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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 12, 1897, p. 5

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V\ 'l - ' /iff1 'J v^Jr\9*\^ ,<"V> ./ JAS. D. AHDERSOH & Go. ' BANKERS Agents for The Boyal, ^he Guardian ana ho Lanoashiro, Th^boBtlUBuranooOompttnleBlntho world. WomakoiiBpoal&lty of Innurhiff Farm t*ro- perty.l Mony to Loan at 8 ami R^i n*" oout ou Farm Proporty, Fanners Jusuretiow in Good Jxrttabh Companies. The Essex Free Press. BRETT A AULD, PROPRIETORS. FKIDAY. FKimUAllY la, 1897. Town and^ Vicinity. The dayB lire KGttiUK porooptibly longor. Morohants horo are ubout throti^h eta ok-taking. Hnvo your watcher* repaired atOvonBtho new jeweler. A man novor accomplishes anything much in the world until after lii friends bogin to call him u orimk. \V. H. ICounody hiiH boon wulkhig lame tlio punt wook, tho rosulfc of ji spt-aiuod unklo. How to make houao plantft bloom. Try u packago Plant Food. Sold by J. Thorno, druggist. Snaps in all kinds of dry goods and clothing; clearing out linen nftor stock taking, prico no objoot. G. K Smith JkOo. Sunday noxfc will bo St, Valontiuo'H Day. Tho umwl grist of comic valon- tinos aro to bo hoou displayed in tko atoro windows. M. J. IFiglo & Go. aro receiving and passing into atook largo consignments of now dry goods, Mra. E. L. Park is visiting in Loam- ington with her parents, Mr. and Mra. W, ,(1. Vnnattcr. R. L. alflo spent Sun- <ljty and Monday Inst in Leamington. ^/ Thursday oflaat wook was "settling day" and tho reports from Toronto, Montreal and tho othor bumnofls centres in Canada wore all favorable, noarly all the paper boing mot. At a meeting of tho Dominion Alli ance Exanutivo "t Toronto a Saw days ago it was docidod to fall a provincial prohibition convention, to be held in Toronto on July Mth. Tho NingaraTaiia Kocord says: "Jf it bo true aH JJro. Hobljs says wo aro going to tho devil on flkatos, there ia certainly aomo comfort in it after all. Tho most of na have boon taught that there is no pleating in that direction,'1 Mrs, \V\ n. ICounody arrived horo laat wcok from Watford to join hor kua- baud who ia practicing his profession horo. Tho family havo moved into tho residence on tho coiner of Her avenue and Alico streot, lately occupied by W. A. Gardner. Tho Now York Sunday Ilorald of ".Timuaorjnat, in announcing a coming wedding states that idiaa ICittio Rush, who ia in Now York City, will act an ono of tho bridesmaids at tho marriage of Miss A. Van Allen to Harry L Pollott, both of that city, at tho First Baptist Church there on Wednesday, February 17th. Justice Robertson made a drive nt the medical men while listening to evidence in a malpractice ense in Toronto tho othor day. Tho evidence whioh was contradictory, as usual, and seemed to bo greatly rolishod by Ilia Lordship, who remarked that he had never known doctors to agree, and said that in a entic oitod by ono of counsel in which tho doctors all agreed, either tho doc tors on ono side didn't know enough or they were af raid-to difler from those on tho othor side. Tho Canadian Underwriters Associat ion is proparing another achoditlo of rates for towns in Ontario and Quebec wliioh will mean an increase in iusur- anco rates. Tho reason they give for tho raise is that towns do not provide auiTiciont Arc piotection. It is only, howovor, tho tightening of this octopus to sqneoze more money out of tho people of this country. Tho raise will principally olTeet small towns and thus make tho people of those towns pay for -tho loasos sustained in tho city. The Association has tho rates in Eshgy so high now that it is difficult to see how they can raise thorn horo. J, A, Francis gives 1 dozen cana of tomatoes for (10 conts. Tho second of this winter's aeries of entertainments by tho management of tho Public Library was hold ou Friday evening last in tho library rooms, E. A. Wiamor officiating na chairman and opening tho programmo with a short address. Miasoa Caslor and E. Hall and Messrs. KrioghoiTand Shorrin then rendered a quartotto, followed by a solo by A. B. Gushing. Miss llloGhio gavo a reading and tho High Sohoot young ladies sang a chorus entitled "Gaily O'er the Ocean." Rev. W. M. Flom- ingfor about thirty rninutoa lectured >n "Development," followed by a solo "byG. A. Shorrin, a reading by' 0, Krieghon'andtho closing piece on tho program, a chorus, "Sweet Sixtoon Cadets," by tho High School young ladies. Tho last selection was oucorod and the young ladioa had to respond. The proceeds of tho evening amounted to $0.00. Oannod corn, 40 conts per dozen at J. A. Francis*. Miss Kollett, of Cottam, visited at W. O. Laing's this week. Miss Ton a Do war will entertain a few of hor friends thia (Friday) ovoning. M. K. Cowan, M. P., and wife woro guests at II. W. Allan'a tho paatweok. Detroit banks proposo to reduce in- to_rosfc on-depQflitHjrom 4 to 8 por cent. 0. E. Naylor haa, during tho past wook, Bhippod throe oarloads of hoops to Montreal. MiasEatella Robinson Bpont a fow days iu Leamington lust week calling on friondfl, A, II, Boarif * Oo. havo in stock a lino lino of amokod meats. Postmaster RubIi was laid up with an attack of la grippo for a few days, but is about again. W. A. Gardner and wifo, of Lonm- ington, woro guests at the homo of 0. J. Gardner, on Monday. James Hutchinson, jr., has moved from Talbot atroofc into Mrs. Noal's residence on Jonner street. Matthew Goakos moved his family to Leamington on Monday, boing employ ed in tho Handle Works there. J. L, Petora, barristor, slipped and fell on tho icy sidownlk in Windsor on Friday ovoniug last, and fractured his arm. Stephen Wilkinson and wifoattondod tho golden wedding of Mr. and Mra, Riohard Proston, near Leamington, on Thursday Tho High School bnkot ball team cx- poet a match with tho toam from tho Windsor Collegiate Instituto and aro practising for tho match. Clothos-lino thiovos visitod tho linos of Mrti. E. Gardner, and Ed. Ta/zamau on Thursday night of last wook and loft tho Inioa haro. Thodift'cront churches in town will hold no services on Sunday ovoning next on account of tho W. O. T. U. union sorvicos in Graco church that evening. Tho A. Or a. W. Grand Lodgo moots at Toronto on Wednesday noxt. W. Riddiok is tho representative oloctod from Eaaox Lodgo and W, G. Wyman is al tomato, Capt, Bella Foil, of tho Leamington corps of tho Salvation Army, will tako charge of the meetings in Essex noxt Saturday and Sunday, Fobruary lath and 14th. Oapt. S. E. Ottaway will tako tho samo dates in Loamington. Tho E. H. Eddy company havo in creased tho prico of matches 8 por cent. Tho company's output amounts to about '10,000,000 matches daily. Tho llrm claims to havo boon working at a loss for tho past two years to overcomo com petition, * Try A. II. Scarf! & Co, with an ordor. Satisfaction guaranteed. Daniol Scotton, tho Dotroit million aire tobacco mauufacturer,contomplatos building a gcnoral atoro at Petito Coto to bo unod also aa a post office. Owing to tho small salary paid there has boon uo post office at Petito Coto for a couple of yoars paat. Tho agents for tho Balfour Memorial fund pictures in the county are at work soliciting subscriptions. Chaa. W, Roborts is agent for Essex Town. The proceeds will bo for the benefit of tho family of tlio late Hon. W. D. Balfour. A samplo of tho portrait picture has been on exhibition in E. L. Park's window. Tho M. O. It, commenced using water for their locomotive from tho Amhorst- burg waterworks on tho 12th of Janu ary, They pay *>ia5 a year and havo cloned up their pumping house above tho old station. The railway company use water nt Amherstburg for one en- gino only. What would tho company bo willing to pay this town for water for all their engines that stop hero. -An effort should bo made by the council to arrange with tho company for sup plying tho water. The Toronto Globe has issued a brochure iu which tho paper's history is epitomized and its new building, erected to take tho piano of the ono de stroyed by fire on the 0th of January, 1805, is described in interesting langu age, while on every pago appears ono or more dainty photo engravings of tho intorior of the building, and thoao show it to bo a model homo for an excellent newspaper. As a newspaper, tho Globo has no supeiioia at homo and fow abroad, and it welldeaeivoa the success that has beon the reward of enterpris ing management. Tho Essex W. O. T. U. havo secured tho services of Rev. E. O, Taylor, of Chicago, 111., who is making a tour of Canada in tho interest of tho coming plebiscite. Ho will ppoach in tho Bap tist church, on Sunday, February 14th, in tho morning, on tho subjoot "Chris tian Citizenship," and in tho evening at tho union Horvioos to bo hold in tho Methodist church, subject "That Boy of Yours," On Monday night, Air. Taylor will lecture in tho Methodist ohuroh. Subjoot, "Alcohol audModorn Science," with obomionl oxp'orioaonts, such as tho analysis of a glasa of boor, and of a drunkard's breath, ogg oookod in alcohol, gunpowder oxplodod in alco hol, etc. Tho looturo will bo largely illustratod by charts and will bo highly entertaining. Admission, 15 cents; children, 10 cents. Everybody come. Silver collections will be taken at the Sunday services. Regular meeting of town council next Tuesday evening. John Laing made a business trip to Tilbury last week. Frod. Myles is spending a fow days at his homo in South Woodaloe. Diobol & Briokcr shipped two oars of pork from Harrow on Friday last. A. H. Woodbridgo.of Kingsville, was in town on businoss on Wednesday. Mr, Heron, of Clovol&nd, Ohio, spent Saturday with W, Koown and family. Shoos at half prico at Smith's, prin cipally children's linos. G. E. Smith FOR SALE. A lot of wild lands in Eaaex County at &10 per acre. Apply to W. M. DicCisw, Essbx. Mius Grenvillo, of Klngsvillo, Hpoufc a fow days last wook with hor frionds, Misses Lottio and Oora Irwiu. A. H, Scarf! k Oo. aro offering thoir "Tapir" brand black toa for ROa. Reg ular prico, OOo. 0. Oirard, of Dowar's tailoring estab lishment, paid a viflit to his homo nt Belle Biver on Wednesday and Thura day. Henry Waltora called at tho parental homo on Tuesday on his way to Am- horatburg. Tho Imperial Bank, Easox, will ro- ooivo subscriptions for tho India Famine Fund. Frank Andorson, conductor on tho M. 0. It. for years, has boon appointed travelling pasHongor agent for tho Cin cinnati, Hamilton k Dayton Railway. A numbor of young peoplo from town attended a dancing party at tho rosidonco of Patrick MoCaun on Middle road, Maidstono, on Tuesday ovoniug. Tho Public School Board aro putting in a now and improvod drum on trial into tho Primary room, which, if it works aa roprosontou, will aavo tho prico of itsolf in wood in a month's time. Tho statomonls in many of tho papers that Colloetor Gottaud Customs Offi cers Caldwell and Bailey, of Amhorat- burg, havo beon placod on tho superan nuated list, is not truo. Tho Ladies' Aid of tho Baptist church gavo a social at tho residence of Geo. Bodollo, North Itidgo, on Tuesday ovoniug. Lunch was uorvod and tho ovoning was spent in social chat and games, roalizingtf;7.<tO,olonrofoxp6nsoH. T. n. DoCow shippod throo cars of lumbor and fivo cars of wood from Camp Palmer yostorday (Thuraday). Mr. DoCow has about a million foot of stock in his mill yard at Ersox and has also a good stock at tho Camp. A now time table camo into offoot on tho M. C. It. on Sunday last, tho only change boing on tko main lino east train No. HO, which formorly stoppod at Esaox at 10:JJ5 a.m., now stops at 11 a.m. It loaves Dotroit at 10 inatcad of t):-10. J. E. Thompson is making good progress with tho well for the Esaox Gas and Oil Co., haviner reached a depth on Thursday night of IMO foot. S. T. Oopus, of tho Ontario Natural Gas and Oil Co., was down on Saturday talcing a look at tho woll. Mra. Maud Jloid Paigo, Gonoral Director of Dotroit Kindergartens, will give a "Talk on tho Value of Kin dergarten Training, "in Pock's nail, at 2.!i0p. in. noxt Wednesday, Fobruary 17th. Everyone interested in education is rerpiestod to bo present as this lec ture will bo> very instructive, Mrs. Paigo being an ablo speaker on this subject. Tho regular monthly mooting of tho Ladies' Auxilliary of Graco Church was held at tho rosidonco of Mrs. Jamea Hicks, on Thursday. A full attend ance of members and a numbor of vis itors boing present, Mra. James Hicks was appointed Prosidont pro torn in tho absence of Mrs, J. E Stone. Mrs. Jo.scph Powell, of Hamilton, addressed fcho mooting. Farmers ofton deceive thomaolvoa by thinking they cannot afford to buy a horHo blanket. When horses aro not blankoted in cold weather, if thoy koop in good condition, tkoy must oat moro to koop them warm than a horse blanket would coat. Whou spring coraoa a horse that has beon blankotod all winter is usually worth much moro than ono which has not boon blanketed. It is money in tho farmer's pockot to blanket his horHo. No cloth ia moro deooiviug than horsQ-blankot cloth, for woak blankots which will not wear can bo made to look as woll as strong onos. Every farmer should bo able to dis tinguish tho quality. 300 pair aboos at half price, for ladies, gouts and children. Clearing out tail onds of stock. G. E. bmith & Co. Tho Salvatiomnta aro lookingforward to "A Big Go," in loss than two woolen. They aro expecting aomothing that will oolipao anything yot on record for tho Army iu Essex. Thoir provincial aoo- rotary, Brigadier Margotta, ia coming from London to loud tho forces for throo days, Saturday, Sunday and Mon day, 20th, 21at and 22nd inst. Tho pro gramme, will bo varied and grand. Groat welcome mooting on Saturday night, On Sunday, Holiness meetings at 7 and 11 a.m.* enrollment of rooruits at ft p.m., groat bouI saving mooting at 8 p.m. On Monday dvoning, 'a monster banquot will be hold, All the district einoors and many soldiers will join them. The 'proceeds are to pay local debt. Jacob Arner, of Amor, visited at Tho a. Irwin's last week. A. H. Scarff Sc Co. aro soiling a rogu- lar 2TSo. toa for 18c. lb. Try it. About sixtoen persons attended the china wedding given by John Farough and wifo on Monday ovoning, Mrs. E.J. Lovolacoshippod hor house hold furnituro to St, Catharines on Wednesday. Mrs. Lovolaoo and Bon will leave town ou Saturday. Save your Poultry from gapos, ohol- ora, roup, and mnko your hens lay, by using Dr. HessVPan-a-co-a, and poultry instant louso killer. Sold by J. Thoruo, Druggist. Sim Fax, of London, tho comodian,ia lying at tho point of death at Hunting don, Quo. Mr. Fax was making an eastern tour whon ho was taken sudden ly ill with inflammation of tho bowolfl. The Baruia W. C. T. U. will give a 1st and 2nd prize of $2 and $1 rospoc- tivoly to tho pupil writing in Baruia at the noxt entrance examination who ob tains tho highest number of marks in "Phyfliology and Temperance" A special mooting of tho town council was hold last (Thuraday) evening, at which notice was given to submit a by law to tho pooplo to borrow #3,000 to put in a new boiler in tho watorworkH and mako othor'noeosaary improvements there. Tho Ehsox High School Board organ ized for Ifl!)7 at a mooting hold in E. A. Wismor'a offieo on Wodnoaday of last wcok, 0. E. Naylor waa elootod Chair man, W. H. Kichardfion Troasuror, E. A. Wimnor, Socrotary. Tho Socrotary waa instructed to advertise for tenders for wood. Tho board for 1807 m com posed of C. E. Naylor, W. H. Kichnrd- son, E. A. Wismor, Chaa. Whito, J. A. Diobol, J. B. McEwan and William Church. Have you soon tho now covorleta now on exhibition at M. J, T^iglo A Co.'b, Tho oaso of T. B. Scott and Bonj. Sloto was oallod boforo Judge Homo in chamhpra at Windsor on Wednesday. Tho dofondaut in tho case ia ono of tho counoillora in tho third ward of Eaanx: Town and tho relator is endeavoring to unaoat him on tho grounds of impropor qualifications. E. A. Wismer appealed for Scott and W. II. Kennedy and Ellis & Ellis for Sloto. Tho solicitors for tho dufonso aakod for an adjournment for a wook, which, aftor aomolittlo diacussion was allowed and tho case adjourned till 2 p. m. on Wodnoaday noxt, Mr. Ellis waiving any objootion to the prelimin ary proooodings that ho might havo, tho caao will thoroforo bo fought out on its merit. Now prints, now flannolottos, now duckfl, now ginghama, now shirtings, now cottonadea, now tweods, nil at closest prices at M.J. IKiglo & Co.'h. On Wednesday, E. A. Wismor, solici tor Frod Swcotman, had a writ issued against Ghas. Btaddon and Grove Shook, for faldo arrest false imprisonment and malicious prosecution, claiming $1,000 damages. Tho caao arifios out of some trouble that occurred between Simon Wiglo as landlord and Robert Guillot and others as tenant, last fall. Land lord's warrants had boon issued to seize on tho goods of Guillot for rontStaddon and Shook acting as bailiffs for Wiglo. Aftor making Hovornl seizures on Guillot thoy wont to Sweotman'a placo iilso to aoizo, Swoetman ordorcd them oil tho place and would not allow them to soino claiming tho goods ns his own, Thoy then swore out a warrant boforo J. P. Golden for Swootman's arroat, had him taken boforo John Richmond for pre liminary trial, who sent the caso up to tho Gonoral Sessions whore it was dis missed on tho ovidonco of tho erown alono Nic i Boston baked beans 5 cents per can at Francia. SNAPS! Men's All Wool Ulster Coats, Storm Collars,___^ Reduced from $6.50 to-. $3-9l Boys' Overcoats, Reduced from ^ $4, $5 and $6 to - - * $2.70 Men's Heavy Pants, Regular $2 and 2.25 line for $135 Ladies' Coats, ^ Choice of $6, $8 and $10 Lines %P^2.0 ^5 for WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, <t-> Per Pair ^|</ jfll Extra Large Size. G .1 mam m WIlXTNJJSir BJLOCK, ESSI3X. SMITH & CO . C. S. W. Annual Moexing- Tho full board mot at Peek's Hall at 1 p. ra., on Wodnoaday. Present, John Murray, D McAliator, W. Elba, J. V. Huston, E, Plant, A. ft Johnston, E E. Wiamor, II. Hedrick, W. II. Potior, K, J. Wilson and A. W. Oohoo, from tho North Riding ; J. Birch, A, H. Woodbridgo IT. Wiglo, C. G. Fox, W.G. Baldwin, VV. McOormick, E. Kodgors, G. H. Mills, R. E. Preston, W. MiUen, A. W, CoatsAvorth and G. Loak, from tho South Biding ; M. Barrott, J. Thomaa, P. MoGco, J. Eding, W. Camp bell, E. Thome, E. Ij. Park, J. Prion, of Colchester North, Auditors' report was road and adopted. ' Eloetion of officers rosultod as follows : Prosidont Wm. Ellis. IstViooProttidont A.H.Woodbridgo. 2nd Vice Prosidont J[. Barrott. Secretary W, D, IJoaman. Troaanror J3d. Plant. Auditors M. MoAuliilo and J. P. Millen. Exooutivo-O. G. Fox, W. G. Bald win, M. iforrott, Wm, Oampboll, D. MoAliator and J. F.' Huston, Tho aalarioa of tho Soorotary and Treasurer woro fixed at $50 each and tho remuneration of tho Exooutive at $3 per day for oaoh mooting attended. M. Barrott, Wm. Millon and A. W. Oohoo woro appointed superintendents. Tue days sot for tho Fair noxt fall woro fixed for Tuoaday, Wodnosda'y and Thursday, September 28th, 20th and 80th. Board then adjourned. 0. J. Gardner is in Leamington, thia wook. A. H, Smith, of G. E. Smith & Co., is away on a business trip. Chaa. Undorhill, of South Woodsleo, waa in town on Thursday. Tbos. Wagott, of Kingavillo, waa a guoflt at tho homo of Mrh. Jennie Wiglo this week. Miss Efilo Ley spent a fow days this wook with hor friend, Miss Sarah Wright, of Whitaon Settlement, Mrs. E. A, Wiamor will entertain tho momborH of hor Sabbath School elasa thin (Friday) evening, at hor homo on Talbot atroot. For window shades, curtains, poles, coverlets, carpets and gonoral house furnishings bo suro you go to M. J. IKiglo & Oo.'s. V. B. Clifford of tho Froo Proas stall* loft for bis homo on Thuraday of last wook on account of a serious attaolc of la grippo. When Inst heard of he was quite ill. About 30 of tho pariahonors of Ttov. A. L. Bovorly from Noitb Bidge, load ed down with proviaiona of various kinds, paid tho Bov. gentleman a visit at his homo in -town on" Wodnoaday aftornoon and apont two or throo hours in games, aocial conversation, etc., after which supper wasBorvod. Sovoralbags of oate wore among tho donations. On IKodnosday, about 11.45, the Fire Brigade was oallod out, tho acono of fire being tho rosidonco of Ed. Tazzaman, comer of Laird avenue and Talbot stroot. There was no poraou in tho houao at tho timo; Mrs. Tuzzaman boing absent doing shopping. Tho cause ia unknown, but tho fivo did its work, totally dostroyiug oarpots, curtains, furnituro and aomoolotbingin'tho room, boaidos damaging tho houao to tho ox- tonb of about 200. Tho bouse ia insur ed in tho London & Lancashire Insur ance Co. for $400, and tho contents for ifflOO. Tho houao will bo unoccupied until aftor the tiro inapoction' i > mado by tho insurance company. Can Tlio conundrum social at tho rosi- douoeofE. O. Naylor; givon by tho Epworth Loaguojlaab Wednesday even ing, was quito a tmoocaa, both financial ly and aooinlly. Mr. Manning presidod and oponed the proguammo about nine o'olook, which conaiatod of readings, Bolos, duets, inBtrumentalB and ohomsea. Tho contributors boing Mosdamos Wm. Laing, Dingwall, TDoOow, MiBsea Nay lor, E. Hall and Hillier and Messrs. anuing, Shorrin and Krioghoff bo- twoon tho numbers. The chairman asked conundrum a which olioited various" answers, tho correct ones being finally given by himself. The menu, which was ono big conundrum, oauaed a great deal of amusement, and about 11.80 tho social came to a close, The prooeedfl amounted to $18,60. lieamington Carnage ttiofks* To Farmer, and the Fuldic Generally ; CompotODt jud(in bavo dooldod onco moro that our B UGGIES and WAGONS ajil Tin: incur. Thin your, im unuul, thoyhav Rivon us fllx flVflt iirlzoH out of a paiuiiblo novou fit thfl IjoamuiRtonriilr; four UraM>rJ7oii nt Harrow Fair out of it rouuiblo llvo; und at Wollo IliveK Fair our JhiBRloiJ sat thmo flrat priznn onto? a ijomiihluflvu Ffivcu by tlio itocloty, thuii maldntf il clouu itwoop ut fill tho 1'iiivn that (rtir work wan on exhibition this fall. Our tin!till wan ox- cullont, in fnotit wantlio univouial daalHlon at nvorybodv that our volilolon Hurpuiiiiod any ox* titbit of any formor youni. llont of all, wo Bold moro work at and durincr tlio Fairrt than all othor ocmpotitorfl nold all \iut tofiotlior. SfcUl, wo havo a lot of dtfforont Htyloii on hand ana nmlcinfi ovory woule which will unit tho raoat fufitidiouH. wo aro now rondy to tako ordoira for Fruit Wurouh, Uujjtioii and Carriauoa oi ovory donorintiou, IlopiLiirlnit douo la all ltd brauuhoo. Ordoro aolioitod. I'Jantorn Hu^filon and Watiotm and all kmda ol Farm Implminiutn und nioyoloii fiunpliod ou uhort uotioti and at a oniftll adviinoo ou coHt, Thiuilduft our patroim for piidt favora 1 ura, Youra vory roupootfuliyl . F. MEMB, / \j;oul for tho abovo Woirlte, Ilo^O), Loatnincton, Out J. A. Smith, 1 d-HUr, Woodslee, HAS Oponod a Byo Worka in conuootion withhia Tailor Establishment. OF CLOTHES, BRING IT TO SMITH And ho will mako it aB good as now.- Ii? YOU WANT AN OIJD FASHIONED SUIT MADE NJJW. ^_______ untNa IT TO SMITH. """ ' r* Clothes Gleaned, Renovated and ^ Dyed at Smith's, ^ ^ At Smith's you eun got a good Tweed Suit for Worsted Tho Fkkb Piikb and London Daily- Ad vertiser will be sent to any addrewi for one year for $3. Thi offer is good only to residents of Essex County. Vti' (.ft, :,j- ^Ml^^r 'inh^^M^^iJii^SM ^y^i 'Si"' i CM j .ft-'i.^V lii^i^^M^i^ n' < ;c:

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