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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 1, 1897, p. 3

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m^\r; -V..; ; M-'.:..'. -^Hr^ ^^m^^mmk^ -.. 'mmmmI 'fit UKKiA VOLCANIC BUBBLE. L. V,*<- IVv D<> YouJJse It? It's the best thing for the hair under all circumstances. Just aj no man by taking thought can i:dd an inch to his Mature* so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer's I-i.iir Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in ,wukiv the hair grows, and, just ar; a, desert will blossom i:::t".or rain, so L:iM heads grow hair, when the roots arc nour-' ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use AyerV Hair Vigor. Money I Make it Youraolf I , I have novor Boon anythin.',' in tho papora about tho Pooplo'a Winrl Mill; wo cull it iha 'VPcnploV hooauno tho in von tor novor. pat on tod it, but lot cnorybody ubo it frco, Any f armor can mako a mill bimnolf, and V all tho matorial com pi u to will uot com t ovor $10. It in a uplchdid mill, will pump' ^ tlio doepoHt i"ollu, hihI will lllHt lonnwr than any mill I ovor bad. Any p"rHon can uot rbu.Kni.ms aud ooniplotn dirootionu froo, uh I did, by ciouding 18 two-oonfc ' stamp^to pay paBtugo, otc, to Francm Cu- ^.J^r^feV. Ijouii),. Mo.; bo Hollfi numpH.alHO, I and whou your wlud mill in uoiuu would Ijo filud to Boll you a pump if you uuo 1 it. It Tb certainly uboIobh to pay fcfiO or 900 for a wm;l mill wbon you oan mako ono jnafc un : good for 810. I think thcro could bo Ifo monoy naado putting thcno tnilln up ; ' through the oouutry aw everybody would ' like tbom. A Koador '15-00 ^xtraqrdlrufcrjr Fre&k of Natnr Ne*r tb* ,';-; .Mexican City of Puobla. ; Ti^o Rov.'X 3. Bortaln of Pneblo writes wrfolJowB: "It may bo of Inter est to somoof tbo roaderirof Tbo Herald who visit; )?uobla to know of one of .the less Malted 'attractions"in tho1 vfriinity of the OHy of tho Angola/ I rotor to tho 'oozoomuto.' It is about 20 minutes' dta- tnnco from Pueblo ovor tho streat oar line to Oholulo. Any Htreofc our conduct-, or onu point it out to tbo cariosity looker.. It it) to tbo right of tho oar lino, about 500 yurda dititatife, "lb lookfl from tho our window to be a pile of whitu ntouoa or n woll bloaohod hayntiick, but upon oloaor inspootion provoH to bo. u tumulus of whitoouloaro- ouh Htano, ovldontly of wator formation, about fiO foot in hoirj;hfc and 100 foot in diameter ut the banc. Tho form ia that of a truncated oono. At tho npox in an elliptical tdtapod opouing about ati feat along the minor and GO fuot along tho major uxin. It in a boll Hiiapod cavity and lined with fornn of yarioun doHorip- tionu. I Hhould judgo tho depth to bo ut IcAHt 100 foot, and at tho hot torn, bo fur aa Jh viHlblo, tho oponing taunt bo (10 foot .in diumotor. In tbo bottom, on ono oido, aro to ho fjoon Homogovgoous farnn, uud on tho othor Hide a pool of wit tor* "Tradition (Jays that tho anoiont Ax- toon word accnHtomod to woruhip Jioro tho ReniuH of tlio spot, and oooiiHionally tbro.w in a livo victim to appeium hi Huhtorrnnnnn majoHty. It in iiIho Hliid that a fow viutiuiH of. the inquimtion wore thrown down bora to rofloot upon tbo oontrovortod points of dootrino. At all ovoutH, it in a most Hingular froak 'of naturu, h it 1h in tho midtllo .of u lovol pliiin, or rather a barln.y flold. It IooIch to have buon'Houio volonnie-bubblo, Df wliich tho groat Moxioau upland in ho full, and ia woll worth a vinit on tho part of tho curiouH. "Although I have inquired among my Moxionn friondH, I huvo found no ono who could toll mo tho moaning of tho uauio 'coxcomato.' " Aloxican Herald. AN OLD SALT'S BLUNDER. . Much Var Water frqm Lako Huron ifl brought into PotrolU through tho uow wator-workk pipefl Willittco Faff, of Milvorton, waR orodhed by ottrtb oaviti^ in on him wlulu diij^ing u cellar and diad a fow houru aftor. How a Woman Paid lir OobtH. .'A'lady of Lexington oayn: "I am out ot t4dbt and thunkn to tbo DiHbwuohor buni- neaa. In the pant mix woohu, I htiva made 94U0.00. Evory houHokoopor wantna Dinb ' wauhor, and any intollifiout purKon L-an foil thorn with bin protlt to kiraueh. Tho DiHbwitohor it; luvoly, you can wahb and dry tlio family tiiwliuo in two luiuutue, unci without wottiuy your bunds. You can (>ct imrtioularu by additiMHin^, The Mound City )iahwanl)Gr Co., K6. Louih, Mo. There ih \\ bitj monoy in tlio hunineBH for an nont. I expoqt to oloar 8-1,000 rho coming year. iXnood tbo monoy, why uot make it. Minn Ooor^Q Kamor, a farmor near Aurora, banftud luuiNolf in bio barn. .W. H. Bonnolt, .M. I*. for EhhI Kjiucoo, waa utmoated and a new olection ordored. A. Poraon, of tho C. P. It. bridge Juparfc moat, was drowned in a woll at Virdou, .Man. , ThoiuuH Ilall, a Hamilton mouklor, attemptud to commit huiuidu by tukin^ laudanum. Alion Simw, who wqh whot by hor lovor, Ilomor Howoll, umoih threi- woolrs a^o m Montroui, died in tho Goiidnl Hapital thoro on Friday. ------- . Judiimont (ion baon given voiding Mr. JiJynnotfc'R olerction io UJnat Simoou, aud h mtCiVlr, Cook will probably contest the sonHtituouoy a^aiu. Tho ItoaHlund Kcoord publii-licH a lint of 60 mining 'portmn in tho immediate , violmty ol'-.^denlautl. The estimate footn np to nearly &liJ,bUO,n0O. Tonton Balto, thd Mm ion bi^.tmiflS wlio L"'wftB'roleuKod from tho Kingston Ptinitor.i. fciary on Batijrfitty, had in liin pohhouhk n loo ttddrcfiKen of i-e\erul Km^Bton yourg [women oa whom ho called and prop; tied ronrriao to eaeli. M-;etiug with a rufuual lih'oaoh case, lu na-tdo an impromptu l^ropoiml t> a ruaulon oil tbo htroot, which ' r>m Iinuni; '."MHful. tXt Bumsrod by Taking Too Grmittul. "Expurionco," uid tbo man who had boon .tolling tides of tbb aon, "in a groat tbinp;. But it gotHin tho wayBoraotimoa. I'll never forgot tho lafit Hhipwreok I wan in," "It muflt bo torriblo," said tbo boy whom howaaentortaining, "to bo adrift on tho oooan." "It la ratlior trying to roalize that land ifl milew away, no matter whothor yon moaauro Hidowiso'or atraighb down. But this ohipwrook wasn't on tbo ocean." ' ;__ "But you naid yon had Hailed tho At lantic?" " Yen, That'o whoro I got nay experi ence. *But it waH on Lako Superior that I found* mywolf with nothing to tio to except an old wanliHtand. It waa three daya boforo I waa picked up." "Woron't you aliuoafc doqd?" "Pretty noar." "From Jmngor?" "Partly tiiat, and I Hufferod Borne from tbirnt. Bnt tho moat of it was hn- miliation, Tbo first thing I ankod for was a drink of water. I bad sufforod agonies. My throat was parohod and my tongue felt like a herring, Ono of tbo mon in tho boat looked at tno ivi if ho thought I wuh doliriouH, but when I re- poatod my roqnet ho took a tin can, loaned Qy.er_thc.Aido of tho boat and dip- pod mo up a drink. Thou I realized for tho first time that I was on troah water instead of milt imd that thoro wasn't tbo least oxcuko for a sono man's going thirsty a minuto. Exporionoo in a great thing, my'boy. Never turn up your nose at it. But romombor that it is an lilcoly an not to run you into trouble if you hnvon't comjmoii fiouRo nil a compass to utoor by." Washington Star. Wc know that Cod-liver 3il is a fat-forming food pcause takers of it gain rap- isly in weight under its use and the whole, body receives v^vital force. When prepared ,as in Scott's Emulsion, it is quickly and easily changed into the tissues of the body. GiK( doctor would say, It is easily assimilated." erhaps you are suffering om fat starvation. You [tk<? fat enough with your L)bch<but it either isn't the ght kind, or it isn't digested. ou'-. need fat prepared for p;:as in Scott's Emulsion. Tint ItlHlinp ApolOfflzod. Dr. Tomplo wn wont to rulo tho dio- oo'flo of Bxctor with an iron hand, and a talo i told of a dounory mooting at which ho presided, whan tho Hubjoot for disouRsion was "Tho Hindrances to tho Spiritual Life of tbo DiocoHO. " Aftor tho discussion hud prooeeded for Homo timo n vioar electrified his audionoo by do- chiring that tho greatest hindrance to tho full spiritual life was none other than tho bit-hop himself. "I repent it,." naid tho speaker calmly, "our right rev erend fathor iu< God iavory far from be ing a father to any of uh. Your manner toward us," ho continued, turning to tbo bishop, "is harsh in tho oxtromo, while your .method of rulo is this: You treat us all, old and young, as if wo wore a sot of schoolboys," Thia bold statomont drew from tho bishop an apol ogy, and ho explained that bouoafch bis bruHqnenoHB of mannor was a vory gon- uino nympnthy with tbo work of all tlio clergy. This impeachment croatod tho more sonsation in tlio meeting because itonmofrom a Finn of Dr. Tomplo'H pred ecessor, the famous Henry of Exutov. Westminster Gazette. I:i^'. Cnmo Nour It. A oortain toaober of u class in a mis- fliou Sunday schuol has a difficult tuslc imparting scraps of religious instruction to her younR cburyes, aud ofton amus- inp; answers are unconsciously returned to questions whiohshe nslis. On ono oo- oasion sho askod her pupils; "What, do tho high priests do?" ' "Sho rocoivod this reply: "They burned iiwocts boforo tho peo ple. " London Figaro. TOWN OF ESSEX. I rk Abdtvawt iSt"itement of ltt:ceipts tunl Expenditures and j\sseta and Liabilities tor 1896. r" ltiiuKirTo. -Vo \,lunao on hand from I8i)*................ r>Hl 08 T..XOH n>oii\ed IBOli........;. ...'..............lSHHO (JO I' iw;i odrt of ]uiid h t'le** for ti.XM............... U'il U7 Wiiti'i' iuti<H oollf'Uh'd.....*.................. \\\\'Z 64 l'r"i:ij. dH liooiifaus, finu-, ilf'ni htX.............. )i50 81 Mi-oi-llanooad................................' ll'J.'i 75 RliiiiM.v borrowed tiurinit IflOU.................. 4100 00 KXPKNmTUUIilS. Vnbho School................................ L'fill 00 \\\\i\\ Suhoal................................. 1000 00 Wuhi'iilururt unii o.upoiiJ...................... (\\u(\ '2ti IillnfLht.................................... 01l.2i> l'uhho proporty..............'................ 5*2 37 Printing, powtiij-c and ntuli.m^ry.............. 201 40 GniutH............................;........... 2B0 00 O/il-eru' luilui'luii, [illownnco-t, eto.............. 1)1(7 00 ' jilreirio li^bt......................,.......... 400 00 Bmitary.................................... fiB 18 . lli'liurn taxiiH................................ 7(5 13 Btrudtw...................................'.., 47H 4 Cluu-ity ................................... HI 2i County iu^o................................... 401 08 Oolclioblfr North............................ Hltt 811 . NotoH r uFf)..,. ;.............................. UliOO 00 WdtoyworUy cojiHtrnofcinri luioouut.............. ilil 5*2 Mikeolhiijiious'....................4........... 485 80 rollui-...................................... 4'2 70 Towiditm drum.............................. U'20 10 Vuoo drain.................................. 104. 05 Waturworku oxptittHu............ '........... 143U **8 Ihilunuu on band............................ 1G8 80 9 104(10 05 A6RCTS. Dalanco on bund...'......................... Ifi8 80 TaxnH iirioollcftti'rt............................ C777 80 BSNo l.CnlchmuerNorth.................... 101 00 Muiddi'.iie und Onulbdd Townline drum........ KM fiO Pnir j;r.'und aild |mildiivt;................ ------ BOOO 00 Pnbhc. oidinol and Rroimdii................... 8000 00 IIi/;h Muliool und ^i-'uinilw.......,............F. 8000 00 hookup, lot and tfravol pit.................... BOO 00 ChattelH.................................... fi00 00 WutorworliH plaut cent.........................2000-1, fl2 Special ratoji on lot iindor bvlaw Sl\.......... ll'JU 72 do do cl.o 1I1S.......... 11)7 fill -8 104C0 M fin .... 585 84 .... 118 ,11 .... W 40 ------ 40 o;j J/WHi '< ir.-,l.it at tax hilled...................... 77 00 ) t rln do do do do do lfia\. 185.. 101.. 8 OOCOO 40 LIABILITIES. C- unty rito.................................. 401 06 'Glance I'ubiic School ilfinuiii................ 1750 00* i'.-Uive Ilipii Hchool dis-nuiid................ 1000 00 Ni tet. unai;r-iIiiiCiiunt,..13anU.................. 8000 00. B\-It. v No.30, 0 iu..baiiT.uriiH,v................ 2008 00 Intunj't from .luuu 1........ 03 38 rr. Ii:l, 2 deb.inM.rfH................. 37U QO Iuti'nvt fiom Sfptcmber 1,,., 7 -11 <,. 1 dubemuru.................. 010 00 IntM-um. from Auuust 1........ 23 73 !11, li2dolui'urt;Hi................. fitt44 00 ItittiiTL'rtfc from January 1...... 8ufl 04 adthonturcH.................. 210 00 I ou-rot from March 1........ 1005 A ddhuutureH.................. ORG 00 Intorom from May 1........... 22 87 il dohonturufi.................. 418 51 Iotcrt-ut from Ootobor 1...... 0 28 1 debonturfl____,............... 32(1 0O Interest from Dooomber 1.... 1 G3 107, coiiHohdiitod, 25 dobonturon...... 7703 05 Intercut from June 1.......... 227 29 105, watorworkn, 25 debo'uthren......24200 00 Iuturciht from ,Tuno 1.......... 708 (13 187, consolidated, 2nd inhuo 20 dobH.. 3000 OO Iiitoreat from Juno 1.......... 105 00 Fair ground mortgage........................ 5S0 00 Intorcet fiom February J..... 32 77 -------------8 60472 25 do do. do do do do do do do 133, 1G3, 185, 104, Essex Public School. RECEIPTS. Balauoo from 1805..........................8 64 22 Mayor's obeckn............................ 2350 00 Foob...................................... 23 00 Colchester North RrautH..................... 10 50 Leqijdativo grunt.......................... 194 00 ProcuudH of notua at Imperial Bank.......... 509 45 EXPENSES. Tfcftohorn' niilarion..........................8 1028 CO luuitor'u HttlaricH .......................... . 137 50 Rt'puirn.................................... 00 21 MiHOfdliLnoouH.............................. 1523 15 Balauoo in band............................ 2E 71 $ 3710 17 -5 ;)710 17 Essex Higli School, RECEIPTS. Bulanco on hand Jan 1, 180G.................. 50 83 Lt'Kiolntivu Rrant. 1890..............-.......... 070 fid County grant, 18^0.......................... 1720 54 Town grant................................ 1000 00 Examination foen............................ 53 00 Spooiid county irant, building................ 250 00 lutet'eet on Having depohit................., .w 10 55 EXPENDITURES. Paid touchorH....1............................ 20110'0*1 Eurnitnro aud ropairu......................., 243 15 Building improvement........ .*............ 190 20 Library................................... 52 40 .Janitor...................................... 100 00 Euol und othor oxpHinieH . ..................v. 1C3 53 Balance on hand........................., 18 85 8 3702 1G -8 3702 16 No Grip Whn you talis Hood's Pills. The big, old-feud* toned, sugar-cooUd pills, which tour you all to tploooM, aro not In it with Hood's. Easy to taka lad oasy to oporato, Is true bf Kood'8 PiUs, which nro up to diito In ovory rospoot Bafo, osrhdn and Kuro. All driiKglfitg. 2Ko. O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Wfosa, Tho only Pllla to Uiko widx Hood'o Sarsaparllldu Pills Mihb Francos Willurd, ProHidonfc of tho W.C. T. U., ih floriouDly ill ut Caatilo, N.^. It is Ji a id that Hermann, tho magician, mado S000,000'in tho lawt twelve yoaro, yot bo diod without leaving a dollar. , A Now York Justice bay dooidod that a- loun of pole or oliipn in cquivulont to a ioau of monoy und can bo colloatqd in tho tmmo way. Katural Miutftlto, "My good man, you shouldn't bo Bleeping outdoors lilco tbia," fluid tho belated citizen. "None of your olnttor how, or I'll tako you in!" "Bop your pardon 1 I had no idon that 5<ou wore a polioomau, " Detroit ITroe Press. Tho bnbmoGH in ubo in our mintH or fluid to bo bo uoouruto thut tlioy will diw- oloae a ditf^ronco of ono ouo-thoUHuudtJb ^ortof a graiuj It ih roportod that the powont of Europe havo united on a polioy of ooereion in doal-' iu^ with tho Bultuu. A. lot of doputy rotnrninfj offiooro iiavo boon ftrroHtod on tho -ohargo of HtuOlnR ballot-boxcB in tho Maodonald, Man., olootion for Parliament in Jupo lant. Promior Hardy dofinitoly donioo"tho report that thoro ia uuy intention on tbo part of tho Govommont of holding a Provincial election Hhortly uttos the next HGHHlOtt. A Vannouvor doBpatoh ntatee that Bouator Molnnoe, of Viotoria, will tmc- oood to Ybo Lioutonant'Qovefttorabip of Britibb Columbia on the rtitiremont of Hon.iMr. Dowduoy. J* O. wlolittgan, of the Vancouver World, would then Buooaed to the vacant Bonatornhip. DlARRHCEA Dysentery CoucGramps Cholera Infantum &UAWER<30MPbAINTS i\eliildpei\a^clulf$ PRICE55V --It- Cheap Our Clubbing Ofifer this Y^ Excels All Former Ones- r)0 YOU want a live up-to-date local papi that gives yon the news of your own dM trict and the county ? If so, subscribe fr The "^> ' Essex -Free Press mr the End of The T:3 3 c'dsi dis an excellent staff- of correspondents in all the surroundmg XovTf ships and villages and special attention!!; (paid to home news. ^ If ymi want to take one of ihe Oitfl Weeklies along with the Free Presfiyou.eaiiJ take advantage of the following offq-sr-' Free Press and Weekly Globe till January, 798, (15 months) Free Press till Jan-, '98* and Weekly Mail for l^year Free Press till Januarv, 1898, and Saturday Mail for 1 year- - Free Press and London "W eekly" Advertiser till, Jan., 98, Eree Preaa and Montreal Weekly Star and Picture, "Orphan's Prayer," one year, Free Press and Montreal Weekly Witness, one year, - - - Free Press and Leslie's Weekly, one year, Address all communications to BRETT &AULD, ';'Ml ESSEX, ONf| WM. T. SIMPSON, Mfumfaotui'or of 3?oh- tor'n Patent Union Artificial Xinibs UQftlM I3atoa ut, TJo- troit, Mioh. rj>DBDiriptivo mtaloguon and blanks for makfupi upt>Iioutioua for novommenfc ordorn for lirabu nml tranuportntfou Or commutation thorofor iioutfrooon ivnplloatlon 20- 1831 JT0" 181 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. m ITHE BEST OT THE AGRICULTURAL WE^KLiES.] DEVOTUP TO VERY FAMILY SHOULD KNOW THAT Ih a vory yummWblo roinody.boUi tat Ttt- TBItNA.Ii mid BIXTBUlNAXi HBO, and wen-, dor/ullulta Quick notion to rtliovo dluUctjji, PAIN-KILLER ft,- *< Ohllltt, Ikiitrtlmm. Iy> CUolVfiit aiLilsH UyWul Coiu^luliilu, Farm Crops and Processes;'.4,^, Horticulture and PrukMgrpwiffij Live-stock and Dairying;, *" '*"' *" *"' Whihi it uluo iucladoH all minor dappi monto of Bural Intatokl, nuch hh thA Pqi try*Yard, kntomolotfy. JUoo-keupiDy.GraiB houao' mid Gmpory, Vutotiniiry liepffil Farm Quootiono and A.nflwortf, PipefiiSl. Heading, PomoHtid Koonomy.'iiud &'iiu$M n^aty of cho Nowh of tho Week, Ita M&i$p kot lloportu aro unuouully complete^ >^n^ much attuntjou ih paid to the rroapeote'^f' Ilia OfO))u( no throwinfj. light' uppp" op,^1 tho mont important of all qtiostimiH fiT% to Muy ami. l-Wwn to Sett., It in liberaUiji... hmtratcd, and coutunm moro roadiuR w^iiy tor than over boforo. Tho sri1---- ^^ P ATM-Kit T PR (a THE KIEHI1 *>m. J, IXXIJ WlLsI->l^k\ c,iy known for Hi*l< HlrUiu'KH, Hlrli Mcndnrho, I'ulii In vltd Ihtcb. or Hide, Kliuuiuutlam Rud Neurululii, P A TW-TTTT T PP ' tmqnE9THIKAI,V *hn *A1" J\.lLi/l^l\ hunt MNIMBNT I'i nil -i'ttof MruSttult* tt*, SprnJns, Hovu^o llurnftt tc "... thA wolt (rlud and tiio.1 rrJrkkit inlur. Hal lei _____ ___ _ jiHHllelno alway uidHArKTuuux luternnlly or externally with .wrUlnty of relict - Itflwara of ltnlUM6iu. Take qodb but Uio u^miiui "Fuuiy I>avu.<' Bold oTwywhow 186c. Ug botua Very largo bottle, Mo. PAIN-KILLER t Merlihiilr* Fiirnier. Pltuilur, trumni rrJrkkit [ nifr. rlmiiur, H Of tho allot*, und in' jiriod ih 82.CO vet your, but wo offer a spe'^j nil Koduofcion'in oar ^ " ^l OLUB. BATES POU'l897J-.:-;V^W Two BnbHoriptionh, m ono remittance 84.(H SiX dO , , do : ':iJ Ton, ^^'Hlf 1ST To'all: Now Suh8oriberBfqr;\iiT paying in advance now, wo v/ill Bend^j papor wooltly, from our reooipt' .of-.the^f mittanco, to January 1st, 18(J7, wil] ohare.".'. ' ': ./ ;\ "<'-$0x 't3F Speoimen Copies Fre ;Addr"' LUTHER TUCKER iHlkXY, W-V. * ...:',,i;">','-i'J< Si WANTED-BBVBBi Women to to^vo) liahod bctue in Qtit " t IB weekly and e*i M^MMii^^^ .' :. ii'* 72

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