m>: :i:'\ " ;; " ' ,' JftS. D. ANDERSON & Go, ' BANKERS i?~ Agents for Tho Boyul, ^Jjg G-uardian and ho baiioashiro, Tbo b'oat iuiiuraiioo OoniiitmloH lii tho worlil. Wo makb a luiooIaHy of iBaurUitf Vuna IVo- verty.j Monoy to laan at ft ami t>% yor coiifc.ou lfann rroporty. Fanners Imurencnv hi Good KtlitthU CoMjHinus. I', - W NOTICE. All Aooounta duo the lat.o firm of Dub. Duwau & MoKkn^hc aro pnyablo toDn. JDkwau, Wind sor. A prompt Bofctlomont requested. II! The-Essex Free Press, BRETT A. AULD, proprietors. F1UDAY, .JANUARY 15, 181*7. Town and_ Vicinity. . Bonowfor 1807; Road tho Fimis Praiflfl chibbincwatoH. Thoro aro no murk down, bargain priouB in lnwunitfl. Ilitvu vour watched ropairod at Ovonn' the now jowelov. -iO-li EH Inviu baa rotmniod bin HtudicH at tbo Ehhox Iliph Sobool. A ohnptor of ftoynl Arch Maaonn bad boon or^ani/.od in Leamington. Goo. Doborty, of Elkhorno, Man., viBitod with bin oonniu, Alderman Boko, thia wo ok. Mibbob Maggie andBosftioMoDouernll wora gnoaty of tboir undo, O. Hyatt, nt Trinity larifc wook. You can got six U5o. four in-hand tics for $1 at Wliitnoy'H, Tho Qua City Nowr, of Lo alining ton, has ohangod baiidfl, A. O. Wood and J. Ftehor, of Stratford, boiug tho now ownorB. . WANTED. Ton cordd of 30*in. long grocn buocb, to bo out out of nouud liv ing troofl. Apply at tbo post oftloo, Khhox. Mrs. I>. Austin unci daughter V n Windsor, nro viniting this week with ~T;iio former's oUtcr-in-law, Mrs. Ezra Agla, and with friondn in town. Those who wiah to pet tbo mont natty and latest stylos in tho gontn' furnish ing lino, at tbo lowest poBBiblo prices should go to Whitney's. . About Co" farmer of Maiden townnhip I bavo rocoivort cheques from tho Doraiu- ion Government to eomponmito thorn tor thoir Iohhob from hog cbolora, Mibb H. O. Buekloy, of Paris, hns boon engaged uh teacher in tho Public Sobool fit Orillia, at u salary of 250. IVHbs Buckley formerly taught in tho Ebhox Public School. John Milne vwitort in town this week. Mr. Milne, who iu now located in Chi cago, was in London on buKinoHB and stopped oft1 hero on his way back honied ' Tho Public Library Conversazioni?, to bo hold this ovoning. promiHHH to bo it groat BiiccCHfl. All arrangements aro completed and a good bill of fare for both mind and body ih provided. The ' ilierary and munieiil part of tho pro gramme will take precedence us to time BO that it will bo veil for nil guewts to bo early and thus avoid dimippointraoiit. By kind permission .the rcfrefdimoutH will bo served in the Oddfellows' Hull and the indoor gaiucfl and amusements take place in tho Masonic Hall andnnte- xoiunfl. M. J. Wiglo & Co. have a now fan ning mill to exchange for outn, LaHt weelc'H Potroleu AdvertiHur hud tho following item about an old Esnex iioy; "While .1.0. Whitney wan out 'Shooting . bint Tuesday, with Hume friondB, near Kdy'H jnillw, tbo p.a-ty oamo iieroHK a pair of wild uuimalH of the oat tribb, and after a good deal of chus- ' ing, Mr. Whituoy, with unerring aim, laid low tho lady uf the family, which provod.fco bo a line youn.^ baby lynx, Voommonly called a wild cut. It i a vljcy bandsomo Bpotuinoii und haH adorn ed Mr. Whituey'H window for a day or two. It will bo atutt'ed lati-r on." >h'H. ^furgaret McLnrou, ngt.-d DO yearn, died at tho family residence, iQueen Btreet, Bt (Iiitharines, on tbo '(Wh day of December. lHi)(i. Deceaaud Jwaa a native of Scotland, coming to tliia nintry with.her husband and family ipor forty yearn.ago, settling in Mt. Ploauant, Brant (Jo., being left a widow 32.yoarH.ngo, She and her unmarried children moved to St, Outbarinea pome 30 yoarB ago, fiineo whioh time alio bun lived there, a faithful adherent of the Preflbytoriuu church. There rcmaiuH to mourn her loaHilvodaughtcrBund two aonB, Tho body was convoyed to Brant- ford on Now Youi-B Bay, thence for in- (joVinoxifc * ^f*- Plflanaut. Sh(j wan car- to her liiHt renting plaoo by six of [or grand boub, -Alex, Wallace, of AVind- sor; Alex. Lamond, of Buffalo; John and iTnmeB McLaren, of Mt. PIoaHant; ;j"obn and Fred. McFarlano, of Brant- iord. MrB. Eobort Wallace, of Ebhox; Mrti. John McParlano, of Brantfovd; Mrs. IX Lamond, of Mackinac City, Mich.; Mra. John Morton,of Aberdeen, Scotland; Mibb Marion McLaren, at .homo; John, of.'Mt,P.loaBaut, and An drew, of Buffalo, aro tho children'. . Wigle A; Oo/snow 25o tombeftts 11. Ella Bnrdiok ifl vinitinK in Wind- Horjth rolatives and friouda. |h Gullock, of OflhawR, is visiting at i Mothodiat partionago. ^jiro will bo tho comraiBBioning of looWctira at tho Up. to.- mooting at tho! A. Burraokriou Buuday. jjat of proniotionB in tho Bohoolfl of Jfattono, Bochoator and Sandwich Hoi will bo found oif pagoO. 3^1. JoHoph Bobinaon in attending nt tliiodaide of Mra, Thou. 8'iuiro, of Ol|a, who ib undergoing treatment at a Iroit hoapital. J tho mooting of tho Epworlh Xio/ifl on TuoBday evening, MJsh K. Q\iy, of WindBor.andMiHBA. Puhooo gajahort addroflBOB. 1* tho ix monthB ending Docembor JUil8flO, tliero woro rogiHtored with Toji Clork Waltora, 311 birthw, 18 mar- riaa and 18 doathH. fe.IDoCow'H Hale of lumbor at Oamp Paior, on Thursday of lat wook, waa voJBtiocofmful, good pricoa being roal- i'/.^for tho lumber ttold. |o Amoriean Kxproaa Company, on Mkhiy laBt,roBCtndod the ordor not to dtfor parcela in town and Mr. Italnon iajahi in tho company'H omploy. j a mooting of tho Ebhox High Sobool TptooH on Saturday ovoning last a relation to purohaao ono of Lning'a P^otariumB for tho aohool wnapnHHod. [io mooting called for Friday ovon- iiihwt to conHidor tho' formation of an Aitou* Athlotio Aaaociation wan nd- jiynod till thin (Friday) ovoning in tljaamo placo, Pock's Hall. ho PitwiB Piuchh and tho OoBmopoli- tiiwill bo aont to any addroau for ono yjr for ^1.85. Tho Ooamopolitan ib c|al to any of tho ! magaxinos' pub- Uod. !>iobol k Brickor Bhippod a car load oiogs from bore on Thursday of last xpk and another load on Wednesday o-hia week. They will ship a carload fim Tlarrow to-day (Friday.) '.ho Whcatloy Journal of last wook (i;fl:~"LftBt Thuraday was n birtb- (V for tho Ewhkx FimK Puhnh. It ia (poring upon its thirteenth yonr ami is nrodit to tho Town of Ehhcx, May it lig oxiat to roport tho wrongs and rhta of that neighborhood." OuTuofulny afternoon tho moinbora otbo Womon'B Minaionary Socioty of ti) Mothodiflt church held thoir meot- i,' at tho parsonage. At tbo close of t) meeting a farowoll tea waa tondered 3'B, W. .T. Gardner, who is about.to Uvo Eflaex for Leamington. irou can get a fur coat at Whitney's wtk320for $\n, D.D.G.A1. Walsh, of Windsor, in- adled tho ofUcern of Enterprise Lodgo, J.. '218, I. O. O. F., laHt (Thursday) tuning in thoir rooms in the Bunatati lock, at tho conclusion of which cero- D>ny tho mombera partook of rofresh- iisntH, consisting of oysters, etc. MiHH Stracbau, milliner for Diobol tt Iiekor, left on Wednesday for her luno in Southampton. On Monday oening about twenty of hor lady and gntlcniau friends surprised her at the lime of W. 0. Shaw and spout a plcafl- at evening there in music, games, eto. Che regular meeting of tho town euneil next Tuesday evening will, no duht, bo interesting, as petitions both fr and against submitting a by-law to ine.il the Local Option by-law will bo ffbmitted. It will thou rest with the cuncil as to whether a by-law is, sub letted or not. On Saturday last, (VII-,- Fuller, gon dii agent for the North American Life Aanruneo Co., received from tho bead ofce, a cheque for $5,000, tho amount olthe policy held by the late I)r. (ieo. M'Keu/.ie, and the cheque was turned <n*r to tho executors of tbo estate tho smuoday. 'Dr.' Mclven/iu diud on l)e- ceuber -1th and the cheque was sent fnm Toronto on January <th. 'very dollar that you Hpund at homo heps to make times for yourself and tin whole "community better. Every dolar that you hoikI away helps to malcB tiso.s in other places better, ft was tin great.eHt mistake that waa evcrmudo to ,hink that, on the wbulo, you may khmj money because yon buy some artclo out of town a few cents cheaper thm you think you can get it at home, puhupa without tr\ing. If you have an; regard for the proaperity and well ho;ng of yonr town, patronize ilrst and ulvays, uh far as possible, all homo iu- htiutiuiis. WiV best value in boots and ahoes nii( chtthng, try M. J. Wir.'o *fc Co.. 'Ihe High School L'terar society met Frihiv afternoon iwid nominated tho ftdbwiug olUccrH for the Hpring quar ter . - Prea., L L Becman and Walter Wiffhtmuu ;vico-prcB:, Misses Qunning- luin and Canlor ; secretary, Misaefl L, Uirl, Loda Russell and A Walters; trea- aiirrr, E Uicbardflon and Mian Thibau- (leaii,;orUie,BliTr\vinandMiascB.Lyppsr Uinlto und OoBiioll; reporter, Jliflnos .Turiiiiu. McHao and L. Wiglo; editor, John Batten, acclamation ; committee of management, S. Pi'/er, Arthur Gourlay, S. Wightman, O.Knister and Misa Hillior, EloctionB tooli piano on AVod- nesday, with the following results: Proaidont, J. T, Beoman; Vieo-PrcBi- ilont, Miss Cunningham; TroaBuror, E, BiehardBon; Sooretary,. Mifla L. 0. Bird; Orltio, E. Irwin; Boportor, MiHB Jarmin; Editor, Couimittoo, J. S. Pizor, 0. E. Knistor, E. W.Borry. Mias Elma Naylor has returned home from Toronto. All fnr goods at Iobh than oost nt M. J. Wiglo & Co.'a. Miaa Jennie Dolmoro hau returned bbmo'f rorn Dbtroit." Miss Lottie Gordon ia visiting hor meter in Oottam. Mias Sura Lambort called on friondH in Woodaleo on Friday. Mrs. H. Ohatterton has returned homo from visiting in Comber. Port. Kvans, of Oxford, Mich,, ia visiting in town with his father. The town Public School Board will organize on Wednesday evening noxh Mias Oertrude Iteaume, of Amborat- burgt iw attending High Hohool horo. Alex. Wallace, wifo and son, Sterling, of WindHor, aro guosta at tho home of J. A. Bono, Mrs. Bush and family returned homo on Friday from visiting with rolativoa nonr Dutton. Claro l\[ott, of South Woodidoe, spent Sunday in town, tho guoat of llobfc. Little. Tho local tent of tho K. 0. T. M. now moot in tho Oddfellows' Hall, Dunstan Block, Alex. lining expects to go to Chicago uoxt week on buuinoss in connection with hia Planetarium. Joaopb May, sr., wouttoLoamington on Wodnoaday to visit hia daughter, Mm, Thomas Jordan. Miss Gortrudo Goauoll, of Highgato, is visiting at tho homo of hor unelo, Wm. Koown, in town, Fon HALifi A $A0 coal atovo, Art Gar land, as good as now, at a bargain. Ap ply to G-ko. Colt., Ehbox. Jfias Qracoy, daughter of Bov. Henry Or.acoy, of Gananoquo, has boon visit ing hor aunt, Mra. C. E. Naylor. Potatooa, flfio. a bnshol at Wilcox Ac Brown'H. L. O, Sloan, Soth Bunn, MisHoa 'Lillio Wiglo and Bollo Sloan,of Olinda, havo boon viaiting in town thiw wook. John Homo and W. Howaon, om- ployod in tho Handlo AYorka at Leam ington, spont Sunday at thoir homoH here. T. II. DoCew baa not aold all tho lumber ho had at Camp Palmor but baa about 100,000 foot there yot which ho will soil vory cheap. Tho -Vivrm Piikk and London Daily Advertiser will bo sent to any address for ono yoar for 2. This oflor is good only to rcsidontB of Eaaox County. Go to Wilcox ^ Brown for cheap gro ceries. Central Lodgo, No. 403, A. F. & A. M., of thia town, hiiB contributed $10 to tho, Hoapital for Sick Children at Toronto, tho hoapital so Hborally en dorsed by John Bobb Robertson. Leamington lodge contributed $5 and Windsor lodged- - Capt. Ottaway and Lieut. Coo will give an "At Homo" at tho qiyirtors to tho Bonior members of tho corps on Thursday evouiug, January 21st, at TiIIO p, m. J. E. Thompaon, who has tho con tract for putting down tho well for the Essex Gas and Oil Co., has boon at his homo at Oil Springs for somo weeks on- accouut of the illness of hia mother. M. J. Wiglo A Go. aro oiTering]|groaf bargains in overcoats, W. B. Baxter, of Chatham, is out with the prospectus of a now daily paper which he proposes to establish in that city on the joint stock baais, with1 a capital of ,$20,000, in shares of $25 each. A parlor social will be given by the Methodist Ladies' Aid, at tho resi dence of W. J. Dowar on Wednesday evening, the 20th inst. A good pro gramme will be provided. Admission, ,15 cents. 2-2t Win. Riddiclc, Court Deputy, on Wednesday received a cheque for $2,000, tho policy held by tho bite Dr. Geo. Mackenzie in the Canadian Order of Foresters, and paid tho same over to Mrs. Mackenzie. . '-\.pt. Smith, who has been in charge of the Salvation Army horo, is trans ferred to Seaforth and Capt. Ottaway suL'ceeds him at Essex. Capt. Ottaway comes from Blenheim corps but was formerly in charge of Essex. Hor as sistant is Lioutenaut Coo. John Thrasher, of tho Abordeon, left last week for Mt. Clemens to take treat ment there for rheumatism from which ho Ins boon suffering, but had got as far as Sandwich when he was taken so much worse that ho could go no further and has been in that town since. Tho Essex Law Association has elect ed tbo following officers for tho coming y),ar: vice- president, B. F. Sutherland; secretary, A. P. E.Panot; treasurer, J. Li Murphy; auditora, L E. O'Connor and John Sale; trustees, J. F. Hare, S. White, A, B. Bar Hot, Francis Cleary, M. K. Cow an, E- A. Wismer, J), Dougal, A, St. George Ellis, J. B. Mania and tho oinoera. Tho next sittings of tho Division Courts, will be hold uh follows: Bollo River, Monday, January 25th; Eaaox, TuoBday, January 2Uth; Amhorstburg, Wodnoaday, January 27th; Windsor, Thursday,."January 28th; Sandwioh, Friday,Jaunavy 2(1 th; Harrow, Monday, Fobruary 1st;' ICingflvillo, TuosdUy, February 2nd; Leamington, Wodnoa day, TFobruary Urd, and Comber, Thurs day, Fobruary 4tb. Tho Fiwm Piiicss and Amorloau Agri- oulturjat, both for ono year for 81.60. SylTOute* Dodgo and Misa Margaret E. I)obson,botb of Goafiold North,wero married at Cottam on Wednesday by Bov. W. H. Shaw. E. J. Lovelace left, on Tuesday for St, Oatharinoa, having purehnaed tho Daily Journal iu that city, Mr. Love lace has hud considerable experience in nowHpapor business and will, no doubt, givo tho people of that eity a Hvopapor. HisfrieudH hero bono to see him do well in hia new homo. His Lordship, Bishop Baldwin of Huron Diocese, will hold confirmation services in St. Paul's church on Sunday morning next, sorvieo oommonoing at 11 a. m., when the rito of confirmation will t)o conferred on soveral candidates, His Lordship will also preach at both morning and evening service' in St, Paul'B church, and at it p. m., at Trinity church, North Itidge. He will arrive here by tho ovoning train from London on Saturday and will hold a roception from 8 to 10 o'clock that evening at tho rosidonco of Bov. A, L. Beverly. Central Lodge* A'.F. & A.M. On Wodneaday ovoning, A. It* Clarke, of Windsor, installed the fol lowing officers of Central Lodge for tho current year: I. P. M., (I.E. Naylor. W. M.;A. O. Stimers. S.-W., A. Bainos, J.W., Dr. II. P. Martin. Chap., G. J. Thomau. Sec, J. F. McQueen. Troas., W. J. Dowar. . S. D., J. A. Forstor. J. D., Dr. J. W. Brion. Dir. of Cor., E. A. Wiamor. Stewards, O. H. Brickor and G. A. Shorrin. I. G., J. A. Diobol. Tyler, W. IL Edgar. After thocoromony, in reply to avoto of thanka, Bro. Clarko got into a romi- niscont mood and rooallod tho events leading up and immediately following tho organization of Contral Lodgo thir teen yoara ago. The lodgo is to-day in a flourishing condition. After tho lodge had boon cloaed rofroshmonts wore aorvod in tho an to room. 5tock=Taking T Khhox Public School. Mian Williarna' Room--.Jr. III. Thono who obtained ovor C0% Gerald Whitu, Houry Allon, Bertha Coll, Elwood Moun- teor, Ida Davis, Almor Pindor, Gordon RobinHon, A-da Wifibtmrrar*aoorina Goti- noll, Arabol llobinuon, Uorhort Allon, Roy KainoH, Bora Faul, Myrtle Thornton, Archio.Naylor, Bphbic Sinalair, Viva Hickti, Volraa Bnrdick, Lana Allan, Frank Dibloy, Stanley Htono, Maud Kobinnon, Maidstone Viva nt WaHaceburg. The larftonture in Lho history of Wfll- laooburg broko out about 12.10 Tnotiday night in tho.bniemout of tho Quoon'n hoiol and by daylight tbo lar^o Boatty block was in ruins. Tho saddoat part of the'Are is thai; two mon loat their lives in tho ilamoH, Albert Ujjhol, of Ciooro, Indiana, and Andrew Bard, formorly of Hamilton, Out, -When discovered tho flaraea hud gained but little headway but beforo tho firomen roaobod tho bgouo ulmont tho entiro hotel wan enveloped in fl-imea. The rate with which the tiro apron d cimaod throat oou- otoruation amon^ tbo ^uoatH of tbo botol, who wuro all ooundly aaleep when tho tfro was tlrat dmcovored. Tho tfnents wr0 arousod from thoir slambor and tho cx- oitomont booamb intoutio an thoy yfcrovo for exits from tho burning building. All of thorn QHcaped by variouH ways with tho oxoaption of tho 'two, whoso mimes aro givoii abovo, and who woro unablo to os- oapo. Soon after tbo nro started tbo poopio otanding in James otroet were atartlud by orien iaauin^ from a window of tho third floor ot tbo hotel. Looking upwards they saw tbo form of a man at tbo window wav ing U handkerchief. Ho Hhouti'd. for hJp, but tho book and bidder wagon hud not n-aohed tho Hoeuo and the borror-striclo.n pf.-oplo iu the utroot wore unablo to reudor any anfiiotanao. Tbo waving of tbo hurul- Uerobief oeutiod aud tho next moment a pistol shot rang out on tho night air. Whether . or mtUtdirl, being driven to donp.ir of Iuh pncaftQ from the furnuoo, shot himself to escape cremation in not known, but soon after tho eoho of the pin- tol hIioc had liuun lnnfc in the onoo of liro, Uglit'1'n hoad appeared through the win now, but tho turmoil was no throat that it wan impoHtiihlo to . toll whether lio wuh ntill oalHng for ludp. Hj remainod tliUH for Home tnuiutes and nothing inoro was seen of him till his -body wan found in; the ruiiiH, Andrew Bard wan uwakmiud from biH Hleep by his brother, hIbo a giU'at. Tbo brothers, with n school toucher namod Mihh lOaonan* groped thoir way through the firaoko from tho tho third floor, trying to malco their* escape from'tho building by a door at tho roar of tbo hall, but (hid ing tbw looked thoy atartud towardfl nn- othor door. Thomas Bard and MinaKeeu- iiu osoaped in thoir night olothoa but An drew Bard booamo injparatod from 'thorn' and waa burned to dmith. W. H. Konnorly, formorly of Watford, has oponod up idaw ofiioo in the cornor of, tho Aberdeen bloalt. Money to loan at 6 54 and R per cent., aqoording to soourifcy. Oollootmg, convoyauolug aud wiuditlg up otiiiitoH, a BptiaiaHy ; alao anumbor of One farmti for aalo, 1' -..... W. II. Walker, tho 'wall-known graphite mmeownor of Ottawa, hay auuigmid for the benotlt of hiu oreditora. Tliohabilitlefl umounb to about 8140,0)0, In order to Reduce our Winter ] Stock of Ladies' Coats, Men's! and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, j we will make the following Re-! ductions. i Choice of Ladies' Coats AT HALF PRICE. Over-Coats for Men. Hoducod from Kognlar Pricoa to about half * ltogiibu- $5.50 lino fnr $U.ir> ; regular SO and JJO.CO lino for 9^.(15 ; %H lino for 86.25 ; $1*2 for $7,25 This ia ft Hpeciul lino, Boys' Iltuvy Oonfca the host anup in town. Mon's Suita royubir $5 lino, for $9.25. Regular 357 and $8 lino for $5.50 ; $10 and $12 line for ?8.7fi. Men's Suits regular $5 line tor $3.25. Regular $7 and $8 line for $5.50 ; $10 and $12 line for $8.75. . Boys' Suits Heavy Tweed line, from $1.65 up all at special prices. Don't Let This Opportunity slip it is the best chance to save money ever offered in Essex, All cut prices spot cash. WIUTNMY BljOtTTC, ICSSKX. ITH & CO. r*-" xiAititow.; T. H. Flood will whip a oar load of hoga from Harrow utation to-day (Friday) for Diobol Si Brioltor, of Eohox. WKNDSOVC. Nerval Hall, colored, agod CO, dropped dead at his non'n roHidouco on Morcer Ht. Tueoday ufternoon, Tho old man wnn ap parently in hiu usual health aud had urn- ployed himaolf tho wholo aftornoon in aplitlinj; wood in tho yard. Suddenly ho wan noticed to fall and when hia dau^htcr- in-law rouo(iod him ho wtm unconiifiionn. ITo died Hhortly fifterwurdfl. Dr, Snudor- nou prononncod it a cub of heart failuro, brought on by a little over'Oxertio"n. Lord Hamilton, Hucrotary of State for India, otutoN thut the faniino, iiiclutliii^ Iohh of rovonut', will uoHt tho InrliaU trotiH- ury botwoou four nnd HJx million ponndw. .Tho tranRport Hhip, Nubin, from Calcut ta, arrived ut Plymouth, England, on Mon- flay, with cholera on hoard. Five dontlm had tnken pluoo on the whip from tho din eaHO. Tho .TohaniiQnl.urf4 Standard announenn thut clio Ouvernment ban completed itn bill u^uiunt tlie Britiah Government, de manding iudumniCy for the JamcHon raid, and iu about to forward U to London. The* amount of the Hour aluima, the paper Hayn, in under i;2,00O.OUl>, The trtigio death of >\lisn Ellon lioaoh Yaw ia roportod from BinHhu-intim, N. Y. Sho wuh flinging ho/uro nn audience, mid, iu roachiut" too hi^h notou for which her voioo wan famouH. Uiu ju^lar vein in hor throat burot, mid h\\h h\tn\ to dfrnth on the ntti|e before liur hoarern, Mioh Yaw wuh abln to rouah tho hiiihoHt note gf any cau- tutrioe in the world, which wuu due to a peculiar forniiitioii of bur throat. ' A Madrid Hpooial to The New York Journal Htatea that Prima Mininttir Cano. van del Giiutillo uf Spuiu lint* detlmttdy ac- oeptud Becrotiu'y Olnuy'u offer ol Amenuaii intoryoiition in tbo Cuban uifliuulty. Too oouditioiiH, it in tutea upon tliu iii^het authotity, moauii purfuut !Uid complmo autboiiorny, for Cuba. They proyido for home ruie for ChLii an thoroughjitj Canada, undur tba British N'Jftih American Act, onjoy'o, .In bri^f thuy are; Uuba to govern liurol(, to uolluot all tuxon, to dn.- burHO all puldio tuonovH. , Sp.un to bo dubarrod frum nil whai'o in the ruvotiuoj ot tho inl'iud and all mtertoruuoii iu oleotiunti held on tho inland. In fact, the uuhunio wtmt to the extromo poiuc ot . uiupowcrin^ Cuba to levy a tariff in hor own jfavur agaimiti on^ortu from Bpain bo tho iuland. TheCubuu attitudo to ward 11 bpiiiu wuu to' bo imtaraly ono of indupundonao, oxonpt in tho ouo matter, that Cuba wuu to ramuiii in biinio a SpauiaU provinao. ;jTho Glove- hiud_ A-dujiuiattatiou ]nomiHo:l, howtivor, thut if thoHo tur>uu woro agreed ' to by* Spain, and uho would pub Cuba non u.h ttbronic it footiintf tnwurdu Spain ati] Ouuudu towards BuLjIiuid, it woiild^ uttonipt to bthiK about a money r*imuuoratiou to 8piu forthid pruatical Icmu of tho islund. \F?1 A LONG INSIDE PASSAGE. Krtvlgdtlnft; tlio Occftn Amouc; TliAnsand^ of luliindH, Whntnver rony bo puid and raooh onq bo of thobountioHof tho AhiHlamcoua't, it ifi not inviting to tho Boaiurhig man, and GHpcuially tliu muster who in talcing a nliip by tho innido routo from Pup;o| sound tn.Hiikaor Juneau for tho flrai tiino, n l'c-fit, ho it in cluimnd, im jiOBflU bin of iicconipliflhiiicnt by a contiJuou< , vnyun Kuvc ihion^h tho aasiHtiinno of a I^nnd jjilut. Thin jmsMupfoway formed by tho utui'.ilaiicl t:..;ihtH of Britioh Oo^ luiutfiu and Alaska nnrluchuinof U* laurls r.'ui^iiitf in bngth from 5 to 380 }\\\\v\ U from 100 yardH to HovcruJt Uiih'H in width. Tim chunnolH propuK art* (if nnn--f.:il rloptli. In phiCGH frora iJOO to -UK) l';:i:'inm.s. of v/atnr aro fro- qn"inly found, l-'roin thoi-^iooth, glusHy Hiii'tV.:"! hilars ;:nd rot fK, assu^siuB of the S"u. inrlr, rcs.dy \a sr'iid Homo ship, hnmaniiy Limmi, [ < t\,v hr.ttuni. In tlion^ wuturs tho. )> Hupplunted hywhintlo ( inR thej only ri"thf;il.Miring a Uiii by which thft ciiptuin or pdi.t f;uidcs liinvoHtie] aloug a i^afi1 way. - Old scii t,::'.;d:niiH s:iy thcro ia no \va- tiu* cour.-'c in the v.* or hi whoro innnfiV'. vi;ral'l(MVt;ai.hcr tairh Klciiri.q roquiredL mm to ^nidn a idiip viu tbo chainudH on % voya;tn from tho sound arid ri'Lurn, th riauid irip to Sitka boinp more than. half Hi'- uisiuiu'i! of tho voyuRo aoroaaV tho Atluniif Thn Patriflo Coast Stoam-, . Hhip <'0!'.:;;;;i.v":s vr:->o]s running to Aina* ka aro iiInv;.,;- nianncd with two pilafcij . ourh iu flic winiri' and spring aud ar^ nrvi-r witliout ono pilot. With ati loasti two of lh!:( oompany'H vo.shuIh now run- nin*,' to Ai.'^ka tho oaptaiiiH tlioniHolvos .served :in nj.prGiilicuHliip of miiuy yoaref' at piloiin^. The outsido lawHUK". tho ono by thq open ot-rjin, i seldom used, on acnotmfj of tho uniavuvahiu wintiH whioh provnll for a diHliUM-n of over DO milcw out to riou, rondt.rin^ a vo.Sritd'fl^irbfirofiB miuih ilowt-r, to (-ay liothiug of tho. dnngor of Tihipn buin (!;iu),*lit in a pulo and drivou .v'liorc With tlio dtmftor from wraoit' '(\huurit) (diiniiiiitiud by tho omployrnont ..if professional ])ilotN, tbo iiiHido paafiago is ruiuiori'd a jnout delightful voyaRO, as it abound:!' in beautiful Hoonory and ia fnnfmm wind.-i, doattlo 'Pout-In to lit* i'tjucor. riorehum Vov lf*W(l* -'.j^. Country Gentlomiui yivoa this info*- . '". '.!', mation conourniuR tlio outtiufe of eor pbam for food: Ifetihould bo nearly ripo, uh it will miiko riohor food utulourobot tor. It will hoad out and muko a.littU Rood, jindthiH Bhould bo 'tipo onou^h <w ri-ow bot'oro tho crop ia out, A lighl fi*ofc will liolp to onro it and will wot injnro it ut all, WJion it atiuids tip woll, it can bo out with tbo biodor und bound in Bmall bnndloti, but Hhoxild not b^ Hhooicod until tho butta havo driocl oq| woll, uh thoro 1h clangor of it BOuring l| tho frcHh out bundbw. aro sot' ou dumj oarth. If out with tlio mowing machine, euro us you would hay and draw it ba Ioobo. It nmy bo loft out in tho awath until woll curod, and it is little injured by rain, uh Jt is ooaree and the wut*i ruiin.through ifc and it aooa dries,;, * .pBJt-'.'jU^ before froafc if lipo enough. 'r.'^ii m <m m :m '. 'A i.i .< '. rt'-^V. 'J.,,'1 li^ik i^Si^i^i^ipM&