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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 5, 1897, p. 2

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fv-ir- i a ft # Sf-: 7HK Hm wind of Haraptad noatb still borni my As, noma returned, X muse nnd see aria* Thow, rounded hills benoath the loir,"irmy Bklei, Tfith gleams of har lapped ettle* far to Mk. Th*M nan ploture, bat haw fitly speak Of, what might not ba teen with nearohIng And all beyond-tha JlaftenJag ear that lion, Bast kn, >wn to bard* and sears In Union antique} The; winds that of the spirit rlso and blow Kindle iny thought and Kball for many n dny-j Recalling what blltho prouones filled the place Of one who oftentimes pawed up that vray, By garden oIohu and lano whare boughs bond low, Cntll the breath of Hampiitosd touched hi* Edith M. Thomas In Contpry. faoo. THE BAXTER FAMILY. On thono nights when tho thoators and tho liko find no favor with mo I linger in Undo Kouboh'fl dim lit plnco until tho lust grateful guest ban goim, and. Hipping tho "madoory," listen through tho long houra to tho quaint old dfttky'H HtorioH of hiw peoplo and his truoorly told old tales of hut pus- aions, heart oonquoatft, hnrnb days, hup- py ni^litH and iill thufc lifo which Wiih at once tho color and oharaotor of tho timo now dead and gone forever out of tho sunlight ud into tho shadow of Dixie, In all the years of hid lifo in Now York I do not think Undo Kouhcn linn ovor qui to rouonoilod hiniKolf to hla en vironment, nud there in tho tono of af fection and admiration in his volco When he Hpeakii of t 1io.hu BuxturH who had boon his masters. All tho Baxter Worn on were angelic all tho Baxter men Were bravo, 'lioubon wnH himnolf a Baxter if you asked himforhin lincago. Unolo lloubnn'a restaurant wan. al most dORortod tho other ovoulug at tho late hour when 1 dropped in for n baked band and n bottloof hid "nindcery," Tho old negro came shuttling forward at my oiitranco and, witli u "How d'yo do?" began to Hproad tho snowy cloth, "Whut kin I Harvo yuh tuhnight, Bah?" "Ono of thoHOfish, Undo Iteubon; tho Way I liko it." , "Yon, Hub," and tho order wont into tho kitchon, Undo Koubou returning as soon an ho had given his directionv for tho cooking, "Been outou thu oity, subf" "Yea, uuolft." "WW Ton'aeo, maybe.?'* "No; North Carolina." "No'th Oa'lina? Wna yuh mootin any folku down thah by thu name uv Bon- WGll?" "I hadn't that pleasure, Unolo Koa- ben. Do you kuow uuybody in Oaro- liua?" "Yoa, unh. Loaub I know floino folkB wlmt cum fam thah. Thu BouwoIIh Wua Oa'lina folka* 'fo' thoy oomo tuh won* Ton'boo. Thoy ia mixed up wiv thu BaxtnhH kinduh marriod amon^t *mf yuh know, an thu Eaxtuhn boin my folkfl, uv co'ho, I ruun1 know thu BouwoIIh. Yuh boo, thu Bouwollfi cum ovah fum No'th Oa'lina long timo ago an Hottlo in wch' Ton'ooe, an wuntin tuh bo thought woll uv in thu county, thoy naehully git tuh know thu Basctuhs. Thu two famiiibH boon mo' lotifl togothah vah Bonco, Pow'ful nico folks in thu Bomvolln; only kinduh haHty." "HaHty?" "Yon, Huh, yuh known; hanky'bout Hayin things 'boat people nnhanty 'bont roaohin fo' thoy pookotH, Moh* ovah bit uv troublo in Obion county unod tuh havo a Bouwoll in it. Gwino tuh tako long timofo' thV basa, Huh" (apologot- ioally). "Than tell mo about tho BomvellH." "Ych, Huh. Yuh boo, null, thoy wuz thofio kin uv folks whut wnz alluH i*oun at thu wrong timo, allun gittin intuh troublo whut thoy couldn't koop outcn. Uv co'ro they didu't moan no harm, but yuli know how it in. A gom- mun, lie gitn inaultod by Boinobody, an ho dcH got tuh flght. Tlin'o thu way thu BouwoIIh. They hud so much troublo tha' aftuh whilo thoy don lciudali got in thu habit uv it! an when ono uv *uiu got shot 'r shot Homob.ody, nothin wuz naid fam'ly voun, so thoy all say it imiH* bo 'copt hotweon thu 'mediato frion'H 'an rolutivoa But thoy wuss alius nico folkfl." "Some of them in jail, X reckon, Un olo Boubon?" "No, Buh,' no, Rnh, not n I known. Somo uv 'oni in Texan an Komo in Now Ynwk, but uono in jail. .Tail ia built fo' wiggaha au pO' whiten." '"Somo of tho family in Now York, you nayV" "Ououv 'oin. Ho do mo thu honnh uv cliiiiu wiv mo onot in whilo. Thah uhi* m'auyuv 'cm loft anywhah now." "Ono of tho old fatuilion passing away, oh?" "YoHp'Hnh; passin way. Thah novah wuss a groat- numbnh uv thu Bomvclln, an thu liahitH uv which I Hpoko who ain1 fittin fo' long livin. Thoy comraouoo tuh thiii out'bout thu timo thu Bono- diotH moved intuh Obion, Thorn Bono- diotH wan't thu bes' pooplo, but thoy wu pow'ful many. Thoy had thu niime habit aH thu Bonwolla, an, boin mo', uv 'em, thoy Jiad it mo1. "'Twau't long aftuh thu BonodictB naovod in that thu Bonwolla found it out. Thutwofam'lioHhadHomodiffuuco 'bout a hog mark, an --both Hided got hnnty. Tha' wuss thu boginnin, nn it Wont on an on on til thah wau!t .many uv thu BouwoIIh lof in'wofl'Tou'hoq. t thought yuh might buvo mot Homo uv 'om.iu Ca'lina. "Uvco^jjo in thu affaiuha I'm tollin yuh 'bout lots uv Benedicts etoppod tulkin, but thah muu' havo boon a big spring uv 'om up in thumiddlooonntioH whali thoy oomo fum, 'kao ovith thuo a Bonodiot had a fun'rul* two mo' new Boucdicts oomo tuh thu HarviocH. Tha'a mighty disbeartoniu tuh a fam'- , ly like thu Bonwdla, who is pow'ful uiob folks wiv a fault '* two. Thu Bobediota kop' gittin mo' an Uio' plenty; till by an by fcheygottuh 'Iootin Hhoriffe au judges an othihB. Theu thu Bonwolla ' aho wuz disenoouraged. .i '.'Souse mo, anb, I reckon yuh bast ! mus'bo'bout weeteuin." Unolo Reu ben honied away ^> the kttohsn a4 re turned with tho d^lh. HtiHVt** tt<J away from the tpinM of the fish, t- ranged th oondiWwU * my slbow with that flhoW bt kindlin*M whloh he alwayi took on whon he had aarvod a friend with a. maaterpleeo, and I began the fooflfc. .The baas was excellent and th "madoery" good. Pouaeasedwith peaoe, I listened whilo the reminiHOont old darky talked of war. **3irlre-dea-a-yuh like 'im, suh?" "All right, unolo. Go on with tho Bonwolla." " 'Bout thu las' ouo uv thu Bouwolln tha* I knowa uv wnz Histah Har'y- H wuz a nico .gomman, liko hi maw au paw whut 1 kiunvod, au ho wuz hasty, Nono uv thu Bouwolla evah saw. thu iiiHUlo uv a cotohooHO 'oopt Miutah Hur'y, an it niun' havo boon putty hahd on 'him. Nigh nn I kin ondoratuii 'bout tha' fum ma frion'a in tha' Miatnli Hur'y haftty at u barbucuo whali thu tuh CHILDREN'S COLUMN. THE TOY DOG. , He Is Only a Handful, and His noma la . Pown la Mexico, Down lrTMMlco live the cninlloflt doga In tlio world. At-first sight ono would tnko thorn to bo toys onrvod by somo cun ning workman, but tho moment thoy move thut Impression vanishes, for they ore bho Uvollost of all lively llttlo dogs. , Tholr nattvD home Is In OMhuahua (pronouucod 0)io-wh-wii), Moilco, nud one o( thoin that weighs more than a pound tsoonaldorod k very glnnt of tho tnoo. ' Nob long ago a roaldout of Houston bought ono of these toy ilogH nd hrouKht It homo with him. lie cullotl It Porrlto, which la tho Hpanlsh for "ltttlo dog." TSSKT8BUKa^intt\mB^^ oetiMS, niohardiwh Blk.( Bbbsx, Out. CHURCH DIRECTORY MBABUBTT. lssaor of Manllgo Lloon-o CommlifllonorlD O ,J.,oto. aesto, Ont w.D- BE AM AN, got gov'nuh uv tliu statu wuz gwino epouk. Bomo uv thorn BcmulietH iiiuh' havo Huid Hiimpin tuii him, uu thah wua noiiio ahoofcin. Bomo Bouodloin wuz hurt mo' hmn, but whut wu mighty onluoky .fo' Mintah Har'y wuz fchn' a bullit hit thu gov'nuh iu thu oa'f uv thn leu- "Thah wuz a Bonndiot Hhoriit all othuhH uv 'om roun, an HOiunbodyhiul tub git 'rested 'bout tha' bullit, CVau it wuz MiHtnh Har'y. Thuh wan't no try in tuh fln* out whoBG bullitit wuz might havo boon ono uv thorn Bonodi6tn yuli kuow but Miatnh Har'y didu' havo many uv hia frion'a wiv him. 'Twnn't Iouk befo' oyahhody in thu county know MiHtuh Har'y nhot thu gnv'mih. Wen a county iH takin koor uv u hig man liko a gov'uuli, 'taiu't nico tuh havo him ahot. So Miatah Har'y had tub go tuh coto au stun a trial dOH liko u po' white man. Thu gov'nuh didn't havo nothin tuh do wiv it. It wuz don them Boned ictH. "Won thu jodgo nay Miatah Har'y mun' go tuh thu pnnotentry, I reckon ilioUh Har'ymuH' havo madohia 'rnngn- moutu tuh go tuh hell funt, but don then thu gov'nuh ho nond down wud fum thu cup'tul hoggin MiHtol] Hnr'y'M pnhdon fo' gittin in thu way uv bin bullit, an tha' Hottlo it. MJHfcah Har'y didn't Ko tuivno pontontry." "Whut booaruo of him, Uncle Keu- bon?" .-iiThoru BonodiotH in 'aponsiblo for Toii'hoo IonIu a mighty nice gommon. Ho'h thu ono whut'H in Now Yuwk. "I hopon thu uuhh unit yon, Huh." Charloa E. Trovathnu ii> Now York Journal. Onn Must'Itn tho Rupr|or< . In any living organization tho unprflme powor novor dion. Tho king novor dioH, and agaiuat tho poHaibility of tho presi dent dying wo havo mado an olahorato proviHiou, witioh Hiiillciontly Hpoaka for tho danger it hooUh to avoid. But iu tho alow moving action of' tho lmgo organ- ianiH that wo call nutioua and govoru- mout4 thoro ia timo onough for kingH and proaidonta to aleop, to bo off guard; whoroiw, in tho rapid uiovomontn. of ahipH and tho froquont auddcu vioinui- tudo of aoa lifo tho captain tho onp- tain'a powor oamvot aloop. It ia plain to any hia poron xnnut. No moro than tho proverbial HWitoh tondor ouu ho, an a habit, bo on duty 30 bourn out of tho 2-i. Hcnco arinon tho noooaaity for tho wntoh bfneor, who ia iu charge of tho deck and votrtod whilo ao with all tho captain'a powor for tho oonduot of that which gooa on ou dock or portaina to tho direction. Ho holds thin control not bu- ciinao ho in tho captain or nontenant by grado and titlo, butbooauno of the office ho ia then filling. Ia thin oonaidored an oxtravugaut claim unliniitod? And nn it is on dock ao it ia in thn en gine room. Tho man in ehargo there, himaelf in hiaRphoro, oxorciaoa a control aa abHolnto nn tlio captain and tho ofiloor of tho watoh-7-lilco thorn ahaoluto, liko thorn limitod. But thoro aro two.on duty at tho rnvmo timo tho doak oflleer and tho engine ofllcor, tho directive and tlio motivo forcca. Tho unity of roault domanda that thoy bo not independent. Ono muat bo tho anporior, and it muat be tho ono who hasahargoof tho' diroofc- ivo forco, as that which in tho moro ob- floutial to tho safety and government of tlio vessel; not becanao tho ono man in superior to tho other man, but booanao tho ouo powor in moro important; than tho other. Captain A. T. .Malum, U. S. N,, in North American Review. Porrlto wnn4 ytmraold and wolghtid about \XA poundH. Ho cuuld curl up in Mb inns- tur'H hat,or find a oomforfcabhi nost In hln llttlo mlatreaa' muff or utaml up, bright and lively, on -a nian'B hand, aH you moo htm !n hU picture, Ho was nlwaya playful and mischievous, Mh prunkM showing him to bo nonrout liko tlio torrlura of any dogn. But Porrlto grow lonosomo nway from hln Mia loan frlonda and lie foil sluk. The hunt doctors In liquaten wore cnllod In to atUmtl hlui, and ho took Ida oouuh drojia regularly, and oven allowed fcho doctor to glvo him a rtowo of enntor oil. But It wnn all to no purpnno, and PerrltodJod. Tho picture of Porrlto la ooplod from the Houaton Peat. Fifty Years Ago. Who could imagine that this should t>4 . Tho place wherein eighteen ninety-three *i'h;l ".vhllc world-wotidcr ot nrch and do in u Should shndow the nations, polychrome... Here at the 1'nlr wnH the prize conferred On Ayer's VMh, 1y the world preferred. Cblcmfo-llltc, they a record liow, tilncc they Btartcd go years ago. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have, from tho time of their preparation, been a continuous success "with, tho public. And that mearis that Ayer's Pills accomplish what is promised for them; they cure where others fail. It was fitting, thorefore, that the world-wide popularity of those pills should be recognized by tho World's Fair modal of 1893 a fact which emphasises the record: 50 Years of Cures. Iwsuor of M&rrlaco License*. Insurance agent. Night office at Dwollino. TAI.HOT 8THKET, EBBKX ^^UMDERTAKIHO. HPXiUMMB B, Dudortalcor aJd vnrt.itmo Dealor. iloffins, homo nod fnotory rdo from 98 to $30, MoOroRor.On* _^_______'ARCHITECTS.__________ TOUW A. MA.VCOOK, Aiionrnccr, &o Kaom.lOand 11, Vtmiiht^ ItuHiWnf,', WliHlnor, Oni Ihono Q10, Babtfttfr Mbthodiit. Dr, Puooo, Pwtor, eryfiundAyAtll il.rn. and 7 p. m. Bohoolatfl:flOp.ni. Ct B. Naylor, Hnporlnte Dt of gohool. Bpworth League pray or meat Ttitiiday eTenlnfilttta o'oiook. Gona/l pi*y ineetingOD Tboriulayevoulnd. , ,^; ----------------Li-J----------------------------, "aw. CncBca o Ewolxnd Rot-. AX.Bovartyr. oumbBat, Ht. ..Fault, Ubbox. Divncaerric* every bun day at 7 o'oiook, p. m Sunday r;1 Bohool at 10 a. m. x'rlaltv CUuroh,North Kldg*; '. dy School at l.ifip. m. Tho pablloj aro oor-;V dlallylnvttod. "', ___ SOCIETIES rO. O. F.-KNTKIU'ltlBK I^d^ioalH, mootuovory Thurtiday, evening ut 7."" In OddfellowB Half, In third ntoroy Duuatan Mlok, Vlnltlutf niomborsuf othor lodceu will toaoJvo fratortml woloomo, FHKt). OILHOR, N. a. UBNTUAXj KMQAMrMUMT, Wo, U0, inoatlii Oddfollowa'Hall,Du8tan'fl lllook, ou ttnrnt and third Taoatlny In ouo h month. Vlnltoru ootr- dlally roooivoil. MoinborH of Hiihordlnuto lodjioM In th JurlBillatlon, iuvitud to Jolu. O. UANMAN. O.P., a. V. HILL, Hoc. HBKX liTltM mWUWfl. MKKTB I-'IKHT l-'ridny ovonlnu In ovnry month for brl- Rado HioiitiriKiind tlilrd Vrlduy for [iriiutitio in tho Flromon'H ro<i)ii In thu Htouo butldin^, xlaH, ilcMucro-v, Oliitil; Hutu, Htoltli, Oa^tuhi; Jon filoto, Lhiutmmnt; W* V;MmUo', Heortitary; frtul. Hyatt,Trammm* OOUHT HOY Ah, NO. '2V-2, X. 0. V, Mooin Houond iiml fourth Xuoduy'8 In eiioh month In 1. O. 0. l\ Hull at H o'clock p. m. VlftitiuK hrotlitfru will I hi nlvou a fraUrnuf wol- coiini, H. MuCaUHlaud, C. It., W. 0. Bhaw, Bcy. M.J.Wl(il<, 0.1). il. C. K, AOV.NTB v/titiilnu protHablo oniploymntit thioujili tho uuumior can Hud It with uu. hh wo havo n&woafc liUHHlan varlotion of ^urHory htock and now Hood rotatoou, Bulary or aom- joIhbIoii. Writo uiiatonoo for territory. PKL- aAMNUnSHIiyuO.,Toronto,Ont. So-lllt Pdkhbttbiizjln. W. M.Fleming, Poator Ser vians on Babbath atlla^m. and 7 .BO p.m.Sab-i bath Bobool atU:B0p. m. Proyor mi etlng anil Paator'a blblo olaaa on T bob day at7.30 p. mH BoolalUnion on Wodneftdavat 8,16p, ' ' ' . likvrtu: uhuuoh. llov.M. V, Oampbell, Pas tor, .oivloen oacb Habbath at U a., m. and .7 p.;.). Frayo!* mooting on Tburaday eyoning / at H o'clock, fioatu froo. All am cordjaily wel- ,< comod- IlOWAN OXTUOLIO. J-V. 0. B, ifcOeO, Pan tor. Hot/to* ovary othor Hunday at B.80p, til, Buuday School at a p, iu. AlAinaTONM. Hlfih uuihh and Bormon at 10.80 u, in,, uittoohlam ut ii l), m., hatitlmil atlt p. m., vohpuriHitid tjoaediotfon at 7. p. ni, C. E, Mo< Ooo.l'. V. ft Hiy^VATioM Aumv. Oapt. Binlth and Lloat^ lVyton In ootuinuud. Hulvatloti mootinRB Wod> n<iHday,Ttiurfiday and Bumlay ovoulnKfijFroo and KiLuy.huttirdtiy uvmiinn and 'i p.m. Bunduy; tioll- iiouH tnuotiu^t. for ohrltttliiuHltriday uvouingoud 11 a.in, Hunday; Knoo Drill 7 u.iu.ovory Bonday. . All uro wolaomo. LEGAL. (? A. WJBMKll, Harriator, Kolloltor,"Notary VJm Publjo Sta. Money to loan. OuiaeH.Dnn- utai) lilock, up-utaira, IChuoX. 4-1? Bollaltor, Notai Ollloe oi Htrutbom' Jtiuik. Kmwx CoutiVj. Jh. PtfTKltB liarrlator, * Publlo Mouoy to LoUu. CIjAUK1, COWAN. IU11TLKT U lUItTLBT, liturmtoni, utu. OlUoim Mudbury block, .Windw r. Prlyato lundw to loau. A. Ji. Oubss. L. L, It. Jl.K. COWAN, suv, n.a;u a. it. HiH'iy-i/r, ii. A. lUUTtBT* t .-: Franco Compllmenta tho l^nglUli, An Knglinhniun, though generally thick skinned, dotw not tako in nn in- diftdront wny tho rovilomontH ho ro- coivcfl from a mnjor pnrt of tho French prenH, An articlo in Maomillun'H Magii- zino ontitlod "Fruneh nnd Enylifih" couiplainn of tho troutmont: .In thoir loudly oxprofjsod loathinp; of tho unknown oountryuot'osa the olmnuol thoy forgot thoir leKitiiimto rcvongo, and thoy would pretond to fold tlio Gor man to thoir brunst, aa thoy long hIuoo wolconiod hiH boor, if by tho proton bo thoy could put another insult upou tho loathod island, For thorn tho English* mun in n veritable bogy a oomposito monstor, with tho maw of tho ostrioh, tho bonk of ahawk, thoolaWHof a tiKtir, tho manner of a olorgyman and tho ouuiiiiig of an ape. This torrifio oroa- turo, Buys tho Frouoh journaliHfc, rouniH. up and down tho world, impelled only by'tho luBfc of plunder and of blood, but boin happiest when ho 1h robhintfthn honost FroiKiJmiun of hiH duo or cajoling tho mild mannered Boligau (on tlif Kongo) into tho forfoituro of his ivory. Abovoall, thiHHbameloHahybrid is iilort. If tho sun novor setH on hiw empire, bin oyo novor oloaoa in Bloop, and ovor from bonouth iiiH drooping lid ho espies roiuo fresh ooouHion for ruin and 'outrage. To hia iuipiouH ingenuity no limit iu net. He iH oapablo of organising tho munu- faoturo of dynamito and of betraying hiH own .plot that Fruuoe may tromblo for tho safety of hor oaar, Kfbt-lbng aiuoo a halfponny print, in Boareh oi! a houdliuo, nnnounoed the murder of thu Rultorj, and, doe luredthe Parisian jour- mile, the falsehood was plainly in von ted by England,,that kuouster porflQuifipd, , with! the deliborata intent to shake tho peaoo of Europe . " :.^k: Talking Cloolou, "Grandpa," Haiti Harry, "tho clock Is talking-" "Ticking, you moun " said grandpa. "T'l-o-k-l-n-g." "No, grandpa,11 wild Harry, "tho clock naya lotsof tilings. It wnys: 'ibirry, Harry! Ho, ho, Hurry! ChrlHtmaH comlugl Ho, ho, HurryP and It Niiyn, 'Piny, piny Satur day! Go to cliuroh on 8nhhnt,h day!' and It miya lotsof things, I'vo hcon sitting horo lUtonlng to It, unci I wluh X oould ro- mombnr nil It him snld to mo." "If you llHton long to the ticking of a olook, or tho heating of a drum, or to nny Bert of mnohlnory, nny regular Bound In deed," said grandpa, "you will Boon fnnoy that it says something. If. you.aro think ing of anything In particular, It will talk about that. I remember onco, whon I was small, I had boon a naughty boy and hud to alt In tlio oornor of tho hull for a lnn# hour aa punlshmont. ' Thoro wns a tall oleok In tho onrnor, and as I watchud and Untuned to it it bognn to nay: 'Tlio boy stolo jam I Tho boy Htolo pin! Naughty boy! Nmiglity hoy!1 until I tltAight I Hhould jump out of my skin." Now York Ledgor. __________ What Ii It? Horo Is n llttlo trick that will help out nnovonlng'a ontortainniunt whon convor- eatlon boglns to lug. A boy gots up and says to the compnny: "I havo in iny pocket something that ban travolod thousands of mllos by soa and* laud. It bus htian handlod by hundreds and thousands of pooplo, and yot no ono has ovor koou it. It lives In a houso-of Its own, but it was novor outsldo of Its house, I can oxhlblt It to you horo no that you nil will koo It, and then It will disappear so thut you will novor soo.it again. What Is It?" Than tho company boglns to gnoss and guoKB and guess, and by and by thoy glvu up, completely dlHuourugcd, and nsk to bo shown the wonderful object. The boy promptly takes from his poekot n Brazil nut or any othor foreign' nut, calmly crauks it in tho proseneu of thu company nnd holds up tlio moat. "You roo this moat," ho says. "It has novor hcon soon beforo, and it novor will bo again." And ho calmly puta lb in his mouth, chows it and swallows it. Chi cago Hocord. ' Happy aud Contontnd Deaf Clillilron. It Is gonorally supposed thnt tho deaf hnvo a tondonoy to uiorosonoss and molun- olioly. This Is least truo of tho orally odu- cutecl adult, mid nmonjj; tho chlldron In tlio oral schools Is not truo at all. I know of no happlor or moro contented lot of chlldron thun sre to bo found in thoso schools. , The visitor who ojpocts to onter a place of ullcnt halls, quiet plnyrooms and uolselonfl yards is much surprised to hour puals of cldhlloh laughtor nnd orlbs and shouts as tint children romp and frolic out of school hours. John Dutton Wright lu Century. yorvant (r>oin tho next door),- XMdiitfo mum, missus sends her compliments, and willyu bo so kind as to sing und play the piano this afternoon ? Lady. Why, oor. tainly. Toll your mistress I'm glad she likes it. Servant. she's oxpeotlngtho landlord, und she wants ho mo exouso for asking a reduction of tho ront. MICHIGAN fTENTRAj, '"'the Niagara Falls tiouUJ" 1 OOINO KJLBT . TttkhiK ofoot Uovombor liOlh, 181W. Hall I'Wp. Kxp. Aooom Mlxml II KNIIY 0. WALTWHB L.L.B., Attorney and l'rotitor In Admiralty, ,i a Unit Holioltor, Offloe, Nuwlxirry Jtui.dltiu, or. Griawola aud Lamed, dtti., Detroit, Mloh, (Cauiultarj aluinia asalnufc pcrnonS la the UuiUul BtatDH oofIo>4Ml.) Koforououui ImporUtl Hank, Kfiuox.Ont, J. h. I'utors, tiwi., iiun-iut.tr, oto,, Khbox, Onfc vj K.A. Wismor, J'ltsq. Jlarrittor, otc Uaaoji, Ont Itoth FrocUlud. VUilKlfi VVJi,KKS IN AGONY. Inflammatory Bhoamatiarc so Aoiifco Ho Could Not Attend to Ilia Daily Duties Livod Tbieo Wooka. .in Agonizing Pain whon that "Good Samaritan" of all Uuros, Ssouth Am erican Rheumatic Care, Passed His Way It liolppd in a Fow Hours, and Speedily Cured Cost 75 cents. 'Mr. Ii. A. Norton, il well-known oitizcu of Grimsbv, Oct., was severely attacked with intluumiatory rhcumatiom oomo 20 years ago after a time ho recovered, but live or Mix weeks ago tho'dread disease ro- turnud so violently that ho had to give up work. For nearly throe weoks ho lay in bod sniforiitg tumble ngony. Another rusiddnt of the town who hud hren cured ny Bjutlj AtiKitinan Ilbotimntiu Curo per suuuod him to try it, and, to his great rnrpriflc alter nsing tho medicine but one week ho was so far roooverod as to go down town. From tho llrac Uoho tahon he felt marked improvement, and today ho is cnthumnstio in ninging its phusoh. No oiiao too Hevt-n' for South American Ithoum- utic Curo to ohook iu misc bourn, and care porinanootly. Hold by J. Thorno. AcaordiiTg^tiTordircctory, just published, the population of Winnipeg in -12,160, au inoroatto of 2,ICO over lust year. Neuralgia is the pruyor of iho nerven for pure blood. Hood's ,SnrHupuriUa""iH - tho Ono True Blood Purifier aud uukvo builder, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, oi Moaltop woio Killed at a Michigau Central mil way Cfostting, at Welland, ou Friday uf Jn.it weuU. PILIj-AGR Dr. Agncw'H'JLlyor^Pillw, 20c, a vtul, nfo |)lannoi( sifl^r Iho ino^l inedeni In mo<Uc!ii 'KtilOIICU. 'K*hty urn uu uwut nn Improvement over- tlio tti) yeai-H olil wti oiiir dowi pill fortjiuliiM uu a lkloycio lit otor an old curt lit travel. Cinnamon Drop Uoated makea thorn. ploaiiiiiit to lake being purely vogotabU- malios them absolutely oafo lluiy hoyer gfipo and thoy never full 10 dosuH, 20 cents at nil drugiiistfi. Thii Ontario 'Government him deoiJod. Hiibjuot to approval of tho Ln^inlature, to donate 80 000 towards th rolivf of tho Htif- torerB from plague and faminn in India. Hon. Sidney Fisher annonnn'oe that ho has oomplttoil arrnn[emonts w;*h shippinu eompanieH at .Uontnial for orld Htorage (or agrieulinral and dairy products. flotmifc....... WIudBor.... Pol ton........ MaidHtouoo Khuax......... Woodnloo... Kunooml) ... Couihor...... Kld((iitown., Jtodnoy....... St. Thomas a.m. a, m. O.'JO O.-iO 0M .10,10 7.20 10.05 B.I7 ll.M 10.00 1.08 a.m. ti.CO G.B0 GDH n.io II Hi urvi 7.07 8,00 H.40 0.60 OOINO WKST. p.m. ,4d0- B.05 fl.10 fi.2H B.^7 BKO r.m 0.05 7 10 7.UH BAD London.;....... t. Thomas... Kodnoy......... llltlgatown..... Comber........'. IlUBcomb....... Woodiilco....... Ebbox............ Maidntouo Cr Fnltou............ Windsor......... Detroit........... p.m. lfl.10 2.4(1 JUIH 107 5.10 n.tio <i.o:i a. H fi.'ji 7.10 a.m. O.IiO 10.20 U.ai ie.o 12.40 a, ra. 1.00 1.1 fi 4!l B/22 r..:t5 II 10 lO.fW ji.as 2.26 Mixed a.nj D EDICAL. 118, UltlEN & UHIKH. a.in 5. in G.11A fi'05 IM 7-10 7.A8 O.OO 0.CJI 13.-ir 0.1 W 110 0.41 DM 10.011 10.12 1C.M lU.Rti ia, 0 00 H20 a.:i7 4 00 AiithofHthure; lfjocnl TrulniM, wi:ht a.m. a.m. 11.40 1.J10 11.53 7.10 Vl.m 7.47 13 15 7. GO 12D5- 8.10 112.10 B.15 KAST a.m. a.m. p.m Kiiiiox o.JJfi D.I5 fi.:ui Kdl-ars ' 0 Xt7 0.3.1 fi 10 LU&1) HXIdk O.iil 0!i7 d.f.7 MotlroKoV li.20 O.'iB 4.r>fi Gordon 0 05 ofl am Amhorctburrt MO u.oo 4.M pm, B.05 ll.M fl.2l 22 0-10 QA5 All trains aro run on contral standard tinio, which in uixty nilnutun ulowor than IShrox timo. For luforiuation und rates to colon* iHtii moving viout apply to John O. Lavon, Pub- HOUKur Auont, at. Tliomus, O. W. UurrIoo, Gon- orai I'atinoiiKor and Tiokut Acont, Cliicnf.'o .HI or A. O. Btiiuora, Atjoat. Jflnaox, JaH Brlou. M. D Rroduato of Quoon's Unlvoisity, Kinfiatou, mumbor of Col-' ht|(o of rijyidoiana and riur|{aduH,Ontario. Qrad- . uatn of Now York. 1'oftt Graduatu Medical Ool- T/W. Brian, M. D., O. M., It-. T, M. 0. Honor Uraduato of Trinity- Mcdiaal CoUaun, Honor uruduuto of Trinity Unlvoraity. Mumhorof the Oollofluof I'liyalulauH and Buiudoiis, Out. Grad uate of l\t)w York. X'OHt uritiluatu Medical CelloKo. Oiilortovor JZotutx Medical Hall druff store, Oonnultatiou roeiun, both on ground floor and fltfitilat above. Xoloidioiio In beta otllao nod roHidouco. All calls attended to from office, tivuR dtoro, or vosidnuao, JtuHldunou, Talbot < stroot, front of fair grounds. D"-, J, \u. JI'jNNKU, Aflfloolato (Jorouor for tho County ot Unaox.. J. Karlo Jouuttr, M. U.C, M., Tduity Unlvcr- aity; M. O. I*, and H. Ontario; Lie. Koyul CoUoga PiiyBiciaiiB, London, J'*iif,'.; 1st tioholurohip and Gold MiHlalfyt, Trinity CulUifo, lbuij; aDpointad House Phyaiulun and Utivguou, 'iovonto Gunerol Ilopital' and Honidtmt AocoucUdur Hurnslde! hylutf in ItoHoltiil, Torunto, 188J, Upttolulty, dia, uahus of woniuu and children. JtOHldoucc, house latolv ouuupiod by Dr. JDowar, Talbot ut., Usnex, J Odlco in Imperial Hank Hiook, uround floor,' opnohito Tboi-no'a dniK ntoi-o. Aitxiiulnoa dls-t Iiouaod In tho oillou. 'i oluphcuc oonnootlot with both onloo and roruiiuncu. Pirivata talY phono lino botwouu Cyril Paguotto'n house an2 Uuu K(juuc(ly'9 hounu and cUloo. NiKht calls attcadod to at olhoa or u-flidonco,';,] DENTAL, { L.'K. & D. R. Ry. TIMK TAHLfi NO. 22, taldnfi offoot Monday. Sept. 27, WOO. Trainsuin by Fastorii Stand ard Timo. Daily oxcopt Bnnday "A I u " III a ft 'Ji fiTATIOHfi. A M A &* 0.83!l3.:i0 0,JI0'l2-iO r m fl:20 (1.07 fl.40 nwi t)(17 10 02 moo 10.10 10*27 10 37 lO.lfS 10 lift I 11.II1 112(1 11. yr, 11,3,1 11.43 11.R0 ii r,ft IU 01 ia.it 12.10 12 jib I' Af. Tiop Wallterv'lo Ar Walliorvillo Juno. .........Polton......... ......1 Oldcastlo...... ia.c:i o -17......| T'fiquotto...... 1.IO (| M..... WcGrOHor...... 1.10 (| no ...| Now Canaan... 3.110 7.i(i ... | Mandiilold ... 160 7,17 ..... Harrow ...... 'J.Dtt 7.27........1 Amor.-....... i7 ...... ItliiBBVHIfl...... >>m i.-i-l...... Huthvon ...... H.45 7 til ... ri-anilnRtoil ... 4 10 b.mi......WhrotUy...... .17i,...;.+ ltonwioK ...... H.XJ'J1......Coat nwor til 1 40 B.Cfl t,2!) M2 R.BS fl.Ofi f.15 (1.35 o.ir. 7.00 8.II3 11.40 8 47 KM 9 00 0.07 0.12 1)20 D.ai V. Vt. I'M ......jGhtiuvotjd...... .........Merlin......... ......, Buxton......... ......Bandlnon ...... ... CfldarHprifRH... Ulonlicim iTunut'n ......nionho'ai ........tWilUo.. Ar IMdRdtown D(-i' a m 9 in i fill 8 57 8 fill H 47 8 42 9 30 K-20 a 22 8 11 ft Cl 7fil 7 10 7 21 7 15 7 10 7 IH) A M ft*"0 Si D 'A d HP. MAHTrN.D.D. B., L. D. S. Graduatil * in Huntintry, Itoyal Collone of Doutali ^urceons, Ontario, and Uuivornlty of Toronto. | 0hnr({oii,modorato. OOico, ovor Hrlcu He. Cos' druc atoro. l(l-lv ^ETERjNIARY^ WH. KiCHAItDHON, VKVlilHINAUY SOB GHON. Honorary nruduato of Ontario! Votorinary (JoIIoro, Toronto; moinhor of On-' tario Votorinary Medical Bonmty; Diplomisbln HotitlKtry; troutn all dlfioanoH ot domtmbloated'j] animnln; on ttlo dohoriifjcl by tho lutost improved Loavitt ollppor Culliiby tchphono or tcle- ([rapli promptly atteiiclod to. Kosldeuoo,throe' (loarHOiiHt of (irint mill; officio in nout offloe buikllnu; inUrmary, directly oinioidte. f.ii fi.:-H 5.27 G.17 fi.'H (5.00 "4.40 l.3:i I PS 4.00 DA! 3.15 2.10 l.M 1.:ih 1 15 12 30 nB'J|ia.aii'aH Q-1ft11-2 1- I 5 21 I' M 7.511 7.43 7 37 7 33 7-ir ft art 7.17 7 ie 7 03 0,52 o.-m il 30 0.1H 11.nn 5 51 5 40 fi 311 LAND SURVEYOR. JAMttSH. LAIRTJ. IVovliifiiidljUiia Hurvoyor] and County Kwduoor, Ksfiox Contro, Ont- Oilloo, Bunetan BlooU, nputalra. 11 40; ftiil 0 21 n '.10 1110 (J 00 12 00 1J.2H .1.20 lt.u; 10.1ft 10.00 5 10 B.07 5.00 4 45 4.35 AUCTIONEERS. HKNHY JIBDIUCK, promptly attended Asotlonoor. Sal] to. AddroBa Sal Wood'ulce, bni, Pm-fionn deslrltic to snenre may lunvo word at tho Pnun Pidsbh olttco. V tf H. UKPBIC DRINPLAIIl, LTCKMfJKD AUOTXON] for tho County of Ktibitx, Bailiff of Wl Divinloii Court. All kinda of Parm and dt] tiiilofi cenductfd m-ontptly, Hatcn rou^oni and fumihlii'd on amplication. Knnnirora tipidy ut W. !-> Hoaiiian'ii onico.ov an tlie 01 01 Plvjnlon Court Ch rlt.Mr. Jphn MUno. , a.m.Ia.m.'p.m. t FIiir Stations. Trains stop only whon there aro palmetujer* at or for theno Htatlons. Mlxod trains aro at al tlmos uuhjoot to bo oauoollud Wif WOfHjLATT. Gonomi Hupovlntendeu . "You'ro frfteklfld all ovor," mid lwnromn ont b*y . AnaheitrolUd with hnr hoy through tho koo. Just thfia thr<y i*a\V a giraffe o'or the way. "Ma, bo'e fre.tUd all over too." - YouMi'b Companion., Hoj'tuid W&gou, Nothing aniferfl the amnll bey moro than to run with all hi* might for n quarter of r mile after a delivery wagon, and' then, jasfe as he oatohea ou behind,, to hnvo the wagon turn abruptly down a "aide fitredt, Whwa tha linall boy ddaaa't want to go. ' Do You Want To Hrive anyvrhoro, If so, you wunt a Good - - .........end tho plaoo to Kot it is at . JOHN MgDQUG ALL'S Livery, Sa!o & Feed Stables GooillGlostlcrs in attendance day and nlfjUt. ' HORSE-SHOEINO v InJtbiB bru-noh of our business wo b ftrat- olana VVorkjnon and will snarautce eatinfuotlan In Shoeing HorauB that lntorfaro. Ovor- Itoaoh havo OoniBor Oontraoted Foot, Wo make a IOHN (JOrtJILEY, *J I.lUfcNHKH AUCTIONIOKIt for the Count of Khuox. All liindn of farm htcok Bales, etOv, ooiuiuctod proni]>tly iul on ahort notice Ratpjj renaoiMiblo Porsmis dtf-ii-ulile to a)-rano s&le| may .lo ho by calling ut thu I-'uifiM PuKua of" or by npplylnfi to . .. . 4 J. GOUMIjEY;,'^ P.O. HOXlM >,BHOX,Ont'- |>HANK MoOLOBKKY, .Maldetono, thl 1, iiuvmi yearH' oxperlenoe uh an nuotlonee${ Clio County ^t Kusox. Hales conducted promptt aud on reiisouablo terms. ParUeB deslrinf/l fix tho date for a Hale can save tbomBelvo*3 drive by railing at the l-'itiiii Vrnma oft'oe*:^ have amviiK'od with Mr. MoOlossoy. end vrtJX'h the datoN for iialcs by teleKruph.ontirely hrflfl; all charge to tho nornon holding the buo.'^ dross Frank MoOIottkov.Maidstune CrOBB,0t lANDAND LOAN AGENTS; GW0BGK J. TIKiMAB, Conveyancer,' minsioner, In Hiyh Canr! of Jnetioe: dj In Uoal iQstute and Mort((di>es. , Money idC'^ at tho lowest rato of Interest.' Farme bdx and sold. Insurance tokon in tbo jmostrolJ oomimuios. Drawing of,doodo, mortgage'^ Ioabor a npeolalty. OharRos modorate ant bUBluons promptly attended tp. Call >ti Qontral Tolonbone oflloe. KHaexCeQtre.j.'Q1 Bpoclalty of hhoeldff Hood and Track Horsos. tarrTdephoiw Coniwction. DROPS CURED. THR ITadorajanod Is prepared to our all oaue&J ,'of Water DrouBy duration. Abnolutely no ohorua unloss the nutl- entds entirely andporroanently ourod.ji JAMES 1 CAilPBBXjIi. Oottam, Ont. . BO. WM. T. SW! Mannfacturor tw' Paumipntt iia'*iwl^SaW troit. M16h.:T/*- sataloguoaiuaaV making epvlto ' government;;, limbs and tronil: orcomnmtatio dftntlree 0

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