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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 1, 1897, p. 5

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MM ft" " V T - I W?^^ -. *< 1 I HI* ~" I If M .r~ I ' <i it )- 'J * * * i Hrflfl s; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral coals more tlinn other medi cines, lltit then it curd more tliuu oilier mcclicine".. Mo-.t of the etieup cough (i tucdiclnuH merely palliate; I) they ufford locul mid tempo- tf f) rary relief. Aycr'u Cherry (i l'ectorul doea not putcli up or palliate. It ct'rcs. AstUnui, Broichiti'i, Croup, Whooping Coi , and every other cough, \v*ll, when other $ remedies fail, yield to Ayer Cherry Pectoral Xt has a record of 50 <-j yours of curoa. Solid for tho "Ourobook" (J froo. a J. 0. Ayor Oo., Lowoll, Maan. Whim bulling caks, ou reiioovingit from tho ovon, place tho tin ooutairniif' tho otikt ort a damp towol for a moment, and the oako may readily bo takou Irnra tho tin without Htickiug. -------------t-~------------ A.Good Wind Mill-Mako it Your self! I Baw ono of tho Pooplo'a wind nulla which I aw rooommwidud in your paper recently, ifc only aoHt me 80.40 uud \h h > Bploudld mill ; my well ia doep, but it pump it all viuht with very littlo wind ; the uoitthbom all hlco it, mid iwl urn a kin 1 oarpontor, I havo abroad to put nine mill" alroady, on whioh I oau ratUto n. moo pro flfc, and thoro are many othorii for whom I oau put up milla thiu-fall. I don't nee whv ovory for mar Hh?uld not hnvo a wind mi 1, when fhoy can muko it themtielvpn for !f-H ihan ttlO; anynno can tfot diudrams and ' oomploto direction for mukiuf* tho wind mill by Bondinf* 18 two cont Htampn to puj poBtafto. etc., to FranoiH Canny, St Ijoijih, Mo., and thoro can bo dojunu o[ thmn put up in any locality by anyone that ban tho norgy to do ao. A. Faiuiku 45 o For ink HpotH on whito paper i>o over Jt with a ouraol'a huir brunh dippil in a Bolutiou of oxalic acid; on whito clorh, watth tirot with tho oxalic acid, then with clear, warm water. If on a curpot, ru'i in- Btantly and faithfully with clean blotting papor, or if thoy havo driod tiy j .vulli water. --------------------------------------, THE QUEEN'S BIRDS. Queon Victoria has rathor an interant iny ayiary. Im tlio Windsor hi oat tluT.- aro a uumbor of wild tnrlcryp from Canada, which it in hopol to hr< cd and ucchmati/.c Koar tho ho id kocpor'n homo tw i uti'tv oa^loH are kept in captivity. TIiohu bir<h woro tracjod bv thou* dipruli'i in m tlm foroHt and trappi'd, 'jiio of tin m qniti thirty yuan ainco Althoni'li rn- iyint; ovory attou'ion in tho iviy ol furjd mil ljd^ing, thoy ^till lofuhcj to rocoijiu/.j tli^u koopori. In a Hmall corridor luudm^ Irom tho Quoon'a racicn at the uvl iry to tin tfvrdon, in a prerenal ^roup in a gnui 1 poacoek, formerly tho property of L'k' Uoaconuiiold, and r^movod, with its mutt, from Hu^hau(lur\ to thouviary sliortly iiftt.i lltHdo'dh. ' ^ -^ '---------__^--------------- Olmmiiif^ Done m ono Minute. I havo tried the Xji^htuiiit! Churn, >ou roountly dwRcrjbod m your pup r, niui it i corfcaiuly n worder. I liui Lhurn m Its than ouo miuuto, and tin butter h < It yaut %aud you ^ot cunHidcrably more buttu tlwui dion you uho a oommou churn I took I Ik policy for tho churn hero and vi v} but'oi lakor that bo* h it bu\ h opp. I bit\i> solo io do/ou and tlioy {jjve thu bi si <A h it t (otion. I know I tun Hell 100 in t! 11 tov >i ship, uh thoy ohurti ho quickly, multe h. much moro butter than common chimin and are ho cheap Soma one m ovoiy town dhip can muke two or three hunditd d. 1 laffl aollniK tliohy churns }\y uddienhiu J. "P. UiLHoy d* Co.. St. LouiH, you jun ^i<- oironhirH aud full n.ftmiituiou 'luyonctin make bit,' money njjlit at home I Imv roade 8B0 tlic pane two woeiiH and I liusi never nold anv tin it* m my life bnfi*re. -15 o A Fmuii n HE KNEW THE SIGNS. John ltannlcN I>1<1 Not !!* to Ho m Mind He niter. "John," mtid Mm, Bmioks nH bIio nntnu in -from outside rudiuufc with Uiiwm, "I'vn boon over to Mra. Hmith'M for a few miiiutu**" "FoW minutoM," interrupted Mr. BniiokH, looking at bin wutoh. "Own hour and 30 minuriH), for X timnd you." "Well, X like that, .Tohu BanoltM. Wlio iiHknd you to koop tally on me?" "X wmi I ml to ko out myuulf this ovon* ititf, but ifc'w too Into now." "I junt ranovortotollMM. Smith" "Yiw, I know. You just put u Nluiwl nvor yonr bond liko any other iioi/fhbor- hood woman and oarricd haok hIsc QfMH you borrowod of her yoHtmduy." "John" "And Hho( told you that Johnny hnd the mimtpH and Mih. Jojioh' Jimmy had the ni<iiHlo4 and lent you a pattern of a now Hlnnve" ' "Shn u!ho (old you thai if Smith didn't pfivn up Ufi"K out niRht^ and (day Jinnio with Imr and the clitldron, who'd jmck up and t*n homo to huv motber." "Oil, yon liHtenod, did you, John Bnnokw?" "I liavon't loft thiH nhuir hinco ynu Wont out. You brought the howl that you took over the etftfH in back with you full of oluli Huuen and promihud to re turn it when you iiuulo joiuh. " "Before I'd upy on 11 woman! Sup- poiuiK I did, in there nny hunn in it?" "Not nbir. I uiily vuuttd to mwo you tho trouble of rcpeatiiiff wlmt you mud to Aim Smith and what trim Raid to you. You liavon't mLUtionod tho bo Hilda 1 yet." "What vandal?" '"J'lin ono Mrs, Kmith whifiporrd to you and told you inner to hreatliu to a soul as lotifj: iih you Jived. " "John Baiifdcfi.uroyou a mind vender?" "Idoii'tmsd to bo whom you and Mro. Smith am conoorned. I know tho m 111 " "Jobnl" "Yen, Mary." "Just tell mo one thing. Ilovr did you knowjibout_tbo pgga?" "Heiud jou tell tho dairym.m when ho called thin morning thafc you wimtcd nix extra, to return uomo you hnd bor rowed." "Oh! And about tho noandal?" "Ifc'o in tonight's paper and had just Htruok Mrs. Smith," "Thanks, John Banoks. Vou huvo mifiHod your voeation. You would havo mndo a lirnt cIuhh dotootivo. Too bad that eo muoh talont ahonld bo thrown away on tho homo oirolol" And Mrs. Banokfl went outundHlammed tho door. - Detroit l^reo Pron*. Sufx>ratlt!pt*A Abont T1ilrt<MtB* AuRUHtiu Daly, of whoso company Mr. Jamoa Lowih was a nwmbor for ovor 25 yearH, Bold of him ; "It is 11 00- lnoiduuoo that he wnn huriod on Sopt. Iff, for ho ulwoya had tho Btrongont fonr of tho number IS and of Friday. X don't know that he wan a BtiperfltitlouH mnu In other renpoota, tliough, no donht, ho Would objeot to humming tho Macbeth mtiaio In tho theater, but ho hud grout foarH on thut point. Ho never Wanted to begin anything on tho HHh of tho month or on Frldiiy. If I had a new part to glvo him and it would natural ly ho delivered to him on either of thono day ho would fink mo not to lot him havo it until tho next day or to give it to him on tho day before, I don't know that lie had over Hufferod any iuinfortuim onoitherof thouo daya to confirm him In bin foarH. "My own exporienoo has boon qui to the levornn of unlucky with regard to thorn. Some of my mout micaoHnful mmi- hoiih Jiavo been bognn on Frlduy, and lie made ono of bin own groatont; mio- ctm a ^j iu n part wldeh ho played for tho /list time on the lfUli of tho month. It win Sept. 113, too, the dato of hiulnirirJ, und it wan the beginning of MIbh Cla.'a MoniH undt 1 my ongagoment, when ho played Sir X^atriok Lundy in "Man and Wife." Tho fear of No. IB extended further than thin. Mr. LowIh would never Bleep in room IU at n hotol. Ho would rathor walk tho floor of noino other room all night without a bod. And ho would novor accopt neotion No. Ill in a Hloeping (ar. That or Htatoroora No. l'A on a uteamor \vi\n in hifl mmd a positive invitation to diHiuHor. The per- boh on whom tho duty dovolved of ar ranging the details of Mr. Daly'd tourn had to remember that and look out for it." Troy Times. r-rtt" m {^ii^^^-i *^* E*'i, ( ' H Will ooiiw on mtiAKvtt iHDiGESTioH, PlDrrmiiNfl of ri*S JAUNDICE. L..uT, WVSIl'BtAS, ACIDITY OP TKH RHEUM. STOMACH, EARTDUnw, DftVNliS 0? TO* J.-s,uAflUUt, SHIM. vJlVlfU'iIA, DHOfSV, 's1"^)'! *-~n lllavniartat X/tj)jyryKn( KIbNKYB. UTOMJlOlt nowfiLs on v t iii " \ i >.' ) i< 1 s: ih'r L. . *** L Y.MiHu"K,ae'>. TOHONYO. NOT EASILY MOVED. Whiclx would you rather trust? An old, true friend of twenty years, or a stranger ? You may have little health left. Will you risk it with a si ranger ? If you have a coikk Vare losing flesh, if pale, if consump tion stares you in the face, lean on Scott's Emulsion. It has been a friend to thou sands for more than twenty years. They trust it and you can trust it. - Let us send you a book telling you all about it. Free for the asking. SCOJT it BOWNE, Ddlavltle, Oat. % -1 Vruo Story of What Won ^podci\ to Oct n Hovo on Mr. lllank. A prufcry girl living near Now York is nil'ectod with lUar^onumbor of would bo beauH, but hiia no uho for any of tbom. lror ono, in particular, sho had loss than no use. He fdiowod up one evening iu n bi cycle euit, and while ho Hat in the par lor with tho nrotty girl tho pretty girlN little brother nowod thobicyclo c.ip ilrm- ly down to the coiner of tho hall table and then dumped all tho oil from the onllor'H bicycle lump. But Mr. Blank never murmured while ho picked the stitches from his oap nfl ho Haid good night mid walked tho %% nnlei home without a eomp-laint Of course tho pretty girl thought that Air. Blank would never huow up again and gavo littlo brother half a dozen boar hugfl aH a reward for bouueiuj; him. But ton day lntor Mr. Blank appeared apam an if nothnif* had liapponed, thiw tnno 111 ovLiiuiK dvoHH with a silk hut. It was an awful hot nifjht, but littlo brother wan on deck juHt tho name, and a thin hIico of lnnburger ohooho wont under the lining of that hat before tho evoinnp wns over. Mr. Blank did not depart; until 11 :!J0 thatovonniR, but nothing waH ovor hoard of tlie elioepo, This tnno tho pretty girl and littlo brother made hots that Mr. Blank would uevd-eall again, but Mr. Blank did call ngiim and with a nmilo on his innocent, lound faeo. AC about 0 :liO littlo brother Htiollod into tho par- loi .iiul walking up to tho cloek pushed tho handh around a couple of hours ahead and sttolled out again Hilently. Mr. Blank went curly that evomng and hut* nut been batik fiinco. Now York fcJun. Crnhn and I^nbHtfrn. Ill Bolooting (rimtuauaiiH tho moxpori- eneed hoiiMekoi-pi'i' may be guided by a few easily i* nu'iubored pomtn, Lobsterfl thut ii.ivo lmt lin-ii long takon will ro- fipond to a piossuieof tho hngor on thou cye.s with a strung motion of the olawH. Tho heaviest aro tlio bent. Tho cook lob ster, though generally Hmaller, Juih tho higher flavor, tho flesh in llrmer, and itn color, when boiled, ih of a deeper rod than that of similar oharaeterintieH in the lien. Tho innio may bo known by hm nairow, rathor tapering tad, and ulfio liom tho condition of tho two up permost linn which ooinpoio it. TIicho in lu.s oa.se aio Jnud and fitifC, while thoso of the hen avo soft, and the tail fan in much hroador. The heaviest ornbs aro tho best, and thoAc of a medium uizo HWootoat. If light, tboy are watery. Whon in porfoot condition, tbo joints of tho lognnro Htiif, nnd tho body Una nn ngreoablo Hmoll. Tlio oyoH, too, should look bright and firmly aet. Whon thoy havo a doad ap- poanuioo and Hoom Ioobo, tho orub i"* stale. Now York Post. ItOKorvo Buda, Evory ono Iiuh noticed'how, when a hy-go brnnoli of a troo in out oif, small bronchos will shoot out around tho Mump. Those- brmiohoa aro from tho ror servo buds, of whioh all trooa havo u groat numbor at ovory portion of thoir surfaoo. Under ordinary'oiroumfifcaiicoH thoso novor oomo to maturity, bufc whon tho troo is wounded or out off or loses some of ltd brunohes tho reserve buds at ouuo oome into pluy mid rouow the foli- It AHlti'il Too Much. The waif'-r accidentally jogged tho olbow of tl'e man eating breakfaat 111 the H'Htaumnt. Tho morhol that lie wan about to con sume fell to tlio fl( or Tho next monient ho gavo u Rtartled ory and Luinrd do: ihly palo. All wan confusion. Tho proprietor ai d tho occupantB of the other tables jumped up und riiHhed to his afiHistancc. II18 faoo had nsHumod iv bluish hue, which was quickly fr.Unwed by a gi'eon- ihh color and then l,v a puiplifih tinge Tho ease look* d serious, for ho who svidently apnpleotie. I?iuttllj*I to therthef of all, ho wuh rcHtiHeitatod All demanded an explanation. "X am subject to hoart diseaso," ho at length exclaimed, "and any sovoro shock is likely to kill mo. It's a won der I'm alivo to tell tho talo." ' What talo?" they usked eagerly. "Heavens, gontlnwonl" ho roplied, as bis cheeks blnnohod at tho recollec tion, "you'll hardly bohevo mo, but I swear on my oatii that when tho waiter knocked that pieco of broad and butter out of my hand it fell to tho floor witli tho buttor side up," Tho others survoyod hnn pityingly, "Somothmg has affected his brain," thoy whispered ono to tho other. "Sneli a thing is unheard of. It could never have happened." One by 0110 thoy drew away and loft him alone. Now York World. Cumullitii. John Robs llohortHon ban donated 82,fi00 to tho Slok Oluldi-on'fJ 0oHpltiil at Toronto. Don. iTas. Protidortiuut litis resigned but noat in tho Manitoba Ijogitdaturo for St. Bonifaco. Tho bdcit way to euro dlaoaao in to drivo it from tho iiyntom by purifying tho blood with Hood'n Hiunuparilla, At LakoHido, Mrs. Ooorgo Pontlothwaito was burned to death. Sho was subject to fits, and in Hupponod to havo fallon with a lump in bar hand and sot ilro to her oloth- iufj. Land CommiHsionor Iltimiltou of tho 0. V, II. says that tho imlos of Manitoba landn exceed id) records tho paat few monthn. Tho demand lu good and farm, orri nro payinf,' up woll. F. X, Mt Honor, privoto bunker and gtmoral ntorokoopor of Formona, Bruoo County, ban aiiHignad, with liabilities of 8100,000 and very flomll assotH. Many of tho depositors woro furmern and poor pooplo, wlio havo lout all thoir nuvingM. "Old, yot now, and simplo and boautifnl over," Hinge tho poet, in wordH whioh might well apply to Ayor's Haraaparilhi tho most odloiont and uoiontifio blood- pnriner over offorod to Hnffariug humanity. Nothhiir but HUporior merit koeps it so long at tho front. J. W. MoLauohlin, boolckiopor for A, Lecluir, of Lanoastor, found two burg!am in bio omployor'G store at midnight, Tho vitntoio nhot at Mr MoTjauohlin without offect. Ho rotnrnod thoir fire, and ono of tlio burglars was found on tho roadttido budiy wounded tho next mormnR. Tins MUHl XVny To Curo BiscaRo iu to cHtablitih health. Puro, rioh blood moana jjootl health. Hood's SarHiipiirilla is thu Ono Truo Blood Punfior. It touto up tho whole *yotom, givon appo- tito and utrougth and oau a en woaknons, norvousnoss, and pain to disappoar- No other raedioino has ouoh a locord of wondorful ouren aa Hood'a Sarnapurilla. GuIimhI JUfi Point. In tho days whon her majesty wont dowu to Windsor by road sho liked tc bo driven at a rapid paoo a little too fast to ploapo nor escort, ospeciaily the officers who rodo thoir own horses. A gallunt captain, afterwuid 11 renowned M. P., wat ono day in command and riding at tho bond of his troop. Just in front of him, with his back to tho horses of tlio carriage sat tho Princo of Walen, then a small child. Tho captain, direct ly the party started, lifted his hand und shook his ilhi m tho little prince's face. Tho princo roared with fright, and hit royal mother, quite ignorant of the causo, took him on her lap to pacify him. When tho pnnoo was quiet and resumed his scat, tho captain again shook his hht, and tins wa<* repeated all the way down to Windsor. At tho end of tho journey tho queen learned exacts what had occurred and issued her com mand that the officer should novor com mand her (t-eorl again. This wal jnst what the capfcmn hoped would happen. iSt. James G.izotto. Peter Ymrko, of Parkbill, ohot hie broth er Eurnont fatally, miotalcmg him for a burglar. _____. Queen Victoria novor woara tho narao drfHH mora than livo or oix tunea. If a piece of camphor gum in placed in tho drawer where aro kept dross wiusta that aro trimmad with oteol it will provout tho Htcel from t mushing. Wormwood boiled in vinopar and applied as hot an can be borne on a sprain or biutnu, io uu inr..lu-blo to^L- iy. Tho aiT-1 *i 1 nvinbd i,irtul'1 'i't"r*viv*-d bo roll ed in tl iin.cls t- rurm 1 tho hi'nt, illn Pre fori) n no. Her father is a physician and an ad mirer of culture But ho grows woaiy now and thin of hearing Mabel play Kudos and livo finger exticistjs. Aftoi 11 half hour uf work from her oxoroise book him tinned and said: "Kuthor, I havo taken up tho study of thcoiy," "IJavdyon?" "Yes This," sho wont on, striking n chord, "is a tonio. " "Mabel," he answoiod in a tono ol patience Hovely tried, "I'm ovor so much obliged, but X don't think that is what I need. But if you had a eodativo that you could try on mo I'd appiociato it moro than touguo can toll."- Washing ton Star. Tim Hafoty lkolnt In Flooru. Probably loss is known by architects and structural ougmeurs regarding tho safety of floorH than of any other por tion of a building. The rolativo cost of tho stool beams in a lloor, as oomparod with tho teira oottu or othor filling, has caused Homo builders to go to an ox- tromo in increasing tho spans butwoon loams, thus greatly iuoroasing tho risk of destruction by firo, ovon though thoro may bo ample strength in tlio absonco f firo. Iiluginoering Nowh. Xt is a ourlons olroumstanoo thafc tho kin of tho nbdomon of frogs ohangos its huo on tlio approach of bad wcathor, and from tho olour whito bOcoines a dirty yollow. ________________ ' A lottor written and mailed in Jid- dab, Arabia, will bo doHverod in Now York 21 days later. A Wife Equal to a Gold Mine Will some of your readers gtvo mo a good realpo for making u odd nLarch ? I am Holhng otilf-boating flat ironn and iron a littlo at ovory houso and havo to nao uamo ntaioh ovory pluoo and want to know how to make a good cold starch. My hus band was m debt and' I being anxiouu to help him thoutrht I would uoll selMiouting tlatironti and I am doing splendidly. A font's worth of fuel will boat thu iron for 3 hours, no you havo a perfected oven boat. Yon can iron in half tho time and no dan ger of hoorobiug tho olothos. as with tho old iron, and yon oan got tho most boauti- ful gloso. I noil at nearly overy house, as tho iron waves much fuol ovorybody wautn ono. I make 81 80 ou each iron and havo not sold loss than ton any day I worked. My brothor ia doing woll and I think any one can make lots of money anywhere selling irons. J. F. Casey & Co., Bt. Louis, Mo., will Htart anyone iu tho business, as thoy did me, if you wdl address thorn. 15 0 Mllfi. A. IttHlHKLIj. ,^k> ./ A report oomoa from Crauo Island, in Churlovo'W, to the effect that after roudiug tho raandoraout thoro on Sunday last tho cure ordorod all tho oopioB o L'Blootoar in tho local pofitoffiao awaiting delivery to bo burned. Tho postmaster romonstratotl, hut tho cure iusmtod, lusunug him that ho would take tbo wholo reaponwbility, and tho paporo woro burned, FOURTEEN YEARS IN TBRROB. Bub Dr. Agnow'a Dure for tho Heart Gavo Koliof in HO Minutos and 3 Bottlos Effootod a Cure Whioh Bafllod tbo Boot of Physicians. Thin is what Mrn. J. Oookburn of Wark- worth, Ont., oays; "For fortoon yoars I have boon a great sufferer from hotut din- oatio; troubled very much with sharp, shooting pains constantly passing through my heart. Very often tbo spaams ware so sovoro that X would booemo uuoonaoious. My limbs would swell aud become quit cold. For thoso fourtoou years I dootored with best physioluue without relief. Hav ing seen Dr. Agnew's Oure for tho IXoart advertised! X determined to try it, and be- foro I had takon half a bottle I found great roliof. ' X felt the beneffeial uffoots hibideof thirty nainuteB. I have taken three bobttei aud it has done me mora good than any raedioino or any physician over did. I can conscientiously recom mend it to all sufferers from heart trouble." Bo$ fey J. Thome. Better than Ever. . . Cheap Reading*. Our Clubbing' Offer this Year a Excels All Former Ones- P)0 YOU want a live up-to-date local papt that gives yon the news of your own dit trict and the county ? If so, Subscribe fi The"^*^> Essex Press TT-J^rr- ONLY $ The Free Press has an excellent staff oi correspondents in all the surrounding town ships and villages and special attention is paid to home news. If you want to take one of the City Weeklies along with the Free Press you can take advantage Qf the following offers: Free Press and Weekly Grlohe till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press till Jan., '98, and Weekly Mail for 1 year Free Press till Januarv, 1898, and Saturday Mail for 1 year- Free Press and London "W eekly Advertiser till Jan., 98,..... Free Press and Montreal Weekly Star and Picture, "Orphan's Prayer," one year, Free Press and Montreal Weekly Witness, one year, - Free Press and Leslie's Weekly, one year, Address all communications to ' $1.50 $1.45 " $2.10 BRETT & AULD, ESSEX, ON WM. T. SIMPSON, Mannfaotinror of Foil- tor'ol'atnnt Union Artificial Limbs 113 & 114 Briton fit, Do troit. Mlob. Donoriptivo ?atalnKuo(i nnd blanltfi for midctaft iipnlloutionn for novovurannt ordorn for Ilmnii nnd trnnnportation or commutation tbprofor Bontfiooon ai>i)]icivtlQi] SO. IS3I THE CULTIVATOR AND 1897 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. ITHE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DLVOTIST) TO THU GKEAT Family Medicine of the A s:c Y'ikon hitornally, MCvirci S"'/rr nc ft, Orctmp, ami Pain hi the 1 ' '/Nit.'j, a'oio 'throat, Sudden LuUic, i 0. /'is, 010 , do. Isi-t* r.';ci.ot*na!Jy, |Ci::x,5 ' '! , r,'rftit 7, Burns, Vctiida, Sprains, t j'jJit**,'i<i. Pahi In tlw Fctco, Naumlgict, MwuniatiOt); FioptrJ Fzct }i mil I' i-M 1 iillu'riul lu mill tinU>lilulil inniilir. Ily- ' 1. in- , ,, ' Uljt 11 1)'ill" Nilllll), 11/tli MtA istlhinr nf Din I'ulii. I'liii 1 Wo],im-11 11 i'm nn .to if.'ii 111 t^ ,l, h \. .'it' *l t.iul tiit, 11 It iu id U (.ui'il liU lo- 1'num. W"Hili fln'tv. t Fiii|if.m..>l Hi 11 I'uin Kfl'ir, wlili h In Mill IIIOUV \ UUIhJ>Ui lttllll> ilk (ill till) I <i\V\\\UM>>~~t\<>l>n<iHi Own, It li*KhJAlnHli it 1* Immuu of nmovjui; pjUn.lm rmxlkli^ lniLiiiiiilf<>(hi f puiutlun cqiuLto 1'orry 1>mv1b' 1'aln-KlllT NrirpiHl JCjitf. DAYIfi. Hula v\ nyv, Ut,re t lury-a \ha Hs;2te. Vi Urito twiUo. Sue Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Live-stocUand Dairying, Whilo it alno inoludon nil minor dopftrt- montn of Bural IntoroHt. buoIi uh tho Pool- try Yard, Lntoraology, Boo koopin^.Oirtieu- Iiouuo oud Grapory, Votorinnrv HopliDH, Fium QuoDtionu and AnnwdtrH, TiroHido Heading, DomoHtio Economy, and a Hum- niary ol tho Nowh ol tho Woolc. ItH Har icot Reporlu aro unuauully oompleto, aud mnoh uttoution ifl pnid, to tho Pronnuots of tho Cropo, rh throwing light upon one of tho moHt iniportunt of all quuHtionn When to Hay and Whm to Sail. It i liborally II- luHtmtod, and oontuinu moiro roadinn mat- tor than cvor boforo. Tho Bubnoription prion ia $2.50 per yoar. *>u* wo offor a apec- lal ItoduotioiTin out OLUB RAXES FOR 1897. Two SubHoriptiOBH, iu ono romittanoo 64.00 Six * do do 10.00 Tod do do 15 00 ttSr To all Now Subfiorlbora for 1897, paying in advtiiiuo now, wo will Beud thf paper weekly, from our receipt of the re- tnittaiioo, to January lufc, 1897, withoa* oh&rtto. tsr SpoolmoD Copies Fre Address, . ( ' J \ i LUTHER TUCKER & 30^;^ ALBANY, N,Y. ' t PabllSm^v AtK w_____ Hfiliod hcuae tn Ontario 15 weekly, and ex Women to travel for ropWMbt*^ iji&&

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