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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 22, 1897, p. 1

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frilvV"'. ."' ' WWte. ' V-.'.V wt? '.' ' ^'f "1% VOL XIII. No 4. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. JA.NUARY 22, 1897. WHOLE No. 628; ;;;fI FORSYTH E, ANDERSON & Co. Headquarters For Fine Wrfch Repairing. \J J. B. OVENS Tfo New Jeweller, Our January Clearing Balo prapar- ' atory to tho annual Stock-Taking, is in program*. \Vo invito uttontion to . the Money-saving.'bargains, wo aro ': offering l" clour out nil romaming winter linen. Space does not pormit Mention of wany articles hut judgo by these : Seven Specimen and trot our pricoH on anything olso you are in .nood of boforo purchasing : LOT NO. i. Choice of 20 Elogant Mantles, in a /; variety of Cloths all thin floason'a y. make and worth from $8 to 810 " '\: each, for . ..$0*00 LOT NO. 2. 20 Piocos 82-irioh Fancy Flanriolettos hoavy oloth formorly worth 10c. u yd. at " -5Kc a Yard.-*. LOT NO. 3. 86 Pairs Men's Black Woratod Pants all sizes, afc ...-$1.48 aPair--- LOT NO, 4. Men's Black and Navy Bcavor Ovov- cpatu stylish and durable, woro $7.60, now $4.95 Each-... LOT NO. 5. Two Cho^ta Japan Toa of 1805 pick will eloar it out at . LOT NO. 6. lOO Pairs Boys* Heavy, Strong Lac- j ShoosWi/.os. 1 to 5 worth $1.36 impair, regular anywhoro, at . .-75c- a Pair--- LOT NO. 7. Pairs Mon's Fiuo Dongola Kid fciters regular price r.oOi at $1.00 a Pair---. iThoso Linos ai Shoos aro exooptt- kl Value, and we arc only ablo to [j at those prices on account of hav- I .bought a portion of tho stock of [aid, Murdoff & Co., wholesale lealors,, Toronto, who recently All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. 5no Price lor All, Money Back if K:-\ unsatisfactory.""" any Purohauo for inrovoa toold au<3 dovloos nnoat and moatoom- adjnstlnA tlio pUautod Watohua, antl Can Guarantee Satisfaction. * * . Orders taken from Catalogue for all kinds of Watohos, Jow- ololry, Silvorwaro, &. IUmiembor the BUn<1, May's Mook- Doom Hbuth oflmporlal liatlk, -l'breo Talbot Street, Essex. Wanted. 1,000 mciib of noooQutfl. OOKDB of 4-Ft. Wood Wantod iu or in nay LAING KKOS, Farm For Sale. LOT Bfta, Booth of tlio Talbot Itoa-l.hftlf mllo east of Maidstono Oriaa 60 Act at of olOU-f- od land: larfio stable and (jrauary and a Rood well anURacioflof fall wheat and a quantity of fall ploughing. .For any iurlhor Information apply to JKHKMIAH O'CONNKIjtj, Lot B, Oth oQuoonakm, Sandwich South, TENDERS WANTED. npENDBJUS-will bo roooivod by tho under- , Essex Town Council. Tuesday, January 10th. Oonnoil met at 8 p.m. Prosenfc,Mayor Thomas, iu the ohair, Beovo MoDoug- all, Deputy-Eeovo Johnston, Council lors Forsytho, Whitnoy, Iloso, Barnes' lliddick, Hicks, Jos. Ilobiuson, I'rod, Robinaon and Sloto. A very large number of npoctutprn, including eevorol ladies, was in uttond- anoo. Minutes of previous mooting woro read and approved, A communication rotating to u book containing the Municipal Act wuh read and ordered filed, Br. Jaa. Br ion wrote that at the noxt mooting ho intondod to mako applica tion for a frauohiao for twouty-ilvo yoara for an inoandoacont oloctrio light system in town. Oapt. 0. M. Oaughill addressed tho council relative to taiOB ou a lot ho had purchased at tax ealo oil Dcoomber 4th, 1805. Hia tox^ demand signod up till SATURDAY, JAN. jotii, 1897, to bo dollvored ForoO Conlonf 4 ftCordwooil, nt tlio Kaex Public Rohoolri. Tondoffl to stato prlood for all Moplo body Wood and aJao for rolxedbody wood. for further particulars apply to J. A. 1TKAN0I8, Kbbox, Jan. 2fltb, 1607. Chairman of Com, NOTICE. Having boon appointod Collec tor of Water Katos for tho Town of Eb* for 1807,1 all Wator takers in Water Katos for tho bog to notify town that let Quartor are now duo and must he paid at onco. J. R.McEWAN, Collector. Buajc, Out.. Jou.lltb, 1H)7; S IilALKD 'rKNDlCUH addroannd to tbo uudor- dynod, and oudoriiod"Tundcrfot*Klnaardhio Work," will bo roooivod at thin oftloo until Fri day, tbo 6th day of February noxt, inclusively, for tho oouHtruotlnti of nhoot piling und - other work at Kincardine, Drueo County . Ontario, ac cording to a plan and flpoolHcatlon, to bo noon htthooilloo of tho Town Clork, Kinoardino, and at tbo Department of Publlo Workw, Ot tawa. Tondovfl will not ho connidorod unload hiado on tho form iiuppliod and fliftuod with tbo no- tual nl^naturuR of tondorora. ' Air aoooptod biU'lt oboqua, payablo to tlio ordor of tho Miniiitnr of Publlo Worku, you onk 'rnoDBANP wive noNDUKu Doi^nna (3H.K00), mu nt accompany ouob ton dor. Thin ahoquu will bo forfoltod if tho party doclino tho oontraot or fail to eomploto tho work oontraotod for, and will bo roturuod iu oatio of notj-aoooptauco of tondcr. zi$r 'rtl'lio Dopartmout iloen not bind Jbiolf to ac cept tlio lowcnt or any tomlor. CXliy order, &3J fa. F. E. HOY, Soorotary. Dopartmont of Public Workn. I C3K Ottawa, UlstDoo., 3800. ( r^NowHpaporH inwottinK tbin advortinoumnt witlioutauthority from tho Dopartmont will hot bo paid fov it. SAW.- LOGS WANTED. Having dooidoil to HtoaU my Mill at Kaatx twain, turn propavod topay Iliflboflt Prlcofl for ALL KIVDSOF SAW LOGS, Cull and bog mo, T- H, DoCEW, Essex. W ANT13D One Car Load 21| Long by 1} Thick'. Corroaponil with ' 'l HIRAM WALKER & SONS, lim'd,, "Walkervllle, Ont. WB <3AN arvK all grades of ability. P08ITIONB to ycruoaa of ;, liqok-keep erarf OIorkB, Farmora' fioiia, Ijdwyorfl, MnobaitiaB Pbyaloians, Proaohore, Studenta. Harried and HiQitlo Women, Widows- Positions aru worth from 0400 to 92,000 per annum We havo paid eevcralof our oanvoBaern 960 weekly for yearn. Many\bave started poor and beodpae rtori with, ub. Faitloal&rauponii * ' " " oxpeoted. T. H.LINB ' ' iij, I'm. pMUcaiaraupon VpiToaWn"^toto wOar? I not novt, altogether a matter,of law but '^;;::E|SB^Er " law includod tho taiOB for 1805, whioh ho did not tbiuk ho should pay.- Koferrcd to tho Fin ance Gommittoo. A communication waa read from tho Hamilton Provident and Loan Oo. rol- ativo to changing tho door iu tho Dun- stan Block, bo uk to open outride. Tho following aooouutft woro road and roforrod to tho .Finance Committee: Troaaurer of Goriiold North, ^.70, for repairs, west townlino drain; John Mc- Olintio, oloaning fitrootH, Sfl;J. B. Tjind- Bay, work on sidowallc, StO.50; \V, B. Gallangor, ropniriug nidowulk, $1, work at watorworkn, ^1,155; W. G. Stotts, gravol pit, 5; 0. E. Naylor, lumbor for J, It. AIHhs, rope for waterworks $D./J7; W. Biseon, wood and ppline ' work, I^IJ.IO; John MoOlintic, boarding Geo. Nevills 6 weeks, $10. A petition, ariiing that a by-law bo submitted for tho repeal of tho local op tion by-law- anu^aigjiort Jvy 142 pernonfl, was road. . Another petition asking that tho by law bo not Bnbmittod and rignod by 100, persons, was aldo proHontod. After tho petitions had boon road the Mayor aaked if there woro any person who donirod to spoak on bohnlf of tho petition for tho repeal of Local Option, hut no one appeared and, on motion, M. T. Wiglo addressed tbo council. M. J. Wiglo said in roforcnoo to tho second potition tho tomporaueo pcoplo Wore present to defend it. They thought some ono wotild defend tho othor petition. When tho qnention won brought before tho council of 1800 and petition Was presented, asking for sub mission of by-law, tbe tomporanco peo ple did not then think it nooosHary to bring in countor petition, but tho por- donnol of council is now chnngod and it in understood that Homo aro in favor of submitting auoBtion again, consequent ly tho countor petitions woro got up, Tho tomporanco pooplo contend that tbo \nv/ did not come into forco until last August. Out of tho 10(t names on their potition, 185 aro ratopayora and voters. *a1."W. H. Konnody appoavod for tbo anti-Local Opticniflts, who woro, ho said, satisfied to loavo tho mattor in tho hands of tbo council. , Their petition only asks to have tho question votod on again. Ho contended Local Option iu Essex was "no good with licenses in Maidstone, Kingsvillo and otbor sur rounding plncoB. O. E. Nay lor did not think thoro was a man who would not say thoro was a groaVJdoal Iosh drinking, lona drunken ness and misery under Local Option than thoro was boforo. BuambflH dur ing tbo rocont holidays und or Local Option was bettor than it had boon in years boforo. One thing tho tompor anco pooplo will have to fight against if tho Question isfiubraittod is tho xmo of money on tho part of theLicensod Vic tuallers. Tho issuo before tho council is this. Tho tomporancopopplo present a petition signod by ovor one-half Of the ratopayors in town qualified to voto on this question. If tho question goes to a voto tho Licousod Yiofcuulterti will put up a strong fight to carry tho town an they will look at it that it is only, putting in tho thin end of tho wodgo, Tho cause of Local Option is gaining friends every day and tho pooplo are looking to tho council to carry out thoir views. . W. R. Manning atutod tliab a businpss man in town lately stated to him that ho knew of eoveral familios in town who, sinco August, hayo boon paying for goods, something-thoy did not do be fore. He hoped in tho interests of the boys of tho town that Local Option,, would bo c6ntinued; " S'i AV. H. Bastfoll said in 181)0 the b^-. law was carried hy 200 majority but the. liquor men appealed and Chief Justice^ Gait quashed the by-law. 'The matter;' was then carried to the Privy ppu^ucil' who said Justice Gait did wrong. ' It is not now, altogether a matter of justice. The intention' :and the pooplo was that by-law should be iu forco for three years. The coun cil have it in thoir power to right the wrong imposed ou tho people by Justice Gait. It was simply a obance that tho council could submit a by-law to repeal Local Option. Frail. ItobiuHon waft perfectly' satis fied with Local Option and did not think wo had n right tp put tho ques tion before the people .n^uiu. flo had boon in this town a grout many years and was glad to say thoro wore no low drunks in the town. Tbo Tomporanco Lodge was started hdr'o JJO years ago and its inlluonoe is still felt. Mr. 'Rob inson reviewed tho tomporanco legisla- in town sinco that tunc and was strong ly iu favor of oontiuuing Local Option. Mr, Sloto did not think thoro was any use in trying tp stop tho soiling of liquor as long as it waa manufactured. Thby should start at tho roots of the ovil and stop tho manufacture. The town is now boing. deprived of its license monoy and tho amount hua to ho raised by taxes. Mr. Sloto made quite a long' (ipoooh in opposition to Local Option. O. B. Swoot had been figuring out tho tax part of tho question. His taxos wore &18 and if ^00 woro 'raised from liconsos ho would just save 54 cents a your. Ho was willing' to pay that amount to sustain Local Option. Councillor Hicks did not think that the oonnoil had power to submit the by-law, bosidefi ho did not think it a fair thing to submit question again. Tho real intonfcion of tho law was that by-law should remain in force for throo yoars. If tho majority of tho oonnoil aro in favor of submitting tho question bethought tho exponses should bo paid in some othor way than from tho town treasury., His Worship said during his whole oxporienco in tho council ho had never boforo seen such a dead lock in the council. If Homo ono would tako tho chair ho would move a motion that would deal with tho petitions. Moved by Messrs, Hicks and Frod. Robinson, that those petitions bo laid over and not takon up till the throe years aro up. Mr. Forsytho said such a motion could not bo put, This council cannot bind any future council in that way. Mr. Hicks altered his motion strik ing out all after tho word "over." Mrf MoDougall said it scorned to him that that was not tho right way to deal with tho quostiou. Tho by-law was votod on by tho pooplo and ho boliovod it should bo votod off by tbo pooplo. Tho Mayor said tho full moaning of tho motion waa that tho question would Itoop coming up mooting aftor mooting. Mr. Hioks said ho ,mado tho motion bociiuso no ono olso would mako tho othor motion. Ho didn't want to bo o.nuing to counoil meeting night aftor night and having- this mattor brought up each time. Fred, Robinson said if tho council ignored tho largo potition they would ho insulting tho tomporanco pooplo. Doputy-Boovo Johnston was- of the same opinion as .Mr. MoDougall. If tho matter woro not disposed of it would ho coming up night after night. Ho would, theroforo, give notice of a by law at tho next mooting to submit tho mattor to tho pooplo. Tho Mayor coutondod that they should voto on thopotitions to-night. , Mr. Hicks again altered his motion, adding to it the words, "for future con sideration." Ho said'ho would mako tho motion stronger if ho woro allowed. Mr. Itaines; said they oould not voto on]tho by-law to-night. Notioo was given and tho by-law would bo intro duced. Messrs. Hicks and Bobinsou moved another motion thiij; the petitions bo laid ovor for this year. Mr. Johnston said that would not ef fect tho by-law as tho by-law would bo introduced anyway. '.. : Mr; Hicks thought there woulcj bo no harm to vote on the 'question now. 'Mr, Slote If it is no harm, is it any good V. Mr, MoDougall said ho had boon in 'council for a number of yoara and he had never bjiforo soon anything liko this come up. When a petition is pro- sOntod and notice of motion of by-law is giyon that settles it till the by-law is introduced. When* tbe voto is tal^en on the by-law anil it is defeated t that would settle the mattor. Mr. Forsythe moved, in amendment that tho petitions bo filed. Mr. Slote Boconded tho amendment, v ,The amendment was put and carried. ', ' Tlje Financo Committee's roborfc Was, read, recommending payment of ao-. .counts of W. Stotts $Cf, W. B.Gallanger $1.95, J. H. Alliss $3.57,\"W, Sifiebn ;$0;10, j; MoOlintic $1, and it >iJK|Piylor:W.40.- V'-"v;--.;vr".::--: V* - '.J. \ :V 1 "'pn motion of Messrs. Johnston .Maidstone had ever paid its share .of tho cost of tho townliuo drain. The Olork said aot that bo was a.waro of. Mr. McOlintio addressed tho council about his account for $10 for keeping Goorgo Ncvills who was very ill, und who ^wufi destitute. The umttor was refurred to tho Charity Committee. Mr. Vosper, addressed tho council about tho taxes on tbo foundry property. It was assessed to him last your for tho first time. Ho was not tho owner of tho property but only acted for Mr. Queen. ^Thore was also a bad stidewalk near the Baptist church which should be uttoudod to. ' Moved by Messrs, Itainos and Mo Dougall, that tho first part of Mr. Vos- per'n complaint be referred to tho Fin anco Committee and tho latter part to tho commissioner for that Ward, Car ried. The account of J. B. Lindsay was re ferred to tho commissioner for No* 2 Ward. By-law No. 2fll, to borrow 12,000 from tho Imperial Bank was put through tho three readings and passed. Mr. Haines said ho understood some parties woro talking of putting an in candescent oloctrio light aystom in town. Ho boliovod if thoro was any monoy iu it the town should tako hold of tho matter, Ho moved that tho chairman of .the Firo, Wator and Light Committee got information concerning tho putting in of an incandescent oloc trio light system in town and roporfc at noxt mooting. Joa. Robinson socondod tho motion which carrlod, and council adjourned. Killed at Pel ton. Word was rocoived hero on Wodn< day night that John 8. Brown, fle< man on the M. C. B. at Pol ton stai was struck and instantly killed byjM'J; 0. B. express No. 10 about 10 o*olc that ovouiug. He waa sweeping Hno?fV3j out of tho switches and evidently) % not hear tho express in time to get'p of the road. A heavy snow storm wflff raging at tbe time. Tho body was pick? od up and takon into tho station; tho authorities at .8t. Thomas notfl . An undertaker from that city went Up yeotordoy and the body will be taken into Amhoratburg this (Friday) mornr; ing. Deceased was about 41 years of age and had always lived in An dor don township near White's atone quarry. He Was married to a daughter of thf late Richard Delislo, of Maiden, whp:; survives him with sovoral children. Ono brother, Robert, also survives. A and Public Library Conversazione. When tho managomonfc of the Pub lic Library held such a successful con versazione last yoar it was decided that a similar affair should be hold annually and Friday evening last was tho date Bcleotod for this year's entertainment. Though not m largely attondod as its predeoeBsor, tho managemont have certainly no reason to complain of tho numbers who turned'out ou Friday evening, while thoprogrammo provided was of fully as high a character, not to montion the oxoolleut spread prepared by tho ladles and tho list of amuse ments furnished. The Masonic and Oddfollow lodges kindly placed their lodgo rooms ou the third floor of tho Duustan Block at tho disposal of tho managemont, tho former boing usod for games and the latter for ro- froshmeuts and Messrs. Wismer and Church gave up thoir - oiUcoa for the night to bi used as cloak rooms. Tho programme waa given in tho library room, beginning shortly aftor ei^hfc and lasting till about 10, after which an adjournment was had to the refreshment room wboro tho inner man was satisfied with tho dolioaoios provided by tho ladies. "Games of dif ferent kinda hi the Masonic rooms tended to while away the'rest of. tho timo boforo tho 'attendance dinporsed shortly boforo midnight. President O. CruHSwollor prcsidod ovor tho program, which was oponed by a short spooch by tho President, In which ho stated that tho library was in a fairly satisfactory condition, had gained the oonfidonoo of tbo pooplo in tho town and was now looked upon as ono of the institutions of the towiu Tho managemont 'latoly added ftlfiO worth of books to tho read ing room and. will'purchase an othor &lf>0 worth beforo May. A chorus en titled "Oxir Crow1' was then sung by F. Groon, G. A. Ohuroh, WaltorShaw, W. O, Laing, K A. Wismorand 0, Kriog- hotf. lite was followed by W. l\. Manning, Principal of tho Public School, replying to tho sontirnont of History, and tho subject was. woll handled. Miss Annie Oaslor thou sang nsolo, "Faithful vot/' aftor which the sentiment of Fiction was takon up and spoken to by 0. L. Crasswbllor, of tho High School, who presented his sub'r jeot iu a particularly strong manner. In reply to a call from tho chairman, Rev. M. P. Campbell gave a, fow re marks. Tho next piece on the program Was a rooitation* "Guilty or Not Guilty," by Miss Frankie Jarmiu, this being followed by J. E. Moron, of, the High Sohool staff on tho senfcimoufc of Science, a subject in whioh, ho said, everyone was interested, ilr; Moron is an enthusiast'on this study and his address was very instructive, A duet, HThe Burial at Bea,'! was sung by .^ Gretm and 0. Krieghoff, a fow remarks were made by Rev.; Wm. Fleming and tho fourth and last sentiment, Pootry, was token up by A, B. Oufihing, B. A;'; who handled his Bubject very creditably. \yaUor Shaw, brought the programme toa.oloeebj singing "Tbo Sergeant's Wedding*' Mrs. Wm. Laing aoted as accompanist throughout the evening* The sum of $2(5 was realized. ;; COIXIIB&TKR SOUTH. Anothor'old vbtoran volunteer of 188?- U8 is gone, at his residence noar Har row in tho township of South Colches ter, on Saturday last, George FnlmeD ' having passod to the Groat Beyond in', tho BOth year of his ago,' The funeral, services woro conducted by the Rev. , Mr. Cooper on Monday in the Harrow; Methodist ohuroh. taking his text from \. the first Epistlo of Peter, first chapter $3' and 24th verse, which was ohquen by the deceased boforo his death. De ceased has boon a member of. the Methodist church for over 50 years, has always lived a faithful Christian life,S, and died in full .assurance of eternal^ lifo. Ho loaves to mourn his loss three i:S sons and throo daughters, viz., John J ;v-Ja Fulmor, of Essex; Elijah M., of Petroitj~v^ William H., of Harrow; Mrs. Mobes W*i;:M Rose and -Mrs. John 0. Lintner, ,of'$$f Harrow and Mrs. Goorgo Thornton, p'. Essex, besides 128 grandchildren, ancl,:;)l$ 18 groat-grandohildron. * "'."*' ' SOUTH WOODSI.KE. Jamos Andorflon, of Harrow', is in the jC|l employ Of W. H. Rumball, tinsmith. . \iif Jamos Murray is building ou addi tion to tho rosidonco berooontlybought>\:i :v in this village. ' 'Vi'^ Mrs. . MoOauloy continues in very, r:,,;&jB poor health at the homo of her son-in^."" " L lawr J. J. Dewhirst. ."7^ A dance, was given in St, Tjawrence ;'?!, Hall on Tuesday, evening, P. Tester^ boing floor manager. ' -^ A number of invited guests were-|? present at H. C. Roes' on Wednesday;u3 of last wook at a christening party.' ;:, '^jjb t Patrick Maher, who had his,.legf||? brokon a fow weeks ago was taken tb'-jj Hotel Dion at Windsor on Saturday^ last. " "T" ': W. A. Knistor, of Rmoomb, was a:1. visitor in town on Tuosday. Michael'!';J| Rourko, of Windsor, also' visited in,;'^ town tho samo day. A. W. Cohoo has rontod tho Browni? farm, one concession oast of South' >t Woodsleo. toa Mr. Hutchinson, from.'.'$ near Toronto and tho latter has moved' kit his family thereto. ^'3 A toam of horses belonging to Sam.- J'"| Jenkins ran away from in tho woods on. ' Wednesday' of last wook and went; )J about four miles beforo being stoppecl.S|| Tho wagon to whichthoy were attached-v|p was damaged. . . *}$ Revival servicos in the. MothpdiBti\^ church commonoed on Sunday evening'iS last by Rov. W. Ayrofl, assisted .\hjfM Alex. ^.Miunifl, of Loamington. . The? meetings will last for two weeks an&! probably longer. Attbo. installation of the-officers ~M iWoodsloe Lodgo, I. O. O.F., oh Weil nesday oyoning of last wook, GeOrg.^S Anderson .was installed as,1 V- ' ^sjl Jacob Mitchell as Per/ Sec. and.,I^e!OT W. AyreH as Chaplain. Tho appoini^f^ ofiioors wore installed on \ye'dneB^| night of this week. . ' " -'-W Alvin Denis, who works for'^iUlv~ Lo'fior at North Woodslee,.':me^ ' painful accident on Fridayr;J|ftSfi was riding on a load. bf;^6l^5|j wagon slid ditch with falling on him besides inflicting ___..... right eye. ^W|P^^jB^ejy^(t^ conRoioiis and it wa&;^eaiedhe; w^ jured^inteiriiaii^ the frabtutejl>ttt^e"'ypriig man.w'^-'lbe|r laid up for'Some tunc ,v ' --' * y^\ti :\-\iJ the Cosmopoli tan will be sent to any address for .one yejw-Vlor i$1.867:/ ^e GoBpo^lito^L is ,. On Monday ;n>toing when \th'e;.:'c^4!| penters/l^pipyed"on" Hi'd^^'Biefl^oS^M building, returned to work, they.;foi^w that the. siuppdrts' for one sidev:,p|t<$f building :;had been, lopsene^."Till! " ' thoughts be the work of some peri and Mr.'/Ileps offered ,< av:reward;.ofj for information;that would Jea&ta;li(s|5. ;viotioni :Sl&&*yA&bifNr'J:^<^5-iipf the; :ptayi;': on '^Sa^#^^^|^|i^j| wmd loosened1 them.-^fee\contr^

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