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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 15, 1897, p. 6

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',t \ . ' ' :% /.".:', A CHEERING TRUTH, THOUSANDS PROVE THE STATEMENT. That Paine's Gelory Com pound Makes people Feel Young Again. r ti A Cured Man Says : Feci Juwt an Bright as a Boy." x Tho Ilitfhfc Modioino ffor Every Ailing Man nxid Woman. All thooomhinofl powdrn of oarth urtimofc torn tho tide of truth tUut uwoopK ovor thiH Cumulu or aura in rop;utd to the curing ami lifo-jriyinK vtrtutw of Paiuo'n Colory Oorapound, Thommnilii of tho bout pooplo bftok up tho aunaibto, plain uud wwfirn)h- d tttaioraontii about .Puino'u Colory Com- tjouiid publiuhod from timo to timo. Tho etirnd thoutuintlit uond "mioh convincing lob- ior ofJjtoHtimony that tbo moot hardened kopticn aro forcoJ to admit that thoy uro foundad on tho rnulc of truth imd hnnanty. TIio following lottor fram Mr. X. R. Mc- Grunr, Dixon'n Uornoru, Out., asnaran you, though your catio may bo doaporato and dn&th vory ni^tb, ami though dootorH fail mud otbor inoiioiiinM provo unavailing for your robot, that Piiino'n Colory Compound will do morn for you than you can juatly realizo or bopo for. Mr. McGruor niiyu . "Gomo timo af*o my couditiou of health Van alarming and I aufforod very union. I waa laid up threo days out of ovory wook; kud I oftou aaid to ray friondfl that it would bo bettor, if it- waH tho Lord'w will, that I bould bo aojlocl away, Threo of tbo beat dootora attended mo, but could not roliovo too in any way." It wan then I wau advisod to oho Paiuo'n Colory Compound, which brought rehof at ouae. After tilling thin groat romody I iiiid myiiolf a now man, Hud fool jqHt an bright a a boy of oi^bteeu yoarti. I thiuk it ih the greatont modioino Ju tbo world, and would Htrongly roooin-, taioudit to all who fuiffer. Horticultural aieetinor- The Horticultural society mob at KinRH- Tillo. on tbo 36th nit,, and after tho min- utoj of tho previous meeting wore read, and tbo Treasurer'* report, showing a balance of $39.80, van adopted* tho follow ing officers woro oleofced : Pres., Loyi Palraor; Ink Vioe Proa*. Bov. 0. II.' Mat- thow; 2nd Vioe Proa,, Mlltou Brtiuor ; Urd Vice Prea. W. O. Baldwin; Hoo.-TreaB., A. H. WoodbridKo; DkootorR, W. G- Baldwin, fl. Boll, Mark Wnaley, N. Potor- ooii, KH Horatob, WnlUn^ton Wii/lo, E. J. Kdolsten, 0. Wolls, J. W. Smith, J. te Johubton and John and IUohard Golden. On motion, tbo distribution of fruit wan to bo strictly divided to paid up moniborn or thoMo who pay by Maroh Int. The dato of the mooting was fixed for firnt mid third Butnrdayti from now to Ap ril, and tbo annual meeliug to bo tbo i'mjt mooting iu Novombor. On motion, tho poblioborH of tho differ. out paporu woro made honorary memberu and roytloatwl to attond tho maotlugH. On motion, L. Palmer, A. Woodbrid^o and Hcv. Mr. Matthow woro appointed to oommuniouto with tbo Ontario Fruit Groworti, unking them to arrango a mout- ing of tbo Canadian Horticultural Society in Kiutfuyillo. On motion, W. Wiglo, L. Palmor, 13. ,T, EdolHton, J. D. Wiglo and M. Brunor be a aommittoo to arrango tho program for tho mcothiHo tbiti winter. NOT A QUAHTER Itut jUMt ISOceniH, uiul 40(Iosohm iivliU of Dr. Amiew'H Llvor PUIS, Wo pnln, no bud nfr oflPeotd, plcuaitk'o In vry dean llttlo. but mxvfnUy good. Onru aluk huadaehu, uoiiHtipation, bilioi'tictiH, tmutiou, hilIIowiiuhh. 'I'luty \ir* puroly vogutabb. In bi^ deniiind and all druggiatM uell them. Morn graiiubui iu Bi/,o, STUDENTS' FKIEND.' A DEALER IN COLORS IN THE LATIN ...^QUARTER OF PARIS. Ulniiy ArtlwU Wli" Uvo "Arrlvrd" Ow* to flf. iNiltmt/tf'X.ove f Art malI^ii4tV<>lnA Tlu 1'ojtulu.r Happr<llVon In IIU tlttl Ml.np. <K>i,4;iu:sriiii noutii. Jowhua Wigle Iiaii Hturted a butobur shop at Camp Palmer. Mr. UawHoo, jr.,. ban purehiumd tbo ttobt. Jlrawnd proporty, two- miluu north of Aruer. There id '25 "nortin in the plot and tbo prion paid wan 87^0. MAIWSroNK. T. O'Connor in vbiiting iiiu umter in Plymouth, Mioh. AugUH Clino ban returnod from up ending a wook with Iiiu lirothor in Aylmor. MiftH Ilattio Powont, of Btmtbroy, wan tbo guont cf Mitiw Afnlvina Clino, rooon tly. North Khhox l^roniotlou h A Groat Ohance to Make Money. I want to toll you of my wonderful mio- eeBH. Boing a poor girl and noodingmonoy badly, I tried tho Dish Wanhor huHinona and hnyo cleared 9200 ovory month. It utaovo raonoy thau I ever had boforo and I Can't holp tolling you about, for I boliovo any person oao do ait well an I have if thoy Only try; "Dinh Wawhorn aoll on eight; veiy lady - wanfcn nun. Tho Mound City Ditth WaHhor Co., St, Loinn, Mo. 711 , v* yoa all uoooHeary inHtrnotiona, no you can begin work at onco. Tho Diiih Washer dooH BpTondid work ; you oan-wanh and dry tbo (linhoHin two or throe minuton without putting your hands in tho wator at. all. Try thin bnninonH and let ua know how yon guccood, Elizaiietii C 15-000 An Hitleeiiictt JToiiriinl. Undor the above hoading the 'Cwltiva- 1 tflnr/ tbo paper of which the Hon. Mr. __tTnno io oJitor, publinbod tbfj following Item ; "The year that ih now drawing near to a cIoqo will remain a rod lettor date in tho annulo of tho 'Montreal 'WitiiCHH* an ooiiit' the ouo in which tbo fiftieth anni- Vomary of ile foundation occurred. Since tho month of Ducomber laut the ' vVitnomi' did not paaH a tunglo week without duvot- ing atleuot ouo page ovory Saturday to tho celehrution of itn jnbiloo year, and the boauty of it in that thu nubHoriberfi tbom- oIvuh liayo, in every ciifie, furninbtd the lomoGtn for that weekly pa^e. Tho bin1 torical or literary contribution) of tbcue oooadional contributionn wuro no much .tho morp lntoreetiny thut, for tho moat ,, -*^wtrtt they referred to ovontn coutempor- ' .ueouH with tho foundation of tha papert If tbo public found a real intelluotunl treat in that original publication, tbo *WitnenB' itHolf niUHti'have found in tho fetling which iuapirod it and nurtured it evury week, a vory Bw*et uoiiholation, that oE knowing thai it ban tho lovo of itn readein, a love ttuoh an yt;t no other Canadian journal had \jtiQti able to uocure. That fact, now on- ^tablisbod btyond all doubt, in the grouteut kucoouii which our worthy Ku^linh con- foro aoubl havo dreamed of fifty yearn for itfl golden wedding of 180(1.' A Dandy "Windmill, Mako it Your aelf." I havo a neighbor that made one of the Peoplo'n Wmdmillfi, and I hnvo been watching it clonoiy ; it ih tbo bent mill I havo over aeon uud any one can taako ono for Iqah than S10. I am going 10 make two immediati ly tit id don't hcj why ovcty Jar- mor oanno,' havo a windmill whon ho 01111 mako it b nvmW for ( - liU'n money. The mill in dm able, po.vorful aud runn oahily. An" portion oan g^t diagranm and com plete- direotionn by umiding lfi two cotit Btumpn to Francis Caioy, St. Lou h, Mo., and any active man ran undoubtedly makt, money imywhoro putting theuemilln up orothoru, and I hoc no uho of paying 850 or 800 for a mill when you aim rnuko ono ju'ttt.uu good for HO. A BnoTiixn FiiiMnn. 46-000 ,, Thurfl(lay,TVlarcU 'ith.iBnow.uugKonted n thy moafc probablo date (or tho opouiug of the Dotmoion Parliament. ' Frod. Molliuh, a youug man whono home ,:So in Bruntford, nbqt and killed bfrauolf some timo Friday afternoon 111 hip bedroom at tho roaidonoo of -Damul L, Uow'o, 41) Suiiiuoh Hfr^ot, Toronto. Tbn folly" of prejudice in frc-quontly bbwuby people who pfofer to suffer for j);v yedrfl ratbur thun try an advertiaed rorae- Xi' ty* '^uo milllonu who bav o uuoh tin. L-;: tioDg, tako Ayer'w Saraaparailla for blood \iC diMa0Hi and arr cured. Bo much fir Mi1'- ' .1:" k *> : \t The following promotionii in the nohooln of North Ehhox havo boon approvod of by lnnpeotor Girardot: UAlDhTONIC 8 B No 2 To jr 4th, M Moran. To nr ard, M McPharlin, Mary MoPharlin, M Tbompnon, It Molntyro. 12 promoted to jr_2ud; 8 to pt 2nd of ltifc hook. B S No a-Sr 3ud to jr 3rd, W Prion, W Catla, E Miron, A May, J Soaillor. In thin nohool a promotion wan m&du with the pormianiou of tnopootor at tho be({iuniug of la At term. & H No -1-Hr Hrd to jr ith, H Manaoll, W Smith, M .Toyco, G Obristia, A Hoation. Br 2nd to jr 3rd, O Soymour, M Maraoll, EC Allium, E Bounot, A Maraell, P Stiok- wood, A Cox. H S No K Jr to nr 1th, N Robinnon. ,' Sr 3rd to jr Uh,*E Dawuon, G Ellis. Sr 2nd to jr ard, E Konudoy, P JonoH, P QohuoII, II Noubitt, Roy Ellio, G Tbibaudoau. 3 promoted to jr 2nd, 7 to pt 2nd of lot book. S S No 0 2nd to 3rd, E Bauor, ftl Koeb, J EbbinbauH, T Fuorth, M Wintomuto. f. promoted to 2nd claim, 4 to pt 2nd of Ut book, S S No 7 dr to hr 4th, E Miller. Br 3rd tn jr 4th, .1 Bedell,D Martin, B Lappan.M Wallace, A Beakott. Br.2nd to jr 3rd, H Hoiioway, N Holloway, F MoMabon, R Ituuiii', M Jobin. ,1 promotod to 2nd olatin, 4 to pt of let book. S H No 8 B It Moonoy and Annio Croft woro promotod to ar 4th, To jr 4th, It McPhillipfl. To 3rd, L Moonoy, B promotod to 2nd olafati, 4 to-part 2nd of lnt book. B S No Jr to Sr 4th, S Carroll. Sr 3rd to jr 4(h, A Kendrick, E Walk J Flo- gun. . Hr 2nl to jr 3rd, G Walln, E Florney, G Wright. 2 promotod to 2nd oIuhq, 3 to pt 2nd of 1st book. B 8 No ID To wr 4th, N .7 Maitra. To jr 4th,.S Price. To Sr 2nd, W E Maitre. 4 promotod to jr 2nd olauH, 4 to pt 2nd of let booli. IlOClIEQTJEH B S No 2 To ur ard claHB, M McEntoor, M MyloH, Tl Crogban. F Mitchell, C Miller. To Hr 2nd, F Mylo, G Dowhirnt, J Covil, C Murray. B S No 4-To at Hrd, N Knintor, E Wil nou, J Jaekaon, E Goreel, It McNauijhton, E Hinwn, H Soiton, W Kuiator, -T Smith. To 2ud chiHH, K Rivart, E Wilnon, M Gir- oux, O Fonnor. B S No fi-To 3rd clawi, L Bouglet. To 2nd elaun, W Vorborcoeur, H Luliberoto, A Walker, S H No 7 Jr to "ur 4th. P Strong, H Murphy, N Murphy. Sr Urd to jr 4th, L Tniocy, H Stanley, F Strong, B Bryne, ,J Fluuuiga'i). Br 2nd to jr 3rd, C Bryno, T Bollimu, C Mulline. HAsnwicn HOUTH B S No 1 Sr 2nd to jr 3rd, E Little, B Uro, -7 Uro, 1) Lufond, YV St Luu'iu. To ar 2nd olaaii, E Boutotto. 0 were promoted to pt 2nd of Ut book and 5 to Snd clanii. S BNo 2 Sr Hrd to j"r'4th. ,1 Perry, .I MoKoii/jo. Sr 2nd to jr 3rt|, A Ferry, IreuoJIurht/A BiullargijOH, G McKoitzie, .7 Kmu, To2ud ahiBH, R King, 11 Mar- Hbttll, K Rddiut \V McKen/ie, J McAUmzic, W NuKHrHim, E Bnrt.E Ubittle. S K No 4 Jr u, ur 4ih,\ I Weh^ter. Sr 3rd to jr lib, A Uuygurr), G N.iil, X peak, or, G tlarrthaw, W O'Neil, F B-akur, H O'Noil.N O'Ncil.J O'Nml. Sr 2nd to jr :iru, E HarHliuw, S Jonon, C O.Noil, B Brnail, A GilboLi. 8 wnru promottjil to 2nd book and 10 tn lnt book. borrtt n SO*!Til WOOttNMllK. John Murray lout one of hU wink recently. Alux. Mmnin, of L-jamtngtou, ih how holding revival mooting!) in Merlin, at the oonohifjion of which ho will hug in a horien of mooting!) in tho church h<*ro. Mm. Thon. Bq^uircu in again at tho hoHpittil in Detroit, undergoing t.roatmont aud 1- again improving in health. Tho GoHflold South Fruit Growern' AHHooiation mot at (Jlindu, on Saturday evening, Jiiunary 2nd. Tho following ofii oora were appointed for onaning yoar . Preaidont, Adolphua Fox; VicoPron., Frnnk Wiglo; Sen.-Troan., U.J. Drako ; Direotorn, M. G. Brunor, Mark Wht-loy, C. It, Ga&coyuu. Tbo quootion of dutien and the bettor way of dmponiug of fruit wan did- otiBBod, . .______ P. Donovan hau taken ahargo.of tho ho tel here. C. Stowo in nbout to oroot a largo obep- piug mill at or near the CroHa. John CuHtigun, of tho Middle Road, io about to oroot,a fino houtio and barn. Mrc. P. Lonnou, of Talbot Htrout, died on Wodncaday of latit week, at Mm. P. MoPharlano'u, of tho Middlo Road. Mohbvh. Koefo, Collinn and Kano, our local playwnghtn, aro conjointly engaged in tho preparation of an iutoroutiug comic tragedy entitled "The Lout Lovnr." Tho piece i brimful of incident and fuu, and will bo roprenontad for tho tirnt timo by an amateur company at tho now hall in Maidntono on tho night of the. 17th of March, to S B No fi. E Coll inn, ur Hid, C Jr to &r '1th, Groavoo, ,) Collinn. Jr to Stowo, 7C Jurkby. SV.fNo ll Jr to r 4th, 1 Burke, M O'Noll, V'Duuihoii, W O'Brion, Jj Lapain," W JcflHop, 1 Drieuoll, E Jeiiaop, I Oaliilt. Sr 3rd to }r 4th, G MoCarMiy. K McCarthy. C O'Brion, ,F Frith, M Kavi.iiaugh, E Bnrltn, U Burtlh, K Dawning, J Cole, P RondhoUHo, F McCarthy. 2nd to 3rd, A Buriin, A Colo, A O'Brien, JJ MeKco, P Piatto.'E U'Weil, A Frith, J UtuiHoii^ M Butraroby, E Burke, E Frillt. 12 wen- proinoted to'2nd chxHR and (( to pt 2nd if lnt book. ' S H No Y Jr to er 4th,J Watuon, C Moy. liahau, N Ualfoid, F MoAultff 3rd to' jr 4th, V LntU.t U Hfilfnril R Uennhuw 2n I to < *!,.H Boxtnn, D MuCanhy, ti M (Donald,' ti v/ax* Ipromoted to 2nd i'Iuhu an 1 ii to pt 2nd of Lat book. Thou. Jirydeu Iwh gone to E>->ndon attond the countrvatory of music. Goo. Boao nn ban nearly complotod tin- woodwork on A Truz.-tr'a now brick houno. Mihh AIorrJH, who bad boon vieiting at T. G. Fos.'h hue returned to bor home iu Climber. Mro, Dr. Ford han*returned to her home in Thorndalo uftor Hpondiug a woek with her parontH horo. MrH. Joh. Cowan Itu returned uftor Hpending tho bolidaya with her father and otlier relatives near Gait. Will Couoyur, who lias been Hpondiug tbo hoi id ay h lioro with hia uncht, roturuod to Detroit last week to uttcud tho medical oellu ge nguin. Wilbd, the 8-yenrold aou of G. W. Broom, harneon muker, of Xilythenwobtl, died 011 Ntw Yearn Day after only about a weok'n illuehM. David Robinson, who died in Cleveland, Ohio, wan interred iu die Albuna cemetery on con. 0, Mornou, un Suturday, January 2nd. A Inrgo proceBhio.j followed thu re- nminti to their !ant rentini; pbifb. Wo are told that the deooaucd expired junt govuii months, exactly *;o the hour from tbo date of bin murriagi).. Hn wan of n (juiut nature and highly enteemed by all who know him. Hi3 loitvt'H a young wife, an, aged mother, two niutern and aix brnthoiH lo mourn bit) death. Thu aptonihhing tiling about pr.oplo who are dcuMved l-y f-kc "muterializatiniiH" ih tlmt nn tntttier hew many timen they bud themselves deceivt d, tiiuy aio alwaya rt-aiiy and willing to be deouiyul again. An Outtrio-piihluihor nay.i ho baa a f.ir'kH-:r HtibKoi'il ur, who wlienever lie comoH to town and gein driuilt, inakuR a bee lino that in h.h near an in nrucMcablo to tho printing oflic-, and iniiihtu on paying bin uuhscuption in advance. , At last accounts he-was nemo lifleen yctiro ahi:ad, uud thoro in no unmeiliato danger of bin .-muuu tippoaring on Uiq bnoUn of the Publiabnr'u Ctilb-ctioij Agouoy. ' uch in Little laespoolally truo of HooiVa Pills, for noiiip.tll- cluo ever conttilriod so great ouratlvo powor In so small npucu. Tbey.ara a whelo xnedlchio chot, always ready, al ways offlolonfc, alwayti Hat- l.sfaotory; prevent a'cold or fovor, euro all llv*>r Ills;; u!ok Iniadaehe, Jan net loo,'constipation, teto. aflo. The eiilv VIUu to take with Hood's Bara&Dorllla, Pills If un art Ntwlnnt nf the Etitin Quart(;i* known not' M. Foiuot, tlmt Hfcudont In but 11 bumbln oi'dnttirn, pitifully new to \\\o repuhlio of paintorw. And who iw Foinnt? IIo bun a HttioHhop in nn an- oiont winding Hlroofc of H10 old quiirtor, tbo ltuo Notre Damo do ObnmpH, and there kcopw colors for tho nocoinmodn- tinnof hnpemmioiiHpnhifom It in a lit- tloHbop truly, Willi a bandbox of uhuIIo u mungor.juHb bnhiiul, tho minuto huIoii and living ronmn above, \,\\t mniiy it celebrity biid tho foundation for IiIh faino in thopigiuontfjolM'firily fnrniHlied by Foinet Now fill, good imturo and tho wboloHomrj rbfbftinn of bin hnimvn- lnnco from tbo funcieH of 11 thniiHiuiil friondH. havo kept; thiw rmirolmiid dn ooulmiyH to Hid nppt uranco of 40. Hi youthfiilno.qH roijiiirkod," "Ah," ho unyii, with n twinkle of bin kindly bine eyen, "it konjiH ono in good oolor to dnul in pood coIm-Hl" Ait ho.doalrt only in thu buHt of unlorH, "tho,^i! fit; fm*'tho niulcing of maiforpiccnH," it jh quifo in leneping that ho tfhnuhl liiivc the rosy fri'-duif.'-'fi that, ruddiwh hair and mu.qtaphn mmple- jncnj;, and wliitdi Honm to belong only to tho glow of vigor Htill in flowor. "Having hud two^forn ycurn of ox- purifiioo in tho trade that in ho clo."nly nkin to art, l^olurt hnHinoro the charac ter of nn nrtiBt tlian of a trailnsman, and a gln'uco around tbo walbi of hifl costly ontiibliHlnnont hotrayH who aro hi friondH nmong thonc who havo "ar rived." Horo uro pieces by Dataillo, by Bonnai, by Jean Paul LaureiiH, by On toluH-Durim, byOa'/ln.byGoriMolchcrH, by Chroticn, by Paul Stcok, by Yongind (whoso littlo pioccfj havo no!d fnr nfl wuoh na fl.000 and 4.0U0 frnncfl onoli uinoo his doutii), tho originnl of Frago- unrd'n "La Bahmooivo," ovidonoon enough of Foinot's intimato roltttioim with artiHtfl who, famoua aftorwnrd, havo boon indobtod to tbo man of color for many a HUBtaining kindhend. A vori t ablo patron, Maeccimfl of points, it in ncnfiHsnry that Foinot bn woll to do, and well todo ho in, and with tbo rnomiM to gratify hid bonovolouco ho Jias aIho tho taste to miniHtor comfort to tho ro- finod appotito. Foihet'fl littlo nupporH in tho Hhop nro nacidobratod aHFoinofchim- ^oW^jind to bo bidden to one of thorn is a murk of diHtinotion-^-nu honor tho ambitiouB youth covots, u courtoHy tbo moflt finccoBHful oHtoomfl, Tho suppers nro Rcrvod in tho shop, and winoH of choice vintago, Borved in bottlen cruHted with collar mold, aro go liberally din- pouHcd'thut Robrinty ut tho ond of tho evening in accounted an iii.qnlt; to .tho hout. Biioohns is tho proniding deity ever, and whon his votnrios rovolvo into the Balon whoraoouYo is poured it in not pormittod Wiat 0110 of thorn bo able per fectly to tloclaro how many cnndlos aro burning. Yet woo to tho culprit who has no weak a head that ho riots in bin cupfl. Foinot valuoH him and his pros pects) not a jot. Men who havo it in them to "arrive" will not Blander good wino by playing tho fool under it, is Foinet'fl opinion. If a carefully watched young paintor nuddnnly gota woll hung or onpturoa Romowhoro a modal, the color inerchimt, radiant over tho uchiuvomont, givca ono of tbeso xiotablo mipporH in honor of his profcogo, and the rosnlt U much, thosiuuo ftR wiicn Boau Brnmmel uiaclo a mini by taking hm arm for a walk in tho Mull. Tho supper is tho confession nf fnjlh FoInut'N intimation that ho bo- lioves tho paintor baa, to nil intents and purposes, "arrived," though ho nays ono requires 10 years in which really "to arrive. " What a phrase that iHl How significant! And what avast forco it has in tho French world of art and let- tern! "He'll arrive-'.". No higher compli ment may bo spoken by master of pupil. "Ho has arrived." Tho crown iH on hia hond. And ro Foinot,. who has suen no many men "arrive" and knows by i\ sort of nuiHturly intuition -yvbo is likoly to "arrive," ban . that Htiperb patieneo and that unwavering confidence whioJi. ato nccosHury to mako either n greufc gonhin or a noblo creditor. Let any studout with taloub only as iv grain of mnfltard seed and with it holi est perfiovernneo go to X^oiuot, and tho ruby faced patron will trust him till the light goes out of tho moon or floods into tho painter's atelier. Indeed, Foiuo't is ns littlo in lovo with a sensitivo debtor ns ho is with a too temperate banqueter. Bo it nndorstood that moro.than 0110 art student in ho Quartior Imtin would find it injpossiblo to' pursuo his or her studies woro it hot for tho philanthropic Fninoti who gives them credit, month after month for their paints and has the grace of soul not to imposo upon them tho martyrdom of debt. Painta aro ex pensive, and some stndonts who bnvo barely enough for bread would faro ill for working, materials_.bufc for this sim ple hearted and gonuine blbnfail'oqr in tho old fasbioued street near tho Lux embourg. That this frank generosity in not ignobly hotrayed may bo infomid from tho fact of tbo dealer's oontpara- tivo opulonco, Novortholoss ho \yill ohuko his iiead iu oompassionato Hadnosfi uh ho Hays: "Thcro aro too many sta tion ts of art who ought to bo students of ftgidouituro. Thoy bould mow landHcnpoa bettor than thoy oan pjtinfc thorn. It in Bad to aeo ouo qui to without tnlenfc struggling to suocoed in an art that him lie pity wbatovor for mediocrity. But" And tlmt sTmip; of tho Hhouldors which is moro oloquont and .mora improHHivQ than u monologuo. iCJhioago TimOH- 'Hovuld. Break Up a Cold in Tim BY UB1NQ Pyny-pectoral TIio Quick Curo for COCG1 (JOViUS. OKOCP, BROK- CUITI.S, UOAUSKSKSS, otc.j Mrs. Joseph Nonwicif, o(6H Soruuron Ave,Toronto, wtltoal "l'*nr-l'ctArsl'Uu H*vr M\<A to tsar J \af riillilrnn of cratip uftor forf0o. )[ rail iu]raAlrtirInuUiiill|iif cmi^b kfUil nvoral (itllor inDKxtlt^ hud U.\\fA, it lil iiiu iirovml \n xi:<i)l<iiit ruiluh cura tnt U\i fumlly, I prnlW It Ui any i>i|>nr taadltln^ for cuiitflur, ciDiil>urliitanauiM<. ' U. 0, lUitiiniiK, of Lilila Kochtiir, N.I*., wrltou: 'Mm I tini-i, for couuIm l"yny-l'w:to*l U til* l^t ki'lllnu IHmlkl'1') I liliVo( lay ell* Unnm-i will likvn tia oLlmi'.** TLar^o Jtottlw, liti CIm. DAVIS Si T,AWUIMCB CO., Ltn. ProjirbitorB, MonriutAr. ' Wanted-An Idea SHIS I'rotnct Vdiir 1i1itii: ttmy iiuty hvltiu y*til v th. Writ., JOHN VKUriKUIlUlW ft CO.. I^n-nti or- (Jf-yn, WMhlllMtoii, It <-,, tcr ttinlr 1,(UX| iirls;, for ami but or two hiuiijrml liivtiiidonM wuututl WANTlilD-HRVMIlATi KAlTHPUb MJ: Ut Women to travol for roitiionnlblu ib- llnliod boniiit hi Ontario. Halnry, .97H0, pu )In .^^i.Wiii'Uly 11 ml expuii'inii. Poiiltlou purnifuit. Jtufot'urien, JOunlrimi Hiir-iuMriiiiiiit (itumpi m- velopo, Thu Nutlonul, Htur imilillin*, Cli^jo. Wanted. A T\f A xr^'po Hi:Lb oanada oito n f V lVliV [y - Kruit unci Ornainontal !,, SlimbK, JtoHdii, MhIIih iinii HiilhoiHiPliLntH.Cio Vimm, Kinull J-'niltn, Kih.i1 Potntoou, utc. ' cntnIo(.Mi(i only tho hnrrilmit nml monfc noi lr viirltitiim thuLfiiiucuuil in tho coldout ciiniiii New noiiHOti now coimiHtncinR; complete rllb fruo, iirilary mid uvnoriuon naltl l^oiu Htur >r full tlinu, or'Hheral immiwiion for part t Apiily now, iuhlronnliii: n-jaroitt ofilao, choice of torritory. LUKK intOTHKItH COMPAh Inttirmttinnal Nuniorimt, ClIUJAOO, IhU., Or MON'I'IUUL. Quk Fresh Bread Is what you oun rely on getting wh yon buy from mi. Our wa^on fiorjHi nil partfi of the town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find nioer, frontier, or hwo or in tbo omintry. AH kiudh ol Fui CakoH and Jelly ltolln. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo noil nothing stalo dry. Leave Your Order and you oan roly on prompt d livery. FRANK F8S5. Oppoaito Hook itJFnmoln, Eimox For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free, Only One Dollar To Jniiuury 1n(, 1HIIH, Hlxten PnjreH Kncli Week fill The Naws iffhe World Mak et Reports, Stories, Etc Excellent Heading.. .... for ovory member of tho family Wo riffor uood inducements to a^onb For Lt-rmn, eto., addrufiH ADVERTISER PRINTING CO.. LONDON, ONI SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, WjIbou Ave., next Abu-rde^n Hottl. Tho latest improved Tiiachinery fo Ironing CollitrR'tind OuITm.' or break t.ie wing. Will not oruu Fumdy work cbenp. and delivered. Parco'iH calb.d fo Plotiho call and try. If not Ktitinfuoior no chuigii will ho made. f our work tmit yi'U. recommend uh to your fritMid^, J. GOraXAY St SON, ESSEX, ONT HoUe* v Wills, JAMES BAYLOR Tttkos tliiit om)ortUbltV of announcing to th* boonlo of tbo Town alia Count,* of Knanx, that Im halt romodoloo tho KflfieX Hr>llor MU1 ao- QoriUiiu to ptimu iiropitrocl by It, N- Prioe, of Bt: Thoinun, ami alB.'i nwourutl thuftorvlaoq of llobert. btraohan, an o^tperlonoua tmd thoroughly com- . noUnt mtllor. ThanUlutf tliepfloiilo of tbo town and ootmty for tho putroua^H hoatowod upon him lo tho inut, will ({iiarautoo antbiftuition In tho future. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. tSC TJieJltst Grades oj Want, p '\. Com/ftta! Kepi in Stock and said at Prices, Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats. y, ! i m J DO you Ride ? M- If ho, you want to have tho best there ia and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout m to in: had at- JOHN A. HOSE'S Livery, ^^-v Good RoadHtcrs, F.amj Jl'ulinff JBugfftca, Comfortable Carriage/?, A Call Solicited. Sath/aotion Guaranteed. North of tho X Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT. Johnston Bros., Builders Aa Contractors. British Columbia Pino Shingles, $1-00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, S.-tSff, J)OOA'S, LATH and HA UN LUMBER, \'$T Sntlfifuctlnii Guarnntced. Opp. "Water WorKH. Khsox. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS 3^ THE CKS BEST f-'iEND -w !V:liP iiVte'j^-t'^WS Wiw^m. WW wn :' ,M \a Wi* m . , All In Vnltton.: TMiiirblo Donlor Skull I put oa fcho touibfitouo, I'.Wo Mouru Owk I-asfl?" Ohptui of HoitH <lefc out of tho will) Ywaud spoil "loss" with jioatei* riheek Utter* Buffalo TiiflM. ' /a' THR miOMPH COBN SHELTER Tbi< Machino oonsiflta of a horizontal oaflfc cylinder, with vvroughfc Jrop bias, with stool tooth holtod to'tbo oyltidor Si") ua to bo rovorstblo when (be : vy; tooth hocomo worn on tho front'Rido,,running in .ft porforaied conoavq nrqipV; ;-:^ -boll, which the nhollod c->n> paofloa through into a shoot iron citso, \yith. & '"J%^ aia or olp;'Udr attacbc-tl bolow, which takes all tbo (lustfrom tho grain., The. ^ ihoapoKt bont, m^Kl-Pimplo ai tl (hiriible Powor Com holler in use; BheHe'vtfS ioi4" porlucfciy clean in any coiditicn i'hollmg and cleaning from ono.to twc. \H?lj houfland buohols of oara pe^ day,according to power. - . ' / .'tjfj Pulley, 10 in. diani:.^| otftt, '1 in. faco; Motion, BOO to 80O revolutions por roinutoj/Woiyht, 560 lbs^ 'iii EVERY SHELLEW WARRANTED. J ' ,'. ^ :G0URLAY^*-80K.Si::v;;-W Ji:fckM^^^i^;:^^^

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