J Htruthui-a' llunk.Kiiuox Gntr^), JXi. PUTX1HB llarrititor, Holloitor, Notory * 1'ublio Monoy to Lowi. OUloo o^or CliAItKK, COWAN, liAHTIiV/r A: JlMtT^Eli ilarnnt(trn, oto. OHIuoh Mudbury hlook, m .A. U. CtiAnttM,'" N. A. JiAUTLlfX. Wimlur r. Ii. Ij, U. a. U, uxnivjev. 11. A. Prlyato Iiindii to loan. M. K. Cowan, M. P. nUNIlY O. WALTMKh L.U11-, Attoruoy and Gouiutulor .at la\v, Holloitor In Ghauoory, Prootor hi Admiralty, i atont Bolioltor, Olllco, Now hurry Jluiidint/, oar, Grhnvold aud Ijaruoa iiU , Dotrolt, Mich. {Canadian ulahmi iif.'alnfit porno tin In tho Unltod BtatoBoollOL/iil.j Ilofuroncom Imporhtl Dank, 1-lnnox, Ont, J. Ij. Potom. l'-,H(j,, Jinrrlfttor, oLo., J-iflH K.A. Wlemor, liuq. Jlairibtor, oto., lm hhox, Out hhox, Out D MEDICAL. ns. nniisN a. unir.N. Jan Hrlon. M. D Kraduato of Quoou'b UniviwiiJty, KiiiKtiton, mom bur ot OqI- lojtQ ot rhysloinnii und BiirdoouH.Ontitrlo. Grad- uat of Now Vorlc. Pout Qraduato Mudloul Col- 10(^0. J. w. Urlon, M, D.( a. M., y. T, M. a. Honor Krailuatu of Trinity Mmlical Golloc-i. Honor tfrailuato of Trinity UuivoiHlty. Momborof tho Gol]o(ioof Pnyiilclana and HurtjooiiH, Out Grad- uato of Now York Pont Ofaduato Modloal Collogo. " Ofllooovor Khhox Modioal Hall Avutt biota. Oounultatlon roonm, both on ground Boor and' flrut Hat abovo. Tolophono In both olllco and lonlilonoo. All on.)In attoudod ta from olllco. drujj Htoro, or roiiidonoo. Uonitlonoo, Talbot ntriiot, front or fair Kroutidu. DBi J, T(j, JKNNKH, Antioolato Cotouor for tho Comity of Hiiriox. J, KilyIo Jomior, M. D.O. M. Trinity Uuivor- iiltj;M. O, V. and S, Ontario; Lie. Koyal Collogo PuytUolauii, London, 1'wjjj , me Roliolarnhip and Gold MiulalUl, Trinity CoIIoko, 1880; appointed IIouho Phynlohin and Hurtjuou, Toronto Gotioml llohpitnl and KuHidont Aooonobour IluruBido Ijyiuif-in Uonpital, Toronto, 1881. Bpooiulty, dla- oaitoii of woiuun and ehlklron, Koiildcnco, houae lately ooouplod by DrTDQWar, Talbot Ht.,Ka8ex. Olllco in Imporial Dawk lllook, ground floor, oppOHito Tliomo'fl drug ntoro. Modlulncia dls- ponnod in tho olllao. 'loluphoho oonnootloU with both oflloo and roiddoiioo. I'rlvitto tolo- phono Uno botwoon Gyrll Putjuotta'a houiio aad Dan Kenuody'o Iioubo aud olUco. Nl^ht calls atLuudod to at olllco or roaldoneo. DENTAL. UP. MARTIN, D.D.fl., Ti. D. R, Graduate * in Dontiiitry, Itoyal Collogo of Dontah Burjjoonn, Ontario, aud university of Toronto/ OharBOH.modorato. Offloo, ovor Urlon & C01 'Iruc fltoro, 18-lv Wn. mcnAKDsoN. vrvkthxaiiy bur GKON. Honorary firaduato of Ontario Votorinary CoIIoro, Toronto; mouihor of On tavio Votorinary Medlonl Hoffoty; Diplomiat in Dontiiitry; trout si all dluumoH of domoi.tloated anlmalu; ontrlo dohoruod bv tlio latonb improved liUiivitt ollppov Callo by telephone or tolo- nrnpli promptly lUttmded to Itoiddonco.three doom cant of Rvint mill; offioo In pout of (lory bulldinit; infirmary, dhoctly opponlto. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES B. LAIKD. Provincial Land Surveyor and bounty Dnfjluoor, Ih'iiox Oontro, Ont1 Olllco, Dun tit an Block, apatnim, AUCTIONEERS. nKNHY nEDIUCK, Auctioiw promptly attoudod to. AtfJ WoodHloo, Ont. PornoiiH dvidrlng Ul may loavo word at tho I'iiek Piuibh tf U, DBINCLAIIt, LTCENSKD AtlC for tho Comity of Kimox. Bui Divhiiou 1 ourt. All IcfinU of Fat Balon uonduct'd promptly, ltatc and fumifihud on anpHoatlou. Ki: apply at W. D Doamati'n oflloo,pr at tllB ol Divlflion Court Clorlc, Mr. John Mllno. |OUN GOUMLKY, fj ligilNBED AUCTIONEKR for tho County] of Ehhox, All klntin of farm btoulc Htiloo, ote^i oonductod promptly and on tdiorl notico, Kateftl rouQorablu, Pmttoim dunhablo to urriLii^o salesf may Jo no by oalllnR at tho li'iiiiic Pukhh offloo| 01 by upplylntf to 4 J.OOUMhEY,. P. O. llox 10"S J-jfluox. Oul T?ltANK McOliaDKF.Y, Maldwuu\', thii Jj imvtiti yoavw' oxporlenoi) au au lUiotipnoej tho Couutv of 13HH0X. Htiloe couduotod prompj aud on roufionahlo turma. Purtlon duHlrlngJ fix tho dato for a ealo oan uuvo thumsolvej drive by calling at tho Viimm Phkb oflioo- hnvo arrunijod with Mr. McUluokoy and will n tho datou for Halou by tolttKraph.uutlroly free ' all oharuu to tho iiorflou holding tlio nalo. mH droflBlTraukMoQIOHkoViMaldfltouo CrosH,Ontt ... 100 \1 LAND AND LOAN AGENTS GSolum 3. TnOMAB, Convoyancor, Com*; mlHHioiior, lu silRh Court of Juatloe; dealer.,^ In Hoal Mutate and MorttfUgoB, Monuy to loattM at the lowest vato of lntoront. Farms bouKht.-i^ ttudBold, InBuranoo ttikon lu tho moat.roliabw^s oouapiihioH, Drawhiuot doodn, mortfinsoa ana' IonBtiii a upoolaity. Ohargou moderate ana eui^ buelnobs promptly nttondod to. Cull at ttiftjfl Ooutr'al Tolonhouo opiooTl^BSMteontnr. mFf$ m m t. Manufacturer of ti's Patent Union <SjL^c. Artifioi Limbs 113 &1U Bat-os q^L. troit, Mich. LescrftiW satalogues ^d blab Wl making applloatloniKI Government ordf>r*>" limbs and tjmt)Bpori or oommuCatlon lbi aontfree on ftppUq "lfl- >'CIS u- 1 "A 3 1.0 Mi?, 1 /v rf- ifikdi^^^^y^ 1