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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 8, 1897, p. 4

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! 'W D'^V'! . ',i '* '>" >' .' V ' / , 'K . 'S.'<ij ril'MIIMIlM Ut iftS1" iTheD-&L, Emulsion V Is Invaluable, If you wo run "Aran, as it is a food as woll as *imoalGlno- . The D. & L. Emulsion q NnribaUd you up If your gonoral health la ; ' Unpaired. The D. & L. Emulsion It the beat olid mo palatublo prnp;m.Uon of ; Cod Over Oil, ai;rcclii wlih iho moat dell- c CAlO Sioniaoha. = The D. fit L- Emulsion feptascribad by tlm luiidlntf physict.um of . Cnaadu. The D. & L- Emulsion I amarvellouu (Wli produced and will tlvo ; you An appctlto, L 50c. &. S1 per Bottle Ba mre you gut I DaVI8'& UWREHOE Co., WD. J thlt gttnulllO I , MONTHBAU ftT 'V ESSEX Medical Hal I j/uurtui'H tor Sollool Books*, Baliool wpplinii, Nolo Papor,Envolopnu, Inlcn, Writing Tuhlotn and oflloa Stationery. ' CL &. SISBiJRBXN DISPENSING- AND I-WMILY DRUGGIST. Back-Aeh, V*ee*Aeh, Selatto Paint, NeamUle P*lns, ItUa In tho Side, et* rrompttyi*U*V*l nod Oand by The"D.&L" Menthol Plaster Iltrlng nnd vtrar D. AI* Vnnthol Plubar rorioTerp*inlii th& t*ck uiil lumbago,! ' unhMlUUngly m^ommtnij sun* u * *(*, uratndrftlildrAniMlYlIn fact, %bof malIlka matfc, A. LxroiHTK, Rll*b*lhl*wn, Out Prlco W. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Ltd. Proprietor*, MohtrbAL. IS IT THE PAPER AGE? IINOE PULP CAME INTO U3E THERE HAVE BEEN MANY CHANGES. urniture Those who nood Furnituro it will pay thorn to oxamino tho vory, Jino and woll aBfjorfcnd , Stock at tho Composed of farlor Suites, Bedroom juites, Diningroom Suites. 33&8V UliairH, Of ovory Doticriptlou, lloimges, Baby Carriages, (Picture Frames Made to order on abort notice, and everything in tho shnpo of Furniture too numerous to montion. You can got Fur nituro hero for Igrh money than elsewhere quality of goods considered. E vory thing do- livored freo of cuargo. }i. HICKS & Co., Essex. Iteamington Carnage (docks. To Farmer, anil the Public Generally ' GpiupnUmt judfton hava docidod oueo morn 'that our GGIES and WAGONS iftfcyV Altii Till! 11KHT. fj^V*^/)-, an muuil, tliov hnv givoumi h\l.tyj. n.j* out of il pOHHililo Hiivon ut tlm f^v/Xf^^'Aiir', four flrHt-pi-iznfi at Harrow !iyeXjr?^V/j/itHnibl() iW- ; and aft Hollo ltivur J.)i] f[ot throo firnt prizoti nut of a "veil by tho noeioty, thus multing fji atUll tho Fnini that our work JKiihitlon thlH fall. Ouri\nifilr wan ox- it, in fuct lb van tho nivornal cUiclnion of rbodv that our vohiok-H tmr|ianitod uny <ix- iof any Jformor yoam. llont of all, wo nold Iworlt at and ilurinur tho 1'airn tlmn all jOinpntltnni Hold till put tOKiithor. fitill, |o a lot of diffcroiit ntylon on hand and P ovorv wQ'dt whioh will tiiiit tlio inoiit fuiiH. Woaro'now rt.d,\ to lulio ordoni ruit Wupoiin, Btm icii tLtid Curriaqoti of flPHoriptt1'!). Hop'iivinu dono in all Ua lion. Ordnrii uolloitori, litm Hiuuion :uid Wiinnnw and all kindu of FT' Ticipltimont" and HicvoluH Kiipidlod cm Bllon<!40ti(jo and at a finiull ndviinco on coat, Thanlrfiurout-TatroiiN for pantfavoiH 1 am, YonrH vory rciHpcotfuUy, W.'F. McKENZlE, \f'oiti foi tho ahovo WorUn. 'lloxOM.LoainiiiKtou, Out 1 dllUl, Woodslee, HAS Oponcd a Dye Works in connection with hifl Tailor EBtftblinU'moiit. XJ5 t Vou Have an Old Suit OP CLOTHES, IB And "bo will muke it rh good aB new. ^JS^^^- 't f% YOV "WANT AK Oi.D- T- g FABHIONKD BtJIT '/* '. S MADE NEW, iNO IT TO SMITH. lyCldthes Gleaned, ftenovated'aiwl ^ .py'ed.at Smith's. ^ s\fc Tliu ritm, with tho (iluttiH attaohudon tho mirier iitirfumt of'tint imulIo'h boily, uro that anlmiLl'H nolo mttatiH^ of p?o|otilfilon. Tlio traoku of tho untiku nurciuH a Handy or duitty r.jnd iudionto hiu inuatiH of trayol, Xu woll itw ICvor. Dkah Bnui. AfUir imffurjuf! for two yoarH from nuuto iwli^ontion, I tried 11. B. II. I took only throu hottloH, which umdo mo unwoll an nvor I wiih. I highly rooom- lond II. 11. II. to all dyiipoptiuii. Mmi. John Wwrrni, Autitin, Mali. Tho numbnr of haim on tho human Houlp varioH trom 11(1,000 to 120,000. A hIiiuIo hair cai. tjupport a woi^jht of two ounoun and m no olantiu that it may ho ntrotohod ouothird of Hit uiniro Um^th and thou ro- Kain itu fqriuor.uIy.il *-ind aondition. romutlpuilom Cii^otl. Gknth, I wan in vory poor health for over four youm ; tho doctor mud it wan countipntion. Mot wiintinf* to npond too much catih I got thruu hottloH of B. B. IJ. and took it rt>^i3,liLily. I can uortify that [ am now in. the vory hnt of health uud fool Very (iratoful to B fi. B._ Thn llomun (.;oddonH of bonlth alwayn bovo in hor hand a (torpont. Tho norpent. wan tlio umblom of Aunoulapiuii, tho duit'y of phyntoiuiiH, arid in Korann folkloro it id toiid that during a yroat poiitilouoo in Rome ho appourad in tliut city in tho form of a norpent and Htajled tho plaj;uo. Alkuisi) Tisnonx, Montreal, Qno. Br. Fowlor'o Kxlrnot of Wild Btraw- borry ouroH Diarrhroa, Dyfiontory, Collet CrarnpH, Cholera, Cliolora Infantum, Cuolurti MorhqH and all unmmor com- pluintu and fiuxoaof tho bowolo in childrou or ndultH. Among tho mi^yiihtiouy offorod for tlio union of tho United Stutoii flap; when tho lirnt CoitjrouLi wan oonmdorin^ tho nubjeot of a national iitandiud wan a rattlontiako, with thirtcon ruttlcd, and a (lap; hearing thiu duvico, with tho motto, "Don't trnad ou mo," wao actually employed by one of the fitutQH, Dr. Fowlor'o Extract of~ Wild Btraw- horry cutoh JJiarrhaia, Dynentery, Cranipn, Colic, Cholera Morbun, Ghxloru Infaulurn, una all looaouebH of tho bowoln. Novet travel without it. Priuo 35o. A Mtraijfju vthiolo, called a cycle chair, huu boen oonhtructod in Loudon for tlic Aiuoor of A^hanintan. It conniHta of a miniature carriage hody,. upliolHtorod m r^rooii raoroooo and emhluzouod with the Amf-ur'u armw. TIuh ia pluood in front uf two pa;-filli>I bioyoloH, to lio jiropollorl by urtnndantu, uud m Hi^cred by a fcinull wlu-el in front. HoIch aro madrs iu tho floor, through which tlio Ameer can exorciHo hib h*^H on truutiluH when ho fuohihlto it. Omo lOvory NlTllt. Uiib_Laxa-Liver XJill taken oaoh niyht during HO cluyHwill euro ConHtipatiou, oft rouiruiu^ Hiutdachoti und irregular action ul the bowolu. Ij^xa-fjivor PiIIh leave no unpleasant after-trfccL. Miinj pL-opjo huppouu that tho X in Xuiuh ro proKtjntH tho ero^H, and wondor that it in not written tman. The X, however, h'in nothuit* to do with tho.oroHn. It tu the Greek letter Chi, correupondiu^ to ch in our lutmUuf^i*, und it ih the initiid letter in the Greek name (Ohriulo^, but wo have no typo iu the Giteli alphabet to produce itj ot ChriHt. The two word Gbrim-mio-h were oftou wiitten Xiuhh huforu Glirihtrunn became one wcic'l, und thiti uho of tho X i* utinout au old hh ChriHti(*uity itself. The New Hook Spoon Freo to All. I read iu the ChriHttan .Hianduni thai Minn A. Id. I^ritz, Btalieu A., Ht. Loun ,Mo., would ejve an t-le^ttnt jdatcd ln>olhpoiiii to tai>imn t-cndinj^ her ion 2-iuii- Htftinprf. I boni for nne uud fr/uud it.he iw fi.il thui I Hhowcd il to my lri-;iidii, iiruJ made \H.00 in two hnun., lakinu urd'-jr fir tho ti poo il,- The hook upouu m a houm hold necew'-iiy. It cannot ohp iulo ih .hnli or cr.okiun \r.-HH'-l, biMiij^ htdd in ih itlttce by a hnok ou the haelt. The npnnu i suineMiiuji that hi/Uii< kecpoitt have nouiit , vor Biiiuo upooiis were lirat * mvciiu," AllUUli: Cllll lil't a halliplfl ^luirni by Homhi tfii 2c!!:i', Htnrupu to Muh Frr/. T'lii^- ih Hplcmlid way to nm Ite money around horn . '10 Uit Vt-ry truly, JkaNni.tti: S. Ttio DuL'p Waterway** CcininiwHiun h; l- been inquiring iu to thu cauneH of hu lo w^iti v in the lakes. The conclusion iHtli-. the preHi'nt iitat'e in only temporary. I liati heou lower than it wan hint imtunm, and Hoouer or later will rine again. C^t Smith's you can got it good lirweed Suit for <t 12; Worsted *' ^16, Have you uvor* tried to dye your oatd-off ({umientH ? Tliouhandu in Cauadu atiHwer "Yen, and very HiiucoHHfnlly, too." To thodQ \vh'liav* n-t attornptod the work we. would *uiy **Thrre ih mon^y in it if.ym iho Ui#- Diamond Byon." Old . rtroHHQO, rauntloH, jaelcotii, coute pLiitti and yeiitn, and other artialoH of wear iiH', apparol can. hd (sandy rocroatud ui.d mado fit for wear at a trifling oonfc. T-n oouIh oxpnnded for ttcnrio futthionilblo color of tliu Diumoud'Dyon will nave yen Hovorul dollavq. Tliiu wonderful trannforimitioi und money-Having work can only ho don perfectly by; imiuK tho Diamond Dym- Ask your dealer' for them; bo euro yon rofuHO all BubtttitutoHX Paper T Taking tho ]'laa ot Wood, Htonn Ami Iron Now Mmlo AbRulutnly lrixoprouf Hlilrt )1(nuiu Thui Don't Xlitvo to n .Wuahod. Without steam und mllwoyfl modern Booioty would undoubtedly oxiRfc. But What a ntnto of inl.ulloatuul durknoHH would hn thufc of oivllixed jnunltind without pupor and thoHoornt of itHnmn- afnoturol For numy yourri tho ru ninfc all demunrlH of tho pnpor induHfcry. Tlio inoreauiiift divo'ruity of tlnoH to whieh pupor und paper pulp huvo boon put in )\w hint dnoiido hnvu mudo It ncccHHary for munufuotiircru to uunt about (or moro utfoctivo olomontary Hiilwlnnood. Boota, Uionny, boatH, uh pipnu, impormeublo atwku, toy, hottloH, pipeH, floorn, dooi'H, DOiliHRH, arohitectural ornumotitti, roof ing, oliininoyfj and oven oomploto" ilro- pvoof houHOH aro now mudo of pupor. Many oluim tlmt it will oventnally aup- plnnfc wood, for it will neither oraok nor warp, It can ho triturated, put un- flor fitoiit prOHHuro and mdsjootod to cer- tnin ohemioal troatuionfc and will ihon tuko n higli polinh nnd will roHinfc tho of- foota of firo bottor than liny other nm- toriul known. Pupor in ernduiilly Mup- plautiiiK mnfcal in certain linox,. Ijooo- motivo whoolH huvo boon made of it for Kovoral ynara, nnd ovon rnilH for rail- rondH. Tho woxtproRtoHBivo Htopwill ho to uho it for tlio innnufuotnro of ord- nnnoo, whioh i not by any mnnnn n vo- moto-poHHibility. Papur Iiiih lnroly tuk- on tho place of linon. Wo have paper oollnrH mid oulVn and blimlcotn. An in- KmiiouH inventor' has dovinod pnpor Rhirt hoHomH, whioh can bo torn off liko tho pntfCH from u calendar, thny onahling tlio \yoaror to huvo a oloim Rhirt front na often hh ho doniroH. It ia only a uiufc- toroftimo boforo olotlm, droHHingKownfl nnd ontlro noitfi of clothnH.will bo mudo from pupor. Tho uoldiorH of tho ,Tupnneno army woro pnpor trounorn and jowoya duriiif* their famous wintnr canipuign. Wood pulp iw tho monk offootivo flub- Btitnto for niRH in tho manufacture of papor. Noarly every upcoicH of wood can bo tiKod. 8omo kint|fl"^yiold~moro than othera. Moro pulp can bo got from wil low and ohoHlimt than from walnut. Different woods givo various qualitioB nnd. effoo'ta, ABpon will yield a very whito pupnr, but dnfouiivo in Holidity, nnd i thoroforo mixed with dr. Thin hitter wood \h most Rnnnrally tiHort. It wn ilrst imported from tho Blnck foroflt, in Germany. Tho chief supply is now obtained in Norway nnd Finland, in tho form of plnnlcB or poluH, novoroxoocdinp; 3 foot 7 or 8 incboH. For the Inst half century tho world's production of papor has increased ten fold. In 18S0 it was 231,000, mo trio tonH. Tho latORt recent oatimato was 2,000,000 motrio tonH, The European maiiufactiircro aro sulTm-int* from a glut in production, Tho price of papor linn fallen one-third, while wages huvo don- bled. Tho European plnntn tiro not ho progreflaivo an those in this country. They depend too much upon manual la bor. In tho United States tho manufac turers' have substituted muchiuory fur hand work, and as a rosult of tho do- ci'ouho in tho number of thnir eraployeeH aro enabled to pay high wages. Attention lias recently been culled to tho utility of a little known species of paper, culled tho boabab, or Ansoniuv It ifl niado from tho wood of tlio boabub tree, which is a native of west Africa, and is known there ns tho "monkey bread tree." It in found in Abyssinia, Senegal and south, of Coyo river. It is of low growtlf and has n very thick trunk. While it rarely attains a'beight of 20 t'ect, tho trunk is usually 20 to 25 feet rn diameter.-Tho branches are pen dulous and bear an edible fruit. The in ner bark of this tree is very fibrous. It ib used, for making superior wrapper pa pers, whiah have great tenacity. When tho innor bark is Ntrippnd from tlio treo, n fresh growth Huppbmte that tnken away, and in a oouple. of years the treo is again in normal condition. Tho bark is peeled off hut once in'four years. Tho latest addition to the paper in dustry is a Runitary note paper which is claimed to bo gormproof. It has long been known that letters frequently fiprowd ihfoctiouB diseases by means of the gerrrjH that contnniiimtc tho paper. An English firm 1ms produced n paper whioh ia impregnated withanantisepiio Rubstanco which kills all germs that may coiuo in contact with the piipcr. If this paper proves to bo wdiat the proprie tors claim, it is certainly a meritorious invention and will hecomo Ronc-rally used by hospitals and during tho rage of future epidemics. Chinese and Japanese papers have long boon noted for their quality. It bus rocontly boon ascertained, however, that oven flu or grudnRarb produced in Korea. Ono eminent authority states tlmt "the Korean paper excels tho very bout that in hindo in China nnd .Tupim." It ia mnnufanturcd entirely by manual labor. No machinery whutovor is employed. For tho bottor grades tho bark of the Bronssenetia papyrifera is used. This ia _utborort in thn spring of tho year. It iH placed in "water, mixed-with wood ash es and iR then beaten until it is reduced to a thick pulp, whioh ifl, dipped out iu good Rizod ladles and spread out in thin sheets upon banibooframoH, A different grado of papor is mado from frugmontH of bnrk, which aro trod don under foot In a manner similar to thatomployod in tho grape presses in Homo countries. Thin proooBH of making tho pulp isivery tedionfi, but it poaHesses tho groat merit of proH'orving' tho flbors.intnafc and' nob breaking thorn, uh is dono when mu- ohinory is used. Tho pulp is then wotn- morphOHed into papor, and tho shoots aro Htnokod up in piles six foot high and out into pieces. Then tho pilos of papor aro compressed by t^n stamping of foot.. Tho roots aud good if' of a plunfc called taokpaul.are added^o tho pulp when u grado posflORsiuK J.-butor tenacity and toughuoea is donirod Philndolphiu ltoo- Ord. mmmmmmmuaa^*i^mwum*mb ' -. '-/^'M Prosident Isaac Jjtswi* of t3al?in, Ohio, la highly rcBpccted nil through thai action. He has lived In Clinton Co. Itt years, and has been president of the Sablna Bunk SO. years. Ho gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's oarsa- parilla, and what he says Is worthy attention. All brain Workers find Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It make* pure, rich, red blood, and(from this comes nervu, mental, bodily nnd digestive strength. "I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsapa rilla 1b a very good medio I no, onpclally as a blood purlfUr. It haa done mo good knany times. For sovoral years X suffered greatly with pain* of Neuralgia In one eyo and obont my temploi, ee~ pooUlly at nl^ht when I had bemi having a hard day of physical and rnontal labor. Itookmanyromodlod, but found help only In Hood'fl Barmiparllln which cured me W rhoumatlsm, neuralgia and headache. Hood'a Barsaparltla has proved Itsalf a trua friend. I aluo take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular', and Uko the pills very much." IbMJLo Lewis, Bahlna, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Xsthe One True Blood Tmrfflar. All drniddita. 1. Preparod only by C. I. Hood fa Co., Lowell, Mass. stj 11 r-ws 14 Ata prompt, offlotont and tiOOO S HlUS easy In elfoot tuioonts. Charlon I.'a gold poolcch piece, pronontod by tho King to Bishop .Tuxon at the time of hiu i.'xoantiou, Iiiih just boon nold at tho Montiigu [iulo in London for S3,B50, by fur the highest prioa ovor paid in DlngUnd for a iiinfjln cohi. nold by auction. Tho pruviona rooovd prico wan 82,500, pari for tho Simcn petition crown. Tho Jnxon modal, uflido from its lnntorioal interont, iu nniquo, boin^ a puttorn of fivo broad pieco enumvotl by ThomuH . Rawlins, and tho 1 only struck. Evory atop in its history! from tho Bishop'H htiudH tu Mr.Moittagu'n, iHtohitn-ly o^tahliidiod. It wan sold in 1A54 for 1*1,300, and 10 yoars later for SI,725. A SHORT TALK. On A HurlftiiN Subject. Una AoiJ. Tho name of a toiriblo puisnn. It in formed in tho human nystem. And cauncH rheumutium, nciittioa, hoad. indie. iLiid kidnov troubled. The work of thn kidnewu is to remove it,- If thoy are ovurworltod they ftiil to do uo, Theu trouble begins. It getfl worse aud worno. Help the kidneys to do thoir work. peun'fj Kidney Pillu ate truo krluoy liulnorn. They euro all kidney tronhhB, ClULht* thfc uric ituid out of the oyntem. Mr. Jitm.H Gugiih, Kr., well known in Erihox, Iiiih this tu say about Uouu'h Kid ney fills t , "Fur misny yours 1 have had terrible pain and lameneKEi in my back caused uu* donhtedly bj kidnay trouble The uriuo wiib highly colored with u preat deal of sediment, und I wao ulno aflliated with hiivore neurnlgio puiiin in my bond, dizxi- nuns, HleeplesHuenn, tluttering of tho heart, Htiertiit sh of hreuth, etc. "Mmiy u night I wan ho bad that 1 darod not lie dowu, una an a matter of fact I was in a terrible condition,-completely worn- our, Htid'tlebilitated. "I eommeuced the uao of Doau'ti Kidnoy PiIIm which I got from Mr. Shomn's drop- "toie, and can miy that they ure n grout kiiluey nnd heart, medicine, hh well as an < xct'llent tonic. 'I h.'ive b't-en getting better ever sineo I hotNiii to tuko thiiin two tueutliH uijo, hhI tcduy hitve no buck or urinary IrmibloH, They have also removed all tho hear.t troubluti frofu which 1 suffered, uud L lusiirljly reuuniraend thm vulutiblo inudi- id.ie uh ti specific for all forma of kiduoy complaint." TheN aiointl li.uk of IliinniH in Chi- cauo a id The Bunk of iiImuiJHota haye fudtirl, -nid a ntimner of Ohiuiigo inouetury uiHtr utioes ure Hiiffering from a. loss of niibtio eoniidoiieo. fOTT AiU Mr. Petty pi eac, irom Ottawa, if tho gii' ut of relutivoh Viure. Mr-<. U. GaAoyno iH viuifin^ hor son, Gnorun, at Ulytheswood. Air. lJvllov, frrim Yiwlt county Enghind, in vinitun* liis U eh', W. B. IC'ellott. Mrs. .1 'ineu TueUaherry hat! returned f urn Michigan, where she luid boon yisit- iiig for a feu- month*. A FBEE OXJRE r ' The British Medical lustituto, of Po. troit, Mich., has,'ftor ...u'ny years , oil pathiut'investigation, tlUoDynved a treat ment by which catarrh, outarrbal-deuf- noiiH, asthma, bronchitis, .tmd eonunrnption m its first or ueooud stage, can bo rudioully itnl purmunomly eiirud. So well hutivdk'd lit tlio -Institute th'iit its (tiii'ti is lb Hpeoitlo, that it will, for u I i mi toil nme, uend a full oourso of its' medioin&B, Hlifiiciont to lattt for throe months, uohoI- utely fru to ell upplioanta., AiltlrtiHH: Ilrilihh Medical Institute, GO Washinfiton Ayo., Patroit, Miah,; " " TOi DON'T TiTJY a Stove until you flea the new fitock at $fe w McMURRAY'S, See the Oxford's Stoves, Best in fhe Woflll. Manufactured by the Gumey Foundry Co., of Toronto, (both Wood and Goal). We have them in Stock. Our prices are the loweflV General Tinamithing and Eepairing attended to. tlc^ North, of Railway Track, - - Essex. Are You t!' Wo p.an supply you with all kinds of Woodon Material, plai. and orriarnontul. Pino, Htmloek and" mffivo Lnmbor alwayj ou hand. Shingles, Cedar Pests Doom Gash and Goal. ^GetYoui Storm Doors and Windows Made Now.*- Laing Bros, UnJViiJSiHl>~.it. wV.; * 3S0,C'00 CDjgEl) IN1 SO YEARS tssrouRE -.."' '% GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! SiflflQ IN G0LBFO*ACAS*WEj CANNOT CURE OF[ 1LF-ABUSE, EH1S5I0NS, VARICO' CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT] URB QLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTEj PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, 8MPOTEI CV, NERVOUS lDEBtUTV, UNNA'/ URAL DISCIIARQE^, ETC. The Kow Method TrQatmeut'is Greatest Discovery of the Ag F0!F5 CUFHNGTHESE D3SEA a of youni? nnd mldillo n::al mon arn nnnnnl'ly mvept-to c imn ll UAULV lM)ISCIiP;i'-10Nr5. EKCRSSIJA. AND liLOlll> 0I5IUSU o tlm fellov/iUK uyminnmri eontuilt uu Imfore It i"oiTjii\o Are >l ANIMlVOOtt V/U:-:(J.v ? I .'* % $ Tliounand J; Rravo uu-oukU s* j Mil IllLV O fill y Lrfc iiM.i "i|i/tiint( nj nipt"**n i.ijiifiiuu ifi im nut' lit lis LIH' JII. (* ;i vnuti and weak, deupendimt find Kluumy, hjumiJch boforn the oyori with <ni?*KoU'ftl( ' ti thorn, woult liimlt. Uhtiniyn lrrltnljlo, iwilpltiitlmi of tlm hmirt, btmlifu'l, fil biMtirm, nr.,lllinintln urtno, plni|)lnn on tlKU'iirn, eye.i nunl;i>ll. lirtllov; eh')t^ (,Uj espreimleii, poor moniory. lltoli'Hii, rilHthuiiful, liu-lc encr;:y uii'l wtronrth. * [" miinhouU, fitiuned orifduti u\- {fit ti.'fo U^tjiij-, tKHiii pule:), liclr^yji-it.*, nore throat ete, - f\ VOU HAVE SZMINAL WBAKMESS if-. 0'in NI3W MBTHOD THHATMCNT obno nnn ~r Cliro you, and make h ma" " * ' ' " <:- (jiUTti thebrulti bet'ome.i ii' Wi that all plinpU>!i, hi.Dii'l ' V' iieaa. baaht'iiliu-ffi ainl' ^ tho eyiin !)fn*ii:iM l"*t';lif, f.'.f onoi'^-y rnturr.it roi.iu.i o / 0Mttif*- HO .'Oni'.1 .".1 ur 0Mttif*- HO !0rnv ijf.] ifil >Oiirilu:r h. l'-,-.:i uii.i i;:.>'" ,....- ^v' ;..Vji'. fnUun*. Wulr.-dtni.il Hi-1- Mi.:;-...: \-\ cu\\\<, \\:\ pA'J) t t\Wi^tt ^ioimll.lnn'llillly ii;-.-l H- n . ,'! 7aV-,F^ y amlliiUlrn i-..h you r,r y..\i.' \e.ud ' earin.4 tUdJin-n. ' KA We wtil ttuic ijou. or no jh-.j, '(i:-i^ v-iSSj^ has: your BMjDi) hei:n leEASEnr'"^:^?^^.. 4. m 5VPHIMS Hi tho r.iniil. prnvnlP tit'rind mo'itnnrimifi Ilil-OOD dlHCiuir*... It hfijui th" vm'-y llf.t. t.bidd t;t Uio victim and uulocfi ontlndyonitltirutnil fr-'tii tUfinyu- j tm will aff.ust tlm nftuprlnj;. -Buwixm rf Moi'oury, wfe rr-1 M smmtrknit blood dj H only mippronmiaJlio nympr,nm- our.NJ3VV ^Ui.hIOI> pmiitlvmy ouroiut lrtr'5 U Oft rrtlDDLIi-AdRD MAN-Yoii'vn lod a i^y-Hlo, or lu.n.^a inMM Jvl YOUNO . .outh., ttnlf-ftluiBO op ititor r:i!t!Hiinu lutvo hrolcon. ilnwn your BVHtom"1! aymptomn iiimUliiKOvr* you. ^MnntiiHy, iili>*shml|y uud Krixually ymi-nretf ......."""*-*....... tail r tuh, hurvsaU..' Will-J of youth., ttnir-aliuflo op lator r:i!t!Hiinu havo lnolton aymptomn iiinnlliiKOvor you. Mnntully, iihysloal' you liBod to ho or idiotild do, Xiuntliil jiractlooii ru j. huhluu jtructiuim roaii rtuii harVSals. Will >-^^H U'tlin? Utivoynu Iftiitliopn? Aro youaontohinlit/nSS oml iMiniMWiiiNiiiinl/ llHViiy.niiutiy wtiak'niiflH? SuPN6wl W ti ii II li ii il mi >k r<.. ;.n,..u.i i< .^iii ' i .. " 'vrYTVr.i (lanRor&lfpiiLlit. DCAntU I Aroynurtvli! nCHUtn 1 JIiisymnMiloi............................J......... .., 'I'roiLtniontwiUom-uyoii. What IL ban dono for otiun-Hlt will'do tttt rnu uimi Prca, Nobiattor who hno troimm you.wrlto fur an .imnuBt onlniun VroftoH Ohumoii rnanonahlo. Ihmks I?rc0 "ThoOoUlon Monltor'MiJIuatPfttndv-Stffiir Mon.- Inolmio iKumu-ivammtn.' ttnalod. nook ou "Dlurtaarts ar Wonu.n*l wffl WW* NAWES USED WITHOUT WRITTfiN CONSENT, PBIV^.^mfdliSBB No iiamoB onlioxoBoruyolo|)U3. Evferilli.tig oonlltletiUH QiiFHon Ms? nnTS! . -^B 4.V %s^^Mkd^&M ':*.ifi=c:.^^'.w'-y^^^W^^t^i

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