',,^^^ P* ft; Hf Any sarsaparilla la larwipa- :.nijii "True;" So any tea is tea. : So any flour is flour. But grades differ. You want the best. I t's so with sarsaparilla. There are graded You want the best. If you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it would be easy to determine. But you don't. How should you ? When you are going to buy a commodity whose value you don't know, you pick out an old established house to trade with, and trust their cx- |* perienco and reputation. Do so when buying sarsaparilla. 1 '-'Aycr's Sarsaparilla has been on the market 50 years. Your 1 grandfather used Aycr's. It is1 a reputable medicine. There arc many Sarsaparillam bat only one Ayer's. It cu^cs. ; Will <?rry The Ncur To ller Oruv ^Sped^Tn'ouHauda for Health, But, Did Not & tp.btaiu Tbiu Greufceut of All Bleannj^H .'."tjhtil Sho Ubod tho Groat Bouth Aujoti- fe' oiin Rheum&tio dure Suffered Intensely ^vvfor 12 YoarH. . |;.r-, AJra.' Jf\ Brawloy of Totteuhara, Out,, { fct*iafl , "1 HUttorod alnioitii continually lo< fc. 12 yeara with rheuumtiHUi, the offootH of [ Which I will carry to my tfraVo, uud while p the ]oinU nc my olbowa aud.wrfcta uro yot K Stiff I am entirely fruod from pain in tho fenae of South Ainerluan Bhouinatio Guru. Ijk'It baa indeed proved a wondurful euro m i^iny, oaafl. I huvo apHiit thounim.dH ot IS'dollars.iu dootoro' billn and mudioiuoH with l|'out avail. ITivo bottlou of thin woudor- Mtfbrkev baa ourod u.11 pain. I am hotter in pvlieaUh generally than I have boon for ten pyears." Sold by J. Thome. .... .__. ' * , V V110 livury Night* One Ltun'Ijivor 3?ill takon oaoh ui/jbt Ejjdnricji BO dayu will ouro Confltipatiou, oft. p'returuiuy Hudnchon and irregular notion tt'of the bowola. Iiaxa-Jjivor PiIIb loavo no Hlhnpleaaaufr aftor-ofloob. -------, . Vhv Clirry Oroliurd ProfoHHOt Budd of an Iowa atabiou Hnys ftbat.a ohorry orchard doca tost whon ited tlnoltly hi rowu running north and Eih and giving, a widor.npaco botwoon Vowb to admit tho nun uud allow iroo SuUivafciou 6f air. Oroharda where tbo Jjjrowa wore 2i teat apart and tho trocu 10 I'feefc apart in tho row havo doiiu bettor than ['Vhosa pluntod in tbo unual way. Uo also li'thiDka root ({raiting of tho cherry in bettor I than budding, Hottiupj thorn in tho around (to tho top bud of the ttcion, which onablea rootB to bo thrown out directly from tho lacion, ... . . Aw W *ll aw livor. Deaii Bins* Aftor auffurlnu for two yoare [form aouto indifjuutiou, L tried B. B. B. |I took only tbroo bottlcn, which made mo laawoil hh over'I wan, I highly recom i:'oe;id 13. B. B, to all clynpoptiofi. Mub. John Wnrns,.Austin, Man. i---------------+-+-*----------------- Now that ToxaH hanboon hoard from any lidoa that Spuiu may'havo hud of goiuti to IWar with Uuolo 6am will he druppud like a it; potato'.' Tho BulliKi .Nows iinyn: '"In imming up ibo military rouourcon 0| ^xae, wo Uud that thin ^voat nUto can in 1 ^iiier^Bnoy bo depended upon for 0(10-1 wralu of tho difforont ((radon, Ul7(Jll tola, ,73,001 liontouaubH, .colomlu, k. oftptaiuH, and miner oflicora, to Huy unfiof 117 privatoH." ------------- (T(MUl><lU<iil Olirt'd. l&ffNTB, I wan m very poor health fir fist four yuarH ; tho doctor fluid it wuw JiiBtipfltiou. Hot wantinfj to'spond too ffich Ottsb I got tltruo huttloH of B. B. B. ad took ltrogularly. I oan.uortify that I i uow iu tho vory hunt of hualth and foul ry firatQful to Si. B. B. .Altiiuu Tkroux, Mnntroal, Quo. Bl'.ppo of tho.Iatortt uhoh for onllu'.old la for jpjrBioal Hplmtn and cornulB, Hithorto ilaetor ot pariB baa hoen ubud, but ^rcat ftjeotiou was found to it from tlio foot lftt it wa too abaorbont. Both Dr. 13. ar-Boh aud lJrofouaor Landorer, who aro tellkaowu iu Gorm'auy, advooatoa tho uao ffiheptilluloid. Tho nul)Htauoo ifl'diBBolvqd n^aoefcono.aiKl mudo into anplint which rajthe-hotly, by tutting a phu;tor oast of l'e.'parfc to whloh it will ho appjlod, and Kojq^ tho oaat with felt. 1'ho folt la then 'itibed'and utiffonod with tliu ooUuloid, |a^ja :aupport of tjroat toughnusu and trisugth is thuB proyidod, ---------:------------'~r.--------------- I celling IBurnliiu: Main IklKuaH^M Cur/d M/v'; .I'orTlilrty-Avo Polity. _ vijr.'-'Aguew's (iiiitncont ioHovoh in ono Hy',ud,3nrea Tottor, Bait lthoum, tiaald "liidV Eczema, Barburs' Itoh, TJlcory, feheH;find all eruptiona of tho akin. It >tbioe o-rid quieting and aot like magic Ijkoare of nil ba:by humora ; Sfi cunta. Bold b^ J.Thome. CfFowler'a lilxtraot, of "Wild Struw- I';tpxtito-Diarrhcoa,' ByBeutery, Oolic, mil, ' Cholera, Obolera Infantum, ta-Morbus aud all summer cooj- ifcnd flu%oeof ilio bpwols ia childron ^owler'a Eitraot of Wild Straw* ^res^jTarrbaja,. Dysentery .-Orampsi JhaVem Morbus, Cholera Infantum, ^lopBoueBR of the bowolH. Kevor dthout it. , Pride 860. "-, I)AG0|TS 0F THOUGH dpMEWHAT(OH^GEp.TH(Y ' 'stTll exist'td,'p'CijNQiR^;' AnthorltlM Are Unablo to Stop tho Thlwv* Jn(f nd No^ OCtnn Capture One oi tho itaoaiU^-A Sample Cue of the Inef- flotenoy of the rolloe Offiqera. ' Burma is ono of the countries'that are clm,rjging very > fttflt, and onb'of1 the things that have changed in Burma is tho daooit. Tho sportivo gentlemen do- soribod by Kudvard Kipling and othoro who ornolflod villagers wholeaalo and filled old Jadies with kerosene were flourishing in full vigor less than ten years ago, but they already belong' as completely to tho past an Dick Turpi n and his colloflguoa in England. No donbft u fresh war or any ovent seriously shak ing tho British power or reputation might produce a reemdesoenoe of tho old dieease, bat in tho monutimo tho daooltH hnvo entirely ohangod thoir habits. In- Btead of living together in bmids In tho jungle they aro.floatjforod.tliroagh.fepn-. rat village^ \nr the Jgaise of peacoful oultlvatorfl. During tho' day oaoh man attonda to bin paddy fields just liko hi neighbors, and <it is only flb night that they meet together for tho. dispatch of their mora important and laoratlvo. bnsi- nena. ' Daooity as doflnod by law is simply robbery committed by a band of five mnn or more, and It -jA important only, bebauso of the Burmun'iTilroug natural proponsity toward it and tho great diffl- oultiofl which ^hi national oharaotor, plaoefl in tho wny Of his detection. It must alwuys bo romomborod that, Bur ma being In a transition Htugo and much loss mottled than India nud the governmont being extremely short hand ed, animmeuso amount of yaiiohs Icinda of work fully upon oaoh Hinglo English official. Honeo it is wholly imponsiblo for him to exercise anyoloso or detailed supervision ovor any particnlnr part of his dintriot. This of itself remdors tho doteotion of criminals a diflleult mut ter. Whon tho daooits woro in the woods, it was simply a case of turning out oc casionally to hunt thorn down. At pres ent tho 111 uttor must neoeKKurily bo left chiefly in tho hands of nativoH, Now, the nativofl arc for tho most part honest and' tolerably law abiding, and thoy havo no sympathy whatovor -with u man who goes dauoiting, bat tho daooit goes armed, and yio aupinonons and oowurdioo of tbo Buruum in the preschoo of arms, more particularly of firourins, aro somothing almost ineom- prohonsiblo to tho wostorn mind. It is quite sufficient for a party of half a dozou ttion to hnvo a gnu among them offoot- Ivo or uhgIohh, loaded or empty, matters littlo, tho moro show is ohongb and thoy may go fearlessly to work in tho rnidnt of a crowd. No ono will iufcorfcro with thom. In more thnu ono instnuoo bold robbers huvo mudo succesHful at tacks whon nrmod moroly with thoir daba ^the daggor which ovory Barman oarriofi and with u rjrotondod rifle made of a stick, with which thoy frightened oft nil oppoflition. But perhaps the Btrango workingu of tho nntivo oharaotor aro boat exhibited in tho following caso, whioh ooourrcd quito reoonfcly. The facts are vouohod for by nn English oflloor: Thoro was a band of fivo men who Woro in tho habit of practicing dnooity ocoafiionally. Thron of them cumo from tho sumo villugo not a common thing, ns it makoa dotdo- tion easier tho fourth from another Villngo, and, as for tho fifth, no man knows whonoo ho cumo, for reasons that will npponr* Ono night thoao fivo mon, nrmud with nothing but thoir kniyos and BpoarB, whioh aro used for fishing in lower Burma, entered a houfio, tied up tho ownor and began plundering. Now, this honfio was iu a largo villago, containing not only a population of dome 1,400, but poliao post with lii native policeman armed with Bnidcrs.- Tho-alarm was given and tho house surroundod, and thon thoro was a pauso. Tho robbers couthmod thoir work undis- for hod within. Tho villagers,Home IiO0 or J100 ablobodiad men, all mere or lorn armod, flat around on tho dam which fl'urronndfl and protects .every house ' on tho delta, lookod down on tho honsoaiid disoiissod the question. Tliopolioo stood rather neuror tho house and ilrcd shots into it through tho bamboo walls,, hurt ing no ono. Ono solitary policeman after n time voluntoored to advanco. Ho crept up quito clow) to tho houso and fired in through an oponing in tho wall. Then ho went farther and nctually put his bond and part.of his body through tho hole, iippuroutly to hpo what execution ho hud done, Ono of the robbers prompt ly pinned him to tbo ground with a AhI'i, spear and killed him. By this timo thoy hud coiuplotod their .preparations; so thoy sallied forth, each- man with hifj pack of plundor on his imok, Though the houso was surroundod, thoy appear to huvo had no difilonlty in making thoir way through, onjy the police fired after thom with baokshot and hit throe of thom in the back, not floridusly wounding thom. But ono of, tho band had tho misfortune to stumble and fall. Instantly tho crowd, rushod upon liini,, nud before ho aouldriso literally hacked. him to pioaes, and so effectively that not tho slightest, olow to his identity romainod. Ho was ubsolutoly dostroyod. No. ono knows even what was his na tionality. Tho other four got olour away.' Public Opinion. A Xtomavkublo I'V^oalmr Mixture- ' ' A majority of readers know that a 'mixture'of'two parts of pouuded ioo and one part of common salt will rodu00 the temperature of anything inolosod sci as to bo wholly HUrroanded by tho mix-' turo (say a milk can in.au joe cream freezer), to a point 80 dogrooa below that at which water freezes, There are but few readers, however/that know of the romarkablo propertied of a mixture of ohlorldo of Jimo and ioo. A mixture of . three parts of orystalliEed ohlorldo of limo and two porta of ice forms e combination that will freeze meroury in jwv4mjatinates.-7^i Iioali BepubUo. jure orii hath' workud hjijh. THE PAINTER. th takfin h,er doUqAfo'tiWah, \" "Mri tJiu'iBlk-nco of Btarllgb* She buth worked mtho BtohTT^noud tora'wl. Sho WorkH, nntl, lo, Tho froBcoo^ grow On th Bldceof hor nraplpknU,____ Bbd1 Battt tlntod tho npplo with fluHhos of rosa, ftho both covorod tbo poar witli white, Aud the oslor.jblopina'Whoro tho honifyboo goes Baft buth nrdynptl with a goldon Hglit,! Tbo.ioaflnff bIoo Id draped In enow, , , And ,thO(Ookinalpo etdrs glonm bright. Iho hath sprinkled tho mondowH with ullvor and Rold And tlio onokoo flowor'H dollcutit hun. Bhu bath kindled thoHoniuun tho wind bnunt- od wold - And buth gamlahncl tho wood Inn 0 a unow. Tlio upoodwoll'H oyo, Domurn and Hhy, Bho hath touched With n boavou l)orn blue- . And In and ubont and nromid tlunn nil flho hnth filltid In a bnulcground *>f croon. Tho loaf buda btirHfc at hur iiolsnl^HK cull And eproad out n vrdurou Hornon, ' And wourlod oyott In qulot wiui] Find roab In th wootlilnff Honnp. ta, T. Uriioo DLlltuH in Tomplo Dnr. BONHEUR'S FIRST SUCCESS. With Fortnni* JTavorlnjf ftmilo Came an Rasa Bonhour gives an interesting aceouut of her first sucoohs as nn artist ln,.horiartiole, *<Tho Story ofMy X.ifo,M in The liadios.'HomD.Joamal: .V.Tabet- tcr study naturo, so as to impregnate myself with it," sho says, "I paused whole days at th< slaughter houso of'the lioulo in Paris, One must bo truly de voted to one's art to live in the midst eunuch Jiorrnraand in, pnoh. coarse com pany. Tho mon were surprised to see a young woman intoroHtod in such tilings and Woro dispotiod, to make it disa greeable for me. But provideuoe never abundona, those who strive to do well, and pame to my aid in tho person of good, bid_M." Emilo, n Horoulos in foroo and 'physique, who declared that he would take it upon himself to ndmiiiis- tor a good Iohrou to the first one who behaved rudely toward mo. JTrom ihat timo I worked without further annoy ance. Tho position-that my protector ocoupiod wan that of simldorand dresser of cuIvoh' heads. Booing how frugally I breakfasted, ho of ton invited me homo with him, and there, unrrouudod by the curious implouionts that served him in his profession, his wife, us good and honest as himself, mmLe me partako of many a comforting meul, "At hwt fortune smilwl on me. M* TodoRoo, the picture douler, bought one of my oanvasee. The seorotary of fiuo arts oommisHionod me to copy a pioturo u 'Flight Into Egyjufc,1 I forget by wh'om-rrand I pnintod another pioturo, 'Tho Shepherd and His tflook Seeking .JRofugo Prom tho Storm,' which I sold well, and, lastly, to crown all those hap py HuoboHHOs, I was nuked in marriage by a druggist. As tho drug store had no attraction for me Xrofusod.. My father's position had improvod also, but doath overtook him vory Hoonuf tor this bright ening up of our prospects.". Am XCtohlnt? of i>uny Towni. "Bay-boo, bay-boo?", oalled tho grimy faced urchin coaxingly. Tho baby with tho white coat and tho kid gloves lookod sidowiso toward tho curb. ItH mother waa ono of tho crowd in front of tho store window and look ing at a porfcot love of a bonnofc. "Bay-boo, bay-boo?" enmo tho invitu- tion again. Tottoringly tho baby approached tho ourb and smiled trustfully up at tho dingy face. Tho urohiu droppod down, on his raggod knoos, laid thopaporsho was selling on tho pavemont and patted tho littlo kid glovo with his red, dirty littlo hand. "Pretty bay-boo!" ho wild. Just then the mothor turnod, ;rau aoroHH tho pnvomonfe and draggod tho baby bnok. "How daro you touoli hor, you dirty littlo good for nothingl'* sho said. Tho urchin graspod'his bundle of pa pers and rose, digging his too into tho dirt of tho gutter Bhamofncodly. "Aw g'waul" ho said 4iullmi]y.<r- Now ^orlc ProsH. . Was Buve. *'DrumraorH," nomutimes onllod corn- morcial travollors, aro, liko niiuintors and doctors, fond of chatting oaoh other. "I've a great story to toll you, boys," said a drummer to a group in tho oorri- dor'of tho Iroquois last night.; "I don't think any of you ovor hoard mo toll it buf oro." "Is it n really good Htory?" asked ono of tho pnrty doubtingly, "It certainly.in."" "Then I'm sure you novor told it bo- foro." BuiValo Timoa. UUflltWt'fl ILftorikYy Monument. Bucklo dovotn'd nearly '30 yours to the collection of materials for his "History of Civilization." He wrote onlya por-' tion of the introduction, whioh r6rauinu a groat monument to his literary and philoHOphioul teachings. If tho work hnd boon finished on tho muno scale an begun, 100 volumos would not have sulllood. - '..,-fk _........ '"h1:-!-?* ( IMVMIMaMliaWMlMWHN^^ tf//1'*'.1...'"" "Dooh your 'husband over talk in hlB sleop?" "Ho appears to, hut I have my doubts about his being naloep- Mont of his talk is about, how dearly ho loves mo and how highly bo rogurds mothor.1' Oi.iir oliiuuti Kuquirer, . ' .. A cow has boon known to rooognizo the picture of a oalfk uud : the tigor is said to.bq drawn to a trap by tho pio turo of u companion, - Tho timid horee, howover, takes no notioo Of a ploture, and the cat will not spring at a painted bird./ . ","" v..-'-,'."" Tho ordinary annual crop of ellk in China is ostimated at about 21,000,000 pounds, of whioh over 60 per cent, ia consumed in tho country where it is produced. ';" ' ' ' ';. ' *,' !' It ia believed that the temperature of th*.earth at a depth of 200 miles ia not I ess than 18,000 degrees ff. en :|J^ ^WoiL Whllfe^^^Ic^ :'ti' -'"V'"'m':j ;', '%. ' :'?i "$ ' y:'i 1 ."'!' '<$ One of the Best Kiiown Printers In Canada, Tells the story of-his terrible sr-rSTerings, iind gives an account of his rescue from the Jaws of Death. Probably 110 one is bettor known to the printing trudoof Canada than Max-, \yoll JohaNtou, of Maxwelell Johnston So' Co., 72 Bay stroot, Toronto. Hia muiiy years of oipurlonco havo ac quainted him with almost every' per-'- nin -in tho entire trade. < To mnhy of bin friends it has booh kno.wiK that ho, bus BUtferod during very aevore illnoss the past year, and in regard to the, sumo Mr. Johnston writes tho follow: injj letter : ... Tokowto, Dec. 3> 1806. Mtcssus. T. MituuuN & Co.: 1 Diur.Siiifif I(,or over teu months I milfiired,front, dropsy, Caused by,-kidney trouble which followed an attack of la fjrippe. Tho Bymptoms rapidly became sorioim and medical aid was callud in. Amonfr othora who were consulted wore Dr, Wallace, Br- Nornian Allen, Dr. Woir and Dr. Glass, all of thift city, and I can truly state, that thoy . inado overy eiforb fcliafc medical ekill could provide. Seven bporations wore porformoa. within sit months, during which time I visited at dhmronbOporiods for the purpone of theMO operations tho following hospit&Is, viz: Tho.Toronto General Homital, St. Miohaern. Hospibd and Grace Heapitjil. Although all that could bo done for iho waa faithfully and skillfully performed, X rocoivod only temporary relief, tho operations only berying to remove the enormous, quantities of water which con stantly apoumuhited.# As a matter of fact,. 1^ gallons of wntor woro removed during tho last two operations. Aftor tho last operation I was givon up to dio and whs givon only six to twelve days to livo. In addition to tho host medical skill whioh money could procure, I used all kinds of patent medicines', whioh pro mised roliof, but without eflfeqt. All tho family remedies sujigoHtod, such as Milk weed Tea, Pumpkin Sood Tea, Mullein L'.Mif Tea, Spanish Onion Tea, Swoeb Nitro and Ihichu, otcM wovo faithfully tried bub gave nob fcho alightoub roliof, so that I had lost all hope, when I was per suaded to try Doan'B Kidnoy Pills, to- gothor with Laxa Liver Pills. To my nurpriso I rocoivod almost immediate ro liof 1 . At this timo I waa unable to lie !-p\i. and for 'three and a half months Hi-nvionily wh'h forced to uleepin a chair. My waist measure was then 49 inchos; it isi now 33 inches since tho wonderful wiro mado by those jiills. i I considor my'>'-h" porfently cured and fool Htrout* 'utul v^-il. My woighb when I was ntt-auked w;m .108 pounds. . After Jtho'operatipnn T was reduced to 130. I weigh now 100. By -carefully watohing the actiun vi Puau's Pills and Laxa Jjivor ;PHU I am positive that tothoin alono iy .duo the Wtuderful cure- whioh haa takep place In my crtso. I am 11 "printor by trade and have hold positions m tho oflicos of The Globe, Mail, iMethodist Book Room, or,o,, as well as in Ohio and -Detroit, Mich., and have been an employing printer since 1877. ! Although ib may itoom incredible, overy word I-have stated is tho truth, and I am prepared to hack it by tho evidence of hundreds of citizens and friends who know mo boforo I waa Rick and afterwards, whilo'I was nonr death's dnor, and v/lio now( to their suriiriic, w*o me ro'sUmid to complete health by thouni* of Doan'H Kid ney Pills, RSBiutod by Laxa Liver Pills, I sliallbe glad to anuwur iiupnries from tjuirorers from kidney orlivur bvouhlas at any timo,'and refer to tho following gen tlemen who havo knowledge of bho facta, and can verify overy word I say. . Many of. theso gontleinon know 'mo before my sickneas, during my terrihlo BijfToringH, and since I was restored- to health. My testimony is given, voluntarily and with out any consideration of any kind, oithor I givo ib solely any diroetly or indirectly. forthohmiefitof my follow" beings who may bo nlHictud with Dropsy or Kidnoy troublos of any kind, via. : R.J. PIonu'ng.'Eaq,, Mayer of Toronto. E. F. Olarko, ftsq., M.P., ex-Mayor. Rev. H. C. Dixon, of GilloHpio, An- sley & Dixon, J. W. St. John,.Ksq., M.PP. Patrick Boyle, Esq., of tho Catholic Register. . Dr. Phillips. J. B, Cook, "Esq., photographer. W. GL Murdook, Itiscp',' barrister. T. 0, llobinobfco, Kwq,, barrator. John McGrogor, Enq., barrister. Chaa. McDonald, Esq., barriator. M. J. Quinn, Eaq., barristor, etc. John Kont, Esq., of Gowana, Kont Ss Company. Goo. Gwafckin, Esq., ofGwatkin&Son. J. Gordon Mowat, Esq. J. J. McCatfery, Eflq. R. G. McLean, Esq. Chas, B. DoheHy, Esq. Wm. Vernor, Esq. John Stormont, Esq. * t J. G. Itamaoy, Itlnq, GooJ Venal, Esq. Ex-Aid. W..T. Stewart. G. T. Pondrith, Eq. John Imrio, Esq., of Imrie & Graham, Win. Tlnvendon, Esq. ,Wm..ThrolkeId,Esq. , W. S, Johmtmi, Esq. J. J. Ryan, Esq. Jaa. E. Hendordon, Esq., of Stockwell & Uendermm. . , Proderiek Diver, Esq., Central Pros* Agunoy, Toronto. Harry Brown, Eaq., of Brown Bros: & Co., Toronto. Nicholas Murphy, Esq., Q.C. ThOH, Parkinson, Esq., of 'Mossrv. Powoll.& Parkinson. John Brown, Esq., comer Simcoo avid Adelaido streets. S. T. Britten, Esq., of Britten & Bradshaw. Chas. Field, Esq., Quoon Htreet east. Wm. Hirst, Esq., corner Church and Shu.tersbreots. And hundreds pf others. Yours truly, Maxwktx John:;ti:'. Mr. Johnaton appoarod boforo Mr. C Hondorson, Commissioner in tho High Court of Justice, and gave tho folb.v.mg .declarationafl regards the ahsnhitu truth of tho Htatonionta mado in his lottor : Dominion' ov Canada, Province of Ontario, ' County of York. To Wit': In tho vnattor of a lottor 10 Mossrs. T. Milburn A' Co., datod 3rd IX- cember, 1800,1, Maxwell JohnRtnii, tr tho City of Toronto, in tho County > ' York, do solemnly doclaro that tho state ments contained in tho above jotter aro true, and I make this solomn doclarn'.ien consciontioualy behoving ib to lui'tiui', and knowing that it is of tho-eame-fnice" and ofloot aa if made under oath mil hy virtuo of the. Canada evidonco ayt, .im.f, declared heforo mo at Toronto, in tha County of York, this 3rd day of Decem ber, 1890, by Chas. Henderson, a Com miEwxwor in IT. C. J. Courts. (Signed), MaXWem, . Jounhtoa*, of Maxwell Johnston A Co., 72 Bay etreot, Toronto, Out / ./ m 'i/i XtniHon In iho ILowor AtilatiUK. Wo huvo u fox torrier whoso happi ness vvits eomplote until Dodgorfleld came. Sho is very affcotiomito, ooorO' quontly vory jonlotin.' ' If looks and growls would kill, Bodgerflold would dio many timos a day. Both dogn eat from tho samo plato, but not ab the Humo timo. Ono day last wook wo fed Dodgorfleld first. Tho fox tomer was very hungry and bogged hard for flrflt dinner. Dodger scorned to out moro slowly than usual, and Nottio watched dolefully. Finally hunger got tho better of her honesty, end she barkod sharply tbroo short barks. Dodger loft his plato and sprang to tho window, looking oxoitodly up and down tho roud. Nottio looked noithor to the right nor tho left; bub mado straight for tho phito of food us soon as Dodger'a back wun turnod. If this was not an otfhihition of reason and human intelligence, then mankind in general poasuHHOs a largo dogroo of ani mal "instinct.' -Dog Pnneior. WM. T. SIMPSON, Manufacturer ot tfos- tot'ii Patont Union Artificial Limbs UB & 114 Bat,m lit, Do- trolt. Mioh, Tioiiotqitlvo .^ataloRiioB anil blanks for nmkhiK annlloatioiiH tor f;oV6niiuoiit ordom for UnbH and trtnifjj>ortiiUon oc ootiiimitatlou thofofor nont frou on annlioatlon iiO- Twrt Xtats of l^riiHlO^ntd* John AdiwnW Qooro Waalilnuton. J. Q. AdaniH. W- H. Harrluen. John Tylor. Jnniou K. folk. Frunklm XMiiroo. Juniiiu Buolumun, It. B. Huy<iH. JnmoH ,A. Giirllold. Oboutor A. Arthur. Bonjaiiitti Hiirrinan. Tliomim Joffdruou. Juiiuia MndiHon.' 'Junius Monroo-. Andrew-JiiokBOn. Marftn Van liuren. SJuolmry Taylor. Utllard FUlmorfl. Abahrum Jjtnoolu. Andrew Johnuen* ' U. Grant. Grovor Olevuland., Thoro tuoy are about half and half. It is worthy of note,that the two.tend presidents are all in the right hau'd col" uuju. Those in tlio left hand column woro college graduates t thoao in the ofchor column. woro hot, Weateru To a oh or. ; . fi,OO4,000,OO0,OO0 I>Uondanta. Every known plaht ia oocaaiohally In habited by Its own peculiar aphis, ot pluut louse. These eurious in soots breed with wonderful rapidity, a French nat uralist proving that a pair of them will within six weekaproduoe avo genera tions, or a grand total of 6,904,000, - OuO/OOQ dajweudants. St. Louis Bepub- 1831 COUNTRY THE CULTIVATOR r: a and 1897 . -"'Ml THE CHEAT Family Medicine of the Age, Takon Internally. It Cures Dlarrhcoet, Grmnp, ' and Puiii In ihc , Stomaoh, Soro Throat, Sudden Co/da, Coi-gha, oio eta. ' O'sed Externally, K Cures Guta, Bruises, Burno, Soafds, 8pralrw, foothacha, Pain in tha Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism) Frosted Feet . /. )fn artlolA v*rultaJniHl U* such imWuii'lAtl nn[iuur- . ity. (.'! fWrivf. U'licim Voir t<nitlmny to Oin flfili-niT of tlm I'nln- KiH.*r., Wnliuvims'ii U* inqrld nft^-ll Hi R-ioUili'K tli* o'/wtn* - >'iafiliittlinn'yotnrpftM(M thft Puln-KUlftr, -whliiU I* UinltiodCviiluublttfaiiillymudMnonowluiua ^tumii* Oig<t>\.......; .,. 1 -. ' "", It bas Wdl murlt 1 u a Wimwi cf rflinovlnj; p!n, no ' modicln* bnj< nqulre<l a' reliuuuoo mqu to Varry D*VU' - nUn-Klllnr. Netrport M*ui* : . r . .. B*ar of'Iroltatlnii*. Buy only fl)iranTiIi"PE!ilV. Davu." ^ldBVoiywboroiUftfatouiorsaoi*. ': t .' ijle/^vv,'"-"' ' -. :,.!y :.^'('^^.fe Place ip tliia wwlaioVyoutoBinen WWomen to aeoaro a'BuelnMi' Kdaoatlon,Hliortihand,oto:ii tha Uatrolt Bnilneu UniveraltT, K^ THE BEST OK THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. [juovoricn TO Farrn Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Live-stock and Dairying! Whilo; it also iiioludea all miner depart' tnontu of Ilutal IntoreHt, HUoh as .tho' Poul:; try Yard, Entomology, Boo-keoping.GrQen- houe and Grapery, Veterinary HopheB, *arm'Questions and Anawers, Fireside Heading, DomoBtio Boonomy, and a num mary of tho Nowh of the Week, Ita, Mar ket Roporta are unuaually complete, and ttmoh atteutiou la paid to the Proapeataof the OcopB, aa throwing light upon one of' the moHt important 0! all qaoationH y^-:'^\r^& to .Buy and WhentqSell. It ia liberally TJ. , \-^!}-$M Uthtrated, and oontains mora reading mat- $}%'tor than ever boforo. Tho subscription"<,-';.; "^;,:vf^|^ prioo is 82,60 per ye&t, but we offer a BpeOT1.' '""*-"';',i'5-fe ial Ituduotiou in our n.t1/.'"' " ' ,',""". V"-^$u ' h^"~'..OLUBHATESFOR:i897. :..\,,,,i Two BubaoriptiouH, in one remittance 84.00 Six do ' do . 10.00 Teu^ ^Jlo ^.; , do . . 15.Q0 |"!es" To,all New, SulRoribera for 1897, paying in advance now, we will itend the , . /,^,,v,y paper weekly, from bar receipt of the re-'. '\\,"-:$#$& mittanoe, to January let, 1897^ .wilhW "'r' Xy^r 'choree.';:.j':- : -"^ Wri,A $*& '-"jisill LUTHER TUCKER-----------"' ' -B** vM m% vk- ALDAV,H.Y. :i\; r^:- ANTED-aBVBEAL FAtTILFbi._ ! Women to trayol for jr^vponiilblft .. p *>^ Wzmm 0769