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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 12, 1897, p. 7

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K *' f > ' - w / . w British Medical Institute 60 Washington Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Treats All Diseases of Men and Women, If ordinary treatment haa failed to relieve you, or If you era tired of bolus humbugged and maltreated by quacks and lmpofltora, commit ub. Wo liavft mode tbo treatment of all obronlo dlscaBoa the study of our life. If you are in noodof hon6 treatment we will Ivo H you. Our BtoSconstats of sovon omlnenfc BpoolallstB, ami thoir combined w dom ie brought to bear in all mmHiHoatedrdtffiCTlt or doubtful oases Consultation free either m Institute or by man, ir vou cannot call, B<tnd stamp for question blank. * Oar ofaargeflifor treatment vary from 5to S0 per month either by mall or at Institute. , Only ourablo ouboh arc aooentatl. and a auro Ib ffuarantoort In every oaoo tin dor taken. TB-SoiidlOoontfl for our little illustrated book lot on Htoam Nobulwation, Bhowing the only rational and HUOOoaflfultToatmont of Oatarrli, Catarrhal deafneso, Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption, Hack-Aril", *'nru-Acht% Hrtutlc Pulurt, Nourulirlc lrulnM. I'ulu In U10 HI1I0, atrl rromptly MIovihI wiJ Ciirm! l>y The"D.&L" Menthol Plaster lUTimr u.l Trtuf !). A I-. M-nlhiil 1 lt*J for H'llti llm "" k -ml liihlUjlM laatflt-A. LxttHNTk, KIlMUtliluwu. Out. ]P>rlro S-t*- DAVIS & IAWUI.NCK CO, Ltd. I'roprlolora, Mow-thum., Waldorf Hulld Paro.coro ami out into dioo (our larjjo tart apploa, ndl to thorn a quart o! oolory, oat into hull-mob pioaoH. Duet ovur a ta. epoou oil trnlt, a toimpoouful of paprika aud thou two tahloapooufulH of tarmffon viuo- gar. Mix all totfotlior, and thou Rtir in a oap and a half of tfood stiff mayounaiHo drfiBHin^', Borvo ou lottuoo loavod, or juat aa it-iu, gavaiflhod with aolory topa. Lad ies* Homo Journal. Tomato IIoulllou. Pub ono oan of toraatooH with ono aud a half quartH of Btook ovor tho tiro ; add ono tabkapoonhil of ohoppod onion, two hay leavfin, four wbolo oIovch, ono lovol toa- spoonful of oolory Hood and a half toaHpoou- fal of poppor, Oovor and cook twonfcy minutes. Strain through a wovo. Boat tho whit tin of throo cKfje until partly light, add thorn to tho tomato, bring to a boil, and boil rapidly far live wlimtou. Strain through two thioknonaoa of ohooHooloth. Koheat, aoanou with two toaanoonfuls of salt and Hurvu with tiny ouboa of toantod broad (orontoim). Ladiua' Homo .Journal. Why Ho** Wit tor Im Injti riouM Tho toaaou why bo many phynioiunH ob- jeot to tb drinking of wator during meal time, sayH tho Xjudioa' Homo Journal, ia that the AmcricauB, an a rulo, drink ico wator. Tho tomporaturo of tho Htomaoh is from 08 Uoiiroos to 100 do^rooii Fahron- heit. Aftor a moal it ehould bo from 00 dogroea to 102 degrcon, aud if a poraon in oKorciaing it aomotimoH will ran up to 103 dogroofl. Now thin tcmperj.turo in iiooobh- ary to carry ou difjoatiou in a portootly healthful way. Coiihtunt drinking of ico wator during tho moal or an 100 at tho oIoho of tho moal will roduoo tho tomporaturo of fiho Htomaoh nomotimca to 05 do^rcoRt 'which would ntop di^oBtion aud ooonor or later rondor ono a couflrmod oyflpotio. Wator of any tomporaturo ia not ao ohjoct inablo in faolj, i(j would bo hotter to ftalio a swallow of wutor now and tlion during tho moal provided tho wator in oool not iood. Fuodu that arc slightly diluted afo oaHiof dic;ootnd than thoao which arc oon- oentratod and dry. Good to Sell but Not to Drink, Tho Harmltou Herald malcon a roniark- ablo Htatemcnfc about .John Dynon, tho Boucli hotelkcepor, who ia aaid to have been in tho liquor huuiucQa for nearly fifty youre. Howaa lying very ill luat week, and hiapbynoiaua profioribod liquor aa a stimulant, but tho old gontloman rofuaod ubfiolutoly to tnko it, aud deularrd that lio had nover tamed intoxicating liquor in hia life. Tho Bolton JilntorpriHO ruportn a somewhat aimilar cuao in Bolton. Wrn, Ourleaa, who hud been in tho hotel buai- uoyy nearly forty yearn, haa not taated ^JiqUor in bin own houao dunun that poriod. fery few hotollioopora cau point to such a joord. Tho TJxbrid^o Journal howover, Kaya there ara others. Mr. Hilae, of To ronto, it jo aiiid, hnu not drunk liquor duf iaf* tho twouty-nvoor thirty yeara ho hun beon koepnifi hotel, and wo have hoard of other idqu in the buaiuoaa who aoldom, if 'evo^i tohto liquor. .-./ Oatfifiii iii the IKead la a danfjeroua diaease. It may loud di rectly to consumption. Catarrh ia cauaed by impuro blood, and tho true way to oucc* it ih by purifying tbu blood. Tlood'u Sar- saparilla curoH oaturrh booauao it removon tbo cauao of it by purifying tho blood. Thouuaudn toHtify that thoy have baen <jurod by Hood'H Saraapinlla. Break Up a Gold in Time & PYHY-PEGTORAL | Tho Quick Cum for COUGHS, jfe cotns, cr.orr, jjicon- >/ CKIIXI.M, SlOAl^l^'ICSS, etc. A- fttiin. Jonri'ir Kojruinc, *& of 6'J Soiame-n A.vo., 'I (jruuto, writes: "I'vtiy.TVictnnjl hm n^vrr flili'-'l to cum in/ ihtUIroii of tin ii|i (iIn r a Tow <l<>ui a H limit tnyynlforn)i>ni(itUMiil|]Lf (.nni.li uftor n^nhil ottior r<)iti(>iliL3 hud iiiIIhI, It >mH nlmkiroviulmi oxiolltnt (inijfli rtuflffii-niy frtlnl.y. I jimfiT It to iinv oilicir miKiaiiiB htr i-uiiulia. uioupnr liiKiintoiioiy.' II. O. lUniintJH, of Little Ho. hur, N.n , wrltns: "At ciirn for mucha rrnr-I'm tnral U ' In h (1 thn U<it m-llliltf tiicilli lllfl I liavu) lliy <-m umiorri win iiav* i> oiliur." lMr\0 Hot tic, 2 Cta, DJVV1S St LAWUENCE CO., Ltd. Proprletora, Mqnthkal t*-em<?-^M-* J ,L(1J.V Nurallowed Tobacco and Mud. A llttlo boy named Mapoloon DnboiH, 11 yearn of atfo of Mbutroal, diod roooutly rathor suddenly and liia doath ir anppoaod to haVo boou caused by tho ((Wallowing of a chow tobacco, Ho had boon in tho habit of ohowintf, against the will of|hiu paroutH, and wub puniahod mora than onoo for hia diaobodiuuou. Ib ia thought that, boiu^ afraid of chastisement, bo swallowed tho tobaoao ho hud in hia mouth rathor than allow IniiHolf to bo diaoovored. ThoroHult waa that ho aiukonod aud died. A FAMOUS STREAM. As many womon hegi" very aoon after thn holidays to plau for thoir aprln^ and Hummor wardrobaa, taltinp; advantage of the now matorialH whioh are ahown in tho ahopa from Juuuary on, oolora and fabric^ will provo of Kouorul mtoroat thin month, oven though TGaHtor ia particularly lato thin yoar. The really important foaturo of tho spring and uumtner ^owna will ho tho favor which ia to bo oxtondod to tramr paront matoriula, which makoa tho lining nearly aa prominonfc aa tho outaido matorlal. Tho outlook ia for bright aoloro aud tho roturn of many umooth fabrioa for atroot woar. Lactioa' Homo J ourna', A Unlauo Vloliu. EnoH Harria, olJoat aou of ThomaB Har- ria, of thn let con., Moraoa, who has boon a groat aufforor from rhoumatiam for noma yoara, haa mado a violin that ia a marvol> loon piooo of work. Mr. Harria haa boou in tho Iiabtt of boguiling tbo lorn; todlouH bourn of hia illuoaa by wood oarvhiR. Ho haa made many violiua aUo. A Nowh man oallod on him noma days amoo and wan ahown a violin, that ho had complotod a fow montba a^o. Thoinatrumoutiu pcr- fooc in form aud rich aud aweet in tone Tho body of tho violin ia aonatruotod of 1,170 pioaoD of wood, tastofully arrangod and olovorly oonHtrnotod. Thoro aro 0G difforont variation of wood, which included at moal- all of uutivo aud many of foroigu growth. Of llio foroif^o woods uaoa aro toak wood from India, tulif, orange, ole ander and mahogany. Itiaaclovor piooo of work and would attract attention in a muRoura of moohauioal woudora. Tlin Origin of "Yankee I>oodlo' "Vunltoo Doodle" 13 olatrnod by many nationo. It waa know in England ua "Nankoe Doodle" in tbo timo ot Charloo I. Tho nollandorn had an old oong to thio air oallod "Yankoo Dudol." It ia eaid to bo alao mi old Frouoh vintage nong, a native Eluuparian air, and the anoiont mubfc of tbo aword dunoo of tho Biticayanu, In June, 1755, Dr. Richard Bchuokbur^h, re^iraontal burfioon under Gonoral Brad- dock, thought to play a joko on tho ragged, tattorod Continontala by palming off tho "NauhM! Doodlo" of tho time of Cromwell upou the Cohmal noldipra an tho latott mutorinl rauaic. Io at onco booamo popular but a quarter of a century later tho jolio Hoomod turued whou tho Continental bands played tho aamo "Yankee Doodlo" un Loid Coinwalliu marched out, after aurroudorinji lua army, hia aword aud tho Eughah oolon- lea iu Ameriua to tho Yunkoou Ladiea' Homo Journal. -----------------*-*----------------- Election ol' United statou HenatoiH. In hto paper on *'Thm Country of OurH' in the February L'tdiOH Ilorno Journal ox* Preflidout Jlarriaon writoa of Con^reaii, and tulltt how United Htatea Souatoifl are elected. "The Law of lHfKJ," ho uaya, "providott that the Le^inhtturuchoaon next before tho expiration of a toi m of a Soua- jor oball cbooHo bin biitcoHhor, and that it iihali proceed to do to on the aooond Tuoc- day aftor it uaaemblo-i. Ou that day each IIouHo of the liOf'ihlaturo muat vote aorar utoly, viva vooo, for a Soautor, and untcr the rofiult on ita jonrn il; tho two Huubgh muat at 12 ra. tbo next day moot in joint neHOion, and if it appoara that tho aarno poraon haa received a majority of tho votctt in oach Uouao ho ia declared elected ; lE there baa beon no olootion tbo joint aonem- bly muflt talco a voto, and if any ono ro oejvAti a mii]oriry of tho votoa a majority of all tho momboro olootod to both Qouhch bpinfj proHont and voting ho ia to bo de- olured oleotcd. It there ia no elaotion tho joint aimemnly prcoeodo with thn balloting, and munt ovory duy at 12 m,, and. talco at leant ono ballot oacb day until a Senator T olootod, JCho Govornor of tho State ih re quired, to certify tho election under tho aeal of the State, -to tho Proa (dent of tho Somite, tbo certificate- to ho aountor-aigned by tho Boorotnry of Stato of tho State," Constipation Oufdd. Gknth. I waa in very poor houlfch for ovor four yoara ; tho doctor Hald it waa couatipation, Not wuntiug to apond too much oaah I got throo bottloa of B. B. B. aud took it rogulaily. I oun certify that I am now in tbo very boat of health and feel Very jiratoful to B. B. B. Auriusn Tkuoux, Montreal, Quo. MIhh Florence Biakford,ap,od auteen, ot DuudtiH, tripped while attempting to board a H, &D. tralu, foil under tbo oars and waa killed. Hade Be by Bong Which Ia a HoQthel4 Word." To ait in a (rorgoous box at some splendid Now York thoator, amid, a acone of life and brilliant glitter, nnd hear the marvelous voice of P^tti rip ple away on tho, melody of "Way Dowu Upon do S'wanoe Hibber," ia ono thing, and to travel through tho South until, auddonly, with a hqueak from the locomotive, ono looku from tho win dow of a Pullman oar and aooa for tho firattiiuo in all hia lifo, tho cloar, ailont waters of thia atroam, U quito a differ ent thinp;. How many have anen tho Su wanoo Hivor th rough the vo i 1 of Buiitiinent and song, under tho onvlr- onmout of tho lirat named ordor; and how few,coniparativ(dy, lutvo actual ly atood upou the haiikH of tho river itsolf, liHtenod to tho aoft, low murmur of ita moanderinp: watora, ho olmir, ho beautiful and ho bluo in oddy phtceH, wljh troo.s hondinc over its boaom, all fusloonod with Iouk, waving Hpaniah mo4M, which ho abouuda in iho wosroi n rogiona of Florida. Fewer utill are tlio^o who have lived upon tho hankft of tliia river, known throughout tho world of fong, long uuoiigh to make a ntudyof tho jmoplo who dwell ponnan- ontly in it4 long, awoeping valoH tho land of flowora, aont? birdu and aun- ehino. Juab how a rivor, n, narrow littlo Band-bottomod, bluo-watorod rivor, that playn ho small a part in tho map of tho United Static ua docu tho Su- wanoo could ever lutvo bocomo ao famous in thia wide world, does aoom Btrango, to ono wlion ho comos to think of it, all because of a more Hong. But, aftor all, it hub a charm all ita own, and tho average vinitor will llnd, wlion ho onco falls under ita apoll, that it will linger with him with aurpriulnp; tenacity, and grow upon him like tho ahadow of f>omo mysteriousfaacinution. No doubt thoro waa aorno uucli inbpira- tion ho)iind tho linoh: Way down upon do S'wanoe Bibber, Fur, far away; Dar's whnr my heart am tumin'oubar, Dar'a whnr do old folks htuy. Bo that aa it may, no such ideal pic ture book songs as thiH aro ovor hoard on tho Suwanoo Rivor in loal lifo, un less it bo, now and then, when nomo resident of thia section chooaoa to hum a few linos of thia same song in a apiiit much tho name aa that of tho deacon in church who says "Amen" when tho proachor Iiub finished tho morning prayor to what tho author of thin immortal aong has wntton. But thoro are songa along tho Su wanoo River that aro characteristic nnd uni*iuo in nil their plaintivo mel ody, pathos nnd humor. Tho nogroei- who fire found at work along tho liver, oithor on tho little boats that haul timber up and down from tho mills or phosphnto from tho minon, or out in tho lumber camps and iiulda along tho river bank, seem to bo nil given to song. Thoy go about ihoir work in tho morning with a bong and sing all the livelong day, crooning some plaintivo air in a monotonous fashion, or olso joining in a chorus whoro thoro aro aovcral of them, and making the woods around fairly rovorhorato with tho odious of thoir camp mooting hymns, such aa tins: Jes' look over yonder what I sou Angels bid me ter come Soo two angols calliu* at mo Angels bid motor come. Kiso nn'~hhio, mournor, Kise an' shine, mourner, Hi.so an' shino. mournor, For do nngi Is bid 'or mo ter como! How thoir rich, mellow voices do molt away in the distauco as thoy join in this swoot old air, and how tho plaintive strain seems to dio away upou tho sighing wateis of tho famed river! And when they get to tho chorus how thoy swing around at thoir work and bear down on tho loud pedal of their voices and tluow tho genuino oldjubiloo vigor of camp mooting into tho song,. If thoy are cutting logs for tho saw mill nigh at linnd thoy are apt to swing thoir axes in full timo with the measure of the song, nnd this gives it all tho more interest and peculiar charm. Ono of tho lively "jig songs" that aro often heard in the lumber nnd phos phate camps along tho Suwanco Itivor runs something like this* Jaybird up do sugar tiee, Sparrow on do gioun', Jaybird shako do sugar down, Sparrow pass hit orouu*. Shoo, ladies, shoo, Shoo, ladies, shoo, Shoo, ladies, shoo my gal, I'm boun* for Sugar Hill. Fivo conts is my pocket change,' Ten cents is my bill; If times don1 git nobotlnh hoah I'm boun' for Sugar Hill, etc., etc. Tho music of this song is much in the fashion of tho common nogio songs, livoly, yot full of pathos and plaintivo melody. Tlieio is that in all negro songs that is plaintive! oven thoir most oxaaporating foot-shaking and soul- stirring "jig songa." Tiuo, typical negro songs rarely ovor show any particular offort nt prepara tion. Thoy soom to just boil right out, of tho dnrlcoy's heart and soul, and if by chance thoy manago to got n fairly good jingle or rhymo to them, it iy by no special poetical painstaking on tho part of tho author, and, in fact, is of hut littlo consoqnenco to him. Such aro tho songs that ono hours on tho Suwanoo rivor, in thoso modorn days of progress and matorlal dovolop- mont, On Urn Onntmry, "I hoar you had a financial discus- sion with Dendwood Foto. Did yon find him open to conviction?" "No; but wlion I loft him tho doctor had to tako foiwouu stitches in him." ^.^ a J 9 1 9 I B Blood Im eiwntlal to health. Every nook and corner of the yitem la reached by th*;blood, and on Us qaillty the condition of every organ dependj. Good blood meana strong nerve*, good diges tion, robtut health, Impure blood mease sezofole, dyapepela, rheumatlam, catarrh or other dlaeeaec. The eureet w*y^to_ have good blood U to take Ilood'a Blood Sersaparilie. Thia modlolno purl flea, vi talizes, and enrlohee the blood, end sends the elomonta of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tisane. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cured that tired feeling. It in because of Its great power to purify tbo blood that From Hood's Barsaparllla has accomplished so many wonderful ourea. It makes the blood pure, drives out the germs of dis ease. Thousands today enjoy good health as the natural result of taking Hood's > Sarsaparilla The One True Blood I'uriflnr. All druggists. $L tin or Hood's Pills er?piWffi2iffi?2feI ONE OF NELSON'S CAPTAINS. A Niw Virlii*r ConiiHHiirtcrl u llrltUIi Hhlp In tlwi Huttliinr Ihf Nil, Tho fifth ship was the ThoaeuH, Cap1* tain Ralph Uillatt Millor. 'J'liis gon- tlomnii, whom after his premature death Nelson styled "the only truly virtuous man I ovor "know," wub by birth a New Yorker, whose family had boon loyalists during . tho American Revolution. A letter from him to his wife gives an account or the fight which is at once among the most vivid, and, from tho professional standpoint, tho most satisfactory, of tho-^o which have been transmitted to us. Of tho Thesoiis's ontran'co into tho battlo ho says: "In running along tho onomy's lino in tho wake of the Jealous and floliath, I observed thoir shot sweep just ovor us ; and, knowing well that at such a moment Frenchmen would not have coolness enough to change their eleva tion, I closul them suddenly, and, run ning under the arch of thoir shot, ro- servod my lire, ovory gun being loaded with two and some with throe round- shot, until I had the Guorriei's masts in n lino and her jibboom about six foot clear of our rigging; wo then openod with such effect that n second breath could not be drawn before nor mam and miz/enmnsts woio also gone. This was procibuly at sunset, or forty- four minutes past six; then, passing between her and the Zealous, and as close ns possiblo lound tbo off sido of tho Goliath, wo anchored by tiie stem exactly in a lino with her, and ubrenbt tho Spai tiato. AVo had not boun many minutes in action with the Spin tiato when we observed ono of ourslups(and soon nftei knew her to bo the Van guard, placo hei self bo directly opposite to us on the outside of her that I do- sistud liring on hor, that I might not do mischief to our fi icnds, and diiccted every gun hefoie tho mainmast, on tho Aquilon (fourth French), nnd all abaft it on the (Jonquer.mt, giving up my proper bird to tho admiral." ["Nukon m tho Battle of the Nilo," by Captain Mahan, in tho January Centuiy. 'I hit Art oT sin-iMu*, AVo must check tho angiy woid hc- foro it rises to our lips. .St Alphonsus Ijiguon says that the infallible rule foi pievLiirmg ungi,\ speec li is to keep absolutely silent until our auger lias quite subsided. Ihibbling, tattling talk does even moio nuschief than the speech of hasty ttmpLr, and we must especially guard otuselves fiom this ugly, foolish habit of thoughtless chattel'. All of the wiseheadsseeni ta have given some tune and thought to tho collection of tin, tongue. Here it another old maxim: If wisdom's ways jou'd truly seek, Fivo things obsoivo with caie Of whom you speak, to whom you speak, Ami how, and when, end where, JluL there are many who will tell ua how and whou a.id win io ro spu.tk; what we learn for ourselves is tho art of silence tho most inoffensive of all arts. Silence induces thought, speech scatters it. Gay proserved a wh=e motto iu eusily remembered iliyinc My tongue within my lips I join, For who talks much nuht talk in vain. l)rHU Knfomi In <;mi|-t. Tho Judge Which is the plaintiff in thiscuseV Tho Plaintiff I'm tho plaintiff, youi honor. / Tho Judge I thought tho wifo wae tho plaintiff. Tho PluintilT I inn tho wifo, youi honor. Tho Judge Th-tho dickens you aro. Tho Plaintiff I trust your honor on- tortains no prejudice against tho habi* limonts of tho now woman, Tho Judge Mo! Certainly not. Ai tho btimo timo I fed it my duty to in form you that you 'don't stand a ghost of a show with this jury* The Plaintiff Why not? 'I*ho Judge Because thoy aro all marriod men. Shrill Voice from the Jijry Box You'ro off judge, #our of us are mar tied women. th .J wsy\t*ilA d',u>A-.(yC&*> DON'T BUY a Stove until you pea the new Btook at 0 McMTJRRAY'S. See the Oxford's Stoves, Best in the WoHds Manufaotured by the Chimey Foundry Co., of Toronto, (both Wood and Ooal). Wo have them in Stock, Our prices are the lowest. 0,11 ^xxc3L Inspect. Genoral Tinsmithing and Repairing attended to. 9^^ N orth of Railway Track, - - Essex. Are You Building* ? Wo can supply you with all kinds of Woodon Material, plfcin and ornamontal. Pino, Hemlock and nativo Lumbor alwayg on hand. Shingles, Codar Poats Doom Saab aud Ooal. -^Get Your Storm Doors and Windows Made Now. Laing Bros. j! [Vi EASED MEN S50,000 CUREQ IN SO YEARS. BSTCURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! fit **-i. K .n* $1000 IH GOLD cF^NAOTCcAuS^ SELP-ABUSE, ErtlSSIONS. VARICO CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT URE GLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED 1 PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, IMPOTEN- CV, NERVOUS DEBILITV, UNNAT-I URAL DISCHARQES, ETC. W-< X^i tl J?t~ ^*s The New Method Treatment is the Greatest Discovery of the Age FOR CURING THESE DISEASES Tlimmanda of young and mldtlla nrtoil nioa nro annunlly mvftnt to a ^romaturol INIHSCRBTIONS. nXCGSSUS, AND BLOOD DISEASHS. It A N1CILVOD8 WIlliOK, Ern\o tluoui'U liAKLV you liavoanyof tho lollowlnK HyinptomH oomuilt \m hoforo It la too Into Aro jou nor- A -fl vouo ami woak, dounorjaont ami cloowiy. npookB hoforo tho oyou with dark clrolou uailor] thorn, woak baolt, kldnoya Irritable, palpitation of tlio hoart, banhtul. dronmu nnd ln-inou, iioillmnntni urlno, plmploa on tho (aco, oyoa mmkon. liollow ohoolcu. uaioworn oxproufilon, poor ihomory, IKoIohh, distrustful, lack onor/ry and HtroiiKth, tlrod moru- hi(,'B, lootlonH iil^litu, ohiinjjoablo moodii, v.nn\c manhood, utuntod organa and promo-1 tuio decay, bono patnu, hair loOao, novo throat oto. VOU HAVE &EM1NAL WEAKNESS! OUR NBW MBTHOD TfiATMBNT nlono ran euro you, and malto a man ot you. Undorlui mtlu- onco tlio brain neeomna aotlvo, tho blood purfflod -. oo tliat all plmplon, blot^lioii nnd ulcorn dlanppoari \ tho norvOH bncomo atron aa Btool, bo that norvoun- t noun, bnithfulncfifi ami tlotjiondonoy <llH/ippnnrj '. tlif* oyon boootiio lirltflit. tho faco rull and ulnar, ') unorwy roturim to tho body, and tho moral, phyalcal ' and iioxual flyotomit aro iiivltr"rated; all dralna tmano no moro vital waato from tho ayntnm, Tho VlvaiUuin orRaiiH Ijoronio natural and manly. You fool youroolf a man and know niarrliiKi) cannot bo afalluro. Wo Invito all tlio aftllotod to commit mi conlldontlally and Irooofuhurco. Doa'tlotninu-kn and fakirs rob you of your hard ournoil dollat-d. We will curt j/ou or no pay. HAS YOtJlt IJL00I) BEEN DISEASED? SYPHILIS In tho most provnlont and moat norlotifl ULOOO dlaoano. It napa tho vory 11 fo blood of tlio victim nnd unions nntlrolyoradlontod from thonys- w_____. . torn will airoot tho orrHprliij,'. 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