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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 15, 1897, p. 10

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' ' r .' ^ , i .., 'VTA ' "!-, W PYNY-PECTORAL Poailivoly Cures COUGHS r.ncl COLDS 11 "' -1' li'gly 'liort (Ihim, U' n ncl- niUie 111 iujl>, Ui i,l )tii.I (itic, Hootliinff and itf uli.., m its tlf(i<,t'. A ', C. i I ' niini'ii ft. S"ti, JtlilM lluttll, <Jll*' , rt'jwirt I'i o 1-tWO 't I'JUV I' i dual ( in ul Mrl. (I <inrt<'ftin>i" liii'iil' < Oil hi < In Mt unit liMim )ilnl tuli.iK. uml nihil mini \\, (I ill Giiiiili.r u/ n luiiy nUiiliUll J t uld Ml'. J. II Hl'i \, til* Ullt.l, tj.H Vi>ii|'* !>',, I vi nto, 'vrltci' *' Ann w "'rn' milulinntl luiii' > ' 1' I * ", IVi-uhiiI In ih iin t lnv,.li> it I.. iii i .> iii< n H Iixh j,lvnn llm liHiK "I will if ii M hi In all "i I <t )iava uli ,111. in in t Ii u I m; m >Li u hum >ii il < IxiiiuiliH ih 1I* <1 1" in H i ii ii In Hi lr ( ill Il U mil' ilil l r r' i j.iiii )i Ii,' [ik i >ih t i tlin tualu II' i < llli 'ii i i- I in in > 1 Bint 1 null tnUnlil""'HI 'li l.n III" ' D'VIS fw\\vri.\cr < n, 1 ill I'lU'll 1 tl.l'l fll> ) 11 I \l. vTassy^vc^'o Tiv.rZ'tr-V' ESSEX I* Hal!! IIoailquimorH tor Boh no 1 BonltH, School Huppliou, Nolo rapor.Knvolopou, IiiIch, Writing XuhtoU and oftloo Stationery. DIBPENHTNG AND FAMILY DUUGOIST. Furniture. Thoao who need Furniture it will pay thorn to oxamino tho vory lino and woll assorted Stock at tlio Composed of Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Diningroom. Suites, EaBy Ohftirs, Of ovary DuticvlpHnn, [LoungoH, Baby Carriages, *icturo Frames Made to order on short notice, and everything in the shnpo of Furniture toQ""rmmcroua to mention. You can got Fur niture here for lean money than olBCwhorc, quality of goods conaidoi ed. Everything do- hvcred free of charge J. A. HICKS & Go., Essex. Iteamington Cawiage ttlopks. To fanner, ami t'he Pidltc Gi.net ally Competent judgou havo decided ouco moro that our B UGGIES and WAGONS v aiu: Tnn nnfi. Thin year, an unuil, tlioy hav ftlvon uh nix fll-flt i*-1/ob out of a poHHiblu Hdvou at tlio li^umnmton 1'iitr, four f\rnt pri/o* at Haimw If nil out i if il xt] "" ln '^Vl lin'1 ,lt 1***Uj Hi\m SpCii e.nr BuKiiluti [jot tinoo Hist pri/.t h ontnl a POH'-Ttdu flvo Kiwri by thu micuity, Uiuh mukiui; n, (iliijni BW'i]> ut all tin) Tuira Unit our work WHBoiU'xliildtlon tlim fall, (tin ii n-h wan ox cuUont, iu fwtlt vvimtlio niiivurtiiil lUioluioii of 'uvnryl'Otlv that our which hiiriuthiod uuj thlblt of auy mrinur ymt.ru. H'mt nf 'ill, wo nold moro work at m.d duriii thu Pjuth tlmn nil l\ atlir competitor.i imlil till tnit tOfjiithtT. Still, wohwtMt lotaf diffonmt Btylin on luiml ami maltlnrtovory wock '-which will hint tin* mont fnfitldioiui. \Vuro now lomh to tn.ltn onloui for Kriilt WapoiiH, Hui{ li" aid ( nrriuicm of vory d-'tjoi'lj)tl u Hi<pnlr nc done in nil itn brauohuH. Ordurn nollcitod. 1'Jwili'rn I'u4ulon md Wiiumm and all lnmln of JS'arm Implumuiit- and 15ig*,cIi-ii i upi'llcd on itbnit notion and at h. huihII ndvimcitou ctmt. Th kiildni,' am patroiiH for past favoiH 1 urn, S. v. Youra vi'iy rohpuctlully, W. F. McKHNZIE, w Vf-onL foi tlio aliovo Wolltu. Box O'l, Loamitr-'ton, Out J * r\' ^itf-lt &#** / TatllOr, Woodslee, IIAS Opened a 3)yo Works in uuunootioii with hiB Tailor EBtahliHhmunt. |(t, OP CLOTHES, BRING IT TO SMITH Aud ho will make it aa good ufl now. -~<&~<L^^-------- ft' w< II? YOU WANT AN OLD- FASHIONED KOIT MADE NEW, BRING IT TO SMITH. Clothes Gleaned, Innovated and ^ Mft T 'Dyed at Smith's. ^ W % iji"' i ___ * At Smith's you can get a good " Tweed Suit for (t 12. Worsted ' ^16. \u wen a* Evr, $ *}> Deah Bina, -After suffering Cor two yours from a cm to indication, I tried B. B, B. ( took only throo bottloa, which made ma aswoll rb evor I wan. I highly rooom- lond B. B. B, to all dyRpopttoa. Mns. John Whitk, Anatin, Man. A Montreal brido wont to the altar with a pot canary on hor nhouldor. It wnH olmorvoil by a trump oat-, and tlio yellow warblor will attend no moro woddingn. Conciliation Caroa. Gknth, X wuu in vory poor ltoalth for ovor four yourH ; tho doctor naid it wan conntipiitioM. Not wanting to npond too imucIi ounh I got bhroo bottlon of B, II. B, and took it rofiubirly. I oaki uortify tbnt I am how in thu vory bout of health aticl fool very pratoful to B. B. B, Tlio horncH of Tartury aro Hmall, not lur^or than tho muutan^n of America, but aro oxooodingly tou^h and oaptiblu of travollin^ loni! ditanuoH without food, wator or rout. Ai.vnitii Tkuoux, Montroal, Quo. Br. Fowlor'H Extrnot of Wild Htraw- borry ourctt Diarrluoa, DyHonttiry, Colic, Crampn, Cltolutra, Cholera Infantmu, Cholera Morlmtf and all immmor com. pluiutii and iluxoiioftho bowolu in clulclrou or adultH Tho U. hi. oongraiui Iihh dooidod that privata pontul oardn with u ono oont tdarn*) may bo carried through tho raaile. Thin arratifvornonh hail boon in Votfuo in Canada for two yearn. Dr. Fowlor'n Extract of Wild Htraw. borry otiton Dlarrluoa, Dynontory, Crampn, Colic, Chnlora MorbuH, Chclora Infantum, und all Ioohoiiohh of tho bowoln. Novor travel without it. Pnoo HCuj. Anti toiinn in bniuf; uhocI with [>roat huo'jomi in tho London City IIoHpital in tho oano at diphtheria pationtR. Oim VCvnt-y Night. Ono LaKii-Livor I^ill taken oaoh nifjlit durinji !J0 (layw will euro Coniitipation, oft rotnrninij noudachoH and irrogular action of the bowoln. Laxa-Livor Billa loavo no unplomianr after-effect. Thoy havo a novol way of ccllootmg taxou in Holland. If tho taxurr aro not paid after duo notion boing o;iven, hnu^ry ooldioro aro placed in tho lioupo to board out tho amouut. THE BLACK SNAKE. Tho Now Hoolc Spoon Froo to AH. I road in tho ChriHtiau Standard that Mum A. 51. Fnt/, Station A.( St. Loum, Mo., woulu nivu an ologant platod hook Hpoon to atiyonu Bonding hor ton 2 cent HtampH. I oout for ono and found ltHoimu ful that I allowed it to my friondo, and mado 813.00 in two bourn, taking ordeni tor tho Hpoon. Tho hook iipooii m a honHo- hold noooH4il.y. It oannot (dip into thu dirth or oookiui* veunul, boing liold in the pluco by a hook on tho huolc. Tho Hpoou in Hometbing that houaekoupotu havo noodud ever niuoo upooiiH woro iirat luvoutod An>ouo can cot a namplo Hpooj by Hondinu ton 2 oont otiunpo to Mum Frit/. Ihiw in il iiplondid way to raaho rnouoy urnund homo. 15 13c Very truly, JuANNiiiaii S, Buro millt m inHured to tho inhabitant!) of Uavunua, by tlio raMk man brin^itit' the cowe with him and drawing off at each houHO tho amount rerjmrod. Marry TTua Girl Quick, i rtaw in your paper that a 13 year old bo> uiulu if.1 2o tho iinit hour ho worked hoIiiul! thu rr[oetion Metal Tip Lampwiuk. I oidurud a aarnplo and wont to work t.nd thu lirnt weok I cloarod 810, tho Htooud week I cleared $15. I oj.poct to run up to 825 a ucek m tho near future, an thu Per itotioii Motal Ti,j Linnpwiok makcH huoIi a bdiiutitul win to light uud doen away with MUiokuy chimnoyH aud bad odor and Haven oil, u it) eiihy to Holl. If you wihh to try it send lit two-cotit HtatnpH to Min A M. FriU, HLatiou A, St. Louih, Mo,, aud eh will hi ml you Hutnplo nutiit, thin in a good \sav to malt" money aiound homo. Mis^ Tula W i.j Kit Thtjru will onlj bo two echpHeii of tliu Hun in 1H07. The lirnt, on Fob. lnl, will hi invmihlo in Oniiadn. On July J!9tli, be- iwccu 'J a m. and 11 a. in , a partial clIijih of tliu bun will bo fit'Hii in Canada. New Yt_ar'n Bay fall on a I'nday ; A^h Wod iiLi'tiay will \>a on March iiid ; Good Friday on Apnl 15l1i , BaHtor Kundaj, April 18th and ChiiHLma D i> on Saturday. Make Your Own Lantern. Your homo in meomploto without it, and the pi icu ih within ruuch of all. I ordered u:io foi my own iibo and it wuu no handy tint coiivuim-ni I went to t ikinu oidom foi ti fin and nold 51 in one day malting of*r jj.r> t'iear. It ^ivo'. a beautiful uluto h^hi LliuuinyH ui'>cr hicalt from heat, it it a I way h oiouu uud ruady, Fhiucih CiiH.iy Si Louih, Mo., will Hi'tid HiLinple for 13 twn tiMit HtimpH, wntr- for onu. I got my ntui fiom bun. 11 I3t Groiioi- 1! A late ruhng of .Judge Oliver in tin diriLnct com t at Knelt H ipida la , in to Mu ItucL tliat a m in aiid I.ih wifu uro bntli rtiH)ioiibiblo foi tho payment of a uownpapi i la'icn aud read by tho family Judgment in ilic-Hum of 320 wuu rondorod m favor oi i ho G-'nuania Publmhing Co on tin unmndthita uewnpapoi' iu a houcolud n 'ncaoity, JudjioOhvor appoari to hue tend uowipaperH to i-urno purpose. How tho Dipper Saved tho Farm Father wan tuck and tho mortgae;o on iln farm wuhcoming duo. I Haw in thu Chris tian Advocate wheru Mih A. M, I^ruz. o StatioM A, St. Lnuib, Mo., would nond i a iinplo combination dipper for 18 two.ovn Hlainpn, and I oiderud ono I hiiw tho dip per could bo UHod an a fruit ]ar tiller; u plain dipper ; a iuio utraiuor ; u funiud ; i. Htruiuer funnel ; a wok room warming pan and a pint moanuro. Thono eight difforoni uuou maku tho dippor Hiioh a nooeunartitiolo that I went to work with it aud it hoIIh at very nearly ovoiy honno. And i tour monthH I paid off tho mortgage J think I oan uloat a rnuob an 6'.200 a month If yon nood worlwyou oan do welt by givin iluuatriul. MiHQ* A. M, Frit/, Station* A Bt, Louim. Mo., will bond you a mtmplo fm 18 two oont Htara|)H writo at onoo, .Ioun G.N, 15-lilt Re Xa m Mnoh t Homo In Tr Top* M on Trr Flrm Thoro hnn boon much digouBflion among naturulifitn und in Rport,Him;n*fl journuln regarding tho ability of tho blaokHimko, onr ono ooimtriotor, to travul Hwiftly amid tho brauoliH. Ton thousand num havo Hocn tho Hlock blank Htrouk of ropo uooompHHb tho foat oiinily. Hore in but ono innidunt: Tho bltiuk Hiinko'rt habitat inalndot) Illi- noin. IjiihuHo oounty in not fur north nf tho oonter of tho Htiitn, and pnrlmpM a littlo wt'Ht of tho con tor linn drawn north and south. Thuro uro hoiho vory Rood wondrt in BaHallo oounty, uouhuko through tluit county run two of tho MiHHiHHippi'H tributarioH -tho IMIiioIn uud onu of itH hrnnohOH, tho Vermilion. Builoy'H orook iw ono of the littlo farm land trihuturloH of tho Vormilion rivor. Along t lie nruok aro reaohoH of woodbind, or at loaHt there wuro awhihi ago. In thoHO IdtH of woodH -bitH uh coiupiirnd With Miohigan foientK fchoro uro and liavo been blank miaken, gioak followH, worthy of thidr ropufMion further oiiHt. Thin Ih what happened one day whim a young follow wont hunting. It in worth the tolling, beonuHo it UhintratM tho black Himko'fi nimblonoHH amonp; tho trim topH: Wnndodng along ouutiouHly and <nii- ofcly, looking for a Hhofc on oifchut Hide, tho young man hoard mtddonly an un common ruHtlhig mnong the Iouvcm abovo him. Ho looked up and wuw nomo- thing that antouiHhod him, A fox Hqnir- ro] and a fox bnuincd ih tho biggoHt of tho Hquirrol kind wuu leaping from limb to limb, from two to tree, in mortal affright, evidently fksouig from womo doadly ononiy. OIoho bohiml him, curv ing, twining and twittting, but with all dolailn of itw locomotion invimblo from holow, ho H\vift itH progroHM and ho oawy it punning from limb to limh aud troo to troo, aamo throo to flvo foot of black- neHH. It wan a wVk Hnako purnuing tho fox mniirrol. Itn ohaHO wuh hopolcHH, but tlio ability and tho hun^iy nurncstnrHfl of thifl ono oonntriotor of our uorthorn woodfl woro domonntratod romarkahly. Ah for tho man uudornoath woll, ho Will n young fellow with a Hhotgun. Tho young follow with u Hhotgun m a reuHonably good nhot in tho country, and ho killn HnakoH. Ho povirctl a load of nhot into that black Htrouk among tho bruiJchoH, and it dropped to tho ground, merely afoul, doud, modoratoly aiwEcd apooimon of BoKoanion conQtriotor. 'Ketu'oation. COOKS ON A PILLOW. Bom*itla Ki'onoiny In Woiiir SeoU'n Tiny ChJiuitowa Ilomn. Tho Rmnlloit roHidouco in San I(1ran- ciHcoiH, of courHO, looutod in Chinatown. It in not, however, at tho ond of a dark alloy in adampcclhir. IuumuyoC thono aro rqiuo vory dmimutivo tooHting plaeof), but they aro ologant liomeH and flats compared to Wong Scek'H private roHidouco on thocomorof Wuvorly placo and Uliiy ntreet. Wong'n homo in about uh big ns bin Hkin n triflo larger, of oouipo, to allow for bin wooden hIioph that go to bod with him, but tho diitormico ii not nmtorinl. Wong'H homo i-i a box nailed to a bnHc wall over tho fruit Htund whoro Wong makes n living that would not keep a white biby fat Dirortly opposite that is to nay, on tlio southeast corner of "Wavoxly plaeo aud Clay street there iHauothnrGhiuu- manwlio bus a rotiidencohimilar to that of Wong. But his in laiger than Woug'H whether owing to larger woodou sh(nfl or to junfi what in not known. But it meuHures fully a foot moro in length and in an inch or ho moro iu thickneHH Tho dimeiiHioun of Woug'N privato rcsidoiico he liven in it all by him-nolf aro 5 feet in length, ii font in width, with a ceiling height of 13 feet clear of thu gas fixtures. For a pillow Wong has a III) o( nt oil Htovo, and m the* morn ing ho ciioks his breakfast;on Inn pillow. IIo uses a lojje ladih r to not into his homo, and when ho hiiH tucked himself in for tho night ho pullfl up hia ladder and is aufo. Wong in Having monoy aud will some day take tho nteamer for China aud cait oil' 200 or !100 American gnld doll.irfl to tho nlnms of Hongkong, where ho Will livo liko i\ prince. ban Frauuinco Cull. imii/ini: Ilia Colluco ICducatlon. A trump appoarod at tho hnusu of ,T. H. Barton, thu*n milos hOtith of Colum bia, Mo., ono morning and nnkod for cold victuals in Chock. Ho Ktatcd that he was a gr.iduato of Princeton. JMr. Barton, hiniMilf a fh'eek fioholar, was just about to utuit for Coiurnbia, and Inn lioi'so wan hitched iu front of the honbo. JcHbuigly ho offered to givo tho trump tho horho if ho could recite the Greok alphabet without a mistake Tho tramp looked at the horwo and then at Mr. Barton, and then inquired if tho bet in cluded thu Huddle and hridlo. Mr. Bar ton mud that it did, aud thon Went into tho house to get a Greek book. Returning, he found tho tramp mount ed on tho homo. Ah Mr, Barton ntopped from tho porch tho tramp rattled off tho alphabet without a mi.stake, and, turn ing tho horhu's Jieud, diHappearod in a oloud of dunt. Tho animal on which tho Princeton pilgrim rorto. away wan ono of the bonfe blooded hornon in Baono county noted for itH blooded fitoelc. Philadel phia ProBH. Buo for your divoroo m tho United Stutoii. Albort L. Widdin, Attorney m Law and Solicitor iu Ohuucory, 720Cham ber of Commoroo, Detroit, Miob. Rim Know Hottor. "Ohnnto moon," Rang tho poot. At that tho moon bid hor fnoo behind aolond. "Alan, that I am unworthy of hifl praiHol*' nho Highod, Shodonhtlens had in mind thonotori- ouh faot that once a month Rho got full and atuid out all night. Detroit Trib une. Kamo Old Way. Robert When I get into my now liouno, I moan that ovorything nball go tiko clockwork. Ricburd I Beo. Tlio Bumo a horoto- ore BoHton Trauaoript. Bank PrcBldcntliwo Lewis ot Bablna, Ohio, le highly respected all through th*t section. He has Ured In Clinton Co. 70 years, and has been president of the Sablnn Bank 30 years. Ho gladly testifies to tho merit of Hood's Sarfla- parllla, and what he says Is worthy attoutlon. All brain workers find Hood's Barsapi rllla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makers pure, rich, rod blood, anc from this comes norvu, mental, bodily aud dlgeutlve strength. "I am glad to say that Hood's paranpa- rlllu U a vary good taedioino, espeolally as a blood purltlor. It has dona me good many times. For nevural yura I suffered greatly With pains of Neuralgia In oo eyo and about toy temple*,' es pecially at nl^ht when 1 had been having a hard day of physical and montnl labor. I took many rtimodled, but found help only In Ilood'H Sarmiparllln which curod me*< rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's SarsajtarIlia banprovbd Itsolt&true friend. I also toko Hood's Pills to keep my bowIl regular, and Uko the pllbj very muoh." ImAAO IJowis, Snblna, Ohio. cod's Sarsaparilla tSthe One True Bl.*od l*urlnr. All drtiKRlsts. II. Proparad only by C I. Hood & Co , Y.owoll, Mass. * j r-** are prompt, elfielent and nOOU S PlllS easy in effoot afieauts- '"""........ * VVmihl You It<kiIvoyi>iiv 3Soit;li^ born ? I'Iicho ptiople live ni>ht hero m Ehhox. Thoy may he ueighhoni of youru. They have boon cured by taking ])oan'n Kidnty Pilltt. Don't take our word for it, but anl them. Mr. M 1*. Ciimphell, tliohi^hl} oHteemed p.ndor of tho B'tptifit Ohuich, Mhhojc, Out., HtateH: "From my pernonul uuo of Doilu'h Kidney 1'illn,which I ^ot at Bhcrnn'H dru^- Mtorn, I can hay that thoy aro a mont vx cellent romedy for all kidney troubUin." Mr. J. A. Hone, tho well-known alder until, lijtiHt x, atutoH, "My (laughter hnn bLon ailing for aome time, and I am l id to Hay, hoard of Doan'n Kidney Pil|n. My non piocured a box of thorn for hor at Khemu'a drug utoro, and that one box curt-d her. "It in with pleamiro that I tiive th- eitdit Tor tho reatoiatjor. ot my duuimtui to perfect health to thin remarkable medi cine. I feel voiy thanltful indeed that they have ht-en introdiiot-d in ihiH dia iricf." Mr. William SihHon our cvcpJU lit Clr< ( ' f Polico, ban tliii to nay, "From tin beneficial retuiltn derive! from Duun'w Kidnev Pilbi hich I f.'"t at Sh-mii'H irng htnre, I havo no In lutaiiun in reeoui niuiiili nj; tht-m an a Una daub medieun- for all kidney truubh a, hmio beck, wi'ukmcH , te " (Klglitd) WlI.LIW SlnBON. Il oaHtnr oil ih applied to a wait onco u day for a month the wart will unwind* dii- ij.piar. In many cam k it don't n quire ho long a time. (Jlovur tLti in txcellent fin punfyiufj tin blond, ekuring the uoinptxiou, i'l re- mo\ing punplff. Dm d olnvo* tuny he UnLlI toi tllU tt-11. Itching, llniuiiit, hliiu DiaetLht'H Curni l*or ;t"> i t-nt h. Ur. Agiu w'h Ui nl tin nf i idK3vi h ui ore luy ulli UlUUh l'ul U l, Hil' Kht U ii, -ieald 1 lead, Ec/LiniL, Barn, ra' Itch, U lcim 'dotidui and all ei uptiuuti <d t>M<> hKm L' n soothing ami qui' tiiig and mc h Ilk mau'io m the oiiio iif ill o thy hum u -, .l'i e. 1HH. Bold ti J. Tliornn Cli'iiIoH Hhuudin agtd lluiti- iglil, u ^aulener, living at Toniuiudeu, eoiiimnttd itno.de I'Vi t t\"by lmi' i :y his turo-ti Pbo remauih i-f Win (!iiind(.Mi in" tl ruin- il" ii, Welti found (ill llli (_r T. K tl'.eli n< in Trinity utreet, Tox-nto, Pn iav in' rn iu-!, the unt*>rtum.ti lid havini* ) < n inn uvir hv a timn tlun-i J'tln ill- preot fling even ii g. 11. C. llfiir}, th< uiiIh iiiairi" c intr ictur, inn lucurud tin cm tin-t iu imihl iho aiipioiehea to thu Gie.t Noriheiu H il- loadluiiutl lliMiu^h ihe Ca^Liuio tl'oun- aini. It will take ni\ jii uiithH i<> do th work. I'll ward llaokulf, C msei vitiv i niunhur for WtBt Prinee, P. J^ I. Iihh bleu iim-fui- i d on a chiir^y nf bi MiLr> iml iiutiin^ b} in n^ent. Dr. Slurcoitu, CJonsu vative M. P. U r Cbituiphuu. admutud cornu't pinctioea ba^Lnito, tiQt'oro t o eiMirt, aud pilgiUeuc wm uiypn unnra'irig htm. lll,i.ltl^li I I y.lll lHfc.1 lITl lll "AFREEOURE ion- Tho Dritioh Medioal IiiHtitiuo, of De trnir.. Miub., hau, alter muuy yea^u nf p aieufc investigation, dtueovored a troit* - mont by which oatiuih, oit'.turha-bdtmf- Dona, UHthma, bronuhiUH, and oi, tmuipuou in ito ilrut or aououd otagL*, can bo radically and purmantiuMy ournd. fio woll nativ-iled i tho Inatituto that i i- euro in a-Hpuntto, that it will, for alinutui timo, nond a fall eourno of itH nuKiioini-M", Hutfioiout to lat for tliroo monidn). ubnul utoly free to all applinantn. AddroHR: Bririnh Modiual Institute, CO Washington Ayo., Dotroit, Mich. t'l.t, Viu '** yh I'} . - - *t,_ DON'T TtfJY a Stove until yon Bee tho new Btook at ^ MS" McMURRAY'S. See the Oxford's Stoves, Rest \\\ fhe World. Manufactured by tho Gurnoy Foundry Co,, of Toronto, (both Wood and Uoal). Wg have them in Stock, Our prices aro the lowest, <z?aill ,i3.ct Inspect, General TinHmithing and Repairing afctondedto. Havoi-WroittgHiag,, &io^ ftS^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex. Are You Building* ? Wo can supply you with all kinds of Woodon Matorial, plain. and ornamental. Pino, Hemlock and nativo Lumbor alwayg on hand. Shingles, Cottar Pests Doors Sash and Coal. *G8t Yoilf and Windows ade Him.*- Laing Bros, """...... UILTY m DISEASED NEN CORED *?: S TUnilCAMflC ot \onnff mon, middlo nrtod mon nnd old men oan look tmok at K inUlluAHUu tlimr Ix.ilioodduyii nr c.ul/ manhonil with a fiiuh of rotnorflo. 2 Tho ianornncft of onrlj youth, or lator on n min(i|ont Hfo no "ono ot tlin boyH* htm aown g; thciiioodiifnr fntnroKnaorinR. SELP ABUSE urn tornblo nln anninntrmturo and n will brinff a rich liarvont. liloou aatl Private in ch&ch tuiptlin vory Hfo ami yltnllty U of ;ho victim. Our NOT SIIU'UOD TKISA'IMISNT will iiomtivuly cuto all tho foUow- n iriff (HuauiiuH: VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS, ^VOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLtCT, SEMINAL WEAK.- K NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAL ft DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. !i ABC Vflll 0 NKltVmnniddripnndont; wrnk nr riebilit itnd; tirod mornhipn: no h-t HP L lUU * uuihitum lilt < on; ii cm mi poo , mmly futiMiiod; >xcltfihln and Irri- Dtahlo: oytw fjiml*on. ml ami hluriLtl; n"ipl 'J*'1 lac , droaina and nij[ht Iohhaii; rot- 1> nu; iniUKiud lookinK; w> ulc bark, hono i< huh; )m r icni d; uli ci h; hoio tliront; varloo- tt colo; dopo-ii in urmtiaii'l druum M si'" I; (lictru'itl'iil: wapt of ronfirlrnco; luok of K cnoriry uud utiouclh WE CAM GURi YOU OR ASSC NO PAY. S CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL-.! K SNATCHED FROM T!!F. GRAF:. ^W^lTOSK^^'a^ m di ttiiH aud um\.i torn Ijj th mn' \ ul u t hpiifi i, ninir- Ioukai.d drainnIncroiiBod. Oi t In ' anion nnrvotm wrt't 1.. V i iiidvlu li ui I i nt'Diod lij Drti. hrnnr-dy <fc lCorffiin (if niumilar ilin'ai.n, odvi t*d nn> to try ihr-n. 1 did no and mi two moiitlm wanpoBUlyo- lj curod. Tin \w oi-l i whihhco 1 ui.u ov, umiriod und hai.o two lioalthy eUlld- lon." U. W.LLiVib. 11L: i..lw, II VAnlbllbfcLt I Uii 1. I......... .M.nkLi..iM.nl..iiiHiorlo(yilmii thin tn- uo ambition. J'hrt 'Gold, n ,\ui. il'>;' i , 11 >d m/i* * J he N\w ?!< tlind'l roatmont of J^ UrH Koniud> aalii-or^.tu cji-Ui .L> ia u iu\/ w. k .. 1. L, VUl'l lioON.lonlu. lMIooUJUo UUl.i.bi ' ".i. tihooil hiiriud na trlj habit, which \AaKnnrd riKM'I'Mtioiilli.fH'xnulh aim moiihilly lnnuiv doctor* inul I wilH Koliiff b inl*. 'ill r] f' ii i unimj>ni'n.> 1 iiial y *'J lioUnlilon Moinror,' cditt d by Dm. Knriiiutiy LI ,\. l.crr.'O, hit i tn n.\ liaudti. 1 lcamt d ila> IKU'IJI nnd tho CAUHK. Bolf-ubuHo J3 i.ul Hiuum I in) \i( i.n> 1 took tho Now Mctliod Trmitmont nnd wan curod. My Jv Iiiniidii tli'ii' I-.\aH oureil nt t-nnsumiifion. I havo nont Hum nuiuy p/itloatfl. all of JJ uhoiu \vi iiiud. Tliuir isow Mfilhuil Tioatmout huiiplloiJ vit'or, vitality nud R-I manhood. ' h"* OVT \\' M fn ft TH H 5"'^ """hi tcrrdih* blood dincnuu* who in my njctotn for *l(rht m til f !ilG i.j -i UljlilL"' joant. li ui ink n iw rt ury foi l w<> >-. ant, but Mm dituitujn Hii.turnod. I jot i.d, iiimnlin and btoU'luia mi llu* iJlIii, ul'fni iu tho mouth anil on tonptniv boiin piumi, lulling out. .f hair, w< akmut,, tito. My brothor, who had bonn iMirod of (d(t anil Ktir"rnio~lJi' Urn, Ktuuiitily and Knn,'tn. locuiumoudod tliom. Tlioj cured mo mnfowwMKi'.i d I ihaalcUod 1 cnrnmiud thorn. No voturu of Lha ll.H0UBOlUbU.Vi)-rH." W. I*. M., JlUchOil. f* . - ----. ------- 3 l v YbARS IW Dfc.T^O'1 i , LOU.OOO CURED. NO RISK. M* OCT A l"Vt^K!l Aro yon n viofiai' II 'v \uu Inn hop-ii1 Aro joii oonfAmplatlng Hi V. r% LJ t- ii miirriaiioi' I'att jour b.oo'l ImiMidifu ufi'<li* llavo you any woakneBHp _, Oar Now MethodTiuutimMit v/d-umMovi. Wa ti itli.m dono for oliiannt wdL do for VU you. CONSULTAI10N FtlCU. No manor \ lm ! -t ti< ut<d ynu. wrlto for im honenh "* oiunion 1'ioonf (Mmrso I liun:i icitoiii.l'in. buOKO I dtf,. " I liutioldoii Monitor" K <" .................. .1!" t R luntraiod). ou Dit-caiait oi MimJncloh \> utM(o, ^ conlii 4falid. L-rNO NAMtiS USED WITUOIJ VliwrtN U( a l fci- Nomndlc!no(-nni O it.1 r ~ n.imoo On b ivurytnlnff ooafldon.u ...... nt FfU.E. ______ VA OPOG I roatmo ONSENT. PR!- oxos orertvel- iMuutlon list and cost of !S!o.l48SHELfeYST{ i DBS.KENNEDY & aEBGAN, detro.t, m.ch. & &: M' 3533369272 93

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