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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 15, 1897, p. 1

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*Mv ?f^^^ ' ..j.^-^-S^-.,.. . '------- ..^ ilfl __ r Vfira ' !! VOL XIII. No 3. ESSEX/ ONT., FRIDAY. JANUARY 15, 1897. WHOLE No. 627 FORSYTH E, ANDERSONS Co. Heatlquarfors For Fine Watch Repairing. Vit? viv -vk Ti 8 Our Jnirmry ('inuring Halo prepar- atory to thr anniLiI Stock-Taking, is in progress. \Vo invito att.ontion to tho Alon 'jv-Kti-vin^-biii'^nina wo nro Offering I > ulon" out ul1 rouiaiuimj winter li h-.-i. &1'h;o "ooh not permit toutiou of ii>!iny ;:rtHon but jiuIl'O by. tho:,.: : J. B. C! r/;e Atew Jvweller, Hun nil tint lut.'iit. Improved tonln unrt rluvloim for acljiiHfinc t)i'- tliH'i!. and iiiont oom- ])IUti'.tjil \Vulchii4, und Ciu\ <rii;iruntfte Sat iMln<-t ion. ' Essex Town Council. Ordi i'H taken fiom Catalogue 1'nr n M'lxii'tlH of Wiit'.'b',.J, J'W 1:1 M'V, ; ilVU'WIMO, tVi*. '!>( MIlMllli i* ll'ii H*. i .I, ;\! iv's Hl'iclf 'I'll)" Tnlbot Streot, Wanted. ESOOX. specimen Snaps id rbfc out prices on anything clso J&u-aro in nood of before purchasing : Iiiout Of iii:cnin,( \)< < ! 1 Vr., \Wn<l \Vr.nK."d in a- ui ii i i ! or iu p i v- li \IN(i JiHo.-J. Annual Meeting. VtOTICB IH UKUKHY OIVKN THAT THIS i^ Auiimtl Munliiu; <>f tlm HlmrulioMom of tho Unioti , Clumiio will 1)0 hold oil Factory of Sandwich South; LOT 3STO. 1. Choioo of 20 Elegant Mantles, in a variety of Clothe all this soason's mako and worth from $8 to 810 oaobf for .oo.-.. LOT NO. 2. 20Piooos 82-inch Fancy Flannolottos heavy oloth forrnorly worth 10c. a yd. at 5Mc. a Yard--" Thursday, January aifit, ISoy, At tho Fnotrry at L p.m. Tim Amlltorii1 Rflporfc for tho your will bo rccotvud imrt ofheova oloct- (id. Junuarv lfith, 1M7- PRNNIB I'^UItlN, doc. ~^~~ NOTICE. LOT NO. 3. -36 Pairs Men's Black Pants all sizoa, at Worst ed .-41.48 a Pair-.- Having boon appointed Collec tor of'Water Butos far the Town of Enox for 1807,1 bog to notify all Wntor takors in town that Water Ratos for tho 1st Quartor aro now duo and must bo paid at onoo. J. R, McEWAN, Collector. Ennox, Out., Jan. lltb, lhOT. . WE OAN.OIVK POHtTIONB-to 'jioroona of all fjnidon of ability. ARoiitn, Book-koup- orn, Olorkn, Furmont* Bonn, Lawyortt, Mtjclianicii Phynloliuin. Prouolioyii, Htudontn, Married and Hlnfilo Women, Widown. PotiItiounn.ro worth from iMOO to ^3,000 por imniim Wo hnvo paid novural of our ounviinnnrit 5W1 wnnkly for yonrq. Wanv liavo utartod poor and boo&mo rioli with nn. Paitloularniijinti aimiioation. Btato naliiry oxpootod. T. H.IiINHaOTT, MuiinRur.Torouto, Out. TyANTKD One Car Load LOT NO. 4.- Mon'a Bhiclt and Navy Boavor Over- COUtw stylish and durable, woro $7.50, now ......$4.95' Each-... LOT NO. 5. Two Charts Japan Tea of 1805 pick will clear it out at .. -61bs.for$l.--.. 21J Long by U Thick, Corxni)Oiul with LOT NO. 6. [7100 Pairs .boys' Heavy,. Strong Lac- Iboes worth $1.25 J)air regular anywhere, at * ...75C; a Pair---. LOT NO. .7. 0 Pairs Mon'fl Fine Dongola Kid traitors regular price $2.00, at ....$1.00 a Pair...- Tboso Lines of Shoos aro excepti onal value, and wo aro only ablo to soil at these prions on account of hav ing bought a portion of tho stocli of 3swald,' Murdoff & Co., wholeealo jhoo doa'-ors, Toronto, who recently Ifailod. HIRAM WALKER & SONS, Liin'd,, Walkerville, Ont. ESSEX. Music *'$to?o. .IS" All Goods Marked iu Plain Figures. \lS" Ooo Price tor All. JeL-cxJlvJN [|S* Money Bade if '.'unsatisfactory. any Piirohaso Piano and Organs- . # R. S. Williams1 Pianos. EvaiiB Bros. Pianos, # Singer Sewing Machines. .........llavo jtiiifc roooivod a......... New Supply of Vlolnm, AiUohnrpM, KIurmuiileiiM, OuUnrN, Ac. Violin NtrlniTM and Snppllou (or all tho nbovo InntrunmntH on hand. Tuning and IlopairinR a Bpoolalty. Maqliino Nuodlou and Oil iu Stock. H. M. FAITL, 2nd Ooor Norili of Al.o.U. . The death nontouco ol Miuhaol Breunim, for tho raurdor of John A. Btrathy, of Barrio, has boon oonamafcod to lifo impriti- ,A. MinnoftpoliH trayollor namad. Nymaa diBappoarqd from a 0. P. R. tram botwooti Duult Bto, Mario and Jtfoatroal and no traoo can bo found Si him. By u uro iu the Quotm'u notol, Wallaoe. bare, id an early hour Tuoettay morning, one of tboguoctu, nn unknown ulati from Olovolaud, lo ro por tod to have lent his life. In purtmunoo to tho proviaiotiM of tho Municipal Act tho momborH-oloot for 1807 mot \xt tho Town nalUtlla.ru. on Monday and after Hubfloribiug to thoir doebirationn of quuHHoation took thoir iicats at tho council board ub fol- lown: Keovo, John AIoDongHll; Dopxity-Roovo, Hugh M. .Tfthiuitoii; CouuoillorH, Ward 1, G, K. Foi-Hythi), -.Toha A, Homo and David Whitnoy; Ward 2, A. Baiuow, Willinm Uiddiok and J. A. HIoIch; Ward a, Jos. lluliinnfui, Prod. Robinson and Bonj. Slolo. Mayor ThomnK thanked tho rnto- puyorn for elortlng him ftH Itayor. Ho li',;; hud ihrnt' prcdacoHHorHiu thoolHoe, ul) Lfnod mnn, and ho folt that if ho JilU'il tlm iiOlci! anwoll an thoyhad dono Tjfif.li.-i- the ixjoplo ncr himHclf would havo any rearipn to complain. \h)\< 11 by Moukm, Forfiytlio and ll'iiin-v, tliiit ALoHKra. McUougall, nicks mid Jtiiimy , 1)0 a (ipooial oommittoo to nirikn tho Standing Committoofi for Ib'.)7 and that they report at noit meet ing, Carried. .Moved by. jMoHflru. Foray tho and Johnston, tha^ftt^.council adjourn till eight o'clock tbh* oyoning. Oamod. AUJOUItN^D MKHTIKO. The ndjournod mootiug was oallod to order at 8 p. m., nil tho momhoru being proaont. Tho minntcn of laHt mooting of 1800 and organization mooting in tho morning woro road and conflrmod. Tho Special Oommittoo to striko tho Standing Oommittoofi roportod, recom- monding tho following committees for 1807, tho firat mnn ad on oach to bo obnirman: ------ Finance Moflnrs. ForHythe, Raines and .Tohnstou. Jioardof WorlcH -MoHdrs. MoDougull, Frod. Robinson, Job. RobhiHon, Johns ton and Whitnoy. Firo, Wntor and Li^ht Moasrs. Hides, Foraytbo, Riddick, MeBougnll and HaincB. Public Property, Polico and Ponnda MoHBrn. Johnton, Joa. Robinnon, Sloto and Rose. Licenses and Charity Messrs, l^aiuos, Whitney, McDougall and Rid dick. Printing, Education and Health MoRHrs. Rouo, Bloto and Frod. Robin son, Tbo rojiort wan adopted. Moved by MosarB. Forsytbo and Raines, that in solootion of officors for enHiiing year voting bo by baIlott,.the Mayor and Clork to bo norutinoerH. Carried. The Mayor-fltntod that there woro no applicants for the Clerkship and Messrs. HicIch and Riddiak moved thnt John Waltors be ro-ongaged for 181)7. Tho motion carried. Tbo following application were road: J. R. McEwnn, offering to net ns collector, aRnessor, sanitary infipoc- tor, water rate collector and dog tax collector for #215; or water rato collect or, sanitary inspector and dog tax col lector for SHO; or water rato collector for $;ili; or dog tax colloctor for 15 per cent, of tho amount collected; or sani tary inspector for 830, or assessor for $45. W. F. Mudgo, offorina; to collect water rates for samo salary as is now paid Mr. Gormloy and will furnisb bonds for double tho amount of tho salary. W. II. RnHHoll, applying for position of assessor. Thos. Irwin, W. H. Edgar and W. T. Jones appliod for position of poundkoepor. Tho by-law to appoint oflieers for 18!)7 was tlien introduced and road, on motion of Mchhvh. Forsytlio and Micks, tbo blanks being filled in as follows: Olork, John Waltors, at a salary of SI00; Treasurer, W.-I). Boaman.at ^0; ABBOflsor, W. H. Russell, atftSO; Audi tors, John Forster and Chan. II. Swoot, at $10 each; Chief of Polico, Wm. Sis- sou, at $40; aiodical Hoaltb oftlcor; JDr. J. W. Briou; Snporintondont of Water works, Albert Waddiugton, at S:i05 a year. Tho next clauHowaHfor appoi.itmont of a trustee on tho High Hohool Board to succeed W. A. Gardner and J. A. Dioboland Chas. B. Swoot wore nomi nated, tho former being olootod. Tho next clause was for oiuao of col lector of water ratos. Mr. Forsytho thought thoy would dog tax collector $ 10, and that a ballot bo piiRfiod for Holoctiou of applicant.!*. Curried. Tbo ImUnfcH were passed with tho ro- ault that J. It. 'MoKwan was appointod for the four oWloos at a total salary of. The poundkoopors' clause wuh then takonup. Moved by ftfossrs, Raines and Hloto, that only ono poundkoepor ho appointed for oaoh end of tho town.- -Carried. Ballots woro paused and Thomas. Ir win wan appointod for tho part of the town south of tho railway track and W. T. Jonoii for that part north of the rail way truck. W. H, .Edgar tendered hinrnsignatinn as caretaker *.f the fair ground.-!. Mr. Forsytho thought they had an agreement for a yciu* with Mr.- IMuar. Moved by MuHsru. Ilickh and Frod. Robinson, that no action lm taken on resignation at prcm-n'. Carried. Jiydaw appoiuliug nilicris whs tbt.-n road Hooond and third tiijiunaiid panned, j Moved by Mohsi'H. Forsytlio and .Ion. Robinson, that H. M. Johnston be ap pointed commissioner for No. 1 ward; Wm. Riddick for No. 2 ward and Jos. Robinson for No. 11 ward.- -Carried. Tho following accounts! woro roforrod to tho Finance Committee: OhnrloH Hwoot, salary as auditor, $10; J, A. Forfttof, auditor, 810;. W. IV Boaraan, olootion oxponsoa, ^10; Wm. Church, oloction oxponsos, 310; John Walters, olootion oxponsos, 80.85; Brett & Auld, printing and advortisiug, ^HD.in, Tho Coraraittoo recommended pay ment of tho accounts and tho report was adoptod, on motion of Messrs. Johnston and Forsytho. An account for &JM for tho town'n Hharo of tho cost of a now culvert on tho townlino at DoOow'h mill, cortiflod to by John Rodd and J. S. Laird, com- missionorH, was prosontod and a war rant ordered for tho samo. . Movod by Messrs, Raines and For sytho, that J. M..Hiekn bo appointod n- momborof the local Board of Health for throo yours, to succeed Fred. Rob. inson. Mr. Forsytho gave notice thnt at tho next mooting ho would introduce a by law to borrow coftain monies from the Imperial Bank. A potition, aignod by 1!J(1 ratopayors, nuking tho council to submit a by-law for tho ropoal of tho Local Option By law, was presented. C. E. Naylor addrossod tho council. Ho said tho temperance pooplo had got word Saturday last that petitions wore boinp; circulated to ropoal tho by-law and thoy started out with two petitions asking tho council not to submit a by law. Their petitions aro still out but would bo ready for next meeting. They aro HatMed with tho workings of tho net and nk tbo council to leave it ns it is. Moved by Mush . Hicks and Whit ney, that tho petition bo laid over till tho othor petition is presented, W. IT. Kennedy addreased tho coun cil on behalf of tho anti-temporanoo people. Thoy would like to have tho question sottlod as soon as possible. If tho mattor.was not going to bo sottlod until next meeting ho would ask that the potition bo roturnod so that thoy might obtain more signatures. Tho potition was roturnod and the niattor dropped. Moved by Messrs. McDougall and Hicks, that tho regular mcotings of tho council for 180.7 bo hold on tho firHt and third TnosdnyR in each month, Car- riod. Council then adjourned. Ijnird, John Walters uud J. JO. Stone were appointed auditors for 181)7. The annual mooting then adjourned sine die. At the close of tho annual mooting the Board of Direetora hold a mooting with tho President, AI. Barrett, in tho chair. On motion of Messrs. G. J, Thomas and Wm. Campbell, W. H. Rusmdl wan appointed Sea-Trims, for tho oinming year. Movod by MesHni. Thomas andLaing, that the Treasurer iiend to Alius Kllinou. of King'ivillo, iM'i; Lo apply on intercut, nndtf-Vj, to apply on tho principal of tlm grand stimd note u'i per n.'H'diiUon oi'lin; annual ncjctin^. -(.Juried. The meeting then adjourned to the call of the Croiiideiit. It A; M. Atfrioiilturn) Society. The annual meeting of tho llooheaker and Maidstone Agrioultural Hooioty wa* lnld ub Bouth Wondwlao ou Wcidnnsiiay of thin woolt. X meeting of the Dirootors. wm? IihIiI ui; 10 a. in., when tin; Hanrotary- Tn-a*mrfr, 0"or;." L'^dr, I'uhmittod the following linanciul HUtumoiil for ISflO : HKCKU'TH. Malanan from hint ymir...........................H 2:1 BO M.miiI'ovi." itiibroipt.toiin............'........ ....., *J7;( (yj ltnt(i Vfuriilji'ii ul fn!r................................ (vi ^q ii' ul \>t liuiillin liiiil hCinidij...................... J5 fto <.'ouiil.y ff'-ttnt...... .................................M m oo liHi<huiitlv(i ((runt;.................................., in) qq No. 7 J>iv., rnliiiiii uuljiU!ript!oiin............... if) 06 Hponiiil Hnnit, Jinlln (livm................ ifl 00 " " Mi'i'liil-n................,......... ft) o| " " IttMih' hici........................ CO W '[. f*>;u;tiffuv '*'B'nNfi, , KJtlM'NWrtniKU. iimlinf/..... ........ H ,|. The Teni[jcr;mce Cause. To the Editor of the Fhmex Fukk Pjikhm: I^kaic Hut. The tompornnco peoplo of thie town are now face to face with a crisis, in the niattor of the local option by-law, and aro likoly soon to ho called on to risk the loss of tho fruits of their hnrd-oamod and long-delayed victory. This state of matters is brought .about by a strained construction of tho act under which tho local option by-law was passed, namely, that tho tliroo yoars havo expired which woro intended aa a test of tho working of tho by-law. This interpretation of tho act, seeing that tho by-Jaw only carao into opera tion here in August hist, ia so ovidently contrary to its spirit that it scorns to -tho temperance pooplo most unroanon- able and unjust. But. while wo aro dis posed to attr'ibuto unfair motivoH to our opponents in this niattor, lot us be care ful that our own skirts aro clear .and thnt wo givo no just grounds to anyone to iraputo dishonesty to us. The first step towards this end should bo to re fund to tho town tho #100 spout at thoir request, and under their guarantee to defend tho local option by-law. It is manifestly unjust that the town hould bo loft to pay and lone this amount,thus compelling tho liquor interests to holp pay for their own defeat. This done, tho tompQrnnco people can holdup their heads and face oithor victoVy or dofoat liko men, but until it is dono thoy are under a cloud". I would not propose that this was accomplished by ono or two men, nor by a dozen, but by tho whole tomporanco community at largo. ,1, for ono, am ready at any tirao to pivo a reasonable contribution towards this end and when done it Will prove our sincerity and bo the first step towards victory. It ate r aye n. Essex, January 12th, 181)7, , .j ---------------------~ ----------------------. Insurance Companies. \'.-\. I'l Ul , un.i i- - j i -. .... 1 " , Wm , ( intill ii , : l.|]. it' llitll....'.. .. .lode M'lhinn, t.o Imv ti imll...... ' , ' , i'.'-t. J-')- \--j " " itlt.r*!;lt 'I'll.in. T,[ovr.\tii I I iv H liimi'.,, K It H:'l... ......* i if/o'.voi tli 'i let-' At, tin' . UVlOll lowing nfli'juru were'tAncWtl : i'rcH., J. J. Duwhirut, Doputy-Ueove 'of IlouhfjHtur. Vice-Pren., Mohod Moeard, ox ltucvo; ' Bolle River. ^ Seo-Troun., Goorfj Louk.' ^ DireotorH fl. JJifinior, B. MaronlfifcU, .John Mullinw, jr., Oliyor Plant, Alox. Monnooflu, Maurice Mullimi, Tho's. Lsfttve, K. Wiomor nud Wm, Tuylorl Auditors Frank Ha^an and F.MoHaKh. . There wan a laro attondanoo at the afternoon mooting, (idly ono hundred bdinc protient. It will bo nobiood from the ahovo but that tho old atandbya of the sooioty and really tho fathom of it J. F, IttiHton, M. MoAulilffl, A. W. Cohoe, JUd.., Plant and others ure not on tbo board of ' dirootom for 1807. ito< MXltsriut. A bad aooidonf. Imppouod to Patrick Mahar wlulouttiDftimburfor Ghftfl.. Lft- fuvo. He was ouaafiod with A. Mylon in cutting down a largo olra troo whon it aplit op, ohod baok and carao do.va end wise on his lo(j, torriby ohattorinn it. Dm. Itourlto and Briou aot tho limb. % .:.'^d y Colchester North Agricultural Society. Tho annual meeting of the Oololiostor North Agricultural Sooioty was hold in Pock's Hall on Wednesday afternoon, Wm, Campbell, Pros., in tho chair. Tbo minutes of last annual mooting wore road and, on motion, adopted. Tho Treasurer's financial statement and Auditors* report woro read, show ing a balance on hand of #55.50, nnd, on motion of O. B. Naylor and John Laing, woro rocoivod and adopted. On motionof W. D. Boamun and M. Barrett, it wan resolved to pay out of tho funds on hand $1Q on tho interest and $25 on tho principal of'the grand mako a saving by appointing tho tax ntand uoto hold by Miss Ellison, of colloctor at the present time along with tho other officers. Tho Mayor oaid tho Tax Oollootor was appointod whon tho rato was struck and thoy could not tako tho roll away from him now. Mr. Rninos said thoy could got tho wont dono chonpor by uniting somo of tho offices. W. F.Mudgo put in an application for annitary inspector, dog tax and water ratos oollootor at sulory of &7oMovod by Mosars. Forsytho and Mo- Dougall, that tho oalarios he divided as follows: Tax colleotor $06, water rate collector $&&, Hanitary inspector. 885, Kingsvillo. It was moved by M; Bar rett, soconded by O, 33. Naylor, and unanimously carried that a vote of thanks be tendered to J. E, Stono and John Waltors for thoir Horvioos as auditors for which thoy dooliuo to ac cept remuneration. Tho following omoors wore fchon eloetod for tho ensuing year: Pros,, M. Barrett. ' Vioo-Pres./Wm, Campholl. Directors John Thomas, E. Thome, F. MoGoo, D. Kennedy, John Lain^, Dr. James Brion, G. J. Thomas, W. Hfc BiiBBell, S. Ii. I*ark. On motion of O. E. Naylor and J. S. Essoi, Ont., January ltth. To tho Editor of tho FniEE I'iubsh: Dkau Sik. You will oblige mo by in serting this communication, which will, T believe, be a benefit to orao of tho community. Ono of tho leading raon in your town mado a statement rcoontly in regard to insurance companies, that unloss thoy are joint stock companies they are not safe for pooplo to insuro in, thoreforo business mon and farmors should bewaro uf mutual companies, as all tho money paid thereto is worse than lost, for in tho time of need if an acci dent shouhl tako place tboso companios may pay nothing, There is. ono thing certain they allow thomsolvos three months to pay losaos. Any pornon hold ing ono of their policies can satisfy him self on thi point. Now, if a man has his dwelling house burnod and .ho has not tho moans to build nnothor and is not sure that ho will ovor got a cqnt of insuranco, in any oaso being kopt out of it for throo month*, how can ho oroct another residence for himself and fam ily. Or take a publicbuildingor school house that has boon built by tho rate payers and it should bo destroyed by flro, tho debentures falling duo would have to bo mot, tho old sohoobis gone, it may bo no monoy would bo forth coming on tho insuranco, the already hoavily-taxod ratepayers will havo to eroot a now one and they will rightly blame tho ponny-wisb-and-pound-fool- ish trustees for it, Every ratepayer should look to it that the polioios on thoir sohool houses are good. A Punxiia Smtoot* Tiiurtjsu, fl Tho list of oases to bo heard at the January sittings of tho Court of Ap peal for Ontario has just boon issued. It contains 105 oases, three of which come from tabs oountyi Fleming vs.lUhir- phy, Atkineon vs. Randall, Fox vs, Fox. Some idea of tho extent of this court may bo gleaned from the fact that there are five sittings annually and each time the list is as large or larger than the present. NAUVXir WOttDNLttK. t; Tboro is Ullt of aTpliciuion being m*do to form South Woodwloo into n poJloe' VillaKo. ' $ ', Mrfl. Wra, nillior, of Esatsx, npoutfc^ diiyn hero with rola.tivoH tho paht wook. ^ Wm. Wonver, H. 0. R.uaation man, has beon quite ill with quinsy but in now im proving. ; Mr. McDonald, of Wmdwor, whh horo oo Wodnoaday making somo ropaira to the tolophono lino. JumoB MoCrao, of Widlaocbnrg, bus re turned to South V/oodideo to resume hm- worlc as atavo onttor, Thoro was a Kd'attoudanoo -it tlio; mootiu^ of tho North Ebhox Farraore' Inotitute horo Monday. Allison & Hancock ohippod a car load of . i orn to oiiutom markotfl on WodnorfUay und unothor load on Thurfltlay. Alex. MInniH will comraonco a sorlos o royivftl tnoofclriKa in tho ' Methodist OharcllJTf] on Sunday noxfc und ooutinuo namo lor^ ji- somo weoka. 7'^ '!^K< A juimbor of tlio rolativos ot Mrw. j/'i!/):;;||^ Tuylor auHemblod at her roHidonoo.on Mon-:' '-'^ day myht and spent an enjoyable iimiL A party wan bIho given at D. A. Younjj'a tho Hamo niyht. "-V^Mfy '.', .jip'v'.ii Mrs. C. S. Haaosand daugbfcor, Fiorouoo,.;;. ^!; of Blind EiVer, AI^ornaDistriot, bavobcon'v"' ViHitinw in South Woodnloo. Miss' Ad^V:1..';^; Hunen, of Alma Collcuo, Bt. Thomas, al^i'^J spent Sunday horo. Dr. St. Clair'n Minstrel Troupe ftdver od to abow in 85. Lawrence Hull bore Tuoaday cvoniug of thm wook but fnilol' - put in an appoaranoo, Tboy annouuA'-' that adauoo would follow tho conoorti a.-, a goodly nnmbor woro dinappointod at t}, failure of tho oompauy to tihow^ t Thoro has boon oonatrlorablo talk abdujf^i tho villafio thin wook ovor tho aotionH of a qortain young man on Sunday even ing last and it is probublo that an inform ation will bo laid boforo a magistrate. The young man in quoution ondoavorod- to aooorapany uome-yoanff Iadioti borne from^ ohnroh to whiob they ofcronuoualy objootod/ anditia said, soratohad his face for him, though not any rooro than bo deHOrved. Ono of the young ladies has not yet reeovorod from the nervous shook ooeatdou^ od her, . One of tho pleasautoHb and moat enjoy-., ablo parties ovor given in this vioinitywtie that on Friday evening last at the residence of John Moraii, whon about 75 ooupleo attended and spout a pleasant time: in gauioa, muuia, danolug, eto. Wludsor, Bollo River, Puoe, Busoomb, Woodalee and ArahorBtburg wero all reproaeuted and v>;: H-3i 4^iS musio was furnished baud. by Latham'* string The party was gotten up by the Slogan, of Woodalee, and the guoats ' were reeeiyod by Miaa Kate Moran, aaalst- od by the Miasm Molntyre, Danoing ww \i;JfeS kept up till about .alxji'oloofa next morping ^^S when the guests dispereed, after heaHily;:!f|?/* thanking thOae who bad giveni fchem.suofc ;(|.Y an enjoyable time and wishing . them lbng;g ' life. A load of, twenty, two young people from here besides tt$ daaen single rfg; .went.from ^Q6hfW<^^H^;,'/';-' '""" h'y" " M-: Srvjg&&-K :^< rt-^ 4^^mB^^^^

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