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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 22, 1897, p. 2

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^m^^ "^ t; v. lit in \ti\m fa i > i omen Hesitate to A Talk for Pik&lication. &. But it is Not a Disgrace to be Sick. i." bttii WHAT TO WEAR ON YOUrT>WEDlNa "^"^f .^sP^' [By a o "in-* JBnqod 4ft kfytankdroas odllUte.l irrlcdin V]iUo, ' You havo booked him pll right. M*rrtodUvfrnyi<r,< . Yet Some Suffer in Silence and'j]WillJ Not Even Speak on the Subject to Their Physician ,1' A Foolish modesty. ) !| I.' HEALTH AND STRENGTH -CAN BE RESTORED. , i (Mil 1 r. . i' Not the leaab among the muny valuablo mervloen Dr. WlllmmH* Pink Pilla ha-vo tendered to'HufforinK womeu, m that of tiaiog tbom ovor tho orlfcioal poriodi oom- /aieuoiD fct middlo afio, ooramooly known l* the change of life, tt bo often bappauu thatlat thin olimaotorio women rolnpHo in to a etatfo of Chronio invalidism and thu. actual dauRor to life whiah uttdndfl the OhanRe is so reiU that a medicine which qan be relied upon to oarry the aynlom " rer tblq dangeroue timo, in nothing \oah i than a lifo-Bavintf, invention. What Or. , VailUma* Pink Pill will do for women at i,hU onaDRe of life in Bhown in a ohbo re* Sorted in tha Dowehary, (BnR.) Chronicle. It U that of Mre. Bon^rum Smith, who liVea a*; Hanover Htroot, Dowflbury. The pbantfe of life had loft her weak and minor- able, with constant paten, duwjinoHH and griortneaa of breath on the uliuhtoBt oxor- Hun, togdlhor with ohtonio rhnum&tiam hi the head and eyoB. Tho pain in hor head was too aoato for wordd. Sho got. no nloop iitber by day or tifcht, and hor agony wan i1 J' a;t times bo (jroat that it took two pooplo to hold hot in bod. A. Bkillful doctor waw call- ea in hut did no good. "My ohoolw would swell up a bl aa anuoorn," said Mrfl. Bmitb. "my eyes were as red as lire and there wan no getting rid of tha paten in tho head. X nurtured al **om a bJu^*b|1 liver and a weak heart, and at timoH my eyesight waft bo bad that objooU boforo rao fceemodbutdimflUadowH, aud thoro wan nane of ray frienda who looked for tny testoration to health. I aw an account In a newxpapor of a ooro birailar to tniuo through the uho of l>r. Williamo' Pink PUIh, and my hiiflband urtjed mo to try them. Bororo two boxon wcro uwod tho paina bo^an to diaappoar aa it by raaaio, aud tho continued uac of tho pilla for u Httlo more than a month, ban loft ran on- 'joying an pood health nn ovor I Imd in my life, I oonuidor Dr. WiUinmu' Piuk Pilla a bloaflinr and an I know thoro aro !houn- anda of women who auffor in ailonoo from troubloa hiiving tho aumo orium aa mine, I am grutofnl onough (or what thoy havo dono for mo to toll my filory in tho hopo that aomo suffering aiotor may bo nimihirly helped, and you havo full porminmon to publiah what I hayo told you, whiah atute- montH can bo voriflod by any of my ueigbborfl." Mm. Ffanlt Murray, who roaidoB near OjidonHburti. N. Y , wiya, "I am 46 yourn of ago and for man] youra roaidod near Proncott, Ont. Wo tnovod ovor bore oomo timo a^o aud have workod thioiarm hIuco. My buahand id working in OKdouaburf; at hia trade, that of a atouo masou, whilo my ohiMrou and myuolf carry on tho farm. "I havo boon a great mifforor from tuck hoiuUoho, which would RonoiaUy oomo on about evening, end I would bo completely proatratod, not oven ablo to lift my baud or help myoolE iu any way. TIiono upoila would laHt for about twenty-four hourtl, and would leave rao iu n:> weak a condition that for a few daya I could tnarcoly drag about tbohoUHO. I havo aluo bad eonoid- erablo aplual trouble, tho nharp, dartniK tou(uoa of pain boinij moot novore, follow ing along my npino and to tlid bach of my houd. Have doctored muoh, hut without tho doairtd result. Tho doator told mo it wuaduo to tho approaobiu^ obnnRO of lire. I heard of Dr. Williamo' Pink Pilla for Pale People, andalao hitor hoard of tho ^ curea thoy had offeotod iu a number of ; poredua poroonally known to mo, and it , waa tbeir at or io ft that decided mo to try them. I ot aomo of tho pilla, aud aftor I :. hid taken afow boximlhart no raoroboad- j "aobea for hoyoral montha, Tbia Burumor ' ' my bead boiian to havo a hoavy foohnu. and at thunfl I wan quite drowsy, but no ' paiua aocompamod jr. I now have moro pills and thoufth I'vo taken only it few I Afaul well again. I don't think any peraou \ teould ataud it a tftfoit while to bo tionblod ,' aail waa and atand the amount of nam. 1 i know that Pink Pilla aro a good modiolno aud fully what thoy aru roproaimted to be. I havo tooowmcudod tliom to aomo of my frieudH with bonefioial roeultH. Oh, my, yea 1 They have done wondora for mo. I 5] do a)l a.y own houaoworU on the farm. ^1' Wo have a dairy of twelve oowb, and often Vi* whin the boya are yory buity ttottiny in tho Jf' oropa I have milkad all tho oowa alone." aallow, myappotito was almost gone, and I wan terribly emuulated, my head tfavo nio groat trouble, and at times the pain Wiih uo ureat that I feared it would afluot my roaaon. I had tried many modloluea without avail, and began to despair of re covery whou I was urged to try Dr. Wil li araV Pink I*I1I. Tho result haH boon marvyllouM. Prom" a tdokly, despairing woman, I have boon transformed into one full of health and energy, and I feel more thankful than X oan nay for the woudern Pink Pilla have dono for mo " - Mrs. Xi, Lnudahl, Lavant, Out., aayB t "I havo muoh pleaspro in adding my toa- timonytotbo groat effiaaoy of Dc Wil. Hams' X'lnk PSUh. Some voara a.uo I Was aevoroly injured in child birth and had to uo to tho Kmgaton hoapital to be operated on. I wua iu tho hoapital and under treat. moot for noarly two months, but flowing act m and all the Bkitl of the doctors wax unable to atop it, 1 wout home and after atill ruifferin^ for throe or four montkn, I detormiued to go to the hospital again, but fortunately for mo an old lady on tho oara, who noticed my emaciated and worn condition asltod "what alia you,my child ?" I told hor my trouble and sh6 replied, "Before tfoing to tho hoapital again give I>r. Williaraa' Pink Pilla a fair trial. I know thoy will help you." I followed hor advioo, and, aftor taking four boxen tho flowing abaolutoly stopped. I took the pilln for Homo time longer and my health wan fully restored, and Binoo thou I havo boon both atrong and active. I behove Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a bloaauig to womon."' Marrlod In blnclc, Eo will wish himself back. Married In rod, Ho will wtnh himHolf dead. < Unl-rlod hi ffroen, HI a true color Is hood. Married In bluo. Ho will look It, not you. Murrfod'lu p<arl, ,' '*.". [ Ho th diutiiff will twlrL. Murridl in yullow, _ t rour fellow! Poor fellow I Married in brown, Down, down, dcrry down. Mnrru'il In pink, To n fcluvu Jiu Will elnk. Mciirlnfl hi urliiiHiin. Hn'll (Innu'lo your whims on. JUairiod In buff. He will noon l"iVn enough. Mitrrltil in umrhit, I'nnr vliitlnit/uil vurlotl Mitrrn il hi violet, pMrplo or pneo, It. <lot m't nii.eh iiiattui they all mmm llio tlouuo! IiOndon Punch- LOPEZ'S HOMECOMING Mm. A. 0. Fitcholl writoa. "I tako this opportunity of thanking you for tho grout boiwjflb I havo roooivod from Dr. Williams* Pink Pilla in that critioal period known att tho ehango of lifo. I had aaffor- ed for yearn from kidney trouhloH, and thia I fnppoBo waa tho oommouoemout of tho obango. Tlion I was attackod with apolla of diazinosH and woaknons, aooom - pamod with pains in tho haok.whioh would laat for woolia nt a timo, and from whiah I would not got morn than an hour or two's alooplat uight. A friend who had sucoohb fully nflod Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla Iu a airailar emorgonoy urgod mo to try thorn, Tho ronult waa that thoy brought mo safe ly through thia critical period, and tako ploauuro in rocommouding Pink Pilla to thoHoJsimilavly oituatod." M+ ------------> V!', r- ' ' Mrs. J. U. MoMillau, BonLb Pinoh.Ont., ]} sayal "Fof Boven yeara I was afthated ^H^nJwMii8 Keuoraljy termed female fowBftiuesa,,^nd was for weeks. Unable to Soa?qiin^,bBd. :At,tiuiep my.llMend(\lall feho^^b^,^ft^ J woai Roing luto^ declma apd Ibad oonaumptiP"- MV complexion was Xlev, David Forhoa, mnmionary at Poplar Dale, Algoma, writes: "I fool that I would be rsraiBs in my duty did I not write to lot yon know tho wonderful bono, lit derived hy a young lady liQro from tho uho of your Pink Pilln. Mian Mary Martin, the young lady roforrad to, was taken molt two yeara ago, and all tho mi'dioul treat ment hIio uudorwont provod of no avail Vniting tho family iu my capacity ua miH- sioaairy, I aaw with hoi row that unless nomctlmig waa douu to avort tho progromi of hor troublp, alio would not ho long for thin world. Hho was palo, almost blood- lotw, and aubjoot to till tho diatroHmng ayiDptomu which accompany antn nia and bring tlio viaum lo an oarly grave. I urged tho parents to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. Ihoyaocod upon my advice, and I am lojoicod that thoy havo fully and ontiroly restored her hoalth, and iu tin* rosy ohoekod girl of to-day you would not roisognizo tho invalid of a hliort time be fore. The words of hor grateful mother to mo woio these: Wo havo to thank y( u, Mr. Forbuti, for rocommrndmg Dr. Wil- liumh' Pink Pilln. Thoy havo tmvnd our daugbtor'u life and wo are more grateful than wo oan aay, and freely give you per- miHOiou to iioud this tentimonial, in the oi rou m- hope that aomo ono iu Himilur atanoea may be bimontod.' '" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro a tonic mcJiamo, enriobing the blood and strength ening tho iiorvrt, thus roaohlug the root of (IUcuho and driving itttom tho ayntem. Thoy are boyond doubt the greateab rnodi> clue of tho 10th century, aud havo mirad m huudrqdaof eaaon after all other modi- oinea had failed, The groat, popularity of Dr. William*' Pink Pills baa wwed uu aorupuloua doalorn to imilato ih!em oxton- pvve)y, and intotding buyers are urged to aee that every box is enclosed in a wrapper hearing the full regiuterocL trade ma'k 'Dr, WilllatnV-iPInk Pi)|H for Pale Pco-, pie," PUIh colored piuk, bm sold in loose firm by the dtizer^ hundred or oupoe, or utileq from gfaBB jara/aro fra'ululent Jmi- 'Conoion I.opi"/, daughter of Oenagu, tho oulluw, pnuu(d on iho brink of tho urroyo, oil' ting u (^uick gliuioo down ita auurn'd btd, Then sho throw bunk hor hond mid Hwnnit'd Uio bill nbovo hor, Slie Iauf-rlind out merrily at tho dancing flutter of Hdirlofc nH gey broozo caught tho unwontrd curtuln in her cabin "win dow, ami, hti'wlymg hor deftly pomed olla with one brown hand, darted* lithe aud Bwrtt aoiiyoutig puntbor, norosa tho plunk and up tho well trod trail. Prom hit ourvod oradlo in tho oornor 'Conoiou'a bluok oyod baby gurgled and Hhoutod at hm mother's roapposranoo, but sho pni.td him with soant notico. The frijoloH htonmud, brown mid mivory, in tho uwiit knttlo; oolloo huhblod in tho pot. The outlaw's dHUghtcr plucod hor burdon on iho tabic, mid, Hotting phitus and ou])4 for two, tuinod hustily to tho atnvo u^aiu to hproad tortillas on tho binning lidH. With hor skin flushod by tho atrong hont, 'Connion bont to her task, piling tJit) oriwp hlurtH, ono aftor anothor, upon an ourtiion dish, Onoo slio straightonod up hor gi'aocful length and wnilod ap provingly af Iho tootliHomo lioap, Jusfc uh tba lust oakn found itH placo a fufii- tivo atop rattled tho pobbloH boforo tho door. * Tho flithh on tho girl's faoo doopoiird, ami lior full oyea widonod cxpootautly, Slio aprung to moot tho nowcomor'a warm euro w, took Iuh riflo and Komhroro from linn imd huriiod tosor\*o tho moul whilo ho uuwound tho folda of his dun aorapo. "I huw thy signal, qucrida,'* hoBtiid inaimiHioulbiihH.niugingdown tho \\rap and ninvin^ to tho orndlu Hide. "How faroq my don? Ih all woll with yo sjuco I hwt cnnio?" Tho baby nlopt. 'Conoion laid hor ongor fiico on tho man'R Hhonldor, hdjiI- iug down ub tho woo, dnrk profllo. "All if) woll," sho auswerod. "Aud Juan?" "Gomofjriob till tho Monday. Yon havo four days: of wafoty, mi nmy onro." A littlo frown drow hotwoon hor brows, but hor lips atill nmilod. "Come, Honor; tho suppor cooIhI". Smarting tmdor his ill fortune uud florooly angry at bin falso comrado, Ju an Loposs gathorod tqgothor tho wrook- ugo from hifj ontllC aud Bob hia faco to ward homo. It hud boon a disaBtrous trip from tho very start. JDLomightbuvo known whon Atur rofuaod to bndgo from tho corral and only paused tho gato protoHtingly undor tho quirt that tho expedition waa doutinod to fuiluro. Juan tied up hia injured arm aa boat ho oonld, holding tho blindage in hiH tooth, and, hurling a vivid improoation in tho direction takoti by Manuol aftor tho npaot, joggod doggodly buck ovor tho routo of yoatorduy. "Madro do Di- oh," ho muttered atormily, "muoh good may his burroH dohmil May thoyhtnm- bio in tho atroamnand drown! May thoy Btmnpcdo and loso him in tho dcBortl Ah for"mo, my load floatn down tho oau- yoi aud I go homo. Again I shall know not to truvol with ono cursed by an ovil star." All day Atarnnd Solim ploddod with drooping bonds, tin do* tho staring snn. Tho chalky powdor roso liko molco un der thoir Btoady hoof falls. I'lio dry sago Hcont weightod tho man's lungs. Tho fnvor of his huifc grow in Iuh blood and resoutioaont consumod him. "Good St. Cornard, roward him!" ho cried uh a hqavy jolt gavo an oxtra twingo to his Noroiiosa, and, shaking an excited iiHt at tho cloud capped heights abovo; "Send mist from thy mountain to bowildor him in tho passoa, ijqt him fall aud loave him as ho loft mol'* Suporstitiona foreboding; haunted his tortured souses as ho brooded over his loss and desertion. Misfortune hud fol lowed him fiom tho cabin. Hud ho oast off tho inouhuH with hia ill atarrod friendship, or wus some foil apirit still tracing his movomonts? InuoiiHibly, as the return road shortoned and uo further ovil marred Iuh joutnoying, tho ovau- cscenti (Jroud took tho shapti of anamo- loss foar for 'Oonoiou and fcho child. Hia head throbbed, tho breath of even ing flouting down tho cu^you could not ease hia siolc discomfort, tho weary pace nettled him. Whou at lust the frowning walls around him lowered, and, turning from tho main trail, tho hoavy oart lunbercd ovor tho bakod ourth along hia own urroyo, Jnan nrged his horaeainto a trot in spite of the pain in hia left iwu. and, with a final wab> diction on tho recreant Manuel, rattled quickly ovor tho luat bare hillock and upnuig down \>y,tjho oqrrnl^gato, In a fow minuteu bo waa following his wife'? footatops up the steep iiBoenfc to tho cab in; door.i ' j ;;It struck him with a creepy chill that) no ,'Oouoion stood on tho threshold call-' iug"<town her wolQOmo., ^ben^o lnugbr ed aloud at his foolish foar, shifting, would h& bo to his prluin queridal Ha Btolo upward flU^ntlyv^Tho Ater fluah caught him wJlB hia haifaon'tho latob. Som^.hlng gripped bis/thrqat- aMeb* low, musioaUoue; then mhdmifeTtrjfg^4 into hiH bralji. r , 4. ^ /,,, t Thia, th^h^woi-fcfio'^&niir^^ hM disasters, this the orownlng triok of his ovil goniuHl His pulso scorched. Ho bad novor donbtod her, novor 'for ono Instant dreamed that hor isolation was not oomploto on his long monthly trips to Vollectta. 'Ho hod forgot, fool that ho waa, that strum at lawless blood now ho did not fool tho wrenching of his hurt as ho swung tho riflo Into posi tion and moved, noiseless, catlike, under the oponod window. Ho would bo oalm, ho would bo Huro. Tho poison working in bis aoul Hhould not blind him. But if It worn true if 'Condon God help thorn, his aim Was komi! Grouching undor the casement liko a ,puma, lips snurlod apart ovor glisten ing, oruol tooth, Juan Lopojc waited. His eyes blurred, ho, byushed an impa tient hand to clear thorn, listening. Tho baby's gurgling laughter quiv ered through him. 'Conoion's light stop sounded on tho earthen floor, and sho Seemed to start up boforo him in all hor palpitating womanhood. Ho ohokod a groah. Thoh tho voioo, "Bring horo tho hoy, carina.*' Juan struggled with tho sound's vague familiarity. "Carina" Ho ground his tooth impotcntly. Soft awisjiings and rustlinga and 'Conoion'rt quick, gay troblo: "Horo, thon, take your boy. Ho grown more like you daily, caro mio.,J Through his deadly pain tho howod lis- tonor folfc ono kconor pang for, his Hon, hisbolovnd. Homuafcaool Gould thofol- lowbo Joso or 8tofan? Did tho boy look liko Stofan? Thnfcoluslvo familiarity of tone Dragging himself up cautiously, ho1 peered into the dim room, trusting to tho swift drawing night's protection. 'Ooncion his hoart yearned to hor oven In hor falsity stood by tho couch, bond ing ovor tho dark form of tho intruder. With tho child in her arms. Ker dut'ty hair foil round hor likouvoil, infceroopb- ing tho oovotod viow of his rival. This was hia timo. Ono bullot now and vougoancol Juan rooled faintly and thou grow rigid. With deliberate, silont caro bo placed his weapon and drow his bond. Just horo tho woman's aaah lino, and horo, boyond, tho bead of hor parampur but tho child? ' ' Tho homely honso furnishings soomed to leap ont of tho darkness. Tho stove, tho httorod tabic aud tho couob, tho iron oraoifix and tho carved cradlo in tho cor ner all his life long Jnan will aoo thorn tK) >and 'Ccncion turned. Tho duiky veil was blown and rent liko tho sea raiflt, rovoaling Holy Mother of heaven horfathor, Conaga, tbo outlaw I Juan Lopois foil on hia knees bolow tho window* tho smoking riflo olafctorod from his broken grasp, and tho miaailo sped, aimless and hurruloas, high into tho adobo wall.- Gertrude B. Millard in Argonaut. Tho Klfiotrlo ]Curnnu. M, Moissan has an account of his lat est researches with tho olootrio furnace in a rocontismioof L'Annalo^do Ohimio ot do Physique Ho gives tho prepara tion and proporfcios of titanium, molyh- donum, uranium andtlto boridoa of iron and of oarbon, tho preparation of man- ganoao and a historical account of the roHoarohes already mado on tho orystal- liiiod carbides of tho alkaiino oartha. Ho also lays claim to tho disoovery of crystallized carbido of oaloium, whilo assigning to Mr. Wilson tho orodit of having introduced its Manufacture in tho United States. With regard to tita nium, M. Moissan has found that with a currout of CO amporos and fiO volts titanic aoid is oonvortod into crystal lized oxide of titanium. With SCO am poros and 70 volts tho bronze yellow nitride is obtainod. When 1,200 am poros and 70 volta aro usod, tho tarn- poruturo rises above tho point of decom position of thiH hubfltanao, and tho car bide is formed, freo from uitrogon, and, If this is hoatod with an oxcoss of titan ic aoid, titanium containing 'only 2 per cent of carbon is obtained. Those suo- oohhivo aetiouH, says M. Moissun, givo a doeisivo proof of thoinoroaso of tompor- aturo of tbo olootrio aro depondent on an iucrenHO of tho current and form tho starting point of anothor long RorieH of oxporiniouts. Tho preparation of tho crystallized compound of iron and boron. containing ovor 15 por cent of boron and nearly corresponding to tho formula PoB, effectually disposes of 'tho abor tion of somo workers rm iron that it in impossible to alloy thoso two olomcnts. '^WmTiblea 4 ief for 1 v it EMULSION au coxsvatpTsoN ami u iar O i>isrAfn:H;saMTTiv<; oit- ulooi. * * ^T/Jih'LlTV, tho bcmafiotof ttif* q ikrilclour*] utom, iuunffVta, ttrtUiiLInf llif ' l> A I ilil ufu liiiklitii f.ii li \Wi, Vfr j a tr. it ml li \\ i ^ WHlnl,! l_itu.il tlilfil lit 9 1 IllllluIoN I )llT|KOt i ), 1 Liu ihi <| inn Tor & 'tl I * OIKIilumltly lt| 1 < Imitclnui-y Allnmt. Physicians very often meet with poo- plo who aro ouwying around imaginary ailments, and who roally boliovo thorn- solvos as badly nftliotod as thoy assert. Somo curious oases havo been noted. A young woman of this city had boon con fined to'her bod many months with an illness which Wholly doprivod her- of tho uso of hor lowor limbs. Tho doctor who attended her failod to discover tho nature of her affliction, wbiohmight ordinarjly havo boon attributable to soveral oansca. Examination, howevor, rovoalod noth ing calculated to throw light on tho matter, and the doctor, after pationt and exhaustive analysis and attention, oatno to the conclusion that tho ilinens Was imaginary. * i Although ho djsoreofcly kept hia opin ion, to h^msolf,, proof was eventually forthcoming as to tho acouraoy of hiq view,.. Being lifted in tho sheets ont of her bed oneday, whilo the mattress was rearranged, tho young woinari snrprjsod her -attendants by suddenly jumping from ' tho conoh > on wbioh tube had tboen placed, with a loud expresalon of ;ftlarpjf;, Jt wap dispoverfldftthat ehe-had Wlli.ll II.D tlllKtl Hi.) n I I q 'IMA, Mllii, -. .Muntiifcl fl Rl,c, ,i,U-l |lp(<r^i:ilu ' w DAVIS & LAWREUCE CO., LTo.,M0HrnWL Of Hlitf * tlilllrf UpU*uu iltik Wanted-An Idea Protect your idoanj thr miiy hi Write JOHN WKDDEIiUUUN a C^ , .,* ^v..., neyi, WMblDgunt, V O , fur thotr 81 MM) prlzo otrar Mid lUt of two bun<lFod liivontloiin WiulumI WANTED-HaVRRArvFAlTHFUb MEN OK Women to truvol for reapomtlnlu outab- llshQd Loubo lu Ootiurlo, tialarv, $780, jiayahlo $15 woebly and nxponitnti. VohHIoii jtonnanont Kuforouoo, JSnoIoao Boir-(irt<lruBHd Httunnnd nti Volopo- Tint Nutloiiul, Htiu JfulldltiL', Chicago Wanted. AM A \r-T0 BKbL OANA.1DA OUOWTH llXilii * li'rultiind Ontamontal Troort, BhnibH, IlodOH, llulhrt and Hulbouu VlimtH.Grnpu Vitiori, Hmftll li'iultu, Hond P(>tatooB, uta- Wo cata-lopuo only thu bardloBC aiiA moBt popular varlotioH that naccuod In tha cotdont cum at on Now BoaHou now oommonoltiK; comidoto outfit froa, salary and oxjionsoH imbl from etartfot full timo, ur liberal rohhuihbIou for i>nrt timo. Apply now, nddroBflhif{ n a aro sit oftlco, and aboloo of territory. luku intoTirHita comvany, Intomntlona] Nursorlim, CniOAOo, III,, or Montihsll. Quia. Fresh Bread la. what you oau rely on yetting whou you buy from uh. Our wajjon goon to ail partaof the town- Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, f roabor, or HWoofc- or in tho country. All kindu o Fancy Oaken aud Jelly Holly. Fresh Taffy and Candies very day. Wo sell nothing atalo or dry. Leave Your Order and you can rely on prompt do. livory. FRANK FOSS. Opponlto Btiok tVJlJVanoln, *Ebho* For 1896- Balance of 1896 7. Free, S SS083E fU, JAMES NAYLOR Takoa thlB'opportruulty of abbounolng Cth* Eaoplo of tno Town ana Goaatv of ICuex, V a baa roiuodolod tbo Ebscx Billnr Mills that *6* oordfngto plauHproparodbylt.N. Prlfio.of Bt Tliouiaa, and albo aoour.-d tbo flflrvlooa of Hubert Btrachan, an oiporloncod and thoroughly ootO' i* li f ' ' * Thanking tbo poqpla of tho town and ooaufcy far tho iiatroimHo .heHtowad' upon him Id the past, will guar&utott ButUfaotlouln tbo fntture. < ' Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. fcf The Jhil Gratef of Maitr% Fe ' Commeal JC<!pi in Stock and sold at ' Prites. Gash Paid for Wheat andQat DO you. I^ide ? 3 X* * If ho, you want to have tho best there ia and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout -IB 1'0 1K MXV> IT- JOHN A. ROSES Lively, lfm^^t Good Jloaditie.rH* Matty Hiding Rugylcn. Comfortable Carriages. VA Call Solicited, Sathfaation Guaranteed. North of tho %. Iliiilway Track. ESSEX, ONT. Johnston Bros., Builders am Contractors. h riBAIjKTlB ru- Britisli Oolumbia Only One Dollar To JTuuuary ImI, 1808. Nlxtoon l>nt!fCH Eacli Week ------WITH "- All The Mfcws of The World. Vlaket Reports, Stories, Etc- Exoollcnt llomliu^...... for ovory morahor of tho fimnly Wo ofTor ood inducomonta to nuontH. For terms, cto., addroHH ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., LONl>ON, H XT. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY Wilfion Avo,, next Abordoon Hotel f Tho latoHb Improved muohinory for IrouinMOalliLVfi nud Cuffn. Will not amok or bruak tiio wiufj. Family work ahonp. and dolivorcd. J?urualH called Io> IMonflo call antl try. If not imtiaffioiory lao cbaruo will bo tntitlo. I our work auitn von. rooornmnnd ur to your 'riuudH. Pine Shingles, $1.00 Up. ML Kinds ot Building Material, SASH, DOOJiSt LATH ami BARN LUMBER* V$T KadMlucnon Ouarukitood. Opi>. Water WorkH Essex. FDR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS '5>, 'HECOOtCS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SAUe IM CANADA. J. GOURLAY & SON. ESSEX, ONT v I ' - '. V, THR TBIOMPH CORN BHEtLER I>E!SlOrLi:3FM73[<3ISr. .',,./, ThiM Machine consista of a horizontal cast cylinder, i?Uh wronght Vton^ faiints, with aioel teethJ>olted to the o^liuder 8"> as to he TeverBible; when^lM' teeth become worn on tho front aide, vanning in a perfoifnted QOOQO^J^fi *hell,;whicjj the shelled corn paBseB-wirough into a sheet'iron jP^^M^B&fi an or oleoner attached below> which takes ad the dust from .the grattu;1^^ ^^^M^MMi^L^JiM

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