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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 12, 1897, p. 1

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f^p!^^ IPSBfl^ B$; ' ' ".' '- M ' :M VOL XIII. No 7. ESSEX, ONTI, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1897. WHOLE No. 631 I* FORSYTH E, ANDERSON & Co It: (** - (I, -Stf* The Peoples Store, ^ '.' KV-' it," h. v>- \y.: February marlcs a stage in tho year's business, where the old merges into the new the old busi ness yoar ends and the. new begins. The annual Stock-taking is over, and the watchword now is "forward." The Old and The New Headquarters For Fine Watch Repairing. J. IB- OVENS The New Jeweller, tlaa nil thn 1at8b limivovml tools ami doylooB lor atljuntlnit tho nuont nnd mantaoiu- pUaauid WatahoS, nnd Can Guarantee Satisfaction. * Orders balcon from Cataloguo for all kinds of Watches, Jow- * ololry, Silverware, &o. Itomoinbor tho Stand, May'a Bloolt I'hroo Doofii Kouth of Imperial BmUc, Talbot Street, Essex. Wanted. Aims for 1897. void the eucesses end will view. For our part, we are planning to do a. better business, to keep a better store this year, than _ ever before to a- errors and excell the of the past. This be kept steadily in 1 AAH Conns or 4 Ft. Wood Wniitnd hi LjUUU oseolimiK* tar mutorUl or in pav- immt of auooutitit. IjAINO BKOB. Wood Wanted. *onolv6a up to Fobtnary by tho midoifHlKnoil lor !<) T15NDKIIS will bo !Mth in man t. b Goran i(ood body uiafcovy Wood, nawod ondii, 21 bu tfnllvovou tLt the Hiihqx In oh (in In lonKth.to lltuh School KrouudH. ou or boforo tho lut day ofJuly, 1B07. 33. A. WISMWIl, Rocrotary Iflnooi Ulch Hohool Hoard, Datod nt tittiox, Fohruiufv 10th, 180"/. Arner. Xlio fatally of Daniel Lubbs have the moaslos. jVfr. ami Mrs. 'Low Wright havo re turned homo from Merlin. Miss Ada Wright is viBiting hor aunt, Mrs. Colin Wright, who ia ill. -------------------- l*UCO. Tho I^uco saw mill is stocked to its full capacity, Mlns R. Coutts has received a position a stenographer in Detroit. Six or sovon cords of dry hickory wood woro fitolon from Major's bush u fow nights ago. Orccafiold. MitiH Kuto GohuoII, of HiguRuto, who had boon on a fow wooks visit with hor brother Mao., roturued homo on Satur day last. -Mt. .T, WilHon and Mrs. .T, W. Daw son visited lust wook in Huthvon at tho homo of MrH. Bunu, sho having recent ly roturnod homo from an oxtondod visit with friends in Iowa. UUOOKER. No Horvice iu tho Methodist uhtirch horo on Huntlay lat. J. If, Newman and wife have settled dowiv to tho realities of married Hfo in thoir nowly acquired homo- on tho 10th con. A party of about 25 youttg pooplo spent a pleaHant evening at tho homo of ,Tas. Brookor ou Mouthvy, in honor o' Frod. Broolter and wifo. South Woodslec. GASH BUYING "Weare in abetter position to serve you now than over before. We are getting nearer to the fountain head in our buy ing all the time, and as we buy for Gash only our trade is competed for by the best manufacturers, thus enabling us to effect a substantial sav ing, and to sell Goods cheaper than many who still buy on the old credit plan. flortgage Sale At the Aberdeen Hotel, (Issex. on Tiieuiluy, February asrd, 1807, ut a o'clock! p.m., Thorn will bfi Hold by IHibllo Auction, Firnfc: Tho NoHhoylyl'fty iiertniof lot mimbnr 31, In tho7th ConcoHfiioii of tho Townnhip of Colohoy- ttir North, In tho Oonuty of EaHox, and Hooond: Thn north half of tho mint half of lot "D" in tho Second Conoooidon of tho Town- nhlp of OoHflflld South In tho County of Mbihix, oontuluhiK Fifty Aoven moro orlotin. For further parttouhira aiid aondltiona of iialo apply to OHONYK & BKTTR, r*Y to Vondora Holloitoru, SINCLAIR A GOllMLRY, Londou, On Auotlonoorn, liiwoi, Out. Clearing Sale of Lines. Incidental to the Stock-Taking we laid out for slaugh ter a good raaay odd lines of Goods and anything in winter goods that ___ remained u n g o Id. These are marked down to plain figures that will clear them out, as we prefer not carrying any fragments over. There may be something you need among them we invite a call. Notice to Water Takers. Water Rates vTNow Past Doe, Tho Collector will bo at tho Waterworks from tho iOfch till - tho 18th of this month oaoh day from 2 till 3 p.m., and from 7 till 8 p.m. to receive payments, and also tnxofl. J. U. HcEWAN, Collector. SAW7-L0QS WANTED. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. . IS* One Price tor All. IS" Money -Back if any Purchase unsatisfactory. ESSEX Havinf! dooirlud to fltoolc my Mill at Ebiiojc ui;ain, I urn jirupurod to pay Htghoitt Pricati for ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS. Call and noo mo. ______T. H PeCE\A/, Essex. WK DAN GIVK POBITIONB-tO porsono of all (-ratluH of ubllity ARontn, Boolt-kocp- am, Glorkfi, Fiirmorii' Hojih, Luwyorn, Mochu'-iicsi Phynloiiuiti, Pruaohern. Htudontfi, Harried mid SIurIcj Worn on, Widowti. PohHIodh aro worth from SlOO to .'32,000 yor unnum Wo luwo paid Hovorulof oar onnvafUiorii $iS() woolily for yoavn. Many lmvo Htitrtod poor uud boonmn rial: with uo. l'fittlouliirriupnn uppifontJon. fitato nalury oxpootod. T. II, LINBOOTT.Mftnatjor,Toronto, Out. R Choice g>teal^ Olt. Prime I^oast, Aro among tho iiooosaviCH an'.l luxuries oflifo.......;.. Thoso with everything...... ......olao in firat-olafifl. . FBESHand OtTREB MEATS-- Sausugdf Bologna, Headcheese Lard, &c,t Can ho procnrotl from...... ROBT. TATE, Talbot-st,, Esaox. Hiricst Price Paul for HhIoh. Bovival soryicoH aro tho onlor of tho day. MIsb Hill, of Ehbox, in viBitiug ia town. Frank Oottor spont Sunday in Leam ington. Many of tho young pooplo apout Sun day in Bollo Rivor. Mr. Uuohb, of Ehbox, ia. calling on frionthi in this plaoo. Edward Weaver was taken to Dotroit for troatmont last woek. Mrs. MoAnloy, mothor-in-law of Boputy Roovo Dowhirst, died at his roaidonco Inat wook, ngod 85yoarB. Hugh Halstoad, former' propriotor of tho Sonthorn Hotol, leaves in a fow dayn for Harrow; MiHHoa .TamoH, of Oottam, and Hicks, of Ehsox, paidAVoodsloo a Hying viaifc on Monday last. Adanco wascivou at tho CottorHouae on Tuesday last, a largo numhor of peo ple being proeout. Tho Sonthorn Hotol has again cbang- od hands, tho proprietor, Hugh Hal- utead, having sold out to ajVlr.Counott, of Windsor. A party was givon at tho roaidouoo of John Keating, tho date boing tho 48th annivoraary of his life. Games, danc ing, &c.t woro indulcTGd in until an early hour whon all returned home well pleased with tho ovoning's enjoyment. .Tamos Mcliao, Robert Harrison and Hugh Loo woro wrested by Constablo Mylos, for creating a disturbance in tho Cotter IIouho and woro fined 15,fl and ft!) respectively. Loo, in default of pay ment, was givon !i(> days in Sandwich gaol. - Mrs. John MoAuley. relict of tho lato John MeAuloy, died at tho residence of hor son-in-law, Deputy Roovo T. .T. Dowhirst, in hor 8(Jth year. Tho do- coaaod wna rospoetod by all who knew hor. Sho leaved seven children to mourn hor loss. Tho oldoi t daughter of tho Klnfe of Bol- f{lum hau doped with au Austrian officer, louvmg hor huabti,iul disoon&olato. Yankee customb aro Bproadlng with wonderful rapidity In tho courts of Europo. NORTH RIDGE. Miss Lottio Ash called on acquaint ances horo lnat wook. AlborfcBondy latoly built a good largo stablo on his nth concession lot. MiflB Doll -Lounsbury, of Cottam Plains, visitod with Mrs. Voter Oilboo last week. Stanley Barlow has commenced to build a roaidonco for himself on his i>th concession lot. Therowas a very pleasant social party hold at tho rosidouco of Thomas 1). jVIoCroery last Thursday night. During tho three wooks of good sloighing an immense quantity of wood and logs woro hauled from tho bush lota. Ruin foil last Friday night and Sat urday, considerably injuring tho sleigh ing, but Jack Frost camo ou Monday and put a "top to tho thaw, lilmosfc Hopgood visitod relatives in Colchester South, last Sunday and two following days. Ho took an active part in tho ontortaiimiont there last Monday night. There wan'o-vory pleasant and success ful social hold ut the rosidonco af A. (x. Bodollo last Tuesday night under tho auspices of tho Ladies' Aid of tho Essox Baptist church. It was well attonded,. several loads coming from Eseox, 16 cents was ohavgod. and about $7.CO was realized, ' ' . A short time ago about thirty rela tives and frionds of Win. Roivoa sur prised him by calling on him unan nounced'and unexpected,' Tho occasion was tho anniversary of his birthday. Thoy Camo proparod. to havo a good, merry timo, and if reports are oorroot, of whiohwo havo no doubt; thoir hopes wore realized. Aitor a hearty feast of the bivalves thoy onjoyod thomsolvos to thoir hoarts' content, and after wish ing mine host many happy rotnrna of tho occasion thoy departed for their rospoctivo homos happy in the con sciousness of having mado one soul glad. Cornervlllo. Aroli. Taylor and wifo, of Greenfield, callod upon tho lattor's father on Sun day last. Bert Bondy is hurrying forward tho construction of his barn, and will soon havo it completed. Mrs. Win. Trimblo is, wo aro glad to roport, aWo to bo out again. Sho callod upon hor old friend, Mrs, Thos. Ooolco, this wook. Mr, Eowo, of Essex, visitod recently with Mr. and Mrs. Roid, who aro now stopping with Walter Hermann, but late of England. Burton GohuoII attonded tho "At Homo" givon by tho Epworth Eoaguo of Gen to, at the roaidonco of Mr. Blight on Monday ovouing and roports a pleasant time. Q05FIRLD NORTH. Will. Rawlins movod n largo house from Woodfloo to his farm last wook. MiBS Mabel Jackson is tho gnost of hor sistor, Mrs. R. Perkins, North Ridgo. MiHS Maud McGorman, our school toachor, visitod hor homo in California last wook. Miss DaisyRawlinahashoon soriouH- ly ill, but wo aro ploaaod to hoar alio is improving. Arohio and Willio Noble aro both busy getting out timbor, etc,, for tho orootion of now bams. . Jos. Shippoy has purchased fiO acres of tho big farm of Jackson Bros.' As Mr. Shipper is from that noblo farming country, Ridgotown, wo aro suro ho will soon make groat improvements on' hia farm. Tho Epworth League has boon with drawn on account of tho I'rosidont, Mrs, R. Porkins,boingunablo toattond. Wo hopo whon spring opens and roads get good wo may havo tho ploaHiiro of tho ieap:ud again. (Jcsto. Mrs J. Brush is on the sick list. Township Council moots on Saturday next. ' Mr. Widdis paid a visit to Harrow on Tuonday. Win. Campbell is again in tho omploy of C. E. Weldon. Win. Blight and wifo visitod in Loam- ington last wook, E. Thome had tho misfortuno to lose a valuable cow laBt woolc. Wo understand-that the good, old gamo "Dusty Miller," is again coming to the front. D.Noalwas unablo to attond High School Inst week on account of a visit of lagrippo. * Miss Ada Pascoo, of Ehhox, is to spoak. at tho Epworth Loh^uo thia (Friday) night. Rov. N. E. Scott will attond tho quavtbrlymoetings on next Sabbath, tho 14th. atlO.JlOa.m. Tho lino sloighing of last wook brought n load of E. Thome's Sandwich frionds to visit him. J. A. Coulter, our gonial township clerk, had tho misfortuno to receive a severe bruiso on the log, which kept him in doors a short timo. Wo aro pleased to know that ho is nhlo to at tend to bis duties again. John Gilpin's famous trip was thrown into tho uhndo last Saturday by a party of juvoniloB with a sloigh and a team of fiery horses. Tho speed may not havo boon much .greater than Gilpin's, but tho oxcitoniont was cortainly groator. "Whero thoy had tho ad vantage howovor, was, that thoy onjoy od tho trip .whilo wo understand that Gilpin did not. "~ One day last wook, Alvin, tho 10-ycar- old son of Francis Swoot, jr,, mot with a painful aecidont. It appears thatho was in tho loft nbovo tho horaos and fell through the trap for going up and down. Whon ho foil one of the horses stop- pod on his arm and also kicked him in tho faco. Luckily tho foot struck him only a glancing blow and loft him with nothing moro serious than a first-olass blade oyo. Both oyo and arm aro getting well. lrho Epworth Loagiio gave a birthday party last Monday night at tho resi dence of Mrs. Wm. Blight. Tho at tendance was largo and tho interest was woll sustained throughout. Tho young pooplo indulged iu 'various'games and unmsomonts and, as usual, enjoyed tuomsolvofl thoroughly. Several of tho elderly pooplo. of tho neighborhood woro aldo present. After a few hours Bpontin games and eooial oh at an into-, resting program was rendered, after which luncheon was served and after Biugiug and prayer the crowd dispersed. (1OSFIUL0 SOUTH. Edmund Rogers and family are uf- foriug with la grippe. Tho literary and municipal outortain. mont hold in tho sohool houso oa Wed nesday evoniug of lnat wook, wuS n suc cess* tho house boing completely filled nhd tho program an excellent one. A, H. Woodbridgo occupied the chair. Besides local talent a number from Kingsville and Ruth von took part. It would have taken about three hours to oomploto tho program, but at tho end of two hourw tho chair man thought it timo to closo tho enter. tainmont. A ploiming fonturo of tho ovouing was tho presentation to E. R. Scratch and J. G. Shoploy with oaoh a handsomo and comfortablo rocking chair, accompaniod with suitahlo ad dresses expressing-tho appreciation of tho valuable sorvioos of those gontlo- mon during tho lato rovival windings in winning souls for .the Mastor. Thoy feelingly ropliod, nnd with "God Save tho Queen," and tho benediction, tho mooting closod. Procoods about 815. , ' Cottam. Miss Edith Kollott spent Sunday in Essex. John E, Clarko, from Detroit, is visit ing frionds horo. . Roy Bennett was on tho. sick list last wook but is now hotter. John Townsond showed himself in Cottam aftor a long absonco, all glad to soo him. Mrs, Oowoll, from Northvillo, Mich., in visiting her parents, !Mr. nnd1 Mrs. Chns. Tumor. Mr. Jolly, principal of tho Bollo Rivor road school,delivered a vory interesting sormon on Sundoyloat. David Clark is in groat demand with his forrbt thoso days. David has a few contraots catchingrats. Ho gets ft cents per hoad. Rov. W, II. Shaw, assisted by Miss Morton, of Toronto, will begin a sorios of mootings at Oliuda on Sunday uoxt, February 14th. Cottam is about to loso one of its young mon in thoporson of F.Gnscoyno who hns securod a position in the Water Gap Sanitarium in Pennsylvania. Our Township Auditors, Potor In- man and W. B, Kollott, were both on tho sick list, but are now so far rccov- orod as to go on with tho township audit. Topic for Young People's Mooting Friday evening will bo Childhood of Moses, Exod. 2, 1-10. This is a very interesting subject and wo would like to soo a largo congregation, Every body wolcome. About twenty of Rov. Mr. Beverly's frionds from Cottam nnd vicinity sur prised him on Tuosdav evoniug Inat- Tho party brought baskets'with them and took oomploto possession of tho houso for a fow hours. Avery enjoy able timo was spent by all. Tho body of Mrs. Mary Ann Kearney, of Chatham, was brought horo on Tues day, services being conducted in tho Episcopal Church by Rov. A. L. Bovor- ly, after which tho remains were interr ed in tho Episcopal cemetery. De ceased's maiden was Mary Ann Knight* and sho loaves a husband nnd two child ren. Hor death occurred on Saturday morninglast f rom childbirth. Hor moth er and tho following brothers and sisters also survive: John Knight, of Bay City, Mich., George Knight, Alpena, Mich., Edward Knight, of Windsor, Mrs. W. Borrowmnu, of Andordon, and Mrs, Frank Wood, of Windsor. Two half brothers. Wilfrid and Walter Jenkins, also survive. On Monday, at hor lato reside nee, Cottam, Mrs, Agnos Novillo, widow of tho lato Thos. Novillo passed away at tho ago. of (17 yoars. When but 2,1 years of ago, she removed to Cnuadu with hor [parents who settled in tho township of Maidstono.and'aubsoqiiont- ly romovod to tho township of Gosfleld. With tho oarly sottlors sho experienced tho many hardships incident to a now country. In hor later life sho was comfortably situated and had tho ro- spcob of tho community in which sho resided. Somo yoars ago sho became & mombor of tho .Mothodist oburoh and continued up to hor last hours a true and devoted servant of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Sho was of ton visitod by hor pastor to whom sho gave tho strongest ovidonco of hor faith and trust in tho Lord of all graoo. The funeral sorvicos on Tuesday wore largely attended by a vory eympathotio cougrogatiou.. Tho pastor, Rov, W, H. Shaw, .delivered a discourse from tho epistle of James, 4th chapter, tilth, 14th and 15th versos. In his allusion to the deceased ho said that up to hor last momont-hor trust was in her Saviour alone and her end was-peace. Tho paU-bearots wero John T. Brbwn, Wm. Millen, Robt.,. Millon, James Bain, W. H, Billing and James Bennett. The Oottam Cheese and Butter Com pany presented their annual statement for the year 1800. The directors de sorvo grout credit for tho oconomicftl and husiuOss-liko mannor with which tho factory has boon conducted. Th* secretary, tho treasurer and the sales man all work without pay, and try in ovory fair way to make tho factory % success. Tho quality of tho cheese made wasAl, and in order that they take no chancos in hiring an inexpe rienced choose maker thoy have scoured tho sorvicos of G. V. DeLong for 1897. Mr, DoLong was nuccosBful in taking a diploma for choose-maldng at the World's Fair held in Chicago in 1308 : ANNUAL STATBMttNT FOR l8o/>. No. days factory was in operation' 138 " palrons who furnished' milk 64 Total amount of milk received. .73^,545 lbs. " " of cheese manufac tured ........ 70.592 lbs." Average No. pf lbs. of milk to make 1 lb. of cheese....... I0.4C Total value of cheese sold......$ 5,639 31 " amount distributed to pa trons................. 4.004 38 Average price of cheese sold for the season........... 7.98 Cost to patrons for malting and hauling 1 lh.of cheese.. 231' ASSKTS. Cash on hand................$ 68 89 Unpaid stock................ tl6 00 Uuildinfj and machinery....... MOO 00 "'5a MAIULITIKS. Notes to pay............., Assets over Liabilities...... $1584,89 350 00 1234 H9 Cnmp Painter. H. M. Misehcr is jotting his yard woll filled for a good season's work. 1\ H. DoOow is alo putting in a largo stock of logs to O. II. Taylor's mili. 1 Tho Literary society meeting on Wed nesday, January 27th, was woll attend ed. Owing to a misunderstanding be tween tho captains, the dehtito took tho form pf conversation rathor than aren- mont, consequently tho chairman and critics, called it a tio. Following in tho programme: Instrumental .mtuio by Moasrs. 'Wiper and Clark, and Mrs. G. Mulcastor; songby Fred, tfulmor; song by Jmm Andoreon, er,; speech by It. P. Campbell; song and instrumental aocompanimont by Mrs.Goo.Mulcastor; instrumental music on tho violin, man dolin and organ by D. Wipor, H. Olark and Mrs. Goo. Mulcastor; vooal and instrumental music by tho O'Connor . Bros.; instrumental music by tho White Bros. Tho noxt ordor of bUBiuosa was tho election of two captains for debate for Wednesday evening, Fob. Hrd. H.^ B. Campboll wan elected loader of the 4 afilrmatiye- and John Anderson, ar.,' leader of the negative. Subject, He- solved that the works of art are moro ploasing to the oyo than tho works of nature. For tho affirmative, H. B. Campbell and Samuel McFarlano; for tho nogativo, John Andernon, si\, nnd Fred. Garner. O. E. Taylor and John Wright acted as critics on the above montionod conversational discussion or debate badly Maldssone. Goo. Anger, who had his leg bruised, is rapidly recovering. Somo of our enterprising farmerti are laying up a store of ico for tho summer.,: ' Mifis Maggie Nosbitt is spending n'; few wooks with frionds in Leamington. Wo aro ploaaod to soo our old friend, John Clicknor, is able to bo out again. Miss Annio Thome, of Windsor, is visiting some of hor friends in tho town ship. Richard Wiglo, who was seriously in-'.' jnrod by a^fallingtroe, ieslowly improve ing. (Joo. King and sisters, from tho cast,, havo roturriod homo again from theiri prolonged visit. Miss Katio Cromniller, who had been! staying at hor nistor's for some timo', 1 has roturnod homo, \ '/:-iMr. and Mrs. J. Boattie, of Loanaing-;^ ton, spent part of tho wook with friends;|1 and ro^itives hero. ." Mrs. John Ellis who has boon suffer ing from such a long sipgo of illness i*v wo aro glad to say, on tho mend. . . Revival meetings aro still boing oar^'-jl .l-jjd on in tho Methodist"Church horo;','J Eov. C. W. Konnody, of GoBtowa8sist-!il od on Wodnosday evening. .v. On Friday last, as J.. T, Nosbitt and'!ii Mrs. W Boattio woro driving from,' Fssox, their horso took fright at an en^i gino boing drawn by J. Robinson andfj T. Ellis.ElTho animal bolted, throwing^ tho occupants of. tho onttor into th& ditch and breaking the shafts, and what^l might have proved a serious accideri] was narrowly averted. Mts.^G. Patillo, who lives with hee| son-in-law, Roovo Oorbott, at l^ceg was putting a Btick of woodin the atoyei on Monday of Inst week whon! a BliyeSt;1 ran in tho third finger of her right banf at tho first joint. The sliver was. t^ moved but blood-poisoning foUowe$| and on Friday, Brs.Dewar.ofWindsor^ and Amyot, of Belle River, amput tho finger in tixe^bopea of Baving,irfa life. Mrs. Ratillo is ,6b-yearar'.'bf^S| and has been in poor health for a Qonph of years past. You can get 1 gal. of canned , a; for 10 cents per tin, ft,t J."Mi,;^anp|fe ' 'mi,1 Wil < '^iCii

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