H ^r wflj, Vr/' " /.3 1/' y r_ BB3B BEST IN THE WORLD, Just the Kind You^Need, Fame's Celery Compound the Hope of Every Sufferer. 11 CURES AND MAKES PEOPLE WELL Are You AUhur, Anxious or Despondent7 Try Ono Bottle of tho Great Health Roaioror. Truly Paino'a Celery Compound la tho world's beet) and moat eftt oaoionu raodioino. At this season you nood lttf lito-aivintf Yirtuefl and ita braoing-up powora. If you are Buffering from rhoutnatism, aearalgia, norvotiBnona, dysponaia, blood diseaaea, liver or kitfnoy troubles, Paino'o Celery Compound will give you a wow ex istence ; it will enable you to thoroughly njoy life. Are you ailing, anxioun or doapoudent ? You must bo if disoaBO hus bound you in ita obaimi. Lot hh urge you to uho at loaet ono bottlo of naturo'fl great hoalth re- and you will quiakly aud that you aro on the highway to physical health, vigor and etrongth. ' Gosliold South Council. AMERICA'S RICHEST MAN dome Facli'About John X>. ttocUe- *eller*nd Hli WeUh- Town Hall, January 30th. Council mot in regular hchhIoii at 10 n.m, All tho mombora proaonC. Miuutoa of former mooting road aud, ou motion of Scratch and Pox, adopted. Tho Olerk road tho Knginoor'H roporfc of tho GLh con- ceafliou dram, and au opportunity Hi von to auy poraon who had omnod tho potition to withdraw or to auy pornon who had signed tha potitiou to withdraw, or to auy person who had nob uiguud tho aarao, au opportunity to do ho. There woro no coca- plaiutfj made by tho ratopayoro, Moved by Rogers, eooonded by Scratah, that tho Iloovo, aa head of tho municipality, uiejn tho potitiou for tho municipality. Car- riod. GouDortbhon adjourned to moot at 2 p.m. AVTCnKOON fiEHBION. Mombora all proRout, Tbo 5tb concoa- aion drain by-law waa provisionally adopt ed and, on motion of Petoraou and Fox, ordorod to bo publiahoj. Albort McGor- man and twonty-ono othora proftoutod a potition OBking that Union School, Section No. 12,fortnod of partfl of GoaUold Boath and North, bo dionolvcd in accordanco with Soo. 13, Public Bohoolo Act, and on motion of Fox and Rotors, G. W. Coatn- worth waa appointed arbitrator aw provid ed in oaid aot. Lqwih Joffroy wan paid 35 for gravelling on oaot townlino. Albort Mo Gorman called attention to obatructiona in tap drain No, 1, and Innpoctor Gramgor wrr instructed to attond to tho matter. Win, Shepherd wanted a Bide sorapor for UEioonhifl road and on fith ooncenoion. Kiohard Eodo oaid a Horapar would bo a uftoful thing on tho auction road. Mm. Goorgo Boylo and Anguo Bnrloy woro ro- f undod S2 oaoh, and Miohacl Fulmor 10, etatuto labor. Movod by Uogorn aud Fox, that Soratoh and Potoruon investigate tbo gnoyanooH of Moh&m. Coflhill and Town- aond. Movod by Soratoh, aoooudod by Hogaro, that road diviainj No. 1 bo put buclt uh it wan oi1141 nully -Carried. By- Jaw No. 79, to confirm appointmentn of municipal nfl'icom for 181)7, waa paoacd. Tho only chanson from published report aro ati follows : -Alvin Wi^lo, fencoviewor ; AIox. Grauviofiu, pathmaator in placo of Albort Malott; and Ed Hicumuth in plaro of John Piorco. Tho Couifc of Revision ou KtU ooLceamon drain, waa fixed for Satur day, Februury 27th, at 10 a.m. Tbo fol lowing orders wore grim ted :- Tom Stew art, ohiinty, 85; WilliHNorris, chanty,$5; Darius and Gordon Fox, refund HtuLuto labor, 80.50; Duniol Ryan, rsfnud ntatuto labor, 91; Chuo, Lo{,'gott, Btationery,83 22 . Joa. Ryoro, refund dog tax, SI; Clerk, poatugc, $2. Council adjourned. 'Twas Hard Work Fifteen Years Ago, To-day Diamond Dyes Make Home Dyeing Eesy. Fifteen yoara u^o tho work of home dye ing wan juut in itii infuuoy. Tho old fabh- ionod, crndo preparations woro thou in voguo, nocoKoitiitlntj much timo and groat oxponao, while the rodultH, ovon with tho groatodt amount of caro, uovor brought Batiafaotion. Tbo introduction of Diamond Dyon rovolutlonizod homo dyeing woikcouaploto- ly. Diamond Dyoa anvod time and monoy to thouaandu of buay women, and at once became popular in ovory family. Each ouoooodlug; yoar found Diamond Dyoa Improved in oolor, brilliancy and durability of nhado. To-day thoy Htund ^/ir aboad of all other dyoa iu ovory loading ^poinfc, and uro uh porfoot au Boiouou oan /make thorn. There are many imitations of Diamond Dyes in tho land, and mauy women aro deceived daily wheu purohaaiufj. In ordor to insure abaolui^ buoois m homo dyoiug nee that every packet of dye yon boy ia ' m'-irked "Diamond Dye." John D. Rookofellow. He is Amorioa'B rioboat man. HIb woalth is more than 100,000.000. 'When a boy he had tho reputation of being lazy. His ooloesal fortune waa made of oil Standard Oil. He given away JC00.000 In charities every yoar, it in Bald. Do oan play a violin vory wol!( and has a foudueaa for pioturoii. Ilia iijoomo is a trifle more than 820,- 000 a day noarly 817 a minuto. Ho gota leaa real enjoyment out of life, probably, than moat tfla-a-wook olerkn. Ho nover attendatho theatre or opera, but occasionally goofl to a oonoort. He Icoka hko a a proaohor. Ho has HlopiuV Hhouldora and a melancholy faco. Ilia hlghoot ambition when a youngster waa a tmpo/.o proformer In a oiroua* Do founded the Chicago Univoraity, and haw given to that inutitutiou about $10,- 000,000. Ho paya 810,000 a yoar to tho poraon who looks after tho diulributiou of hta olmi-iticfi. Ho eavod money from tbo timo bo llrat began to earn it. In two yoara ho had put away 9GO0. Then ho and N. B. Clark wont into the commiauiou buHinoaa 12 St. Louia, and in eight yoara hadaavod $.1,000. vVith thin capital ho Btartod a littles oil refinery, out of which tfrow tho Standard Oil Company aud bin vaat woalth. In a abort timo tho Rockefellers wore uoar unto failuro, aud wore* roaouod by Henry M. riagior'H fathor-in-law, M. V. Harknoiis. Onoo iiafoly nutdblinlnsd tbo Rookcfol- lera ntartod out to acqtiiro tho plants of thoir rivaln, Borao woro acquired by pur- ohafio, athorBby othor moanu. So nucooiiHfolIy was this plan of bnmuoiin oampaiftu carried out that to-day there is Bcarcolya rival plant praotioally all tho oil indufjtrlou are in tho control ot tho Rooko follow. Somo vory ugly atones aro told about tho motboda omployod by tbo Standard Oil Company to aoqiiiro tho plants of rivals or oloo to drivo thorn out of buainoHB. Even arson nan boon raoutionod. It had boon Paid that John D. Rockc- foller given milliona to charitioa to atouo for Borac woll, novor mind what. How- oyor, tho ruin of roprothau ono bnoinoao rival has, ooinoidontally, boon followed by tho gifts of thousands to iiomo inatitution. Hohananumbor of rosidonta-T-ono at No. 1 Went Fifty-fourth otroot, Now York City ; 0110 in Cleveland, anothor in Groon- wich, Conn ; and a vory handaomo plaoo near Tarrytown. Connected with thio houao iu n vory good skating rink. Ho ia an iron kiutr an woll at) an oil king. Ho practically owns all tho Lako Superior minoH, as woll un the prmoipul dopoaitn in Cuba. During tho financial depression a fow yourn ago he bought all tho iron min ing proporty in eight and at a bargain. His paronto woro Scotch folka, who oottled on a farm noar Moravia, N. Y# They moved to Oowogo, and lator to Cloyo- land John D. Rookofellor married a Cleveland school toachor, MioH Lucy Spoil- man. Thoy have four childron. Tbo two dautfhtora aro married. Juot uowMr. Rookofollor 10 having a doal of trouble with hiH paraon, tho Rev. Dantol C. Potter, pastor of tho Taboroaolo Baptlot Chnroh, of Now York, Mr. Rockefeller uorao timo aqo ^avo to tho church 8SO,000. Tho llov. Mr. Potter aaaorta that Air. Rockefell er has wrecked tho church bocauHo hio oouduct has uot been cuoh an to ploanc tho Standard Oil raagnato. Tho caao ia now boing tried, Any tendency to promaturo balductto may bo promptly oheokod by tho uae of Ayor'a Iliur Vigor. Don't dolay till tho acalp ia baro and tho hair-rooto doHtroyed. If you would realize tho boat ronulta, begm at once with this invaluablo preparation. XIic Vlrnt Wouiuit Lawyer MiosOIara Brett Martin, tho iirnt law- yor of her kox in tbo Dominion of Canada, wan formerly oallod to tho bar before tho BonchorA of tho Law booioty laat woolc at Toronto. Mis Martin wub attired in aocordtincG with tho regulations hud down by tho benohors, wearing tho usual whito tic aud black Htuff gown, and a droan of somewhat similar material, tho head being uncovered. It iu cuutotmiry in Holland to announce tho birth of a boy baby by hanging a red pincushion outside tho door. If tho babv is a girl tho pinonahion is white. A yonnt; man iu Lowell, Mass., troubled for yearn with a constant HUocosHion of boila on tho neck, was oomplotoly cured by taking only three bottlon of Ayor's ftaraup- arilla. Auotiier result of the troutmont waa greatly improvod diuootion with in- creased avoirdupoip. Tho KmchU of Pythias had its birth in a glee olub in tbo city of Washington thirty-throe years ago, and waa nnntamod by small contributions fro pa a fow mora born. L'iBt yoar tho rocoipts of tho Ordor in tho United Statos and Canada woro ovor 81,000,000, Tho Gran J Lodgo of Ontario was instituted twenty-five yoaru ago, and now has thirty-nine lodges, with 1 800 members, Manitoba has 1)00 members, British Columbia l.UtfO, and tho Mariritno ProvinooH 1,070 a total of about 6,000 in Canada. Tho Ontario Grand Lodge baa about 81^,000 in the treasury, including last year's surplus of 82.000. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable aud do tuo purge, paih or gripe. All druggists. '460, Household Recipes. Savory Sippets are eitromoly pourmhing aud oan often be t&kon by children p.nd in vallds whon meat cannot be digented. Bet two or three nlppets of toast on ft very hot pjato, and pour ovor thorn wood gravy which haa beeu frcod from all fat. Soatt- or over tbo toaat a little chopped parsley, and sorve very hot. lilHaenco of 13ef for iuvalldu can bo made at homo oaBily from Ihls roclpo: Take hah u. pound of loun beef, freed from wkin and gristle, and mince it finely on a board. Set the moat iu a jar, cover with a ureaaed paper oloMoly, stand the iu a nauoopau of boiling water and nltmnor for four or live hours. Btrnin off the oHaotioa aud froo It of any fat with whlto paper. When tbo akin fa of a greasy nature the spots and pimplos appear much morn promiuoiit and bIbo tho complexion vory ofton asoumoH a muddy appoarallco. A uroasy nkin in much bonefltod by Using a littlu toilet vinegar in the water, and ulno by wiping it over oooasioually with eau do Cologne diluted with wator. If used alone it is apt tn nuilco tho skin smart and feel uucomfortablo. Bukod Applet), Long Island Btylo. Pfiej Bomo sound cooking apples of medium ai/o, tako out tho coros, and roughen tho out side of the fruit with a fork. Now roll tho apples in course, brown sugar, stand tho ra in a large butterod pie dish, till tho liolo in oaoh apple with rod proaovvo, and bako alowly till tender. Baato the fruit while cooking with tbo juice which rnnii from it. Whon cooked, allow tho frnit to got oold bofore Hotting in a glass dish to sorve. To Proaervo Uutter. Makuagoodbriuo. Boil two poundh of salt, six lumpa of sugar aud as much saltpotro 00 will lie on a shilling in ono gallou of wator for teu minutos. Whon cold, wrap each pat of buttor in wet rutin]m or cloth aud put it in thobriuo. Tho buttor must always remain under tho snrface of tho brino, and then it will hoop good for raonths, and a pat can bo takou out as roquirod. French Sauoo for Cold Moat This is proparod as follows : Chop somo tarragon, ohivos, oapora, paraloy, cress and a very littlo hhallot; pound thono iu a mortar, add a tabloHpoouful of tomato sauce, or two anohovion and a Utile French mustard, tho yolks of two rawoggs, and soiisan with salt and popper. Plaoo nil tho ingredients in a haain and with a wooden spoou work in drop by drop throe doasorfcapooufulfl of boat ohvo oil; tho mixture should bo vory thick, and then bo dilntod slightly with a littlo chili vinegar. A Now Way to Sorvo Eggs Diosolvo half an ounoe of buttor in a toaspoonfnl of gravy, add tho oamo quantity of milk with a seasoning of pepper and salt. Prepare aomo buttered toast and spread it sparoloy with anchovy panto. Break thioo eggs in to tho gravy, oto , which should ho boating over tho tho, and utirovor gontlo hoat till lumpy. Take tho pau off" and stir tho con- tontn till not. P1I0 tho mixture on tbo pieces of toast prepared. Scattor oboppod paraloy over and nerve hot. A Hair Oil of excellent quality may bo prepared aa follows. Take tho yolks of two eggs, ono ounce of tinoturo of oantha- ridos, half a pint of olivo oil, and half a pint of rum. First boat up tho yolks of oggs in a bowl, then add gradually tne oil and rum. Whon thoroughly raixod, pour in tho tinoturo of oantharides, tbon add two drama of oiiHonce ot! lemon and ono of borgaraot, shako tho bottlo ovory night bo fore using it. Ponr oat a toaspoonful and rub it mto tho hair, which must be bruoh od before and after tho application. Now York Toil Cakos. Rub four ounooa of buttor into two pounds of Hour, add a pmch ot ualt and nix ouncon of castor sugar. Whon all is mixod thoroughly, make a hole in tho middle of tho yoaat. Diauolvo throo- qnarters of an ounco of yoaofc in a quarter of a pint of milk, thou pour it into tho flour, oto , andmako up into a light dough, adding mofo milk if necosaary. Stand this dough iu a warm plaoo for an hoar, soattor picked Sultanas ovor it, and divide into small portions of equal Ri-'o; mold them into form of buna, sot on groaned baking tins, and again provo for half an hour. Bako in a warm ovon and wot on a siovo. Sorvo hot, Hphi opau and huttorod. Cinnamon may bo unod as flavoring, if hkod. C,ubbin Rates, 1807-] Tlio proprietors of the Finns Fanns hare made arrangamenta with tbo pabltnhra of othor poriodloali and nowepapori wberoby thoy ar.o In a poiltlon to give tbfllr subscriber* the benoflt of roilnood prlaoa when tboy order two or inoro papers. As many Qf the on*ore aro only good (or a Heal tod timo nnbaortbors should not dolay in renewing The following to & par tial list of offo wo oan slvo! l*"nKM l'mcss and Woetorn Ailvortisor........f 1 40 Weekly Mall................. I 11 " Wookly aioba............. I tW) " " Weolily Htar and Family Horald............. i SO Wookly Wltiioaa............. 1 G " Dally WttnoBfl.............. S 00 *' Fannen' Butt.................. 1 U0 " '* Hanior'a Maguluo........... i 10 " " " Wuokty.......... 4 !IG " " Ihuiir............... i SO " Hound Tabic. ... 2 0 '* Daily Olobo .............. 11 60 " " Daily Advortlaor ............ 2 OO " " CoBinopolltflti .............. IBS " " OatiadiiLU Homo Journal 1 58 " " Aiuorloan AerlouHurUt... 1 CO Tins 1'uum riiKSH one yoar, 9100; (i mouths, M oontH, :i mouths, uo out8. If you have not renewed for 1B07. now \* Hits time ia do It. Addrouti ull oommunlontlonii to BRETT & AULD, Us&cx, Out. SorvoH You Ititrht If you will let that pain in your back go on ovorlaatiugly in tho face of ovidouce like this. You may have a lame baok, headache or porhapa a hstloas, worn-out, dono-up fooling all the timo. You havo a family doctor. Gas he hoi pod you ? Your dootor has patients no troubled, ho bavo wo. Ho calls on thorn frequently, bo do we. Iloro ia tho difforenoo, wo tell tho results of our yisita ; toll it to tho HUffering public ; toll it oponly. Horo is 0110 of our visits : Mr. ,T. G. Sloan, of Esoox, Ont., statos, "20 years ago I hurt my baok whito lifting a heavy woight. Sinoo that timo I havo had kidnoy and urinary diflioulty almoat constantly, growing womn year by yoar. "Tho doctors said I had strained tbo lining of my kidneys, I bad torrlhlo pain in the small of my baok. Tbo urine was high>oolorod,and earned a hoavy sodnnont. Truly I have suffered awfully during tbo putit twenty years, and was unable to ob tain rohof from any of tho many methods which I havo resorted to,_ ___ "Doan's Kidnoy Pills, which I procured at Bhornn's drugstore, are tho only modi- oiuo which havo ovor given mo rohof and oomfort. "Thoy havo romovod tho pain from my back, oloanned the urino, and made mo fool bettor m ovory way. I am ploaood to give my evidence as to thoir virtuofl, bo. oauso I think it is only duo to snob a re markable remody to tell bow it curod ray an.ho which I aonaidor wan one of tho moat difficult on record." Prevent nioknoas and oavo doctors' bills at this soauon by keeping your blood rich and with Hood's Saroapurilla, Your Present Need lb pure, rich blood, and a strong and healthy body, because with tho approach of Hpiing and tho bogiuning of warmer weather your pbyaical oyotom will under go radioal changes. All tho 'impurities which havo nocumulatod during ooldor weather must now bo oxpollod or Durioua ccuHcquouoos will rosult. Tbo ono true blood puriilor prominently in tho publio oyo to-day is Hood's ftuwiaparUlu. Its record of ourou is unequalled, Itn sales are the largest iu tho world. .A. fow bottleo of Hood's Bartiapftrilla will prepare you for spring by purifying and onriobing your blood and toning and invigorating your wholo nvHtom. Tho difforont humane aooiotios in Out- ario, aroafiking tho ^ovornmoht to pusa a Uw making tho docking of hornos a crim inal off on 00, Tho ovof'hoad check rem is also to oomo in for some attention, and its uso may also bo mado a arimlual ofton00, Gapt. St. Amour arrived at bin home Wallaooburg, on Monday, after Hponding tho past six months at Hoasland, B. O. Tho oaptain'e dtsappearanoo last summer gave riso to reports that he had been robbed and murdered, or had committed suioido. The remaius of a mail found noar Port Stanley a few weetta ago were even identified by somo as St Amours. His re turn In tbo He ah dlspoaaoa of all the mys tery that'Burrouuded hie disappearance. Bluo rosos havo hitherto been racked amonfr~the things unattainable. By I ho moot modern method of oultnro, however, all difficulties aro said to vanish. For ex ample, wator a pura whito roso bush con tinuously with a solution of Prussian blue, and tbo onuuinp buds will tako on a sympa thetic Uugu. in liku manner procood with groon cnlphato of oopper, and hope for a similar satisfactory result. Handsomo punch howln aro boing utilis ed for floworo to ornament tho center of largo oiroular dinnor tables, Frames aro made of a notwork of silver wiro, fitting over tbo top of tho howl and holding tho flowers in place. A single wiro is faHtonod to tho opposito sides to form a handle. Broad ribbon of tho color of tho flowora ia put under tho bowl uud brought up so as to oovor tho wiro handlon, and in finished at tho top with a largo bow. The dairyman who baa bnilt up a ntoady demand for bin butter must work jtiHt about as hard to hoop that domand in a healthy condition as ho had to secure it iu tho first placo. If by oomo misfortune a batch of bnttor is inferior to that nnually mado, it should novor bo aont to regular customers. Boll it on tho markofc without calling attention to tbo name of tho person who made it. Lot it bring wnut it is worth Tho Perth county council dooidod last week to Bupply tho iumatoa of the Houso of Itofugo with tobacoo ouoo a wook. Ono of tho aldormon who abampionod tho ruovo roraarliod that for hio pnrt if ho woro de prived of his tobacoo, ho would dooiro no longer to livo. LAST CHANGE P0R THE OMAN'S Pi{RYEf{. Without any doubt, tho premium pioturo offorod by tho Family Herald and Weekly Sua- is the graudosb pioturo ovor offorod nowspapor readora, Thero ia a porfoot soramblo from all parts of tho world to ue- curo a copy. Some anbiiorlbors who have roccivod it would not part with it for it $10 bill. Tho publishers will withdraw tho premium shortly. Wo havo mado arrange- montH, howovor, with tho Family Herald publishers, wberoby thoy agree to supply tho "Orphau's.Prayor" to all names sent iu by the Eetqx Ifroo Press on or bofore 15th February. The Family Horald and Wookly Star Is the recognized loader of all Weeklies in Amorioa. Wo offer "Tho Or- phau'M Prayer," the Family Horald aud Wookly Star, (One Yoar) and tho Free Press, (One Yeai) , all for 8I18O. Dou't faU to secure a copy* Send subscriptions to BRETT & AULD, Essex, Ont. Sample Pioturo can bo seen here. Emulsion fei inValuable, If you are run: : down, as It Is a food as well as; : a medicine- ; The D. & U. Emulsion ; ' Will boitd you up If your gcjioral booltli Is Impaired. The D. & L. Emulsion '- Ii the bett and mont paUlabia prcparnlion of ; : Cod Uver Oil^ ngroelng with tbo tnuatdcll cate ilooiacbs. . : The D. & L. Emulsion : : Ispraseribod by tbo loading pbyslcljilsof ' Canada. The D. & L. Emulsion : Is a marvelloufl fleali producer und v Ml |>ivu ; you on appeilto. 60c. 8c SI per Battle : Do sura you got I pAVISSt UW8CNQ Co., LTD. J : tllOgcIIUlue I MOHTRffAL jiuiiii"iiniiunii]ii)iiiiii nimiuiiniJ Who cm! ""k of lOlll 'ft tblntoUuujMt/ Wanted-An Idea J*rot*ot y<mr Idea*; ttur may hrinx you wealth WriW JOHN WKUDKlUlUHN * CO., iWnt AUor- Uey, Waahlagtou, I) 0 for thoir yi.HOo brlte offer mad lUt of two hundred liiventluua wantod tXrANTlCD-BKVKllATjrAll-nJ.'UL MKM OK VV Womnii to Lravol tor roBponulblo ostub- Halttry. SVB0, payablo ItlOD pormnuont. llHberl bound In Ontario. $15 wookly aud oxpuuKns, PoaI Kofurunco. Enoloao 8oir-tiddrnRod stamped <>n- velopu. The Ntitlonul, Htur Hulldint,', Gnlouuo. Wanted. A AT A "NT-,J, bkIjI* oakada onowrn /V IVlAll - Vruit and Ornamental TrooH, Hhrtihs, Houoh, Bulbs and Bulbous Plautit.Clriipo VinoM, Bmull Fruits, Hood Potatoes, oto Wo catalowuo only tbo liardlout and moat tee esses: Rollor 1 Mills, JAMES NAYLOH Xakoa tb(B opportunity of announcing to the Soople of the Town and County of EUo. that e ban remodeled the Ehbox Roller Mills ac- oordlnf{ to plans nroparod by It, N Prioe, of Bt. ThomiH, and oiao aoourod thoaorvleas of llobert Btraolian, an ozporieiieod ond thoroagbly com* patent mlllor. Thanking tbo people of the town and oonnty fortbo patrormgo bestowod upon him in the past, 'will Kuu.ru.uteo satlafautlou in tho future. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. tSf The Bttt Grades oj J?/ourt Fe Corttmeal Jttpt in Siocl and sold at Prices, Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats, L '....... ' ,m DO You Ride ? Lit iiooula linmtoi v New Hoiuon now ooinmotiolug: com pi ft to outfit fron, Kaltiry and op<mnoM paid from atarfc for full time, or liberal commifiulon for part time. Apply now, iul(lroBfllijj( nitaronb odbjo, mid oholco of territory. LUKE nUOTnEKR COMPANY, Iiitoruatioual NurBorloa, Cmciao, luh cr MoNTinut. Qmt. Fresh Bread Ih what you can rely on getting whon yea buy from oh. Our wa#on gooa to all parts of the town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, froabor, or awoot. or in tho country. All kiiida of Fancy CakoH and Jolly KoIIh, Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. We aell nothiu^ utaloor dry. Leave Your Order and you can trely on "prompt do. livery. FRANK FOSS. Oppoolto Buck A Francle, Kiihox * If so, you want to have tho best there ia and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout ih to in: iub For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free, Only One Dollar *ro January lm, 1808. Sixteen l*rtt;es Each Wook -----with----- All The Newsjf The World, Vlaket Reports, Stories, Etc. Exoollnnt Koadin{*...... for ovory membor of tho family Wo offer uood mducomonta to agontw. For torrao, etc, addrcHB ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., LONDON, ONT. SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wilnon Avo., noxt Aberdeou Hotel. Tbo latoflt improvod maohinory for IroiuncCollarfj ond CuCfu. Will uot oraok or break t.iq winy. JOHN A. ROSES Li very. ^rr^ Good Roadsters, Hany Jiidlng Buggies. Comfortable Carriagca, A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Norfch of tho X Boilway Track. ___________ESSEX, ONT Johnston Bros., Builders auu Contractors British Columbia Family wotk oboap. and dolivorod. Paroolo called ior 3?loaflo oall and try. If uot satisfactory no charge will bo mado. f oar work ouitp you, recommend ub to your frionds. Pino Shingles, $1-00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, SASH, DOORS, LATH ami BARN LUMBER^ iW SallHfnctlon Onuramtoed, Opp. Water Works. Eusex. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS s THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Large&t sa'.e im Canada. J, GOXTRLAY & SON, ESSEX, ONT M' f"i.' <- * TUB UllIOMPa CORN BHELIiER DBSOR.IPTIOKT. TbiH Machine conBiBts of a horizontal oast oylmclor, with wrought iro^S bnrH, with stool teeth bolted to tho oylhider bo as to bo revoreiblo v$xen tha'S toeth booomo worn on tho front aide, i.*uncing in a perforated concave IxdnS yhell, which the sbolled com (maacB through into a sheet iron on bo, with, Ie^V an or olennor attached below, which takes all the dust from tho grmn. TfafiS ^heapeet boHt, most simple and dnrable Power Corn heller in use; Bheljffj sorn perfectly clean in any condition Rhelling and cleaning from one to twi housand buehols of ears per day, according to power. " lj-^ Diuknsions. Pulley, 10 in. wsaki ater, 6 in* face; Motion, 800 to 800 revolutions per minute; Weight, 550 Ibw EVERV SHELUER WA RRANTED* ' . ^ff "' J. GOURLAY & BOH9 ^-S- > y. -l'^M