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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 12, 1897, p. 4

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||Pll|Illli^^ & E The Essex Free Press. BRETT & AULD, Proprietors. V. ' v FRIDAY, FEBIUTA.KY 12, 1807. The appolutmautof W. A. Molntonh an. License Iuepoator for South Khhgx, waH pazottod ou Satardny latit, Wm. JJiiNd, who was a few yearn ago, ^..ftPPOiatod P^ toru ^ Olork of tbo Division Courl at Efifiox, has boon appointed per, manontly to tbo oftlao by tho Ontario Government, Tnic Krofttoab horo in thiH work-u-day world ih tho laboring mau who tiroyidoi for a growing family on a dollar a cUy und keopR Ul hand abovo tbo *q.voh of debt, Tbia may not bo protty but iH hard Bonn*', Tiik mwakh of tho lire iuHutatiooooUunau. ieR in Oatiada laat yoi\r woro nearly half a million Iohk than iu 1805, yofc thoy tiro ufciffoiiing tbo rut as ana mukhijj tho uon* ditiouM more exacting on tbo muuioipal oorporutionu. Intiik throo byo-olootioiiH ou Thursday of lust wook, two Hupportera of tbo Liber al Govommont and one CoiiHotvativo worn elnotod. In South Briuit, 0.13. Hoyd, Lib- oral, dofoutod Kohorfc Uoury, Con., by 381. In Juim laut, Mr. Hanry'H majority ovor Hon. Wm. PutorHon wuh 01. In North On. tiirio, Gralmm, Pati'on-Liboral, defeated MoLood, GouM by 83 majority. In JTuno laufc, .T. A. MoGillivrav dofoutod Ornbura by 1 ol ti majority, but in tho olootion triiil nhorlly after, ruthor than tight, out tho oftBO tendered hui resignation. Eaut Sim- ooo rn-olootod W. H. Bennett, Con., ovor H. H. Cook by 193 majority. In tho throo cornorod light hutt Juno, Bonnnfct'u majority wan 2-lli. Ho wim umioatod on tho grounds of bribery by an agont. This condition of tho famine Mrikon popu. laoo of tho Houthorn portion of Aflia oalls for prompt notion ou iho part of Cunn- dlann. Living an wo do in tbo fuirafet . country under tho min,favored of all raoon, knowing nothing of tbo uorrora of ntur- vation, ovou i J hiolatod cuhgs, not to opoak of tho awful prononco of famine HtalklnK through tbo Ionian and broadth of'tho land, it in Imra, altnOHt impoHttiblo, to pioturo to GunadianB tho woeful miff or. iofru ot tbo unfortunate Hindoos, Tho Govornor-Gonoral, Lord Abordoou, mifi- fjOKtn that, ftH fimall HUbocriptioqH aro ex- pootud, oaob faimoc nhonld pay into tho fond tbo prioo of ono buahol of whont. Tho mechanic mi^ht nnaro ono day'n wflgo. None would fool tha small offering and all would profit by tbo action, oven no evoiy good doed rendoro tho door a bettor and a uoblor cbaraator; TUoro in India, aro fol low Hiibjcctu of our roat empire, which ovorH ono-quartor of tbo clobo, dying tho moflt painful do'Uh, not in oin^lo inntanocn, not by tho.ficoro alone, not only by tho hundrodo but by tho thouflandn. If thoro bo any foundation for our loudly-proclaim od loyalty to Groat Britain, our} national prido and vuuntad dooiro for Brifcmh oon- nootion, horo, surely, ia tbo timo to prove1 that offuation by holpin^ tiio aufforing, Iuaumuoh an wo boo tho hau^ry aud feed thorn wo havo tbt- oommondution oT tho Son of Man. HOPE ENTHRONED. LIFE PROLONGED AND ITS USEPUL- NESSOREATLY EXTENDED. Tho Ruthless Hand of Nature Permit* Only tho Survival, of the Strongest But Medical Science Secures the Sur vival of the Weakest.____ It'roni tho Ourtiwull Htnadard. Tho fioionco and. art of meditation Tho Chrintio Biayolo Saddlo Co., of Michigan, are utartinfja branob at Walk- orvillo. occupying promiaeo in tho Prj.g fonoo building. Tho plant iojuat now hi- inR moved in. It ia understood that tl o BEitldlo ia a pnoumatio ouo. Two maakod men boldly robbed tl o gonoral ntoro of J, II. Luxford, and tl o butohor flbop of WhitoHido Bron., both on Wyandotto-fjtrool., Walkorvillo, at'.) o' clock Saturday night. Aftor tho proprto- torof tho Btoroa had looked into two bruooH of tho li-oulibor, tl'oy handed ovor about 8200. , Tho butohor gavo them 8120 o( it. Tho butohor ahop wan iirot robbed, and thon thoy droppod iuto tho yonoral Btoro. Tho robboro aro hohavod toj havo oroHfloi tho river on tho forry, having cool- ly taken a atroot car from Walkorvillo, Saturday wao pay day ou tbo Laka Erie A Detroit River railway. Tho robber daofc miiHt havo known that railway mon would bo payiu'd moat and grooory billH, Tbo polioo havo not a vory full donoription of thnm. Paul Bitohio, 2G yaarB of ago. of 190 Antoino-Ht., Detroit, was arroutod Monday morning, by Dotoctivos Ponton and Bakor,'and looked up in. tbo Detroit central station on suspicion of boing ono of tho mon who committed tho robbery. Bitohta haa boon dioobar^od from custody an pohitivo idontifioation failed. -------------------- Mrs. Nolho E. Whito, of ItQohoacor, N. Y., and hor infant aon, bavo oommoncod action against tho T. n. & B., olaiminfi 810,000 damugofl for tho doath of her huti- band. Mr. Whito wao an onainoor on tho X. H. A B., and wao killodin an aooidont noar Wollaud on July 2lHt. Tho toodor of thoongino loft tbo trank and tho unfortuu- ato man wao aruBliod to doath. A floutloman from a noigliborinc town told a Ktory tho othor day, which may bo of oho to houaoholdorH wbo think of im proving tboir plaoo noxt npriug. The tollor of tho story had a neighbor who put up a uioo fonoo around hio noraoatoad. Tho anoaaor damo along, and thought tho plaoo bo muob itnprovod by tho handaomo fonoo that ho raiaod tho aasoBBmont S200. Aftor a-low. yoara tonoo Ijauouoodofl painting. Tho ownor fcbafc.f bgh"If I put t ho fonao, iheaaaoBHor will, ramo mo acain; bottor Dotriakit." Bo, instead of painting tho fenoe, he had it takaa down; Tha atmoaaor oamo along again, and oouaiderod thogtak ing down of the shabby feuoo auoh an Im provement to property that he pun lb up Mjaln Southampton Btioou. holdH a uuiquo place in tho eateom of tho ontiro oiviliKod world, booauHo by it judloiouu application of pro^roBaivo Hoionoo rolativo to tho art of uoiilluf? in- mimorablo triiimpha aro won in th^ atruyglo for health. Tho profoimion of modicino wo may Hafoly say, is no nino- ouro, ita triumpha mid BiiccehflcH aro ro- hoaraod daily by tho million. Thotio who aro iu tho vanguard of this movo- mont uro our groniont bonofaotorH. Thoir diflcovorios arc a boon to Immun ity ; thoy havo given rollof to thoummdB who would havo dra^god out a mifiorablo and moro or Iohh briof oxiHtonoo. Dr, WilliamH by moanH of his Pink PBIh huH oarnod aud onjoyB tho gratitudo of untold numbers who wovo ou tho vorgo of inolation or death, booimuo thoir case dollod tho Hlcill of tho ordinary medical practitioner. Tho ruthloHH baud of nature pormitH ouly tbo mirvivnl of tho HtrongOflt, but tho tender nimiBtrnUonn of modioal Hoionoo, aHoxomplillodiuDr. WilliamH1 Pink Pills, secure tho surviv al of tbo woukost, harmony with tho divino injunction, "Wo thon that aro Hfcroug ought to boar^tho infirmities of tho wottk aud notplonao ourselves." Those fnraoiiH pillb' have given Htrongth to tho apparently hopolosHly weak, aud vitalized and invigorated frngilo nnd dobilitatod constitutionH.on- thronod health and atrencrth, tlius iu- oroaaiug ovory valuo and onh'anciue; ovory joy. In subdtanntition of tbo re puted nioritR of Dr. WilliamB* Pink Pills road tbo following- toatimoniftl of ono of Glontfarry's roflponsiblo citizons. Samuol Noil, of tho village of Lancaster, is ono of tbo best known mou of the county. "For three successive win. tors," says Mr. Noil. "I auiVored from aOvoro attaoks of In. grippe. Owing to tho oxbauHting oiTocto of those attaclcH I was uuablo to attond to ray buHinoss half of tlio timo. Tho last attack T bad was in Dooombor, 181)5. It was tbo most prolongod and tho Hubsoqiiont ofleettho most trying. All thd winter of t8!)fl I wiiaujitkir. medical cai*o nndboingHomo- wbnt advanced m life I presented a very frail appearance. My wonknoss was so pronounced that T bocamo a victim of weak turns, and oven v*itb|tho asaistancG I was liablo to fall. At'tompts to walk woro risky, and often to bo rogrottod, I was troubled with a dizziness in tho head that rendered locomotion difficult and ploananfc. Boaidos this general woaknoHs I had pains in my shoulders, something like articular rheumatism in its fluctuations and sovority. . After a flvo months! treatment I was not any bettor, in fact tho doctor gave mo very littlo encouragement. He'said I had palpitation of tho heart and it must run its couvho. The truth is I felt bo weak that my hope of. recovery was about nil. About tho first of May I dotormiuod to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The re sult wan tho dizziness loft mo, day by day my pains vanished into imporcep- tibility, and I bogau to fool myaclf a- gain. Tho improvement continued uu- til I wag able to follow my business with unexpected vigor. I am increasing in llosb aud in tho general signs of good health, and I unhesitatingly attribute my recovory to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new blood, build up tho norvos, and thus drive discaso from tho system. In hundreds of cohos thoy havo cured after all other medicines had failed, thus establishing the claim that thoy aro a marvel among tho triumphs of modern medical science. The gonuino Pink Pills aro sold only in boxes, boaringtbo full trade mark, "Dr. Williams, Pink Pill for Palo People." Protect your self from imposition by refusing any pill that does not boar tho registered trade mark around tbo box. Maidstone Council. Towuhall, M aula to no, February 0th. Ooanail met, thin day, purnnant to ad journment. All the member** of the coun cil prouout. MinatDHof tho previous moot ing were read and, on motion, adopted and nigned. Moved by Mr. Price, ncoondod by Mr. Damm, that tho Olork ho Inntruotod to preparo a by-law to empower the over- HoorH of highways to perform tho dutien impoBod undor By-law No. 368 on Drain Inspectors in tbi TowuBhip. Carriod. Moved by Mr. Priao, aeoouded by Mr. Pot- tor, that Mr. Bloafl bo paid 81, rout of houno at munioipal otootion. -Carried, Movod by Mr. Pottor', Booourtod by Mr. Pribo, that Mouwre, Brott & Anld bn paid 812.40, for muiduipal nupplius ua per account rondorod.rr-Oarriod. Movud by Mr. Potter, aououdod by Mr. Dntnm, that .Tnhn Hoott bo paid 83 for goods furnished Mamhal, indigent, Carried. Tho audi- torn proBontod thoir report on Township Troawuror'o aooouufc with tho towimhip of Maidstono for tbo yoar ending Dooombor Hint, 181)11. Said report wan road and, on motion of Mobutu, Prioo and Damin, adopt ed, and tho Clerk instructed to bavo it printed in pamphlot form and proouro '200 ooploa for dintribution. Mr. Gaugban no. tifiod ofiuuoil to repair tho Mouth brunch of tbo Murray Oroolc Brain. Moved by Mr. Prioo, sooondo'l by Mr. Potter, that Mr. Gaughan'a mattor bo roforrod to Mr, Pahdny to report tlioroon next mnoting. Carriod. Movod by Mr. Prioo,soooudod by Mr. Pottor.that Mr, Quoon bo pain 82 for sorv'oOH an ahoop valuator. Carriod. Tim Hoove now sfciitod to oounoil that bo would bo unavoidably abnont during tho romuiudor of tho bobhiou and rcquoutcd that tho Doputy-Hoovo take tho chair. Janiaii S. Austin proHoutod bill of 87.DO for tfoodn furniHliod Cotny and Itons, indigents* On motion of MoatirH. Damm and Painley, naid bill was paid. Mr. Docairo pronoutod bill of 818, for oofliii for Mrs. Washing ton.- On motion, laid over till noxt moot ing of tho council. On motion of Motwru- Paialoy and Damm, W. tT. JohuHton wan paid 83 for no'rvicou as shoop valuator. N. MoiiHtioau addrostiud tho oounoil re cortain nehnol matt.orB. On motion of Menum. Pottor aud Duinm, Mr. Mouupoau's mattor wan laid over till noxt mooting of council. Moved by Mr, Pottor, nooondod by Mr. Damm, that Mrs. Jackson bo paid 8-1 for baard of Laurie, indigent. Carriod. E. E. Wismor tondorodfor tbo offloo of Town ship Trounuror at a salary of 9100 por annum.Movod by MuuinrH.Potter and Damm that Mr. Winmor'ft applioation bo laid ovor till noxt mooting of the council. Carried. Movca by Mr. Damm, seconded by Mr. Paisley, that tbo ColleotDr'ii timo for tho lovy and collection of taxes ho oxtondod till tha ovoninR of February 20th, Carried. Dr. Korko's bill 82 for preparing noulth report for 1895 wan, on motion of Menars Damm and Paisloy,' paid, as wan oIho u bill of GO oonts to tho Municipal World for BUpplien. Mr. MoCamrreported ono aheap killed by unknown do^R and prowentod val uator's Johuston'ti oHtiraato of lottft, ?!), Ou motion of Mohbih, Pottor and Damm, Mr. MoCann wau paid 3 of naid valuation in full Hatisfaction of .claim. On motion, of ModftrH. Puiidoy and Damm. John Bnor and J ?soph Montfjomory woro oaoh i^iven a rulonuo of statuto^labor for yearn 1897-18* far work performed, tbo forraor on tho nj of n^ and tbo latter on the H.J of n of lot No. 18, N. M. B. A petition from Alexan der Gunn Tind othorn setting forth that the Boymour Drain was not oomploted accord- inn to ("contract, und other matters, won read and allowed to stund ovor till next mooting of oounoil; as waa-aloo a commu nication from P. F. Seymour ro tho Qnoon Drain undor the D. & W. Aofc. On motion, the conucil adjouriiod cq moot again on Saturday, February 20th. Special Clearing Sale. To Quickly convert the balance of our Winter Stock- into Cash, during the NEXT TEN DAYS we will offer the following Extraordinary Bargains, #^* Note The Prices. ~S4r tKSr, Gome and See fhe Goods. "X>& Save this Price List and Bring It Along for Refer enoe. Ladies' Pino Wool Shawls, Heavy Wool Shawla, a u u a (k 'Coney Cape, Storm Collars, Black Fur Trimming, por yard, Grey " " , " Fine Silk Sealette. (< Men's Persian Lamb CapB, Former Special Price. Price. ^1.60 to $2.00 #1.00 5.50 2.75 to 3 50 Muff, 10.50 8.25 Muff, 7.00 3.50 8.50 4.25 3.00, 0.00 ) 1.50, 3.00 and 8.00 $ and 4.00 40o & 50c 25c 1.00 . 50 8.50 4.75 4.50, 5.50 I 3.25, 4.00 & 10.00 j and (5.50 4.00 3.00 11.00 7.00 Men's Fine Fur Caps, Goat Robes Very Largo, Men's Waterproof Coats, Men's and Boya* Fine Over-coats nt less.than Manu facturers' Wholesale Prices. At just half price. . tt^?* We are offering many other Bargains which we have not space to enumerate; . Terms, Gash. Yours for Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & GO. IDTTStfSTJLlT BH.OC2IC ESSE2ZL FRANCIS' Great DrOSS GrOOdS at wonderful low prioeH, from 7c. per yard up to $1.25. BlOTISe BilkS The latest styles in Japanese Silks, wior-fcu 75c, for 50c. All Shades. 34-inch Flannelette, worth lOc. for 6c., extra heavy twill and plain. OorsetS D. & A. for 75c, worth 81.00. Men's Overcoats, worth sio.oo for $8.00. $8.00 for $6.00. Men's Pants from 90c to $3.50. Underwear ill wool, for 50c, excells all other values at 65c. Boots Old Shoes-very LOW PRICES for next 30 days. Hats Men's 32 Fur Polt Hats for $1.00. Groceries Always fresh and best for least money. The Best Tea in Market for 25c,ifnofc.moneyrefunded,/'""" ^J. A. FRANCIS. Sandwich South Uouncil. COLCHESTER NOKTH, luformutiouQ bavo boon laid and flummousoa iaauod iu tlio easoB of Hi ram 'Woodworth, Tbon. Martin, Wm, Hade mid a fourth man, whoHo nnmo i not known, but whose wh ore about h can bo found, on a chargooftimborBtoaling from Oamoroii & Ourry estate. All tbo mm'boloncr to Edgars Mills. . -....... . Belle River. Thoodoro Hamlin ia tlio guoat of his undo, Mr. Ouollofcto....:.. Mra. Thos. Grondin is undor troat- mont at tUo Hotel l)iou, Ezinaon Gonlot is nble to bo around again nftov a few wooks1 illnosa. Hiss Etliol Galloway, of Eothwoil, was thoguostof hor Bister, Mra. Thomas Reynolds. MiaflLouiso Duroohor has roturnod to Detroit after a month's visit with rolativos and friends. Tho ilvo-yoar-old son of Douis Ron- nud diod On Monday night of last wook, from a very sovoro cause, Tho oounoil mot Tuesday owning"of laab wook and re-appointed ita old oftloorfl, and added tho namoa of Thomaa Plant and IjOger.- Ohovalior as village ooUBtflbloe. Sanclwioh Soath, Feb. fuli. Tho oounoil mot, purtmunt to udjour'n- mont. All tho raernhntfl procor.t. Tbo minuton of tho provioun mooting woro road and adopted. Moved by Moniiro. BhuttlowottU aud O'Koofa, that following uqaouutoho paid : V. Marentetta, 95.48, for otationory ; BroLt tfe A.uld, 81.25, print ing; Roviow, SG-.To, for Htationory. Car ried. Movod by Meiiarii. Groavow aud Osiv* anagli that Koburt Halford bo paid 8t for filing pathraaBtera' Hat for 1800. Oarnod. Movod by MoHsra. Oavanu^h and Groavoa, that tlio Clorlc bo mofcrastad to write An- dordon and Golabciitor North and reqnoat thorn to pay ovor tho amount iluo on Col- obootor Drain Ropairo, Carriod, Movod by MoBnrn. GroaveH and Oavamigti that Martin Burko bo appoiutod AHHoaHor for 1890 at a.ealary of 8155. Moyad. iu araond- mont.by MoHHra. O'Koofo and Bhuttlowortln that John B. Plant bo appointod AHOoaaor at a salary of .932. Tha original motion oatriod. Movod by Mooiiu'r. O'lCoofo and Sbuttlowortb, that John S. Plant bo paid 75 oonts for repairing a bridge ou bho'bano. lino in Ward fl. Oarrlod, Movod by iV'lonHre. Cavanagh and Groavoa that Wm. St. Loais bo paid u82.(i0, for ono shoop Icillod by doRs, hemp J} valuo of tho samo. Oardod. Movod by Mooara. Bhuttloworth and O'lCoofo that tlio Treasurar of Sand wich East bo paid 810.57 for roooiviOK and paying Bandwioh Booth's nharo of tbo original HabilitiAB. Oarriod. Movod by Mcr>t!r(!. Groavoa aud Oavauagh that Bon. liibby bo paid 82 for ropairiug a briUgo on 0th oonooHsEon road aorona 0th Lino Out- lob. Carriod, Movod by fifosars, Oava uagh aud O'Kecfo, that Wm. Laing bo paid 61.60 for balanco of N W. Trim bio ooutraofc on WoafcTowjlino and lko Crook Drain Ropaira. Oarriod. Moved by MoHera. Bhuttloworth and Groavoa, that tha Oahill Oatht Iraprovcmout by-law bo proviBionally adopted and copies of tbo. name bo served on oaoh of the interested partioii purftuant to Hootion 22 of tho Drain* ago Aat,18Ul, Carried. Movod by MoHtira. .Shnttlnworth and O'Koofo, that each mom- ber of tbo Oounoil and Olork bu supplied with a copy of tbo Muuioipal World for 1807. Oarriod. Tho following acoountn woro paid by order of tho oominiROion- orn ; B.J. O'Noil, 87, on Dtb Line Outlot, und 818, on Colahontor Draiu ltepairs. The following ofilaoru woro appointod: Path- mastors : JumoR Iloldon, T. G. nollinic worth, Thomau Holdctn, Prank O'Noil, Wm. S. O'Noil, Horbort O'Noil, Robert Halford, John Farough, OhaH, W. Groavoa, Kobort Groonvvay, H. M. ljonnon, Biahaid A. Barroti, Jon. Lopain, H. Dumoiiohollo, Thoa, Lyoua, John Donninon, Miohaol Robinaon, Hozokiah Collino, John A. O'Noil, Thon, l^nirbairn, A1*jx. Jobio, Dcuio Boahan, Wm. Barroti, Ohuo. Hagor, Sam, MoKonzio, Joa. Baillargoou, looter Dunn, Rnbort l'\ Ilurat. PouudUoopoi-H: John B. Bourqno, A. 'Campbell, John Furough, Jan. Hauloy, Wm. Hayou and Donin Pornn. FouoO'Vioxvors: Chas. Roadbouao, John Holdou, John Halfard, ir., John Furongh, Patrick Lavm, Wm. Jouoa, John B. Don- 00a and Lawronoo Lyons. Tho said offi* oors aro roquested to sahHoribo.their dtola- ration of onion. MoVad . by Moiiara. Grouvos and Shuttloworth that thin ooun oil now adjonrn to March 13th. Oarriod. - W. H. Konnody, formerly of Wtitford, has oponod up alaw oftico in tho corner of, tho Aberdeen block. Money to loau . at 5 54 and (i per cent., ncoording tD Bocurity. OolloctmR, convoyauoinfj and winding up ontaton, a Fpooialty ; also a numhor of iluo farmn for Halo. 'XltVNOOttCKX NT/LTXOMT. Mrs. O. Simous, who was ill, 10 recovor- ing. Minn Lisszio Klio, Now Oaanau, is visit- ing with hor many relatives horo. Mies 0. Fox, of tlio 8ch oon., Morwor, is tbo guoul of tbo MtHHoa O. and O. Bimtli. Mrs. 0. Tronuor is vlaitlug with hor paronts and rolativoa near BlyrbouwooU. Mr. Neiborgall, nf Staples, Ih rushing thu iirribor off It. WCoNau^bton's lot on the north roar road, Mr. and Mrs. Goisol havo roturnod homo aftor spondiug a wook with rdlatlvon in Cairo, Michigan. A great many peoplo wore taking advan- tugoof tbo.fine aleigbiug and woro busy hauling logs for Aiunlio Bros., of Oooabar and Noibor^all, Staples. Last year's oat of timber io the Ottawa Valley is eatlmated at 014,260,000 faofc iinthtj. , MAcKKN/.tis In Enaex, on Weduowday, Fubruary 10th, to. Mm. (Dr.) George Mackenzie, a non. Whito At Efmox, on Thursday, February llLh, to Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. White, a son. HENiiuuftHQ'rT lu KiiigsviIIo on|ThurHday, February 'Uh, to Mrs. aud Mra. Horid- ornhott, a son. Ei.fojip In Cclohentor North,, ou Sunday, February 7th, to Mr, aud Mrs. Wm. 131 ford, a daughter. Marriages. Iluoofcisn At Erhox, on Tuonday, Fobrnarv 2nd, by Bov. M. P. Gamp- boll, Mr. Fradcriak Brookor, to Mihh Norah Gorlotto Kay, both of Gouilold North. I>oathH, Kkjlrnry At Chatham, on Saturday, February 6Lb, Mrs. Mary Ann Kuar- noy (iidcj MidH Knight) aged 40 years. Nkviiak At Cottam, on Mouday, Feb ruary 8th, Mrs, Agnes Novillb, aged 07 yoara. Dr. Fowlor'a Extract of Wild Straw- borry auras Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colie, Oholora Morbua, Cholera Infantum; and ail loofionohti of tho bowoln. Nover travel without it. Prioo UCo. . Bakor and Butcher. THKoUloflt bniilnoHH in town. Etablinh 1870. FlrHfc-olami broad imrt oakoa of n.1 ItlndH. WoddiugoaUoaa Bpoclnlity. Urooones . nrovirjlonn.flonr.food, nalt aad pork. Ooufoo< tlonory, crookory.ehuinwaro, Cnnnod (rulta and voflotablofiof nil kindn. Goodn pyomptly 'lo llvorod to allpavtnof tlio town. J. M. HIOKB iyi-tt Eaaox Market. Wboat rodpor buahel ....8 70to 70 Wheat, whito .... 70 Corn .... 10 Oats .... 11 to 14 Timotbv 9ood ___ 120 Clover Seed ..., <10Oto 400 Hay per tou............ 8 00 to 9 00 Alniko .... 4 00 to 4 00 Boof por owt............ 4 AOto u 00* Pork Live weight........ 3 135 to S 2g Mutton............ fi OOto 500 Hidue ............ 400 Chiekona por lb.......... 0 Bnttor.......... 12 12 Iiard .......... (i 0 Eggfl, por doz .......... lfij Potatoes, por bnabol .... ' 10 to 40 Carroto .... 40 Turkeys por lb.......... Gto 7 Ducks ........., 6' Wetmore Truss. Wanted RELIABLE MAW OR WOMAN. ASSURED Immediately riShtbfb SOW. THE BEST PAY EVER or PERBD FOR SIMItiAR SERVICE. Tlio CoBmoboHuii Mngoilne, edited by John -rflSllUM WAtKUH, wlslies to add a quarter of n mil Hon to lift cIlcntMo, already the larc tt, oflntelliuem. thinking rcudcrt poatesicd tiy any periocllcai, in the world, v IT IS fcRflPARBD TO PAY HAKD- SOMEIiY FOR ASSISTANCE REN DERED. It wishes the eervioes of one roliablo man or woman in every town, village, country 'distrfot, or tuanufaoturlng oatabliohmeut in every State. All that Is roqulrad of any ono la reliability,1 o am eat nee a and vvbrlc. No matter on' what other work you nro engaged. It will pay you to examine into this offer. Ani'lv, Matins po*Uion. capability .ftnd **t*f- >ice, to THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. Irvingioa-oiwhe-Hudioni NwYo :^1 .. m Afi1 The Best Truss in the WaPker;. Thin TruBS In rooommoiiilGd bocmiBu it 1b Easy t^.W<iar, Oatiuot Gflfc Out of IMaco; oaii bo Uboo In Caaoa Hard to Hold; und aleo in Q(lbqb Stwily ' v:,1 Jlotaluod, ' It la superior to all othora for the following roufiotiB: ><$& lBt~Ib has a spring bow that can be adjusted to tmlt tlio oaad iia to preeauro, : 2nd It does nut go ground ttio faipa but ove* , -tetmi. Tho back pad ia almost opposite the ' (rout pad bo that tha vresauro Is ovBiify,divided. , . ard Any case can b& fitted by adjusting tn8'v.."S Aiada and shaping the bow; is Uftht, cosily to ad-'-ft jutit and will stay where it bolouga ovory time, i.^ and ull tho time. FaVtles in nood of a Truss ahonld see tho Weimoro. "'- . \-:\\l'_.-il ' ;DRUQQIST,r',-;' ]:^^ :E8BEX. ; ONTARIO. r f-.,ii!if-p ,./m i^^^^a^ "- hm^\'" - ' " -' '" p^^$j&^^ Siiiiilili^^^^^^B

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