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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 5, 1897, p. 7

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IP^lSIf^ ^W ;>!-j------ - L L asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to flood's Fills. Small to Ice, tasteleu, efficient, thorough- A one man aid: " You never know you save taken a pill till It Is ail OTor." 26c. a I. Hood ii Co,, Proprietors, Lowell. Mass. The only pills to take with Uood'a Saraaparlll* Pills The Ktoamor fltuto of Goorulu, from Dantaio for Halifax, lias boou jjivon up for lost. Suo for your divorco in tho Unitod Statou. Albert h. Widditi, Attoruuy at Law nniltiolioitor iu Chancery, 720 Cham ber of Goimnorcu, Detroit, Alioh. Oapt. Mock, of (Ironfall, wuh nontonced to a your in jail for uhooblntf a woman at Moljeod roooully, aiul a man named Cow- Icy watt nortteiiood to two yoaru in tho pen- koutiary for wounding a maro. Ono Ijimi-Ijivor l*ill takon ounh'trifjht during 110 diiyn will.euro Conntipation, ofb- return! njj'Himcluchun and irro^ular uution of tho bownlti. Laxn-Livor IMIh loavo uo tiuploaaatit ufter-offoot. John E. tiullivim hnu boon fonnd guilty at. DorolinBtiir, N. B., of tho murder of Mrn. Dutohor and hur JibtJo hou at, Moadow- broolc, and iioutcnuod to bo lmngud on March I'Jth. Xh will un VtV*r. Bicah Sikh, Aftor imfforinfi for two yearn form aouto indiKOHtion, I triod H. B. B. I took only throo battloft, whiab mudo mo as well a over I wan. I Highly rocom- londB.'B.B. to all dyHnnpUori. Mita. John Wnrnc, Auutin, Mau. CbuH. Uolfjokmn and Putor Olomont have boon arreatod on tbo charge of din- plaimifj tho (twitch wboruby tho ncuidont ou ib 0., A. tt P. S. Ituilway ooourrod ou January 'J3nd, in whioh throo raon wore killed, Thuy woro placed iu tin- Uoufrow Jail. *fc Pain-Killer. (PKIIIIY ruvw\) A fitiro and Safe Ilnmedy In ov^ry enna and evory kind of Bowol Complaint iu Pain-Killer. Thlfi I a tmo iitutemont and It can't bo ' made too atroiu; or too emphatic. It Ifl a nlmplo, iwfo aild quick euro for OrampK, Cough, III i mini at Urn, Colic, Cnldu, Noumlglti, Dlarrhwa, Croup, Toothuchn. -------TWO SIZES, 25c. and 80c. nmwwwwwwtwtfwwwH ww* Ilujili Sutherland, of West, Zorru, lost bin way while walking homo from Wood- ntock, watt found lyiui; within 100yardn or hiti homo and diud from I ho oxpoHuro shortly aftor boinn otirrjml in. Conullnutlim Cured. Gksts, I wau in very pour health for over four yearn ; lha doctor maid it wan coiiHtipatiou. Not wanting to Hpon/I too much cauh I f*ol tliruo bottlun of 11. B. B. and took it reyuljuly. I can certify that I am now in tho vary ' t it oF health and fod Very pratcful to B. B. B. Ai.hu:i> Tc.iioux, Montraal. Qno, Minn Florence Biekfoni, ai^od nixt-jon, of DoudtiM, ^lipped whileatteinptmg to board a H. it D. train, fell under tbo cam and wan killfid. Dr. Fowler'a Exrract of Wild Straw berry cnrcH lJiri'lKi)'i, DyHcntery, Orampp, Colic, Cholera Morbu", Chclera riifaniiiiu, and all InoHeiiehH of the howula. Never, travel wiibout ib. Price H;"iu. T, O. DuviH. tho recently ducted M.lfor S'uikatcljtjwnu, bait ruat^ned bin aoat to avoid tritil of a protctit. Dr. Fowlor'a Extract of Wild M'thw- berry cured Diarrhaia. Ovho'utory, Colic, Cnunpt, Cholera. Cbnlura Infantum, Cholera Morhim und all Hummer com . plainttt and UuxeHof ibo Lowels i'j chililrun or adult.fi An expln-iion net lire to tao Berlin ^aH wnrltfl on Wcdiu-i'day, 27tb mi. Mr. Aid- rich, one of the empl.-iyeun, Wnfl killed, and Secretary Breitbuupt and Mr. Wullor very oonouuly injured. Mr. Broitbaupt ha" flinco difd. t^visy^ SSflaNfiflyENSl^Hi s Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a ;.nrpri:;inKly short ihiu-. It';; a sr.i- (.iitiliccfrtainly, trli:l iii.dn hi;, i,uotliiu|; jhuI licaliii^iiiita iti'cci.i. W. C. McCotini'tc ft Son, y ISditchiaic, Ono.. ri r.'i"",tliiaJi-Uprt1i:itl,1vityl",fii.i:tl mxil Mrs. HT r. laiL-cjtuoriliiinii.iriildiiu-lic-iHiia t'.i.ni')il;il A '"..... ( It vi j'-ji;;-iiluiiill]i..'i:ij]c. J _____, l',i M. J. II. IICTTV, ClRTUkt, V -H Yuiifit; Si : m " As n |;..|inrnl :-.u;:)] 1Jlt.| ] fiy, ,,,, i-y,,.... J I iT'-tl.il lb. ll lil.u I Iiht.1..... '., |.,ci..tt.tlli>!t. Jt, T'l I /. Y ') Ims civi-it tlin uirm-! >.ni,.:i.'ii1)li l.n m! v,-'ti, li-iVt lll.:<i ll, iriiiur ii..v'f,; :.--,l, , I'l'iK.'lii-i dxilvt-i] fnHuii', i: .., d t| . ll l:t Miltiililo luriiltl "i y,.nn;.'. Im In- t!i" t.ii,to, llnii-'ilii ii IUi in.-1, in ),,', \ , noil I nui.slwjiyi j'o.ni.1,,11-1 it i, , u lull.iHt) I'l'liyli tiii'<i!c)i .i," i^/.'vio a f.AWiw.iv":: ., ol<; IV'il'ii l;.i ; . I.Jo^ti:....^ ' -ui i i,- ' COMBER. J. D. A a. A. Ainilie, undertftkere and dealers in furniture, eto., baVe dlaeohod partnership, ,T. D. Alnnlie retlrlDK from tbo firm. The business will in future bo ooiiduoted by G. A. AiDslie. BOOnEHTBR. H. B. Kuietor baB greatly improved the warehouse at BUBOomb Station. Tho eo- tiro building has been romodoUod, and a eteam elevator added. Grain la haudlad now with dpatah. IVlr.Knistor is bound to keep abreast of the tlmea. J. Bigger, of Comber, aupariutuuded the work. It UK COnit STATION. Mra. A. Turner bus rooovered alter a Hovero a pell of illnoHQ. II. U. Kniater has returned homo, after Bpondmtfa lew dayH in Toronto. Mlsn Miuuio Smith, of Amhorotburg, aooompatiied by a number of her frioudn upoiib luet week at homo. 1-SJCIK. Misa Maggie Budoll, of TuoumHoh, waH tho ^uoHt of bur couhium lant week. Mi mi MoMahon in on the mok list. Uov. J. P. MoIuuoh, l^oHbytorian mm- iHtor at l*uoo, wan married on Wodnenday, 'J7tb itiHt., to Minn Ma^nic Motiomiau, of Port Finlay, Bruoo Co. HTKAKT PAliT Da, Agnow'a Curo for tho Hoiirfc Do- fi'ca tbo Moat lutouflo Pain No Matlor How Loug Standing tho Trouble, it Masters Diaoaao in Half an Hour, and in tho Caao of John Crow Fivo Bottloa ; Ourod Iloart DiBoafjo of Ton Ycara &>tauduig Horo'a Hia ToHtiinony UnBolioitod:- John Crow, oon of Mr, George Grow. Urraor, noar tho villu^o of Tara, Out., writeH: "I waw alarmingly aflliotod with palpitation und enlargement of tho liuurt for nearly ton yearn. I dootordd With bout phynioiaiiB and triod uumoroun ramediuu with very httla boneUt. In our looal pap- urB.I-notified Dr. Akuow'u Cure for the Heart advortiytu^ und I detorininod to ^ive it a irial. Ipeido of lialf an hour I had relief. I have tultou about flva bottloa, and fool to-day that I am aa well aa ovor 1 wan. I am oomplotoly ourod." _------- - Csiiindlnti. Parlinmont hati boon called to moot on March U. It iH tathor poculiar that two Kentlomnn by tho name of Loitoh alioold have been oiWod wardonn of Middlonox and Kljiin tho Humo year. A bad railway wreck oaourrod near Dorohoittor, N. B., ou Tuesday, 20ih ult in which Mihu l'atriqiiiu, of Bloomtiold, N. B,, and Arthur 0. Ed^ooombo, poiitnl olork, bnloufjiiif* to Fredorioton, woro killed and many othoro boriounly injured. Hon. Mr. Borden waft among tho lattor aud reooivod a bud noalp wound. Tho wholo train of nix cam rollad down an ornbauk tnont. fho Elfiin oouuty oounail bullottod all Tuenday uftornoon of lat week on the oleotion of Wardou. Seventy.nino ballotH wore takon, without avail, Mr. Ltntch, of Duttou, falling ono yoto [ihort of tho re quired number. Next morninj/ ballottinu wan renamed and shortly aftor ono o'clock, Mr. Leitch watt ohouon on tbo lOlat ballot, recoiyins neven.voteu. Mr. Yarwond otned next with tour. Tho application for an amendment to tho Municipal Aot to permit corporation to enua^o in innurance \h to bo renewed at tho cotnin" HeuHiou of tho LeRiolaturo l>y the Toronto city council. Tbo nohmo in already in ouuuoHHfnl oporution i:: tiwil/.tr* land, aud tho corporaliona of Hainihop, Guolpb, Brantford and lomi amalk r pi not* a will anoint Toronto in punning tho matter Iteforo the Li-tiinlatilro. The un-. rfcanomni: urbitruriiietn! of llio Underwrit- ora1 at-Houiation in itn chinHilioation in lurj-uly rtmponhibb for ibo agitation. ^lubbiiig Rates, 1897. Tlie pronrictoni of the Finn; 1'nr.iu Ihlvo niaile iLrrnn[[ttmoOt!i with the imbluitiont of other periodic il i and nowHpitpurfi whorohy-tlmy aro in a pouition to fjlve tlinlr iiuhnerilierd tin* bonniHof re dm* ml priooii whou thy ar.lor twn or inoru papers. An mnuy of tho ofTom arc only f'uod for a liriiUt>il time iiuliiicribinit t*honhl not ilelay In renewlui' Tim following is a par tial lint, of olVurii wu can (ilvis: KniiK I'uuhH tuid WtiHtnrn Ailvertinor.........5 1 10 Weekly Mail.................... I !'> " Weekly (Hobo.................. 1 50 " Weekly Star ami Family , iloralil...............:..... I HO " ' ' Wocltly Witnoiifl............... ) an " " Daily WltnuiiB..... ........... 'J CO " " . Fdrinoru' Hun.................. 1 :ti> " ' llurpcr'n Mauuzlno.,.......... 1 10 ' " Weekly..............'. 1 HO Uliznr.................. i no ' . " " Hound Table...... 3 00 Dully Globo..................... it TjO Dully Advurtisur............... 2 00 " Cof.inopolitan ......;;.......... 1 Hfi ' Ciunullaii Homo Jouniul 1 r>5 " " Auiorieiin ApriuulturlHt... l 50 Tim: Fiir.r. Pkkkh one year, &U)l)f ll mantliH, so eoutn; ;i inonttiii, 2f> centu. If yen have not renewed (or 1^07, now la the time to 1I0 lt- Arttlvofin (tU cOiiUnuniciLtlonu to BUETT & AULD, Essex, Out. 60 Washington Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Treats All Diseases of Men and Women, If ordinary treat men than fulled to relievo you. or if you, are tired of hfdnR humhuijttfiil and inaltroatod l>y qufiokii and lnipontoi h, consult un. Wo have . nuido the troatmunt of all QlnoniL' dluonuoH tho Httuly of our life. If you are hi need of houout, treatment wo will eivti It you. Our tttitff cminlntH of eeveu opihiout npoalallwtn, aud their uoiHbinud whuluui ut bvouht to huar la nil complicated, UiUhmU, or ilouhtful oai'oii. Oommltatlon froo either at. Iiifttitiito or by mail, If youoannot call, mud *ainp for qne'iitlon Wank. Our eliiiVfleHlov troHtmoitt vavy irem Slito Iii) per month rither hy mnll or at Iimtituto. Otilv nuruhlo ohhhu ureaaoeptod. nil a cure in Riuira^iteod in every enno nndevtak^n. r. B. Hond Idoenta for our IHtlo IHuntraton booklot on Btoam Nobuluatlou, uhnwiiii'the only ratleiml audMiicooiinful trnatniontof Catarrh, Catarrhal deafnemi, llrouohltlB, AHtlnna and CopimuipLiou, ; WHY Hit WIFE DIDN'T OBJECT. Bwrvay Wain't Delngr Amy Wrrylit nd Cenld ntmy Out All Klaht. "Refllly, boyi, I ha.v&to quit," aaid tho man with tho biggest staok of chipfi in front of him as he gathered in an other jack pot. -"Oh",'atiiha'off, that*a not aquaro,*' doolniod tho bierccHt-loKer._________ ' ' Why?'* "You'vo jrot nil tho chips. Aren't you'Roine to #ivo tho rest of ub iv nhov/V" "Thut^not it. You know I don't caro for your moncv, but " "You'ropottiiiK it." "Maybo I am. iiufc I really TnUftt quit You hoo, I am' marriod. You follows are uin^lo. It is 12 oV.louk now, and if I donM. jjot home I will bo in ii protty muHM. Ak it ia I nxpoot ho find my motlior-in-law and my wifo wait ing forme. You avo not marriod." *'X am," declared tho man whoso lunk hud juHt voturned. "And you nvts coiiiE to play all ni-vht?" "If T want to." "And drinkV" "Hot your Iir'.*f . 11 And mnoko?'* "Curt." "Your wifo won't nay niiythinp; to yon wbou you got lioino V" "Not a word." "Doonn't hn ohjoct to your playing pokovt drinkinp* and Rmokinii all mRht?" "Oh, I don't know. I am not wor rying about it. Stay all night!" "Tlierojyou t;oo it'n a bluff!"' (lo- clarod tho higgust loaor. "Tt'n all vory. woll for Harvoy to talk about tho way lio ban liio wifo trained** but I can't do it," returned tbo man with tho biggGHt stack of chipK, "but I toH-ynu wbat I will do, I'll p;ivo my utiiAik if lio will toll mo how ho manaKOH it." "Dono!" cried tho man whoso luck had turned, aa ho roaohod for thorn. "My wifo i out or town viHitinp; somo frionda," Chicago TinioH-Horald. ANIMAL HUMBUGS. YrlcUft of Our VrlfiitU to Obtain favor* und to Avoid Work. In military Htnhlen hovBea aroknown to havo protended to bn lamo in order .to avoid pjoing to a military oxeroiKe. A ehinipanzoo had boon 'fed on cake when nick. After Iuh recovery lie often feigned coughiuc: .in order to* procure dainties, Tho oiiekoo, aa is well known, lays iU i'lxizti in another bird:H nest, and, to make tho deception auror, it.takouaway 0110 of tho other bird's op;p;s. Animala are conscious. oE thoir decoit, as |h shown by tho fact that they try to act secretly and noiselessly; they show a lionse of cuilt if detected; they take precautions in advance to avoid dis covery; in somo cases they manifest rep;ret. and repentance. Thus, becH which stual hesitate often before and after thfiir exploits, as if they, feared punishment, A naturalist describes how his monk ey eoinniittod theft. While he pre tended to sleep the animal regarded him with hesitation, and stopped every time his master moved or seemed on the point, of awakening. The KrcoiHl Mari'iatrn. "How cosy you do look!" [ could not help sayinp; as I sank into an easy chair oppos te my two old friends whom 1 had not mot in live years. "We are enjoying our second niarri- ap;e," answered my fnendwitha merry laurli. "Your second marriage!" f.looked at her in amazement. 1 knew she had never married any mnn except the ono beside, her, and she lias been his wifo over thirty years. "You see," she continued, tucking a silvery Jiatr neath the dainty cap, "when Will and I first married,' wo had only each other to think of and care for. To this day I. love to think of those first two years. Then a little one came to share our affection. What with making dimity little dresses and keeping busy hands and feet out of mischief, I, could not always think to have my hushaijcTs slippers by the lire, or his hat and gloves in just the rie;ht place. As tht.i years passed and our children grew, our interest was cen tered in their welfare: we..had less time to .think of'each other; now they are married ami .suit led in homes of their own, and we have j^ono hack just where we started, with unly each other to e'are for." "And do you enjoy it the sameV 1 asked. "More," she answered quickly; "then we had to learn each other's likes mid dislikes;'now wo know them andean gratify each other's wishes, almost before they aro spoken." I watched them during t.lio day, and noticed how careful ho was to do all little errands, to save her stops, and how quietly she arranged everything [or his comfort. When he praised the lunch her eyes brightened, just us 1 imagine they ilid in those lirst, years. AVe lingered long at the table, chatting of old times ami ohl friends. .His voice was as {strong;, ami his laiu^h was as hearty nud 1'ivsh as years ago, while she had lost, liouo of her: peculiar powers 'of oiitoriuinhig. I wondered ihen, and many times since, why there could not he many more such cocond marriages. "Why,, as the years pass- instead of drifting apart, husbands and wives could not bo drawn morn olosely together, help ing ami cheering ouch other iu their declining years, until ihoy puss over tho river and sit down 10 the marriage supper of. the Lamb. Wlutt llln UofAoi'SuUI. "Husband, what did thu doctor "say about me V" "Ho said that you must, give up re- 'liglau U-Jid talco to drink." "What?" . "Well, he said you must stop doine, so much church work and tako i> touic." Induced by the hko of coo*, opUte or nar cotic compounds la bad, decidedly b*d. It undermines the health and shatters the constitution and tho pat lout la steadily growing Into a worse oondltlon often revolting In' tho terrible slavery and misery of tho oocalae and opium habit. Bleep Induced by tho use of Hood's Baxsa- parllla may not come on quickly, but It comes more nurely, permanently and Is Sweet And refreshing because it Is realized through nature's groat restoring and ro- Juvonatlng channel purified, Vitalised and enriched blood. This foods tho nerves with llfo-glvlng onorgy nnd buildo up tho system and constitution from tho vory foundation of nil health and Ufa tho blood puro, rich, rod blood. Refreshing "I wan generally run down lost spring, appotlto wad poor nnd I could not sloop. Hood's Harattparllln built mo right up, gave good appotito and I wnfl soon a bio to get n good night's rent." G.-JK, WitMWV, Morohant, V00ma 11 n St., Ionia, Michigan. Hood's Sarsaparilla XstheOiioTruoliloodPurinor.AllilruRBUtf. $1. l-r^A,ai r*n^ euro Uvcr Ills, rntny to take, HOOd S PillS easy to oporato. Scouts HOW PLAMTS spread. They IIuvo Wuyit of Tln-lf'OwM for O^HlnC Ovi>r tli iiround. The dandolion is an Old World flowor not native in Ameidcii, yavo far to tho north and on somo of tho highest of our Western mountains. , Hut somehow, it was brought hero, perhaps trom Eng land in old colonial times, says' "St. Nieholits," Now wo seo its g:oldon heads und feathery balls at every grassy roadside, tho "clocks" the boys and girls blow to tell tho hour. A fow years ago farmers in I ho Northwest found a new weed, a vile, prickly weed, in their wheat fields. In 11 very nhort time this weedi the Russian thistle, has spread ovor wide arena of tho best farm land in. that part of tiio country, and lias done great injury to the crops. How do these plants spread so fa&t and so far? They are not carried about'and planted. No onu would bo so foolish as to sow Russian thistles. Tho mother plant must have ways of her own for sending her offspring abroad into the world. Plants propa gate themselves in two ways, from seed or from buds. Hometimes. these buds aro borne on slomler runners- A strawberry plant, after it has blos somed, begins to sen*I out such ruu- ner.s, with buds, unfolding tufts of leaves, along them. These tufts are at lirst connected wiUi the parent plant, but later tho runners between break away, aud each tuft becomes a now phint. Many grasses, like .Ber muda grass and the troublusomo iplick or coucii grass, have creeping stems, each point sending out a bunch of roots below aTrd-'ir^bud on the upper side, [f yo'u try to bee up such grasses, you only make matters worse, for oacli point when cut oil' is ready to form tin independent plant. Such grasses spread very fast, and soon take possession 01 the land they get into. PASTIMES'OF HOYAUTY. Hmv Si>ino<Jiie<*iiN mill Kinivri'snt'K Km piny Tit fir IjHHitrr .Mommits, The helgian Queen and Austrian Km press in former days employed their leisure moments with "breaking in ' pet ponies; hut of late tho Belgian Queen has preferred i.hestudy of litera ture, aud the Austrian Km press of Greek. The Duwuger-khnnress ol' Rus sia and the I.Viueess of Wales have tastes entirely in common; both are de-yotial to ait embroidery,' painting in water colurs and are wonderful adepts at milliuury. The Queen of Wervia, while indulg ing in all the luxuries due to her rank, eschews a soft hed and the tempting down pillow. She sleeps on a hard divan, with a hard aud unyielding mattress,'ami wiihuut the vesiige of a head rest. The rou-oijueiu-n is that her figure is prrfeet, aud the carriage of her head stately and natural. The royal family of Servia bus never been permitted as children to indulge iu a pillow, consequently tin1, absmn'O is no deprivation to; the beautiful. Queen. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hyp^phos- "phites brings back the ruddy glow of lite to pale cheeks, the lips become red, the cars lose their transparency, the step is quick and elastic, work is no longer a burden, exer cise is not followed by ex haustion; md it does this be cause it, furnishes the body with a needed food and changes diseased, action to healthy. With a better cir culation and improved nu trition, the rest follow. /or Mia at 50 ctnl* and 4"X> by li driifctjlsU. '.' SCOTT & UOWNli, IWItVllU, Ont. DONT BUI a Stove until yon nv the new stock at ^ ^ %HIMi McMTJRRAY'S See tho Oxford's Stoves, Best ill the WoHll. ManufaotOier by the Gurney Foundry Co., of Toronto, (both Wood aii<vl Ooal). We have them in Stock, Our prices are the lowest !J Call ,3x<3L X'xxmj&&<ytm General Tinsmithing and Repairing attended to. tj^^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex- Are You Building* ? Wo can supply you with all kinds of Woodon Malarial, ph^i 1 and ornamontal. Pino, Hfxnlodc and nativo Lumbor. alwi.^;| on hand, Bhingtes, Cedar Pcsta Boevt :i Saah and Coal. ^Get Your Storm Doors and Window^ Made Now.- '. Laing Bros s :,y fipfew ^cwsi2SfiOCW ^da^iieatKt^-biiaiiiianct ? TUnllCHMTlC ftt yonnrf mon, mi'ldln nrcml mon nnd n!d mnn cimlookhruskht InUUOnllUO tlioir boyhood duy.1 or ourly inimhoiid with n eluh bC romorso, Tho irtnnmnc*! of nnrly* yonth, or Intoron n niiwipent 11 To an "ono of tlio IioyH" luiatiOwn thnHfmdtv for fntnro uuQuriiur* SELF ABUSE i" iiturribln Hin iiHidiinr. ntitnto amt will briuKnrich harvijot. Illonti nnil Privoto IU cskpi\)i tlio vory life and vltnlUsr ol the victim. Our MliW MEl'IIOU THiiATilUNT will i.onitivoly cuto ull tho follaw- ln/;(iin(!iui08: VARICOCELE, EiVlISSSOiMS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRBGTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAL DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. ADC- Vfrlll 0 NEIIVOUS ami ilcnpnnclcnt; m>:iTc<irri(*bilitatcxl; tlrwl mnrn'niYfl! H ttllL I UU ( (iml)itlo!i-liVu;iiH; liMtiimryiioo:-; mnily ;itij;iioil; nxcitubluinid Iri-i- 'lablo: oyoti ininUoii, rvd.and blarrcid; pimplus on fni'c; ttroniiiH nnd ni(,'lit, Iiuummi; roflt- h'tia; linmrfird Ibokinir; wcalc bad;, bono lmin:*: Jmir Jnnm; iilcnm; boio tlirout; vurictt- oln: dopo-.it In nrhionnd dniiim nf. i>t<ml; dlntritfttfnl; want of mufidonce; lack: o rnorcy und Htronuth-M/e" OAN GURE YOU OR ASK NO PAY* . CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL SNATCHED FROM THE'GRAVt 6T^ dncUii'iiund norve touitH by tbi j-ciro uii.linut honi-iii; ninirtiiioufluiKl tlrnlnniuorouncd. I biifiinu) a rwrvoiiii wrurlt. A friimd v/ho had lioi-ricnrod hy Dm. Kennedy &> Korpan of luiimllnr duiwuio, ndviund mo to try i1m>ih. 1 did tin'and in two inontlhiwnflpoaitlVc.. lyotirod. Thin \vn oU;l't jt-arn uqo.- 1 am now nitirriod and buvo two hoidthj1 ebilti- ion." '.. WftDlnnOCI C Pll^rii "Ynr:Rie,.iomn(l(iHfo,hiinprnblft. I .wau irpak nnd VAnloUuLLC uUnll'K uorvou", >r. t.unku'n, bashful in iioolctty, hair tUUi. nonmbltlon, J'ho 'GnUluu lUonitor' <mmicd my t-jtia, Tho Nkw MMhod 'L't'oatuioiit oi JJr.t,' Kennedy.und Iornau cun.'d mo i:i a low wujkii. I, L, i'li'L'KUHON, Ionia, -CftNICOinkl'C OUOrn J. P. KMKIWOM rnlntNOdti nxuurlpnop. "I UwtTtm 'tlriloolUNo bUHCli. _uf:.rm., AtuohooU io.irnnd an .wir.l.y. hiiblU wldcli :1'i wIidih woro manhood.'.' curod.: Tliolr muny Mctlii.nl Troutiimut .ouppHott vigor, vitality ojati, CVD1JM IC* finnnfl "ThiMcrriblnblnodiliHrtanowaiiin my nyt"m for oiRlit , Oil 111 L o UUlltlU' yoaru. Umitak-n mercury Tor., two; i.'iuu. but. tlio diiioaiitj ' 'roturiiod, 15yon red, pIuintoH und blotchfi" <"i the Bkili, ol"om in thomonthnnu on, \ .. Itmnim, bono imlnn, liUHnj; out of" hair, wcuUhohii, olc.. My lirotlmr, who hiul liowix <*<!;vl iniird ol iiloot und Strhtmo by I.'ru. K'-iuhhIv nnd Korean, rodoiuinimclod thom,' VC-f 'I'hoy cuwsd mo in n fow'wt'oUu, and I' thank tiod 1 cnmtultod thorn. Nu roLurn ortbij '. v cl.auuHoinnlxyfl.nii>,l Wtl>.'M..Jaclctioii, ,, v-'f 1 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, ^00,000 CURED. NO HlSK. Hcnlud. . -...TTKN CONSENT. RRU/ Honamoo on boxes oronveW (illiiHtmtod), n DiummcB ol MumlimlofcO iioKtri^o. ii odiiirt. MrNO r4AMiS USED WITHOUT WRIT! VA IE. kNlornadlolnoaoni-C O. D. Monamc. opes. bvorymlritf oonfldurttlal. CJuoutlon Hot and coat Gt<-"]t,i'*i Troattnent FRKE. , & iMo.l48SHEL.BY:St|I DRS.KENNEDY & , DETRplT,MIQH '*'iVi' feiiM^

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